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24/25 Pike Road Schools Patriot Information Guide

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29045 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL 36117Post Office Box 640064 Pike Road, AL 36064Phone: (334) 420-5300Email: info@pikeroadschools.orgPike Road Schools Board of EducationPRS SuperintendentDr. Keith LankfordOur MissionTo create a culture of intellectual curiosity where all learners have ownership over theirlearning and are inspired to think, innovate, and create.Our VisionOur learners are lifelong learners who use their knowledge, skills, and influence to makethe world a better place.Equal OpportunityThe Pike Road Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equalaccess to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

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3The Pike Road School District values the many families living in our community with ties to themilitary. Approximately 9% of our student body has military ties. As a district, we understandthat military youth go through unique circumstances and situations, and we want every militaryfamily to know we are here to help.In addition, we have a military liaison on staff designated to assist our military families. Ourmilitary liaison works with school administration and military program partners to meet ourmilitary families and their learners' unique needs.Elementary Military LiaisonDr. Lashae KingAssistant Principal, PRISPhone: 334-420-5360Secondary Military LiaisonMs. Janice StockmanDirector of Secondary Teaching and LearningPhone: 334-420-5340

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4We believe intellectual growth occurs when learners are genuinely engaged in theirlearning.We believe learners are more engaged when they are solving real problems for a realaudience.We believe meaningful learning can occur at any time and at any location.We believe learners will do challenging work when failure is embraced as a valuable part ofthe learning process, and they feel safe and valued.We believe community members are valuable partners and must be involved in theirschools.We believe all school community members should treat each other like family.We believe that every member of the school community contributes to student learning andshould be a continuous learner.We believe lead learners are designers, facilitators, navigators, mentors,encouragers, and leaders who continuously work on improving the learning experiencesdesigned for learners and are highly respected experts who have a global impact on teaching andlearning.We believe parents are valuable partners and members of the school community.We believe the superintendent and principals are lead learners and highly respected expertswith a global impact on teaching and learning.We believe the superintendent, principals and school board function as a team, advocate forlearners, create capacity, and build community.

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5Pike Road School relies on your educational partnership and cooperation. Signing the onlineStudent Enrollment Information Form indicates that you have received the PatriotHandbook and will read and discuss it with your learner(s).The following handbook aims to guide your learner toward maximizing the benefits of theireducational experiences. In the Pike Road Schools System, these policies apply to all learners,parents, and guardians during the school day, and school-sponsored activities and events, whileon or in School Board property and facilities, and while being transported on school buses. Allregulations and prohibitions also apply to automobiles and other property brought onto Boardproperty and any conduct or activity occurring off-campus that results in substantial disruptionof or material interference with the educational process or school activities.Parents are valuable educational partners and members of the Pike Road School Community.They are legally responsible for overseeing their children's actions and participating in theireducation as stated in the AL Code § 16-28-12 (2021).Student or parent/guardian's failure to sign the online Student Enrollment InformationForm will not relieve them of their responsibility to read, to understand, and to comply with thePatriot Handbook policies.

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6Board Approved:July 22, 2024March 1, 2024Disclaimer: This handbook does not contain all rules, policies, procedures, and regulationsrelating to learners. Every effort has been made to provide our educational partners and learnerswith complete and accurate information. Pike Road Schools (PRS) reserves the right t to revise,interpret, amend, repeal, suspend, or apply its policies according to its assessment of the needsand interests of the school system and to respond reasonably and flexibly to unexpectedcontingencies, emergencies, and other conditions that call for a response that is tailored to uniqueor special circumstances.Equal Opportunity: The Pike Road Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis ofrace, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and providesequal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.Notice: For learners or educational partners having difficulty reading and understanding theinformation in this booklet, please consider one of the following options:1. Contact the PRS district office at 334-420-5300.2. Contact the school office if you would like to receive this document translated intoanother language.3. Contact the school office if you want a printed copy..

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7TABLE OF CONTENTSPREVENTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES................................................................................... 10Anti–Harassment Policies.........................................................................................................10Title IX...........................................................................................................................10Student Bullying Prevention Policy and Reporting Form.............................................11Digital Bullying Report Form.................................................................................. 11Alabama Behavioral Threat Assessment................................................................................... 11Discipline and Safety......................................................................................................11Suicide Awareness and Prevention........................................................................................... 122024-2025 ACADEMIC CALENDAR..............................................................................................13STUDENT ENROLLMENT............................................................................................................. 14Resident Students......................................................................................................................14Entrance Age for Kindergarten and First Grade.......................................................................14Registration Process.................................................................................................................. 15A. General Documents...................................................................................................15B. Academic Documents................................................................................................15C. Residency Documents............................................................................................... 15Residing with Others...............................................................................................16D. Student Address Verification Process...................................................................... 16English Learner (ESL), Homeless, Migrants, Immigrants, and Children in Foster Care..............16Placement of Students..................................................................................................................... 17LEARNERS EXPELLED OR SUSPENDED FROM OTHER SCHOOLS........................................ 17Notice of Intent to Enroll...............................................................................................17FERPA Rights.................................................................................................................................. 18ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCES...................................................................................................22Compulsory School Attendance Law........................................................................................ 22Check-In Procedures.................................................................................................................22Check-Out Procedures.............................................................................................................. 22Early Morning Drop-Off/Afternoon Pick-Up...........................................................................23Parent Portal (PowerSchool).................................................................................................... 23Written Excuse.......................................................................................................................... 23Excused Absences......................................................................................................... 24Unexcused Absences.....................................................................................................24Chronic Ailment Statement...................................................................................................... 24Make-Up Assignments.............................................................................................................. 25Elementary: K-3................................................................................................................. 25Elementary: 4-6...................................................................................................................25Secondary: 7-12................................................................................................................... 25

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8Tardy To School.........................................................................................................................25Personal Trips and Activities.................................................................................................... 26College Visits............................................................................................................................. 26E-Learning Days........................................................................................................................26Truancy Intervention Process................................................................................................... 27Withdrawal for Non-Attendance.............................................................................................. 27Student Withdrawal...................................................................................................... 27CHILD NUTRITION PROGRAM................................................................................................... 28CAFÉ PRICES............................................................................................................... 28Breakfast....................................................................................................................... 28Lunch.............................................................................................................................28Additional Snacks and Beverages.................................................................................28HEALTH RECORDS AND MEDICATION..................................................................................... 29Required Documentation............................................................................................. 29Individualized Health Plans......................................................................................... 29Student Health.......................................................................................................................... 30Illness............................................................................................................................ 30COVID Guidelines.........................................................................................................30Exclusion from School for Illness- Instructions for Exclusion....................................30Injury............................................................................................................................. 31Lice.................................................................................................................................31Medical Guidelines and Requirements..................................................................................... 31Medication.....................................................................................................................31Prescription/Over-the-Counter Medication.................................................................31Medication Drop-Off.....................................................................................................32Medication Refills......................................................................................................... 32Prescription Labels Are Required For All Prescription Medication............................ 32Self-Carry Medications................................................................................................. 32Scoliosis Screenings...................................................................................................... 33Emergency Medical Services........................................................................................ 33Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).................................................... 33ACADEMIC INTEGRITY................................................................................................................ 34Grading Schedule.......................................................................................................... 35ALSDE Required Assessments..................................................................................................35Academic Honesty.....................................................................................................................36Cheating........................................................................................................................ 36Plagiarism......................................................................................................................36Response to Instruction............................................................................................................36Academic Concerns...................................................................................................................36Elementary K-6................................................................................................................................37Grading..........................................................................................................................37

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9Grading Scales...............................................................................................................38Grading Categories....................................................................................................... 38Reporting Platforms......................................................................................................38Promotion Criteria.................................................................................................................... 38K - 3............................................................................................................................... 394-6..................................................................................................................................39Retention.......................................................................................................................39Summer Learning..................................................................................................................... 39Secondary 7-12................................................................................................................................ 392024-2025 Secondary Academic Guide................................................................................... 39Grading......................................................................................................................... 40Grading Scales.............................................................................................................. 40Grading Categories........................................................................................................ 41Reporting Platforms...................................................................................................... 41Make-Up Work..............................................................................................................427-12................................................................................................................................ 42Promotion Criteria.................................................................................................................... 427–8.................................................................................................................................429-12................................................................................................................................42Retention.......................................................................................................................43Grade/Credit Recovery............................................................................................................. 437-8: Grade Recovery......................................................................................................439-12: Credit Recovery....................................................................................................439-12 Grade Recovery..................................................................................................... 43Summer Learning............................................................................................................................447-8..................................................................................................................................449-12................................................................................................................................44SPECIAL SERVICES....................................................................................................................... 44Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).................................................................44English as Second Language Program (ESL)............................................................... 44Gifted Education........................................................................................................... 45SECLUSION AND RESTRAINT..................................................................................................... 45Staff Training Procedures............................................................................................. 45Documentation of Training.......................................................................................... 45SCHOOL SAFETY........................................................................................................................... 46Emergency Closing Procedures.................................................................................... 46Safety Drills...................................................................................................................46Severe Weather............................................................................................................. 46Fire Drills...................................................................................................................... 46Lockdown Drills............................................................................................................ 46Surveillance Equipment................................................................................................46

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10PREVENTION AND SUPPORT SERVICESAnti–Harassment PoliciesIt is the policy of the Board of Education at Pike Road Schools to maintain a harassment-freelearning environment and to prohibit discrimination because of an individual’s race, ethnicity,color, disability, creed, national origin, sex, immigrant or migrant status, non-English speakingability, or homeless status. We firmly believe all persons should be treated with respect anddignity. Employees and learners who violate this policy will face appropriate disciplinarysanctions.The Pike Road School Board of Education firmly upholds a rigorous policy against all forms ofharassment, grounded on actual or perceived characteristics, including race, color, religion(creed), national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression,disability, or association with individuals identified under these categories.A learner who believes that they have been harassed by a learner, lead learner, administrator, orother school employees because of their race, ethnicity, color, disability, creed, nationality,gender, immigrant or migrant status, non-English language ability, or homeless status, shouldimmediately report the alleged acts to the School Principal or the Title IX Coordinator.The Board encourages any person with knowledge of unlawful harassment of a learner, leadlearner, administrator, or other members of the staff to file a report. Contact the Title IXCoordinator at 334-420-5300 ext 121 if you wish to file a complaint regarding harassmentbased on race, ethnicity, color, disability, creed, national origin, sex, immigrant or migrantstatus, non-English speaking ability, or homeless status.Title IXTitle IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex ineducation programs and activities. Discrimination on the basis of sex can come in the form ofsexual harassment as well as denial of equal access. Our District maintains a steadfastcommitment to delivering equal access to educational and extracurricular programs andactivities for both genders and prohibiting sexual harassment in all its forms. We prioritize thefulfillment of all Title IX requirements to guarantee that every learner is provided with a secureand harassment-free educational environment.Sex-based harassment includes any unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,stalking, dating violence, or any other behavior of a sexual nature or on the basis of sex that is sosevere, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person access to theireducation. Under Title IX, sex-based harassment is forbidden and considered a form ofdiscrimination. The District strictly prohibits any form of sex-based harassment (regardless ofgender), in all schools and facilities within the District.

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11All learners are entitled to engage in educational activities without being exposed to sex-basedharassment and have a responsibility not to engage in behaviors of a sexual nature that areunwelcome or offensive to others.Student Bullying Prevention Policy and Reporting FormThere shall be no bullying, violence, threats of violence, or intimidation by any other learnerbased on any of the characteristics outlined in the Jamari Terrell Williams Student BullyingPrevention Act Policy. According to the Patriot Code of Conduct, learners who violate this policywill face appropriate disciplinary sanctions, subject to the decision and authority of theinvestigating school administrator.Pike Road Schools has established a process for learners, parents, guardians, and bystanders toreport bullying to the school administrator for further review and investigation to minimizeantisocial behavior in the school environment. The school will be notified about bullying if thisform is completed. Any reported bullying incident may be investigated, and disciplinary actionwill be taken if deemed necessary.Digital Bullying Report FormA copy of the form can also be requested from a school administrator.Alabama Behavioral Threat AssessmentPike Road Schools is committed to ensuring the safety of its learners and staff. In the event of apotential threat of violence, the school officials may initiate a Behavioral Threat Assessment.This assessment is a proactive measure that helps identify credible threats and assists increating protocols to address them. The assessment may involve reviewing a learner's behaviorand conducting behavioral assessments. With this process, school administrators and lawenforcement can effectively manage any potential threats and ensure a safe school environment.Pike Road Schools takes this responsibility seriously and is dedicated to providing a securelearning environment for all.Discipline and SafetyDue to safety and rule violations, behaviors associated with potential or actual violence may leadto disciplinary action involving suspension or expulsion. Discipline and assessment are parallelprocesses with different but equally important purposes. Discipline is designed to support theschool's order and stability and provide the opportunity to teach pro-social behavioral skills.The Alabama Behavioral Threat Assessment (ABTA) constitutes a comprehensive andsystematic approach to investigating and assessing learners engaged in or exhibiting behaviors

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12that imply aggression or violence directed at others. The ABTA identifies the level ofintervention and supervision necessary to mitigate safety/risk factors. It also allows teams tocollect information to make decisions regarding learners’ safety and assists teams inimplementing interventions to reduce risk.For further information concerning the Alabama Behavioral Threat Assessment, contact theDirector of Safety at (334) 420-5300Suicide Awareness and PreventionPike Road Schools believe that learners' mental health affects their academic performance. Ourmission is to provide a safe environment in which education can take place. The SuicideAwareness and Prevention Policy is intended to provide school staff with a greaterunderstanding of suicide as a risk for learners and the steps they can take to reduce it.For further information concerning the Suicide Awareness and Referral process, contact theDirector of Student Services at (334) 420-5300

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14STUDENT ENROLLMENTResident StudentsThe Pike Road School System is an independent municipal school system. School-age childrenwho are bona fide residents of Pike Road, Alabama, may be admitted to Pike Road Schools. Forpurposes of this policy, the residence of the student will be the residence of the custodial parentor legal guardian.If custody of the child is shared, alternated, or unclear, or if the child does not reside with acustodial parent or legal guardian, the child's domicile or actual physical residence will control.Exceptions occur when there is evidence that the claimed residence of the child is not his or heractual residence or that the claimed residence is fraudulently given as a means of avoiding orviolating admission, enrollment, attendance, and residency standards and requirements. TheDistrict may request proof of custody in situations involving multiple adults claiming control ofthe same student.Children of full-time Pike Road Schools employees may attend Pike Road Schools regardless ofwhere they reside.The Superintendent (or designee) is authorized to take whatever action may be necessary toverify the residency and legal custody of such children and to deny enrollment when the childresides with a Pike Road resident rather than their custodial parent or legal guardian merely toattend Pike Road Schools.Entrance Age for Kindergarten and First GradeKindergarten Admission requires a child to be five years old on or before September 1st of thatschool year. In addition, the child must be a bona fide resident of the Town of Pike Road SchoolDistrict.First Grade Admission requires that a child be six years old on or before December 31st foradmission to first grade for that school year, which is the date set by the State guidelines. Inaddition, the child must be a bona fide resident of the Town of Pike Road School District.i. In accordance with the Alabama entrance code, students who have completed aqualified out-of-state kindergarten program the previous year and are not yet sixyears old are eligible to attend first grade at Pike Road Schools.ii. A student transferring to Pike Road Schools from private schools within Alabamamay enter first grade only if the state age requirement for entry has been met.iii. In addition, according to the state's entrance code, a student who started firstgrade in another state and is not six years old by the date set by the Stateguidelines is considered a transfer and admitted to the school to continue in firstgrade. Appropriate documentation must be presented.

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15Registration ProcessPike Road Schools' registration process is entirely online through PowerSchool Registration. Ifthe deed and/or power bill are not in the name of the student's custodial parent. Please contactus at before registering.Any student entering the Pike Road School System, regardless of grade level, shall be required tosubmit the following documents:A. General Documents● Custodial parent/legal guardian’s photo ID.● Student’s birth certificate: Students entering the school system for the first time,regardless of grade level, are not required to submit a birth certificate but may berequested to submit it to verify the student’s age. A social security number may berequested, but compliance is voluntary and is not a requirement of enrollment.● Current ALABAMA Certificate of ImmunizationB. Academic Documents● Withdrawal paperwork from the previous school● Previous report card with promotion status● For all 8th-12th grade students, a transcript MUST be uploadedC. Residency Documents1. (A) Original warranty deed, current tax card, or current mortgage statement inthe name of the custodial parent or legal guardian; or(B) A complete copy of the original, current lease/rental agreement that lists thenames of the custodial parent or legal guardian and child(ren) as occupants.2. (A) Current Alabama Power or Dixie Electric Bill or other major utility bill suchas water or gas in the name of the custodial parent or legal guardian (disconnectnotice must be accompanied by proof of payment).3. Custody papers (if applicable)Note: The Residency Verification Office of PRS carries out monthly audits of all the leases tomake sure they are current. If an expired lease is discovered, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will benotified via email and asked to provide an updated lease or deed in person. Additionally, arecent utility bill, such as a power, water, or gas bill, must also be presented.

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16Residing with OthersA custodial parent or legal guardian residing in a property they do not own who (1) does nothave a formal rental agreement or lease in their name and (2) cannot obtain a currentlease/rental agreement listing the custodial parent/legal guardian and child(ren) as occupants,must complete a board-approved residency affidavit IN PERSON at the Board’s Central Officealong with the homeowner/legal occupant of the residence.In addition, the homeowner/legal occupant must present ONE of the following in their name:● Current mortgage statement with Pike Road address;● An original warranty deed with Pike Road address;● A complete copy of the original, current lease/rental agreement; or● Current tax card with Pike Road address.The custodial parent/legal guardian must also provide TWO of the following documents inthe name of the custodial parent or legal guardian listing the address stated on the affidavit:● Government-issued ID or driver’s license with Pike Road residence address;● Government-issued voter registration card with Pike Road residence address;● Vehicle registration receipt with Pike Road residence address;● Other documents upon specific approval by the Superintendent or designee.***This option is NOT available for leased or rented properties where the property ownerregularly includes the name of all legal occupants on the lease/rental agreement as a matter ofcourse (e.g., The Grove at Stone Park; Stone Park Villas, etc.)D. Student Address Verification ProcessEvery student enrolled and/or enrolling in the Pike Road Schools System must provideverification of residence. All documents submitted as proof of residence must contain the parentor legal guardian’s physical address for the school to verify that the residence is in zone. A postoffice address (P.O. box) will not be accepted for verification. Pike Road Schools reservesthe right to conduct home visits throughout the year to verify residency.English Learner (ESL), Homeless, Migrants, Immigrants, andChildren in Foster CareAccording to the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 and Stewart B. McKinney-Vento HomelessAssistance Act, students who are homeless, foster children, migrants, English Learner (ESL)students, and immigrants will have equal access to the same free appropriate public education,including public preschool education, provided to other children and youth.The state aims to ensure that such children have the same opportunities as other students tomeet the same challenging state content and student performance standards.The enrollment of homeless, migrant, and immigrant students, children in foster care, andlimited English proficient children and youth shall not be denied or delayed due to any of thefollowing barriers that are specifically prohibited by applicable law, which may include thefollowing:

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17● Lack of birth certificate● Lack of school records or transcripts● Lack of immunization or health records● Lack of proof of residency● Lack of transportation● Guardianship or custody requirements● Lack of social security cardPlease do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child'sprogress or the enrollment process. The Coordinator of Federal Programs and our District ESLCoordinator can be reached at (334) 420-5300.Policy 6.01: Admissions and AttendancePlacement of StudentsThe Board will determine the placement of newly enrolled students in accordance with state law.Policy 6.01: Admissions and AttendanceLEARNERS EXPELLED OR SUSPENDED FROM OTHER SCHOOLSLearners who are under suspension or expulsion from another school system, whether private,parochial, or otherwise, will not be able to enroll at Pike Road Schools until they have met theconditions for readmission imposed by the authority expelling or suspending the learner or bythe Superintendent or designee which may include temporary attendance at the alternativeschool.Notice of Intent to EnrollOnce a school or the district receives notice/information from a parent, guardian, or agency thata learner returning from a disciplinary or juvenile placement is seeking to enroll in Pike RoadSchools, the staff member receiving that information will contact the Director of StudentServices to inform them of the enrollment request. Policy 6.01: Admissions and Attendance

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18FERPA RightsThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and learners who are18 years of age or older ("eligible learners") certain rights with respect to the learner's educationrecords. These rights are:1. The right to inspect and review the learner's education records within 45 days after the dayPike Road Schools receives a request for access.Parents or eligible learners who wish to inspect their child’s or their education records shouldsubmit to the school principal a written request that identifies the records they wish to inspect.The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible learner ofthe time and place where the records may be inspected.2. The right to request the amendment of the learner’s education records that the parent oreligible learner believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the learner’sprivacy rights under FERPA.Parents or eligible learners who wish to ask Pike Road Schools to amend their child’s or theireducation record should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record theywant to be changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the school decides not to amendthe record as requested by the parent or eligible learner, the school will notify the parent oreligible learner of the decision and of their right to a hearing regarding the request foramendment. When notified of the right to a hearing, additional information regarding thehearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible learner.3. The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiableinformation (PII) from the learner's education records, except to the extent that FERPAauthorizes disclosure without consent.One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials withlegitimate educational interests. The criteria for determining who constitutes a school officialand what constitutes a legitimate educational interest must be set forth in the school’s or schooldistrict’s annual notification for FERPA rights. A school official typically includes a personemployed by the school or school district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or supportstaff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel) or a personserving on the school board. A school official also may include a volunteer, contractor, orconsultant who, while not employed by the school, performs an institutional service or functionfor which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct controlof the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as anattorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist; a parent or learner volunteering to serve onan official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or a parent, learner, orother volunteer assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school officialtypically has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education recordin order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

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19Upon request, the school discloses education records without consent to officials of anotherschool or school district in which a learner seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled if thedisclosure is for purposes of the learner’s enrollment or transfer.The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failuresby the [School] to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Officethat administers FERPA are:Student Privacy Policy OfficeU.S. Department of Education400 Maryland Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20202Directory InformationFERPA requires that Pike Road Schools (“PRS”), with certain exceptions, obtain your writtenconsent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s educationrecords. However, PRS may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” withoutwritten consent unless you have advised PRS to the contrary in accordance with PRS’procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow PRS to includeinformation from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Examplesinclude● A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production;● The annual yearbook;● Honor roll or other recognition lists;● Graduation programs; and● Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of teammembers.Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or aninvasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’sprior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies thatmanufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require localeducational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and SecondaryEducation Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with thefollowing information – names, addresses and telephone listings – unless parents have advisedthe LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior writtenconsent. [Note: These laws are Section 9528 of the ESEA (20 U.S.C. § 7908) and 10 U.S.C. §503(c).]If you do not want PRS to disclose any or all of the types of information designated below asdirectory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent,you must notify the school system in writing by the tenth day of school. If a student enrolls afterthe tenth day of school, you must notify us within ten (10) days of enrollment. PRS hasdesignated the following information as directory information:● Student's name● Address● Telephone listing● Electronic mail address● Photograph● Date and place of birth

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20● Major field of study● Dates of attendance● Grade level● Participation in officially recognized activities and sports● Weight and height of members of athletic teams● Degrees, honors, and awards received● The most recent educational agency or institution attended● Student ID number, user ID, or other unique personal identifier used to communicate inelectronic systems but only if the identifier cannot be used to gain access to educationrecords except when used in conjunction with one or more factors that authenticate theuser’s identity, such as a PIN, password, or other factor known or possessed only by theauthorized user● A student ID number or other unique personal identifiers that is displayed on a studentID badge, but only if the identifier cannot be used to gain access to education recordsexcept when used in conjunction with one or more factors that authenticate the user'sidentity, such as a PIN, password, or other factor known or possessed only by theauthorized user.Disclosures Without A Parent or Eligible Student’s ConsentSee the list below of the disclosures that elementary and secondary schools may make withoutconsent.FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records without the consent of theparent or eligible student if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in § 99.31 of theFERPA regulations. Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to somejudicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, anddisclosures to the parent or eligible student, § 99.32 of the FERPA regulations requires theschool to record the disclosure. Parents and eligible students have a right to inspect and reviewthe record of disclosures. A school may disclose PII from a student's education records withoutobtaining the prior written consent of the parents or the eligible student –· To other school officials, including teachers, within the educational agency or institutionwhom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. This includescontractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the school has outsourcedinstitutional services or functions, provided that the conditions listed in § 99.31(a)(1)(i)(B)(1) -(a)(1)(i)(B)(3) are met. (§ 99.31(a)(1))· To officials of another school, school system, or institution of postsecondary educationwhere the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled if thedisclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer, subject to therequirements of § 99.34. (§ 99.31(a)(2))· To authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U. S. Attorney General,the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such as the Stateeducational agency (SEA) in the parent or eligible student’s State. Disclosures under thisprovision may be made, subject to the requirements of § 99.35, in connection with an audit orevaluation of Federal- or State-supported education programs or for the enforcement of orcompliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs. These entities maymake further disclosures of PII to outside entities that they designate as their authorized

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21representatives to conduct any audit, evaluation, or enforcement or compliance activity on theirbehalf, if applicable requirements are met. (§§ 99.31(a)(3) and 99.35)· In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student hasreceived, if the information is necessary for such purposes as to determine eligibility for the aid,determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms andconditions of the aid. (§ 99.31(a)(4))· To State and local officials or authorities to whom information is specifically allowed to bereported or disclosed by a State statute that concerns the juvenile justice system and thesystem’s ability to effectively serve, prior to adjudication, the student whose records werereleased, subject to § 99.38. (§ 99.31(a)(5))· To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school, in order to: (a)develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c)improve instruction, if applicable requirements are met. (§ 99.31(a)(6))· To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. (§ 99.31(a)(7))· To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes. (§99.31(a)(8))· To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena if applicable requirements aremet. (§ 99.31(a)(9))· To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency, subject to §99.36. (§ 99.31(a)(10))· Information the school has designated as “directory information” if applicablerequirements under § 99.37 are met. (§ 99.31(a)(11))· To an agency caseworker or other representative of a State or local child welfare agency ortribal organization who is authorized to access a student’s case plan when such agency ororganization is legally responsible, in accordance with State or tribal law, for the care andprotection of the student in foster care placement. (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(b)(1)(L))· To the Secretary of Agriculture or authorized representatives of the Food and NutritionService for purposes of conducting program monitoring, evaluations, and performancemeasurements of programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Actor the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, under certain conditions. (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(b)(1)(K))

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22ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCESCompulsory School Attendance LawAlabama State Law 16-28-3, Code of Alabama, 1975 requires that children between the ages ofsix (6) and seventeen (17) years of age attend school for the minimum number of scholastic daysprescribed by the State Board of Education unless the person holds a certificate of exemptionissued by the Superintendent or is otherwise exempt under state law.Prompt and regular attendance at school provides learners with the skills needed for futuresuccess and aids in the development of good character. While occasional absences areunavoidable, state law places the responsibility for regular attendance upon theparent/guardian.Parents/legal guardians or other persons having charge of any virtual or traditional learnerofficially enrolled in Alabama public schools (K-12) must provide the school, within three (3)school days of each and every absence (or consecutive absences), a written explanation of thereason(s) for each absence. Failure to provide an explanation shall serve as proof that thelearner is truant each day they are absent. The learner shall be deemed truant for any absencedetermined by the principal to be unexcused based on the State Department of Education’sSchool Attendance Manual.Check-In ProceduresLearners are expected to be in school every day on time. If learners arrive late to school, learnersmust be signed in by a parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or a previously designated adult. Learnerswill not be allowed to check in with other learners. Learners arriving late to school without aparent may not be allowed admission to the classroom.However, high school learners who drive themselves to school may present approveddocumentation (i.e., doctor’s note, legal note) instead of a parent(s)/legal guardian(s) beingpresent at the time of arrival. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may be called to verify their knowledgeof the late arrival.Note: A tardy is determined by the number of minutes a learner misses in the school day,whether it’s an early check-out or late arrival.Check-Out ProceduresAll learners must remain on campus until proper check-out procedures have been followed, ordisciplinary action will be taken. Learners shall be released only to adult individuals identifiedby the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) on an authorization for release form kept on file in the office.This form must be renewed each year. Identification will be requested for all check-ins andcheck-outs. In a situation where custodial and non-custodial parents are involved, official courtdocuments, which may include a copy of the divorce decree, may be required to be submitted tothe school system so it can verify the legal rights of all parties.Note: A tardy is determined by the number of minutes a learner misses in the school day,whether it is an early check-out or late arrival.

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23Early Morning Drop-Off/Afternoon Pick-UpNo learner should be present on school property prior to 7:00 a.m. or remain on school propertymore than thirty minutes after the close of the official school day. Exemptions include learnersenrolled in the school's extended day program, participating in an approved extracurricularactivity or program, or authorized by the school principal. School start and dismissal times varyby campus. Refer to the student handbook for your child's start and dismissal times. In the eventof non-compliance, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office may be notified.Parent Portal (PowerSchool)Parents can routinely monitor absences by accessing their learner’s information on the ParentPortal on the PRS website for grades K-12. If a parent has a question or concern about anabsence, the parent should contact the school as soon as possible. SchoolMessager will sendcalls, texts, and emails to notify the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of the learner’s absence fromschool.Written ExcuseWithin three (3) days of the learner’s return to school, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of thelearner must provide documentation for absence(s), which includes the following:1. A written statement from the parent(s)/legal guardian(s), doctor, or community agencystating the reason for the absence (CLICK HERE) to submit an excuse for an absence)2. Child’s legal name3. The date of the absence(s)4. The parent’s official signature(or electronic signature)5. Notes will not be accepted on the fourth day following an absence.6. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may submit up to five (5) parent-written excuses persemester and may be required to submit an excuse for late check-ins and earlycheck-outs. After the 5th absence excused by parent note per semester, parent notes willno longer be accepted.7. Tardies are recorded when learners arrive late to school/class or leave early fromschool/class.8. We encourage all of our parent(s) to ask for a doctor’s note any time a learner missesschool to see the doctor.9. Learners who miss eighteen (18) or more absences in a given school year, includingexcused and unexcused absences, are at risk of retention or not receiving credit.

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24Excused AbsencesLearners will be allotted five (5) parent excuses per semester. The following are consideredpermissible reasons to have an absence excused:● Illness of the learner or doctor visit● Death in the immediate family● Inclement weather that would be dangerous to the life and health of the learner asdetermined by the Superintendent/designee● Court Hearing (proper documentation provided)● Absence to observe traditional religious holidays of a local, national, or internationalorigin upon receiving prior approval from the learner’s principal. The principal mayrequest verification from the learner’s minister or religious leaderNote: As described above, a written note from parents or guardians will excuse absences for upto but not exceeding ten (10) days during the school year. (Example: If a learner provides aparent note after missing a week of school, this will account for five (5) parent notes.) Furtherabsences within that semester will require a written excuse from a medical doctor or courtofficial.Unexcused AbsencesAny absence that does not fall under the category of an excused absence is recorded as anunexcused absence. Any learner with five (5) unexcused absences during the school year may bereferred to Early Warning Court in the proper court of the jurisdiction. Absences are unexcusedfor the following reasons:● The learner and parent fail to provide a written excuse to the school officialswithin three (3) days (including the return date) of the learner’s return to school(see Written Excuse above)● Failure to meet requirements for excused absences (see Excused Absencesabove).● Failure to register or start school on time● Truancy● Missing a bus or ride● Unauthorized trips, including family vacations, shopping, hunting, fishing,non-school affiliated sports competitions, or games.● Birthdays or other celebrationsChronic Ailment StatementParents or guardians of any student having a chronic ailment, which may cause the child to missschool during the year, must provide the school with a doctor’s statement verifying the child’scondition. The statement shall reflect the nature of the child’s illness and state why the childmay need to miss school from time to time due to this illness. Failure of parents/guardians toprovide the school with a chronic ailment statement can result in unexcused absenceaccumulation and referral to the Court system.Refer to the school’s handbook for additional guidelines for submitting excuses. If a learner failsto attend school without submitting a timely excuse from a parent, medical professional, or legalauthority, the learner and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are subject to court intervention.

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25Make-Up AssignmentsElementary: K-3Excused/Unexcused Absence: Learners can make up minor and major grades thatoccurred during an absences. To protect instructional time, make-up assignments may requirecompletion outside of the normal school schedule. Local school administrators may approvealternate learning plans for learners with extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.Elementary: 4-6Excused/Unexcused Absence: Learners can make-up minor and major grades thatoccurred during an absences. To protect instructional time, make-up assignments may requirecompletion outside of the normal school schedule. Local school administrators may approvealternate learning plans for learners with extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.● Out-of-School Suspension: Learners will be given a period of three (3) school days tomake up any major grades they missed.Secondary: 7-12Excused Absence: Learners with an excused absence will have five school days to completeall missed assignments, projects, or assessments. To protect instructional time, make-upassignments may require completion outside of the normal school schedule. Local schooladministrators may approve alternate learning plans for learners with extenuatingcircumstances on a case-by-case basis.● Out-of-School Suspension: Learners can only make up major assessments with a70% maximum score possible. A grade of zero (0) for any missed minor assignments andexecutive skills will be given. Local school administrators may approve alternate learningplans for learners with extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.Unexcused Absence: Learners with an unexcused absence can only make up majorassessments with a 70% maximum score possible. A grade of zero (0) for any missed minorassignments and executive skills will be given. Local school administrators may approvealternate learning plans for learners with extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.Tardy To SchoolTo promote the concept of timeliness and responsibility in learners and to prevent disruption inthe classroom, the following procedures will be followed regarding tardiness:● Learners must report to their school no later than the official beginning of the schoolday.● A tardy is determined by the number of minutes a learner misses in the school day,whether it’s an early check-out or late arrival.● If a learner is 15 or younger, a parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or a previously designatedadult must sign the learner in.● If a learner 15 or younger arrives at school with an older learner and the tardy isunexcused, a parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or a previously designated adult will be calledto come to the school and sign their learner in. Personal vehicle problems or missing theschool bus will not be considered an excused tardy. All learners are provided with bustransportation.● Tardy to school is excused for the same reasons as an absence. (See the previous sectionon absences).● A learner is tardy to school if the learner arrives any time after the tardy bell for the firstperiod or after the learner’s first class begins. Any learner late to school must report to

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26the front office for a pass before class.● No learner can enter class after the tardy bell has rung without an appropriate slip issuedby an administrator or the front office. (Each school has its own local procedureregarding tardy slips.)● School administrators are authorized to determine appropriate management anddisciplinary techniques when learners are tardy to school or classes. Such discipline mayinclude a mandatory parent administrator conference, ISS, and loss of parking permit.Personal Trips and ActivitiesLearners are expected to schedule out-of-town trips and other activities during preset vacationperiods and holidays on the Pike Road Schools academic calendar. Learners may be required toattend school after hours to make up for school time missed due to trips and activities.College VisitsHigh school seniors are allowed two (2) excused absences to visit colleges for campus toursand/or industries for career shadowing. Beyond two (2) excused absences for this reason,learners will need to use a parent's excuse for other absences related to this reason for missingschool.E-Learning DaysAn e-learning day is a day when learners receive classroom instruction electronically. These daysrequire learners to work at home and will not require physical attendance in school buildings.Instruction on an e-learning day is linked to grade-level standards, and includes real-timeacademic activities, and is linked to in-class academic activities. It should reflect a normal schoolday and is a valuable day of instruction.These days have been designed as professional learning days for lead learners, and most of ourstaff will be in training all day. In addition, learners can access online instruction through leadlearners’ and grade-level or department websites.The majority of our learners have access to the internet at home. In addition, the Pike RoadBranch Library provides internet access for learners from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m., Monday throughFriday. However, if internet accessibility is a concern for any Pike Road learner, parents shouldcontact the learner’s lead learner for other arrangements. We will accommodate families withspecific needs.Our lead learners will communicate with parents and/or learners in greater detail as the specifice-learning day draws near. In addition, E-learning day assignments will be posted prior to thee-learning day to assist in accommodating family schedules.Questions about an e-learning day should be directed to the learner’s lead learner or principal.For any technical issues, please email a member of our technology team

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27Truancy Intervention ProcessSTEP ONE -First truancy/unexcused absence (Warning)Upon the first unexcused absence, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) shall be notified by the school(text, email, and phone call), principal, or their designee that the learner was truant and the dateof the truancy.STEP TWO – Upon the third unexcused absence (Mandatory Campus Conference)Upon the third unexcused absence, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) shall be notified by letterfrom the school principal or their designee of the learner’s truancy status and must attend ameeting with the campus attendance clerk.STEP THREE – Upon the fifth unexcused absence (Early Warning Program)Parents and students will be referred to the Early Warning Truancy Program on the fifth (5th)unexcused absence. Referral to the program includes the following steps:● The parent will receive official notification from the Department of Student Services viaemail and USPS mail. The notice will require the parent to report to the Early WarningMeeting.● The parent will meet with the Attendance Officer. The Attendance Officer will review thesystem’s Attendance Policy, the Alabama State Compulsory Attendance Law, and theconsequences of breaking the law.● Failure to appear may result in the filing of a petition against the parent(s)/legalguardian(s) under Code of Alabama § 16-28-12 (failure to cooperate) or a truancy chargeagainst the learner, whichever is appropriate.STEP FOUR – Upon the seventh unexcused absence (Notice of Non-Compliance)● Parents and students will be notified of non-compliance with the Alabama CompulsoryAttendance Law if additional unexcused absences occur post-Early Warning Meeting.● Parents will be required to report to the Pike Road Schools Attendance Office uponnotification to pick up a non-compliance letter.● The non-compliance letter will detail the specific violations of attendance requirementsand outline the consequences of continued absences.● If the student receives additional unexcused absences after collecting thenon-compliance letter, Pike Road Schools will file a complaint/petition against thestudent and/or parent/guardian, as appropriate.Withdrawal for Non-AttendanceLearners who are required to attend school cannot leave without following the state's laws andthe withdrawal procedures set by the Superintendent. If a learner is absent for fifteen(15)consecutive school days and PRS does not receive a response to a certified letter sent to thelearner’s parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or after a home visit, the learner will be withdrawn fromschool. The school will use the addresses on file in PowerSchool for communication.Student WithdrawalWithdrawal is official when one or more of the following occurs:● The parent, guardian, or other person having care or control of the learner hascompleted and submitted the following Pike Road Schools Withdrawal Form● All school-owned textbooks and electronic devices have been returned to the schoolsystem.

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28● The parent, guardian, or other person having care or control of the learner notifies theschool that the learner is leaving the school permanently.● The school official determines that the individual has moved or left school permanently.For learners sixteen (16) years of age or older who are withdrawn from school due to attendanceissues, the Attendance Director may notify the Department of Public Safety of the withdrawal.The Department of Public Safety may deny or suspend the learner’s driver’s license or permit forthe operation of a motor vehicle Policy 6.01: Admissions and Attendance.

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29CHILD NUTRITION PROGRAMThe mission of the Child Nutrition Program is to serve your child a nutritious breakfast andlunch in a timely manner and in a safe environment. The café staff is always accessible andeager to hear from you.The Child Nutrition Program staff looks forward to serving your child every day. We invite youto eat lunch with your child whenever possible. We work closely with each campus to post themonthly menu in a timely manner. We strive to provide our learners with the menu as postedevery day. However, there are times that the menu may vary without notice being sent out.All learners have a computerized account in the lunchroom to purchase food items. Theseaccounts are automatically assigned to learners during the enrollment process. Parents have theability to request limitations be set on a learner's account. Those limits may be placed byemailing the Child Nutrition Program manager at the learner’s school or the Child NutritionDirector.Please click here to access your child's online lunch account through LINQ Connect.CAFÉ PRICESThe café prices for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:Breakfast$2.50 (Includes two items and a regular drink)LunchPike Road Elementary School: $4.00Pike Road Intermediate School: $4.25Pike Road School High School: $4.25Additional Snacks and BeveragesYour school café offers a variety of snack and beverage options, available for purchase duringmeal periods.These items are not included in a regular breakfast or lunch meal; Therefore, a learner musthave funds available to purchase these items.Extra Condiments: $0.50 each Snack(s): (chips, cookies, etc.): $0.50-$2.00Premium Sides: $2.00-$3.00 Beverages: $1.00-$3.00Entree Salad: $4.00/$4.25 Extra Sides: $1.25Chick-Fil-A Sandwich: $7.25 8” Papa John’s Pizza: $6.00

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30HEALTH RECORDS AND MEDICATIONPike Road School is dedicated to promoting a safe and healthy environment for all our learners.We have developed guidelines for administering medication and providing medical treatment atschool or at events sponsored by the school to help achieve this goal. This document outlinesmedication administration and treatments available at school.Medical and Emergency Care Plans in the school setting should be discussed with the schoolnurse. The State of Alabama has developed and approved a Health Assessment Record Formdesigned to be completed by parents at registration each academic year. The primary purpose ofthis tool is to standardize the process whereby all schools receive, record, and address learners'health needs.Required DocumentationLearners must have a current Alabama Certificate of Immunization record (Blue Card) on filebefore registering for school each year (Alabama State Law). The school nurse will send you aletter if your child’s Blue Card expires. (For more information, go Health PlansAny medical history or diagnosis that could affect your child during the school day should bereported to the school nurse annually. Prior to the first day of school, schedule anappointment with your school's nurse to discuss any significant health issues (diabetes, epilepsy,anaphylaxis, catheterization, and daily medications, for example) to determine whether anIndividualized Healthcare Plan (IHP) is required. A plan should be made, agreed upon, andsigned every school year. This plan aims to inform those with educational contact with yourchild about his/her health needs daily and to provide school employees with requiredinformation in an emergency.SchoolSchool Phone NumberNurse Extension ListPike Road Elementary School(334) 420-5310205Pike Road Intermediate School(334) 420-5360305Pike Road Junior High School(334) 420-5340505Pike Road High School(334) 420-5380505

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31Student HealthIllnessLearners who become ill at school will be sent to the school nurse where the learner'stemperature will be checked, and their parents will be notified if necessary. If your child doesnot meet the exclusion criteria, they may call home independently. Together, you and your childmay decide if your child should come home. Your child will need an excuse note if they do notmeet any exclusion criteria when they check out.COVID GuidelinesPike Road Schools are following CDC Covid Guidelines and district policies.Exclusion from School for Illness- Instructions for ExclusionIf your child reports or exhibits any of the symptoms described below, your child may have acommunicable illness. The table below includes conditions that are frequently seen in the schoolsetting. Please follow the instructions for exclusion before returning your child to school and/orschool-sponsored activities if you suspect your child has a communicable illness. Contact yourchild's school nurse if you have questions regarding these instructions.Illness/ConditionSigns/SymptomsInstructions for ExclusionFeverTemperature of 100 or aboveExclude from school untilfever-free for 24 hours withoutthe use of medication. Pleasemonitor for other symptoms thatmay bring on fever such asCovid-19 or Influenza.VomitingOne or more episodes ofvomiting in the previous 24hours.Exclude from school until 24hours from the last episode.DiarrheaLoose, watery stools that occurmore frequently than usual.Exclude from school until 24hours from the last episode.RashAny flat or raised area of rednesswith or without drainage on anyarea of the skin.Exclude until a health careprovider has diagnosed andtreated the rash. It could bemeasles, chicken pox or someother communicable illness.Conjunctivitis (pink eye)Pink or red conjunctiva withwhite or yellow eye discharge.Exclude from school until aftertreatment has been initiated withproof of treatment by aphysician.

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32InjuryWhen a learner suffers a minor injury, first aid will be administered by the school nurse or otherappropriate school staff, and the nurse or administrator will notify the parents. When a learneris injured, they will be sent to a designated area until their parents arrive or the school day ends.When a learner suffers a significant injury, the parent will be contacted soon as it is possible.Contact information for parents/guardians should be on file with the registrar's office (not justupdated with the lead learner), so they can be contacted quickly.Emergency services will be called when a severe injury occurs, and the child will be transportedif it is determined to be in the child's best interest by first responders or school staff. Expensesrelated to transporting the child will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.LiceIn the case of head lice, there is no 24-hour exclusion; however, the child must remain homeuntil all nits have been removed. This policy has been adopted due to the likelihood ofhead-to-head contact in our school setting (We do not sit at individual desks; project work is ateam effort, which lends itself to working close to one another).Medical Guidelines and RequirementsMedicationThe following information about medication in schools should be read very carefully. Learnersshould not carry medications of any kind (over-the-counter or prescription) without properpaperwork on file with the school nurse (including field trips). All prescription medications,non-emergent over-the-counter medications, and controlled substances should be kept in thelocked medication cabinet in the nurse's office.Prescription/Over-the-Counter MedicationThe Alabama Board of Nursing, the Alabama State Department of Education, and the Pike RoadBoard of Education have strict guidelines regarding medications in the school setting. ASchool Medication Prescriber Parent Authorization (PPA) form must be completed for bothprescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medication. These forms must be signed byyour doctor and by a parent/guardian; please read the form carefully and complete itbefore returning it to the nurse’s office. These forms are available on the PRS website, in themain office, and in the school clinic. The PPA MUST match the prescription label in regards tothe medication name, time to administer, and dosage of medication. Also, please be mindful thatyou ensure the physician does not select “Emergency Drug Requirements During BusTransportation” for Epinephrine or Asthma Inhalers unless they give permission for the learnerto self-medicate and self-carry medication. If this information is not accurate, you will berequired to obtain a new update and signed PPA from the physician.Note:● Learners will be subject to disciplinary action if found in possession of medicationwithout authorization.● Learners will be subject to disciplinary action if found to be sharing medication.● Each learner taking medication will need their own documentation and medicationsupply. This applies to siblings as well.

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33Medication Drop-OffParents/guardians must drop off and refill daily medications to be administered by the schoolnurse at the nurse's office. Parents should be prepared to drop off daily medications beforethe first day of school; our nurses maintain a hectic schedule on the first day, soprescriptions cannot be taken in on that day.Keeping medication at school involves extensive paper/computer work; please be ready toprovide the name and dose of the medication when scheduling a medication drop-offappointment (refer to nurse contact chart). Upon drop Off, at the appointed time, themedication will be counted by the nurse with the expectation that the parent/guardian willprovide a witness signature for all controlled substances.The last workday of the school year is the deadline for picking up medications. In the event thatthe parents do not pick up the medicine, it will be destroyed. Medical devices and medicationsare not stored over the summer.Medication RefillsLearners should under no circumstance bring a refill of medication in their backpack or on theirperson (repeat offense of this will result in an office referral for disciplinary action).Prescription Labels Are Required For All Prescription MedicationAll prescription medication must have a valid prescription label with the correct dosageinstructions that are not expired (this includes Epi-pens and asthma inhalers). This can be acopy of the box or an extra label from the pharmacy, but we must have a pharmacy label forEVERY prescription medication.Over-the-counter medications must be stored in the manufacturer's unopened containers andappropriate to the learner's age. For example, do not bring adult Tylenol or Advil to beadministered to your elementary learner. The package must have an age-appropriate label.Self-Carry MedicationsA learner can only carry or self-administer medication with the proper paperwork completed inthe school nurse's office. For example, suppose a learner is approved by a physician to carrymedication such as an inhaler, epi-pen, or insulin on their person. Parents must complete theself-carry contract in the nurse's office so the child knows their responsibility. Controlledsubstances will never be allowed as self-carry at PRS. All controlled substances must belocked under a double lock and key for safety.Note:● Learners will be subject to disciplinary action if found in possession of medicationwithout authorization.● Learners will be subject to disciplinary action if found to be sharing medication.● Each learner taking medication will need their own documentation and medicationsupply. This applies to siblings as well.

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34Scoliosis ScreeningsThe Alabama State Department of Education and Alabama Department of Public Health requirethat school districts in Alabama offer and provide a scoliosis screening for all learners incommunities 5 through 9.The screening is performed by observing the spine, viewing the learner from the back, side,front, and all sides, with the learner bending forward. A scoliometer will be utilized to identifycurves greater than 7 degrees. Parents of learners with signs of a possible spinal abnormalitywill be asked to see their physicians for further evaluation.Emergency Medical ServicesIn the event of a student's medical emergency on campus, the decision to call EmergencyMedical Services (EMS)/911 should be made by the school nurse or administrator in charge.However, if a school staff member believes that immediate assistance from EMS/911 isnecessary, they have the authority to contact them without seeking approval. Wheneverpossible, the staff member should remain with the learner(s) until EMS arrives to ensure theirsafety and well-being.When EMS/911 personnel arrive, they assume full responsibility for caring for the learner(s). Aparent/guardian and, if necessary, the learner's emergency contacts should be notified as soonas possible. Parents/guardians are responsible for any charges that arise as a result of theinvolvement of EMS.Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)Student health records that are maintained by the school system are “education records”and are protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is afederal law that protects the privacy of a student’s education records. More informationabout FERPA can be found on the school system’s website: insert link.For further information concerning Health Records and Medication, contact the Lead Nurse at(334) 420-5300 ext. 111Policy 6.14:Student Health Services

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35ACADEMIC INTEGRITYAcademic integrity is the expectation that lead learners, learners, and all academic communitymembers act with honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. The Pike Road SchoolsBoard of Education provides a comprehensive curriculum plan for all grades K-12 in accordancewith state law and any requirements of the Alabama State Department of Education. TheAcademic Integrity Plan of our school is mandatory for all currently enrolled learners. In ourclassrooms, it is expected that all learners fulfill their responsibilities of completing assignedassignments and turning in their work.

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36Grading ScheduleProgress reports and report cards will be provided to parents or legal guardians on a regularbasis to keep them informed of their child's academic performance.ALSDE Required AssessmentsThe Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law in December 2015, andimplemented in the 2017-18 school year. All full-time students enrolled in public schools in thestate of Alabama are required to participate in state assessments. The Alabama Department ofEducation's approved assessment is the Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACA).The results of these state-mandated assessments provide data on student academic progress andreflect the teamwork of parents, students, and teachers. Please be cognizant of the Digital DevicePolicy for all state assessments. All Code of Conduct guidelines are in place during assessments,and following the instructions of Test Administrators is especially important to provide validand reliable data.ALSDE-required assessments include:● ACAP Summative (Grades 2-8)● ACAP Alternate (Grades 2-8, 10-11)● Pre-ACT Secure (Grade 10)● ACT with Writing (Grade 11)● ACCESS for ELLs (Grades K-12)● Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Grades K-12)● National Assessment of Educational Progress (Grades 4, 8 as requested)Other assessments may be given throughout the school year at all levels. These may includeformative assessments and others as determined by school administration.The results of these assessments provide useful Information for stakeholders including:● FAMILIES: Understanding Grade Level Performance● TEACHERS: Informing Instruction

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37● SCHOOL & DISTRICT LEADERS: Informing Decisions● STATE LEADERS: Helping Schools ImproveIf you have questions regarding the Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program, please HonestyCheatingAll academic work completed by any Pike Road Schools learner is expected to be their own work.PRS will not tolerate cheating in any form. Learners will not engage in any act of deception orfalsification of work product. This includes but is not limited to:● Cheating by receiving unauthorized aid or assistance● Giving or receiving an unfair advantage on any form of academic work, including the useof electronic devices(s) to text/take pictures of/convey exams and/or answer sheets● Possessing materials that invalidate any academic coursework during or prior to thework being assigned (test or coursework).● Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to complete graded tests, projects, papers, or otherassignments can be considered a violation of academic integrity. Learners areencouraged to engage with their studies genuinely, seek help when needed, and useresources appropriately.*Any learner who completes an assignment dishonestly will receive a zero without theopportunity to retake it. In addition, there will be a Class II sanction.PlagiarismLearners will receive instruction regarding plagiarism and the seriousness of the offense that isappropriate for their grade level. Plagiarism of any assignment is considered academicdishonesty, and will result in the learner receiving a zero with no opportunity to make up or redowork.Plagiarism is claiming or implying that the work of another is your own.● to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own● to use (another’s production) without crediting the source● to commit literary theft● to present as new and original idea or product derived from an existing source.All of the following are considered plagiarism:● copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit● failing to put a quotation in quotation marks● giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation● changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit● copying words or ideas from a source that makes up the majority of your work, whetheryou give credit or not.Response to InstructionThe RTI (Response to Instruction) process incorporates core instruction and intervention in amulti-tiered system to address learners' academic and behavioral needs in the classroom. ThePRS interventionist facilitates intensive interventions.Academic ConcernsParents are valued as partners in the educational process at Pike Road Schools. We find that thequickest and most effective way to resolve a concern regarding your learner is by addressing it

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38directly.To maintain a successful educational partnership, Pike Road Schools follow the followingcommunication chain:Elementary K-6GradingLearners will earn grades and academic credit based on their completion of assignments andactivities aligned with the established objectives, instructional standards, and grading criteria.All evaluations will comply with the applicable laws and regulations specified.Parents, please review and discuss the Academic Integrity Plan with your learner. If you haveany questions at this time or throughout the year, please contact your learner's campusadministration team (see the Academic Concerns section above). We want to work with you toresolve any questions or concerns.

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39Grading ScalesGrades for K-6 academic coursework will be awarded according to the following scales:Grading Categories● Major Grades: Include, but are not limited to:○ Tests and cumulative assignments.○ Major Grades will constitute 60% of the course grade.● Minor Grades: Include, but are not limited to:○ Classroom assignments that cover skills that were taught in a single lesson.○ Minor Grades will constitute 40% of the course grade.Reporting PlatformsPowerSchool is the official platform for reporting and viewing learner grades at Pike RoadSchools. Each parent/guardian will have one login to view each child’s information and data.Parents are given login instructions twice a year. Once at the start of the academic year andagain when the first report card is issued. If you need to access your learner(s) PowerSchoolaccount or reset your password, please contact the campus registrar.Below is a list of designated specific platforms for digital portfolios and assignment submissions.The Clever portal will provide access to K-6 curriculum resources and learning managementsystems; the login information will be provided to learners by their respective schools.Promotion CriteriaPromotion in K-8 grade signifies progression to the next grade level, awarded to learners whomeet established criteria, including maintaining good attendance and achieving satisfactoryacademic performance.

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40K - 3● Kindergarten learners will be evaluated on their mathematics and literacy proficiency.Literacy courses include English language arts, reading elective, and reading. Eligibilityfor promotion includes a minimum score of 60 or higher in English language arts, readingelective, reading, and mathematics. Learners in grades 1 – 3 will be evaluated on theirmathematics, literacy, science and social studies proficiency. Eligibility for promotionincludes a minimum score of 60 or higher in English language arts, reading elective,reading, and mathematics.4-6● Learners in grades 4-6 will be assessed in English language arts, mathematics, science,and social studies. Learners must earn a 60% average for the school year in Englishlanguage arts, mathematics, and one other core subject to be eligible for promotion.RetentionFor K-6 grade learners, retention means being reassigned to the current grade level for the nextschool year.Grade KAfter considering a variety of factors (i.e., age, maturity, motor coordination, capacity forlearning, and academic progress), the principal may make the recommendation to retain akindergarten learner.Learners may be retained if any of the following criteria exist:● The lead learner and/or the Problem-Solving Team determine that retention will benefitthe learner.● The learner is performing below grade-level standards.● The learner has not earned the minimum academic credit/grade required for promotioneligibility.● The learner has 18 unexcused and/or excused absences.However, the Academic Review Committee may determine that a promotion is appropriateif extenuating circumstances have prevented the learner from meeting the minimumrequirements for promotion during the school year.Summer LearningPike Road Schools will provide summer learning in accordance with the Alabama Literacy andNumeracy Acts. K-3 learners who are identified with consistent reading deficiencies and K-5learners who are identified with math consistent deficiencies will be able to participate in thesummer learning programs.Secondary 7-122024-2025 Secondary Academic GuideThe Secondary Academic Guide is a comprehensive resource designed to offer a deeperunderstanding of the curriculum, bell schedules, academic transition and various opportunitiesavailable to your child during their secondary education. It serves as a roadmap, guiding bothparents and students to ensure a successful and fulfilling educational experience.The guide includes but is not limited to the following information:

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41● Curriculum Overview: A detailed breakdown of the subjects and courses offered,giving you clarity on the educational path ahead.● Extracurricular Opportunities: Information on clubs, and other activities thatcomplement classroom learning, fostering a well-rounded development.● Parental Involvement: Guidance on how you can actively participate in andcontribute to your child's academic journey.To access the Secondary Academic Guide, please visit the following website CLICK HERE.GradingLearners will earn grades and academic credit based on their completion of assignments andactivities aligned with the established objectives, instructional standards, and grading criteria.All evaluations will comply with the applicable laws and regulations specified.Parents, please review and discuss the Academic Integrity Plan with your learner. If you haveany questions at this time or throughout the year, please contact your learner's campusadministration team (see the Academic Concerns section above). We want to work with you toresolve any questions or concerns.Grading ScalesGrades for 7-8 academic coursework will be awarded according to the following scale:Grades for 9-12 academic coursework will be awarded according to the following grading scale:

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42* For more information, about Advanced Placement, Honors and Dual Enrollment coursesCLICK HERE to view the Secondary Academic Guide.Grading Categories7–12 Grading categories and percentages will be based on the following.

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43Reporting PlatformsPowerSchool is the official platform for reporting and viewing learner grades at Pike RoadSchools. Each parent/guardian will have one login to view each child’s information and data.Parents are given login instructions twice a year. Once at the start of the academic year andagain when the first report card is issued. If you need to access your learner(s) PowerSchoolaccount or reset your password, please contact the school registrar.Note: Other platforms, such as Google Classroom and Schoology, may only be used for digitalportfolios and assignment submission.Make-Up Work7-12Excused Absence: Learners with an excused absence will have five school days to completeall missed assignments, projects, or assessments. To protect instructional time, make-upassignments may require completion outside of the normal school schedule. Local schooladministrators may approve alternate learning plans for learners with extenuatingcircumstances on a case-by-case basis.● Out-of-School Suspension: Learners can only make up major assessments with a70% maximum score possible. A grade of zero (0) for any missed minor assignments andexecutive skills will be given. Local school administrators may approve alternate learningplans for learners with extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.Unexcused Absence: Learners with an unexcused absence can only make up majorassessments with a 70% maximum score possible. A grade of zero (0) for any missed minorassignments and executive skills will be given. Local school administrators may approvealternate learning plans for learners with extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.Promotion CriteriaPromotion in K-8 grade is the assignment of a learner to a higher grade level based on thelearner’s achievement of established criteria in the current grade.7–8Learners in grades 7-8 will be promoted based on earning a passing grade in a minimum of six

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44(6) courses, four (4) of which must include the four (4) core subjects in English Language Arts(ELA), Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.9-12In high school, a learner’s progress from one grade to the next is based on the number of earnedcredits. Learners are required to complete one unit from each of the four (4) academic areaseach year. Learners with deficiencies in required subjects need to enroll in summer school.Promotion standards are below.To review the credit requirements for the Class of 2027 promotion, please CLICK HERE andrefer to the Secondary Academic Guide.RetentionRetention means being reassigned to the current grade level for the next school year.learners may be retained if any of the following criteria exist:● The lead learner and/or the Problem-Solving Team determine that retention will benefitthe learner● The learner is performing below grade-level standards.● The learner has not earned the minimum academic credit required for promotioneligibility.● The learner has 18 unexcused and/or excused absences.Promotion for learners may be determined by the Academic Review Committee if extenuatingcircumstances have prevented the learner from meeting the minimum requirements forpromotion during the school year.Grade/Credit Recovery7-8: Grade RecoveryLearners in 7 and 8 grade are expected to pass all core classes for the year. For those learnerswho do not pass the first semester, they may be provided with an opportunity to recover thestandards missed in the first semester. Assignments will be provided for work after normalschool hours. If a learner successfully completes the Grade Recovery course, they willreceive a grade of 60/D for the semester. If a learner does not pass a core class for the year,they will be required to take the course in Summer School.

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45Summer school may be provided based on learner needs and resource availability. Summerschool courses may require a tuition fee for participation9-12: Credit RecoveryPike Road High School will provide a Credit Recovery Program for learners who havepreviously taken and failed the same course with a grade of 40 to 59. The maximum grade whichcan be earned in credit recovery is 60. Advanced Placement courses do not qualify for creditrecovery. Failed AP classes will require the learner to earn a course in the general courseequivalent. Credit recovery courses hosted outside of school hours may require a tuition fee forparticipation.**Please note that credit recovery courses are not NCAA approved unless taken viaACCESS.9-12 Grade RecoveryPike Road High School may provide a Grade Recovery Program for learners who have failed aparticular grading period of a course required for graduation. The maximum grade which can beearned in grade recovery is a 60. The decision to host grade recovery courses will be madeannually and predicated on the needs of the learners. Grade recovery courses hosted outside ofschool hours may require a tuition fee for participation. Learners must have earned a grade of 45to participate in grade recovery courses, whether they be held during the school year or duringthe summer. Grade recovery courses will utilize a curriculum platform determined by localschool administration.Summer Learning7-8Pike Road Junior High School may provide a summer school based on learner needs andresource availability. Summer school courses may require a tuition fee for participation.9-12Pike Road High School may provide a summer school based on learner needs and resourceavailability. Summer school may encompass both credit recovery programs and creditadvancement opportunities. Summer school courses may require a tuition fee for participation.SPECIAL SERVICESFree Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)Pike Road School’s Special Education Policy states: Pike Road Schools ensures that freeappropriate public education, consistent with the standards established by this plan and by stateand federal regulations, is being provided to all children with disabilities ages 3-21.Pike Road Schools ensures that all children residing within the jurisdiction of the local educationagency, birth to twenty-one years of age, regardless of the severity of their disability and who

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46need special education and related services, are identified, located, and evaluated. If you haveconcerns about your child’s progress and would like more information about these services,please contact the Director of Special Services at (334) 420-5300 ext. 112 or the localcampus for additional information.English as Second Language Program (ESL)The English as a Second Language Program (ESL) is designed to provide instruction thatsupports English language proficiency for our learners whose primary language is somethingbesides English. This instruction is provided in the most conducive environment for academicsuccess.The necessity of the ESL program for each learner is determined by the Home LanguageSurvey completed by each parent yearly and a screening tool to ensure learners needingservices are recognized within the first thirty days of enrollment. Each qualifying learner’sparents will be notified and provided comprehensive details of the program and its qualifiers.The ESL Program focuses on helping learners acquire English in listening, speaking, reading,and writing. Learners receiving ESL services are evaluated yearly until the exit requirements setby ALSDE have been met. The rate of acquiring the English language is different for everylearner. It is affected by factors such as age, length of time in the United States, literacy level inthe home language, peer interactions, and attendance.For further information concerning ESL programming, contact the ESL Coordinator at334-420-5300.Gifted EducationGifted is defined by the Alabama State Department of Education as children and youth whoperform or demonstrate the potential to perform at high levels in academic and creative fieldswhen compared with others their age, experience, or environment.Learners identified as a result of the criteria provided by the Alabama Administrative Code(AAC) require services not provided by grade-level standards. Gifted learners are found in allpopulations and across economic strata. All 2nd-grade learners are screened utilizing a behaviorchecklist developed by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) and teacherobservation for gifted potential.Learners can be referred for gifted evaluation by any individual with knowledge of the learner’sabilities. Referrals are screened and observed in the areas of aptitude, characteristics, andperformance. Qualifying learners are provided a Gifted Education Plan (GEP) and servicesbased upon the criteria developed in the AAC. Notification and service provisions must beprovided and received with parent consent before learners receive gifted services.For further information or to refer a learner for evaluation, contact the Gifted Coordinator at334-420-5300SECLUSION AND RESTRAINTStaff Training Procedures

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47All school staff reasonably expected to be involved in an incident of physical restraint of alearner will participate in training provided by the District in the “Managing Crisis Safely”program. The District’s Coordinator of Special Services/designee will designate the staff to betrained in the “Managing Crisis Safely” program annually on prevention and positive behaviormanagement techniques, including the proper use of de-escalation techniques. In addition,training will be provided on the proper use of physical restraint, should it be necessary, toprevent harm to a learner or others.Documentation of TrainingTraining participants must recertify every two years and meet every semester to review theinformation they learned during the "Managing Crisis Safely" training. To document attendanceat these meetings, a sign-in sheet must be created. The Coordinator of Special Services willmaintain a list of all participants in each training session. All training records will be madeavailable to the Alabama Department of Education or any member of the public upon request.Additional information as required by this code is outlined in procedures, a copy of which maybe obtained by contacting the Special Services Department at 334-420-5300or email SAFETYEmergency Closing ProceduresThere may be occasions when Pike Road Schools close earlier than usual due to unforeseencircumstances such as tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, flash floods, snow, or someother type of weather event. When this occurs, the following procedure will be followed:1. School Messenger will be used to notify all parents.2. Parents need to monitor/check the system website Parents should listen to area radio and TV stations that will inform them of schoolclosings.4. Parents should monitor/check the Pike Road Schools Facebook page for updates- Unless an announcement is made otherwise, buses will transport learners to theirusual home station.6. Parents who normally pick up their children will need to come to school immediatelyafter the emergency announcement.Safety DrillsThe Alabama State Department of Education requires schools to perform monthly safety drillsduring any month that learners occupy the building. Certain drills must be performed at specifictimes during the school year. As part of the Alabama State Department of Transportation’srequirements, each bus driver must conduct a front door/back door emergency evacuation drill.

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48Severe WeatherIn the event of a tornado watch or warning or any natural disaster, learners will be taken to asafe place. Every year, children participate in weather drills so they know what to do if facedwith a tornado or other threatening conditions.Fire DrillsFire drills will be held multiple times a year. Following the lead learner's instructions, learnersshould file out quickly and quietly when the signal sounds. Classrooms are equipped withevacuation plans.Lockdown DrillsDuring the school year, lockdown drills will be conducted at least twice. Directions will befollowed by learners according to the lead learner's instructions. No learners or school personnelwill be allowed to enter or leave the school during a lockdown (no check-ins or check-outs). Allexterior doors will be locked.Surveillance EquipmentPike Road Schools use surveillance equipment on properties owned and/or maintained by theschool district to provide and maintain a safe and secure environment for learners, staff, andauthorized visitors. The property includes school buildings, school buses, and school grounds.