Chispa Brain ProjectDepartment of Guatemala,Guatemala The NeedFor families struggling to put food on thetable for their children, school and learningoften take a back seat. Adding that to thedisruption COVID-19 has had on schooloperations, we find that children from poorfamilies have been left behinddisproportionately. Destitute children in thedepartment of Guatemala are no exception. How You Can HelpWith your gift, 350 underserved childrenages 7 to 12 in Guatemala will receiveeducational and attitudinal reinforcement inMathematics, Communication and Language.This program will integrate curricular,administrative, community and trainingstrategies to prepare the children for furthereducation. Your gift will also providevolunteer training and technology support.Together we can offer a lifeline of love andhope to them and, by extension, to theirfamilies. Please consider joining with us aswe come alongside the young students tobless them with educational reinforcements. Total Project Costs: $68,004.17