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November '24 Tie Line

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THETIE LINENovember 2024Vol. 63Issue

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SCHEDULESUNDAYWEDNESDAYSPECIAL EVENTS9:15am - Sunday School10:30am - Worship Service3:00pm - Youth Discipleship4:00pm - Team Meetings5:00pm - Discipleship6:30pmMission FriendsTeamKIDYouth ChurchPrayer MeetingTeachers Meeting 7:30pmSanctuary ChoirRomans Bible StudyMen’s Prayer Breakfast24-7 Women’s EventVolunteer CelebrationChildren’s Ministry Camp-INSWP Movie Night! “The BestChristmas Pageant Ever”ThanksgivingMEETINGSNovember 10Deacon Meeting @ 4pmNovember 17Admin Team Mtg @ 4pm

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P salm 100 was one of the firstscripture memory challenges I facedas a child. I was fortunate to havepeople in my life who valued hidingGod's Word in our hearts andencouraged memorization. Thepsalmist's profound message MIKE WOODARDSENIOR PASTORspeaks to every believer's fundamental responsibility. We are to be thankfulpeople on all occasions. Believers acknowledge we are living in thepresence of God, so we should be thankful. We are His people and shouldbe full of gratitude. We serve a sovereign creator who has shown His lovefor us; we must be thankful people. As we approach this Thanksgivingseason, perhaps this Psalm is a good place to focus our attention. Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the Lord Himself is God;It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100I am looking forward to our Volunteer Celebration onNovember 16th. I hope you will register and come to helpus say thank you to all our faithful friends who serve theLord by serving His people in our family of faith. Don't missthis opportunity to say thank you.I look forward to seeing you in the Bible Study and WorshipSunday. Blessings, Brother Mike

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Coffee & ConversationSometimes, walking through life can feel lonely as a young woman. Are youlooking for a place to gather with women and find encouragement andprayer? Join us for Coffee & Conversation @ The Gathering Place!First and third Thursday of each monthLocated at Tammy Cowling's homeNext opportunity to participate: November 7 & 21, @ 6:30pmNancy Williams will be the special guest on Nov 21stCHURCH LIFERomans: Transformed by GraceJoin us in the Fellowship Hall for thelast half of an 8-week study inRomans… Tuesdays 6:30 pm for the Co-Ed Biblestudy or Thursdays at 9:15 am for theCoffee Break Bible study.For more information, please seeSusan Woodard.

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Register for Events or find moreinformation online or in the church app!We are celebrating the volunteers at SWP! If you have volunteeredin any capacity this year, you are invited to the VolunteerCelebration on November 16th at 5:30pm. It is going to be a funnight of food, comedy, and celebrating you! Feel free to bring alongyour family or friends. Please register anyone attending so we canget a count for dinner. Register online or in the church app. Call thechurch office if you need transportation! Everyone is welcome!Let's go to the movies! Southwest Park is taking over the theater!We've arranged a special showing of "The Best Christmas PageantEver" on November 26th at 6:30pm. Tickets are only $6.25, so it's aperfect opportunity to bring the whole family! Kids are welcome. Wealso encourage you to invite family, friends, neighbors, or anyone whowould enjoy a fun night out! Register online or in the app to purchaseyour tickets. Tickets need to be purchased through SWP toparticipate in this event.

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B I B L E F E L L O W S H I PC O N T A C TV I S I O N-in the dust of His feet- Carson Burns Pastor of Student Life2 0 2 4 - 2 0 2 5 M I S S I O N :D I S C I P L E S H I PI N T O S E R V I C EM I N I S T R Y V E R S 665-4339“Now the goal of ourinstruction is love that comesfrom a pure heart, a goodconscience, and a genuinefaith.” - 1 Timothy 1:5Every Sunday, we gather to fellowship inthe Word. In September, we once againbegan a three-year journey through theentire Bible. Right now, we are enteringinto the late part of Genesis andexploring how God was taking one familyand establishing a special relationshipwith them that would save the world! Our Sundays have been very special,with a growing number of studentsparticipating with us in this Biblefellowship! We’ve had more discussion,attendance, and participation, and weare thankful! Sunday, November 10th, we are excitedto take a field trip to ACU’s “Jacob’sDream” and explore how this storypoints us to Jesus. Keep praying for our youth and theirgrowth in engaging God’s Word and theirwalk with Jesus! Thank you for yourprayers and support this season!Our vision for Genuine YouthMinistries is to make genuinedisciples of Jesus Christ inheart, mind, and faith.

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DISCIPLESHIPWORSHIP TEAMPRACTICEGROUPS U N D A Y S A T 9 :1 5 A MS U N D A Y S A T 9 :1 5 A MS E E K I N G F E LL O W S H IP W IT HO N E A N OT H E R A N D TH EW O R D O F G O D.Wednesdays @ 6:30PMY O U T HF I E L DT R I P !Sunday, Nov 10th9:15AM-10:30AM W E WI L L LO A D UP @ 9: 1 5 AMA N D R E T URN A T 1 0 : 30 A M .T A LK T O OU R YOU T H PA S T ORI F YO U HAV E ANY Q UES T I ONS .C A R SO N B U R N SC A RSON@SOUT H W E S T PARK.ORG3 2 5-665-433 9YOUTH-LEDNovember 16th 5Pm-7:30PMchurch wide event!M O V I E N I G H TN O V E M B E R 2 6 T H A T6 : 3 0 P M . T I C K E T S A R EO N L Y $ 6 . 2 5 . S I G N U P O NC H U R C H A P P O R W E B S I T E !church wide event!S A T , N O V 9 T H @ 8 A Mchurch wide event!YOUTH-LEDYOUTH-LEDNovember 16th 5:30Pm-7PMNovember 16th 5:30Pm-7PMSAVETHESEDATES!Called Retreat - Jan 24-25D-Now - Feb 28-Mar 2Youth Camp - June 16-20"Now the goal of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a goodconscience, and a genuine faith." 1 Timothy 1:5MORE ANNOUNCEMNTESMORE ANNOUNCEMNTESMORE!MORE!GENUINE ANNOUNCEMENTSGENUINE ANNOUNCEMENTSWEEKLYWEEKLYMAIN EVENTMAIN EVENTDISCIPLESHIPGROUPSunday AfternoonsYouthBibleFellowshipYouthBibleFellowshipyouthchurchSTAY CONNECT WITH US!STAY CONNECT WITH US!Youth & Parents can join our GROUPS inthe Church App or Website!Catch the YOUTH MEMO every month!Stop by the CURIOUS CORNER in theYouth Room for more handouts andresources!Hear our message series on PODCAST!A special event thankingA special event thankingeveryone who has servedeveryone who has servedin a volunteer positionin a volunteer positionat swp in 2024. Ourat swp in 2024. Ouryouth will be helpingyouth will be helpinglead this out!lead this out!

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PARTNERSHIPSABA SOCIAL MINISTRIES 2024 Global Partnership BanquetDecember 8 at 5pm We are blessed to partner with someamazing people all over the world. Godcontinues to move powerfully and supernaturally as he providesopportunities for us to serve Him and withHim on Mission. Join us for a special time as we reflect onthis year and learn more about the workthat our Global Partners have continued.Please make time for prayer for all of theministry and mission partnerships aroundthe globe and pray for those who arebeing called to GO next year. It might be you! Blinda and I want to thank our Southwest Park Family for the 30 year “surprise” celebration and for the encouragement cards and beautiful clock! I have the banner in the back hall of the sanctuary if you would like to sign it! - Bro ChrisMINISTRIES NEWSCONTACTThis quarter’s assignment for 2024 is500 toothpaste & toothbrushes. Pleasegive what the Lord lays on your heart.The donation box is in the office 668-39962901 S 20th StWinter Prayer“Come now, and let us reason together,Says the Lord,“Though your sins are as scarlet,They will be as white as snow;Though they are red like crimson,They will be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18December8-15Pray for ourGlobal MissionsPartners

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Children’s MinistryNews & InformationSOUTHWEST PARKCHILDREN’S MINISTRYSTARTS @6PM ON 22ND ENDS @ 1PM ON 23RD ALL KIDSGrades 1-5CAMP-INNOVEMBER 22-23WE WILL STAY O VERNIGHT AT THECHURCH DEVOTIONALS, B IBLE STUDY,GAMES, MOVIE, FOOD, FUN AND SOMUCH MORE! *S NAC KS , BRE AK FAS T AND L UNCHIN CLU DE D! COST IS$8.00 PERCAMPERREGISTER &PAYONLINE!WHAT TO BRING BibleBedding or Sleeping bag and PillowJeans or Shorts depending on weather PJ's (appropriate for mixed company) Change of ClothesTennis style shoes Toiletries (Toothbrush & paste,deodorant, comb, brush, etc.) Come Ready to Play, Learn, Eat andSleep! We will be studying TRUTH!How do you know what is true? What should you do with the truth? What does it mean that Jesus is thetruth? Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5November 22-23 - Kids Camp-In! December 8 5-7pm - Global Partnership BanquetDecember 11 6:30-8pm - Team Kid Christmas Lane Outing December 18 - Children’s Christmas Party Grades 1-5 from 6 to 8pm December 22 - Caroling @ 4:30pm and the Silent Lord’s Supper @ 6pm and Fellowship Meal @ 7pm December 25 Christmas - Happy Birthday, JESUS!Mark Your CalendarsSundays at9:15am, in theKid’s Hall. FORFORKIDSKIDSWednesdays 6:30-7:30pmDiscipleship, Mission Education and Training with lots of fun games, crafts andmore! For kids in 1st through 5th Grade!

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2901 S 20th St., Abilene, TX(325) 692-3296contact@southwestpark.orgwww.southwestpark.orgOctober 27-November 2Todd Nix & Neal CheekNovember 3-9Russell Weathersby & Leman BarmoreNovember 10-16Jeff Jones & Melvin DudleyNovember 17-23John Clymer & Mark EdwardsNovember 24-30Chuck Schrader & Michael HeardDeacons of the WeekChurch FinanceNovember 2024Nov 5/7: Romans Study continuesNov 7: Coffee & Conversation @ 6:30pmNov 9: Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ 8amNov 10: Deacon Meeting @ 4pmNov 11: 24-7 Women’s Event @ 6:30pmNov 15: Faithful Friends Fellowship @ 6pmNov 16: Volunteer Celebration @ 5:30pmNov 17: Admin Team Meeting @ 4pmNov 21: Coffee & Conversation @ 6:30pmNov 22-23: TeamKIDs Camp-INNov 26: “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”Movie Night @ 6:30pmNov 28: Thanksgiving DaySouthwestParkI S ABaptistChurchC H R I S T - C E N T E R E D , G O S P E L F O C U S E D ,D I S C I P L E S H I PFaith.Family OfM I S S I O N A C T I V E ,D R I V E N ,Summary of General Fund Giving through 9-30-24Beginning BalanceTotal IncomeTotal ExpensesTotal Income/Expenses$8,126.36$379,386.67$392,657.06-$5,144.03

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StaffMike WoodardSenior Pastormike@southwestpark.orgChris RaleyMinistries Pastorchris@southwestpark.orgCarson BurnsStudent Life Pastorcarson@southwestpark.orgJohn McCullochWorship Directorjohn@southwestpark.orgRichard FloresProduction Directorrichard@southwestpark.orgMindy SeymourMinistry Assistantmindy@southwestpark.orgDebra LevretsSenior Adult Coordinatordebra@southwestpark.orgPaige HarveyMinistry Assistantpaige@southwestpark.orgTerry SwaimFinancial Ministry - (325) 692-3296 - contact@southwestpark.org2901 South 20th St., Abilene, TX 79605

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Volume 63 No. 11Southwest Park Baptist Church2901 South 20th Street Abilene, TX 79605RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED