Weaving Dreams: A BetterQuality of Life For ArtisansLa Florida,Colombia The NeedMany families residing in La Florida, Colombia,live in poverty. Most residents earn their incomethrough agriculture and handicrafts, such ascreating straw hats. However, hat-making oftencannot provide workers with enough income fortheir families, mainly due to a lack of machinery. How You Can HelpWith your help, this project will provide between50 to 61 Colombian artisans with the tools,equipment and training they need to producepalm hats efficiently. The artisans will bementored on creating a business association,allowing them to build an infrastructure andpurchase machinery to increase the quality oftheir products. Marketing, business, finance and high-qualitydesign will be taught to assist these hardworkingColombians in networking their products throughhands-on opportunities at local fairs and artisanmarkets. Please prayerfully consider joining us aswe provide these artisans and their families witha reliable income and improved quality of life. Itwould be an honor to serve the Lord and those inneed with you by our side!Total Project Costs: $87,533.75