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2251H Beekeeping for Women SC 158501

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Beekeeping forWomen's EconomicEmpowermentNippes and Ouest,Haiti The NeedHaiti is currently suffering from severe foodinsecurity, with 35% of the populationcurrently in urgent need of assistance. Thehardworking but nonetheless impoverishedpeople who call Nippes and Ouest theirhomes desperately need reliable access tomore nutritious food. The situation isprojected to worsen in the coming monthsdue to socio-political and economic factorsthat have been paralyzing the country forthe past year. How You Can HelpBeekeeping is an ideal opportunity for thewomen of Nippes and Ouest to earn moremoney and become economicallyempowered. With your help, this project willprovide 2,000 mostly female beekeeperswith the supplies and training they need tosuccessfully raise bees. Through the sale ofbee products such as honey and wax, thewomen earn additional income, allowingthem to afford nutritional food for theirfamilies. Please prayerfully consider joiningus as we bless these women in need.Total Project Costs: $110,002.95