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2405H Our Lady of the Poor Clinic 2024 (Formatted 8-15-24)

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ProposalOur Lady of the PoorClinic, Bernard MevsHospital 2024Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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The Our Lady of the Poor Clinic, Bernard Mevs Hospital 2024 projectis the latest installment of an initiative that Food For The Poor (FFTP)began years ago. Through this project, we will continue providingmedical services to vulnerable Haitian people in unstablesocioeconomic situations. Established in May 1995, Bernard Mevs Hospital is managed byDoctors Jerry and Marlon Bitar. Its mission is to bring qualityhealthcare to all who need it, regardless of their ability to pay. For 29years, the hospital has provided healthcare to the Haitian population,particularly to communities in the Port-au-Prince area. Your generous funding of this project will provide the followingmedicines and services to 1,000 patients at the hospital’s Our Lady ofthe Poor clinic:Project GoalProvide the means for the Our Lady of the Poor Clinic within BernardMevs Hospital to continue serving 1,000 impoverished patientsaround Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for the next six months.Project DescriptionTotal Project Costs: $108,137.49X-rays and CT scans Oxygen MedicinesMedical equipmentHospital administrative staffFuelCompleted project budgets are subject to change if not fully fundedwithin six months. The completion date of this project may beextended for issues related to weather, natural disaster or civil unrestto the extent that such events exceed normal conditions and impedethe project’s progress.

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HaitiClose to 60% of the approximately 11.5 million people in Haiti — thewestern part of the island of Hispaniola — live below the poverty line,making it the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The capitalof this country, which comprises 10 departments, is Port-au-Prince.Most Haitians struggle to find food to eat, clean water to drink andsafe places to live. Access to education and healthcare is alsoextremely limited. Haiti is a bleak place for children. One-fifth of all Haitian childrensuffer from malnutrition, and 67 of every 1,000 children die beforereaching their fifth birthdays. High levels of food insecurity result from many factors, includingongoing civil unrest and high food prices, reduced remittances andincome losses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. These factorsexacerbate the already poor food security situation. With so many families focused merely on survival, many Haitianchildren never get the chance to receive even an elementary schooleducation, resulting in a national literacy rate of 61.7%. FFTP began working to help the poor people of Haiti in 1986. Today,we are one of the country’s largest providers of emergency relief andsustainable development projects.Port-au-PrincePort-au-Prince is the capital and most populous city of Haiti. Port-au-Prince’s commune had an estimated population of 987,310 in 2015,with the metropolitan area’s population estimated at 2,618,894.Many Haitian people, including those in the Port-au-Prince area,experience precarious living conditions such as natural disasters anddisease outbreaks. These vulnerable residents severely need access toquality healthcare, especially children with serious medical conditions.

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Please click the map below to view the Google Maps locationfor Port-au-Prince, where we will serve through this project.GPS Coordinates: 18°35'22.0"N 72°19'55.0"W

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Our Lady of the Poor ClinicTo care for Haitian populations impacted by the 2010 earthquake, theUniversity of Miami and Project Medishare founded Bernard MevsHospital. This hospital, staffed entirely by volunteers, provides traumacare to residents of Port-au-Prince and its surrounding areas.Specifically, Bernard Mevs Hospital houses Our Lady of the PoorClinic. Most of the clinic’s patients cannot earn a decent living, letalone afford basic healthcare, leaving them fully dependent on theclinic’s services and resources.The clinic provides pediatric HIV and AIDS patients with quality carethrough a variety of services. These patients can access outpatientcare, diagnostic and emergency services, surgical procedures, a state-of-the-art laboratory, medicine and chronic disease management.Additionally, the clinic offers resources for prevention and wellnesscare among women and children. It also equips them with educationalawareness and healthy lifestyle programs that address maladies suchas dehydration due to diarrhea, malnutrition and tuberculosis.

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The Lord has blessed many of us with the ability to quickly andeffectively visit medical facilities or to help loved ones receivetreatment. It can be difficult to imagine waiting for our sick children toreceive care or experiencing stress over paying medical bills becausewe have no money to spare. These situations compound the ongoingsocial unrest through which these Haitian families live every day.Because Our Lady of the Poor Clinic does not have the resources tocare for every patient who relies on its medical services, our projectwill fund the clinic’s operational expenses for six months. With yoursupport, this clinic will continue serving as a conduit for hundreds ofimpoverished women and children who need access to lifesavinghealthcare services.Together, we can ensure that this clinic can give women and childrenthe quality care that they need, treating their medical conditions andpossibly even saving their lives. Please consider embodying Jesus’unwavering love for your spiritual brothers and sisters who needphysical and spiritual healing.Hope Heals: Support for a Healthier Haiti

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Tamara St. Preux, Nurse“Despite everything, the hospital always remainsopen. It always providesservices, so we must bepresent to meet the needs ofthe people.”Margerette Rochelin, Nurse“Over my 17 years in theprogram, I can attest thatBernard Mevs Hospitalconsistently attends thepatients it receives,especially the children.”Please click either of the photos below of the dedicated nurses at OurLady of the Poor Clinic to hear their heartfelt testimonials:Testimonials

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Anne Julie Molène, PatientAnne Julie’s mother shared her baby’s story with us: “My daughterwas born on September 12, 2023, at La Paix Hospital ... . She hadhydrocephalus, according to the ultrasound, but when they told methat, I did not really know what this condition meant. [At] birth, herhead measured 40 centimeters.”She then recounted the turning point of her daughter’s health journey:“At La Paix Hospital, they gave me a letter and told me to go toBernard Mevs Hospital ... . She was admitted to the hospital on April 7,2024, and on April 10, 2024, she had surgery.”She ended by expressing her gratitude to everyone who cared for herlittle girl: “Thanks to God, everything went smoothly. I thank theAlmighty and the entire medical team for providing my daughter withsuch excellent care during the process. From the bottom of my heart,thank you.”“Therefore, whoever takesthe lowly position of thischild is the greatest in thekingdom of heaven.And whoever welcomesone such child in my namewelcomes me.”Matthew 18:4-5

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Our Lady of the Poor Clinic, a source of compassionate andcomprehensive healthcare for underserved Haitian populations,welcomes everyone through its humble entrance.

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This clinic stands as a beacon of light and support for mothersand children alike. Here, the medical staff treat every life asprecious and worthy of empathy, love and quality care.

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Each room in the clinic exudes a poignant blend of resilienceand tenderness to comfort children as they heal.

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We ask you to join forces with Dr. Jerry Bitar and Dr. MarlonBitar, the incredible men who manage the Bernard MevsHospital, to help hundreds of vulnerable Haitian people.

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Please click this image to view a slideshow of photos showingthe work that donors like you have previously done at BernardMevs Hospital.

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The funds you generously contribute to Food For The Poor will beused toward completion of your project of choice. If any of yourdonation exceeds budget cost, rest assured that it will be used tofund other Food For The Poor programs and organizationalsupport to meet the urgent needs of the poor.Contributions are tax-deductible under Internal Revenue CodeSection 501(c)(3).Budget

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About Food For The PoorFood For The Poor, one of the largest international relief anddevelopment organizations in the nation, does much more than feedmillions of hungry children and families living in poverty primarily in 15countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Thisinterdenominational Christian ministry provides emergency reliefassistance, water, medicine, educational materials, homes, support forvulnerable children, care for the aged, skills training and micro-enterprise development assistance. For more information, please you would like more information about this report, please contactyour advisor.Please click this QR code or scan it using your mobiledevice’s camera app to view this proposal online:2405HP