Life-Saving Stoves For El SalvadorEl Salvador The NeedMany impoverished families in El Salvadorcurrently use firewood to prepare their food.Their stoves are often made of clay, oldbarrels and wood. Because these stovesrequire so much firewood, they producesignificant amounts of smoke. The smokepermeates the area and is inhaled by thoseclosest to the fire. This regular smokeinhalation leads to severe health problemsand respiratory diseases. These primitivestoves are also fire hazards, putting families'homes and even themselves at risk. How You Can HelpWith your help, Food For The Poor willprovide 200 Salvadoran families in sevencommunities with new wood-saving stoves.These new stoves limit the amount of smokeproduced and reduce the amount offirewood required. Your generous supportwill improve the health and living conditionsof nearly 700 individuals by reducing therisk of respiratory issues, increasing safetyand preserving the local environment. Pleaseprayerfully consider joining us to bless thesedeserving families in need.Total Project Costs: $201,023.99