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40day Fasting booklet

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00:01Starting2/18/2024Ending3/29/202440DAYSwww.southsidelife.netFast & PrayGuide Booklet

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Thank you for joining us in our 2024 ConsecrationFast! The leadership of Southside is excited for whatwe will see God do in our church as we deny ourdesires to make God’s desires our priority. This year we are preparing ourselves for theunexpected from God. Our pastor at the close of2023 taught a series about how to prepare for theunexpected and fasting was apart of what God usedin the Bible. (Judges 20:26-27; Esther 4:16)We ask that you review the information contained inthis booklet and prayerfully listen to God for apersonal fast. Please talk to your doctor beforeattempting any fast because they can advise youhow to participate safely with your current level ofhealth and fitness. Thank you again for joining Southside as we seekGod. We are sure that God has a blessing for youbecause of your sacrifice and sincerity to hear fromHim.

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What is fasting?Fasting in the Bible was always associated with noteating food, abstaining from sexual relationships, andfocused prayer. Fasting is not just a biblical orspiritual practice. There have been studies to showthe health benefits more than weight loss that dohappen during times of regular fasting from food.Why fast?Fasting is more than abstaining from food; it’s aspiritual discipline that enhances our relationship withGod. It’s about surrendering ourselves and dedicatingour focus to spiritual growth.Benefits of fasting:Intimacy with God.1.Physical Health.2.A clear, sober mind.3.Spiritual Discipline.4.Increased spiritual capacity.5.Pure heart and mind.6.How do I fast?We suggest you fast based upon what you areseeking God to do in your life. Later we will give youan outline of 9 types of fasts. Please CONSULT YOURDOCTOR if you are on medication and adjust yourfast accordingly. When do I start and stop fasting?Southside is fasting 40days, from February 18ththrough March 29th at 7pm.

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What am I supposed to do during my fast?Fasting is about spiritually growing closer to God notabout giving up food or fun. During this time makesure to feed your soul by reading God’s word duringtimes you would normally eat. Read and journal thefocus scriptures for each day. Be still and quiet tohear God’s voice and guidance. Why is Southside fasting?We are fasting to prepare our hearts, minds, andsouls to hear from God. We also are asking God to grow us personally inour understanding of His plan for us, our church,and how to reach our community. We are consecrating or preparing ourselves to beused by God for the rest of 2024 starting withEaster Weekend to reach those around us with themessage of Jesus love and resurrection.What should I pray during this fast?Pray for God to speak to you in a way you canunderstand and do what He says after you readthe Bible. Ask God to show you who around you He wantsyou to connect with to share your story and faithin God. Pray for those who God is sending to Southsidethat we will be loving and ready to receive themno matter what they look like or their past. Pray for a personal issue or challenge you wantGod to address.Pray for your family members that God will makea way for you to share your faith in Jesus withthem.

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Focus and Bible verses for each week:2/18 - Closer to God (James 4:8)Mon: Cultivating a Quiet Heart - Psalm 37:7Tues: Seeking God’s Presence - Jer. 29:13Wed: Surrendering to God’s Call - Matt. 16:24Thurs: Trusting God’s Guidance - Prov. 3:5-6Fri: Experiencing God’s Love - Romans 5:8Sat: Drawing Near in Worship - James 4:82/25 - Listen to God (1 Samuel 3:8-10)Mon: Studying God’s Word - 2 Timothy 3:16Tues: Seeking God’s Guidance - James 1:5Wed: Prayer and Meditation - Psalm 5:3Thurs: Reflecting on God’s Presence - Ps. 145:5Fri: Recognizing God’s Voice - Isaiah 30:21Sat: Embracing Silence - Habakkuk 2:203/03 - Obey God (Deuteronomy 28:1)Mon: Understanding God’s Directions - Ps. 119:105Tues: Trusting in God’s Promises - Deut. 7:9Wed: Agree with God’s Plan - Psalm 37:5Thurs: Following God’s Plan - John 14:15Fri: Have Joy in the Bible - Psalm 40:8Sat: Putting God First - Matthew 6:33

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Focus and Bible verses for each week cont’:3/10 - Follow God (Matthew 3:18-20)Mon: Doing things God way everyday - Rom. 12:1Tues: Trusting God to Provide - Philippians 4:19Wed: Please God in All Things - Colossians 3:23Thurs: Asking God’s Direction - Psalm 119:133-136Fri: Follow Jesus’ Example - 1 John 2:6Sat: Growing in Faith and Trust - Romans 10:173/17 - Know God (John 17:3)Mon: Studying God’s Attributes - Psalm 147:5Tue: Experience God’s Faithfulness - Lam.3:22-23Wed: Seeking God’s Wisdom - Proverbs 2:6Thurs: Knowing God’s Love - Romans 5:8Fri: Knowing God is in Charge - Psalm 97:1Sat: Getting Closer with God - Philippians 3:103/24 - Share God (Philemon 1:6)Mon: Tell what God has Done - 1 Peter 3:15Tues: Show God’s Love by Serving - Eph. 2:10Wed: Tell People the Gospel - Mark 16:15Thurs: Live So Others See God - Matthew 5:13Fri: Teach People about God - Matthew 28:19

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GUIDELINES OF FASTINGRemember that the purpose of fasting is to choose atime to consecrate or devote ourselves to the serviceof God through the direction of the Holy Spirit, whichwill give us a larger spiritual capacity to follow theleading of the Holy Spirit.Fasting is giving up our regular meals (solid food) fora period of time. This allows us to gain control ofphysical appetites and brings our wants under thecontrol of God’s spiritual plan.COMMIT YOURSELF TO God or consecrate yourselfand pray.1.Drink up to 8 glasses of water at roomtemperature per day.2.Drink water, herbal tea, apple, cranberry, orvegetable juice at room temperature or slightlycool.3.Drink warm or hot herbal teas before going tosleep and when you get moving in the morning.4.

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9 FASTS IN THE BIBLE (check with your doctor 1st) The Disciple’s FastPurpose: To gain freedom from addictions & sinKey Verse: Matthew 17:21Only water for 3 days The Ezra FastPurpose: To solve problemsKey Verse: Ezra 8:3No breads, meats, sugar or carbonated drinks The Samuel FastPurpose: For revival and soul winningKey Verse: 1 Samual 7:6Vegetables, teas, and juices onlyThe Elijah FastPurpose: To gain freedom from addictions to sinKey Verse: Matthew 17:21Vegetables & Juices only for 40 days (1 Kings 19:2-18)The Widow’s FastPurpose: To meet the physical needs of othersKey Verse: 1 Kings 17:16Sunrise to Sunset only water, eat after sunset

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9 FASTS con’t (Check w/your doctor 1st)The Paul FastPurpose: For clarity in making decisions Key Verse: Matthew 17:21No Food, only water 21 days (Acts 9:9-19)The Daniel FastPurpose: To gain a healthier life Key Verse: Daniel 1:8Vegetables & water only for 40 days (Daniel 1:1-16)The John the Baptist FastPurpose: For an effective testimony about JesusKey Verse: Luke 1:15Vegetables, herbal teas w/honey (Matt. 3:4)The Esther FastPurpose: For protection from the evil one Key Verse: 1 Kings 19:4,8No Food or drink-Including water (Esther 4:1-17)

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Fasting Modifications:Fasting from activities that bring joy likeT.V./movies, puzzles, gamesFasting from particular foods that we enjoy.Coffee, Sweets & Deserts, starchesFasting from Sunrise to SunsetFasting from eating out restaurants, fast food,frozen yogurtFasting Obstacles and Opposition: Matthew 4:1-11Physical oppositionHunger Matthew 4:2Temptation from others to eat Matthew 4:3Fatigue or tirednessSpiritual attacks Matthew 4:5-6,8-9Delayed revelation and understanding Daniel10:12-13Emotional storms Matthew 6:17AngerFrustrationIrritabilitySadnessDepressionAnxietyFearWorry

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Here is a soup recipe that might try during the Fast.Ingredients:1 cup carrots (diced)1 small red onion (diced)1 cup cauliflower1 small yellow onion1 cup broccoli1 stalk celery w/leaves, chopped2 cups cabbage (sliced fine)3 garlic cloves (crushed)4 TBS olive oil4 cups chicken broth3 ripe tomatoes (diced)4 cups water4 bay leaves1 cup bell pepper (diced)(red/green/yellow) Mrs. Dash seasoning to taste1 cup spinach (optional)1 cut winter squash (optional)Directions:Heat olive oil in a large soup pan (medium heat).Add onions and garlic (simmer 3 minutes).Add tomatoes and celery (simmer 2 minutes).Add chicken broth and water (bring to boil).Add vegetables and bay leaves.Add Mrs. Dash to taste, cover and cook for 30minutes.Other Considerations While Fasting:Consider reallocating resources normally spent onfood and entertainment towards your ministry givingor other charitable causes.

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www.southsidelife.net8890 Gerber Rd | Sacramento, CA | 958282024 Fasting Guide”When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocritesdo, for they disfigure their faces to show others theyare fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received theirreward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your headand wash your face, so that it will not be obvious toothers that you are fasting, but only to your Father,who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what isdone in secret, will reward you.“ Matthew 6 : 16 - 18 NIV