1 2012 5 14 1 2012 5 14 26 02 961 0106 8 02 962 8840 1960 9 16 5 8 1977 11 8 6 5 www khupress com press khu ac kr 2012 ISBN 978 89 8222 409 6 93340
Open Dialogue
2010 10 13
25 41 55 73
1988 20 40 50 10 11
2010 10 13 12
1 13
1 Luc Ferry 2 Roberto M Unger3 1980 1 Luc Ferry 1951 IEP de Lyon 1 7 2002 2004 2009 secular humanism 2 L homme Dieu ou le sens de la vie 1998 3 Roberto Mangabeira Unger 1947 1976 1970 14
4 3 5 Va clav Havel6 4 A Symposium on Roberto Unger s Politics A Work in Constructive Social Theory 5 Roberto M Unger Politics A Work in Constructive Social Theory Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1987 in 3 Vols Vol 1 False Necessity Anti Necessitarian Social Theory in the Service of Radical Democracy Vol 2 Social Theory Its Situation and Its Task A Critical Introduction to Politics A Work in Constructive Social Theory Vol 3 Plasticity Into Power Comparative Historical Studies on the Institutional Conditions of Economic and Military Success 6 V clav Havel 1936 2011 1989 1993 15
1993 7 1994 Liberty Medal 8 9 Velvet Revolution 1989 11 17 1990 6 1946 7 8 Liberty Medal Va clav Havel President of the Czech Republic The Philadelphia Liberty Medal Acceptance Speech 1994 http constitutioncenter org libertymedal recipient_1994_speech html 9 16
Velvet Revolution 10 10 all encompassing 17
2000 11 11 NGO 2003 5 4 18
TV 10 19
Lucy 12 Australopithecus Afarensis 1 5 Addis Ababa 320 Jane Goodall13 12 400 300 200 100 13 Jane Goodall 1934 45 20
Lucy 1974 320 40 14 1970 They 14 My Life with the Chimpanzees 2005 Reason for Hope A Spiritual Journey 2003 Chimpanzees I Love Saving Their World and Ours 2003 In the Shadow of Man 2001 21
1970 wage war 22
communities Albert Camus15 16 15 Albert Camus 1913 1960 1957 1942 absurdism 16 1997 23
Is that all there is 100 28
17 dogma 17 29
1 1 1 1 18 18 John R Searle The Construction of Social Reality The Free Press New York 1995 Paul Watzlawick ed The Invented Reality How Do We Know What We Believe We Know Contributions to Constructivism W W Norton Company New York 1984 Roberto Mangabeira Unger False Necessity Anti Necessitarian Social Theory in the Service of Radical Democracy Verso New York 2004 31
the infinite caught within the finite 32
self containing 19 1 1 2 1 1 19 33
20 21 20 determinism indeterminism 21 Karl Raimund Popper 1902 1994 LSE 20 34
22 Indeterminism is not enough 23 Hermann 24 Hesse 25 22 Karl R Popper The Open Universe An Argument for Indeterminism Routledge London 1988 23 Joseph Chilton Pearce The Crack in the Cosmic Egg New Constructs of Mind and Reality Park Street Press Rochester 2002 24 Hermann Hesse 1877 1962 1946 25 Hermann Hesse Demian 1919 35
26 optical delusion 27 20 28 Albert Einstein 1879 1955 1921 1933 2 26 27 optical delusion 28 Peter Russell The Global Brain Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness J P Tarcher Inc Los Angeles 1983 36
29 29 Francis Fukuyama The End of History and the Last Man Avon Books New York 1992 38
30 30 43
31 31 F S C Northrop Philosophical Anthropology and Practical Politics Macmillan 1960 44
Martha C Nussbaum32 33 Martha C Nussbaum 1947 32 33 Martha C Nussbaum Not for Profit Why Democracy Needs the Humanities Princeton University Press Princeton 2010 45
34 35 34 Drew Gilpin Faust Drew Gilpin Faust The Role of the University in a Changing World The Royal Irish Academy Trinity College Dublin 2010 35 2008 46
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 36 opportunity cost 37 discount rate 38 36 Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 1844 1900 20 1960 opportunity cost 20 Friedrich von Wieser 37 discount rate 38 47
39 40 19 100 20 post modernity trans modernity 39 40 1885 1878 80 1887 1886 48
3D 41 41 Ian Tattersall Becoming Human Evolution and Human Uniqueness Harcourt Inc 1998 49
The Matrix Wachowski 3 SF 22 1999 2003 50
Avatar James Francis Cameron 2009 SF 2154 51
crack deviant case 42 deviant case extreme case 42 52
137 fluctuation of nothingness 56
1980 Immanuel Wallerstein 43 44 Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award Immanuel Wallerstein 1930 world system theory 16 43 44 The Modern World System 1999 Immanuel Wallerstein The Capitalist World Economy Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1979 58
45 46 45 Immanuel Wallerstein Utopistics Or Historical Choices of the Twenty first Century The New Press New York 1998 46 3 3 59
nation state individual and collective action 25 50 60
The world is flat 47 47 Thomas L Friedman The World is Flat A Brief History of the Twenty first Century Farrar Straus and Giroux New York 2005 61
21 Niccolo Machiavelli48 48 Niccolo Machiavelli 1469 1527 62
virtue49 virtue virtue 49 63
50 Phillips Brooks House 19 Phillips Brooks51 selfishness 50 Bill Gates Microsoft co founder Remarks Harvard s 356th Commencement 2007 Phillips Brooks 1835 1893 1877 22 51 64
Phillips Brooks House 52 52 Drew Gilpin Faust The Role of the University in a Changing World speech to the Royal Irish Academy at Trinity College in Dublin 2010 65
53 54 Michael J Sandel 53 UN UNESCO NGO UN United Nations Academic Impact UNAI 54 Michael J Sandel 1953 66
5 4 5 40 55 55 200 67
137 56 56 Big Bang 137 68
57 137 57 fluctuation of nothingness tunnel effect 69
Everything is Politics Life swerves 58 Gaia 59 60 58 Inwon Choue ed Transformative Challenges Modern Civilization and Beyond Global Academy for Future Civilizations Kyung Hee University 2008 Roberto M Unger False Necessity Anti Necessitarian Social Theory in the Service of Radical Democracy Verso New York 2004 Unger Passion An Essay on Personality The Free Press New York 1984 59 Gaia theory 1972 James E Lovelock 60 William Irwin Thompson ed A Way of Knowing Political Implications of the New Biology Lindisfarne Press Houston N Y 1987 Peter Russell The Global Brain Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness J P Tarcher Inc Los Angeles 1986 70
61 2 3 61 2006 71
74 2 2
2 45 75
09 77
62 07 individualism 62 78
10 NGO 79
1917 10 63 Bolshevik Vladimir Ilich Lenin Leon Trotskii 64 Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin65 1917 10 1905 2 1917 10 1917 10 10 20 63 Leon Trotskii 1879 1940 1917 10 1924 64 65 Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin 1888 1938 1906 1917 2 10 80
66 politics polis67 66 Stephen F Cohen Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution A Political Biography 18881938 Oxford University Press Oxford 1980 polis 67 81
1 82
1 03 1 83
Euclid68 Isaac Newton69 70 68 Euclid 365 275 1 323 283 19 20 69 Isaac Newton 1643 1727 1687 3 theory of relativity 70 84
30 85
100 20 30 60 80 87
Michael Burawoy71 72 71 Michael Burawoy UC 1979 public sociology 1930 72 88
20 30 90
73 17 18 2 73 neo liberalism 1980 1990 93
74 1970 1980 75 74 20 1930 neo conservatism 1970 1980 W neo conservatism neocon 75 94
5 2 95
2 96
crack in the cosmos cosmological crack 20 Joseph Chilton Pearce
in the Cosmic Egg 2006 25 Peace BAR Festival transcendental engagement transcendental engagement crack 98
20 4 99
2010 10 13 12 Velvet Revolution 17 S Ju cs S Ju www wikipedia org Lucy 21 Ethiopian National Museum Addis Ababa www sacred destinations com 1974 320 40 22 21 June 2010 www suit101 com 1970 34 101
38 The New York Times Redux The Matrix 50 1999 Warner Bros Wachowski 3 SF 22 1999 2003 Avatar 51 2009 20th Century Fox James Francis Cameron 2009 SF 2154 Phillips Brooks House 65 69 Greg Martin http gallery artofgregmartin com 102
76 77 28 103
L homme Dieu ou le sens de la vie 1998 Justice What s the Right Thing to Do 2010 1997 The Modern World System 1999 2006 2008 1885 1878 80 1887 1886 Choue Inwon ed Transformative Challenges Modern Civilization and Beyond Global Academy for Future Civilizations Kyung Hee University 2008 Faust Drew Gilpin The Role of the University in a Changing World speech to the Royal Irish Academy at Trinity College in Dublin 2010 Friedman Thomas L The World is Flat A Brief History of the Twenty first Century Farrar Straus and Giroux New York 2005 Fukuyama Francis The End of History and the Last Man Avon Books New York 1992 Gates Bill Microsoft co founder Remarks Harvard s 356th Commencement 2007 Havel Va clav President of the Czech Republic The Philadelphia Liberty Medal Acceptance Speech 1994 http constitutioncenter org libertymedal recipient_1994_speech html Hesse Hermann Demian 1919 Nussbaum Martha C Not for Profit Why Democracy Needs the Humanities Princeton University Press Princeton 2010 104
Pearce Joseph Chilton The Crack in the Cosmic Egg New Constructs of Mind and Reality Park Street Press Rochester 2002 Popper Karl R The Open Universe An Argument for Indeterminism Routledge London 1988 Russell Peter The Global Brain Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness J P Tarcher Inc Los Angeles 1983 Searle John R The Construction of Social Reality The Free Press New York 1995 Tattersall Ian Becoming Human Evolution and Human Uniqueness Harcourt Inc 1998 Thompson William Irwin ed A Way of Knowing Political Implications of the New Biology Lindisfarne Press Houston N Y 1987 Unger Roberto M A Symposium on Roberto Unger s Politics A Work in Constructive Social Theory Published in The Northwestern University Law Review Summer 1987 http www heinonline org HOL Page handle hein journals illlr81 id 599 collection journals index Unger Roberto M False Necessity Anti Necessitarian Social Theory in the Service of Radical Democracy Verso New York 2004 Unger Roberto M Passion An Essay on Personality The Free Press New York 1984 Unger Roberto M Politics A Work in Constructive Social Theory Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1987 in 3 Vols Wallerstein Immanuel The Capitalist World Economy Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1979 Wallerstein Immanuel Utopistics Or Historical Choices of the Twenty first Century The New Press New York 1998 Watzlawick Paul ed The Invented Reality How Do We Know What We Believe We Know Contributions to Constructivism W W Norton Company New York 1984 105
Real Politik transcendental engagement 1997 NGO 1999 2009 World Civic Forum 2009