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The Duet Project- Chapter 11 Managing Our Feelings

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IntroductionManaging Our FeelingsManaging our feelings can feel complicated. The goal in all of it is to have emotional wellness. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t have strong feelings. It means when we do get anxious, instead of trying to avoid our anxiety with distractions, it will serve us better if we acknowledge them, validate them and allow them to run their course. We must remind ourselves that feeling emotions is a normal part of being human. The art project this month can be very meditative and can provide a time for reflection. As you engage with the Conversation Starters, take your time with your answers. Really lean into the questions and give some thought to your answers before speaking. You may find your first answer is different from the one you give some deeper thought to. It’s in those quiet moments that we can find clarity. 2

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IntroductionMy hope is that as you engage and share in the Conversation Starters with each other and that you will both learn some new ways to manage and express your feelings. Sharing your honest and vulnerable answers with each other will be a powerful testament to your willingness to build trust and create open lines of communication for now and for your future together. We are all a work in progress and feeling our emotions and expressing them helps us manage them.3Click here to prepare for this session by listening to this podcast

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What’s Inside4SectionIntroductionWhat’s InsideConversation StartersHow To Video What You Will NeedInstructionsReflection PromptsManaging Feelings Printer Friendly Template24566791013Page NumberAmy’s Tip: Click to interact with the different sections of this chapter!

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1. What do you think of when you hear the saying “You’re being emotional?”2. When you are feeling emotional, how do you process your emotions? (or do you try to stuff them away?)3. What sensations do you feel in your body when you feel happy? Disgust? Anxious? Fear? Gratitude?4. Are there some emotions that make you feel uncomfortable? If so, how do you help yourself move through emotions that make you feel uncomfortable? 5. Are there times you find it hard to fully express how you are feeling? If so, how do you feel when you are able to fully express how you are feeling?6. Are you willing to begin practicing expressing your uncomfortable emotions more often?Remember: The younger person is tasked with initiating the conversation.5Conversation StartersChallenge yourself! Can you think of other questions to ask eachother?

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How-To Video + Art Supplies 4x4 square canvas Mandala stencils Paint dotters Acrylic Paint Masking tape Pencil6Click Here to Watch!Click Here to Purchase Supplies on Amazon

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InstructionsCreation Session #1Choose a stencil design from the included choices. Center the stencil so there is about 1/4” border around the canvas. Either hold firmly in place or tape two opposite corners to keep it in place while you trace the design onto the canvas with a pencil. Start with two canvases each so that you will be able to trade with each other, and each have a set to treasure and keep.7Start your conversation by asking the Conversation Starter questions!

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Instructions8Don’t forget to share your creations on social media!Tag @AmysArtPaletteUse #TheDuetProjectCreation Session #2Choose your color palette. One idea is to limit your palette to 5-7 colors. Doing so will create some consistency in your design- but of course, it’s your art and you can use however many paint colors you’d like. Begin in the center of the mandala and paint a dot at the same spot around the center. Continue to choose one spot and paint a dot, all around the center with the same color. Whatever you do in one spot on the mandala, repeat at the same spot all around the mandala. Use different dotters to create different sized dots. If some of the painted dots are larger, you can add a smaller dot in the center to create contrast and interest. Begin your conversation and ask the questions!Allow to dry completely!! Once your mandalas are complete, I suggest swapping one with each other so you each have a part of another to carry with you as a set.

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Reflection PromptsMandala PaintingManaging Our FeelingsFavorite Part of the Project:Something that surprised me this month:Things I want to remember about this month’s experience:Click Here For a Printer Friendly Download9Date:

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Managing Feelings Managing our feelings can be challenging, but if we listen to our bodies, I mean really listen, then it can make it easier to really understand what we are feeling. Also, if we have someone in our lives with whom we have a really deep connection, they can be a source of support during those times. So rather than talk about someone in my life who manages their feelings really well (Honestly, I can’t think of anyone!), I’m sharing some ways to incorporate more time for our feelings and thoughts. When we have strong feelings, it’s important to have a strong foundation so that we can feel them in a safe and comfortable way, and process them in a healthy manner. Remember, we are all works in progress and no one is perfect with managing their feelings. Here are some tips to create that strong foundation: Move your body– take a walk, dance or go for a run Eat healthy meals– eat more veggies, all food in moderation Get plenty of sleep– What is your ideal number of hours of sleep? Avoid alcohol and drugs. Let go of unhelpful thoughts– Have you heard of Insight Timer? It’s a meditation app that you may like that helps you do this. Set healthy boundaries– When we say “no” to one thing, there’s an opposite “yes” there, too. What can you say “no” to this month? Prioritize self-care– What one thing can you incorporate into your life that will feel good on a daily basis?10

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Feelings are normal and our human right. No one should tell you that you shouldn’t feel a certain way. It is my aspiration that in working through The Duet Project for the past 11 months that you are cultivating a relationship with each other that will sustain the ups and downs of strong feelings and that you have learned how to navigate those challenging times together. Having a strong foundation of communication, expression and connection helps navigating life in many ways together.What ideas can you think of to add to the list above to create a strong foundation? Email me to let me know!11

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Join Me Online! Retreats Special Events Virtual Art Connection

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Reflection PromptsMandala Painting Managing Our FeelingsFavorite Part of the Project:Something that surprised me this month:Things I want to remember about this month’s experience:Date:Reflection PromptsMandala Painting Managing Our FeelingsFavorite Part of the Project:Something that surprised me this month:Things I want to remember about this month’s experience:Date:

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Copyright © 2022 Amy’s Art Palette | Amy Millerwww.AmysArtPalette.comEbook Designed by: Elev8 Designs Co | www.elev8designs.coAll Rights Reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.