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2214C_BRev3 Eco-Friendly Homes in Tunja (08-11-23)

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Eco Friendly Homes for Families in Tunja Tunja Colombia

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Project Goal Provide decent homes to 45 rural heads of households needing a safe solid and dignified eco friendly home to raise their families in Tunja Colombia Project Description The Eco Friendly Homes for Families in Tunja project will provide 45 rural heads of households mainly single mothers with a dignified home to call their own Currently entire families sleep in one bed With your gift they will have space to grow and flourish The following components are included in the 45 eco friendly homes Three bedrooms Living room Kitchen Bathroom Access to electricity and safe water Sanitation components Furniture Food For The Poor FFTP will collaborate with our in country partner Minuto de Dios to make this project a reality Furthermore to ensure this project s success the local municipality will contribute 9 606 64 toward the construction of each home totaling 432 298 80 Families will also participate in the initial stages of the construction process Each family will be responsible for excavating and clearing their land based on the dimensions of each home and under the supervision of the technical team Once they finish this work we will construct their homes In this way the families will provide equity to the project undertaking a sense of ownership and responsibility for their future homes With your most gracious support we can improve the lives of 45 families by providing them with new homes Many have never had a safe place to lay their heads at night They have prayed and prayed that the Lord would provide Please join us in blessing these impoverished families in Tunja Completed project budgets are subject to change if not fully funded within six months The completion date of this project may be extended for issues related to weather natural disaster or civil unrest to the extent that such events exceed normal conditions and impede the project s progress Total Project Costs 284 553 90

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Colombia Colombia is in the northwestern corner of South America and is bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea as well as Panama Venezuela Brazil Peru and Ecuador It is comprised of 32 departments with the capital being Bogot The population of Colombia is close to 50 million people with a massive and accelerating inflow of immigrants from Venezuela adding to this number Recent political and economic strife in Venezuela has resulted in an estimated 1 7 million Venezuelans arriving in Colombia We began serving in Colombia in 2014 and we recently formed a close partnership with Minuto de Dios This Colombian non profit has provided counseling job training and homes to Colombian families living in poverty for more than 60 years Together we have helped tens of thousands of povertystricken families with food medical supplies and hygiene kits Tunja We will work together to build homes for 45 families living in various communities of the Tunja municipality within the Boyac department of Colombia The population of this area is around 180 561 people The families here live with their extended families in cramped spaces Generally all family members will occupy a room with a single bed The houses are built of porous adobe like material with cracks in the walls and ceilings that put families at risk Rental payments constitute a high percentage of families income expenses which could be invested toward other needs or encourage a culture of increased financial responsibility Most families consist of single mothers between 24 and 56 The income they earn as day laborers for local farms does not exceed the current legal minimum wage so they barely earn enough money to meet their families basic needs These jobs provide no social security coverage so they can only access government subsidized healthcare

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Please click the map below to view the Google Maps location for Tunja,where FFTP will serve through this project. GPS Coordinates: 5°32'40.6"N 73°21'27.4"W

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Provide Shelter for the HomelessWith this project, we hope to make a lasting impact on the lives of those inneed. No family should ever suffer from the inhumane conditions manyimpoverished families face daily in Colombia. Sadly, many are experiencinghigh levels of vulnerability due to multidimensional poverty, economicdependence and illiteracy.Currently, families live in makeshift shelters or live with many other familymembers within one room in a house. This spells disaster for many people whofall ill due to a lack of protection from the weather outside. These illnesses cancreate a need for medical care, which costs more money than many familieshave. These illnesses could prevent parents from earning money to care fortheir families.This lack of safe housing also affects the children. Many do not feel safe, andthis anxiety can lead them to struggle with paying attention in school. Thus,the cycle of poverty continues with the child not completing their studies. With your aid, we will serve these families in desperate need of support.Providing them with decent places to call home can do wonders for theirphysical, mental and spiritual well-being. Eco-Friendly Home StructureThe homes that FFTP will construct will consist of three-dimensional modulesand flat laminar elements that straps will hold together. Modules can begenerated in various dimensions and heights according to the project's needs.The completed structure is generally of low weight, mainly orthogonal inshape, with great construction performance and optimal seismic resistance.This type of home reduces environmental impact with its low consumption ofwater, wood, river buildup and other local resources. The construction is dryand generates minimal residue and waste. This construction can be implemented on top of most stable and flat terrains.Once the area is identified, the existing topsoil is replaced with compactedtopsoil. Then the foundation is laid, and the sanitary, electrical and hydraulicnetworks are installed.

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You have the incredible opportunity to support these children of God andmake a real difference in their lives. Your generous gifts will answer theprayers of 45 impoverished families in Colombia with the blessing of safe anddecent places to call home, empowering them to break free from the cycle ofpoverty.Together, we can build a future where everyone can access secure housingand opportunities to thrive, regardless of their circumstances. Your supportwill be invaluable to this endeavor, and we are grateful for your prayerfulconsideration.Improved Quality of Life: Access to proper housingsignificantly improves living conditions. Adequateshelter provides safety and a stable environment,leading to better physical and mental well-being forindividuals and families.Enhanced Health: Safe and secure housing reducesexposure to health hazards associated with living inslums or makeshift shelters. Residents will no longersuffer from respiratory and waterborne diseases.Increased Educational Opportunities: Stable housinggives children a more conducive learning environment.Having a safe space to study and live can help breakthe cycle of poverty.Economic Stability: Residents are better positioned tofind and maintain employment with stable homes. Thiswill allow them to focus on other aspects of their lives,such as continuing education and skills development.Your gifts of safe housing will uplift these families in so many ways:

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"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to setthe oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poorwanderer with shelter—when you see the naked, to clothe them, and notto turn away from your own flesh and blood?" Isaiah 58:6-7Juan Pablo is the 43-year-old father of 9-year-old Wendy. Sadly, Wendy’smother abandoned them, leaving him to care for his daughter on his own.Juan Pablo is a day laborer who diligently cares for Wendy’s needs. With thework he does, he is not guaranteed income every day. His approximatemonthly earnings are $246, and the average cost of food is $62 for each ofthem. This makes it difficult for Juan Pablo to care for himself and hisdaughter.Juan Pablo and Wendy live in the house shown below, which also representsthe living conditions of many families similar to theirs.Please click this image to walk in Juan Pablo's shoesthrough his daily struggles with severe poverty.

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Jimmy Carolina and Sara Daniela call Tunja home They live with Jimmy s parents to help support them in their old age All three of them sleep in the same bed Jimmy and Carolina work to earn money for their family but they still make less than 246 per month Jimmy is a day laborer in construction and farming and Carolina helps him where she can Even with their best efforts they can barely support their family Their living conditions will never improve unless someone opens their heart to them With a new home for Jimmy Carolina and Sara Daniela you can ensure they no longer have to worry about where they will live They will even be able to save some of the money they earn from working so diligently

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Juliana is a single mother of Matias and Jhon. The three of them live withJuliana’s parents, where they all share a bed. Juliana’s situation as a singlemother in Colombia presents significant challenges, especially regarding herliving conditions and financial struggles. Here are some of the hardships thatshe and her family face every day:Overcrowded Living Conditions: Juliana and her children live with herparents in a cramped space, sharing asingle bed. Their situation leads toovercrowding, a lack of privacy andemotional strain for all involved.Inadequate Resources:Juliana's monthly income of $64 from herfarming job is insufficient to meet herfamily's basic needs. These include essentialexpenses like food, clothing, education andmedical care.Employment Vulnerability: Juliana's job insecurity and lack of benefits— like paid leave or healthcare coverage —expose her to financial shocks fromunexpected events, such as illness or cropfailure.Caring for single mothers like Juliana and their families, particularly byproviding support through housing, can significantly improve the well-being ofthese mothers and their children. With these incredible gifts, they can leadhealthier, more stable lives.

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Here is a look into a typical house in Tunja

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Many family members often share a single bed

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The houses exteriors are often built with scrap materials

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With your gift families will live in a home with easy access to water for consumption and domestic use The property will be in a safe location away from bodies of water or risk zones

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The next photos illustrate the construction process for the eco-friendlyhomes, starting with the beneficiaries laying out the concretefoundation.

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Once the foundation is set, they begin assembling the modules.

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As the house construction progresses, each module is fitted into theoverall structure.

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The finished homes will look like this one. Will you help make thisdream a reality for 45 families in Tunja?

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Please click this image to watch a video of a previous project where we we built houses for Colombian families thanks to considerate donors like yourself Please click this image to watch a video of a previous project

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Revised Budget

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The funds you generously contribute to Food For The Poor will beused toward completion of your project of choice. If any of yourdonation exceeds budget cost, rest assured that it will be used tofund other Food For The Poor programs and organizationalsupport to meet the urgent needs of the poor.Contributions are tax-deductible under Internal Revenue CodeSection 501(c)(3).

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About Food For The PoorFood For The Poor, one of the largest international relief and developmentorganizations in the nation, does much more than feed millions of hungrychildren and families living in poverty primarily in 17 countries of the Caribbeanand Latin America. This interdenominational Christian ministry providesemergency relief assistance, water, medicine, educational materials, homes,support for vulnerable children, care for the aged, skills training and micro-enterprise development assistance. For more information, please view this proposal online, please visit the following website: