es Includ ing n r a e Fun l nd a s e c ien r e p x e ies t i v i t 4 Ac ds for ki AI IN SPACE BY CHAI THE AI BOT
Foreword A I I S H E R E A R E Y O U R K I D S R E A D Y Kids are already interacting with artificial intelligence AI in their daily lives But how much do they understand about the opportunities and potential of AI And what can parents like you do to help them grasp the implications applications and concepts behind it Those are big questions and AIClub is providing the answers in a fun book series that helps kids understand this emerging technology and help you as a parent guide them as they learn all that AI has to offer This book and others in this series are brought to you by AIClub a group of technology experts teachers and parents who are passionate about helping our kids learn enjoy technology and imagine what they can create with it for themselves and a better future Best Wishes Nisha Talagala CEO AIClub
Hi I am Chai the AI Bot I am a bot that teaches kids Artificial Intelligence AI In this book we will learn about what AI is and how it is used in space You will discover how we use AI to send ships to space and how rovers on Mars use AI
Contents 1 W H A T 2 H O W 3 H O W I S A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E D O E S T R A V E L T O C A N L A N D I N A I H E L P U S S P A C E A I H E L P U S S P A C E 4 H O W 5 A I A N D T H E M A R S 66 A I F O R T H E F U T U R E 7 6 D O E S A I H E L P A S T R O N A U T S S P A C E W H A T R O V E R O F T R A V E L H A V E W E L E A R N E D
1 W H A T I S A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E 1
Humans are intelligent They can think and make decisions They can naturally recognize sounds objects around them etc and do things such as Make plans Play games See things and people Hear and understand sounds Read books Have conversations 2
Machines on the other hand can be made smart by adding some intelligence to them to do specific tasks In this book we learn how machines that are made intelligent by using the technology of Artificial Intelligence AI can help us in space 3
y t i v i t Ac Time Which of these is AI Seeing an animal outside and knowing it is a dog Adding two numbers Reading a book Playing music 4
Which of these is AI Seeing an animal outside and knowing it is a dog Yes This is AI Adding two numbers No Computers can do this without AI Reading a book Yes This is AI Playing music Maybe Sometimes this needs AI 5
2 H O W H E T R A S P D O E S A I L P U S V E L T O A C E 7
Let s look at how AI can help us go into space AI based assistants can detect any dangers in spacecraft It can alert humans with suggestions to fix the problem RAISR from NASA is an example of AI that detects failures in spacecraft It helps diagnose problems within the spacecraft even if they have not been seen before 8
Satellite data processing AI can be used to understand the information satellites send back to earth This can help the spacecraft navigate space Planning a mission into space is not an easy task but Artificial Intelligence can help engineers look at data from past missions and plan ahead 9
3 H O W C A N A I H E L P U S L A N D I N S P A C E 11
How AI can help us land in space TRN Terrain Relative Navigation from NASA is an AI that guided the Mars Perseverance rover to land perfectly on Mars It took pictures of the Mars surface and the AI used the pictures to figure out where the rover was and helped land the rover safely on Mars 12
Cameras and sensors on the spacecraft feed information to AIs The AI uses this information to instruct astronauts when it s safe to leave the spacecraft The AI also stores this information which will be useful for future missions 13
4 H O W D O E S A I H E L P A S T R O N A U T S 15
Let s look at how AI helps Astronauts AI powered robots can carry out risky jobs that aren t safe for human astronauts CIMON an Artificial Intelligence assistant is developed to talk with astronauts The AI works as a friend in space Astrobee is a flying AI machine that helps astronauts with daily tasks and identifies problems in the space station 16
NASA is creating a next generation spacesuit which is being built for the Artemis mission in 2024 AI helps the portable life support system that keeps the suit powered and oxygenated maintains the right temperature and supports communication with the outside world AI will enable astronauts to monitor their health modify their nutrition and adjust their fitness training to minimize muscle loss in space 17
5 A I A N D T H E M A R S R O V E R 19
AI and The Mars Rover Terrain Relative Navigation is an AI used for navigating the surface of Mars It identifies the obstacles quickly and helps the rover avoid bumping into rocks 20
The rover reacts and performs without any human support with the help of AI This is great as we can collect information about Mars without actually being there A rover can drive around to different areas on Mars studying the different chemicals in each rock This can help researchers learn more about Mars and space 21
6 A I F O R T H E F U T U R E O F S P A C E T R A V E L 23
AI for the future of space travel The Tesla Roadster has been traveling farther and farther away The Roadster won t reach a near Earth orbit until 2091 So far the Roadster has completed 1 3 orbits around the Sun and it ll keep going 24
SpaceX is already under way building its first floating spaceport platform It will provide launch and landing capabilities NASA also plans to land the first woman on the moon by 2024 25
7 W H A T H A V E W E L E A R N E D 27
What have we learned AI can help humans in space as well as on earth AI can help astronauts in space travel safely without getting hurt 29 Artificial Intelligence computes information quickly for astronauts to make timely decisions in space
y t i v i t Ac Time Let s create your own Space Rover
My AI Space Rover is called ____________________ How is your Space Rover different from a regular car 1 ___________________ 2 ___________________ 3 ___________________ 4 ___________________ 5 ___________________ Amazing How does it do that ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
y t i v i t Ac Time Mix and Match Draw a line from the tasks on the left to which AI can do it on the right Play your favorite music Send messages Pick things up from the ground Talk to other cars Analyze rock particles Drive without a person in the vehicle Call the police if it hits something
Mix and Match Space Rover Self Driving Car
y t i v i t Ac Time Mix and Match Draw a line from the tasks on the left to which AI can do it on the right Play your favorite music Call your friend Pick things up from the ground Talk to other cars Analyze rock particles Drive without a person inside the vehicle Call the police if it hits something
Mix and Match Space Rover Self Driving Car
y t i v i t Ac Time Word Search Lets find these words AIClub Space Drive Astronaut Speed Mars Rover Moon Light Self driving Navigation Lunar Solar Terrain Earth
ity Activ Time
ity Activ Time Answers
Glossary A glossary is a little dictionary at the end of a book Here are a few words that will help you through this book Mars Rover A Mars rover is an AI powered motor vehicle that travels across the surface of the planet Mars upon arrival NASA NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA is a U S government agency that is responsible for science and technology related to air and space Space Mission A journey by a manned or unmanned vehicle into space for a specific reason normally to gather scientific data 23
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