Judy crawford, bhs assistant principalGeraldine Coleman-Odom, BHS PTSA President
April 2, 2023 To the Brentwood Community, I truly wish that every day, we could celebrate the tenacity and determination our young scholars demonstrate in various ways. It is my honor to celebrate their many achievements and to congratulate our Scholarship Winners. Thank you to our community partners who consistently support this Brentwood High School tradition and contribute to the cultivation of student success. Our students are extremely grateful for your steady belief in their abilities and the investments into their future. Your time and effort do not go unnoticed. I am humbled by the kindness of this wonderful community of which I am a part. Together, we will carry on as the cornerstone for the advancement of our students. Sincerely, Dashana Dulin, Ed. D. Acting Principal BRENTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Brentwood, NY 11717 Telephone 631-434-2204 Dashana Dulin, Ed. D. Acting BHS Principal
BBRREENNTTWWOOOODD HHIIGGHH SSCCHHOOOOLL PPTTSSAA April 2023 To all of the Participants, Volunteers, Students, Parents and the Brentwood Community, The Brentwood High School PTSA would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people that worked so hard to make the 28th annual Gary Mintz Memorial Run and Pancake Breakfast a continued success. We want to thank all of the volunteers, who give of their time and support to plan, set up and encourage the participants. We could not be the success we are without you. It is a great time, where students, families, teachers, staff and the entire Brentwood community come together for an amazing event. Your continued support of the Gary Mintz Memorial Run and Pancake Breakfast is greatly appreciated as the proceeds go towards scholarships for the graduating class of 2023. This is one of the best things about the Brentwood community; coming together to fellowship and helping our children see a bright and successful future, We wish everyone and their families a wonderful Holiday season and a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous New Year! Again, we thank you for your continued support. Warm regards, The Brentwood High School PTSA ** Please consider joining your local PTA/PTSA. There are more than 18,000 students in the Brentwood school district. Your membership donation can and will make a difference. ** “Volunteers don’t get paid- not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless” -Sherry Anderson
The Brentwood High School PTSA is excited to be a part of the 22002233 GGaarryy MMiinnttzz MMeemmoorriiaall 55KK SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp RRuunn.. We would also like to congratulate all of this year’s participants. We would also like to wish the SSeenniioorrss ooff tthhee CCllaassss ooff 22002233 on all their accomplishments. We wish you all the best as you continue on to the next chapter of your life.
TThhee AAnnttii--BBuullllyyiinngg FFaasshhiioonn MMoovveemmeenntt iiss hhaappppyy ttoo ssuuppppoorrtt tthhee 22002233 GGaarryy MMiinnttzz MMeemmoorriiaall 55kk SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp RRuunn aanndd aallll ooff tthhiiss yyeeaarr’’ss rruunnnneerrss aanndd ppaarrttiicciippaannttss.. WWee wwoouulldd aallssoo lliikkee ttoo sseenndd bbeesstt wwiisshheess ttoo tthhee CCllaassss ooff 22002233!!!!
North Elementary School The faculty and staff of North Elementary are proud to support the Holiday Pancake Breakfast and our graduating seniors! Enjoy the day and the pancakes! BRENTWOOD SCOUTS 371 ARE RECRUITING! Programs Available for Boys & Girls! Kindergarten through College! CUB SCOUTS: KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 5TH GRADE Mondays at 6:30pm, North Middle School, Cafeteria SCOUTS BSA AND VENTURING: 6TH GRADE THROUGH AGE 21 Mondays at 7:30pm, North Middle School For more information, please contact 631-273-8781 or brentwoodscouts371@gmail.com Para Espanol, comuníquese con Jamie al 631-220-7000
rentwood High School Ross Center Administrative Discipline Attendance Congratulations to the class of 2023! Dashana Dulin James Gesseck Dr. Chief J. Taylor Christopher Harrison Kristina Terrana Marisol Hidalgo Hugh O’Henry Kamalic Cabrera Carla Ribeiro Kate Lasky Dina Goldberg Donna Fazio Olga Torres Kathleen Grauer Patricia Planteny Tina Bright Natalie Rentas Yohana Vargas Maria Sanchez Jennifer Costa Diane Martinez Jean-Marie McClain
rentwood High School Sonderling Center Administrative Discipline Attendance Congratulations to the class of 2023! Dashana Dulin Judy Crawford Wayne Loper Lisa Berry Spencer Wilson Daphne Herron Paula Santorelli Kristin DeVita Lisa Crudele Donna Fazio Kassandra Bonilla Karen Gross Lauren Ahearn David Berger Cheryl D’Agostino Corina Garcia Ingrid Citrin Madelyn Pulinario Garcia Jean-Marie McClain Karina Martinez Marisol Pagan
Congratulations to the Brentwood High School Class of 2023 We wish you continued success as you write the next chapter of your story! Best wishes, Northeast Elementary #TOGETHER
Congratulations to the Brentwood High School Class of 2023 We wish you continued success as you write the next chapter of your story! Best wishes, Northeast Elementary #TOGETHER BBrreennttwwoooodd TTeeaacchheerrss AAssssoocciiaattiioonn AA UUnniioonn FFoosstteerriinngg SSuucccceessss TThhrroouugghh QQuuaalliittyy EEdduuccaattiioonn Best wishes to this year’s Gary Mintz 5K participants. Proceeds benefit the BHS Scholarship Fund. Kevin Coyne, Jr., President Jerry Martusciello, Executive Vice President Kris Curran, 1st Vice President Bill VanderBeek, 2nd Vice President Annie Lackner, 3rd Vice President Andy Acunzo, Secretary Joe Roderick, Treasurer
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of 2023!! Kristin DeVita – BHS Math Department Head Victoria Amador Andrea Battifarano David Berger Jenny Bergs Nicole Bowden Anthony Calzetta Danielle Devane Theresa Gray Stephanie Marino Delia Melendez Maria Meringolo Katie Mitchell Brittany Morris Rebeca Rivera Michelle Rowlette Jennifer Schwaner Nick Tracey Spencer Wilson Marissa Wulfken Maria Lopez Jose Membreno Charles Vargas Kristin Abbatiello Melisa Borghese Danielle Fischer Glen Gray Jackie Kelly David Kiedaisch Stephen Mauriello Jacque McCormack Dawn Pacifico Jonathan Morgan Melissa Rantinella Mark Rotella Samantha Ruggiero Melissa Scheidel Ghislaine Silva Joseph Tronolone Nora DeSouza Christy Gomez Mark Lombardi Ana Morales Marcia Schuck Yelitza Ynoa
THE CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM CONGRADULATES THE CLASS OF 2023 Wishing each student a successful and fulfilling future! Rich Loeschner, Superintendent of Schools Stacy O’Connor, Assistant Supt. for Finance & Operations Ann Palmer, Assistant Supt. for Elementary Education Wanda Ortiz-Rivera, Assistant Supt. for Secondary & Bilingual Education Rhonda Young, Assistant Supt. for Special Services
Congratulations to the Senior Class of 2023 Brentwood UFSD Administration Building Accounting, Business, Human Resources and Payroll Departments
Dr. Chief J. Taylor - Program Director Building Advisors Kevin Whitaker – West Middle School Armando Rodriguez – West Middle School Greg Walter – South Middle School Stevenson Carrera Flores – East Middle School Kyle Herguth – Freshman Center William Escobar (YES) Freshman Center Marisol Pagan – High School Jonathan Morgan High School
EExxeeccuuttiivvee BBooaarrdd MMeemmbbeerrss Dr. Gloria Jackson, President Patrick Morris, Co-Vice President Felicia T. Williams, Co-Vice President Vincent Autera, Treasurer Ana Briones, Secretary Stacey Brdey Jim Gesseck Dashana Dulin, Ed.D Nicole Valente Christopher Dalley, Ed.D. Evania Galindez Dr. Bergre Escorbores Jose Suarez and the Entire Organization CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee CCllaassss ooff 22002233!! TThhee BBrreennttwwoooodd PPrriinncciippaallss && SSuuppeerrvviissoorrss OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonn iiss hheerree ttoo cchheeeerr yyoouu oonn aass yyoouu rruunn ttoowwaarrddss yyoouurr ffuuttuurree..
TThhee SSttaaffff ooff tthhee BBrreennttwwoooodd CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg EEdduuccaattiioonn OOffffiiccee aanndd tthhee RReeccoorrdd DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt SSuuppppoorrtt tthhee BBrreennttwwoooodd HHiigghh SScchhooooll SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp FFuunndd Jerry Cheng – Principal Dr. LisaIvelisse Rodriquez - Asst. Principal Alexander Arias - Dean Cathy Bowser - Principal Office Asst. Danielle Leon - Principal Office Asst. Maribel Oleivera - Senior Office Asst. Michael Leon - Office Asst.
Congratulations to the Brentwood High School Class of 2023. We are very proud of you all and your accomplishments. Reach for the stars and never give up on your dreams. You Can Do It! Best wishes always, The Brentwood High School Special Education Department Department Head of Special Education - Ingrid Citrin Ross Building Sonderling Building Susan Burnette Bryan Cornwell Elaina Cusumano Gloria DeBernardo Laura DeSantis Susan Disbrow Dominique Donnelly Erika Hesselbirg Carolyn Kenney Michelle Knuth Erica Mears Laura Paris Gregory Silvestro Gregory Skillman Krystie Stratmann Bryan Brown Linda Capozzoli Jeremy Conroy Lori Csutor James Farrell Janine Forte Mary Gentile Kathy Grauer Kristie Hacker Patricia Halton Ian Hoffman Karin Joseph Joseph LaCova Anthony LaScala Kristen Latuga Sharon Littman Krisin McCrossin Gina Murphy Heidi Newmeyer Amanda Nicolotti Lisa Pell Barbara Porrini Janelle Ramsaran Alyse Rostas Kaylin Schmidt Maggie Taylor
Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Class of 2023!!! From the Family & Consumer Science Department At Brentwood High School Pat Bachmann Lorie McDermott Laura Pombonyo Christina Rotella Judy Crawford, Department Head
Technology Department Brian Brooks Joseph Lorefice Bret Illingworth Jake Mulderig Tim Zeman
FJC Southeast Elementary School The faculty and staff of FJC Southeast Elementary are honored to support the Holiday Pancake Breakfast and our graduating seniors! May your day be filled with hopes for the future and delicious pancakes! Vincent Autera Principal Stephanie Weeks Assistant Principal Kenya Vanterpool Assistant Principal
CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF 2023 “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…” Dr. Seuss THE BRENTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT AAnnddyy AAccuunnzzoo GGeeoorrggee BBaarriittiiss BBeenn BBeellllaaffiioorree MMiicchhaaeell BBoorreellllii KKeenn CCaarrrraarraa DDiiaannee CCaazzzzeettttaa MMeeggaann CCoonnnneellll EElliizzaabbeetthh CCooooppeerr JJaannnniinnee CCoorrssoo GGeeoorrggee CCooyysshh MMaarriiaa DDeeBBllaassii KKiimm DDiirrkksscchhnneeiiddeerr EElleeaannoorr DDoorrssoo GGrraaccee FFeerrrraaiioollii AAnnggeelloo GGiiaannnnaakkooss MMiicchhaaeell GGrreebb DDrr.. RReebbeeccccaa GGrreellllaa RRoobbeerrtt HHaayyeess AAlliiaa HHoowweellll--AAmmaattoo HHaassssaann KKhhaannffrrii CChhrriiss LLaannee CCoonnnnoorr LLaammbbeerrtt PPaaoollaa LLaazzoo KKiilllleeeenn MMaarraattiinn DDrr.. DDeenniissee LLooppeerrffiiddoo JJaaccqquueellyynn MMeeddwwiigg SSeeaann OO’’NNeeiillll DDeennnniiss OOrrttlliieebb LLiissaa OOrrttlliieebb RRoobbeerrtt PPaattcchh GGiinnaa RReeiinnhhaarrtt JJoosseepphh RRooddeerriicckk AAnntthhoonnyy RRootteellllaa CCoonnrraadd SScchhnnaakkeennbbeerrgg GGrreegg SSiikkoorrsskkyy BBiinndduu SSuunnddaarraann JJeessssiiccaa UUllllrriicchh GGaabbrriieellllee VVaalleellaa TTrriissttaann VVeerrddoonnee JJeennnniiffeerr CCoossttaa –– SScciieennccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt CChhaaiirr
West Middle Supports the Gary Mintz Pancake Run Best wishes to the runners! Felicia Thomas-Williams - Principal Stacey Powell - Assistant Principal Christopher Moraitis – Assistant Principal
The Brentwood Council of PTSA’s are honored to support and congratulate all the participants of the 2023 Gary Mintz Memorial 5K Scholarship Run. We would also like to congratulate the Class of 2023 on all their accomplishments and to wish them luck as they move on to the next phase in their lives.