ProposalOur Lady of Victory SchoolFood Assistance 2025Balan, Haiti
Project GoalImprove the nutritional health of 400 students and 15 staff membersat Our Lady of Victory School in Balan, Plaine-du-Nord, Haiti, byproviding supplementary food.Project DescriptionFood For the Poor’s (FFTP’s) Our Lady of Victory School FoodAssistance 2025 project aims to enhance nutritional health at OurLady of Victory School in Balan, Haiti. This initiative will supplementthe school’s existing feeding program, ensuring that students andstaff are adequately nourished and energized throughout theupcoming school year. Well-fed students will be better equipped tofocus in class, leading to improved academic performance and ahigher likelihood of advancing to the next grade.FFTP will execute this project closely with Principal NickensonCherubin and the school’s founder and administrator, FatherEmmanuel Pierre. In addition to a 10-month contingency fund, yourgenerous gifts would support the purchase and delivery of thefollowing food items:200 55-pound bags of cornmeal200 cases (48 cans each) of evaporated milk180 cases (24 cans each) of sardines380 cases (24 packs each) of spaghetti100 cases (six gallons each) of vegetable oilCompleted project budgets are subject to change if not fully fundedwithin six months. The completion date of this project may beextended for issues related to weather, natural disaster or civil unrestto the extent that such events exceed normal conditions and impedethe project’s progress.Total Project Costs: $33,038.08
HaitiClose to 60% of the approximately 11.5 million people in Haiti — thewestern part of the island of Hispaniola — live below the poverty line,making it the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The capitalof this country, which comprises 10 departments, is Port-au-Prince.Most Haitians struggle to find food to eat, clean water to drink andsafe places to live. Access to education and healthcare is alsoextremely limited. Haiti is a bleak place for children. One-fifth of all Haitian childrensuffer from malnutrition, and 67 of every 1,000 children die beforereaching their fifth birthdays. High levels of food insecurity result from many factors, includingongoing civil unrest and high food prices, reduced remittances andincome losses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. These factorsexacerbate the already poor food security situation. With so many families focused merely on survival, many Haitianchildren never get the chance to receive even an elementary schooleducation, resulting in a national literacy rate of 61.7%. FFTP began working to help the poor people of Haiti in 1986. Today,we are one of the country’s largest providers of emergency relief andsustainable development projects.BalanIn the Morne Rouge section of Haiti’s Plaine-du-Nord commune, thesecluded Balan community contains approximately 6,000 residents.Struggling with limited income from agriculture and fishing, Balanresidents lack essential resources, with motorcycles being their solemeans of transportation. They also grapple with a lack of drinkingwater, electricity and proper sanitation, exposing them to health risks.Amid these challenges, this predominantly Catholic community findssolace in a clinic staffed by five nurses and in Our Lady of VictoryChurch and School, which offer these resilient residents a ray of hope.
Please click the map below to view the Google Maps locationfor Balan, where we will serve through this project.GPS Coordinates: 19°43'49.0"N 72°11'27.0"W
Feeding and Empowering God’s ChildrenIn Haiti, 1.64 million people face severe food insecurity, with childrenhit hardest. Furthermore, by the end of 2024, the number of childrensuffering from severe acute malnutrition is expected to rise by 19%.Immediate action is critical to address this growing crisis.Students at Our Lady of Victory School rely on its feeding program tostay nourished, focused and ready to learn. Many students travel fromsurrounding communities where their families cannot meet their basicfood needs, ultimately arriving hungry each day. Despite theirstruggles, parents are deeply committed to their children’s success,supporting the school by sending their children with silverware andplates to use at mealtimes.However, the school’s current feeding program is insufficient to meetits students’ growing needs. To ensure that every child receives thenutrition that they need, we will provide additional food items,supplementing the rice and beans that we already provide to thefeeding program through our partnership with the TaiwanICDF. Oncewe deliver this food to Haiti and store it in a local warehouse, FatherEmmanuel will bring it to the school.You have the chance to directly impact these youngsters’ capacity tolearn and thrive. Please join us in ensuring that no student at Our Ladyof Victory School leaves with an empty stomach.
“He gives food to every creature. His love endures forever.”Psalm 136:25Jenny conveyed her deep appreciation for this work: “I would like towarmly thank Food For The Poor for this initiative and to congratulatethem on this valuable assistance. No words can fully express mygratitude, but I pray that God protects and blesses Food For The Poor[and] gives you the strength and courage to continue your work.”TestimonialsJenny Flore Dessources, themother of a fourth-gradestudent at Our Lady of VictorySchool, is deeply grateful for thesupport that we provide to itscafeteria.Jenny shared how knowing thather son will receive a meal atschool eases her family’sfinancial strain and reassures herthat he can focus on his studieswithout worrying about hunger:“Sometimes, due to financialdifficulties, [other parents and I]consider not sending ourchildren to school. However,knowing that they will be fedthere, we make the effort tosend them, even when we lackmoney. It reassures us to knowthat they can study in goodconditions, with peace of mindand full stomachs.”
Sixth-grader LamandeMarvens Lavensky sharedhow the school cafeteria hasmade a difference in his life:“The meals we receive atschool provide significanthelp, both to ... the studentsand to our parents.”Lamande continued onbehalf of his fellow students,“We want to express ourgratitude to Food For ThePoor for this project.Sometimes, we leave homewithout having eaten,unsure if we will findsomething to eat. Butthanks to the schoolcafeteria, we are able tomeet this essential need. Weare extremely grateful forthis initiative.”“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life.Whoever comes to me will never go hungry,and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’”John 6:35
We will provide Our Lady of Victory School with additional fooditems to supplement the rice and beans that it already uses forits feeding program.
CornmealEvaporated milkThese food staples need replenishing so that the school’svulnerable students can continue to enjoy them.
SardinesSpaghettiVegetable oil
Your support would give these youngsters the nourishment thatthey need to thrive both in and out of the classroom.
These students are grateful for their blessings, one of which isyou. Please join us in continuing to provide them with nutritiousmeals. May God bless you always!
Please click this image to view a video of a similar schoolfeeding program in Haiti.
The funds you generously contribute to Food For The Poor willbe used toward completion of your project of choice. If any ofyour donation exceeds budget cost, rest assured that it will beused to fund other Food For The Poor programs andorganizational support to meet the urgent needs of the poor.Contributions are tax-deductible under Internal Revenue CodeSection 501(c)(3).Budget
About Food For The PoorFood For The Poor, one of the largest international relief anddevelopment organizations in the nation, does much more than feedmillions of hungry children and families living in poverty primarily in 15countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Thisinterdenominational Christian ministry provides emergency reliefassistance, water, medicine, educational materials, homes, support forvulnerable children, care for the aged, skills training and micro-enterprise development assistance. For more information, please you would like more information about this report, please contactyour advisor.Please click this QR code or scan it using your mobiledevice’s camera app to view this proposal online:2416HP