Felipe Nery HernandezSchoolEl Aguaje,Honduras The NeedThe Felipe Nery Hernandez School in ElAguaje, Honduras, has a population of 117students from kindergarten to sixth grade.Unfortunately, the school has only threeclassrooms, forcing multiple grades to attendclass in the same room. Additionally, there isnot enough furniture to accommodate eachstudent. The school presently has 85 desks,55 of which are in decent condition. Theovercrowding and lack of desks have ledstudents to have trouble concentrating inclass, stifling their academic growth. How You Can HelpFor many of these students, earning aneducation is critical to breaking the cycle ofpoverty they were born into. This project willprovide the school with a new three-classroom building, including water andsanitation. Adding six bathrooms will help thechildren maintain proper hygiene while inschool. The new classrooms will allow thestudents to spend each day in a conducivelearning environment. Please consider joiningus as we bless so many children in need. Total Project Costs: $46,979.32