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UPLIFTWe exist because we believethe next generation will save Haiti.OUR MISSION:

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WHAT ARE WE DOING?Fundraising goal: $350k over 3 yearsSince 2009, Ewo has been making real relationshipswith students in Bayonnais, Haiti. We are partneringwith this community to make real change. This area isalready inspiring other rural communities to work formore. This one drop in the water is causing a rippleeffect.We believe the real Heroes in Haiti are the students. Only Education will enable the people of Haiti to breakthe cycle of poverty and produce sustainable change.Donate to support our UPLIFTcampaign as we work expand ourmission in Haiti.Host a student sponsorship drive.Stay up to date by subscribing toour monthly newsletter.Follow us on our social mediachannels.HOW CAN YOU HELP?WHY "UPLIFT"?noun /ˈəpˌlift/an instance of being raised or increased.something that makes a person feel more cheerful,positive, or optimistic.

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Haitian Creole [e-woah]English translation: hero [heer-oh]We believe the real Heroes in Haiti are the students. Only education will enable the people of Haiti to breakthe cycle of poverty and produce sustainable change.WHO ARE WE?A mountain community called Bayonnais located 70miles north of Port-au-Prince.The ICB school (Institution Classique de Bayonnais)created in 1993.The first hero, Actionnel Fleurisma4 campuses and over 2,500 students.WHO DO WE SUPPORT?

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19942002 -200520082009 -20132018 -20202021The ICB School begins with 3 teachers and105 students under a mango tree.A HISTORY OF OFCBThe School begins to receive nationalrecognition and students exceed expectations on standardized testing.College students graduate and return asheroes. They implement significant change through teaching, preaching, and management. 2 additional campuses are built increasingopportunites for others to receive aneducation.Ewo rebrands and hires the first full time Executive Director - a new chapter begins!Launch of Ewo's Entrepreneur program.

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EWO EMPOWERS STUDENTS THROUGH THEGIFT OF EDUCATION.How we partner with the community of Bayonnais:Entrepreneur Program:Successfully launched over 20businesses. Currently on hold because oftravel restrictions.Fundraising:Fundraising for special needs:i.e., fuel tank, kitchenrenovation, musicalinstruments.Major Gifts (UPLIFT) to supportour ability to serve thiscommunity.Student Sponsorship:Committed to findingsponsors for 1,000 students.Currently at 603.Provides education, food,clothing, and medical care.Supports school operations.

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Sherloune SanonKenold Decimus attended ICB school in1996 and graduated in 2003. Heattended University in Port au Prince,where he received a scholarship to goto Belgium for his masters in CivilEngineering. Today, Kenold is a keyleader at OFCB, in charge of overallOFCB Administration and Construction.A HISTORY OF HEROESKenold DecimusVenette MerilusJean-Jonel FleurismaBorn in La Croix, Sherloune moved toBayonnais in 2004 to attend 10thgrade. She graduated from 13th gradein 2007 at the age of 21. In 2011, shegraduated from nursing school inGonaives. Since 2012, she has becomea key asset as a nurse at the ClinicBethesda in Bayonnais.Venette attended the ICB schoolstarting in 7th grade and graduatedfrom 13th grade in 2005. She went on tograduate from University in Cap H'aitianin 2008. She has been the Director ofthe Kindergarten program sincereturning to Bayonnais in 2008.Jean-Jonel attended the ICB school K-13th grade, graduating in 2012. Hestudied Spanish for 2 years in theDominican Republic and then went onto study theology in Port Au Prince for 5years. He returned to Bayonnais aftergraduation, serving as the YouthMinister and in Administration for theICB high school.

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BY THE NUMBERS - THE LAST 6 YEARS of teachers of the school of the medical clinic staff (doctors and nurses) of the ICB school Administrative Staff of the Ewo office75%100%80%100%Graduates of the school make up:Growth in Revenue$276,251$286,556$264,910$347,036$482,557Student Sponsorship512600560506539School Success average graduation rateOver generated from fundraising for programs,resources, and facility improvements since of students receive an education, a hot meal daily,a school uniform, and access to the medical clinic73%$81,000100%2021686$402,605

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OUR OFFICE IN HAITIEwo employs 4 people in our Bayonnais Office:Team Lead - has a degree in technology,2012 ICB graduate, and joined OFCBafter college in 2018.Olguens Saint-LouisData Specialist - enters student'sbiographical information, 2009 ICBgraduate, and joined the Ewo staff in 2010.Translator - translates student and sponsorletters, 2014 ICB graduate, and joinedOFCB after college in 2019.Media Specialist - helps with letters andtakes student photos, 2010 ICB graduate,and joined the Ewo staff in 2011.Yvolene SylvestreJodeler GranvilPresly Fils-Aime

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Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. 10 million people live in Haiti, 80% live in poverty.Eight out of 100 children die before their 5th birthday.The Haitian government funds education through the 6thgrade. In Bayonnais, the government hasn't providedmonetary support for these grades in over 10 years. The only students who have a chance to attend schoolpast the 6th grade are those who live in a major city.Those that live in rural areas simply do not have access toeducation past the 6th grade (in Bayonnais, they do!).Literacy rate in Haiti is 61% due to limited educationoptions.School fees are so high most families cannot afford toenroll their children.Only 22% of all eligible children in Haiti enroll insecondary school. Many students start school at age 3 because if theystay home any longer, they become a necessary part ofthe family’s work force and may never make it to school.HARD TRUTHS ABOUT HAITIHARD TRUTHS ABOUT LITERACY

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WHY IS THE ICB SCHOOL DIFFERENT?Ewo focuses on supporting the school in Bayonnais throughour Student Sponsorship program as well as Fundraisinginitiatives. By partnering with the school, we can expandavailable resources and help plan for the future.The school leadershipdreams of new possibilitieslike: a bilingual program,cafeterias on each campus,a student exchangeprogram, and libraries for theschool and the community.PROGRAMMING &RESOURCES:DREAMING FORTHE FUTURETogether, throughsponsorship and fundraising,we are invested in theBayonnais community. Weare building the foundationfor our Heroes (EWOs) tomake their dreams a reality. The sponsorship program iswho we are. We arecommitted to findingsponsors for 1,000 students.Reaching this goal allows theschool to go beyond meetingbasic needs & impact theirlives. STUDENT SPONSORSHIPFundraising focuses onupgrading existing structuresand expandingprogramming. Ewo worksdirectly with schoolleadership to identify andprioritize areas of need.FUNDRAISING

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WHAT IS OUR FUNDRAISING GOAL?Our goal is to raise $350,000 over the next 3 years.HOW CAN I HELP?Consider supporting UPLIFT to build our infrastructure andhelp us achieve our goal of 1,000 sponsored students.Commitments can be in the form of a lump sum or paidover a 3 year period.Stock Donations, Corporate Matching Gifts, and IRARequired Minimum Distributions (RMDs) are all welcome! Any amount is appreciated!!We exist because we believethe next generation will save Haiti.OUR MISSION:WHAT'S OUR WHY?Investing in Ewo allows us to share the good news about thisamazing community and mission, through staffing,marketing, and awareness. We’re dedicated to creating a platform for sponsors tobuild a relationship with their students through letters,prayer, and in-person visits. Empowered by their education, students break the cycle ofpoverty and become HEROES in their community.

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Ewo is a nonprofit organization thatempowers students through the gift ofeducation. We are helping to makeheroes in Haiti.Connect with us on our socials @ewohaitiwww.ewohaiti.orgFor more information, check out our website: