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4/2/24 Boardbook

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Fiscal YTD 03/31/2024Fiscal YE 08/31/2023ASSETSCurrent AssetsCashFineMark Bank - Operating 1,867,603.95$ 139,504.07$ FineMark Bank - Disaster Relief Fund 4,096.14 4,096.14 Oppenheimer 0.04 0.16 Total Cash 1,871,700.13 143,600.37 Other Current AssetsPrepaid Expenses 246.00 9,746.00 Receivables 47,075.00 - Total Other Current Assets 47,321.00 9,746.00 Total Current Assets 1,919,021.13 153,346.37 TOTAL ASSETS 1,919,021.13$ 153,346.37$ LIABILITIES & EQUITYCurrent LiabilitiesAccounts Payable 1,799,485.12$ 8,537.32$ Accrued Expenses 76,223.77 43,497.27 Deferred Revenue 4,000.00 16,600.00 Reserve for Revenue at Risk - 10,000.00 Total Current Liabilities 1,879,708.89 78,634.59 EquityFund Balance 74,711.78 64,134.30 Net Revenue (35,399.54) 10,577.48 Total Equity 39,312.24 74,711.78 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 1,919,021.13$ 153,346.37$ BOBBY NICHOLS-FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION, INC.BALANCE SHEETS

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Fiscal YTD 03/31/2024Fiscal YTD 03/31/2023Fiscal YE 08/31/2023RevenueEvent AuctionLive 328,000.00$ 422,500.00$ 422,500.00$ Silent 128,182.00 137,402.00 137,402.00 Instant Items 25,917.20 27,250.00 27,250.00 Total Auction and Instant Items 482,099.20 587,152.00 587,152.00 Appeals 537,800.00 344,875.00 344,875.00 Total Auction and Appeals 1,019,899.20 932,027.00 932,027.00 OtherRaffle, net 48,170.00 43,236.00 43,236.00 Wine Pull, net 3,800.00 3,424.72 3,424.72 Dinner Tickets 5,150.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Lemonade Stand 2,877.00 3,647.00 3,647.00 Total Other 59,997.00 59,307.72 59,307.72 Golf Entry FeesPaid Golf Entry Fees 163,000.00 144,550.00 144,550.00 Plus Comped Sponsor Golfers 198,750.00 195,000.00 195,000.00 Total Golf Entry Fees 361,750.00 339,550.00 339,550.00 Revenue at Risk Recovered 10,000.00 20,500.00 59,500.00 SponsorshipsChampions for Children 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 Title 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Presenting 230,000.00 230,000.00 230,000.00 Principal 125,000.00 104,561.78 104,561.78 Platinum 199,750.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 Diamond 210,000.00 195,000.00 195,000.00 Gold 130,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 Silver - 7,500.00 7,500.00 Ruby 121,479.02 102,799.08 102,799.08 Emerald 45,000.00 44,875.00 42,375.00 Quartz 36,250.00 35,000.00 36,000.00 Copper 8,200.00 7,250.00 7,250.00 Bronze - 300.00 300.00 Total Sponsorships 1,355,679.02 1,227,285.86 1,225,785.86 Less Comped Sponsor Golfers (198,750.00) (195,000.00) (195,000.00) Sponsorships, net 1,156,929.02 1,032,285.86 1,030,785.86 Tennis and Pickleball 6,835.00 5,725.00 5,725.00 Total Event Revenue 2,615,410.22 2,389,395.58 2,426,895.58 BOBBY NICHOLS-FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION, INC.STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE2 of 4

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Fiscal YTD 03/31/2024Fiscal YTD 03/31/2023Fiscal YE 08/31/2023BOBBY NICHOLS-FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION, INC.STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSEOther RevenueMembership DuesIndividual 11,550.00 10,850.00 10,850.00 Family 81,500.00 87,500.00 87,500.00 Total Membership 93,050.00 98,350.00 98,350.00 Anniversary Cookbook - 46.95 46.95 Wine Dinner, net 4,208.57 9,624.74 9,624.74 Contributions:Contributions - General 12,226.00 13,799.02 20,617.78 Contributions - Memorial 1,600.00 9,936.00 27,537.00 Contributions - Disaster Relief - 289,739.30 289,739.30 Contributions - United Way Designated - - 12,000.00 Total Contributions 13,826.00 313,474.32 349,894.08 Interest 8,363.39 225.50 234.57 Total Other Revenue 119,447.96 421,721.51 458,150.34 Total Revenue 2,734,858.18 2,811,117.09 2,885,045.92 Cost of Event RevenueAuction Items 54,452.00 40,358.81 30,238.72 Food and Beverage 265,113.14 212,439.48 211,439.48 Equipment Rental 279,286.99 271,645.20 268,178.31 Entrant Prizes and Gifts 84,879.00 83,718.11 83,718.11 Auctioneer 16,312.50 27,585.50 28,085.50 Golf Fees - Greens and Carts 12,026.00 21,350.00 21,350.00 Professional Golfer Appearance Fees and Prize Money 93,400.00 94,334.00 94,334.00 Other Event ExpenseAuction Technology Services 4,699.00 4,199.00 4,699.00 Credit Card Fees 27,922.99 27,049.89 27,157.66 Entertainment 9,300.00 9,057.00 9,057.00 FCC Labor 23,916.58 16,980.37 16,980.37 Flowers and Decorations 7,100.00 6,085.00 6,085.00 Marketing Services 29,247.00 17,514.00 30,225.67 Photography/Video 24,998.33 19,443.75 19,443.75 Postage and Shipping842.36 349.71 349.71 Printing 5,539.66 3,105.75 3,209.06 Security Services 2,400.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 Signs5,092.37 1,601.46 4,180.51 Special Event Insurance 2,366.86 1,448.40 1,448.40 Supplies 21,415.52 9,750.30 10,684.18 Other Event Expense 164,840.67 118,834.63 135,770.31 Tennis and Pcikleball 6,783.02 745.74 745.74 Total Cost of Event Revenue 977,093.32 871,011.47 873,860.17 Total Revenue, less of Cost of Event Revenue 1,757,764.86 1,940,105.62 2,011,185.75 3 of 4

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Fiscal YTD 03/31/2024Fiscal YTD 03/31/2023Fiscal YE 08/31/2023BOBBY NICHOLS-FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION, INC.STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSEAdministrative ExpenseBank and Brokerage Fees 45.91 76.63 76.63 Internet 406.48 336.49 558.98 D&O Liability Insurance 893.94 1,996.14 1,996.14 Disaster Relief Fund - 5,493.16 5,493.16 Licenses and Fees 350.00 358.75 420.00 Postage and Shipping 508.88 859.16 935.86 Printing 2,091.62 1,834.06 1,834.06 Professional Fees 17,100.58 17,237.50 22,000.00 Supplies 44.99 1,523.28 589.40 Storage Rent 1,722.00 1,393.00 2,554.04 Total Administrative Expense 23,164.40 31,108.17 36,458.27 Disaster Relief Fund Grants - 280,150.00 280,150.00 Charitable ContributionsCharitable Contributions Paid/Accrued: Abuse Counseling Treatment Center 595,000.00 589,000.00 589,000.00 Childrens's Advocacy Center 595,000.00 589,000.00 589,000.00 Blessings in a Backpack 187,000.00 179,000.00 179,000.00 Copper Cannon Camp 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 Greater Cincinnati Foundation/Johnny Bench Fund15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 Liberty Youth Ranch160,000.00 160,000.00 160,000.00 Pace Center for Girls105,000.00 165,000.00 165,000.00 Catholic Charities105,000.00 155,000.00 155,000.00 Total Charitable Contributions Paid/ Accr;ued 1,770,000.00 1,860,000.00 1,860,000.00 Pending Future Charitable Ccontributions Reversed - (176,000.00) (176,000.00) Total Charitable Contributions 1,770,000.00 1,684,000.00 1,684,000.00 Total Administrative, Disaster Relief and Charitable Contributions 1,793,164.40 1,995,258.17 2,000,608.27 Net Revenue (35,399.54)$ (55,152.55)$ 10,577.48$ 4 of 4

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