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Hidden Manna by Frank Vurraro

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Hidden MannaU n b o U n dA Book of Art, Rhema Words and PoetryScribed byFrank Vurraro

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A PrayerPrologueA PrayerMost Holy MajestyOh Holy God of power and might author of tender loving kindness,eternal light.We offer homage, adoring praise to Thee, deserving of all honor, glory most Holy Majesty!Dearest Master, Lord, Creator, Father, Lover of Your own, flesh of Your flesh, bone of Your bone; Given, Your only begotten Son, Your living, breathing risen One.Walking in our stead,He rent the veil, traversed for us each fiery trail. By Your Spirit, He made the way we must go.Though in our flesh, we’ve no way to know, —yet You made the way—Most Holy Majesty, loving God of power and might, You decreed so long ago, let there be light.For Your own You made each day. —By Your living way—Your light now in each, in each, before all men, illuminates Your kingdom gates, from which flow eternal emanates. The living flow to heal our pain and woe.Homage adoring praise to Thee,author of eternal life in Whom we are set free, all glory ere to Thee,most Holy Majesty!AMEN

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Hidden MannaU N B O U N DA Book of Art, Rhema Words and PoetryScribed byFrank Vurraro

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iii“Hidden Manna” Parable of the GardenThis triptych is the title piece for the book of rhema words, poetry, and art that the Lord has given me to share.The triune being of God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all represented by various symbols here: The voice of many waters, the light of the world, the shadow of the cross, the pearl of great price, the crown of thorns, the sign of the Holy Spirit, the trees of righteousness beside the living water, the living stones, and the bloodstone reflected in all.Jesus often spoke in parables. This is a parable! Let those that have eyes see!Matthew 13:11 “You are permitted to see the kingdom of Heaven, but others are not.”

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iv Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Hidden Manna/Parable of the Garden”

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“Hidden Manna/Parable of the Garden”

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Acknowledgements viiDedication viiiIntroduction ixForeword xRhema WoRds Come Away, Beloved 2Arise, Beloved 5Weeding the Garden 10Answer the Call 14Be Comforted 17Fear Not 20From Jesus 21God’s Favor 23God’s Newness 24God’s Self Portrait 26I Have Called 27Institutions 28Lenses of Life 29My Ambassadors 30My People 31Rest In Me 34Secret Agents 35What Is In A Name? 36Listen Beloved 37ContentsvaRt Plates“Hidden Manna/Parable of the Garden” iv“Split Rock Falls” Variation 4“Split Rock” Variation 6“Triptyche Nebula” 9“Orchard Nebula” 11“Above the Rocks” 13“Winter of Discontent/Hidden Manna” 16“Latter Rain” 19“Beyond Glory” 22“Bands of Glory” 25“Turning Point” Battle of Saratoga 33“Praise” 41“Streams of Glory” 44“A Far Far Greater Place” 46“River Runs True” 50“Twilight Glory” 57“Mountain Road Light” 60“Through the Brambles” 66“Master’s Garden” 68“Parallel Universe” Diptyche 74“Treasure of the Snow” 77“Parable of the Ark/Hidden Manna” 81“Pasture Light” 86“Glory Light” 89Rhema PoetRy The Unknown Poet 39A Place I Do Not Know 43A Far Far Greater Place 45The Chrysalis 47The Thread That Runs So True 48Dad, Mom, and Me 52A Letter to Mother 54Heartsong 56From Darkness into Light 58Alone But Not Alone 61Beauty 62Father 63Love Song of Simon Peter 64Making Sense of Suffering (Succoth) 65Master’s Garden 67One New Man 69Pearl of Great Price 70Vignettes 71Parallel Universe 72People of the Snow 76Perspectives 79Sons of God Symphony 83Psalm 23 (Variation) 85Song To My Beloved 87Heaven’s Touch 88My Little Ones 90

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viAcknowledgementsClaire Vurraro, my darling wife, without whose loving patience and prayer, I could not have moved ahead with this project.Peter Benoit, poet extraordinaire and a thinking man, without whose help with poetic form, grammar and editing, this book might not have been made.Lt. Nina Vanyo, my lovely first born granddaughter, helped me with much of the early keyboarding and computer usage.Sarah Newell, my beautiful granddaughter, author, dancer, and instructor, typed each piece of text and helped further edit by listening to the Holy Spirit.Melly MacKenzie, who one day read a few of the poems aloud to me, then encouraged me to put them in a book.All my friends on the CTK prayer team, family, and members of our home church, and other brothers and sisters in the Lord for their prayers, love and encouragement.

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viiDedicationTo my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Messiah . . . “ Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation. For through Him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him and for Him. He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together.” Col. 1:15-17

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viiiIntroductionThis project came about after many years of listening for the word of the Lord and recording what I heard. Much of this I considered to be rhema, His personal spoken word to me, as opposed to the logos, His written word in the Scripture for all to see, or the prophetic word of God to the nations. These words, as time went on, began to take on various poetic forms and seemed to be not just for me. I shared the poems with several others in the body of Christ, and they agreed that the words needed to be shared. Recently an old friend and mentor read some of the poetry, and she declared, “This should be a book.” Up until that time, I had only read a few of the poems aloud to friends and family. This wom-an (whom I greatly respect) read one of the works aloud to me; I teared up. I had never really heard them before. This was really the beginning of a book of poetry, art, and rhema words being created in faith.

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ixForewordMy prayer is that this book of rhema words, poetry, and art would impart an awareness of God’s longing to restore the garden within each of His beloved, “On (in) Earth as it is in Heaven.” Matthew 6:10. We are the temples of our glorious God not made with human hands. Jesus lives and reigns within our spirits. His spirit has sanctified our spirits/hearts in preparation for the implanting of the pure and holy seed of the most high into the wombs of our souls. The Holy Spirit has been hovering over our souls/minds awaiting our invitation for Him to cultivate the soil of our souls/minds. The duality of our souls consists of our conscious carnal mind wounded and distorted by our lives, experiences, and generational bondages, dominated by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (the outer court). Jesus resides in (the holy place) of our hearts/ spirits, made holy by his shed blood.The Holy Spirit is now renting the veil between the holy place of our heart and the holy of holies in our subconscious mind (the womb of our soul, the garden), where our father God longs to dwell (tabernacle) with us (Revelation 21:3). Our minds/souls will be caught up into the heavenlies as was Jesus, though His feet remained on the ground. After Jesus ascended to Heaven the same Holy Spirit that was upon Him during His ministry descended upon the apostles and they began to prepare the garden, sowing seeds in all types of soil. Now the soil/Earth of soul/mind is being cultivated for the Kingdom within each individual (Matthew 6:10). “Thy kingdom come.” Listening to and meditating on God’s word, deep sincere worship, inner healing and deliver-ance, all in the realm of the supernatural, in spirit and in truth work to restore the garden of our minds. In the original Garden of Eden, man was totally God conscious, but since the fall we are in a self conscious state with a garden full of tares (weeds) and bitter roots. This is the season I think, when God wants to root these things out and prepare the garden for its restoration and rebirth. You see the soul/subconscious mind is also a womb long-ing to receive the holy righteous seed of the spirit of the most high God. During our lives, there have been many miscarriages, but now we are being prepared for full term birth of the manifest sons of God through the renewing of our minds, the restoration of the garden.Romans 8:19, Romans 8:12Receive, Believe, Conceive Hidden Manna

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1Rhema WordsJohn 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”The Greek word Rhema is the spoken word of God as opposed to the Logos, the written word.The Logos is the written manual or guide for living our lives. It tells us:“Care for the widows.” 1st Timothy 5:16“Care for the orphans.” James 1:27“Remember those in prison.” Hebrews 13:3The Rhema tells us; which widow, orphan, or prisoner and the when and the how.

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2come away, BelovedIndeed my beloved, I am calling out to all of my own true ones to come away with me into my secret place. We will then enjoy deep fellowship in my heavenly places where you will be changed, transformed, and yes, transfigured. I know it is difficult for you to fully believe this promise through your carnal thinking. My servant and handmaiden Mary, did not at first believe my messenger Gabriel. I then had to overshadow her carnal mind by my spirit, entering into the womb of her soul, planting my seed of everlasting truth. She then conceived my living word in preparation for the birth of my only begotten and first born, Jeshua. I am doing the same in you so that you will become the many manifest brothers and sisters of my first born in the glory of my kingdom on earth forever. Amen.John 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me”2 Cor. 3:17,18 “Now the Lord is the spirit; and where the spirit is, there is liberty. But we all withunveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed, (transfigured) into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the spirit of the Lord.”“Come now beloved and pray for all those I have given to you!”

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3“Split Rock Falls” VariationBoth variations of “Split Rock Falls” remind me of the “voice of many waters,” powerful, but eventually leading to the calm, still waters.Psalm 23

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4 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Split Rock Falls” Variation

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Split Rock Falls” Variation

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5Arise, BelovedArise, beloved, in the midst of trial and oppression. The enemy would sift you as wheat, but by My spirit I give you victory. Stand up, pressing forward, forgetting the failures of your past. I have brought you through these things, and have called you to come higher, putting aside all but the Christ of My only begotten, who lives and reigns within you. I have not created nor prepared you for failure, but only for victory. Do not be shocked and dismayed by what you see in this world, and, yes, even in the churches. I would have you confront these things head-on, fighting every spiritual battle in prayer as I have taught you. Do not despair, for I have given you victory. Take back My land and all of the spoils for My glory. Amen.Arise,beloved

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6 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Split Rock” Variation

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“Split Rock” Variation

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7“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world.In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices like a strong man to run its race. Its rising is from one end of heaven and its circuit to the other end; and there is nothing hidden from its heat.” Psalm 19:1-6

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8The following limited edition prints have been selected from a series of my drawings and paintings entitled “The Heavens and The Earth.” These images were inspired by the Hubble Telescope pictures. The original works were executed on copper panels. Both the celestial pieces and the landscapes were created to capture the glory spoken of in Psalm 19:1–4.“Triptyche Nebula”“Orchard Nebula”“Above the Rocks”

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9 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“ Triptyche Nebula”

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“ Triptyche Nebula”

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10Weeding the GardenI do a deep cleansing and purging work in each of you. It may seem to you, during this time, that everything is out of control. The truth is that I have wrested from each of you your control of your lives and the lives of those you hold dear. Do not be afraid when you see this happening, for it is indeed My doing, designed to transform you, each of you, from carnal to Holy Spirit be-ings. Jacob wrestled; Joseph was imprisoned; Abraham left everything behind; Moses went into the desert; and even My only begotten was driven into the wilderness. I must do this for each of you so that you may be equipped by My spirit to carry the responsibility I will bestow upon you; each of you, as you walk in My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. I must remove from you, My beloved ones, every root of doubt, fear, and mistrust planted in you by the evil one after the Fall. Rejoice; for I am about to restore the garden! Amen.

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11 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Orchard Nebula”

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“Orchard Nebula”

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12This piece, “Above the Rocks” speaks of the living stones watched over by our living God.“…You are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple.”1st Peter 2:5

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13 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Above the Rocks”

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“Above the Rocks”

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14Answer the CallI have, dear ones, spoken of these things to you many times during our relationship. It is now the time to re-emphasize My call to each of you, but now with the increased understanding of who you are in Me. Your spirits and souls are more surrendered to Me. You are empowered with an anointing and impartation of My spirit that you have not known in previous years. I am announcing these things to you now because you are not fully aware of them in your conscious-ness, but deep within your spirits and souls you sense something new. This new thing is what I will unveil, and to those I have given to you. My glory is upon you, and in you, in a way you have not known. It is My time, My appointed time, for you to step out, revealing My presence in you to those in great need, especially those already in ministry who are wounded; casualties of war. They need rehabilitation, and I’m calling you into active duty to tend their wounds and help them to regain their spiritual direction. Do you accept My commission for you? I am calling! Step up! and I will send you out! Amen.I am calling!

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15This piece, “Winter of Discontent,” was conceived during a difficult and emotional time in my life. The Lord told me that the milkweed seeds being sown in the bleak stormy winter scape represented the hidden manna he sows in each of our lives through tribulation.I later learned that the milkweed was food for the monarch butterfly and that God will teach us to soar so beautifully as monarchs in His kingdom here on Earth.John 16:33

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16 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Winter of Discontent/Hidden Manna”

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“Winter of Discontent/Hidden Manna”

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17Be ComfortedMy dear ones, I have allowed you to experience the emptiness of your lives without My pres-ence, or at least without your awareness of My presence. You see, I have been with you all this time, even though you have not felt it. This is what many of My beloved ones feel, for they do not understand the spiritual war that rages against them every second. Do not despair, for I have not left you, but use this time to teach you much about the deep suffering of others. Continue to trust in My love for you, which protects you against all the onslaughts of the enemy. Respond to the Holy Spirit’s direction only, and not to the urging of others. Pray as I lead you, and know that I will always lead you; even though at times will allow you to be distracted to teach you deep and important truths about yourselves and others in My body. Know that I will always love you, dear ones. I will never leave nor forsake you! Amen, and amen.

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18“…the latter rain will be greater than the former.”Joel 3:23

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19 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Latter Rain”

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“Latter Rain”

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20Fear NotBeloved, I speak these words out of my deep and abiding love for each of you. As you observe the world around you, you can surely see the darkness that hovers over every quarter, from Wall Street and even into the churches and beyond. Many of those called by My name are fearful when they watch the news and observe world events. I say to you now, dear ones, fear not, for I have a plan to preserve My remnant as a testimony to the coming glory of My kingdom here on earth. You ask how, and I say to you, by the out-pouring of My spirit during the latter reign promised by my prophets of old. “The latter reign will be greater than the former.” I ask each of you now to prepare to receive the glory of My manifest presence. Humble yourselves and pray for repentance, turning away from all condemning judgments on those I have placed in your lives. Cover those you find offensive with prayer, and I will fill you with My glory and pour out My love through you, even upon the least of Mine. Put aside your pride, and any self-righteousness. As ambassadors of My kingdom, you must go lower, so that I might appoint and anoint you to draw others out of their darkness. I will have a people, called and chosen, to usher in My kingdom during these last days. Will you be a light in the darkness? I call you each now to put aside any darkness in your own lives. I will take it from you if you fully trust in My love for you. Let me set you free, that you may be used to free others, even those who seem to your natural eyes to be beyond hope. Rejoice in My words to you, beloved ones, for they are meant to bring life to you and others as you go forth into this darkened world, you, the arks of My glorious victory, and again I say rejoice! Amen.

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21From JesusI have loved you, My called and chosen ones, and have been with you since before time began. I have been with you even during your years of rebellion, and will continue to be with you always, to see you through every crisis or tribulation that may arise in your lives. Never doubt My promises to you, for they are true and eternal. Arise, beloved, and go forward in My spirit this day and always, and I will pour out My blessings upon you and through you. My truth is ever working within you. Trust Me beloved; “By my stripes you are healed,” forever and forever.Surrender every burden to me, for I have victory over even the sting of death. Believe in Me and in My word to you always, and share in My victory as you share in the inheritance of My throne. O My little brothers and sisters, be assured of My great and enduring love, and be healed, each of you, in your spirits, souls, and bodies. Glory in My salvation for your whole being, and rejoice! Amen.Surrender every burden to me . . .

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22 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Beyond Glory”

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Hidden Manna U n b o u n d A Book of Art Rhema Words and Poetry Scribed by Frank Vurraro

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23God’s FavorI would speak to you about the plans I have for you and yours; plans to prosper you, so that in the midst of My favor you will pour out what I have given to you upon all of those whom I bring into your lives. Do not take this lightly, and be wary of the devil and his distractions. Do not fall victim to his subtle and not-so-subtle ploys to get you off track. Resist him, and he will flee from you. Call upon Me in your times of trouble, and I will come to you. I have loved you through all the trials and tribulations in your lives, so be assured I will continue to do the same. Rest in Me, beloved ones, and you will find My peace in the midst of every battle. Continue to call upon Me, for I am your constant companion and your God. Amen.I am your constant companion and your God.

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24God’s NewnessI speak to you now, beloved, about many things. Your hearts are right before Me. But you dwell too much on your failings. Rejoice in your weaknesses, for in them I am strong. You will be sent to places you have not known, both physical and spiritual. I will show you and deliver you each from the gods of your own making, and then you will be able to soar to great heights in the upper realms of My kingdom on earth. I will bring many to you who are wounded deeply. By My spirit, you will nurse them back to spiritual, emotional and physical health, and send them on to help other wounded ones. You will do exploits in other places that you never dreamed of. I will overcome your fears and send you out from your nests of comfort, but you will be comforted in new ways. Longing will be a thing of the past for you. I will fill you up as I send you forth. Prayer and fasting will become even more prevalent in your walk with Me, for I will fill you with hidden manna. Walk forward as I lead you anew into these, my glorious greater realms. Congratulations upon your newness! Amen.Lamentations 3:22-24 “. . . he is new every morning . . . ”

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25 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Bands of Glory”

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Hidden Manna U n b o u n d A Book of Art Rhema Words and Poetry Scribed by Frank Vurraro

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26God’s Self Portrait“Oh, to be like Thee! Oh, to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art; come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; stamp Thine own image, deep in my heart!” O.F. Chisholm“ . . . Let us make man in Our own image . . . in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them . . . then God looked over all that He had made, and He saw that it was very good.”“ . . . be still and know that I am God.”It appears from the very beginning we were meant to look like God; but then, the Fall. Since Adam’s fall from grace, we have marred and distorted the image of God we were once given. During the time of Noah, humanity had become so corrupted and twisted that God had to remove all those unredeemable souls from the earth; all but Noah and his family. God then began all over again, wanting to repaint His self-portrait on humankind. Once again, man-kind marred, blurred, twisted and distorted God’s original image; His self-portrait. Not until Jesus, the pattern son, the perfect self-portrait of the Father, hung on the cross, would the Father begin His self portrait anew. He reached down His mighty brush, dipped it in the redeeming blood of Jesus upon the cross, and painted His self-portrait on the hearts of those willing to sit for the portrait by stopping and accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.Genesis 1:26, 27, 31Psalm 46:10

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27I Have CalledI have called My overcomers from throughout this darkened world to be a people of hope dur-ing these last days. Many have thought that they are not doing much for My kingdom, but the enemy knows who they are, and will try to dissuade them from the work I have appointed them to. Do not despair; instead, rejoice in the Lord your God, who has called you each now to a place you are not completely comfortable with. I have, you see, removed some of the supports that you have leaned on; they have become false gods. I will, beloved, have you look only unto Me, the One True God, whom you must lean on during the times ahead. I will send to you many who have been beaten down and do not fully understand the changes that are happening in their world. My glory will pour out from each of Mine; the arks of My divine victory and deliv-erance unto those in darkness. They will then come to know that “I am” the Lord their God and will become ushers of My kingdom here on earth. Amen.I AM

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28InstitutionsYou rely upon the institutions created by your own hands. You look to the talents of those around you to comfort you and protect your interests. And yet these things are powerless, yes, impotent in the face of your God. You claim to appreciate the awesome beauty of the universe, and yet those among you of great learning deny the One who has created all things beautiful. It is time for My people, the ones who cry out to Me, to rise up and declare the wonder of their God. I have placed within you the wisdom and great power of My spirit. You are filled with My love and compassion, demonstrated by my only begotten. I have called you to be a witness of these things, and yet you debate issues of little importance and demonstrate against things over which you have no control instead of relying on My spirit, who lives and reigns within you. Prostrate yourselves before me. Surrender your specious reasoning and I will give you peace within. You will then see with the eye of My spirit. Humble yourselves before Me, and I will lift you up. Amen.

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29Lenses of LifeDo you ever wonder why so often when two people encounter the same experience, place, or person, each may perceive it in an entirely different way? For one, it might be quite pleasant; for the other, not so.You see, each of our lives’ experiences, from infancy and even before, given our innate and genera-tional predispositions, serve to grind lenses through which we see all things. For example, if we have had bad experiences with a particular personality type in past, that type of person will invariably push for us negative buttons in the present. These emotional reactions often manifest as prejudices. We see these people through lenses ground by our past experiences, which in the present seem to us like reality.God, from the beginning, created each of us in “His” image for good! Because of our fallen nature, man, sin, our culture and all of the traumatic experiences in our lives, our lenses may have been re-ground in a distorted manner. We may walk around with prescription lenses that hurt rather than help our vision.Jesus, the “Great Physician”, is an eye doctor as well. If we are able to trust Him as our Healer, by the power of the Holy Spirit He will visit our old wounds and memories and re-grind our lenses for us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can begin to see others, situations, experiences, and ourselves, in the present, as our heavenly Father sees us, through “His” lenses of perfect and eternal love for each and all of His creation.Maybe we can make an appointment with Dr. Jesus to get our prescription re-ground so that we might no longer trip over the bumps of life, but we will see them coming and negotiate them through “the Christ in us, our hope of glory.” Amen.Hebrews 12:2

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30My AmbassadorsBeloved, my beloved, your lives are not governed by chance or the natural forces of the earth. You are pre-ordained as ambassadors of My kingdom from above. Each of you carry within you the characteristics of your heavenly citizenship. Although residents of this earthly realm, you were made in My eternal kingdom, from which you carry My seed to change this world, that it may begin to take on the likeness of the Most High. Just as My firstborn, My only begotten, carried My kingdom to those who would receive it, so will each of you do the same. Do not, beloved, be impatient, for I must make very careful preparations, purifying your souls so you may more fully receive My kingdom. When this occurs, you each will be changed, transformed (metamorphosed) in a moment; from the carnal to the spirit man. Pray that we would become one, beloved. This is My plan for you and yours. Rejoice and believe for My greater glory forever. Amen.Beloved, my beloved, your lives are not governed by chance or the natural forces of the earth.

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31My PeopleYou are hearing My prophets speaking about exposing the enemies of My kingdom here on earth. I will, beloved, take back this land; for the earth is Mine, and all that is in it. My people, those called and chosen ones, who seek only the greater resurrection in Jesus, are now willing to face—my enemies—head on, for the glory of My kingdom. Yes, the glory of My kingdom and its radiant light will be seen by many trapped in the deep darkness of this world. Hold fast to My truth, dear ones, and persevere to the end. I will rule with My people; for the kingdoms of this world will soon become fully Mine, and those also who are truly with Me will be fully Mine, forever and ever. They will rejoice in the radiant light, life and freedom of My eternal truth—Jesus—for all eternity. Amen. . . . for the earthis Mine,and all thatis in it.

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32This piece, “Turning Point” was done from a location at the Saratoga Battlefield. The Lord showed me that He gave the Colonial forces victory over what was considered the greatest army in the world at that time. The light in this piece depicts the sun setting on the great British Empire and the light of Christ coming to this new land. Its almost as if God was saying, “Here is your republic, do well by it.”

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33 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Turning Point” Battle of Saratoga

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“Turning Point” Battle of Saratoga

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34Rest In MeRest, dear ones. I would give you My shalom in the midst of a chaotic world. Pay no attention to the instability of the world and its institutions. Remember, I am Lord over all; and you are Mine, covered by the blood of My only begotten. You are My darling ones, and joint heirs with Him to My kingdom, in both heaven and on earth. Rejoice in My eternal love for you, My darlings, and I will show you the depth of My glory. You’ll be changed in the blink of an eye. These things are imminent, so do not be impatient; only enjoy each season as it is given; for all there is a purpose, and it is good! Amen.Remember, I am Lord over all

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35Secret AgentsBeloved of Mine, for I am with you always and forever. Your voices cry out to Me when I live within. We are one, beloved! Many search for Me in diverse places when I am not to be found outwardly. I say, beloved, be still and I would give you My peace within, to the very depth of your souls. Do not rattle on about what I have done through you. Be still and allow the witness of My spirit through your very countenance sow love and peace to the spirits of those I bring to you. Do not be anxious and grow weary, but be of good cheer, knowing that I work within, and am victorious always. You are, beloved, for the present, My secret agents, working at times covertly for the soon coming of My kingdom within each of My beloved, “In earth as it is in heaven”! Matthew 6:9-13

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36What Is In A Name?What is in a name, beloved? I have named each of you since before time began. You are Mine; and you carry with you My family name. This is your identity in My kingdom, here on earth and in heaven, and I call upon you to guard and treasure this, My name, with your very lives. I have appointed you as My ambassadors, representing Me and My heavenly kingdom in the earth. Wherever you tread, you are in My heavenly kingdom, pouring out the frequencies of My love wherever you step. Take this to heart, My loves, because the enemy will try to steal this from you, through persecution, unjust criticism, rejection, and temptation to sin. Don’t fall for his lies! Remember: “Love your enemies, pray for those who despitefully use you, and do good to those who hate you.” All will be well with your souls. Amen.Ephesians 4:1 “Therefore I beseech you to walk worthy of the name by which you have been called.”

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37Listen BelovedMy beloved ones, listen to My words to you this day. I speak to you about the things I’m about to do in your lives, things you have known in part but have not fully apprehended.Recently I have allowed you to see physical healings. These are but a foretaste of what is to come. Formal rote prayers cannot and will not bring about the manifestation of My Kingdom in your lives. I call you to come up in intimacy with Me and we will dine together partaking of hidden manna. And My Life will become your life.When this occurs, beloved, My anointing will flow out from you, each of you in such a way that My gospel will penetrate the hearts of those in dire need without you even speaking a word. My Glory will heal the sick and cast out the demons oppressing My people and, yes, I will raise the dead through you.Beloved, you have been sensing those things for sometime and now is the time, My appointed time! The manifest sons will begin to appear! They are already on the horizon and My Kingdom Glory will flow out from them empowering many of My own and routing those in the kingdom of darkness.Be encouraged, men and women of God for you are and will see My manifest Kingdom here on Earth.AMEN

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38RhemaPoetryJohn 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”Rhema Poetry represents the spoken word of God in His poetic form.“We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”Matthew 4:4

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39THE UNKNOWN POETThis short poem is from a man unknown to me, who visited the Riverfront Studios in Schuylerville, New York during the opening of my art show on November 1st, 2008. He read this to me while standing in front of my late autumn forest painting entitled “Praise.” He gave me a handwritten copy on a scrap of paper. He then disappeared. I never saw him again.untitledGolden autumn Without leaves; –Trees– So well-defined. –God– Hath made a paradise; A place of thee, Sublime. Unknown PoetI sort of took this as a sign of God’s approval to pursue making the book. Maybe this unknown poet was an angel!

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40This piece, “Praise,” referred to by the unknown poet.“Let every created thing give praise to the Lord.”Psalm 148

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41 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Praise”

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42The Lord has been speaking to me about learning to walk in what I do not know.He encourages me by these reminders. Abraham left his home, Moses left the palace, Joseph was taken from his family, even Jesus went into the desert before beginning His ministry.

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43Will I arise and go, perhaps to a place I do not know?Why would I go? I do not really know.Nonetheless, I should arise and go, whatever place, I do not know.Might someone go with me, to this place I do not know?The place seems less important, than the one with whom I go.A Place I Do Not Know

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44 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Streams of Glory”

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“Streams of Glory”

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45A Far Far Greater PlaceThis poem, “A Far Far Greater Place,” emerged when I completed a large painting of the same name that was three years in the making. I finished the painting quite late one evening, then turned on the late movie, A Tale of Two Cities. British actor Ronald Coleman portrayed Sidney Carton, the protagonist in the story, who sacrificed his life for someone else at the guillotine; a metaphor for Christ’s crucifixion. His last line in the story was, “It is a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done. It is a far, far greater place I go than I have ever been.” Hence, the title of my painting and poem.John 15:13 “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”Fullness of soul, satisfying need,A feast upon His table, true eternal creed;Earthy cares, mere tares, amidst thefields so white; seems full, within our grasp; Oh, blind eyes, despair;Lungs gasp for air; we miss the point;All-consuming, all-devouring, like darkestsigns breach our faulty dike.Roaming through each lonely town, fedonly by what fills our prideful gown,Awake, arise and live upon this earth,a life, not merely gaiety and mirth.Look up to light that was and isand is to come; ’tis the bread of life, sustains against all woe and strife. One who gave us all— the Living Well —descended into hell, arose from ’neath the earth behind the stone, rejected and alone; He serves as Lover of us all, gives promise, and a greater call, A far far greater place; a far far greater grace.

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46 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“A Far Far Greater Place”

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“A Far Far Greater Place”

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471 Peter 2:5 . . . and you are living stones that God is building into His spiritual temple. What’s more, you are His holy priests.The ChrysalisIn the master’s secret place, he forms a tiny chrysalis so often disregarded in the natural mind. In it, he offers protection, beyond measures of the temporal mind. Dwelling within, we are his own precious stones, each facet polished and patterned after the cornerstone, a mosaic being, wonderfully fashioned within—a divine plan—fully known only to the master. Each stone radiates a luster, not exactly like that of the others. Miraculously, all form an eternal unity, one in perfect order, harmonious and full, a complete bow, holy, blessed, chosen, predestined. The chrysalis, a tabernacle of the master’s perfect love, nurtures, comforts, and instructs us, purifies and prepares each stone for its metamorphosis, only possible at the master’s appointed time. None ought emerge before that time, into the unprotected outreaches of what seems to glitter, but in reality leads to destruction. We must await the master’s hand to be set free, to soar as monarchs ourselves to great heights, that all might know the glory from out the master’s secret place.Selah.

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48The Thread That Runs So TrueProv. 4:11 “I will teach you wisdom’s ways and lead you in straight paths.” Isaiah 55:9 “. . . My ways are higher than your way, and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” The thread that runs so true, the tapestry of life, hangs for some so beautifully on the wall; for others it may be soiled, torn or tattered. Often, all too often, it has been hidden away in a musty old closet or trunk. What must Father think when He sees our inheritance lost like that? What must we do, Father? —for we have only seen the back of the tapestry with its knots and snarls. We long to view it as you do Father, but you are the artist who sees the finished work. If you could give us just a glimpse, perhaps we would dare to place it on the wall again, putting aside the ego for just a moment. I feel the tug, your tug upon the knots, as you adjust them once again. I think I am getting it. Thank you, Father.

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49“The River Runs True”This piece was inspired by a spot on the Battenkill near my home and is reminiscent of the true river of living water, spoken of in — John 7:38

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50 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“River Runs True”

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“River Runs True”

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51The next two poetic works, “Dad, Mom, and Me” and “A Letter to Mother,” speak about kids and parents. Every family is dysfunctional in some way or another, and as children we are loved imperfectly. Thus, we learn to love imperfectly. If we somehow learn to some degree that we are loved perfectly by our Father in heaven, and are always valued and under His protective watch, even in the midst of our life’s cruelest trials, we truly can experience God’s promised peace. “ . . . here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows, but take heart, because I have overcome the world.”John 16:33

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52When I was just a little kid, I sawmy dad as larger than life, andquite able to protect me from any foe.I imagined his victories blow by blow.As I waited for dad each evening,— my super hero —to find me underneath the kitchen table,or hidden behind the bureau,I thought of the treasures he might lay upon the floor beside my hiding place; a piece of candy, a few pennies, or ared, white and blue kite. He alwaysfound me of course, lifted me upas I laughed; I hugged him by theneck with all my might. My sense of joy was the most I’d known as a little boy.As time passed, little-kid memoriesseemed to dim. I spent more time with mom than I did with him.Dad was working long hours atthe family grocery store. People need to eat, you know!— I missed my super hero —Mom and I went to church and breakfast on Sunday; dad played golf every other week. After all, a man needs time to himself! The red, white and blue kite sat on the shelf.Dad, Mom, and Me

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53“A Letter to Mother”This poetic work is in no way meant to condemn those having experienced abortion. We know that God has made all things new in Christ Jesus. I hope that this poem might encourage young women to see more clearly our Father God’s love for every life when making their decisions. Jesus understands everything you are going through. Remember although he is fully God, He is also fully human. He became one of us and understands all that we suffer because he also suffered.Matthew 26:36-39Psalm 139:16 “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed and in Your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.”

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54Dear Mother,You don’t know me yet, but I’m known forever by our Father, the great “I Am”; He who placed for you and me upon the cross His own beloved Lamb, so we could live.I am a person, made, I know, for a purpose, long before your thoughts of me occurred. I was knitted by the hands of God, His plans for me assured.I am a different person from you, dear Mother, and unique with my separate ears, eyes to shed my tears; yes, my own separate hands, feet, tiny fingers and little toes.I am myself in spirit, body, soul, wanting to be whole. Our Father, God, told me He loves me, and that He loves you, too. He’s not at all mad at us.I am, dear Mother, at least for now, depending on you to keep me safe inside you. I just need your love, protection, and nutrition so we might fulfill our God’s commission.Please, dear Mother, hear my cry! Keep me, Mother, so before God’s time I will not die. I love you very much, Your gift from God, BabyA Letter to Mother

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55The next two poems, “Heartsong” and “From Darkness Into Light,” speak of my (and I suspect many others’) daily walk with God. Most, I think, have dealt with mountaintop and valley experiences in their lives. God teaches us over time that Romans 8:28, “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose,” is really true. When we’re in the depth of those valley times, however, it is very difficult to see this truth. If we can remember that there is more growth in these valleys than on the mountaintops, it may help to encourage us. The valleys, no matter how deep or dark, are a part of God’s preparation for the fulfillment of His promise to each of us; the seeds of His glory, so to speak.So rejoice!Philippians 1:29 “For you have been given the privilege of trusting in Christ, but also the privilege of suffering for Him.”

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56My heartsings praiseHeartsong whispered first, needs were quickly met at once, quenched every thirst,Every appetite was whet, satisfied and met.Longings of the soul grew greater.Answers seemed to come much later. You hidYour grace, some secret place. Heartsong then sung more loudly, longing for Yourlovely face. Now my heart sings praiseto You Most High. Your hiding placeseems closer by; but in search forHoly Grail, my song is become the Heartsong of travail.Birthpangs sounding now, blessing own withknitted brow, anxiously await the birth;The sons, God’s own, inherit, share the throne.Rejoice I now, in His great light.Heartsong shouts of His delight!Heartsong

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57 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Twilight Glory”

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“Twilight Glory”

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58From darkness into light, on every meadow, every forest dappled bright,my journey from forth the dimmest place, wobbling walk, first senselesstalk, reaching out to sparkled things, before tyro earned its wings.Long to touch familiar faces, not yet facile with my laces,bruisèd flesh and inward aching, thirst for which there is no slaking,poured forth into empty chasms, winding paths in undulating spasms,No restful glade in sight, not yet the smallest hope for flight….What is this journey? Where is the light?Plodding through the gnarled roots and mired fens, quickly skirting bysome darkened dens, looking back into familiar faces; now artfully Itie the laces. Emerging from my darkened past, portents divinely authored,light at last. I once saw darkly through a glass, but in future’s mysteriousplaces, lighted faces; some old, some new, of every tint and hue,Illuminated full in tabernacle bow, from darkness into light I grow,soaring high on wings once lame. I know not how the light’s created;I only know, I once hungered, blind, but now am full, in spirit and in mind.I know that it was good and right, my long journey from darkness into light.From Darkness into Light

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59“Mountain Road Light”Our way ahead is often steep and the road is winding, but God’s glory light awaits.Psalm 119:105

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60 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Mountain Road Light”

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“Mountain Road Light”

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61Alone But Not Alone “Loneliness is and has always been the central and inevitable experience of every man.” Thomas Wolfe “ . . . Now you are My friends, since I have told you everything the Father told Me. You didn’t choose Me, I chose you.” John 15:15-16There is, though, the Holy One,who has already consented to shoulderthis burden in my stead,but fearing rejection I turned away…Perhaps another day.I was distracted by somerobed in piety, who told me Imust earn the prize to have afriend. That never worked for me.A darker stain then coveredmy world until again the Holy OneHimself sought me. Can you imagine that?He sought me! He won me! He loved me!I am His alone; now not ever alone.I have a Friend! Thank you Jesus! When the storm clouds rage,it seems that I am more alone.I plod through as though all is well,but my loneliness is deeply rooted,as a tare against the garden wall.I am aware of the intruderwho seeks to take away who I am,but onward I walk, in pursuit of a friend.It seems quiet now that the black-laden clouds have disappeared over the horizon;the smell is sweet but fleeting.Alone, I find, is in the still and quiet as well,for it dwells within me,ushered in some years ago.

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62Beauty is not what one thinks, seeksafter, or vainly imagines, but quite thecontrary is freely given through the eyesof a child.If one is wise in the ways of theworld, it is far more difficult to grasp,than if childlike loveliness is allowed topenetrate the darkened glass.Truest beauty is not forced, or contrived,and after all is said and done, theclearest and dearest may be the nearestto one’s longing heart.Beauty bought by earthy sweatis elusive; we oft live distracted by our vain pursuits,stirred by hymns of unmelodious chords….Ah! But all is harmonized by the Lamb’s breath.SELAH“ . . . For the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.” BeautyMatthew 19:14

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63Psalm 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Lam. 3:22-24 “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh every morning.” He is new every morning!FatherMy Father, You are ever true;faithful as each dawn anew.No other source my fountain,the quenching of my thirst;sated by your love,soul and spirit seem to burst.When carnal pride is put aside,could I in secret place reside?—as one with You, dear Lordtethered by Your loving cord.With deepest longing for Your grace,even more I seek Your face.Your promise guides methrough the throes and woesof worldly cares, that I mightgrow as wheat, not tares.My Father, “Keep me,” is my plea,each dawn anew on bended knee.Amen.

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64Love Song of Simon PeterLuke 5:8 “ . . . When Simon Peter saw . . . he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from me; for I am a sinful man,… O Lord.’” John 21:15-17 “ . . . Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? . . . Then feed my sheep.” I long to deeply love you, Master,through and through, for to You alonetrue love is due. Might I feedYour sheep,Blessed Holy One above,who reaches out to all in love?I long for You, my heart’s desire,and with Your spirit do conspirethrough unity of heart and souland glory, in Your holiness.I wonder of what this life consists,for those who in despairsuppose You exist asbut a mist in their imaginings.They close their hearts and fail Your praise to sing.I pray they learn to long for Youmy heart’s true joy, andnot for Babylon’s old ploy,that reaches out from man-made towers,not in search for you, My God,but for such unholy powers.Rouse them all!I pray that when You inspirit walk their way,and your appointed timefor them is nigh, they’llne’er let you pass them by.I long to deeply love you

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65Enduring long suf’ring and strife,Inherent in birthing of life,We seek emergence out ourDarkened surroundings, spy onlyA glimmer of hope feint lightEre abounding.Through glass we see dimlyThe portent of glory.Could it be there is truth toThe wondrous story?The mother in labor, the artistAnd seeker, the sower, theTiller, the poet, the reaper,All sense in their souls, longSuf’rings ultimate goals, aHarvest of wisdoms greatBlessings so deep.Booths of succoths sweetManna we reap.Making Sense of Suering (Succoth)

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66 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Through the Brambles”2 Corinthians 4:8–10

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“Through the Brambles” 2 Corinthians 4:8–10

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67Master’s Garden Rom. 12:1 “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds.” I think of our minds/souls as “His” garden, being restored by the Holy Spirit to the likeness of His original garden, as depicted before the fall.I dwell in Master’s garden.Beauty of His hand divine,Unseen by carnal eye,But inwardly sublime,I am His love’s receptacle,In Him am made acceptable.By loving hands am made,By He, the Master of this glade.

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68 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Master’s Garden”

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“Master’s Garden”

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69One New ManEphesians 2:14 “For Christ Himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in His own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us.” John 17:21 “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you . . . ”Those loved by Most High,We heard not their ancient,anguished cry.Yahweh’s chosen nation,nourished by God’s own ration,as coriander rain.Now lift the staff,a serpentine reminderof covenant and binder.Tethered byeternal cord, joinedforever to their Lord.Lift them up toEl Shaddai, ne’er ignorethe apple of His eye.We are one new man,I AM knows why. Let notour long-past sin,condemning, accusing din,corrupt our blood-bought souls.Instead, rise up,with Yahweh’s ancient ones,yea, Jew and Gentile, God’sbeloved chosen sons. SHALOM

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70Pearl of Great PricePearl of price so great,’Tis hid, and as we wait,Cloistered trove among thethorns of mortal strife, sogreat and glorious is theOne who gives eternal life.Oft spied in subtly hidden site, but when isfound we ne’er must loseits light….revealing to eachdear son, the most abundantlife, uncovered by theOne in such despairing plight.Matthew 13:44-46 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again, and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!”

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71VignettesTiny worlds unseen. Teeming masses trampled, cast aside. Oh, glory!Rocking, resting, repose, Breezes and cardinal song, Blessing assured.Bell tower serenade, Glorious azure firmament, Viridian green.See cats and butterflies. Shadows dart and joust about. Life can be cruel.Hummingbird blossoms, Coriander rain provided, Master thou art good.Deep pools hidden, Sun emblazoned golden glory, Universe displayed.This small group of poems was penned loosely in the haiku tradition while sitting in the garden one beautiful summer afternoon, observing God’s glory all around.

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72In Father God’s divine appointed time, when His kingdom does cross over, reveals His lovely face, even in this earthly place. Emerges He from: the color of a rainbow, the fragrance of flowers, singing of birds and the laughter of a small child,to name but a few.When the universes touch so beautifully and new, God’s good pleasure due, His precious gift to each of you.Dear God, our Father, King and Creator of us all,—He lifts us up—Looks us straight in our eye and,We are undone!Thank you Father!Parallel UniverseLuke 1: 78, 79

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73“Parallel Universe”This two paneled diptyche speaks of the heavens and the earth and how they often touch, as alluded to in the poem of the same name. Jesus taught us to pray in this way— “Thy kingdom come . . . on earth (in us) as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6: 9–13

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74 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Parallel Universe” Diptyche

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“Parallel Universe” Diptyche

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75Many years ago, I listened to Pastor Bill Britton, a preacher from Missouri who said, “The Lord will have a people, called and chosen for the last days, who will be purifi ed and white like the snow.” Isaiah 1:18OTHER WRITINGS OF BILL BRITTON:Jesus the Pattern SonThe Harness of the LordTreasure of the Snow“ . . . Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though theyare red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.”People of the Snoware red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.”People of the Snoware red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.”are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.”Pastor Bill talked about these people, each one being unique as individual snowfl akes, and yet in unity forming a pure white blanket. In this teaching, he indicated that these people would be ordinary; not famous, not celebrities. His teach-ing from many years ago inspired this poetic work.

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76People of the snow, each one unique, But one in He who cause the wind to blow. Tempest-tossed, these people know, ‘tis He Who dwells within doth cause the wind to blow.For His own good purpose, this tumult rages forth. He formed the drifts from out the north.When prophets’ portents do loom true, When all is pure and new, The people of the snow, the world will scarcely know.Ah, but when the time is full with prismic, illuminating bow, Then the multitude, one by one, will know. All then will see, in golden tabernacle light, Glory on those who fought the fight.Greater yet, they all will know, He who sent the people of the snow.People of the SnowIsaiah 60:1-3“Arise, shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you, and the Gentiles shall come to your light, and the kings to the brightness of your rising.”

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77 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Treasure of the Snow”

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Treasure of the Snow”

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78When I was a child, I would look up at the light on the ceiling in my room. I was fascinated with being able to block out the light with my thumb, which was of course much smaller than the light. I learned that I could do the same with the sun or the moon. I did not, at that time, quite understand the close proximity of my thumb to my eye as being the reason. More recently, I thought upon that old puzzlement. It seems to have inspired this poetic work, “Perspectives”. This poem speaks about how we sometimes look at the pain in our lives—and perhaps, a better way of seeing it.Matthew 27:51 Hebrews 6:19-20, 10:19-22

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79Part I I raised my hand before the sun,obscuring its glorious light,my perspective skewed bythe nearness of my flesh.I dwell now thus, amid the thornsof life, in my chair of pain,blocking out the light again.I raise now the thorns whichaccentuate my darkened plight.This seems no fitting end forone who truly trusts the light.PerspectivesPart IIThen raised the One who rentthe veil of flesh, who tookthe thorns of life for allin darkness dressed…I now lay down my hand,nearness of my flesh.Its thorns which seem e’erso small. None left toveil His glory and His grace.My perspective nowThrough eye of spirit,Not of nature’s face.I see the Son, begottenOne, in His exalted place.GLORY!

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80"Parable of the Ark"This triptych symbolizes the trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We, made in the image of our God, are also triune beings; spirit, soul, and body.The objects in the original Ark of the Covenant, I believe, are a parable of the salvation of ou0 spirits, souls, and bodies spoken of in 1st Thessalonians 5:23-24.The stones of testimony, the rod of Aaron, the manna likened unto Coriander seed and the golden jar that held the manna are all symbolized here by: the white stone, the milkweed stem, the milkweed seed, and the golden egg.Jesus spoke in parables. This piece is a parable.Let those who have eyes see! Luke 8:10

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81 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Parable of the Ark/Hidden Manna”

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“Parable of the Ark/Hidden Manna”

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82Revelation 2:26-28“To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, to them I will give authority over all the nations. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority, received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star.”The “Sons of God Symphony” was birthed several days after listening to the music of composer and guitarist extraordinaire Gary Wager. The Holy Spirit most definitely inspired this musical experience for me, and I am sure for the others who were present on that evening as well. The result for me was this poetic work.Sons of God Symphony

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83Wafting melodies of kingdom glory, pouring, melting, golden flowing, with peace in waves, unfolding story.The King enters, His hosts attending, both He and those enraptured by a new, beyond all new, great myst’ry knowing.Presence of the kingdom’s beauty, not seen, but sensed in myriads of thoughts afore not thought. Ah yes; cleansing, purging, made pure white; gone, the dark and lifeless Adamic sight.Sons of God SymphonyPART IMelodic gates of entry bid us go, to place of sounds not heard by nature’s ear—listen—shed a tear. drink in, not just hear, melodies of kingdom glory.The song, each string echoes sounds of David’s ancient story. Poured into —hearts believing—souls receiving, conceiving, preparing for the kingdom’s birth, here on earth.Prepare oh meek; lowly, slowly, knowing, beyond our knowing. Ah, see, hear; you sense the kingdom’s golden flowing.

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84PART IIIt will be, the symphony of heaven’s sounds; of light and life, completed in all willing hearts, who long to walk in what they —do not yet know—but will arise and go.They will go, toward heaven’s symphony, as it pours upon the earth, awaiting the most glorious song; —the new birth—the trumpets sound, strings resound, all announce —THE KINGDOM AND HIS ROD— The manifest sons of God! Amen.Rejoice all sons, heirs; take the throne our Master shares. his music’s glory, echoed from each string, on golden wing, filling willing vessels.New birth, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in heaven and on earth. prophetic peace resounds from each melodic chord; singing glory to our Lord.The sounds proclaim it so. The peace beyond our knowing, speaks of His kingdom growing, within our hearts and souls.Rejoice

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85Psalm 23 (Variation)The Lord is our shepard. He provides for all our needs.He helps us to rest in lush green meadows; leads us beside peaceful streams and renews our strength.He gently guides us along the right paths, bringing honor to His holy name.Even when we walk through the darkest valleys or by the deepest pit, we will not be afraid, for He lives and reigns — within us and is our comfort.He sets a feast before us in the heat of battle. He then honors us with the anointing of oil. Our lives overflow with His blessings!Surely His goodness and unfailing love will pursue us always and we will live in Him and He in us all the days of our lives.His steadfast love endures forever!Amen!1 Kings 13:17 “Arise and eat for the journey is too great for you!”

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86 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Pasture Light”

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“Pasture Light”

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87BelovedBeloved mine, we walk as one, spirit and soul entwined.Freely I have loved and sacrificed divine, so you would one day know that you are mine.No regrets, beloved mine; You count the cost, find nothing lost. You walk with Me in truth sublime. You are, beloved, truly mine.E’er this song endures, reaching out to you and yours. Wonder of wonders eternal life ensures.You are mine and I am yours.Amen.Song To My Beloved

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88A still small pool at rest, unknowing perfect loves behest.heavens touch, a gentle stirring, to heal this stagnant soul. quietly reflecting, so deeply longing to be whole.Being, living, water flowing, receiving, conceiving — Now— deep wisdom knowing, from highest heavens glory light bestowing.Soul be healed at last! Transformed from darkened wounds long past. By heavens majestic light, eternal loving power and might.Heaven’s TouchPsalms 42:7 John 5:1–8

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89 Chaim k Life John 3:15 “ . . . Everyone who believes in Me shall have eternal life.”“Glory Light”

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“Glory Light”

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90My little ones I would have you record these words.My beloved ones, I have not left you alone for I would never do that. At times in your desperation you search for Me, you cry out, sometimes even looking to things that have nothing to do with Me. In your thought life you go here and there and your feet take you places looking for answers, answers to broken relationship, answers to lonelinss and brokenheartedness. I would comfort you now, assuring you that the thing for which you search is within you—I dwell within you, I abide within you and My longing is for you to abide in Me, trusting the deep and everlasting love that I have for you and have placed in you. Rejoice in the words I speak to you today for they are words of life and light that when you fully receive them, they will manifest in you like windows from heaven by which many of those in darkness will see and receive the glorious light of My kingdom and will indeed be set free. These many years and seasons have been a preparation within each of you, really the way of the cross that you might accomplish the promises and victory of My only Begotten.Be blessed, my little ones and I will send you forth so that you might walk and do even greater things that He spoke of. AmenMy Little Ones My Future Sons

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91“To every one who is victorious, I will give some of the manna that has been hiddden away in heaven, and I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.” Revelation 2:17 Hidden MannaJohn 16:33 “ . . . Here on earth (world) you will have many trials and sorrows, but take heart (rejoice) for I have overcome the world.”

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92EpilogueOvercomers Essential PrayerFor us if indeed we are to be manifest sons of God, the friends of the Bridegroom.LORD, how we need the power and authority of heaven to minister to the needs of suffering humanity, and to deliver Your sheep that have been scattered and bruised in the wilderness of life. But LORD! Do not, we pray, place in our trust, any measure of authority and power that is not counter-balanced with an equal measure of grace, humility, meekness, patience, kindness, longsuffering, mercy, and wisdom. Keep this power and authority in Your own hands, we pray, as the sword of Goliath was taken out of the hands of David, wrapped in a priestly garment, and hidden away in the sanctuary until he was prepared of God to have it permanently, and to use it wisely. Continue to hold us in the hollow Your hand as a sharp sword, to be used by You at Your discretion. Continue to polish us like the shaft of the arrow, and keep us in Your quiver until You see fit to send us forth, so we will not miss the mark, but will penetrate the heart of the enemy perfectly. Please keep the power in Your hands alone, “For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory . . .” And may we only partake of it as we come into complete harmony and union with You. Amen! Adapted from George Warnock’s Feed My Sheep

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93CreditsArt and Poetry Frank VurraroGraphic Design Valerie Collins