3 5 + F R E E L E A DG E N E R A T I O N I D E A SF O R R E A L E S T A T E+ 5 P A I D L E A D G E N I D E A S T O L E V E LU P Y O U R R E A L E S T A T E B U S I N E S S
35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEASLead generation is something we talk about a lot in this industry butthere is no complete resource. What really goes into lead generation?This book is designed to not only give you ideas and inspiration but offeryou a resource you can fall back on years and years later to continue togrow your real estate business.So if you picked up this e-book there are most likely three (3) reasons:1.You are looking for ways to get started in real estate2.You are ready to step up your real estate game and do more business3.You hit a roadblock and need help to move forward.So let's dive in, but before we do I have ONE MORE GIFT FOR YOU!1I ' M S O G L A DY O U A R E H E R E
Hi, my name is Jennifer Rodgers and I am the founder &owner of Green Key Real Estate Agent. I am an activeRealtor just like you and lead a team of agents in additionto coaching and mentoring agents across the nation.Throughout my career I noticed that there were manymethods people deemed old school and outdated, but manytimes they just needed a fresh 20th century facelift.And the best way I found for me to help as many peopleas possible is my Facebook Group, in which we arecovering a Neighborhood Marketing Strategy in a FREETRAINING every week during which we break down theexact steps.I'd love for you to be part of our Community and want topersonally invite you to join Green Key Real Estate’sCrafting Connections. You can join us directly by going to:https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftingconnectionsG E T T H E F U L L S U P P O R T O F AC O M M U N I T Y2
1.OPEN HOUSES...................................................................................2.CANCELED LISTINGS.......................................................................3.EXPIRED LISTINGS...........................................................................4.HANDWRITTEN NOTES................................................................5.LEAD MAGNETS..............................................................................6.YELP....................................................................................................7.NEIGHBORHOOD EXPERT............................................................8.SPHERE OF INFLUENCE.................................................................9.RESOURCE GUIDES.........................................................................10.SEO EXPERT.......................................................................................11.REFERRALS - B2B...........................................................................12. STYLE OF HOME............................................................................13.REAL ESTATE INVESTORS.............................................................14.OUT OF STATE REALTORS............................................................15.SEMINARS..........................................................................................16.FIND YOUR BLUE OCEAN.............................................................17.PROBATE LEADS..............................................................................18.PODCAST............................................................................................19.FACEBOOK LIVE...............................................................................20.ABANDONED PROPERTIES............................................................21.RENTAL PROPERTIES......................................................................22.FACEBOOK GROUPS........................................................................23.YOUR WEBSITE.................................................................................24.DIVORCE LEADS...............................................................................25.LEVERAGE YOUR HOBBIES............................................................26.SIGN IN FORM....................................................................................27.BLOG.....................................................................................................28.TWITTER.............................................................................................29.LOCAL NEWS COVERAGE / PRESS...............................................30.PINTEREST..........................................................................................31.YOUTUBE............................................................................................32.RED CARPET TOURS........................................................................33.VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSES................................................................34.COMING SOON MARKETING.........................................................35.INVENTORY TOURS..........................................................................36.LINKEDIN.............................................................................................37.GOOGLE MAPS....................................................................................C O N T E N T© Green Key Real Estate | All rights reserved335+ FREE Lead Generation Ideasfor your real estate business
FOLLOW USfacebook.com/jenniferrodgerssolditinstagram.com/greenkeyjenn4© Green Key Real Estate | All rights reservedC O N T E N TBONUS:5 PAID LEAD GENERATION IDEAS FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE BUSINESS1.ZILLOW PREMIER AGENT...................................................4...4..... 2.THIRD PARTY WEBSITES.....................................................4..5..... 3.HIRE AN INSIDE SALES ASSOCIATE (ISA).......................4..6......4.RETARGETING ADS...............................................................4...7.....5.MAILERS...................................................................................4..8.....
35+ FREE LEADGENERATIONIDEAS for your Real EstateBusiness
Open Houses are great for Lead Generation because they getyou face to face with people having an interest in real estate.Many times can you pick up unrepresented buyers and evensellers who are scoping out the competition or gettinginspiration of what to do before listing their own home.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Make sure youare planning as much in advance as possible. This will allowyou to advertise the Open House properly and increase traffic(which in turn increases your leads!). Set up as many signs aspossible, have a sign in process to register visitors and makesure you are following up!Green Key Tip:Concentrating your Open House efforts in a hyperlocal area willhelp you build brand awareness and name recognition FAST!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS61 . O P E N H O U S E S
Canceled Listings are easy targets because they already raisedtheir hand that they have a real estate need. Now it's just aboutdemonstrating that you are the best person for the job!Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. After cancelinga listing a few people are ready to relist immediately but themajority of people will need a few weeks (or more!) ofdowntime before going back on the market. Rarely do planschange, they are just getting adjusted or simply postponed. Soif you are looking to build your initial list, don't be afraid to goback a few years in your search.Green Key Tip:Concentrate on your geographic farm and make sure you arebuilding awareness of your business in a concentrated area.Every listing is a testimonial directly to your neighbors thatsomeone trusted you to get the job done! Talk about socialproof!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS72 . C A N C E L E D L I S T I N G S
Expired Listings are an easy but tricky target because theyalready raised their hand that they have a real estate need, buteither only worked with a short term listing contract or havebeen sitting on the market for a long time.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. After a listingis expired, it's important to note that speed wins! Many timesthe owners are not even aware of what happened. It might alsobe an overpriced listing. Either the agent overpromised andunderdelivered or the owner thinks his home is worth more. Youneed to have an accurate pricing strategy, but mostimportantly you need to be able to show them why you aredifferent andhow you can add massive exposure in a way that the otheragent could not.Green Key Tip:Expired Listings inside your own geographic farm can helpfurther your hold inside a neighborhood! Just make sure youdeliver results!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS83 . E X P I R E D L I S T I N G S
Handwritten Notes are great for Lead Generation inside yourown network. Look on peoples social profiles for some of theselife changes: relationship status changes, children, promotions,career changes, relocation, and so on. These are all reasons tochange your living situation and easy to find out about.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Focus on themand making them feel special. Ask if they want to catch upover a cup of coffee, a (zoom) call or whatever else works foryou. It is also an avenue to mention real estate and generateleads. They can be people you haven’t talked to in years andwant to catch-up with.Green Key Tip:Build your brand with your sphere of influence & network,remember that this can also be with local businesses as theseare great connections that can easily lead to more than onetransaction during the year simply by them referring you totheir customers.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS94 . H A N D W R I T T E N N O T E S
A Lead Magnet is an item of value you offer to a prospect inexchange for their name and email. Host it at a domain namethat is easy to remember such as freegiftfortownresidents.comHere are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Make sure itis something that they would want to have desperately enoughto give up their email address. Make it relevant for your area.Learn how to drive people to your domain in order to collectthat lead and add them to your database. For example, a freehome value report is a lead magnet. It asks for a name andemail in exchange for a value report. One of the biggest thingsto remember is that a lead magnet need to be sendautomatically and instantly to the prospect and can be a video,infographic, guide, report or anything else of value.Green Key Tip:Create lead magnets and host them in a domain that has yourpreferred town inside the domain name. (e.g. www.StageYourChicagoHome.com)35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS105 . L E A D M A G N E T S
Yelp is highly driven by reviews. Do you have a few clients thatcan leave a review for you? Yes you can also pay foradvertising but oftentimes that's not necessary.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Create abusiness on Yelp and be sure to add pictures. Focus on getting 3reviews at least. Yelp itself is a search engine and does reallywell ranking based on the SEO words for your area. They alsorun promotions you could take advantage of for free ads ormatch your ad spend campaigns.Green Key Tip:When setting up your yelp business, focus on points of intereststhat are known to your area making you appear moreconnected to the specific area you want to focus on.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS116 . Y E L P
This is probably my personal favorite. Being viewed as the areaexpert can help you drive people to you as opposed to chasingleads. The neighborhood expert knows and reports on anythingnew and noteworthy. Know the hidden gems and model homesto showcase your knowledgeHere are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. First andforemost the neighborhood you are selecting needs to be aprofitable area (we refer to this as a profitable geographicfarm). The second part is that you should be seen as a resourceand have your name be out there with online and offlinetactics.Green Key Tip:You can download my Geographic Farming Cheat Sheet here tomake sure your area is profitable and will support you and yourbusiness goals: www.bit.ly/GeographicFarmingCheatSheet35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS127 . N E I G H B O R H O O D E X P E R T
Your sphere of influence are people that should be already inyour database (and if they are not, you better put this bookdown and add them right now!). Sphere of influence, short SOI,can include family, friends, those with whom you do business,fellow organization or club members, and so on.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Reach out toyour sphere regularly. You don't have to talk about real estateall the time (and I strongly suggest that you don't). Beinterested in them and share stories! Lots of stories will help toconnect with your sphere emotionally. Many times your spherebecomes a great source of referral business.Green Key Tip:Planning to go out to eat? Ask your sphere forrecommendations! Have you enjoyed a show or movie lately?Share it (don't be posting spoiler alerts though :D) ! Tried anew local vet? Tell them! Want to show off an Open House orNew Listing? Do that too!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS138 . S P H E R E O F I N F L U E N C E
Resource Guides are great to provide value to your potentialclients. This can be a free homebuyer’s handbook to potentialhomebuyers or a staging guide to sellers.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. The goal is notto just give the prospect what they are looking for, but promptthem to give you their email in exchange for the ResourceGuide you are offering. Once they are exchanging their email,you can add them to your CRM and add them on a dripcampaign. Promote your free Resource Guide via videos, socialmedia, print marketing and more, so your offer seen andgenerate leads.Green Key Tip:How about a guide on some of the most expensiveneighborhoods and what makes them special? Research andcompile things that are truly area specific and matter to yourprospects!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS149 . R E S O U R C E G U I D E S
Some may say SEO is not something to focus on anymoreheavily because it is difficult to outrank many of the majorwebsites, but I tend to disagree on this a bit.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. You mighthave heard me say it before: The Riches are in the Niches andthe more specific you can be on your SEO ranking locally, themore successful you will be. Also formats that work very well inconjunction with SEO, are videos that are showcasing some sortof list/countdown with numbers such as: the TOP 3 attractionsin {City}, or the 10 most kid-friendly neighborhoods.Green Key Tip:Concentrating your SEO efforts on points of interests and areaterms such as 'Best Vacation Town in Florida' or 'Most kid-friendly neighborhood in {town, state}' is especially helpful ifyou are in a second home market area.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS151 0 . S E O E X P E R T
Referrals are coming from relationships. It is important tobuild these relationships early and not wait until after a sale.B2B stands for Business to Business Referrals and it isimportant to be proactive in reaching out to people andpromoting what is important to them. Highlight their business,refer people to them. Make sure you are tracking the referralsreceived in return as well, so you can determine if someone is agood referral source or if he or she should be replaced withanother business.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. BusinessHighlight Videos are easy to do and I do recommend that youstart with business that have a bigger following online in orderto help increase your visibility.Green Key Tip:Connect with your local business and your social media groupadmins ONLINE as well as OFFLINE.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS161 1 . R E F E R R A L S - B 2 B
Becoming the specialist for a certain style of home certainlyhas its perks. I have an agent in my area and he is known forhis niche - mid-century modern homes. And man, does he knowhow to tell a story about a home's history (which is superimportant to his audience!). Can you become known for theperson specializing in Luxury Real Estate? Golf CourseProperties? Waterfront Condos?Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. First youshould of course make sure that there is a clientele for yourniche. No sense in becoming the local castle expert if there areonly 2 castle a year selling. Are there groups gathering aroundthat style/era? Can you be involved in them and demonstrateyour expertise?Green Key Tip:Cookie-Cutter Neighborhood? How about Ranch Homes? 5bedroom homes for the buyer needing more space? There aremore options once you start looking.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS171 2 . S T Y L E O F H O M E
Real Estate Investors can be great to work with, especially ifthey are marketing to people. Just like us agents they arelooking for leads but they are looking for people to sell theirhome for a lower amount than market price. What about theremainder of the leads that they talk to? The ones that don'twant to 'give their home away'?Just like anything else, it's a relationship business. What canyou bring to the table for investors? In return, be clear thatyou are looking to work with the leads that are not willing tosell their home for a lower price. Create a win-win for you andthe investor.Green Key Tip:Look into your own market place. Are there homes that lookabandoned? Can you find deals inside your own geographicfarm? Selling a property off market low and listing it at ahigher price point fixxed up can also help your neighborhoodvalue overall. Triple Win!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS181 3 . R E A L E S T A T E I N V E S T O R S
Networking with other agents can be helpful to gain referralbusiness. Become known online for your market. One of myfavorite ways to do this is via social media groups. When anagent comes across a referral request they can then also tagme in it which will further help solidify me as the go-to referralagent online for the area in question.Keep networking in mind when attending state and nationalreal estate agent conferences as well, You can also make sureyou are listed on websites such as the Certified ResidentialSpecialist. Add agents to your network! LinkedIn is a GreatPlatform to do this on a professional level!Green Key Tip:Do you encounter people inside your neighborhood that know aRealtor that lives out of state? Reach out to that agent and letthem know you pay a slightly higher than average referral rate!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS191 4 . O U T O F S T A T E R E A L T O R S
Seminars can be great to identify people that are seriousabout getting to the next step on their real estate journeywithout prompting them to set an appointment with an agent.Actually the Chicago Association of Realtors recommendshosting a First Time Buyer Event to gain the trust of peoplelooking to purchase a home but not knowing where to getstarted. It generates a lead for you to follow up on as wellTake the time to plan and promote the event and considermaking this a monthly event to gain traction. Collect reviewsfrom past attendees. Make sure it is valuable to them.Workbooks are great as it gives them something to add theirnotes to and take home with them afterwards.Green Key Tip:You can tailor events to anything that might be beneficial inyour local market such as events around military, senior livingor investing and host it at a local restaurant for a morerelaxed atmosphere.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS201 5 . S E M I N A R S
Most agents will sell everything and anybody. It doesn't make adifference to them if it is a single family home or a condo, anew construction home or an old home. Now while this is notnecessarily wrong, who do you think you would rather hire ifyou have an equestrian estate? A person that sells anything ora person that specializes in horse properties?Word travels fast when you are really good at something.People will seek out your expertise and marketing skills. If yourexpertise is victorian homes, you are likely involved in societiesthat are involved in preserving these types of homes. You knowthe rules about historic home sites better than the averageagents and people will pay you for that expertise.Green Key Tip:This concept also holds true inside your own geographic area.People love to hire an agent that is knowledgable about theamenities the area has to offer, is familiar with the schools andknows the names of the individual models.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS211 6 . F I N D Y O U R B L U E O C E A N
Probate leads are people who inherited property after thedeath of someone. Many times the homes will need to be sold.Sometimes your services can be presented to them as thefastest way out of owning a property before needing to dealwith the maintenance and upkeep. Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Make sure youare prepared to deal with emotions and different opinionssometimes too! Be set up for many possible scenarios: Want acash offer to get rid of the property fast? Be connected withinvestors. Want to maximize the profit and are willing to dosome work? Have a list of contractors and service providersready for the owners.Green Key Tip:This is oftentimes where I see a refrigerator calendar come inhandy. People inherited a home, go there and call the agent onthe fridge, no joke!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS221 7 . P R O B A T E L E A D S
Always wanted to have your own podcast? Believe it or not, itis now easier than ever to build a following on any type ofplatform, including Podcasts. You can use a site such aswww.anchor.fm to get your podcast up and running in a matterof minutes.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Keep yourpodcast fun but educational. Report on annual events as well asnew businesses and real estate education. Remember that apodcast episode is oftentimes less time sensitive becausesomebody might discover your content a year or so after yourecorded it, so try to podcast about more evergreen topics ifpossible.Green Key Tip:A business series for a local area is many times of interest topeople. You could even bring on the business owners and askthem questions such as why they chose to be setting up shop inthat particular town.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS231 8 . P O D C A S T
Ready to discover the power of Facebook Live Videos? There isno better way to reach more people! Facebook favors videosand it will push out your content immediately. No need to wastetime on editing!You can use Facebook Lives for pretty much anything. Connectwith your audience by sharing something more personal (pets,kids, social topics) and you can also use it to generate leads byasking people to share, comment or tag someone or go to awebsite to claim a freebie (revisit lead magnets)Green Key Tip:How about a tour of a home that you just sold? One buyer wonthe bid, but there are other buyers out there! Have they thoughtabout selling? Show them a neighborhood model and ask if theyhave that model and what they like/dislike about it. Report on alocal event. The options are endless!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS241 9 . F A C E B O O K L I V E
Finding abandoned properties is oftentimes based on drivingaround. The concept is known as "Driving for Dollars'. Neglectedproperties are unmaintained and a quick search in the taxrecords will oftentimes reveal an out of state owner or aforeclosed property. If it is an owner, start reaching out tothem.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Abandonedproperties are also targeted by investors many times. So havingan established relationship with a few area investors can payoff. Help them buy, they fix and flip it and you get to sell itagain! Double Win!Green Key Tip:Do you have abandoned properties inside your neighborhood?Follow the same steps but also talk to the neighbors for extrainsights and getting your community ties strengthened.Neighbors oftentimes know more!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS252 0 . A B A N D O N E D P R O P E R T I E S
Rental properties are known for turnover. A tenant is not apermanent resident. So you can target two people. The tenantto encourage them to buy a home and start building their ownequity and the property owner for either gaining his business tocontinue to rent it out or be the person to help him sell theproperty.Not all rentals were intended to be rentals forever. Sometimesowners fell into it and became an 'accidental landlord'. Pull upthe property history to see if they tried selling before.Sometimes owners are not prepared for the burden of being alandlord and want out. Green Key Tip:Check your neighborhood for these properties. Be consistent inyour follow up efforts. Become familiar with rental rates foryour area. These are all important stats to help you furtherdemonstrate your neighborhood knowledge.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS262 1 . R E N T A L P R O P E R T I E S
Leveraging the power of social media is an amazing way if youwant to lead generate from home in your pajamas and messybun. (All jokes aside though, it works!) Local Facebook Groupsare known for people to ask for recommendations, includingreal estate agents. Your clients have the ability to tag andrecommend you in them as well, which will help with buildingsocial proof! (And don't forget to send them a thank you fortaking the time to recommend you! It will enforce behavior wewant them to keep up!)Some local groups also have a special day for small businessesto promote themselves, so make sure you are taking advantageof it!Green Key Tip:Of course the best way to take this hyper local is to joinFacebook groups that are relevant to your area! Look up garagesale or swap groups in {your town}. Make sure you tell yourclients about them so they are in there as your 'referral army'.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS272 2 . F A C E B O O K G R O U P S
Your real estate website was most likely provided to you for freeby your brokerage. And yet it seems to be the most under-usedtool in our toolbox when it comes to lead generation.Your website should have the ability to capture leads,oftentimes by asking them to sign-in to continue viewingproperties. You could also have a section on your website thatgives them a free guide in exchange for their contactinformation.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. I highlyencourage anybody to have some form of tracking on yourwebsite. If someone landed on your real estate website, it is agood idea to retarget them to continue to stay in front of themand convert them into a client. You can learn more about how todo this inside the Pixel Course: www.bit.ly/pixelcourseGreen Key Tip:You can drive traffic to your website by promoting local listings,offer them lists of specific homes or open houses or point themto a freebie to download.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS282 3 . Y O U R W E B S I T E
Did you know that 61% of divorces are forced to sell the homeas part of the divorce agreement? Yes, it's true but getting asteady flow of divorce leads might take some work. And you arealso entering highly emotional territory so be prepared to dealwith some emotions flying high.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. BecomeSwitzerland. Your job is to be the most objective person inthese situations. You will need the trust from both parties. Youcanfind leads by networking with divorce attorneys, lookingthrough the public records for divorce filings or quit claimdeeds records or you can run ads online to generate leads.Green Key Tip:You could specifically look for divorce filings inside yourgeographic farm however I would do so with caution as you donot want to be perceived as the NOSY real estate agents.Instead I would focus on building relationships with divorceattorneys inside your geographic farm area.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS292 4 . D I V O R C E L E A D S
Generating leads can also happen in a non real estate relatedsetting, such as your hobby. Are you into yoga? Or do youreally enjoy painting? What about skills you have? Do youspeak another language? Can you teach people how to ridehorses or how to coupon? There are many ways you canconnect with people ONLINE as well as OFFLINE.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Are you readyto take charge? Start your own group on Facebook (online) orhost a MeetUp (offline) (www.meetup.com). Getting in front ofpeople regularly is an important part of our business. Extendyour reach by knowing more people.Green Key Tip:Find the people inside your community that have similarinterests as well. Do you enjoy reading books? See if there is alocal book club. And if there isn't, start one! Take charge!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS302 5 . L E V E R A G E Y O U R H O B B I E S
I kind of hinted on this one already when I talked about thewebsite. But in the event your website does not have automaticlead capture, this chapter goes over that specific form of leadgen.The most common form for sign-in forms are pop ups. In orderfor the user to proceed they need to sign-in, either with theiremail or social media credentials. This allows you to generatea lead. In order for them to give that information up, it must besomething compelling that they want. This could be viewingmore than one property or accessing a list of the lowest pricedproperties in your town.Green Key Tip:It's easy to get excited and generate leads anywhere you arewilling to travel to, but by focusing on your hyperlocal marketyou will be able to leverage your time more efficiently and cutout unnecessary travel time!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS312 6 . S I G N - I N F O R M
Do you enjoy writing? If so, blogging might be a great way foryou to demonstrate you expertise and dig deeper into yourcommunity! The content to a blog post should be evergreen(meaning timeless) and at least 1000 characters long. Contentneeds to be helpful and high quality. Blogging can also be veryhelpful if you are in a second home/vacation market. Aim for atleast one blog post a week.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Try to embeda link to get their home value for free or watch a video yourecorded on the top 5 sights to see in {city}. A basicunderstanding about SEO words (see chapter 10) also comes inhandy with this tactic.Green Key Tip:Highlight local sights and businesses as well as events andoverall things making the area absolutely unique. Provideinsights like only a neighborhood expert can! Where do you getthe best Paczkis? Best dog parks? Have fun with it!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS322 7 . B L O G
Twitter, like any of the other social media groups, allows you topost content and connect with followers. Connecting with youraudience is important to lead them from prospect to client.Twitter is fast paced so you'll need to be quick.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. I alwaysencourage people to stay away from hot debate topics. Leavethe religion and politics out of it. A great way to find relevantand trending content to tweet about is via the websitewww.buzzsumo.comYou will find trending topics to talk about. Couple this withtrending hashtags (#hashtags) and you will grow youraudience. Learn how to prompt people to take action with yourtweets.Green Key Tip:Posting content that is relevant to your area will help youremain hyper locally focused. Be the news station that theTwitter community in your area turns to.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS332 8 . T W I T T E R
Do you know that people love to be affiliated with localcelebrities? It's true! Do you have a local newspaper in your areaand can ask them to run a highlight on you or your boutiquebrokerage or interview you as the area expert? Manynewspapers are relying on their readers to bring them content.Connect with them and see if you can have someone write anarticle on you.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Do yourresearch as well. If you are being interviewed you want to knowimportant numbers and trends! The next important thing is tomake sure you are utilizing the publicity in as many ways aspossible (different formats and platforms) over a maximizedtime span (squeeze everything out of it you can!).Green Key Tip:Can you have the local newspaper highlight you in an articleabout a neighborhood? Being seen in print publishings will helpincrease your social proof status, which in turn will help you gainmore clients.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS342 9 . L O C A L N E W S C O V E R A G E
Pinterest is a great place for you to demonstrate your eye fordesign. Have boards available for different styles that you canshare with your clients. Are they looking for inspiration andideas on mid-century modern designs? Industrial Inspirations?Rustic? Medieval? These are just a few ideas on fun boards youcan put together.A great benefit to leaning in on Pinterest boards, is also thefact that you will be learning a lot of terms related to thearchitectural features. What's a Butler Pantry? How about acoffered ceiling? What's a tray ceiling? 3/4inch solid woodfloors and more! Your clients will see your expertise!Green Key Tip:Promote your boards locally to your community. Feature it inyour newsletter. Or hide it behind a sign-in form to promptpeople to register to access your pinterest board for e.g. 30+inspiration to update your home on a budget! 35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS353 0 . P I N T E R E S T
YouTube is a powerful tool for lead generation if its usedcorrectly. Much like Google, YouTube is a search engine.YouTube videos have the potential to generate leads over timeon autopilot. For example a video on a subdivision can bediscovered 3 years later by someone and position you as thearea expert. Combine this with a strong call to action inside your video (e.g.claim your subdivision guide in the description below) and youhave a powerful way to generate leads for years down the road.To learn more about video marketing, check out my courseVideo Training 2.0 at: www.bit.ly/VideoTrainingRealEstateGreen Key Tip:Make sure you are using titles that people might be searchingfor (e.g. Best Subdivision in Chicago) in addition to specificallylisting each individual subdivision you are going to becovering.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS363 1 . Y O U T U B E
Very similar to the Open Houses are the Red Carpet Tours. The concept is the same but the Red Carpet Tour is not meantfor the public but the neighbors. Invite at least the next 20neighbors to the left, 20 neighbors to the right and 40neighbors across the street. Position this more as a socialgathering than a work function.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Encourageneighbors to either bring potentially interested parties rightalong with them or ask them to leave a name and contact forsomeone that needs to see this home and be entered for a giftcard raffle.Green Key Tip:Consider how to invite the neighbors. Can you send a postcard,followed by a door hanger and then a personal invite? Whatcan you do to set yourself apart and be the agent that goesabove and beyond (be the agent that they would want to hire!).35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS373 2 . R E D C A R P E T T O U R S
Virtual Open Houses can be great events ONLINE that don'trequire much resources other than your time. Create an eventon social media and you can go live directly on your page orshare it into local groups (either during or after thelivestream).Virtual Tours can be hosted while you are physically at thehome showing people around or you can use listing photos as aslideshow and talk about the features. Personally I loveslideshows and connect them with information such as downpayment and home buyer grant options to educate the viewers.Head over into our Facebook Group to see an example of aVirtual Open House Presentation!Green Key Tip:Keep your Virtual Open Houses local (or within a particulartown if there aren't enough listings for you to promote in yourfarm). Be consistent about your efforts so people come toexpect them and tune in!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS383 3 . V I R T U A L O P E N H O U S E S
Coming Soon Marketing is a great way to set yourself apartfrom the competition. Let the neighbors know about theupcoming listing before it's public. Let them know that they canchoose their neighbor and to reach out to you if they havesomeone in mind.Coming Soon Marketing can be anything from postcards toflyers to door hangers to personal invitations and your signpost. Always make sure you have a clear path for your prospectto take an action. You can host a contest online and have peopleguess the list price for example too!Green Key Tip:Coming Soon Marketing can be especially powerful if you areliving in a highly desirable neighborhood. Keep your neighborsahead of the public market by continuously make them aware ofupcoming opportunities and position yourself as the area expertto talk to if they want to know what's coming on the market.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS393 4 . C O M I N G S O O N M A R K E T I N G
Inventory Tours are the new spin on our Broker Tours. Agentsused to tour listings in order to be familiar with the inventory.But better pictures and maybe some laziness have changed thelandscape of these tours. However people love Reality TV morethan ever so how about you just take them along and givethem a glimpse into your life as a Real Estate Agent?Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Make sure youare not violating any laws of course and never ever promoteany listings without either proper permission or acknowledgingwho the listing brokerage is. The Inventory Tours are not thereto claim listings that are not your own, but to demonstrate thatyou are familiar with homes and actively working in the field.Green Key Tip:Concentrating your Inventory Tour efforts in a hyperlocal areawill help you build brand awareness and name recognitionFAST!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS403 5 . I N V E N T O R Y T O U R S
LinkedIn is yet another social network, however here are somekey consideration on why you might look into utilizingLinkedIn more. Most people on this platform earn an aboveaverage income and the networking power to build connectionson the platform are huge! In fact, LinkedIn has it's own backendCRMto help you keep your conversations organized. It's a paid profeature but maybe worth to look into if you are looking intogrowing your brand even further on this platform. Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Aim to add atleast 5 more people each day. Be active on the platform tocongratulate people on accomplishments, birthdays andpromotions.Green Key Tip:Use LinkedIn to connect with potential prospects in your area,past clients, out of state Real Estate Agents as well as localbusinesses for networking opportunities and cross promotions.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS413 6 . L I N K E D I N
This one was kind of discovered by accident in 2020, ourinfamous Pandemic Year. Google Maps are a great way to builda map things such as Graduations, Garage Sales and Trick orTreating Locations. A map helps people to plan and you areproviding a community resource.Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Make sure it issomething that the community would find helpful first of all.Once you know the demand is there, simply post the link andhave people comment/message/email you to be added. Replyto each comment to have your name be seen consistently.Green Key Tip:A map can be very powerful. Be consistent with it. Seeing yourname over and over will prompt people to check out yourprofile. And a map of recent graduates might also be helpfuldown the road. Are they planning on downsizing now that thekids are grown? Have they thought about moving out of thearea but wanted the kids to graduate first?35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS423 7 . G O O G L E M A P S
5PAID LEADGENERATIONIDEAS for your Real EstateBusiness
The typical ROI for Zillow Premier Agents who effectively usethe platform is about 260%, meaning that for every $1 you putin, you'll get $2,60 out of it IF YOU CONVERT LEADSEFFECTIVELY. Zillow Premier Agent lets you advertise onZillow and Trulia and you can buy one or multiple zip codes(based on availability).Here are a few pro tips to get the most out of it. Zillow leads areno magic pill and while these leads tend to be more ready, manytimes these leads will be in your pipeline a while. What doesthis mean for you? The fortune is in the follow up.Green Key Tip:Being able to purchase zip codes is obviously a great way to beshown to people interested in a specific area and be perceivedas the top agent to call when things get more serious for theprospect and they are ready to actively start looking or need tolist their home.1 . Z I L L O W P R E M I E R A G E N T35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS44
35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS45Keep in mind that the leads will stop the minute you stoppaying, but if there is money to spare to buy leads, it might beworth the investment.Next to Zillow, there are many other services where you canbe buying leads from. 2 . T H I R D P A R T Y W E B S I T E S
An inside sales associate (short: ISA) is hired to leverage yourtime. They will be working the database and/or new leads toconvert prospects to hot leads and set appointments for you.All they need is a steady source for leads that feeds their dailycalls.Green Key Tip:Have your ISA circle prospect inside your geographic farm onyour behalf around sold listings or make people aware of newlistings. The goal is to stand out and be remembered as theperson that goes the extra mile! So when the time comes, theywill call you to buy or sell!35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS463 . I N S I D E S A L E S A S S O C I A T E S
Advertising has come a long way! It is now easier than everto run ads on Facebook, YouTube or Google. Most marketersrecognize the fact that you cannot expect people to buy thefirst time. An audience will check you out first. They areskeptical. Are you the real deal? Can you be trusted? And this is why retargeting is such a huge deal in themarketing world! Most money is made after over 12 touches.Retargeting allows you to be in front of your customers tobuild the trust and have them get to know you.Green Key Tip:Facebook will no longer let you target specific zip codes orneighborhoods, however you can focus on engaging with localleads interested in a specific town and then retarget thepeople that interacted with your area specific ad. Retargetingpeople is made possible via a pixel/tracking code and you cancheck out more on this inside my course here:www.bit.ly/pixelcourse35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS474 . F A C E B O O K R E T A R G E T I N G A D S
One of my secret weapons are mailers. Over year and years ofsending tens of thousands of mailers, I can tell you a thing ortwo about mailers. I actually teach an entire course on it andyou can access it here: www.bit.ly/MailerTrainingThere are two kinds of mailers. One if for leadgeneration/brand awareness. You can blanket an entireneighborhood at a low cost through a service called EveryDoor Direct Mail provided by the United States PostalService. A high converting mailer can generate leads for youon autopilot once its sent. The other mailer is a lead nurture mailer and will continue todeepen your relationship with your prospects until their areready to work with you.Green Key Tip:Be consistent about sending mail to your farm. I do suggest tohave a farming strategy planned out for a minimum of 6months and have the busget allocated for it.35+ FREE LEAD GENERATION IDEAS485 . M A I L E R S / P O S T C A R D S
T H A N K Y O U F O R R E A D I N G49So what's next?You need a lead gen plan. So let's form it right now!Step #1:Pick 3-4 of these lead generation ideas:1.__________________________________________2.__________________________________________3.__________________________________________4.__________________________________________Step #2:Be consistent in your efforts. Give it at least 6 months beforedetermining if this method is giving you a return on yourinvestment. Map out your plan month by month.Step #3:Determine the needed supplies, budget and line up anyneeded help/resources to ensure you will follow through andbe successful in implementing your chosen lead generationstrategies.
Thank you!I H O P E Y O U E N J O Y E D T H I S E -B O O K ! I W O U L D L O V E F O R Y O UT O J O I N U S I N S I D E G R E E N K E YR E A L E S T A T E A G E N TC O M M U N I T Y !W W W . G R E E N K E Y S E L L S M I . C O M© Green Key Real Estate | All rights reserved