veterans@morgan.eduCONTACT INFOWE CAN HELP!VES INFORMATION SESSIONSPurposeThe Veterans EngagementServices team is the mainpoint of contact for allstudents holding any form ofmilitary affiliation on MorganState University’s campus. As such, the team hostsseveral VES InformationSessions every term to helpnew, transfer, and continuingstudents with the onboardingprocess, best practices forusing VA/DoD Educationalbenefits, and ensuring thatstudents are up to date on thelatest, policies and militaryservices available to themwhile matriculating.Detailed overviews ofuniversity, VA, and DoDpolicies and proceduresto provide the necessarysupport to fostersatisfactory degreecompletion success.Assist student veteranswith the best practicesfor maximizing theusage of their benefitentitlement. Keep students in theloop on events andspecialized services.QR codes and access info is on ourContact Us!
The VES Listserv is a question-and-answerdepository available to all student veteransafter they register with VES. Get instant access to information on recentpolicies, benefit updates, billing and fundingdetails, university best practices, and ourmost frequently asked questions. ACCESSIBLE 24 HOURS/7 DAYS A WEEK.VeteransEngagementServicesVES
veterans@morgan.eduVES SOCIAL MEDIAFOLLOW US TODAYPurpose:VES social media platforms are used to disseminateinformation to our military students. We keep our studentsup to date with upcoming events, scholarships, promotions,and career opportunities. We use social media as a tool fornetworking and communication. Follow us to stay informed!VES Social Media Platforms:Instagram: ove_msuTikTok: vetsengteamTwitter: veterans_msuSnapchat: vetseng_msuFacebook: veteransengagementservices
VeteransEngagementServices Presents..Purpose:Activities Belt:Have ideas for fun: email veterans@morgan.eduAt VES Thursday’s student veterans are invited to meet up casuallywith a designated VES team member. In-person every Thursday for 2-3 hours in a centralized environment of the University Student Center. Students can participate in our themed holiday and seasonalactivities. Collaborate on projects, hear the latest news, and gainaccess to career and volunteer opportunities. Have questions??Stop by to say Hi!Create seasonal stockingsGuess the JellybeansCard to a VetCrazy hat dayBanana GramsArts & CraftsValentine surprises andmore...VESThursdays
With ThanksWE CELEBRATE YOU!WE CONGRATULATE YOU!This reception is a time to celebrate youand your accomplishments. The VES teamuses this time to honor our military-affiliated students who have embarked ona journey of a lifetime. Attending andcompleting your matriculation is somethingto celebrate and we want to make sure youknow how proud of you we are!It was a pleasure to serve those who haveservice and sacrificed. Congratulations!!!VETERANSENGAGEMENTSERVICESGRADUATIONRECEPTIONEVENT REGISTRATION SEMIANNUALLY.REFRESHMENTS ARE SERVED!!! VETERANS@MORGAN.EDU
Need to talk to VeteransNeed to talk to VeteransEngagement Services?Engagement Services?Schedule an appointment here!Schedule an appointment here!