Grace MinistriesOutreach ExpansionProject — Phase 2Hosororo Village, Guyana
Changes to Project DescriptionAdded installation of door locks and doorknobs for two 20-foot-by-16-foot resource personnel homes (included with installation ofdoors and windows in budget, but occurred afterward)Delayed these activities until July 2023 (delivered lumber, but itneeded to dry for four weeks to avoid shrinkage after installation):20-foot-by-30-foot resource personnel home:Installation of stairs and platformConstruction of internal and external wallsInstallation of roofInstallation of doors and windowsConstruction of kitchen cupboardsInstallation of stairs and platformDemobilization and transportation of equipment and vehiclefrom Region 1 to GeorgetownExtended these activities (delivered lumber, but it needed to dryfor four weeks to avoid shrinkage after installation):Installation of roof for 30-foot-by-60-foot training center(moved to June)Mobilization and transportation of materials, equipment andvehicle from Georgetown to Region 1 (moved to May)Food For The Poor (FFTP) removed a line item from this project'sbudget relating to the supervision of kitchen and dorm construction,as you have decided to no longer support this activity.We also experienced the following changes to several constructionactivities in our timeline:Project GoalEquip Grace Ministries to serve and empower poor as well asvulnerable families, particularly youths in Hosororo Village, Guyana,through the construction of a training center and three resourcepersonnel homes.
Project Update30-foot-by-60-foot training center:Finished installing columnsConstructed concrete floors, and internal and external walls(upper and lower flats)Installed rear and side stairs, veranda, roof, ceiling, doors,windows and guttersFacilitated M&E visit by field officer and senior project managerTwo 20-foot-by-16-foot resource personnel homes:Installed door locks and doorknobs20-foot-by-30-foot resource personnel home:Installed columns, beams, stairs and platform, roof, ceiling,doors, windows and guttersConstructed internal and external walls, and kitchen cupboardsWe at FFTP are pleased to inform you that, thanks to your incredibleefforts, we have brought this project to a successful end for everyoneat Grace Ministries. Since we last spoke, we completed all remainingactivities for the following buildings: We are so grateful that you chose to invest in this great project thatwill increase Grace Ministries' capacity to carry out its mission. Youhave surely been touched by Jesus' glory, a just reward for partneringwith us to accomplish His work here on earth."Each of you should use whatever giftyou have received to serve others,as faithful stewards of God's gracein its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
This project started with an empty lot. Then, our HeavenlyFather filled your lungs and — through you — breathed life intothis piece of land with buildings that will bring knowledge andjoy to the people of Hosororo.
Please click this image to see the construction of the 30-foot-by-60-foot training center.
We completed the training center. Here, Grace Ministriesleaders and parishioners, along with local residents, will receivetraining to acquire new knowledge and develop existing skills.Please click this photo to see otherangles of the training center.
Please click this photo to see the progressionof these beautifully constructed homes.The roofs of these two 20-foot-by-16-foot homes are protectedby the vast Guyanese sky and the watchful eye of God.
We finished building these two resource homes. They nowstand tall and proud, easy on the eyes and the environment.
The finishing touches on these homes were door locks anddoorknobs, which will protect these good people at night.
We began constructing the 20-foot-by-30-foot resourcepersonnel home by pouring the concrete slab.
This home will shelter some of Grace Ministries' staff membersas they train and bolster Christian leaders in the area.
These base columns and beams offer support and stability tothe building.
Please click this photo to see the completed personnelhome with a kitchen and two bathrooms.
Our team was blessed to witness the wonderful moment whenGrace Ministries staff signed the property documents to receivetheir buildings. You are now their spiritual partner for life!"Then he said to them,'So give back to Caesar what is Caesar's,and to God what is God's.'" Matthew 22:21
About Food For The PoorFood For The Poor, one of the largest international relief anddevelopment organizations in the nation, does much more than feedmillions of hungry children and families living in poverty primarily in 17countries of the Caribbean and Latin America. Thisinterdenominational Christian ministry provides emergency reliefassistance, water, medicine, educational materials, homes, support forvulnerable children, care for the aged, skills training and micro-enterprise development assistance. For more information, please view this update online, please visit the following website: