Bringing Treated Water ToSanta María de OjealCommunitySanta María de Ojeal,Peru The NeedPeruvians living in Santa María de Ojealstruggle without basic necessities. Their lackof electricity plunges them into darkness,and the absence of treated water andsanitation facilities ravages their health. Only40% of the homes have sanitation facilities.Parents watch their children suffer from theexcruciating pain of acute diarrheal diseaseand the relentless grip of anemia. How You Can HelpJoin us in bringing hope to the 600 residentsof Santa Maria de Ojeal through the gift ofclean water. With your support, we willinstall a living water treatment system,storage tanks and taps for waterdistribution. Solar panels will power thesurface pump that will funnel the water tothe treatment system. To help the residentsmake the most of their new water source,residents will receive training about effectivewater management, proper handwashingand safer methods of storing drinking water.We invite you to join us in blessing God'schildren in need with clean water.Total Project Costs: $137,173.71