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2309E El Sitio School Infrastruc

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El Sitio SchoolInfrastructure ImprovementEl Sitio, El Salvador The NeedThe El Sitio School in El Salvador currentlyeducates 69 students from kindergartenthrough sixth grade. The school urgentlyneeds structural improvements as thechildren attend classes daily in an unsafeenvironment. The roofs are deteriorating,subjecting the children to leaks during therainy season. The school also lacks a propercafeteria, forcing students to eat outside onthe ground, exposed to inclement weather. How You Can HelpWith your help, this project will bless El SitioSchool with the improvements they need toprovide their students with a safe anddignified environment. Your graciousassistance will allow us to renovate each ofthe seven classrooms, upgrade the kitchen,construct a cafeteria, construct a perimeterwall around the school, construct tworestrooms for the kindergarten students andinstall playground equipment. Pleaseprayerfully consider joining us as we blessthese young Salvadoran students in needwith the gift of education. Total Project Costs: $191,961.30Source Code: 162498