Page 1 of 7 2025 Year 8 Curriculum Handbook
Page 2 of 7 YEAR 8 COURSES 2025 Students in Lower School are required to meet educational outcomes across all learning areas. In Year 8 students are given some opportunity to choose which elective subjects they participate in. Students have the opportunity to experience a variety of courses which form the basis of elective subjects they might choose in Years 9 and 10. In Year 7 and Year 8 students must study: • English • Humanities and Social Sciences • Mathematics • Science • Health & Physical Education o Health Education o Physical Education Students must choose at least one subject from each of the following learning areas during 2025: Learning Area Subjects Digital Technologies Digital Technology Visual Arts Visual Arts, Media Technologies Woodwork, Metalwork, What’s Cooking, Fabulous Food, Lego Performing Arts Drama, Dance, Pop Band, Class Music Language Indonesian, Noongar
Page 3 of 7 LEARNING AREA: ENGLISH Students will be introduced to a wide range of texts including novels, short stories, picture books, essays, poetry, drama scripts, newspapers, feature and documentary films and audio texts. There is a strong focus on processes and strategies (eg. brainstorming, planning, editing) prior to presenting work. Opportunities will be given for students to improve their command of spelling, punctuation and grammatical construction associated with Standard Australian English. Students are expected to use their notebooks regularly to develop skills of critical literacy, reflect upon their own work and experiment with writing styles. It is also expected that every student develops a comprehensive file/portfolio of work throughout the year to showcase a range of completed tasks to reflect individual achievement. Assessment structures allow students to achieve at a range of levels. We aim to create stimulating, interesting and fun English classes in which all students can develop their skills and knowledge. LEARNING AREA: HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES In Year 8 students develop increasing independence in critical thinking and skill application, which includes questioning, researching, analysing, evaluating, communicating and reflecting. They apply these skills to investigate events, developments, issues, and phenomena, both historical and contemporary. Students will develop these skills through the contexts of History, Geography, Economics & Business, and Civics & Citizenship. History - Students develop their historical understanding through key concepts, including evidence, continuity and change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy, significance and contestability. These concepts are investigated within the historical context of the end of the ancient period to the beginning of the modern period, c. 650 AD (CE) – 1750. Geography - The concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability and change continue to be developed as a way of thinking and provide students with the opportunity to inquire into the significance of landscapes to people and the spatial change in the distribution of populations. Economics & Business - The concept of markets is introduced to further develop students understanding of the concepts of interdependence, making choices and allocation. They consider how markets work and the rights, responsibilities and opportunities that arise for businesses, consumers and governments. Work and work futures are explored as students consider the influences on the way people work now and consider how people will work in the future. Civics & Citizenship - Students continue to build on their understanding of the concepts of the Westminster system, democracy and participation. They investigate the types of law in Australia and how they are made. They consider the responsibilities and freedoms of citizens, and how Australians can actively participate in their democracy. LEARNING AREA: MATHEMATICS Students will develop their understanding of concepts in the three content strands, Number and Algebra; Measurement and Geometry; and Chance and Data. The depth of coverage will depend on the individual student’s understanding. Year 8 students will study the Western Australian Curriculum (Mathematics) as set out by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) ( The Western Australian Curriculum (Mathematics) is based on the Australian Curriculum (Mathematics) as set out by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
Page 4 of 7 LEARNING AREA: SCIENCE The five contexts studied are Science Investigation, Biology, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science and Chemistry. The Year 8 Science courses are integral in the development of students’ Science language and safe practices. Students will be asked to and carry out short and long term Science investigations and problem solving activities to consolidate their science inquiry skills developed in Year 7. LEARNING AREA: HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION General Physical Education Program Physical Education provides students with the skills for confident participation in sports and recreation activities. The course is a year-long program covering various invasion, striking/fielding, net, target, and individual sports such as cross country and athletics. The Sports Education approach to Physical Education will be used for some sports which highlights not only participation in games, but also other roles involved in coordinating and organising sporting competitions. Uniform The standard uniform for physical activity at school consists of three parts: • An ASHS plain green Physical Education shirt • Plain black sports shorts • Appropriate sporting footwear; no unlaced shoes, skate shoes or work boots Please Note: • Physical Education Staff will record the aspects of the uniform your student is wearing. • Shirts and shorts are available from the school uniform shop at a reasonable cost. Health In Health Education, students enhance their understanding of contemporary health issues around bullying and cyberbullying, drug education centred on legal drugs, sexuality issues and relationships, including sexual identity, consent, STI’s and contraception. They will also cover diversity and the impact of social and cultural influences on their health. Students will look at factors that influence individual choices and explore and evaluate options, consequences and healthier and safer alternatives. LEARNING AREA: LANGUAGES The language you choose will depend on your interests and future goals in life. You can choose to continue with your language from primary school or you can choose to try something new. At Albany Senior High School, we offer two languages – Indonesian and Noongar. All courses will cater for both beginners and those who are continuing a language from primary school. However, it is recommended that you only change languages if you have a genuine interest in the alternative language that is being offered. The language you choose will be studied from Year 8 to Year 9. You will also have the choice to continue your language through to upper school. There are many opportunities for language learners; these include travel tours and student exchanges. We look forward to welcoming you to our department. In languages students will learn the basics of speaking, reading and writing in a variety of practical everyday situations.
Page 5 of 7 LEARNING AREA: LANGUAGES Indonesian Semester 1 and/or 2 Learn the language and aspects of the culture of Australia’s closest neighbour! As a popular holiday destination for many Australians as well as being a valuable trading partner, there are strong links between Australia and Indonesia. Indonesian language skills can open doors to a range of employment opportunities in the future. Noongar Semester 1 and/or 2 Kaya… Language is culture, culture is language. Immerse yourself in the Language and Culture of the Noongar people and the Menang Boodja (land) on which we live and learn. LEARNING AREA: THE ARTS Performing Arts - Drama Semester 1 and/or 2 Enter stage left! You will enjoy creating your own dramatic works and learning the art of improvisation. You will develop your performance skills and engage in basic script work, theatre etiquette and production skills. Performing Arts - Dance Semester 1 and/or 2 Get rid of those two left feet! Move your body to the beat as you learn about the Dance elements, choreographic devices and be introduced to a range of dance styles. Create your own dance works whilst developing creative expression and teamwork skills. Visual Arts Semester 1 Explore, experience and express creativity through a variety of art forms, such as painting, drawing, printmaking and clay work. You will be introduced to a range of historical and contemporary artistic styles. Visual Arts Semester 2 Explore, experience and express creativity through a variety of art forms, such as painting, drawing, printmaking and clay work. You will be introduced to a range of historical and contemporary artistic styles. Semester 2 will focus on different mediums and techniques to cater for those students wishing to participate throughout the year.
Page 6 of 7 Media Semester 1 or 2 Explore and produce your own short films, photographs, advertisement and modern media. Develop your production skills through collaboration and use of editing software such as Photoshop. Semester 2 will be a REPEAT of the Semester 1 course. Only select Media in either Semester 1 or Semester 2. Pop Band Semester 1 and/or 2 Release your inner rock god, teen popstar or alt rock superstar. Develop skills for the contemporary music scene, including stagecraft, performance, microphone technique, managing amplifiers and effects. A performance-based course that will include in-class and public performances. Previous musical skills are highly beneficial. This is a Semester 1 and 2 course. Students can select either Semester 1 or 2 or both semesters. Class Music Semester 1 and 2 Total Cost: $40 Class music empowers you to be an active and knowledgeable participant in the music industry, from classical music through to hip hop, electronic, and film music. Practical music-making, composition activities and analysis skills exploring the cultural context of musical styles are covered. This course is compulsory for all students enrolled in the Instrumental Program and must be selected both Semester 1 and 2. Instrumental and Ensemble Music Semester 1 and 2 Total Cost: $40 All students receiving a lesson through the IMSS scholarship program are enrolled in this course. In this course you will receive your free group lesson on woodwind, brass, strings, guitar, voice, or percussion/drums, as well as participate in your compulsory musical ensemble (Concert Band, Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, Choir, Rock Band). Ensembles give the student the opportunity to be involved in performances, camps and tours, as well as other social opportunities. Ensemble rehearsals occur outside of school hours, and instrumental lessons take place on a rotational system across the school day to minimise disruption to academic classes. Inclusion in the IMSS Instrumental Scholarship Program at ASHS requires the student to also enrol in Class Music.
Page 7 of 7 LEARNING AREA: TECHNOLOGIES Digital Technologies Semester 1 or 2 Explore in more depth data transmission, network security, how data is represented digitally, logic modelling and programming in code. Semester 2 will be a REPEAT of the Semester 1 course. Only select Digital Technologies in either Semester 1 or Semester 2. What’s Cooking Semester 1 Build you cooking skills, as you explore food and techniques to prepare great tasting food and meals for yourself and your family. Fabulous Food Semester 2 Be creative and try new taste sensations! Learn how to choose, plan and prepare delicious meals, for fun and health. Explore some different or unfamiliar ingredients to challenge your tastes. Woodwork Semester 1 or 2 Get creative with wood, develop your skills using both hand tools and larger woodwork equipment to produce wood projects. Semester 2 will be a REPEAT of the Semester 1 course. Only select Woodwork in either Semester 1 or Semester 2. Metalwork Semester 1 or 2 Explore metals, both fine and heavy, as you develop your skills and understanding when working with various metals as your material. Semester 2 will be a REPEAT of the Semester 1 course. Only select Metalwork in either Semester 1 or Semester 2. Lego Robotics Semester 1 An introduction to the world of robotics using Lego. Develop programming skills to make your robot perform. Lego League Semester 2 Create and program your team's robot to complete a specified challenge. Top teams will compete in the Lego League challenge.