BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHTSEPTEMBER4TH20246:00-8:00 PMPlease take our Survey tohelp us better serve ourstudents and community!
SOME OF OUR AMAZING CLUBS - COME SEE THEM IN THEQUAD DURING YOUR STUDENT’S OFFROLL!Art Club, ASL Club, Bearristers, Biology Club, Cave Cafe, FCA, Gaming& eSports Club, Garden Club, German Club, Humanitarian Society,Interact, Key Club, Poetry Club, Rugby Club, Spanish Club, SportsMedicine, Teen Court, UNICEF, and so many more. NEED A COPY OF YOUR STUDENT’S SCHEDULE?Head to our College and Career Center in Room O1!ADVISORY INFORMATION - DURING OFF PERIOD IN THE GYMDoes your student have 1st or 2nd period off? Come find out whatthey can do during their off period in the gym with Ms. Hanohano!DUAL ENROLLMENT - 5:20-5:50PM IN THE GYMIs your student in a dual enrollment class? Come learn from Dr. Whitewhat that means and how to support students as they thrive at WHS!Welcome to Warren High’sBack to School NightSchool Faire 5:00-8:00pmin the QuadVisit the quad for lots of food and beveragessponsored by various clubs and campusprograms!AP PRESENTATION IN THE LIBRARY - 5:00PMHear about the opportunities and supports for your student intheir AP Classes. Campus PresentationsAVID 9 PRESENTATION IN THE LIBRARY - 5:30PMIf your student is a 9th grade AVID student, come hear aboutthe program and how your student can succeed!CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS BEGIN AT 6:00PMFollow your student’s schedule so that you attend thepresentation for the correct class. PERIOD 1PERIOD 3PERIOD 5PERIOD 76:00 - 6:10 PM6:15 - 6:30 PM6:35 - 6:45 PM6:50 - 7:00 PMPERIOD 2PERIOD 4PERIOD 6PERIOD 87:05 - 7:15 PM7:20 - 7:30 PM7:35 - 7:45 PM7:50 - 8:00 PM**There will be a briefprincipal’s message atthe beginning of 3rdperiod.THANK YOUFOR COMING!Enjoy our Band playing at the front of the school andour choir hosting Cafe Desha Karaoke at the stage!!!*If your student hasadvisory, head to the gym!*If your student hasadvisory, head to the gym!
SOME OF OUR AMAZING CLUBS - COME SEE THEM IN THEQUAD DURING YOUR STUDENT’S OFFROLL!Art Club, ASL Club, Bearristers, Biology Club, Cave Cafe, FCA, Gaming& eSports Club, Garden Club, German Club, Humanitarian Society,Interact, Key Club, Poetry Club, Rugby Club, Spanish Club, SportsMedicine, Teen Court, UNICEF, and so many more. NEED A COPY OF YOUR STUDENT’S SCHEDULE?Head to our College and Career Center in Room O1!ADVISORY INFORMATION - DURING OFF PERIOD IN THE GYMDoes your student have 1st or 2nd period off? Come find out whatthey can do during their off period in the gym with Ms. Hanohano!DUAL ENROLLMENT - 5:20-5:50PM IN THE GYMIs your student in a dual enrollment class? Come learn from Dr. Whitewhat that means and how to support students as they thrive at WHS!Welcome to Warren High’sBack to School NightSchool Faire 5:00-8:00pmin the QuadVisit the quad for lots of food and beveragessponsored by various clubs and campusprograms!AP PRESENTATION IN THE LIBRARY - 5:00PMHear about the opportunities and supports for your student intheir AP Classes. Campus PresentationsAVID 9 PRESENTATION IN THE LIBRARY - 5:30PMIf your student is a 9th grade AVID student, come hear aboutthe program and how your student can succeed!CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS BEGIN AT 6:00PMFollow your student’s schedule so that you attend thepresentation for the correct class. PERIOD 1PERIOD 3PERIOD 5PERIOD 76:00 - 6:10 PM6:15 - 6:30 PM6:35 - 6:45 PM6:50 - 7:00 PMPERIOD 2PERIOD 4PERIOD 6PERIOD 87:05 - 7:15 PM7:20 - 7:30 PM7:35 - 7:45 PM7:50 - 8:00 PM**There will be a briefprincipal’s message atthe beginning of 3rdperiod.THANK YOUFOR COMING!Enjoy our Band playing at the front of the school andour choir hosting Cafe Desha Karaoke at the stage!!!*If your student hasadvisory, head to the gym!*If your student hasadvisory, head to the gym!
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHTSEPTEMBER4TH20246:00-8:00 PMPlease take our Survey tohelp us better serve ourstudents and community!