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'23 December Newsletter

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Accessing electrical boxes, installing new lighting fixtures, replacing wiring,adding new wiring, or anything else more complicated has the potential to harmboth you and your property without proper oversight. Accidents with electricalwork can cause electrocution or start fires, putting both your health and yourhome at risk. Without the expertise of an electrician, there’s no way to knowwhether the tutorials you’re reading or viewing online are appropriate for yourproperty.It’s not unusual for DIY home repairs to cause burst pipes or leaks, opening thedoor for potential water damage to your home. When these leaks or brokenpipes are found within walls, or difficult to detect, it can become a serious issue.Before trying to do something like replacing a pipe or installing new fixtures,contact a plumber to make sure your repairs are appropriate and up to code. It’scheaper to hire a professional for small tasks from the start than to bring in aplumber once a problem arises.Failing to address signs of foundation damage can threaten the stability of yourentire home. Additionally, an improper DIY home repair can yield more costlytreatments down the road and leave room for much more serious damage. Identifying and fixing foundation problems can require anything fromconstruction equipment to hydraulic lifts. Instead of taking the easy way out,partner with a professional to make sure these serious repairs are made the rightway.Climbing around on the top of your house with tools and heavy materials is ahome repair project best left for a professional. The risk for improper insulation,wrong shingle placement, or even slips and falls makes roofing jobs far toochallenging for a standard homeowner. Also, having a professional step in for abig project like this will ensure everything is done well and in a timely manner. DIY is a common approach to home repairs for a variety ofreasons, from budget to perceived simplicity. For thosepreparing to sell their home, pinching pennies can be a commonmotivation for tackling fixes without professional involvement.In some cases, DIY solutions are a great way to save time andmoney with very little risk, but at times, neglecting the abilitiesof a pro can cause costly problems. D I Y H O M E R E P A I R S T H A TT U R N B U Y E R S O F F2100 SPRING ARBOR ROAD, JACKSON6 B E D S | 4 B A T H S | 4 , 3 9 4 S Q F T$600,000H O T N E W L I S T I N G S T O H I T J A C K S O N , M I4227 DONNELY RD, JACKSON, MI3 B E D S | 2 B A T H S $550,0002513 RIDGEWAY ROAD, JACKSON3 B E D S | 2 B A T H S | 1 , 7 1 0 S Q F T$350,000

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PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSMEET OURL O O K I N T O AT E M P O R A R YI N T E R E S TB U Y D O W ND E C E M B E R M A R K E T U P D A T ECONTACT TODAYCONTACT INFORMATION:Personal cell: +517-740-3382SHELTERS HOMEINSPECTIONS, LLCHOMES LISTED FORSALE IN DECEMBER253HOMES SOLD INDECEMBER121AVERAGE DAYS ONMARKET59AVERAGE LIST TOSOLD PICE RATIO102%A temporary buydown is when aparty in a mortgage transactionpays a lump sum to reduce theinterest rate temporarily for theearly years of the loan. This canhelp a buyer ease into the fullmortgage payment at thebeginning of the loan term.H O W D O E S A T E M P O R A R Y B U Y D O W N W O R K ?In a 2-1 temporary buydown, the rate is bought down forthe first two years of the mortgage loan. For instance, ifthe note rate is 5%, then the rate is reduced to 3% for thefirst year, 4% for the second year, and then remains at thenote rate for the remaining life of the loan. The monthlypayments reflect the current interest rate, so thepayments are lower during the first two years than theyare for the remaining years. The money put toward thebuydown is put into an escrow account and is paid to thelender to make up the difference.When a homebuyer pays for discount points, they arebuying the rate down for the life of the loan. Typically, therate is lowered by a small amount—say 0.125% to 0.5%.While this does affect the payment slightly, a temporarybuydown lowers the rate—and therefore the payments—much more significantly during the initial buydownperiod.H O W I S T H A T D I F F E R E N T F R O M P A Y I N GP O I N T S T O B U Y D O W N T H E M O R T G A G E R A T E ?W H A T I S AT E M P O R A R Y I N T E R E S TR A T E B U Y D O W N ?

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GIVE YOUR SHOWERCURTAIN A LIFTMAKE THELINENS MATCHADD A STYLISHGALLERY WALLF A S T   &   E A S Y   B A T H R O O MR E F R E S H   I D E A SW W W . G R E E N K E Y S E L L S M I . C O MJ E N N I F E R   R O D G E R SR E A L   E S T A T E   B R O K E RB A T H R O O M S   A R E   S P A C E S   D E S I G N E D   F O R   P R A C T I C A L I T Y ,   B U T   T H A TD O E S N ’ T   M E A N   T H E Y   C A N ’ T   B E   B E A U T I F U L .   I F   Y O U ’ R E   L O O K I N G   A R O U N DY O U R   B A T H R O O M   A N D   T H I N K I N G   I T ’ S   A   L E S S - T H A N - I N S P I R I N G   S P A C E ,C O N S I D E R   I T   T I M E   F O R   A   R E F R E S H .Hang your rod closer tothe ceiling and give thespace a more luxuriousfeel by using curtainsthat are 84 or 96 inches.If you are looking for arefreshed hotel feel, pickone color scheme andkeep everything in thatsame hue and tone.There are no rules whenit comes to art! This is agreat way to use up oldframes you have sittingaround the house.SWAP OUT VANITYHARDWARESPIFF UPTILE FLOORSINSTALL STORAGESHELVESUpdating your hardwarecan be a major changeto a dated space, and it’slike changing out thejewelry to the bathroom.Grab a grout pen anddraw over the grout linesbetween tiles-a straightedge helps keep thelines extra neat.Adding shelves not onlyhelps with clutter andorganization, but it canadd a beautiful aestheticto your bathroomJe n   w as  f a ntas t i c an d   so p e r sona b l e th r o ughth i s   exp e r ienc e .  As  f i rst  t i me h o m e bu y e rsshe   m ade  i t  ea s y  and   i n th e   end  w e  onl y   hadto   p u t i n   1 of f e r on   a  hou s e  and   i t's  t h eper f e ct  h o use!   C ould n ' t be   h appi e r  wit h   these r v i ce  a n d gu i d ance   t hrou g h out  o u rjo u r n ey.Q .   P H I L L I P SJe n n i fer   h as b e e n so   a mazi n g  thr o u gh t h ehom e   buyi n g  pr o c e ss.   A s a  f i rst  t i me h o m ebuy e r  I  w a s a  b i t ne r v ous  g o ing  i n  butJe n n i fer   t ook  t h e ti m e  to  e x plai n   ever y t hingto   m e  an d   m ade  i t  so   m uch  l e ss s t r essf u l . Iwou l d  re c o m mend   h er t o   any o n e  lo o k i ng  t obuy   o r s e l l!A. MAYNARD 5 1 7 - 3 9 8 - 2 5 4 1     |     J E N N I F E R R O D G E R S @ G R E E N K E Y S E L L S M I . C O MNow Accepting New Clients