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2025 Zesty Planner

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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Sharon North-PohlHello wise and beautiful woman,I’m excited you have made the decision to join thousands of other women who have made adecision to get on a path to organize, dream and plan their life.The Zesty Planner is a game changer for having all your days , weeks, and years neat in oneplace. No more multiple places for your visions, dreams and plans. Before I startedengaging with the planner I hade lists of affirmations, a vision board, gratitudes , dreams,bucket lists and goals scattered about. today they are all in this one easy to organize planner.I will be with you your whole way as you begin to use the planner. It seems like a lot at first.Just follow along , go at your own pace and refer back to the training videos when youneed a little help, encouragement or motivation.Let’s get started!1. For step by step guidance to set up your planner and make the most of it, go to. . you will find planner tutorials, training videos, important dates and workshop replays.2. You will find a Quick Start Guide in the next pages of the planner (feel free to tear thesepages out to have your planner start at the title page that says “This Planner Belongs To….).3. Use the mini annual calendar included (see for tips) to helpyou in numbering your days. After you have your planner set up, hang it somewhere you willsee it every day as a trigger, to remind you if you can make a little progress every day. . . youwill be amazed at what you can do this year.4. Watch your inbox for updates, on going training, and challengesRemember that my information is always at your fingertips, ready to assist you in anyway possible. Whether it's guidance, support, or simply someone to share yourthoughts with,Reach out to me in email if you ever feel stuck , I am here for you.Sharon@zestychange.comWith all my love and admiration,Founder ZestyChange.comScan this QR Code,to go straight toto special Quick Start Training!Beautiful artworkcreated from Sharon’s adventuresFrom all over the world!

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©2024“Zesty Changes details the extraordinary stories of people from all walks of life.Your heart will be broken and pieced back together through anecdotes of trauma,perseverance, healing, and—most importantly—hope.” Daniel O.Available at“Today is the day to move on.I encourage you to Get Up, Get Dressed, and Get Out.Whether things are dark or bright,we can always be and do a little bit moreto enhance our zest for life" Sharon North Pohl"Get Up, Get Dressed , Get Out"

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comThis extraordinary life belongs to:namecontact informationPlease visit for planner training, printables, & free resourcesPlease Take Note: Articles in this planner are for general informational purposes only and are not intended tobe and should not be taken as professional medical, psychological, or proven health advice. Zesty Change andSharon North Pohl do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or suitability of itscontent for a particular purpose. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you read in ourplanner, newsletter, blog or anywhere else on our website. Consult your health professional before making anychanges in your diet, supplements or exercise routine.

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When we “Get Up”, we take the first step in changing our circumstances. Wephysically get up out of those beds we believed we had to lie in. We toss aside thetired spiral of victimhood, anger, and revenge.We stretch, physically and mentally, to move energy forward. Getting up is always good.Its guiding principles are empowerment, positivity, and action, manifesting gently foryour inner child. We want to go exploring. We want to see what comes next. We get onour way to even more energy. We are on the path to jump start our weight lossjourney and up level our Metabolism. We embark on our morning routine.When we “Get Dressed”, we celebrate our inner beauty. It is literally the practice ofbeautification, and it is not simply about the clothes we choose to wear. Gettingdressed includes an awareness of our immediate surroundings, keeping a focus on thesmallest detail, and finding a way to enhance the ambiance of everyday spaces.The result is the flow. We create rituals of rejuvenation for our minds, our bodies, andour spirits. When we get dressed, we commit to our own process of rebirth, health, andwell-being. We get on our path to even more self esteem.We recognize the value of self care and recognize our own beauty in our commitmentto take better care of our bodies for supporting a healthy weight and to safeguard ourhealthWhen we “Get Out”, we step into our chosen community. We reconnect with the greatoutdoors and are greeted with a fuller spectrum of possibilities. We connect with natureand absorb the energy she has to uplift our spirit. The blues are bluer, the greens aregreener, and the future becomes brighter for it.We get on our path to strengthen connections, and rock our bucket list. We know thatmovement especially in the outdoors is key to absorbing vitamin D and increasing ourmovement are both key elements in our weight loss journey.A Bucket list, well planned and executed is so valuable in our holistic path for our mind,bodies and spirits. This is a joyful endeavor to support our healthy weight transformation.1©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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1. Start the day off with your you created on page 8(check your bonus training for extra tips!)2. Include in your “morning routine” to remind yourselfwho you truly are, what your want to do, and how your want to showup in the world today!3. of the currentmonth4. for theweek5. (What’s ImportantNow)6. to track your self care progress1. Review the week behind you & schedule the week before you1. Fill in the Growth assessment tracker on page 102. Check your birds eye view page, bucket list and records page2©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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, knowing that takingcare of myself enables me to better support and care for others., knowing that every problem has asolution waiting to be discovered.showing unwavering commitment to my purpose.Even though I might encounter obstacles along the way, ., and I am always ready to face themhead-on with courage and determination., inspiring others to embrace their own strengths andcapabilities., and my actions speak volumes about my character.Above all, . I understand the power of empathy and seekto uplift others through my actions and words., inspiring those around me toembrace their own limitless potential. and know that it is enough. and a well-executed plan., but by theprogress I make and the positive impact I have on others.I recognize that there are circumstances beyond my control. Instead of dwelling on them, .With determination and perseverance, .I am committed to .I am dedicated to a to manage my weight & well being.Spreading my radiant energy wherever I go.I love big, live big, give big, believe big as I dream fearlessly!I am a Wise Woman3©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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4I choose to protect myself.Surrounded with love & supportPut anything you needto let go ofin this hole& let it go.“I believe in me”I have…A clear vision of what I want &who I want to show up as each day.A plan for my life.A focus on healthy natural eating.The ability to break down & chip away at tasksto get things done with ease.Consistency in my life. Day in & day out I live my passion.Intention. I purposefully put the extra in ordinary life, creating the extraordinary.Unshakable commitment to my vision & purpose.Courage from within to overcome obstacles in my path.Unbreakable confidence, belief & trust in myself,my faith & the goodness of life.The ability to handle anything with grace & ease.I get up with more energy.I get dressed loving my body.I get out to rock my bucket list.lll©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.com5

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“The soul never thinks without a picture”Aristotle6©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comyour hand finds to do, do it with all your might…WhateverEcclesiastes 9:107

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comBliss-ipines are daily rituals or habits you are committed to do every day to be sure you feel your best, have the strength to follow through & find your bliss!Daily Bliss-iplines…List 5 things to help you stay motivated& stay on the “proverbial horse” when times get hard &life tries to buck you off…Monthly Bliss-iplines…Bliss-iplinesWeekly Bliss-iplines…8

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comBlock Out Your TimeRest. Refuel. Restore.Imagine your best day, what are you doing, how do you feel?Write down in great detail below. Repeat this day as much as possible.Imagine your best week, what are you doing when, how do you feel?Block out your time below in pencil so you can adjust, copy weekly into your schedule.7891011121234567MorningEvening7891011121234567MorningEvening7891011121234567MorningEvening7891011121234567MorningEvening7891011121234567MorningEvening7891011121234567MorningEveningMy Best DayMy Best Week9

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You have written down your goals AND you have made A roadmap on how you will get there, YOU ARE AMAZING!One more quick thing; write down a few ideas below of how to celebrate…What will you do every morning to set yourself up for a great day?Rise & ShineTime to Get Up!A morning routine is important because itsets the tone for the day, providingstructure and control. It promotes self-care, creates a plan for enhancinghealth, improves productivity, andreduces stress, leading to a moresuccessful day.Make one that works for you. I like to callthese routines Bliss-iplines.Notice your weekly Bliss-ipline tracker oneach week to help you keep you ontrack. Add your personal additions there.10©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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Dreams, Goals & TargetsMaster To-Do List©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.com11

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for“If we want something to count in our lives, we should figure out a way to count it.”Assessment TrackerMental StrengthPhysical StrengthHealthEmotional ControlSpiritual GrowthFinancialTime ManagementProductivityChoose 10 areas of growth to track & reassess monthly to track progress.Give yourself a check mark for completing your monthly planning,rate yourself on scale of 1-10 on the other areas.ProgressRestFortitudeLoveFamily/friendsMissionFocusResilienceIntuitionBalanceConnectionTimingFlexibilitySkills SetStrengthEnduranceClarityChip AwayCommitmentConsistencyCourageConfidenceCapableHappinessFaithHopeJoyFinancial GrowthBeliefPositivityRelease of PastOvercome______JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecembermonthly planningmonthly assessment12

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comnotes13

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comJanuaryJulyFebruary AugustMarch SeptemberApril OctoberMayNovemberJune DecemberWithAnnual Bird’s Eye View14List special planned occasions & thingsyou want to experienceor achieve this year by month.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:Daily Gratitudes:Be Zesty1. I am capable ofachieving my weight lossgoals at any age.2. My body is strong andresilient, ready to embracepositive changes.3. Every healthy choice Imake brings me closer tomy ideal weight.4. My determination andperseverance will lead meto success.5. I trust in the process andbelieve in my ability totransform.& GratitudesAffirmationsFlorida Gulf

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentSantiz Anatole FranceMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:6. All of my actions are consistent and focused.7. As I sow a lot of seeds- I know that I am reaping a bountiful harvest.8. I am passionate about my personal growth.9. I am aware of the needs of those around me- I help them find solutions.10. As I associate with success minded people -my own success increases.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestyJapanese GardenIn Florida& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentMonth ofBenjamin Spock

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:11. I fix my attention on the best and surround myself with the best.12. When I set a definite goal, I take immediate and continuous action toward it.13. Every successful action I undertake –leads to greater success.14. I mix every action with the thought of increase for others as well as for myself.15. I inspire others to be am example to live a more abundant life..Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestyMt. Everest& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentMartin Luther KingMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:16. I have a clear & definite picture of exactly what I want— I always think about it.17. All of my goals are definite and specific.18. I know that the circumstances of my life are the results of my thought habits.19. I expect fantastic things to happen to me everyday.20. I engage in sustained and concentrated thought everyday.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestyBull Elephant,Kenya& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentZig ZiglarMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:21. I consistently help others.22. Before you get- you have to give.23. It is your friends who make your world.24. Every successful action that I undertake- leads to greater success.25. I always put forth my best effort in everything that I do.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestyMale Lion Brothers,Tanzania& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentBrene’ BrownMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:26. I am progressing to reach my full potential in every area of my life.27. I am giving my best thoughts to the work of creating success.28. I put my whole mind into my present tasks.29. I am grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life.30. I accept and embrace the people with my best intentions at heart.Be ZestyDaily Gratitudes:Costa Rica& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentSantiz Anatole FranceMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:31. I infuse fun and excitement into everyday.32. I know I am always being guided.33. The Universe has my back.34. The Universe is guiding me.35. I feel washed in faith.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestyVenice, Florida& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentJenny Rohlen-BarkerMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:36. My faith gives me the freedom to do anything.37. I am enough just as I am.38. I will face challenges but they are impermanent, and I have the strength to overcome them.39. Am I good enough? Yes I am.40. I deserve to do work that fulfills me, and I deserve to hold my dream job.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestySt. Croix& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentBrian TracyMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:41. I am in control of decisions that affect my future.42. I am worthy of success and prosperity.43. The world is better with me in it.44. My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive.45. It is my pleasure to be alive, and I am grateful to experience the simple delights of each day.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestySt. Martin& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentBrendon BurchardMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:46. I must do the things I think I cannot do.47. I am happy and all things are happening in Divine right order.48. I know how to thrive through adversity.49. With an open heart, I drink in the glorious day.50. The perfect moment is this one.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestySanta Cruz, CA& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentMonth of “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it.”"Dale Carnegie

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:51. I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.52. My life is about to be incredible.53. I know how valuable I am.54. Because I see and appreciate the good in my life, more good will come55. The way I find joy in the smallest things inspires and lifts up others around meDaily Gratitudes:Be ZestySt. Croix,Virgin Islands& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentElisabeth Kubler-RossMonth of

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:56. I am thankful for what my body and mind have done for me today and all the days of my life.57. I am grateful for any positive thoughts that arise in my mind and I let them guide my actions.58. I am open to all of life’s challenges and blessings today.59. Because I see more blessings, I call more blessings into my life.60. I can contribute in so many ways and I am thankful for that.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestySt. John, Virgin Islands& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentMonth of "Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect.There will always be challenges,obstacles and less than perfect conditions.So what?Mark Victor Hansen

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comAffirmations of the Month:60. I am thankful to be able to ask for and receive help from others.61. I am a very grateful person.62. Abundance is a state of mind. That’s why I practice gratitude on a daily basis.63. I am valuable and significant.64. I am capable and competent.65. I am entitled to a life of joy and happiness.Daily Gratitudes:Be ZestyZip Lining inPuerto Rico& GratitudesAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comimake plan forthe monthireview monthimonthlyassessment30 day assessmentMark TwainMonth of

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©2024- 2025 for Zesty ChangeBelieve in yourself & a universe that loves you & is for you.This WeekMake it happen

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Consistency elevates confidence & trust in yourself.Choose to live your best life everyday!©2024-2025 for Zesty Change

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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MTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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MTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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MTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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MTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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MTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comMTWRFSSmoreworry lessi ibelieve bigidweekly affirmationRise & Shine RoutineHydrate- Drink 8ExerciseGoal ReviewGet OutsideSleepBucket List ActionAffirmationsFeed Your SpiritEat HealthyGratitudeWeek ofDiyrtastaIhoetehaty, aeeeg, emet& idmlsB h esnyuwn osei h irr.hat’s Important Now?What is your main focus to make this week awesome?To Do Lists4 Servings VeggiesMeditateAffirmations

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiClbaeeeyltl tp. TeJyi nteJuny.You got this.Caiy. hpAa. omtet. ossec. org. ofdne. optny.I am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…891011121234567Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningBlock Out Your TimeiiiiiI am so thankful for…Intention, Prayer, Meditation & PlanningRest. Refuel. Restore.iiiiiMk  itk? Fogv oref& tes& oeo.Lv tesa o oeyusl.

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comThings you’d like to do in your lifetime.Bucket ListLifeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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JanuaryJulyFebruary AugustMarchSeptemberApril OctoberMay NovemberJune DecemberAllA look ahead.©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comnotes“Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.”Mother Teresa

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notes“Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.”Mother Teresa©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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NameJanuary February March April May June July AugustSeptemberOctober NovemberDecemberNotes:RecordsKeep track of what is important to you©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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notes“Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.”Mother Teresa©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.comBMI, calculated using your height and weight, is a simple tool that can give you ageneral idea of whether you are in a healthy weight range.While not a perfect measure (muscle mass can skew results), it can be a helpfulstarting point for discussions with your healthcare provider about your overall healthand potential risks associated with being underweight or overweight.Remember, BMI is just one piece of the puzzle. A healthy lifestyle incorporatingbalanced meals and regular physical activity is key to maintaining good health. It isimportant to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalizedguidance and to discuss any health concerns you may have.Here are some resources to help you:Free BMI Calculator:

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Body Mass Index TableHeight in Inches/Body Weight in poundsNormal Overweight Obese Extreme ObesityBMI 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 5458 91 96 100 105 110 115 119 124 129 134 138 143 148 153 158 162 167 172 177 181 186 191 196 201 205 210 215 220 224 229 234 239 244 248 253 25859 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 173 178 183 188 193 198 203 208 212 217 222 227 232 237 242 247 252 257 262 26760 97 102 107 112 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 174 179 184 189 194 199 204 209 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 261 266 271 27661 100 106 111 116 122 127 132 137 143 148 153 158 164 169 174 180 185 190 195 201 206 211 217 222 227 232 238 243 248 254 259 264 269 275 280 28562 104 109 115 120 126 131 136 142 147 153 158 164 169 175 180 186 191 196 202 207 213 218 224 229 235 240 246 251 256 262 267 273 278 284 289 29563 107 113 118 124 130 135 141 146 152 158 163 169 175 180 186 191 197 203 208 214 220 225 231 237 242 248 254 259 265 270 278 282 287 293 299 30464 110 116 122 128 134 140 145 151 157 163 169 174 180 186 192 197 204 209 215 221 227 232 238 244 250 256 262 267 273 279 285 291 296 302 308 31465 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 180 186 192 198 204 210 216 222 228 234 240 246 252 258 264 270 276 282 288 294 300 306 312 318 32466 118 124 130 136 142 148 155 161 167 173 179 186 192 198 204 210 216 223 229 235 241 247 253 260 266 272 278 284 291 297 303 309 315 322 328 33467 121 127 134 140 146 153 159 166 172 178 185 191 198 204 211 217 223 230 236 242 249 255 261 268 274 280 287 293 299 306 312 319 325 331 338 34468 125 131 138 144 151 158 164 171 177 184 190 197 203 210 216 223 230 236 243 249 256 262 269 276 282 289 295 302 308 315 322 328 335 341 348 35469 128 135 142 149 155 162 169 176 182 189 196 203 209 216 223 230 236 243 250 257 263 270 277 284 291 297 304 311 318 324 331 338 345 351 358 36570 132 139 146 153 160 167 174 181 188 195 202 209 216 222 229 236 243 250 257 264 271 278 285 292 299 306 313 320 327 334 341 348 355 362 369 37671 136 143 150 157 165 172 179 186 193 200 208 215 222 229 236 243 250 257 265 272 279 286 293 301 308 315 322 329 338 343 351 358 365 372 379 38672 140 147 154 162 169 177 184 191 199 206 213 221 228 235 242 250 258 265 272 279 287 294 302 309 316 324 331 338 346 353 361 368 375 383 390 39773 144 151 159 166 174 182 189 197 204 212 219 227 235 242 250 257 265 272 280 288 295 302 310 318 325 333 340 348 355 363 371 378 386 393 401 40874 148 155 163 171 179 186 194 202 210 218 225 233 241 249 256 264 272 280 287 295 303 311 319 326 334 342 350 358 365 373 381 389 396 404 412 42075 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272 279 287 295 303 311 319 327 335 343 351 359 367 375 383 391 399 407 415 423 43176 156 164 172 180 189 197 205 213 221 230 238 246 254 263 271 279 287 295 304 312 320 328 336 344 353 361 369 377 385 394 402 410 418 426 435 443Source: Adapted from Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults: The Evidence Report.

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Belongs to: ____________________________________If found please call: ____________________________Dream & Be Zesty©2024-25 This extraordinary planner was customized with love by for Zesty Change

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clarity. chip away tasks committed. consistent unstoppable courage. unbreakable confidence. capable. understanding.To get the most from your planner, watch video tutorialat step 1 Capture Your Visionstep 2 Chip Away or Plan Your WorkNow that you have determined yourdestination & goals,it’s time to make it actionable.Make a list.Mind map.Add due dates,milestones &specificsPrioritizeYou can use Monthly Task List Pagesto break this down further, these taskswill later be assigned to your weeklypages.step 3 Success HabitsHabits don’t always sound fun.So, we call them “Bliss-iplines”!Create the daily rituals, you will be disciplinedto do every day to be sure you feel your best,have the strength to follow through& find your “bliss”!Also list on thisPage,5 things that youwill do to stay onthe course whenlife tries tobuck you off.step 4 Design Your Best DayCreate the best schedule that works for you,this will give you a template to follow to save timeas you plan out your weekly schedule.step 5 Track Your ProgressEmpower yourself by assigning areas you areworking on to track monthly.This will help you to see how far you have comeand areas you need to work on before youget out of balance.step 6 Create The Big PictureCreate a year at a glance page,this will help you to see the year aheadand your milestones & big datesall in one place.step 7 Number Your DaysThe Zesty Planner arrives undated.For 2 reasons.1. You can get started any time of the year2. It is a powerful exercise to write with your own hand the days that lie before you.(See training for hints on how to do this with ease)Tear out the Annual Planner Sheet following thisPage to guide youstep 8 Create Your Master Task ListCreate your master to do listworking off of your “Chip Away” List onPage 9step 9 Get your dreams out ofyour head & into yourschedule.You’ve planned your work, now work your plan!(Turn page over for details)turn overGo to for complete planner tutorial & videosZesty Life PlannerThe first pages of your planner are designedto “prime” you for success on a daily basis by firstgetting you into a positive state & then guide youTo stay focused & clear on who you are and whatyou want to achieve in life.You will find helpful hints to create these pages atDon’t underestimate the power of these pagesto keep you on track! Don’t skip them!

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See extra pages in the back of your planner…Write in the dateDaily W.I.N.what’s important now?Pull in the tasks from your to-do listsBlock out your timeusing your “My Best Day/Weekvision from worksheetRemember to includeeach day powerfulthoughts of gratitude.Little spacefor doodlesornotes.Color to de-stressOr fill in a spaceto reward yourselfeach step alongthe way.Go to for complete planner tutorial & videosWrite in the dateCreate an affirmation or power thought for the weekInclude in this space, what is the most importantthing you need to focus on this week(it can be more than 1, this is your planner, remember!)Remember, to make alive choices! Live Zesty!.Label & Write Out Your To Do Lists4 separate categories (ex. Work, House, Family, Errands)You can pull from your monthlymaster task list, or your “Chip Away” listThe “Bliss-ipline” Trackerthis is your little accountability partnerto fill up with check marks.Add your personal bliss-plineson these lines

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Live Zesty©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for ZestyChange.com1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 2812 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 311 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 301 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 311 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 301 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 311 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30311 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 301 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 311 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 272829 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930

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Live Zesty1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 311 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 281 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 311 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 301 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30311 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 301 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930311 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 301 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 311 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 262728 29 30 311 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30©2024-2025 Extraordinary Life Planner for

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