Greetings February 2025 In this booklet you will find information on all the slates and candidates which are running in the US election for the 39th World Zionist Congress (WZC). The 21 slates are listed in the order they appear on the ballot (determined by random drawing) and for each one you will first see a platform statement and then their list of candidates for the 152 US Delegate seats at the WZC. Candidates on each slate are listed in the order that they will be elected, based on the share of votes won by the slate, and each slate may also have two Alternates per elected Delegate. At a minimum, one of every four names on each slate is between the ages of 18 and 35, ensuring that the next generation of Zionist leadership will be present at the WZC. In addition, at least 40% of the candidates on each slate are women. We encourage you to read through this booklet and familiarize yourself with the various positions presented by the slates. Even if you have already determined which slate you intend to vote for, we hope you will learn about the full scope of the Zionist movement in the United States. This is your chance to elect representatives who directly promote the interests of the American Jewish community and make key decisions on the allocation of over $1 billion annually in support of Israel and world Jewry. Your vote represents your most tangible opportunity to be heard on issues that will shape our collective future as a Jewish people. This is your vote for Israel’s future. Make your voice heard! Go to to register and vote today! Judge Abraham Gafni, Chair US Area Election Committee David Butler, Co-Chair US Area Election Committee Deborah Isaac, President Herbert Block, Executive Director Arielle Noah, Program Director Avishai Infeld, US Election Coordinator The American Zionist Movement
Slates Running in the Election (Listed in the order they will appear on the ballot – chosen by random drawing) 1. SHAS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4-5 2. VISION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6-7 3. VOTE REFORM……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8-9 4. Kol Israel – Standing Together to Strengthen Israel and the Jewish People………………………………………………… 10-11 5. ORTHODOX ISRAEL COALITION (OIC) – MIZRACHI: On the Frontlines for Israel’s Future……………………………..12-13 6. ANU: A New Union – A NextGen Big Tent for the Jewish American Consensus................................................... 14-15 7. Israel365 Action - Vote AGAINST the two state "solution" and FOR Judea and Samaria!..................................... 16-17 8. Achdut Israel.......................................................................................................................................................... 18-19 9. Am Yisrael Chai: Investing in Jewish leadership, fulfilling our destiny…………………………………………………………20-21 10. Aish Ha’am............................................................................................................................................................22-23 11. ERETZ HAKODESH: Protecting the Kedusha and Mesorah of Eretz Yisrael………………………………………………...24-25 12. Beyachad – TOGETHER FOR ISRAEL………………………………………………………………………………………………………26-27 13. Intentionally Left Blank 14. AID COALITION (America-Israel Democracy): The Israeli-American Voice to Rebuild Israel…………………….. 28-29 15. ZOA Coalition: The 30+ Leading Orgs Defending Jews-Students-Israel-Judea-Samaria .....................................30-31 16. HATIKVAH: The Progressive Slate - Vote for Change & Hope, Vote for a Better Future in Israel……………………32-33 17. MERCAZ USA: The Voice of Conservative/Masorti Judaism..................................................................................34-35 18. Dorshei Torah V’Tzion: Torah and Israel for the Future of All Jews.................................................................... 36-37 19. Intentionally Left Blank 20. The Jewish Future — Centrist Liberal Zionism....................................................................................................38-39 21. American Forum for Israel………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….40-41 22. Israeli American Council (IAC): A Coast to Coast Community with Israel at Heart and Spirit...........................42-43 23. Herut North America – The Jabotinsky Movement.............................................................................................44-45
Shas Olami in the World Sephardic Zionist Organization was established in 2010 at the request ofMaran HaRav Ovadia Yosef zt”l. Its mission is to serve as a platform within the Zionist Movementaround the world, to provide tools and means for traditional Sephardic communities to speak out andinfluence the direction of Jewish education and way of life within Jewish communities throughout theworld. Shas Olami wishes to become a significant power in the World Zionist Organization and the 39thWorld Zionist Congress. This will enable it to provide your communities with programs in support oftraditional Jewish Education and Identity, and with initiatives to strengthen your communities, and toenhance your support and bonding with the State of Israel. We as traditional Sephardim have a task toperpetuate our Jewish heritage through the teaching of authentic Torah values in Israel andthroughout the Jewish world. Having preserved our own Jewish identity during centuries of exile and dispersal, we understandthe need to transmit strong and consistent Torah messages to reinforce Jewish identity among youngpeople in every Jewish community. Shas Olami is comprised of members and delegates from all segments of the Jewish People whorepresent and share our various and the uniqueness of our communities across the United States.Shas Olami is supported by our Sages, Rabbis and leaders. We have an opportunity to share the beautyof our Sephardic heritage with our Jewish brethren and to make our voice heard. Shas Olami is amovement of our people for our people and it offers a chance to be represented by members of ourown communities. The success of Shas Olami depends strongly on each one of us, family and friends –the voters.THE TIME HAS COME TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY !VOTE FOR UNITY. VOTE FOR COMMUNITY. VOTE FOR TRADITION •
Mr. Yehezkel ZionMr. Joseph MansourMrs. Natalie NektalovMrs. Sally CohenRabbi Jacob AkhavanMr. Morris DweckRabbi Moshe BouskilaRabbi Yossef Harari rafulMrs. Rachel (Gabby) KatanMrs. Violet ChkouriMr. Victor KameoMr. Adir CohenMrs. Chaya LevyRabbi Joseph DanaMrs. Dina MosesMr. Joseph EssesRabbi Asher VakninMr. Jack BrahaMr. Michael GammalMr. Yehuda NakkachRabbi Yohai CohenMr. Jonathan SoudryMr. Israel HalevyMs. Michael WeingartenRabbi Eli KadiMs. Moriya ZionRabbi Yosef MosesMr. Aviad AnidjarMrs. Hana Harari rafulMr. Isaac CohenMr. Avshalom hadadMrs. Shulamit ZakaiRabbi Judah MosesMrs. Miriam Nakkach CohenMrs. Lea SrourMs. Dina MosesMr. Solly BaghdadiMrs. Sara Srougo BaghdadiMrs. Sarah Nakkach HalufRabbi Eliyahou MosesMrs. Rachel Tebele NakkachMrs. Adelle Baghdadi •
THE HOMELANDVISION is committed to the principle that our homelandcannot be divided. We act to ensure the natural right ofall Jews to live within an independent State of Israelbetween the river and the sea, while also striving to actupon our obligation to ensure justice and dignity for allinhabitants of our country, Jew and gentile alike. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR WORKVisionwww.visionmovement.orgOUR PLATFORMEMPOWERING YOUTHThe generation most impacted by the decisions made byJewish national institutions should be empowered toparticipate in making those decisions. VISION is theonly list participating in the World Zionist Congresselections exclusively running the young activistscurrently at the forefront of today’s battles over Jewishliberation, identity, and Israel's legitimacy on campus. PARADIGM SHIFTVISION breaks free from the narrow confines ofoutdated paradigms by exploring fresh solutions toIsrael’s conflict with the Palestinians and empoweringour youth to formulate their own Jewish liberationideologies relevant to the current chapter of ourpeople's storyPEACEWhile VISION views peace with the other native peoplesof the Semitic region to be a yet unfulfilled goal of ourpeople’s revolution, we recognize that the two-statemodel being aggressively promoted for the past 35 yearshas not and cannot succeed, as it negates the aspirationsof both Jews and Palestinians and has only resulted inseveral new injustices for both peoples. VISION supportsgrassroots engagement efforts to cultivate better relationsbetween Jews and Palestinians, based on mutualunderstanding and respect. PEOPLEHOODVISION views the Jewish people as one large collectivefamily with a shared history, common destiny, andmutual responsibility. While we recognize the sociologicalrealities within the Jewish world and seek to be inclusive,we relate to the prevalent labels as only having secondaryimportance when compared to identification with thenation of Israel and participation in its historic mission.IDENTITYThe Jewish people constitutes a proud ancient civilizationwith a unique culture, worldview, traditions andhomeland. But as a result of our displacement and manycenturies of oppression, several aspects of our identityhave been stolen from us or diluted to the point ofbecoming barely recognizable. Every people thatexperiences liberation must subsequently engage in apostcolonial conversation. VISION promotesconversations aimed at decolonizing Jewish identity as anecessary component of rebuilding Hebrew civilization inthe modern age. MagazineThe Next Stage
VOTE REFORMWZC Platform – 2025A vote for the Reform Movement in the World Zionist Congress elections is a vote for our values: equality, democracy, pluralism, justice, and peace in Israel, rooted in our love and support for the people and the state of Israel.WHO WE ARE: We represent the U.S. Reform Movement, including 2 million people across congregations, afliates, and institutions, making us the largest Zionist Movement in the U.S. Our love for Israel reects millennia of shared history and the intertwined destinies of Jews worldwide.WHAT WE BELIEVE:A strong, secure, democratic, and Jewish Israel, as envisioned in its Declaration of Independence. Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State and defend its people from terror. We oppose efforts to delegitimize this right.Religious equality where all Jewish traditions and forms of observance are respected, with full recognition of liberal Movements and an end to the ultra-Orthodox monopoly as the recognized religious authority.Regional security through peace and stability for Israel, Palestinians, and neighbors.Full equality under the law for all Israelis, including minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ people.A secure Israel alongside a peaceful Palestinian state is vital for stability.Our “Vote Reform” slate is deeply committed to a strong and secure Israel and strengthening the Israel-Diaspora relationship, working in close partnership with our Israeli Reform Movement. As Reform Zionists, we seek a democratic, pluralistic, and vibrant Israeli society. We believe deeply in Jewish peoplehood and that all Jews are responsible for one another. We support the work and mission of our Israeli Reform Movement in creating vibrant, authentic, new expressions and models of Jewish life in the Jewish State and working to provide for those who are powerless and on the margins of Israeli society. We continue to work tirelessly for the release of the hostages and an end to the war. We are alarmed by and are committed to combating the rising threat of antisemitism and anti-Zionism in the U.S. and in Diaspora communities around the world. IN SUPPORT OF THESE BELIEFS, IN THE UPCOMING WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS ELECTIONS, THE “VOTE REFORM” SLATE PLEDGES:To advocate that the government of Israel does everything in its power to maintain the ceasere and return all hostages.To ght for government recognition and societal acceptance of the many diverse expressions of Jewish religious identity so that all such expressions are recognized as legitimate and equal under the law and to lend its support for Reform Judaism and other liberal streams. To assure that liberal streams of Judaism are provided equal nancial support and resources in the Jewish State, ensuring that our Movements in Israel and all Jewish denominations in Israel remain strong, vibrant, and growing. To support government policy and societal initiatives that pursue a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians through a Two-State outcome. To inuence the National Institutions (WZO, KKL, JAFI) to support a strong shared society and democratic civil society in Israel. To curb funding for and prevent de facto/de jure annexation of the West Bank or the resettlement of Gaza.
Rabbi Rick JacobsRabbi Angela BuchdahlRabbi Hara PersonBenji RosenblumDaryl MessingerRabbi Liz P.G. HirschDr. Andrew RehfeldCourtney CoopermanShelley Niceley GroffRabbi Ammiel HirschAmanda BermanZachary SchafferRabbi Marla HornstenRabbi Joshua DavidsonRabbi Jill MadererRachel ErlebacherPaula PretlowRabbi Jonah PesnerDr. Analucía LopezrevoredoZoe Dressner-WolbergRabbi David LyonJennifer KaufmanRabbi Ken ChasenAshira BoxmanRabbi Susan ShankmanRabbi David SternRabbi Stacy RiglerRabbi Elana RabishawRabbi Micah GreensteinRabbi Gayle PomerantzCantor Joshua BreitzerRabbi Jordy CallmanRabbi Yoshi ZweibackShoshana DweckHarry LevyHavi Carrillo-KleinHeidi SegalRabbi Peter BergTiffany HarrisJoshua MaxeyRabbi Jacqueline Mates-MuchinRabbi Joe BlackRabbi Yael DadounCara GreensteinRabbi Arnold GluckYolanda Savage-NarvaRabbi Ryan BauerRabbi Noah DiamondsteinGalia AmramRabbi Jeremy BarrasDana GershonRabbi Rachael MillerRabbi Steven LowensteinCantor Rachel KalmowitzRabbi Rachel TimonerRachel WeinbergRabbi Charlie Cytron-WalkerRabbi Erica AschRabbi Joel NickersonSamuel RubinCantor Rosalie WillRabbi Joel SisenwineRabbi Shira GluckAaron WeinbergRabbi Elaine ZecherMarc LandisRabbi Amanda GreeneJason SchwartzDr. Joshua HoloProfessor Marc DollingerRabbi Samantha TriefRabbi Emily AronsonRabbi Bennett MillerHeather ErezRabbi Evan SchultzShayna DollingerCantor Galit Dadoun-CohenRabbi Joshua BennettRabbi Mona AlMolly BlumenthalRabbi Nicolas SocolovskyCantor Emma LutzMichael LauferRabbi Zachary GoodmanJudith Kasen WindsorRabbi Asher KnightRabbi Esther LedermanBarak LandisRabbi Mara NathanRabbi Jason BonderRabbi Judy SchindlerAlyson RubinRabbi Jonathan BlakeCantor Elizabeth SacksRabbi Andrew BuschRabbi Jill RubinJo-Ann PriceRabbi Daniel LevinSherrill NeffAdam TrautenbergRabbi Ilana SchachterRabbi Joel MosbacherRabbi Samantha KahnRose SnitzRabbi Philip ShermanRoberta GlickRabbi Danny BurkemanRachel MintzZiva RaneyCantor Leigh KornPeter WebbIsa ZweibackRabbi Judith SiegalJed NussbaumRabbi Neil HirschRabbi Jessica JacobsRabbi Daniel BrennerRabbi Lisa KingstonAaron TartakovskyJuliet PesnerRabbi Marc KatzJill GoodmanRabbi Neal KatzEmily Groff HeilbornRabbi Lewis KamrassAlyse KirschenRabbi Jason NevarezRabbi Joshua GischnerAndrea Beth DamskyDavid EdelsonRabbi Joanne LoibenShayna HanRabbi Barry BlockSusan LongoRabbi Daniel FreelanderJoshua JuryRabbi Lindsey DanzigerTom AbelsonDimitra DimopoulouLeo Mates-MuchinRabbi Josh FranklinMiriam DanielRabbi Allie FischmanGila ModellRabbi Elle MuhlbaumRabbi Jeff DreifusCantor Jennifer FrostSarah MoodyRabbi James BennettRabbi Rachel MarksRabbi Mark MillerJonah ArquilevichSusan Friedberg KalsonDavid AstroveRabbi Max MillerElan KramerIsabel DunstRabbi Eric YofeMarla GamoranZoe BabioneRabbi Keren GorbanDenise LettauLori SagarinCantor Sydney MichaeliMarc WillnerRabbi Samuel SternSumie OkazakiNoah ShapiroRabbi Michael WeinbergJane TavesLaurence WolffChanel ShiraziElizabeth ShafranRabbi Adam Stock SpilkerRabbi John RosoveEliana RossSarah NortonAndy ShafranJeremy SeaverLyla PrassStephen SacksJudy LandisPaul ReichenbachGabi Kirschmichael priceDr Arielle GumerSteven PortnoyMax DelahantyJulia PrattHank RoudaCantor Jenna MarkSteve PruzanSavannah HastingsJames HeegerLindsay DavidRabbi Charles KroloffToby PechnerRabbi Robert OrkandRabbi Rachel SchmelkinAndrew AustinSierra DebrowRabbi Steven BobRabbi Leora KayeEden AnolickMason PurdyAlexa AsherRabbi Andrew ObersteinRabbi Daniel Bar-NahumJenna KerschnerFletcher BlockEmilie GoodrichRabbi Marc KlineEvan KrautheimerDaniel PriceSeth CohenJuda GoldsteinElan DivineJacob FriedmanBrandon GabayMatthew GhanRabbi Paul GolombJoey HeimlichCooper HartogMaxwell HendrixOlga Zelzburg AltermanMaximilian HessDavid MalinovskyMicah LasherBen MazurPhilip MeltzerYael MaconWilliam HessAlexander ModellJonah RothsteinHannah SilvermanHenry SiegelRabbi Irwin ZeplowitzBenjamin SternHannah TellRabbi Jack LuxemburgJacob WesokyMauri WillisNoah SimonJo Ann MortSara LevineJeffrey SilversteinOur slate is supported by: ACC, ARJE, CCAR, HUC-JIR, MRJ, NATA, NFTY, PEP-RJ, RAC, WRJ, and WUPJ
VOTE KOL ISRAEL #4Let's Stand Together for Israel and the Jewish PeopleWith your vote, Kol Israel will ght for the next 5 years to ensure $5 billion in Jewish community resources are used to address urgent priorities: Strengthening bonds between Jews in America and Israel by investing in stronger Zionist youth movements, summer camps, and student exchange programs in Israel. Combatting antisemitism on college campuses, in K-12 education, online, and on the streets; playing both oense and defense through education, legal action, security, and self-defense. Empowering diverse and younger Jewish voices that are under-represented in the Zionist movement. Advance new and bold Zionist ideas, like bringing the Olympics to Israel in 2048. Create an Oce of Zionist Innovation (OZI) with an Accelerator to provide mentorship, support and funding for bold new initiatives.IN THIS TIME OF CRISIS WE MUST PUT OUR DIFFERENCES ASIDE, STAND TOGETHER, AND EMPOWER BOLD NEW ZIONIST IDEAS!KOL ISRAEL is a diverse slate of Jewish leaders and activists, bringing creativity, decisiveness, and proven records of success to the Zionist movement. We have put our political and religious dierences aside, and come together for the good of all our
LET’S STAND TOGETHER – AND MAKE YOUR VOICE COUNT.VOTE KOL ISRAEL #4BY VOTING FOR KOL ISRAEL IN THIS WZC ELECTION, YOU CAN SHAPE THE FUTURE OF ZIONISM, THE JEWISH PEOPLE AND OUR ETERNAL BOND WITH ISRAEL.הז ב הז םיברע לאר שי לכPartnered with StandWithUs, Young Judaea and a host of other organizations and campus champions.Esther Renzer, CAScott Richman, NYRoz Rothstein, CATessa Veksler, NYAdela Cojab Moadeb, NYEyal E. Yakoby, NYElon Gold, NYMontana Tucker, CAAdina Frydman, NYLogan Levko-Cortes, NYJillian Weisleder Chera, NYSarri Singer, NJRena Nasar First, NYAlma Hernandez, AZDr. Sheila Nazarian, CAYuval David, DCMichael Schlank, NYRabbi Stuart Weinblatt, MDShira Gould, COMatthew Nouriel, CARabbi Randy Brown, DCRan Fuchs, CTChloe Levian, CARabbi Matthew N. Abelson, PAZoya Raynes, NYScott Daniel Berrie, NYBrendan Rosenblum, NCMax Samarov, CAAtara Solow, NJYoni Leitner, NVSabrina Soer, VARachel Heisler, NYElie Y Katz, NJShulamith Bahat, NYMatan Sivek, DCMiri Kornfeld, COStacie Friedman, NJOz Laniado, CAKayla Globerson, CALeel Sinai, NJAvi Posnick, NYDori Zuravicky Bomback, CTElie Codron, NYRobyn Polansky Morrison, NYAvi D. Gordon, FLJulie Paris, PAElisha Baker, MAMina Rush, CAJordan Cope, TXOrlee Zorbaron, NYLara Berman Krinsky, NYLainey Richler, OHLaura Stein, CADr. Sheri Ross, ILJennifer Falk, NYAmit Sapir, FLRabbi Morris Zimbalist, ILSam “Bodi” Bodenheimer, NYShira Sky, NYAlex Schneider, NYAdrienne A. Price, NYMichael Mantell, NYAmy Kaufman, COAlon S. Levin, NYGrant Silverstein, NYMichael Miller, GAHowie Rodenstein, FLAngelina Palumbo, NYRabbi Rosette Barron Haim, OHJordan Kavana, FLKaren Hollander, TXLogan Swerdo, NYLayne Zagorin, ILBarak Raviv, CABonnie Berkovits, NYAshira Solomon, FLAnya T. Faber, CTElisha Weiss, NJSara Gold Rafel, FLAri Chesterman, MIBerel Lax, TXAndrew Davidsburg, NYVivan Grossman, FLJosh Mitchell-Arbital, TXRandy Kessler, WAIdan Keren, NJRabbi Cantor Alison Wissot, CASophie Shafran, ILDaniel Flesch, VANatalie Elisha Goldberg, COSharon Tzur, MIShachar-Lee Yaakobovitz, CAPeggy Shapiro, ILAlexandra Chana Fishman, NYYossi Held, ILHailey Stern, ILDavid Smokler, MAOleg Ivanov, CAAlana Rubin, NJEitan Myers, MABarbara Silverman, ILDebra Meppen, CAMoshe Meppen, CAJessica Green, FLGoldie Shturman, MAStuart Wallock, TXAriella Noveck, NJSeth Schlank, NYMatthew Lebovic, NYMarjorie Manne, PATamara Morgenstern, FLAllegra Levone, NYAdrienne Wienir, CARabbi Michael Stanger, NYAlan Newman, FLJordan Ullman, CAHalley Faust, NMKaren Gal-Or, PASharon W. Reich, GADanielle Pinto, FLDr. Michael Harris, CARobin Struhl, FLRena Allen, NYMax Kasler, NYYona Elishis, CASarah Poland, FLTammy Brody, ILRabbi Barry Rosekind, NYRochelle Glucksman, CABetty Srour, NJKol Israel (All of Israel) are responsible for one
Our Members include the major Orthodox Zionist Institutions in the United States: RZA, AMIT, Orthodox Union, Yeshiva University, Rabbinical Council of America, National Council of Young Israel, Touro College, Torah MiTzion, Bnei Akiva, Shvilim, UMJCA and other afliate institutions.The OIC Operates on the Frontlines in Every Aspect of Service to Israel and the Jewish People: ON THE FRONTLINES DEFENDING ISRAELThe Religious Zionist (dati leumi) community makes up a disproportionately large percentage of the ghting forces of the IDF relative to our percentage of the population and sadly, a disproportionately high number of the fallen soldiers since October 7th are from the Religious Zionist community as well. This commitment to Torah values together with IDF service is a dening value of our coalition.ON THE FRONTLINES FOSTERING JEWISH UNITYAt a time of dangerous polarization and extremism, OIC - Mizrachi representatives are on the frontlines working to build bridges and unity within the WZO, standing for Torah values with darchei noam, working to avoid polarization and build consensus at a time when the very existence of Israel and the Jewish people is threatened. ON THE FRONTLINES STRENGTHENING GLOBAL JEWISH EDUCATION AND TORAH INSTITUTIONSOur work on the frontlines of Jewish and Israel Education includes strengthening the gap year experience for thousands of participants annually as a transformative year of leadership; supporting Yeshivot and Seminaries educationally and nancially; and sending hundreds of Shlichim to college campuses, schools and communities across the world. ON THE FRONTLINES OF THE GLOBAL BATTLE AGAINST ANTISEMITISMSince October 7th we have seen an unprecedented outburst of antisemitism across the globe aiming to delegitimize and destroy Israel and spread hatred of Jews. We are actively supporting education and activism on the frontlines to strengthen the unbreakable link between Judaism and the Land and State of Israel.ON THE FRONTLINES BUILDING COMMUNITIES ACROSS ISRAELOur coalition is on the frontlines leading the development of border and peripheral Israeli communities in the Golan, Galilee, Negev, Judea and Samaria as well as rehabilitating the war-affected Regions of the Gaza Envelope and Northern Israel. ON THE FRONTLINES OF JEWISH DESTINY, WITH YOUR HELPSince October 7th 2023, hundreds of thousands of IDF soldiers were issued a “Tzav Shmoneh” (emergency call-up) to ght in the war. The extended Jewish community has likewise been issued our “Tzav Shmoneh”. The religious Zionist movement has consistently answered the call through our steadfast dedication to Eretz Yisrael, Torat Yisrael and Am Yisrael.OIC – Mizrachi is a broad-based coalition led by slate sponsors Religious Zionists of America-Mizrachi (RZA) and AMIT, that has represented the Religious Zionist community in the World Zionist Congress for over 120 years. Dedicated to the timeless values of the Torah and the centrality of the Land and State of Israel in Jewish life, we serve the entire Jewish people with educational programs and services in Israel and throughout the world.Join the OIC-MIZRACHI on the frontlines by voting SLATE #5 in the WZO election and ensure that the work we do can continue to build a stronger and safer Israel.WWW.VOTEOIC.ORGON THE Frontlines for israelRABBINICAL COUNCIL OF AMERICAהקירמאד םינברה תורדתסה
Rabbi Dr. Ari BermanRabbi Hershel SchachterShari SafraTamar KosloweRabbi Moshe HauerMitchel AederChana Holzer ShieldsRabbi Elliot SchrierMark LevensonDeborah IsaacHarvey BlitzSydney AlteldRabbi Aryeh LebowitzSondra SokalMartin OlinerDorit Muskin CohenRabbi Jacob J. SchacterRabbi Zvi EngelDr. Alan KadishAvigail Chana ElazarBini DachsErica BrownAndrew (Avi) LauerJeremy JoszefRabbi Leonard MatankyMindy SteinRabbi Dr. Meir Y. SoloveichikRabbi Eli SlomnickiRabbi Dr. Ernest H. AgatsteinAdina ShmidmanVictor HadadRabbi Judah KerbelRabbi Menachem PennerEsti KaminetzkyElissa KatzGracie NewmarkJosh JosephRabbi Menachem GenackWalter FeinblumJordana WertheimerLisa BaratzRabbi Jerry IsenbergAndrew GoldsmithRabbi Mosheh AzizRaizi ChechikRabbi David WarshawYehuda NeubergerEmma KatzNachum SegalProfessor Smadar RosensweigRebecca CypessEliana ShimoffAvi KatzRabbi Yona ReissAnne GontownikSam WeinbergRabbi Yaakov GlasserRabbi Jonathan DonathFrancine SteinShira DonathPace CooperElan KornblumMarian Stoltz-LoikeEli SeidmanConstance KadishMoishe BaneReuven BrandJared IsaacLaura EisenbergAdina MorrisMoshe KinderlehrerShalhevet CohenLaizer KornwasserStacey GoldmanDavid SchlusselbergMaren ScharfRabbi Shalom AxelrodRabbi Yaakov TrumpSimona PittermanRabbi Michael RosensweigRabbi Dr. Ari LammRabbi Eli CinerRabbi Andrew IsraeliTami DrapkinAdena BerkowitzNechama KamelharJesse SalemRabbi Shay SchachterRabbi Daniel FridmanRachel BergerEli Curt FuldDaniel RothnerMenachem SchnaidmanJordana ToppRikki LehmanRabbi Micah GreenlandAryeh GoldbergLisa SeptimusRabbi Shai KaminetzkyCB NeugroschlRabbi Daniel AlterChaya Tova HartmanLielle BlinkoffRabbi Kenneth AumanRabbi Shalom BaumMoshe IsenbergSarina Zoe ShieldsRabbi Binyamin BlauZev S BermanBracha RutnerAbby MarcusRabbi Yosef BittonRabbi Haskel LooksteinRabbi Tuvia BranderJessica MirskyGertrude (Trudy) AbramsonRabbi Eli BrazilRabbi Donald BixonEliezer BuechlerOralee KannerAlicia PostIsrael N BraunLeah HornungYehuda BrumCheryl MirropRabbi Tanchum CohenRabbi Avi MatankyRabbi Daniel CohenRabbi Michael DaviesLynn KraftRabbi Jeremy DonathRabbi Ira EbbinRabbi Ikey TawilEmma HorowitzMyra Eckstein MogilnerJeff EisenbergHannah KlinghofferRabbi Zev EleffRabbi Dov EmersonSara MunkRabbi Yair MenchelRabbi Daniel Zvi FeldmanRabbi Roy FeldmanTeresa (Tirza) BayewitzRena KwestelRabbi Yechezkel FreundlichJoel FriedmanMiriam SchreierDr Bethany StrulowitzRabbi Shaanan GelmanRabbi Meir GoldwichtRabbi Joshua LehmanMiriam AbrahamsMarilyn AdjmiMark GlassSabrina LindenRabbi Dr Scott GoldbergMark GoldinToni NayowitzJoshua GirnunRabbi Ezra GoldschmiedtJack GottesmanAliza WeinrybYaffa PressnerEvan GreenRabbi Joel GutsteinRabbi Chaim HaglerElla MorgensternRabbi Yehuda HalpertAlissa ZeffrenRabbi Tully HarcsztarkRabbi Romi HarcsztarkTova Warburg SinenskyRabbi Richard HidaryShoshy ZahtzAri HirschRabbi Rabbi Ari JacobsonAnne GolombeckRabbi Noah ChesesEllie GoldenbergRichard JoelRabbi Avery JoelTamar ScheinfeldRabbi Joshua KahnMichelle ChreinRabbi Shaya KatzMolly LevinRabbi Wes KalmarRabbi Shmuel IsmachKari LevineCaleb BredaRabbi E. Samuel KlibanoffJudith Friedman RosenAndrew KoshnerShira BenzaquenRabbi Doniel Z. KramerRabbi Jonathan KrollJanet HodShoshi CantorRabbi Dr. Michael BergerRabbi Binyamin LehreldRabbi Aaron LeibtagAlison SokalAvi LevittMichelle TrubnickRabbi Ian LichterNoam SaerJoan BeteshRabbi Menachem LinzerHadassa KornRabbi Avi RosalimskyRabbi Joshua LooksteinBruria Pool-SokalSara SchwartzRabbi David MahlerRabbi Chaim MarcusRabbi Andrew MarkowitzCharlie KramerMichal HorowitzRivkie LammRabbi Binyamin MarwickAdele KatzenelenbogenRabbi Yitzchak MatankyShira SametHillel A MeyersTzivia MajorRabbi Steven MiodownikRobert MogyorosRabbi Jonathan MorgensternNoa TerenyoMimi SeleskiRabbi Yechiel MorrisMoshe MoskowitzLev ErshlerBeth AlterRabbi Levi MostofskyRabbi Yisrael MotzenTalia BaruchJudy Hecht BermanRabbi Etan TokayerMiriam SeidmanAlec Jonathan MuskatRabbi Elazar R MuskinHenry OrlinskyAlexis AckermannRabbi Gil PerlRabbi Dale PolakoffAdir PosyTehila BittonPaula GoldRabbi Chaim PoupkoRabbi Daniel PriceMoshe WolffSaara R MoskowitzDr. Rivkah BlauRabbi James ProopsCharlotte WartelskyRabbi David J. RadinskyRabbi Shaul RobinsonPearl WexlerRabbi Dr. Jeffrey RothmanRabbi Eliezer E. RubinRabbi Benjamin J. Samuels, PhDRachel GirnunRivki MarkRabbi Kenny SchiowitzEzra SchwartzTamar BuechlerRabbi Yechiel ShafferMeira WeissRabbi Yoseph SharbatRabbi Daniel ShermanRabbi Moshe ShulmanAriella TraubeEudice GreeneldRabbi Shmuel SilberRabbi Adam StarrEmma WatmanRabbi Aryeh StechlerSara KleinRabbi Noam SteinAshley WeissRabbi Chaim StrauchlerRabbi Chaim SteinmetzVivian FalkDaniel (Dani) MinkoveRabbi Simon TaylorRabbi Michael TaubesJudy BlitzTamar MarquisRabbi Kalman ToppSarah EmersonRabbi Yahel TsaidiAvigail AmarRabbi Moshe WeinbergerRabbi Jason WeinerRabbi Elie WeinstockAllegra AraziRabbi Yosef WeinstockKaren KaplanRabbi Elie WeissmanMarjorie AlbertRabbi Daniel YolkutRabbi Howard A ZackSandra MiretzkyMaayan SandowskiRabbi Dovid ZirkindAvi ZisookRuthie Braffman ShulmanJoshua ShapiroRabbi Eliezer ZwicklerMoshe BodnerRabbi Moshe BomzerShoshana BachrachMelanie M. MarmerEd StelzerRabbi Eli BelizonUriel SussmanDeborah Gellereta Krasna levensonSeth BerkowitzChloe BakerIra ClairBeth GottesmanAkiva DavisTova BenarrochRabbi Yehuda ChanalesJess (Yigal) DolginLior HodJocelyn BaruchRabbi Shlomo HochbergReva OlinerRabbi Benjamin G KelsenRivka BittonJosh LipschitzDan MaeirSam MarkFruma FoxmanSolomon RybakShira SchiowitzAlan MolotskyYocheved Sima BohmMartin NachimsonRachelle RosenfeldAri RaskasTara CantorNorman SchlossSamuel SeleskiShlomo TroodlerChevy CarmelBrad SomerTalia DuboskyAlan GershmanAdam DubinAri WartelskyEllie FineDaniel WeissEliana FromerAvraham Simcha AdlerJoshua D. KleinAriella EdelsteinRabbi Yitzchak SprungRabbi Moshe AdattoGabriella LaxSherwin MishkinRabbi Jordan SilvestriDon CantorDylan RashtizadehTalya LippmanTamar MeyerNorman GrasRabbi David HellmanDaniel GottesmanElla MordekaiBina NewmanEzra EmersonMichael CellerTal ErshlerHannah AuerbachAyelet OstrinBrahm WeinbergDavid MirskyDaniel AlbertAvigail PinnickYakirah RosenDov WinstonSimon AlbertRabbi Meir AvracenAyelet RosenblumAviva RubinEzra BakerRoee WegleinElie BeerYael SaboLeora CantorShaindy LiebermanRabbi Yehoshua SzafranskiHarrison BrooksJaime SchindelheimJeremy RosnerMordy DubinEliyahu FischSam FrankTemima SchwartzBaila SchwartzNachman FriedmanHindy FederYehuda GoldDebra Shaffer SeemanZev RobertsNoam GoldbergEmanuel HakimiYehuda KessockAnanya SilvermanHailey SokalGary BaumanJed MarcusNoah MarloweHannah SolonSonia SternAzriel MoskowitzSam WartelskyYoni NirenbergLexi SzafranskiSummer TeichEli NovickNoah OberlanderNosson OirichEmma Ayelet ShieldsTalia WallachNoah WatmanAssaf PerlHillel PinskyRachel AmarAytan WaxmanYossi SchwartzNoach PopackLielle HolzerRochelle Esther ShaoulEzra RosenbaumLeora OrensheinCoby PollackMoshe ZharnestKevin SokalMichal LevineAri SpieglerDovid BluthAriella SchneiderAzaria SussmanEfraim TeplerSharon RichterYoni PanitchRabbi Yosef BlauVIRILISTSNorma HolzerEvelyn BlachorSLATE OF CANDIDATES FOR THE 39TH WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS IN 2025ON THE Frontlines for israelWWW.VOTEOIC.ORGRABBINICAL COUNCIL OF AMERICAהקירמאד םינברה תורדתסה
Robert Kurtz Michael Rubin Eli Safier Sarah Kurtz *#Jackie Glaser # Elliot Stern * Jesse Kurtz * Sholom Jacobs Remy Fields *# Shana Rubin *# Jordan Kaplowitz Shmuel Lynn Talya Cohen *# Alexandra Yudkovich *# Michel Rapaport Ariel Gantz Kara Smith *# Tamar Rapaport *# Basia Kurtz *# David Fenig * Taylor Pintel * Victoria Loewenstern *# Rory Glantz * Aleksandr Kovalev David Kerendian * Shanie Elkarif *# Jeremy Lavitt Ella Safier *# Michael Mittelman * Sara Wertz *# Ross Friedman * Jeremy Rosenthal * Dana Berlin # Leah Rubin # Ilana Adams # Matthew Gibstein * Alyssa Fletcher *# Zachary Miller Aaron Zelikovich * Margaret Rapaport # David Stiebel Jacob Aronson * Shantal Kash *# Heath Hartman * Joey Wise Jason Rosen * Darcie Rand *# Ahuva Friedman # Jeremy Rovinsky Rick Saxe * Jennifer Hakakian *# Mendel Jaroslawicz Rosylne Jacobowitz # Nachamah Jacobovits # Hindie Fried # Dylan Mandelblatt * Charles Rubin Joanna Sarles # Julia Britt *# Eli Cheshin Rachel Benzaquen *# Matthew Neubauer * Menashe Elkin Heather Elkin # Avraham Adler Leah Peyman # Chaya Adler # Justin Hoch * Gabe Gerszberg * Judah Cheshin * Gabriella Schikman *# Liza Sakhaie *# Ben Hakakian * Sady Benzaquen Naomi Skaist *# Leah Abramov *# Hailey Lazar *# Ryan Klinger * Daniel Berenson * Esther Gantz *# Ava Goldberg *# Ester Rosenberg *# Elizabeth Kurtz # Chava Rubin # Susan Jacobs Perri Klein-Cheshin # Lauren Divack *#Per Election rules * Under 35, every4th delegate# Female, at least two every 5th delegateThis slate is sponsored by the Am Yisrael Chai, Inc. organization
Since October 7, the next generation of Jewish leaders is being tested in ways American Jews have not been tested in generations. Therefore we invest in programming, educational opportunities, community building, Israel-related activities, mentorship and more to ensure that Jewish college students and young professionals have the knowledge, passion and resilience to be our tomorrow.We seek to:1. Foster and amplify pride in Israel and Zionism: We must remain steadfast in advocating Israel as our historical homeland, the focal point of our religious practice, and a unifier for the Jewish People.2. Instill and spread Jewish pride: We must uncover the spark of connection within each Jew that can be kindled because once kindled that pride is contagious.3. Educate and instill a love of Torah and Judaism: We must provide knowledge to empower because once you are given the gift of knowledge it can be used to forge a love of our shared Jewish heritage.4. Combat antisemitism and anti-zionism on college campuses: We must take on the delegitimization, demonization, and double standards being applied to Jews and to Israel on the college campuses and the fallacy that one cannot be both progressive and pro-Israel. 5. Educate about Jewish history: We must become a self-aware people who know where we come from and that together we utilize our age-old values, teachings and experiences to improve the world.6. Be a strong voice for Israel in the diaspora: We must create a strong counterweight to the college and post-college age voices that seek to vilify Israel and the Jewish People.This slate is sponsored by the Am Yisrael Chai, Inc. organization
THE FUTURE OF ISRAEL and the Jewish people lies in our unity and connection to our heritage. Despite varying viewpoints and backgrounds, we must strive to see our shared destiny as a people and foster an environment that invites every Jew to embrace the beauty of Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish People.AISH HA’AM is a movement dedicated to igniting Jewish passion, sharing Jewish wisdom, and creating Jewish unity. With a global presence, on university campuses, and online, we work to ensure every Jew feels part of the vibrant tapestry of Jewish life. Our platform is built on the pillars of Jewish unity, supporting Israel, combating anti-Semitism, and ensuring Jewish education for all, envisioning a world that is united, strong, educated, and deeply connected to our people and ancestral homeland. Our slate comprises an impressive group of leading Jewish educators, student leaders from college campuses, social media influencers advocating for Israel, and dedicated lay leaders who champion our values and actively shape the Jewish future.EDUCATION FOR EVERY JEW We believe that Jewish wisdom and values possess the transformative power to enrich lives. We maintain that every Jew, irrespective of their religious background or level of Jewish schooling, inherently deserves the gift of Jewish knowledge. Recognizing the enduring relevance and beauty of our timeless Jewish wisdom, we are dedicated to finding innovative ways to showcase its significance in today’s world. Our goal is to utilize digital tools to ensure that Jewish education is accessible to every Jew, thereby strengthening our collective identity and mission as a light unto the nations.FIGHTING ANTISEMITISMIn a world where Anti-Semitism is reaching levels surpassing anything we have seen since the Holocaust, we stand at the forefront of the battle against all forms of Jew hatred. Our core focus is educating and empowering young Jews on University campuses, as well as millions of followers online, instilling them with pride in their identity, and equipping them with tools to confront anti-Israel propaganda and anti-Semitism. We believe that an educated and proud Jew, deeply rooted in our history and tradition, possesses the resilience to stand up against any degree of hate.JEWISH UNITYAt the heart of our platform lies the belief in the unbreakable bond that connects all Jews. We believe that every Jew has a part in the mission of the Jewish People. Our enemies view us simply as Jews, regardless of our religious connection, political stance, ethnic background, or geographical location. Thus, we too must see every Jew as a vital member of the Jewish people, refusing to let our differences fracture us.SUPPORTING ISRAELIsrael is not just a country; it's a testament to the resilience and spirit of the Jewish people. For millennia, Israel has been the focal point of Jewish yearning and prayer, and today it serves as the fulfillment of our shared destiny. Israel serves as a beacon of values and morality, connecting us to our rich tradition but also sparking advancement in countless fields. We strongly advocate for supporting Israel, emphasizing its right to defend itself against countless enemies and providing much needed support for our brothers & sisters affected by the war.OUR CORE BELIEFS AREA VOTE FOR AISH HA’AM IN THE WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS ELECTIONS IS A VOTE FOR UNITY, EDUCATION, AND A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE. For more information, please visit
OUR SLATEDiscover the visionaries and advocates at the forefront of our fight against antisemitism, the drive for Jewish unity, education, and Israel’s future.Rabbi Steve BurgShabbos KestenbaumLizzy SavetskySteve RosedaleBari ErberRobbie AboffEli TsivesAri AckermanCaroline MesserShira MelulBob DienerZach Sage FoxEden YadegarAlan LevineElie ZeilerSarah PachterEitan KastnerRobin MeyersonR. Menachem LehrfieldDavid MagermanJerry AbramsonMelinda StraussDaniel AbramoffTanya ZuckerbrotLowell MandelblattRabbi Aryeh WolbeBarrie Feld Sam BergerEllen LiptonRachel DeutschRabbi Dovid AsherSadie HilfJared SternAmy HoltzMichael ChesalDanielle SobkinSamuel BurgEdana Heller DesatnickDavid SiegelRabbi Joseph BeydaRabbi Pinchas LandisHadara IshakRabbi Yitz JacobsBrianna Diener SkydellSidney MathiasSteve EisenbergRabbi Bentzi EpsteinJake DiamondSharon DamskiNaomi NachmanHoward GoldsteinBella IngberJonathan CohenJen FriedmanBrandon PerrySahar TartakBarry CohenRabbi Saj FreibergRabbi Elliot MathiasTalia DrorYasmeen OhebsionAlexandra LebovitsEric LavitskyAzi MandellJeff SchachterKevin LefcoeYael TruschDalia GersonJosh BrodyRabbi Yakov FleshelErik MaschlerNoah RubinMichelle AhdootNoa BenitahDebra BermanJonathan ShelonIlan MuallemDeena ShamoelianCaryn BorgerRabbi Aryeh MarkmanDan SommerSophia KoffskyRonnie SchulmannMarcelo MesserLauren S. BelchinskyAmanda MizrahiGabriel Diamond Ariel NelsonFreda GreenbaumDaniel ErberAudrey JacobsJake GreenspanDavid SacksRita MathiasJosh FeilerTaylor ShawJosh MalkinSteven BramAdam HermanMarla FriedsonShlomo FriedmanDavid LitmanSaby BeharLia AbuhsiraDeena FriedmanDaniel RosenbergChana HellerAndrew SkydelSeth DamskiRachel SpinnerDaniel BeharMatthew WeinbergBrad BergerBlayne MathiasNicki SalferMeital LindenbergChaim BurgDavid PorterSaul BlinkoffSydney BurgAlex RosenwaldRabbi Tzvi NightingaleRaya ShamilovValerie GersteinGershon DistenfeldJennifer DekelScott MathiasEli ShlossLiz BrauserBen FefermanShelly AbramsonChaz VolkRob MorJonathan DulmanMelanie BorkerRabbi Tzvi GluckinJohn PolandDavid HirschMelissa FeldmanJessica SchechterTom AsharShoshana FrankelJonathan KoeveryAriella DiamondDaniel ServissLibby Amber ShayoRabbi Yosef DavidGevura DavisLeah ShamouniEugene FouksmanDanny KurlandLori MillerDon WinterMarcy GoldsteinRabbi Yaakov MeyerJosh GolchehTed SilverMark DunecNaomi LandisMoriah HershowitzRabbi BinyominDavisAndrea GottliebMichael SatineNatan GolfizShifra LindenbergTodd CohnMichael MintzElie BurgEstie TolwinDevorah BurgIlan HoffmanJassi AntebiBrian KeatingYitzy SpinnerCorelle GabayRandy AzoulayDanielle Ames SpivakShua ShlossEli StaimanTali GilletteRabbi Baruch FrankelElly GoldbergSivan KobiSalvador Litvak
ERETZ HAKODESHA VIBRANT ISRAEL ROOTEDIN TORAH Eretz HaKodesh stands for a strong dynamic Israel illuminated by the teachings of Jewish tradition.JEWISH VALUES BASED ON TORAHEretz HaKodesh believes that classical Jewish values of Torah as taught for millennia should play a central role in modern Israel.JEWISH LEARNING AND EDUCATION Eretz HaKodesh believes that it is essential that Jews have a deep understanding of the beauty and depth of Jewish learning and tradition. We will work to promote Jewish educational programs for young and old in Israel and around the world.AHAVAT YISROELEretz HaKodesh believes that a key to the Jewish future is the principle of Ahavat Yisroel, the unconditional love and concern for all Jews, regardless of background or level of religious observance. Eretz HaKodesh will strive to ensure that the bond between all Jews be strengthened.ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITYEretz HaKodesh will strive to bolster Israeli society by creating economic opportunity for all, in particular those with limited skills and living below the poverty line. Eretz HaKodesh will strive to create programs to integrate Jews of all backgrounds into the workforce to make Israel a country of opportunity for all.SECURITYEretz HaKodesh believes in a strong and secure Israel. Israel should never make compromises that may endanger the security of its citizens.DIASPORA JEWRY Eretz HaKodesh believes that all Jews share a common history and destiny reaching back to Mt. Sinai. We will endeavor to strengthen that bond with a focus on Jewish learning imbued with Ahavat • info@ERETZHAKODESH.orgERETZ HAKODESHPLATFORM:
Rabbi Pesach LernerRabbi Meir Melnicke Mrs. Esther Jacobs #Mr. Avromi Mostofsky *Rebbetzin Myrna Weinberger #Rabbi Aryeh Zev GinzbergMr. Chaim Meisels *Mrs. Shoshana Soroka Halpern #Ms. Shira Strauss *# Rabbi Moshe KrupkaRabbi Zvi GluckMr. Marc JacobMr. Yehuda Segal *Ms. Elisheva Medetsky *#Mrs. Avigail Eisenstadt #Mr. Avi Holchendler Rabbi Ben Packer Mr. David KushnerMs. Efrat Damari *#Mrs. Rivka Feiner #Mr. Duvi HonigRebbetzin Adina Shippel #Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg #Mr. Moshe ZakheimMrs. Tova Herskovitz *#Mrs. Amit Yaghoubi #Mr. Shahene Nili *Mr. Chezky MoskowitzMrs. Laura Hertz #Mr. Jason LieberRabbi Yaakov MenkenMr. Ezzy RappaportMrs. Emunah Weisman *#Mr. Shmuli DembitzerMs. Batya Bosin *# Mr. Yitzy FuchsMr. Charlie DeutschMr. Jonathan SpetnerMr. Jacob I. Slone Ms. Tammy Weiss *#Mr. Lyle WeismanMr. Paul RosenstockMs. Rena Safirstein *#Mr. Ronen FuksbrumerMrs. Leah Rieder #Mr. Ushy Lieber *Rabbi Martin KatzMr. Leon NitkaMrs. Zeldy Oppen #Ms. Sarah Strauss *# Rabbi Chanan GordonRabbi Gil StudentMrs. Caren May #Rabbi Ze'ev SmasonMrs. Chani Schechter #Mr. Ari DickerRabbi Eliyahu PreroRabbi Yaakov FleggMs. Hanna Schachter *# Mrs. Devorah Soroka #Mr. Yitzie PretterMr. Yoni TorgowMrs. Aviva Braun #Ms. Gavriella Weinberg *# Mr. Shimshon Molinsky Mr. Gil HorwitzMrs. Rivka Molinsky #Ms. Tehila Alfassy *#Mr. Jack Levine Mr. Lee Caplan Dr. Ben Zion JacobsMrs. Chumy Grunwald *#Mrs. Mindy Rebenwurzel #Mr. Elchonen Klughaupt *Mr. Dov BraunMr. Joshua LastMr. Akiva Berg *Rebbetzin Sori Teitelbaum #Mr. Matis Melnicke Mrs. Malka Leah Koval #Mrs. Sandy Eller #Ms. Atara Jachter *#Rabbi Moshe ParnesRebbetzin Dubby Eisen #Rabbi Yosef Yossi SerebryanskiMr. Chaim ReissMr. Avrohom YarmishMrs. Raychel Naglblatt *#Mr. Yitzy Geisinsky Mr. Jerry WolaskyMr. Shimon Marciano Mrs. Baila Briller *#Mrs. Chaya Resnick *#Mrs. Alexandra Fleksher #Mr. Hershel LutchMrs. Frumie Polatsek #Rabbi Meir SultanRabbi Chaim Glazer Mrs. Stella Altintas #Ms. Shana Berman *#Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler Rabbi Israel Yair Halevi *Mr. Dov OckenMrs. Lisa Elefant #Rabbi Eliezer YaghoubiMr. Shloimy Abramczyk *Rabbi Mendy Carlebach Mrs. Avigayil Strulowitz #Mr. Israel PeskowitzMrs. Chana Kashi #Mr. Doni GreenwaldMr. Avrohom Statfeld *Mr. David GrossMrs. Susan Sochaczewsky #Mrs. Sima Schwab #Mr. Brian Polatoff *Mr. Dovi FishoffRabbi Nachum MethMrs. Miriam Lieber #Ms. Gabrielle Green *#Mrs. Faige Greenwald #Mr. Avi FishoffRabbi Shnayor BurtonMrs. Shira Stromer *#Mrs. Nechy Eisenstadt #Mr. David LevinMr. Yerachmiel Draiarsh*Mrs. Jenny DruxmanMrs. Lily Moskowitz *#Rabbi Emmanuel KashiMr. Yaakov NachisonMrs. Leba Schwebel #Mrs. Tammy Schwebel #Mr. Yehudah Moskowitz *Dr. Jordan Gutovich Mr. Yosef PerlMs. Aliza Strauss *#Mr. Joe AltintasRabbi Binyomin MedetskyMs. Shani Lieber *#Ms. Bracha Layosh *#Mrs. Batsheva Sod #Mr. Itzhac Layosh Mr. Robert KleinMr. Chaim Wolf *Mr. Shimon RoitblatMr. Sam NitkaMrs. Chanie Knobel #Mr. Eli Rosen *Mr. Avrohom ManesMr. Yosef BrooksMr. Eli KutnerMrs. Laurie Jaffa #Mr. David BermanskiMrs. Barbara Gold #Mr. Yehoshua Diskin *Mr. Avrohom SchwebelMrs. Michele Weiss #Mrs. Esther Kaufman #Mr. Yosef Brafman *Mr. Uri KaufmanMrs. Shana Peltz *#Mrs. Penina Medetsky #Mrs. Etta Klaristenfeld #Mr. Jeff LevisonMrs. Avigail Spetner *#Mr. Yossi SochaczewskyMr. Dovid FromowitzMrs. Sheila Schwebel #Mrs. Miriam Ohabim *#Mrs. Phyllis Reiss #Mr. Leon GoldenbergMrs. Miriam Peskowitz #Mrs. Dasi Lefkowitz #Mrs. Chana Wasserman #Mrs. Kayla Flaum *#Mrs. Pessy Bernstein *#Mrs. Shana Landa *#Dr. Meir Simcha CohenMrs. Nechama Gold #Mrs. Miriam Lichtman #Ms. Avigail Bosin *# Ms. E.L. Tenenbaum #Ms. Ahuva Weinfeld *#Mrs. Shoshana Bernstein #Mr. Michael BraunMrs. Yaffa Katz #Mrs. Chaya Glazer #Mrs. Tzivia Lutch *#Mrs. Shelly Fenig #Ms. Rosie Flaum *#Mrs. Sari Tepper #Mrs. Meryl Maybruch #Mr. Yissachar SugarMrs. Devorah Perlowitz #Mrs. Ayala Zagelbaum #Mrs. Ashira Krakowski #Mr. Chaim Treisser *Mrs. Esther Lee Schwartz #Mrs. Rena Liberman #Mrs. Tammy Tabbouche #Mrs. Sara Lang #Mrs. Gitty Berg *#Rabbi Mordechai BecherMrs. Shulamith Zakutinksy #Mrs. Gitty Salomon #Mrs. Mimi Grossberger #Mrs. Sarah Schwebel *#Rabbi Shlomo WassermanMrs. Bella Beer #Mrs. Ellen R. Weiss #Mrs. Ayelet Isaacs *#Ms. Ahuva Weinfeld *#Mrs. Frieda Loshinsky #Mrs. Rochelle Weingarden #Ms. Shayna Summers *#Dr. Chaim Wasserman Mrs. Barbara Roth #Mrs. Michal Klerer #Ms. Eva Kaminetsky *#Mrs. Aviva Golombeck #Mrs. Molly Horwitz #Mr. Yossie GeliebterMrs. Breindy Sporn #Rabbi Aaron FinkMr. David WeingardenMrs. Miriam Blatner *#Ms. Chanie Lieberman #Mrs. Miryam Sperka #Mrs. Rifki Ross #Ms. Leah Suss #Ms. Eva Rothschild *#Mr. Zachary Gross Mr. Moshe FederMs. Tehilla Esses *#Mrs. Beth Kleinman #Mr. Tzvi SattMrs. Golda Fried #Mrs. Joclyn Stern #Mrs. Racheli Levin *#Mr. Daniel WeismanMrs. Adi Brown #Mrs. Devorah Segal *#Mrs. Devora Krasnianski #Ms. Elisheva Bekritsky *#Mrs. Rebecca Meyer #Mrs. Sara Fried #Mr. Hillel Blatner *Mrs. Gita Weinbaum #Mrs. Brocha Sambrowsky *#Ms. Elisa Mermelstein #Mrs. Shira Gancz #Mrs. Yael Gitelis #Mrs. Beeme Jacobs *#Mrs. Rifky Spira #Mrs. Naomi Stein #Mr. Yossi LichtmanMs. Hannah Feder *#Mrs. Sara Amsel #Mrs. Esther Brown #Mr. Avraham MandelMrs. Debra Mandel #Mr. Avi Sambrowsky *Mrs. Yocheved Lehrman #Ms. Miriam Rothstein #Mr. Aaron LammMs. Sarah Motechin *#Mrs. Lilly Schwartz *#Mrs. Shani Kaufman #Mrs. Shira Sambrowsky #Mr. Allan Hellman *Mrs. Joy Piotrkowski #Mrs. Brachy Gross #Mrs. Tehila Greenwald *#Ms. Reena Kinderlehrer #Ms. Shani Hager #Mr. Joe GindiMr. Moshe TeicherMs. Julie Yaich #Ms. Miriam Fein *#Mrs. Sarah Baruch #Mr. Steven BaruchMs. Amanda Butler *#Ms. Ruth Rosner #Mrs. Esther Lamm #Mr. Kent PiotrkowskiMs. Fay Pilchick*#Mrs. Marilyn Horowitz #Mr. Elie FriedMr. Daniel Meyer*Mrs. Varda Glatzer #Mrs. Janet Nadler #Ms. Michal Ambinder *#Mrs. Shira Cohen #Rabbi Pesach Lerner Rabbi Michael MelnickeMrs. Shoshana Jacobs *#Rabbi Yaniv Meirov *Mrs. Shoshana Soroka Halpern #Rabbi Aryeh Zev GinzbergMr. Steve Rosedale Rabbi Yechezkel Moskowitz *Rabbi Zvi GluckMrs. Devorah Krasnianski #Mr. Sam SuttonMr. Jacob I. Slone *Mr. Leon GoldenbergMrs. Naomi Meirav #Mrs. Alexandra Fleksher #Mr. Adam Suionov *Rabbi Aaron FinkMr. Marc JacobDr. David MargulisMs. E.L. Tenenbaum *#Rabbi Moshe ParnesMr. Ezzy Rappaport Rabbi Eliyahu PreroMs. Kaela Dahan *#Mrs. Naomi Nachman #Mr. Charlie DeutschRabbi Steven PruzanskyMrs. Chana Chava Perton *#Mr. Shlomo MostofskyMr. Ben Schlossberg Rabbi Mendy MirocznikRabbi Moshe Robinson *Mr. Yitzy GeisinskyMrs. Ellen R. Weiss #Mrs. Amit Yaghoubi #Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler *Mr. David GrossRabbi Yaakov MenkenMr. Chaim ReissMs. Julie Sherman *#Mr. Jonathan SpetnerRabbi Binyomin Medetsky Mrs. Michele Weiss #Rabbi Asher Sova *Mrs. Shoshana Bernstein #Mr. Avi GoldfederMr. Doni GreenwaldMrs. Elise Steinharter *#Mr. Yitzie PretterMr. Eli KutnerMrs. Robin Davina Meyerson #Mrs. Nina Essas Ringer *#Mrs. Sandy Eller #Mr. Israel Peskowitz Rabbi Menachem RubinsteinMrs. Baila Parnes *#Mr. Yoni TorgowRabbi Jacob KlassMr. Avromi Mostofsky *Ms. Avigail Spetner *#Mrs. Meryl Maybruch #Dr. Danielle Bloom #Rabbi Mordechai BecherMs. Merle Cohen *#Mrs. Rivka Feiner #Dr. Lita Aeder #Rabbi Aryeh Kravetz *Dr. Leslie Klein #Mrs. Aliza Bulow #Mr. Dov FishoffMrs. Avigayil Strulowitz *#Mrs. Ellie Riesel #Rabbi Chaim GlazerRabbi Avi GoldsteinMrs. Adina Kravetz *#Rabbi Yudi RieselMr. Eliezer Yaghoubi Mrs. Phyllis Reiss #Ms. Rochel Mirzayeva *# Rabbi Martin KatzMrs. Aviva Mostofsky #Rebbetzin Karen Pruzansky #Ms. Bracha Gefen *#Rabbi Daniel OlginDr. Aryeh SovaMrs. Miriam Lichtman #Ms. Daniella Engel *#Rebbetzin Naama Parnes #Mrs. Chaya Glazer #Mrs. Ahava Ehrenpreis #Ms. Etty Olgin *# Mrs. OraLee Kanner #Mrs. Miriam Peskowitz #Mrs. Tehila Feldbaum *#Mrs. Beverly Beard #Mrs. Ahuva Leba Englander *#Mr. Michoel Feldbaum *Mr. Joshua Englander * • info@ERETZHAKODESH.orgERETZ HAKODESHERETZ HAKODESH delegates represent the Yeshiva, Chasidic, Sephardic, and Israeli Torah communities of the United States.ERETZ HAKODESH Slate Per election rules* under 35, every 4th delegate# female (2 within the rst 5, 1 within the next 5) delegates PER ELECTION RULES: * 1 of each 4 delegates is age 35 or younger • # 2 of every 5 delegates are female • A female under 35 qualifies for both requirements ERETZ HAKODESH: Protecting the Kedusha and Mesorah of Eretz YisraelERETZ HAKODESH delegates represent the Yeshiva, Chasidic, Sephardic, Israeli, and traditional Torah communities of the United States. The ERETZ HAKODESH slate is sponsored by the Coordinating Council for the Jewish Homeland
WE ARE:V O T E 4 I S R A E L . O R GRussian-speaking Jewish community of the U.S.,united by our love for Israel, the Jewish people, andJewish values. Beyachad brings together diverseindividuals who are passionate about Israel, Jewisheducation, and Jewish peoplehood. Our mission is toinspire the next generation to deepen their connectionto Israel and Jewish heritage.WE STAND FOR:Complete and total unity of all Jewish people!Uncompromising defense of Israel and protection of its citizens!Strong bond between American Jewry and Israel.Jewish education being a key to Jewish continuity.Traditional Jewish values established at Mt. Sinai.Combating antisemitism in the U.S. and worldwide.Commitment to Ahavat Yisroel - unconditional love and care for every Jew.ד"סבד"סבOUR PLATFORM IS UNITY!TOGETHER FOR ISRAEL – BEYACHAD
CANDIDATE LISTAnna Peckerman 1.Aryeh Katzin 2.Alexander Kaller 3.Leah Rodkin 4.Dan Rodkin 5.Sergey Guberman 6.Nellie Levitis 7.Sammy Krakhmal 8.Shimon Margolin9.Faina Shnayderman 10.Zalman Ayezenberg 11.Marlene Artov 12.Luiza Sherman 13.Aryeh Pealman 14.Glen Teyf 15.Sharon Esther Knafelman16.Michael Yadov 17.Inna Izman 18.Alex Baran 19.Nina Lipkin20.21. Yana Shukman 22. Inna Gofman 23. Vladimir Jaffe 24. Michael Stevens 25. Eugene Babenko 26. Vitaly Rakhman 27. Alisa Chertorisky 28. Adina Hoppenstein 29. Yehuda Zelermayer30. Mishelle Finkelstein 31. Avital Furman 32. Steven Serebro33. Elana Chaya Krasinskaya 34. Ilona Dolsky 35. Rebecca Salman 36. Aubrie Jaworowski 37. Aleksey Moshe Shats 38. Yelena Shats 39. Nataniel Khafizov 40. Joseph Katayev 41. Daniel Lazarev42. Chana Goldshteyn 43. Ilya Brodsky 44. Tzipora Shimunov 45. Vyacheslav Asnes46. Valentyn Klyuchnikov 47. Daniel Rosen48. Maxine Kalika 49. Dmitry Goldshteyn 50. Oleg Langbort 51. Esther Lamm 52. Mikhail Smertenko V O T E 4 I S R A E L . O R GBEYACHAD UNITED FOR ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLERussian SpeakingJewish friends ד"סבד"סבSLATE SPONSOR
COALITIONAIDCOALITI O NAIDOur VisionThere are certain moments in history when we need the right people in the right places to make the right decisions; These people will know what it means, how it feels, what is required, and how to get the job done. Rebuilding the state of Israel after the October 7th attack is one of these pivotal moments.In these moments, people like you will make a small, tiny decision to vote-a decision that will help rebuild the future of Israel and provide hope. AID COALITION brings together Israeli-Americans with deep ties to Israel to lead efforts for a stronger future. We collaborate with Israeli organizations to address critical needs while contributing unique perspectives of Israelis based in the U.S. Why Your Vote MattersIsraeli-Americans make up 10% of the Jewish community in the U.S. and as such should have a proportionate share of the World Zionist Congress budget. By voting for AID COALITION, you’re advocating for your interests and the Israeli-American voice.We are a diverse team of leaders with expertise in technology, entrepreneurship, civil management, and more. We're committed to using our skills and resources to rebuild Israel swiftly, effectively, and stronger than ever.Our Mission @ Rebuild Communities: Support long-term recovery in the hardest-hit areas, prioritizing sustainable infrastructure @ Foster Unity: by being an Israeli living in the US and understanding both cultures, interests, and visions we have the availability to be a bridge and assist, translate, and communicate zionist values and ideas @ Promote Democracy: Safeguard Israel’s democratic character through inclusive decision-making and transparent initiatives @ A home away from home – whether you are liberal or conservative, traditional or secular, we are committed to representing your interests, desires, and needs within the local community where you reside in the United States Get InvolvedWebsite: info@aid-coalition.orgSocial Media:Vote AID COALITION (America-Israel Democracy): Strengthening the bond between Israeli-Americans & Israel for a united, democratic future.AID COALITION (America-Israel Democracy)The Israeli-American Voice to Rebuild Israel
COALITI O NAIDSLATE #14 OF AID COALITION CANDIDATES FOR THE WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS IN 2025OUR DELEGATES1. Jonathan Barsade2. Batell Valentine Blaish Sultanik3. Jeremy Levin4. Aviv Lazar5. Assi Berman Dayan6. Tali Reiner Brodetzki7. Omer Granit8. Maya Ashkenazi9. Oded Hermoni10. Dana Cwaigrach11. Eyal Bino12. Ryan Daniels13. Yarden Avriel Lato14. Tomer Mintz15. Noa Oron-Shilo16. Michal Gilon-Yanai17. Maya Platek18. Dana Sinay19. Zohar Babin20. Judy Mozes21. Sharon Shafrir22. Elena Itskovich23. Michelle Herzlinger24. Meital Olsha Alpart25. Josh Kadden26. Ran Schwarzkoff27. Itamar Harari28. Hadar Livne29. Tal Zussman30. Brett Goldman31. Liad Eshkar32. Yoni Charash33. Matti Shalev34. Seth Fisher35. Ron Teicher36. Keren Tkach Maliniak37. Gilad Amitai38. Eyal David39. Keren Kay40. Daria Schitrit41. Yana Schecterman42. Michal Zussman43. Renan Gutman44. Josie Leit45. David Naveh46. Ayelet Weinerman47. Jodie Gillon48. Yotam Svoray49. Dror Dotan50. Aviv Sarangi51. Erin Spira52. Cliel Shdaimah53. Liron Shilo54. Gady Ginzburg55. Gilli Yahalom56. Tomer Levin57. Andrew Signer58. Assaf Shalvi59. Gal Boiman60. Roy Peleg61. Shiri Rosenblat-Itzhak62. Amir Eliezer63. Moti Kachlon64. Zoe Kaminski65. Inbal Israeli Miller66. Allie Plotsky67. Alexa Abrams68. Noah Schwartz69. Natalie Almog70. Amir Zwickel71. Ido Levy72. Yitzhak Loria73. Boaz Fachler74. Guy Brodetzki75. Oren Kozlowski76. Libi (Orly) Boger77. Ida Haber78. Limor Farchy79. Noy Leyb80. Liat Schrift81. Keren Lahad Rachmani82. Amir Zur83. Shiran Yaroslavsky84. Tchelet Semel85. Tsur Mishal86. Mikka Geller87. Benjamin Futoriansky88. Sharone Trager-Hanoch89. Moriya Blumenfeld90. Refael Hanoch91. Dalia Katan92. Chen Topolski93. Susan Latham94. Ben Ifrach95. Josh Sklar96. Omer Rabin97. Benjamin Scherz98. Isack Merenfeld99. Doreen Benyamin100. Bar Pereg101. Gal Orman Uri102. Hannah Rothstein103. Itai Rotem104. Yarden Karni105. Ben Taback-Ariel106. Joshua Friedman107. Brendan Schneier108. Ofri Vaisman109. Yael Deri110. Ron Cohen111. Oran Goldberg112. Gadi Livne113. Ram Bartov114. Rafael Mozo Sierra115. Ronnen Belkind116. Shanie Korabelnik117. Hila Beckerman118. Lee Lazar119. Adam Emmerich120. Rotem Zwickel121. Lital Grossman122. Ofir Farchy123. Oren Arar124. Ann Keren Neeman Kantor125. Vered Nohi126. Noa Vishlitzky127. Reuven Kitov128. Alina Shkolnikov129. Ilan Harari130. Lior Caspi131. Brenden Simkhai-Strauss132. Mor Biran Granit133. Howard Rensin134. Eyal Briller135. Molly Ruttenberg136. Randi Winter137. Einat Lev138. Oded Shekel139. Ethan Steininger140. Guy Wachsman141. David Moritz142. Hillary Kupferberg143. Adi Leviatan144. Ivry Shafrir145. Corey Feldman146. Lenny Roudik147. Jocelyn Reisner148. Kathy Rensin149. Livia Prince150. Steve Wollman151. Harry Kantor152. Jacob Mizraji153. Mary Ann Leibowitz154. Amnon Gavish155. Maya Miro156. Alex Pasternack157. Ronnen Paytan158. Efrat Frenkel159. Jonathan York160. Keneth Alpart161. Beth Cohen162. Ayelet Shalev163. Corey Shdaimah164. Amichai Shdaimah165. Erica Wenger166. Ruth Kaplan167. Shaina Ghodsi168. Maayan Barsade169. Miriam Shepher170. Neta Schrift171. Elad Shdaimah172. Leon Mishkis173. Sagi Shdaimah174. Amit Liran175. Abigail Babayev176. Roya Rostamian177. Elianna Matayev178. Nehama Kaszynski179. Dalia Saeidy-Omrany180. Amos Habib181. Danna Perry182. Jeff Freilich183. Yarden Golan Maor
PLEASE VOTE FOR THE ZOA COALITION!SLATE #15The Slate With the Proven Record of Fighting for Israel-Judea-Samaria, Jewish Students, the Jewish People and Globalizing Jewish SafetyThe ZOA Coalition represents Russian, Persian, Syrian, Bukharin, Ukrainian, Latino, French, Israeli, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, and other American-Jewish communitiesZOA Coalition = the 30+ Leading Organizations Defending Jews, Jewish Students, and the Jewish People’s Rights to Israel-Judea-SamariaYour Vote for the ZOA Coalition (Slate #15) Will Strengthen Our Efforts to: @ Globalize & Promote Jewish Safety and Aliyah @ Combat Antisemitism and Boycotts, Divestments & Sanctions (BDS) @ Defend the Jewish people’s legal, historic & G-d-given rights to Israel-Jerusalem-Judea-Samaria @ Reject the creation of a Palestinian Arab terror state @ Support Israel’s courageous soldiers and their eorts to achieve victory @ Confront anti-Israel bias at the UN and other institutions @ Rebuild Jewish communities in decimated, evacuated areas and Judea/Samaria @ Respect Jewish faith, values and traditions and all the Jewish people @ Strengthen Jewish & Zionist Education in Israel & the DiasporaSee more at ZOACoalition.orgZOA Coalition Has the Proven Record of Leadership & Achievements at the World Zionist Congress for 127 Years: @ Helped launch the eort to secure the lawfully-recognized Jewish homeland at the rst WZC in 1897, and subsequent international forums @ Initiated & obtained passage of the WZC anti-BDS policy (including stopping BDS against Jews in Judea & Samaria); initiated “Buy Israeli” program @ Initiatives to defend Jewish students’ rights to safe campuses @ Initiated & passed WZC resolutions to give highest funding priority to rescuing endangered Jews; calling for dismantling UNRWA; condemning the Red Cross for failing to visit and assist the hostages; condemning the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s “pay-to-slay” payments and terror incitement; opposing allowing the PA/PLO/Fatah to govern Gaza, etc. @ Initiated & passed WZC resolutions promoting sovereignty in the Jordan Valley; requiring using the proper name “Judea & Samaria”; and supported directing national institution project funding to Judea-Samaria See more at ZOACoalition.orgYour vote will help us do even moreFOUNDED 1897THE GROSS FAMILY CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF ANTISEMITISM AND THE HOLOCAUSTCOMMITTEE FOR ACCURACY IN MIDDLE EAST REPORTING AND ANALYSISCoalitionSlate #15
ZOA Coalition’s Extraordinary Candidates: @ Morton Klein @ Elizabeth (Liz) Berney, Esq. @ Dr. Pedram Bral, M.D., Mayor of Great Neck Vlg. @ Deborah Shamilov @ Ben Kogan @ Chagit Leviev @ Valeria Chazin, Esq. @ Brooke Goldstein, Esq. @ Steve Orlow, Esq. @ Sid “In the Morning” Rosenberg @ Ronn Torrosian @ Yuriy Danielov @ Sigalit Flicker @ Russell Feder @ Judy Freedman Kadish @ Debra Schwartzben @ Ricky Novick @ Gabriel ”Kosher Guru” Boxer @ Ely Levi, Esq. @ Linda Sadacka @ Rabbi Pini Dunner @ Meir Hurwitz @ Elisabeth Axel @ Khandan Kalaty @ Victor Naar @ Avraham Zeines @ Dr. Yevgeniy Milman @ Soya Aminova @ Steven (Shabsie) Saphirstein @ Elisheva Reiss Chase @ Nachman Mostofsky @ Jonathan Rubin @ Lyss Stern @ Boaz Bagbag @ Martha Cohen @ Ryan Mermer @ Rachelle Kirschner @ Sedat Yesua Behar @ Jonathan Greenwald @ Sara Lehmann @ Rabbi Moshe Weisblum @ Nadav Alkoby @ Tilly Feldman @ Jacqueline Herman @ Rabbi Yitz Tendler @ Shani Hikind @ Odeleya Jacobs Borochov @ Samuel Fried @ Assemblyman Dov Hikind @ Esther Reizes-Lowenbein @ Reuven Kahane @ Melissa Chapman @ Dr. Arthur Kook @ Josh Ravitch @ Elena Katan @ Dr. Paul Brody, M.D. @ Dr. Amy Rosenthal, M.D. @ Lynne Lechter, Esq. @ Nathaniel Gavronsky @ Eli Kashi @ Dr. Gene Berkovich, M.D. @ Stu Goodman @ Esther Lazerowitz @ Susan Kone, Esq. @ Tony Aziz @ Or Taylor @ Cindy “Jewess Patriot” Grosz @ Yehuda Goltche @ Sloan Rachmuth @ Jay Blum @ Leora Muskat @ Slagana Avramoski-Mitris @ Rabbi Prof. Dr. Mark Goldfeder, Esq. @ Dr. Joseph Frager, M.D. @ Tammy Mark @ Sophia Witt @ Ilan Sinelnikov @ Michael Shahkoohi @ Seth Grossman, Esq. @ Rivka Sonts @ Orli Mashieh Shahkoohi @ Israel Bitton @ Michael Levitis, Esq. @ Lisa Fields Lewis @ Murray Mizrachi @ Sharon Blum @ Scott Lorinsky, Esq. @ Seth Leitman @ Dan Gotesdyner @ Jasmine Nazarieh @ Amram Lasri @ Alison Devlin @ Ross Denisov @ Rebekah Mann @ Laura Younai @ Mikhail Alterman @ Mehran Hakimian @ Andrea Levin @ Kenneth Levin, M.D. @ Rina Lazerowitz @ Rubin Margules @ Dr. Liat Brody Rutta @ Michelle Pasternak @ Clifford Rieders, Esq. @ Dr. Bita Ashourzadeh, M.D. @ Dr. Kourosh Ashourzadeh, M.D. @ Rachel Aziz @ Raphael Zbili @ Gary Morgenstein @ Gabrielle Boloker @ Ilya Aronovich @ Emily Bell @ Allison Zur @ Eyal Ben Yitshak @ Norman Shabot @ Michal Ladenheim @ Kenneth Abramowitz @ Dr. Limor Brody Oratz @ Moshe Hill @ Ra Lazerowitz @ Lynne Tammam @ Talia Raab @ Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld @ Lauren Robbins @ Ariel Azar @ Akiba Covitz, Ph.D. @ Leslie Benitah @ Alisa Gladstone Brown @ Michael Brown @ Gerard Filitti, Esq. @ Nira Abramowitz @ Hooshang Nematzadeh @ Ann Schockett @ Emil Hakimi @ Rina Kramer @ Ari Kirschbaum @ Linda Kook @ Gerald Platt @ Wyatt Cirbo @ Eva Rosenstein @ Ben Akselrod @ Sheree Boloker @ Michele Locker @ Jack Berger @ Barry Diner @ Daniella Pomeranc @ Betty Sebrow @ Daniel Katz, Esq. @ Lauren Gross @ Yan Margolin @ Ari Covitz @ Dr. Eyal Levit, M.D. @ Matthew Franzblau @ Mara Friedman @ Dr. Joan Lurie @ David Kadosh @ Howard Teich @ Alexander Krym @ Dina Lazar @ Cecelia Margules @ Michael Joshua @ Elie Y. Katz @ Chelsea Howell @ Samuel Atlas @ Jill Kaplan @ Jonathan Hornblass @ Josef Kossov @ Ariana Hoblin @ Leah Preiserowicz @ Shimon Greenspan @ Geoffrey Greene @ Benjamin Gold-Matejka @ Nison Aranbaev @ Susan Levit @ Hollie Noveletsky @ Aaron Eitan Meyer @ Rabbi Avraham Newman @ Susan Orlow @ Jack Abel @ Marcelle Sasson @ Yair Cabessa @ Danny Faibishenko @ Dr. Julia Aronovich, M.D. @ Susan Schein @ Matthew Garchik @ Dr. Benjamin Chouake, M.D. @ Susanne Seperson @ Bailey Kahn @ Alan Greenberg @ Peter Osroff @ Noah Lenkin @ Eli Gelb @ Gabrielle Tirsun @ Polina Berkovich Golubchik @ Matthew Franzblau @ Susan Brown @ Brent Greenspan @ Nisi Ziff @ Benyamin Rozsansky @ Adam Ginsberg @ Jay Goldstein @ Sarah Horvath @ Dr. Veronica Slootsky, M.D. @ Alexander Madnick @ Naomi Schlesinger @ Andrew Vineberg @ Susan Singer @ Anne Greenstein @ Steven Khanimov @ Max Coen @ Ben Schlesinger @ Rachel Ostroy @ Helaine Cohen Grauman @ Matthew Sheby @ Richard Hoffman @ Joel Grifth @ Rinan Kramer @ Edward Mackouse @ Ruth Gray @ Eugene Greenstein @ Nathan Shomer @ Rebecca (Rita) Klein @ Rivka Silinsky @ Randy Severino @ Ethan Lenkin @ David Sussman @ Melissa Sack Sinelnikov @ Abraham Spectre-Covitz @ Philip Weisberg @ Drora Brody @ Jonathan Ginsburg @ Jacqueline Blyudoy @ Robert Stark @ Victoria Zirkiev @ Dr. Charles Jacobs @ Daniel Pollak @ Leya Pinkhasova @ Alan Skorski @ Ephraim Zadov @ Cheryl Jacobs Lewin @ Linda Harary @ Zachary Trynz @ Aaron Lichterman, Esq. @ Chaim Haberfeld @ Elizabeth Shlimovich @ Dr. Warren Balgley, MD @ Jeffrey Wiesenfeld @ Atara Chase Hennes @ Rabbi David Algaze @ Jacqueline Shafer @ Shaya Reiter @ Steve Feldman @ Rachel Berg @ Melissa Sherman, Esq. @ Joseph Glyn @ Evelyn Joseph @ Stuart Pavilack @ Linda Fox @ Michael Goldstein @ Susan Tuchman, Esq. @ Alan Jay @ Tova Zimm @ Beverly Goldstein, Esq. @ Matthew Axel @ Helen Kogan @ David Billet, Esq. @ Henry Salzhauer @ Jordana McMahon @ Rebbetzin Sarah Marmorstein @ Robin Ticker @ Andrew Schiff @ Ariel KohaneThe 30+ ZOA Coalition organizations include: Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) American Friends of Ateret Cohanim American Friends of Judea & Samaria American Friends of Likud Americans Against Antisemitism Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) Americans for Peace & Tolerance Betar CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting & Analysis) Chovevei Zion Emet Va Emunah End Jew Hatred - The Lawfare Project EZRA USA: Russian Jewish Youth Israel Heritage Foundation National Jewish Advocacy Center NORPAC North Carolina Coalition for Israel One Israel Fund (OIF) Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce Rieders Family Foundation Save the West Students Supporting Israel (SSI) The Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust The Israel Innovation Fund United Mashadi Jewish Community of America (UMJCA) World Likud Young Jewish Conservatives (YJC)See more at ZOACoalition.orgZOA Coalition Candidates and 30+ Orgs. Have the Proven Record of Fighting for Israel-Judea-Samaria, Jewish Students, the Jewish People and Globalizing Jewish SafetyThe ZOA Coalition represents Russian, Persian, Syrian, Bukharin, Ukrainian, Latino, French, Israeli, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, and other American-Jewish communitiesUncle Theodor wants YOU to vote for the ZOA Coalition!CoalitionSlate #15
¡¢ ££ ¤We are proudly Zionist and proudly progressive Hatikvah@progressiveisrael.orgText HATIKVAH to 209-479-7084Scan QR code now to subscribe to our list Hatikvah@progressiveisrael.orgText HATIKVAH to 209-479-7084Scan QR code now to subscribe to our listSponsored and Led by:Proudly Endorsed by: USA Platform 2025The Voice of Conservative/Masorti JudaismMERCAZ USA is the Zionist Organization of the American Conservative/Masorti Movement. At the next World Zionist Congress, MERCAZ USA will advocate for a strong and secure Israel rooted in the moral and spiritual vision of the Hebrew prophets—a society that celebrates democratic principles, embraces diverse Jewish traditions, and safeguards the rights, dignity and inclusion of all its citizens. As Israel recovers from October 7 and with antisemitism rising around the world, our mission is more critical than ever.MERCAZ USA advocates for the following principles and goals:1. Rebuilding Israel in the aftermath of October 7 and Supporting Our Hostages: We will work to ensure the WZO and its afliates help rebuild the communities devastated on October 7 and provide vital support to those who have been held hostage and their families.2. Combating Antisemitism: We direct resources into our communities to combat antisemitism and provide education that addresses the root causes of hate.3. An Equitable and Inclusive Democracy in Israel: We are committed to upholding democracy and civil rights for all in Israel and to including all Jews in the Zionist vision of a democratic Israel, especially with extremists seeking to take control and impose their will on us all.4. Educating on Zionism and Addressing Misinformation: We promote understanding of the Zionist vision, dispel misconceptions about Zionism, counter anti-Zionist actions, and challenge rhetoric that threatens Israel’s safety and security.5. Preserving a Pluralistic Jewish Society: We envision a future where Jewish people of all backgrounds can realize the dream of a secure, pluralistic and democratic Israel with fair treatment of Jews and non-Jews who call Israel home, regardless of beliefs, gender or sexual orientation.6. Strengthening the Bond Between American Jews and Israel: We claim space for Conservative/Masorti Jews in the Zionist future and bring more resources into our communities to connect the next generation with Israel and their Jewish identity.7. Funding, Resources, and Support for Conservative/Masorti Movement’s Values: We advocate for funding to enrich Jewish life in the U.S., including synagogue programming, comprehensive Israel education through Ramah and USY, and more. We will ght to secure government recognition of all streams of Judaism, implement the Kotel Agreement and oppose all attempts to restrict the Law of Return.8. Achieving Peace and Stability in the Region: We stand in support of the vision of an Israel integrated within the region and at peace with all its neighbors, including the Palestinians.Endorsed by: • Cantors Assembly (CA)• Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS)• Federation of Jewish Mens Clubs (FJMC)• The North American Association of Synagogue Executives (NAASE)• National Ramah Commission (Camp Ramah)• Rabbinical Assembly (RA)• United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ)• Women’s League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ)• Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies Shuly Rubin Schwartz New York, NYRabbi Elliot Cosgrove New York, NYRabbi Erez Sherman Los Angeles, CADaniel Olson Port Chester, NYRabbi Debra Newman Kamin Highland Park, ILRabbi Hillel Skolnik Columbus, OHRabbi Jacob Blumenthal Gaithersburg, MDRabbi Josh Warshawsky Columbus, OHSarrae G Crane New York, NYRabbi Ashira Konigsburg New York, NYRabbi Alan Silverstein Caldwell, NJRabbi Eric Leiderman Chicago, ILAmy Skopp Cooper Bronx, NYHazzan Joanna Selznick Dulkin Minnetonka, MNRabbi Bradley Shavit Artson Los Angeles, CAChristopher Penello New York, NYJulia Loeb Rockville, MDRabbi Jay M. Kornsgold East Windsor, NJRabbi Menachem Creditor White Plains, NYNoa Kligfeld Los Angeles, CAAndrew Schaer Carnegie, PARabbi-Cantor Hillary Chorny Los Angeles, CAJudy Gold New York, NYDaniel Zappin Spring House, PARabbi Harold J Kravitz Minnetonka, MNNicholas Losorelli Los Angeles, CARabbi Annie Tucker White Plains, NYRabbi Ben Sigal Fairfax, VARachel Russo Highland Park, ILDebbi Kaner Goldich Scottsdale, AZAlan Levine New York, NYAnna Milstein West Orange, NJAlan D Budman Warminster, PARabbi Nolan Lebovitz, PhD Encino, CARabbi Cheryl Peretz Los Angeles, CASamuel Lurie Livingston, NJRabbi Nicole Guzik Los Angeles, CARabbi Gideon Estes Houston, TXLieutenant Commander Rabbi Yonatan M Warren, CHC, USN Norfolk, VAYaffa Kornsgold New York, NYTom Sudow Shaker Heights, OHRabbi Ami Hersh Orangeburg, NYNaomi Yadin-Mendick Sandy Spring, MDRabbi Sam Hollander Cherry Hill, NJCarol Simon Boynton Beach, FLHazzan Luis Cattan New York, NYRabbi Ayelet S. Cohen New York, NYJory Harris-Blumenthal Gaithersburg, MDRabbi Gail Labovitz Los Angeles, CAAlana Tilman New York, NYRabbi Aaron Weininger Minneapolis, MNRabbi Jesse R. Nagelberg Olney, MDRabbi Joel Seltzer Cherry Hill, NJDiane Snyder Steren Rockville, MDRabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields Ocean Township, NJMicah Symons New York, NYRabbi Robin S Foonberg Long Beach, CARabbi Eytan Hammerman White Plains, NYSusan Z Kasper King of Prussia, PASam Gruenberg Pikesville, MDDiane Halivni Deereld, ILHazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey Alexandria, VALarry I Brandspiegel East Windsor, NJJacki Honig Las Vegas, NVRichard Helfand Overland Park, KSMiriam Benson New Haven, CTBruce Tomar Ventnor, NJRabbi Benjy Forester Chicago, ILSandy Starkman Highland Park, ILJonathan Adler Philadelphia, PAJoseph Menashe Los Angeles, CAJared Laff Doylestown, PALori Dalou Narberth, PAMitchell J Ross Paradise Valley, AZIlene Berman Encino, CACameron Elizabeth Fields Asbury Park, NJKarl B Rubin Columbus, OHEliot Meadow Charlotte, NCAndrea Loshin Colby Metuchen, NJAaron D. Charlack Pittsburgh, PARobert Greenwald Kingston, PAWilliam Levenson Washington, DCLori Snow Audubon, PARabbi Gavriella Kornsgold Los Angeles, CARabbi Jeremy Fineberg Sharon, MAMERCAZ USA Platform 2025The Voice of Conservative/Masorti JudaismJoshua M. Edelglass Medeld, MAAnna Serviansky Atlanta, GARabbi Lindsay Goldman New York, NYBarbara Finkel Annandale, VA Jennifer Sokol Armonk, NYMaria Samiljan Marblehead, MAToby Klein Antioch, ILIlyse Wagner Bellevue, WARichard S Moline Chicago, ILMichelle Sugarman Aston, PAMichael Lippman Los Angeles, CAFran Shonfeld Sherman Highland Park, ILMichelle Bider Stone Los Angeles, CAAliyah Rahamim Irvine, CAHannah Seligman Washington, DCBari Sigal Silver Spring, MDTalia Rasiel Washington, DCMelissa Harkavy Syracuse, NYErika Wohl Washington, DCShira Gorin Olney, MDAbby Litwin Bogota, NJYakira Kress Highland Park, NJ
DORSHEI TORAH V’TZION: TORAH AND ISRAEL FOR THE FUTURE OF ALL JEWS - PLATFORMIn the wake of the horrific attacks on October 7, 2023, the Zionist Movement needs to unify to electproven bridgebuilders with the ability to work across the entire Zionist ideological spectrum. At the mostrecent Zionist Congress, Dorshei Torah v’Tzion (DTT) demonstrated that it can play this role to span thatdivide.RELIGIOUS PLURALISM DTT supports efforts to strengthen the Jewish identity of Israel as astate and to connect individual Jewish Israelis to their heritage. Wesupport efforts to allow multiple religious options in the public andprivate sphere that reflect the reality of the State of Israel. Forexample, Israelis should have choices regarding weddings andprayer spaces at the Kotel. Every Jew eligible to make Aliyah underthe law of return must have a path to marry legally in Israel. We alsosupport alternative paths to conversion outside of the IsraeliRabbinate (Giyur K’halacha in Israel and all Orthodox conversionsoutside of Israel). We will advocate that the National Institutions ofIsrael call on the State of Israel to recognize these choices. EMPOWERING WOMEN DTT supports systemic and legal changes that protect, support andempower women. We seek to expand the spiritual, ritual, religiousleadership, intellectual and political opportunities for women. Wesupport finding and implementing a sustainable solution to put anend to the Agunah crisis. We advocate for meaningful participationand equality for women in family life, synagogues, houses of learningand Jewish communal organizations. We also seek to raiseawareness of and address the growing trends that exclude womenfrom policy making decisions and public performances, and thaterase images of women and girls from advertisements andpublications.LGBTQ+ INCLUSIONDTT seeks a Zionist movement and a State of Israel that is inclusiveof people of all sexual orientations and all family structures. LGBTQ+individuals must be protected from harassment and discrimination,and they have the right to build the families of their choosing,including through surrogacy and adoption.SUPPORT YESHIVOT AND MIDRASHOT FOR MENAND FOR WOMENWe believe that Yeshivot and Midrashot in Israel strengthen the souland spirit of the nation, working with the entire educational system inIsrael to train people to function as productive members of society.We particularly support the institution of Yeshivot Hesder and Shiluv,which have given the IDF some of its finest and most dedicatedsoldiers and officers. We will seek increased funding for Midrashotfor women, which often receive less funding than Yeshivot for men.STRENGTHEN UNITY OF AM YISRAEL DTT seeks to strengthen the bonds between Jews in Israel and theDiaspora and to promote initiatives that deepen understandingbetween the two communities. We encourage and support Aliyah toIsrael and support increasing aid to all Jews who want to settle in ournational homeland.ZIONISM AND SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL DTT will work to increase support for Zionism and the State of Israelamong Jews and non-Jews in both the political realm and civil space.We work to combat anti-Zionism and those who seek to delegitimizethe State of Israel and its right to exist, especially on universitycampuses. Our representatives have served on the Task Force toCombat Anti-Zionism and led the task force in addressing anti-Zionistsentiments on social media, Wikipedia, and on campus.PEACE, SECURITY, AND SOCIAL JUSTICEDTT is committed to supporting efforts to find a just and viable peacefor Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, with security and dignityfor all, including the Palestinian people. DTT would like to see Israelexpand its role as a leader in the global cause for social justice,working to prevent suffering and oppression of the vulnerable andmarginalized in Israel and around the world.PASTORAL CARE AND TRAINING DTT will encourage the National Institutions to support training forproviders of pastoral care and the provision of such care to Israelisoldiers, the people of Israel, and the global Jewish community tohelp address the traumas of the post October 7 world both in Israeland in the Diaspora.Specific Proposals – DTT Supports:A Path for Legal Marriage for all Israeli Citizens.Opportunities for Women’s Religious Leadership in Israel.Recognition of Conversions of Gi’yur Ki’halakha and of all OrthodoxConversions Outside Israel.Legal Protections from Discrimination for LGTBQ+ Individuals, Includingthe Right to Have Children through Surrogacy and Adoption.Multiple Respectful Prayer Sections at the Kotel to AccommodateEveryone.Equal Funding for Midrashot for Women.Funding for Programming that Connects Israeli and DiasporaCommunities.Additional Aid for New Olim.Increased Funding for Pastoral Care and Training.TORAHAND ISRAELFOR ALLSlate #18
SLATE Rabbi Avi Weiss Rabba Sara Hurwitz Rabbi Dov Linzer Rabbanit Leah Sarna Daphne Lazar Price Esther Sperber Rabbi Jason Herman Judah Guggenheim Rabbi David A. Schwartz Dr. Mindy Feldman Hecht Rabbi Yonah S. Berman Rabbanit Shalhevet Cahana Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz Rabbi Steven Greenberg Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum Ruthie Yudelson Miryam Kabakov Rabbi Barry Dolinger Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky Ayelet Lederman Peninah Taragin Gershman Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot Rabbi Chaim Marder Ezra Landman-Feigelson Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe Gabriel Slamovits Rabbi Saul Strosberg Eyden Price Rabbanit Aliza Sperling Susan Hornstein Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro Sarina Price Rabbi Asher Lopatin Pam Greenwood Rabbanit Tamar Green Eisenstat, Esq. Shalhevet Adler Behnam Dayanim Rabbi Hyim Shafner Susan Fuld Hadar Adler Eric Hecht1. Richard Langer Dr. Yedida Eisenstat Ariel Groveman Weiner Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower Rabbi Aaron Braun Rabbi Ari Hart Brana Gurewitsch Jessie Katz Rabbi Steven Exler Rabbi Barry Gelman Michael Schwartz Rabbi Max Davis Oneg Kaufman-Grob Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn Benjamin Small Rabbi Nissan Antine Rabbi Mark Trencher Wendy Lefko Messeloff Rebecca Chernoff-Schwartz Oren Adler Rabbi Uri Topolosky Erica Schwartz Binyamin Novetsky Elaine Chapnik Rabbi Phil Kaplan Rabbi Aaron Finkelstein Brocha Katz Bracha Gold Fine Rabbi Joseph Kanefsky Ilana Gimpelevich Victoria Gnip Yali Szulanski Karolyn Benger Sophie Greenbaum Rabbi Frederick Klein Daniel Perla Amanda Goldstein Eden Gershman Paul Kujawsky Robert Sidlow Dr. Agnes Veta42. ISRAELFOR ALLSponsor: International Rabbinic Fellowship. Endorsed by: Slate #18
ISRAELI AMERICAN COUNCILתיאקירמא-תילארשיה הליהקה ןוגראWHY VOTE FOR IAC?The IAC promotes unity by producing a vibrant, engaged, and unapologetically confident Israeli-American and Jewish-American community, regardless of observance level or partisan affiliation, as part of one global Jewish family.We enhance the Jewish and Israeli identity among children, youth, and young adults through educational programs rooted in nationhood, Judaism, Zionism, Hebrew, and a deep love and connection to Israel.To ensure that U.S support for Israel will never waiver under any circumstances, the IAC engages in strategic policy advocacy, advances anti-discrimination and anti-BDS legislation, and leverages relationships with decision-makers.JEWISH UNITY • לארשי םע תודחאלארשי םע תודחאThe IAC combats all forms of antisemitism, including anti-Zionism, by aggressively responding to antisemitic incidents; attacking the ideological sources of Jew-hatred; securing the safety of the Jewish community; forcing schools and universities to create a nurturing environment for Jews; and promoting philosemitism through education and programs.COMBAT ANTISEMITISM • תוימשטנאב המיחלתוימשטנאב המיחלWe integrate Israeli culture, language, and ethos into American Jewish life, ensuring the Israeli voice is central and vibrant within the global Jewish narrative.ISRAELINESS • תוילארשיתוילארשיNEXT-GENERATION IDENTITY • אבה רודה תוהזאבה רודה תוהזINFLUENCE ON POLICY • תוינידמ לע העפשהתוינידמ לע העפשהVOTE FOR IAC | SLATE #22םכלש םידכנהו םידליה דיתע ןעמל ועיבצהTHE NATIONAL COMMUNITY-BASED JEWISH ORGANIZATION WITH ISRAEL AT HEARTFOR THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN
SERVICE תוריש ISRAELI AMERICAN COUNCILתיאקירמא-תילארשיה הליהקה ןוגראVOTE FOR IAC | SLATE #22VOTE FOR IAC | SLATE #22Elan S. Carr - CATal Shuster - NJ Prof. Avi Almozlino - MAKevin Khadavi - NYAya Shechter - CADanny Alpert - CANoa Peri Jensch - NVAlly Wolodarsky - NYYossi Rabinovitz - CAMiri Shepher - CALydia Frankel - OHOfek Suchard - FLAlon Mor - CODaniel Serfaty - MAEsther Leavitt Azulay - FLDoron Malka - CAGal Hayon - NVKaren Bar-Or - MAOfra Etzion - NV Shelly Shwartz - TXTal Fitlovich - CARoy Alpert - NY Maor Cohen - NY Gila Milstein - CABarak Yakobovich - NYLior Yehuda - CAIdit Lotringer - FLShirli Depas Diner - CA Jake Bennett - AZBen Yeshurun - ILAdi Livyatan - CAAmit Kleinberger - CAMiri Ketayi - FLHodaya Knafo - CAEinat Gabriely - FLSagit Sade - MAInbal Greenberg - CANoy Nehardea - CATal Mor - NJTal Grinshtein - TXSophy Turkea Yurman - CAEden Gal - CAOded Krashinsky - CAJacky Teplitzky - NYChen Levanon - NVMaya Mor - COEldad Malka - COHila Levy Leumi - NJLiram Koblentz - CTAdira Fogelman - CATali Brauman - COAyelet Hargash - NYLilach Levaton - NVAriel Barony - CADimitry Shimelfarb - NJTomer Saban - COAdin Schifman - NYMaya Ruttenberg - CALiat Cohen Shaham - FLEdward Aminov - CATamar Nissim - CAUri Avatichi - OHMaya Gerassi - CAAvishag Ravid - NJEsti Burke - FLJeremy Szkolnik - CADaniel Frey - CABenji Sarnovskiy - CACOMMUNITYהליהק UNITYתודחאIDENTITYתוהזIAC360.ORG/WZCFOR MORE INFORMATION:
HerutNA.orgoffice@herutna.orgS L A T E N U M B E R : 23WE WORK IN THE WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS TO INCREASE FUNDINGAND PROVIDE RESOURCES AND SUPPORT FOR: H E R U T N O R T H A M E R I C A : T H E J A B O T I N S K Y M O V E M E N TU N A P O L O G E T I C Z I O N I S M A N D J E W I S H P R I D EEMPOWERING JEWISH IDENTITY,INSPIRING PROUD ZIONISM, ANDBUILDING COMMUNITY.HERUT IS NOT ANOTHER CAREER ZIONIST ORGANIZATION:All members are volunteers. All funding goes directly toward activities.Rehabilitation and Emotional Support for Veterans and IsraelisAffected by October 7th and the war Combatting AntisemitismIDF & Lone SoldiersFacilitating AliyahEducational Outreach and Community EngagementJewish UnityJewish Indigenous Rights to The Land of Israel office@herutna.org2 0 2 5 S L A T EP l e a s e v o t e f o r H e r u t N o r t h A m e r i c a – T h e J a b o t i n s k y M o v e m e n t a n d j o i n ac o m m i t t e d , d i v e r s e g r o u p o f A m e r i c a n Z i o n i s t s w o r k i n g t o b r i n g p o s i t i v e , c r e a t i v ec h a n g e t o t h e Z i o n i s t M o v e m e n t a t t h e n e x t W o r l d Z i o n i s t C o n g r e s s . T h e H e r u tZ i o n i s t s s l a t e i n c l u d e s l e a d e r s f r o m a w i d e r a n g e o f J e w i s h o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n da f f i l i a t i o n s . T o g e t h e r , w e s t a n d w i t h s t u d e n t s , e d u c a t o r s , r a b b i s , a c t i v i s t s , I D Fv e t e r a n s , a c a d e m i c s , j o u r n a l i s t s , l e g a l s c h o l a r s , a n d o t h e r s w h o a r e m a k i n g a r e a ld i f f e r e n c e f o r t h e S t a t e o f I s r a e l a n d J e w s w o r l d w i d e .EMPOWERING JEWISH IDENTITY, INSPIRING PROUD ZIONISM, AND BUILDING COMMUNITY.Daniel A. Kaskel, Esq. (FL)Dr. Ira (Ike) Jacobson (FL) Miriam Fischer-Vidal (FL)Alexandra S. Martynov (GA)Yonatan Herzfeld (NY)Richard Golden, Esq. (FL) Jackie Sackstein (MD)Aaron Roth (DC)Gila Stern (FL) Gary S. Lesser, Esq. (FL)Michael Ackerman (FL) Dmitri Shufutinsky (PA)Dvorah Singleton (IN)Jeff Dunetz (NY)Joshua Goldstein (NJ)Joshua Szafran (NY)Karen LichtBraun (NY)Brandy Shufutinsky (PA)Stacey Aviva Flint (CO)Gina Raphael (CA)Andrew Koch (MD) Tana Sachs Copple, Esq. (FL)Bruce K. Gould, Esq. (FL) Jordana Schacht-Levine (NY)Sandra Kessler (NY)Alison Pure Slovin (IL)Shimmie Kaminetsky (FL)Dovid Fischer (FL)Larry Shepherd (GA) Teddy Struhl (FL)Brian Pikelny (IL)Abby Newburger (MD)Melissa Berenson (FL)Marcus Breman (CO)Lisa Gladstone (FL)Rabbi Natan Trief (GA)Roey Katz (MD)Justin Sherman (IN)Seth Newmeyer (WI)Ben Aviv (DC)Nancy Karkowsky (MD)Shimshon Cook (TX) Lowell Fletcher (KS)Rosa Golish (FL)Dr. Jonathan Winograd (FL)Dr. Yehuda Marcus (FL)Liz Kardon (NC)Avi Walsky (CA) Alexandra Levine (FL)Dr. Robert Walsky (NJ)Leonard Grunstein, Esq (FL)Carla Levine (FL)Dr. Larry Halperin (FL) B E A P A R T O F T H E F U T U R E O F T H E Z I O N I S T M O V E M E N TDr. Orlie Levy (FL)David Hopper (OH)Dr. Akiva Daum (FL)Sara Schandelson (FL)Joseph Landsberg (FL)Susan Golden (FL)Dr. Daniel Rudensky (FL)Martin Schandelson (FL)James Levine (FL)Nina Levine (FL)Jason Zangre (FL)Alan Berger (FL)Jonathan Rackman (FL)Kimberly Juroviesky (FL)Hayley Ostrofksy (FL)Sara Light (FL)Dr. Elie Mendelson (FL)Elliot Allswang (FL)Samy Dwek (FL)Roger Froikin (FL)Dr. Avi Amsalem (FL)Lauren Cohen, Esq. (FL)Jeremy Zisholtz, Esq. (FL)Henrietta Golden (FL)Sue Kaskel (FL)Zoe Schacht-Levine (NY)Brian Sacks (FL)Colin Stein (FL)Wayne Ostrofsky (FL)Stephanie Benshimol (NY)Shachar Binyamin (NY)Carolyn Restivo (FL)L.A. Perkins, Esq. (FL)Dr. Josh Light (FL)Danny Gilbert (FL)Amy Klausner (NJ)Stuart Wax (FL)Dr. Prosper Abitbol (FL) Obi Clark (CA)Shayna Kaskel (FL)Jacob Jaffe (VA)Craig Bainbridge (PA)Andrew Timothy (VA)Ahuva Elefant (FL)Hadassah Turner (FL)Deborah Frimet (FL)Benjamin Bauer (NY)Howard Klarman (FL)Joshua Hirth (FL)Gwenn Drucker-Flait (FL)Steven Goldstein (FL)Robert Klausner, Esq. (NJ)Yehuda Holzer (FL)Rebecca Zissel, Esq. (FL)Danny Weber, Esq. (FL)Adrienne Klein (FL)Rivka Friedman (NY)Jeremy Dicker, Esq. (FL)Michael Chapnick, Esq. (FL)Ira Kaskel (FL)Evelyn Reich (FL)Carol Cohen (FL)Ricki Rubin (NY)Doris Zilberstein (FL)Jeff Wolfe, Esq. (FL)Dr. Dror Kolton (CA)Ory Schwartz (FL)Spencer Sax, Esq. (FL)Victor Berwin, Esq. (FL)Harvey Bell (NJ)Claire Collins (FL)Jeffrey Zirulnick (FL)David Lugassy (FL)Larry Schner, Esq. (FL)Emily Herzfeld (NY)Bella Fishman (CA)Bailey Herzfeld (NY)Wallace Rodecker (CA)Howard Kirschenbaum (CA)Sarah Pechenik (GA) Daniel Silverman, Esq. (NY)Aryeh Meiteles (FL)Andrew Harary (NJ)Pamela Abitbol (FL)Arlene Kline, Esq. (FL) Peter Sachs, Esq. (FL)Alexa Weil (NY)Dara Levy (CA)Jeff Baum (FL)Ron Gall (FL) Taylor Faust (FL)Dr. Robert Dolgow (FL)Maurice Egozi (FL)Alden Mamann (FL)Magi Vasser (NY)Naomi Cohn (NY) Avi Yosef (FL)Ethel C. Fenig (IL)Nina Sachs, Esq. (FL)Laurie Rodetsky-Joffe (FL)David Edman (PA)Daniel Olgin (OH)Richard Gabai (FL)Mark Klinger (FL)Mark Astor, Esq. (FL)Judith Eller (FL)Steven Glueck, Esq. (FL)Benjamin Scholom (IL)Randy Narkir, Esq. (FL)Larry Greenberg (IL)Gwenn Zellner (FL)LeSandra Hart (MD)Michael Mizrahi (FL)Marc Birnbaum, Esq. (FL)Miles Bednarczyk (SC)Lois Reisman (NY)Beth Scholom (IL) Reuven Vidal (FL)Yehuda Herzfeld (NY)Eliana Chiovetta (NY)Elise Feuerstein Karras (NY) Steven Eller (FL)Andrew Pessin (MD)Dylan Shaffer (FL)Nancy Kurtzman (PA) Norma Walsky (NJ)Yaakov Garber (MD)Shari Bohmstein (NY)Gena Faigenblat (PR)Majida Noa Lazkani (FL)Beth Pikelny (IL) Howard Hassan (NY)Justin Brook (FL)Patricia Fox-Yurman (FL)Miriam Shapiro (NY) Anna Shaknovsky (GA) Michael Fischer (MI)Alex Shaknovsky (GA)Danny Mizrachi (FL)Jacob Gould (VA)Anastasia Telishevsky (GA)Nastya Shorina (GA)Tim Shorin (GA)Samantha Best (GA)Gabriella Carpenter (GA)Evreitor Martynov (GA)Anton Telishevksy (GA)Roma Telishevsky (GA)Johnnie Singleton (IN)Cory Singleton (IN)Alexandria Singleton (IN)Michelle Levine (NY)Irina Larichev (GA)Megan Selway (MD)Lev Vasserman (NY) Ira Kozak (IL)Saul Levin (FL)