Improving the Lives ofPeruvian Cacao FarmersNeshuya,Peru The NeedMany families in Peru lack job opportunities,making it difficult for parents to make endsmeet and get ahead. Furthermore, the declineof coca leaf cultivation in Neshuya, Peru, hascaused many farmers to lose their jobs andhas forced them to emigrate from theircommunities. How You Can HelpThe Cooperativa Agraria de Cacao AromáticoColpa de Loros is one of the most organizedcacao harvesting cooperatives in the Neshuyaregion. With your help, this project willprovide 500 cacao farmers in the cooperativewith training and technical assistance oncacao fertilization, pest and post-harvestmanagement, and more. These blessings willallow farmers to obtain increased financialsuccess and technical expertise. Implementingthis project will enable farmers to improvetheir livelihoods and better provide for theirfamilies. Your dedication to serving yourbrothers and sisters in Christ, especially thosewith less, is truly inspiring. We pray that theLord blesses you and your family in all thatyou do.Total Project Costs: $345,895.04