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2025 Winter Bulletin

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STAFF Shamus Bourdon P: 416.426.7440 Nicole Clarke P: 416.426.7436 Erik Espinola P: 416.426.7438 Jordan Bates P: 416.426.7439 Pat Park P: 416.426.7437 Jim Barbeau P: 613.827.1062 Tim Larry P: 613.848.2855  Brian Poste P: 613.334.9699 brianposte@ofsaa.on.caBOARD OF DIRECTORS Sco Barr, Westdale SS Carolyn Chesney, Guelph CVI Maria Morris, St. Paul CSS Richard Gallacher, St. Mother Teresa CSS. Mike Rowley, St. Mother Teresa CSS Stacey Ditcheld, Holy Names SS stacey_ditch  Carolyn Mossey, St. Thomas More CSS Val Hargreaves, Maple Ridge SS Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin David Hansen, Hamilton-Wentworth CDSB Bruce Bourget, Rainbow DSB Yves Laliberté, CS public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario Barry Mutrie abmut01@gmail.comREPRESENTATIVES’ COUNCIL  Fraser Bertram, Crescent School (CBA Chair) ertram@crescentschool.orgSharon Jameson, Bishop Strong School Sco Dewar, Bayside SS sdewar@hpedsb.on.caErin Kent, Thomas A. Stewart SS Je Brubacher, Centre Wellington DHS je.brubacher@ugdsb.on.caTanya Byers, Walkerton DCS (Interim CGA Chair) Pat Childerhose, Fellowes HS childerhosep@rcdsb.on.caCandice Stephenson, Mackenzie CS Val Hargreaves, Maple Ridge SS vhargreaves@scdsb.on.caStephen Urbach, Innisdale SS Mark Freeman, St. Francis Xavier CSS freemanm@hcdsb.orgCarolyn Mossey, St. Thomas More CSS Geo Whent, Sinclair SS Georey.whent@ddsb.caCarly Harrison, Eastdale CVI Mike Rowley, St. Mother Teresa CSS michael.rowley@ocsb.caCourtney Beaulne, West Carleton SS Jason Lauzon, ESC cite des Jeunes Jason.lauzon@cscdgr.educaonNikki Cambridge, Timiskaming DSS Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin lowet@franco-nord.caKim Chezzi, Lively District SS Tyson Grinsell, Fort Frances HS Tyson.grinsell@rrdsb.comJennifer Huhta, Nipigon-Red Rock DHS Andrew Nahirniak, St. Marn CSS andrew.nahirniak@dcpdsb.orgMichelle Harshman-Beng, John Fraser SS Jamie Coull, Westlane SS james.coull@dsbn.orgKrisna Alderdice, Salleet District HS kris Craig Cavanagh, Riverside SS craig.cavanagh@publicboard.caStacey Ditcheld, Holy Names SS Stacey_ditch Richard Gallacher, St. Mother Teresa CSS richard.gallacher@tcdsb.orgEva Roser, St. John Henry Newman Stacy Ganogiannis-Reid, East York Collegiate stacy.ganogiannis-reid@tdsb.on.caBrad Barker, A.Y. Jackson SS Tim Clayton, Mother Teresa CSS tclayton@ldcsb.caPauline Fidler, Medway SS p. Shawn Morris, Stephen Lewis SS shawn.morris@yrdsb.caAdrienne Chong, Markville SS Adrienne.chong@yrdsb.caOntario Federation of School Athletic Associations305 Milner Avenue, Suite 207 Toronto, Ontario M1B 3V4 Website: www.ofsaa.on.caPhone: (416) 426-7391 Publicaons Mail Agreement Number: 40050378

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1www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA Execuve Director’s Message ...........................2 OFSAA NEWSAge Classicaons 2024-25 ..........................................3 Transfer Appeal Meeng Dates 2024-25 .....................3 OFSAA Social Spotlight ..................................................3 OFSAA Oering Student-Athlete Sports Subsidy! ........4 CIAAA NAD Conference Registraon Open! ................5 Coaching in Ontario Schools ........................................5 Reps Council Meeng News ........................................6 Please Support OFSAA’s School Sport Sponsors .........7 Hosts Required ..............................................................8 OFSAA-Sanconed Invitaonal Events .........................10 Regional Events .............................................................11 The OFSAA Experience ..................................................12 -14 Code of Conduct For Spectators ................................... 17 Renfew Mourns Loss of Teacher, Coach ....................... 19 EVENTS2024-25 OFSAA Championship Calendar ..................... 20-21SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDSScholarships and Awards Available for 2025 ................23 2024 Coaching Excellence Award Recipients ..............24-25FESTIVAL RESULTSFootball Bowls Series ......................................................26-29 Girls’ Golf ........................................................................30 CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTSGirls’ A Basketball ...................................................... 31 Girls’ AA Basketball .................................................... 32 Girls’ AAA Basketball .................................................. 33 Cross Country ............................................................. 34-35 Girls’ Field Hockey ...................................................... 36 Boys’ Golf ................................................................... 37 Boys’ A Volleyball ....................................................... 38 Boys’ AA Volleyball ..................................................... 39 Boys’ AAA Volleyball .................................................. 40PHOTO CREDITS: Front Cover: Student-athletes Milan Ramos-Marks (#2), Paris Campbell (#24) of St. Roch CSS and Arhyanna Petrella (#32) of Assumpon College School in Girls’ AAA Basketball acon. Photo courtesy of student Elisha Sealy.Back Cover: Student-Athletes Zach Burke (#10 Barrie North CI) and Ethan Garwe (#7 Paul Dwyer CHS) in the Simcoe Bowl. Back cover and football acon photos courtesy of William Smith.Table of Contents: Boys volleyball photo courtesy of Chatham Daily News. Captain Ace photo courtesy of Ridley College.ContentsThank you to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Sport for their generous contributions and support.Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations305 Milner Avenue, Suite 207 Toronto, Ontario M1B 3V4 Website: www.ofsaa.on.caPhone: (416) 426-7391 Publicaons Mail Agreement Number: 400503783636 3838

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2THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025A subject that seems to be arising more frequently in conversaons with educators and at OFSAA meengs is the behaviour of spectators at high school sporng events. In fact, with the return of sport in schools since the pandemic, OFSAA events have seen a slow rise in spectator incidents during provincial compeon.In October of 2022, the Naonal Federaon of High Schools (NFHS) launched a campaign called, “Bench Bad Behaviour”. The purpose was to bring awareness of the negave impact that parents and fans have on ocials of high school sports in the United States. This school year, the OFSAA Board of Directors voted to support a similar iniave to combat unruly behaviour of spectators, by supporng schools with resources to emphasize a zero-tolerance approach. Member associaons of OFSAA also adopted changes to the current Spectator Code of Behaviour to provide more consistency and accountability across the province. Spectators are one group that can play an important role in encouraging and helping young people get the most out of their sport. However, somemes the unsportsmanlike behaviour can be so unruly young athletes, and adult ocials can feel abused and inmidated and, in some cases, give up sport altogether or prevent them from geng involved.High School Sport is a posive part of student-athletes’ lives in terms of their health, well-being and development. School administrators, teacher-coaches and parents (fans themselves) have a responsibility to make sure the student-athlete experience is enjoyable, safe and fullling.Working together with a strong daily focus on sportsmanship rather than a performance-based approach, as well as open lines of communicaon concerning the expectaons of spectators’ behaviour during school sport compeon are important steps in alleviang this growing issue. OFSAA is commied to working with high schools, ocials’ organizaons, provincial sport organizaons and parents to help ensure school sport is a posive environment for all parcipants.If you would like to share your thoughts on this subject, please feel free to contact me at BourdonOFSAA Executive Director Message

Page 5 NEWSFor the school year, a Novice will be born in 2010 or later and may only compete at OFSAA in the Novice category for one year in Grade 9. A Junior will be born in 2009 or 2010 and a Senior will be born in 2005 or later.2004 or earlier Ineligible 2005 Senior 2006 Senior 2007 Senior 2008 Senior 2009/10 Junior 2010 NoviceHow old was the student on January 1, 2024?Years of eligibilityCoaches and students are reminded that students are eligible for no more than ve consecuve years from date of entry into Grade 9. There is no appeal to this rule.Age Classifications for the 2024- 25 School Year2024 - 25 Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates   Wed. Feb. 5, 2025 Thurs. Feb. 20, 2025Wed. April 2, 2025 Thurs. April 17, 2025To appeal to an Associaon decision, please call the OFSAA oce and give the name of the student and school, as well as the name of the principal. Please see the deadline dates posted above.A leer will be sent to the student, c/o the school, stang the date, me and locaon of the appeal hearing. The leer will outline what informaon the student must provide prior to the meeng date. Keep up to date with OFSAA news, photos, videos, championship informaon, scholarships, conferences, and much more, by following OFSAA on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube!OFSAA Social Spotlight/OFSAA @OFSAA /OFSAA@OFSAAGRAMFollow individual championship results with live updates from OFSAA Championship Twier (X) accounts. Updates and pics right from the source!@OFSAASnow @OFSAABadminton @OFSAABaseball @OFSAABasketball@OFSAAXC @CurlingOfsaa @OFSAAGirlsFH @OFSAALacrosse@OFSAAFootball @OFSAAGolf @OFSAABoyHockey @OFSAAGirlHockey@OFSAASloPitch @OFSAABoysSoccer @GirlSoccerOFSAA @RugbyOFSAA@OFSAASwimming @OFSAATennis @OFSAATrack @OFSAAVBall@OFSAAUlmate @OFSAAWrestling@ofsaaofficial

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4THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025OFSAA OFFERING STUDENT-ATHLETE SPORTS SUBSIDY!Parcipaon in school sport is important and students learn many life skills, so we want all students to have equal opportunity to experience school sport.OFSAA is oering grants for students who have diculty nding the monies to pay their athlec fee for league compeon.The current applicaon form can be found at and to apply for funds this year.• The most current applicaon form must be lled out in full, and then be uploaded to the online submission form to complete your applicaon.  online submission form must be completed per student grant request.• The commiee will review each applicaon carefully to determine grant eligibility. They will consider the social and economic barriers as idened in the applicaon, so it is important that the parents include comprehensive informaon on their current nancial situaon.• The maximum amount a student may receive is , however it is based on the number of applicaons we receive.• Funds are limited, so schools should evaluate the students applying and submit forms for those that are most in need.• The endorser should be a person aware of the student’s nancial situaon and needs, and of the breakdown of the athlec fees (school and sport specic). An Athlec Director or Physical Educaon Department Head may best t this role.• Funding is only approved for interschool parcipaon fees for regular league play. This grant is not intended to cover any costs associated with exhibion matches, tournament play, or addional costs incurred from qualifying for championships.• Only member schools and student-athletes of OFSAA qualify for the subsidy.• Upcoming applicaon deadlines are:• Winter: January 31, 2025• Spring: April 30, 2025Please note that there is limited funding available and subsidies will be provided on a rst-come, rst-served basis.

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5www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA NEWSCOACHING IN ONTARIO SCHOOLS (CIOS) COURSES CIOS is a program developed by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations to give teacher-coaches and community volunteers the special skill-set they need to coach effectively in the school environment. CIOS also provides 3 PD points to maintain NCCP certification. Online courses are available in both English and French. Please contact Erik Espinola at or 416-426-7440.Registration information can be found at Early Bird Registration Open Now! Join the CIAAA at our Premier Professional Development event and help build your Athlec Department! The 2025 Naonal Conference is coming to Calgary Alberta, April 10-12, 2025 and we want to see you there! Join fellow ADs from across the country in Leadership Training Courses, Workshops, Discussion Forums and fun events. Have you checked out the PD funding available in your district/local/province? Many divisions sll have PD fund pools sll accessible, apply today.

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6THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025Representatives’ Council Meeting News• Starng in the 2025-26 school year, OFSAA basketball championships will transion to a 24 second shot clock with a 14 second reset.• To assist those schools, school boards and member associaons who also adopt this change, OFSAA will work towards establishing a partnership with score clock providers to help alleviate some of the cost associated with electronic upgrades.• In extraordinary circumstances, teams can now aend the championship with 3 student-athletes. Schools must appeal to the OFSAA Curling Sports Advisory Commiee and be approved prior to the event.• OFSAA Qualifying Time Standards for the 2025 Swimming Championship have been approved. Specic placings from last year’s championship in the 200-meter individual events, 50 & 100-meter individual events, and relay events will determine the qualifying mes.The OFSAA Representaves’ Council meeng was held December 5th with Associaon Representaves from across the province in aendance. The council voted in favour of several sport specic moons, some of which take eect immediately and are outlined below. Please refer to the playing regulaons for each sport for more details.Playing regulaons for all sports can be viewed by vising regulaons.

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7www.ofsaa.on.caBadmintonYonex• Ofcial racquet of OFSAA:B4000, B6500I, B7000 MDM• Ofcial Nylon shuttlecocks of OFSAA: Mavis 350, Mavis 300, Mavis 10 BaseballMizuno• Ofcial baseball of OFSAA: Mizuno MB380 BasketballMolten• Ofcial basketball of OFSAA: G4500Cross Country and Track and FieldNikeExclusive Supplier of the athletic footwear, apparel, and accessory products of XC and Track & Field.HockeyFranklin Sports Inc.• Ofcial hockey equipment supplier of OFSAASoccerMolten• Ofcial soccer ball of OFSAA: Molten F5A4900 ofcial game ballVolleyballBaden• Ofcial volleyball of OFSAA: Baden VCOR VSS-220AccommodationsInnVest Hotels• Ofcial hotel partner of OFSAAVideo Analysis SolutionHudl• The exclusive Video Solution of OFSAACharacter Athlete AwardBaron• Ofcial ring supplier of OFSAA• Travel PartnerEF Tours• Ofcial educational travel partner of OFSAAGeneral SponsorshipCandore College• Proud supporter of OFSAA Championships and Festivals University of Guelph-Humber• Proud supporter of OFSAA Keener Jerseys• Proud supporter of OFSAA Niagara College• Proud supporter of OFSAA Smart Golf• Ofcial Golf Live Scoring Software of OFSAAOFSAA NEWSPlease Support OFSAA’s School Sport SponsorsOFSAA is fortunate to have several companies supporting school sport in Ontario. Ofcial equipment has been play-tested and endorsed by experienced teacher-coaches. Please support these sponsors by using their products.

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8THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025Official partner of OFSAA.Helping you achieve your goals.Official partner achieve goals.HOSTS REQUIREDThe 2024-25 OFSAA season is well underway but we’re always looking down the road!Why not show your school spirit and all that your community has to oer by hosng an OFSAA championship or fesval!We are now accepng bids for the 2025-26 season and seeking hosng organizaons to host the following events:BOYSBoys’ A Soccer, Boys’ AA Basketball, Boys’ AA Soccer, Boys’ AAA Basketball, Boys’ AAA Volleyball, Boys’ Curling, Boys’ Field Lacrosse A/AA, Boys’ Field Lacrosse AAAGirls’ A Soccer, Girls’ AAA Soccer, Girls’ AAA Volleyball, Girls’ Curling, Girls’ Slo-PitchNordic Skiing, Snowboard Racing, Swimming, Ulmate, WrestlingFor more informaon, please contact Erik Espinola at

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9www.ofsaa.on.caMOLTENUSA.COMTrademarks owned by Molten Corporation or Molten USA, Inc. ©2022 Molten USA, Inc.Molten is the Official Ball of OFSAA

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10THE BULLETIN WINTER 20252025 Sanctioned Invitational High School EventsLearn more atoned eventsFor Registraons Informaon please contact Andre Boudreau at: Please note that on all our tournament dates, we are oering divisions for various teams as noted below, thereby enabling schools to save on bus costs by bringing more than one team to any given tournament. With six rinks all under one roof, we can accommodate large numbers of teams as there is more than enough ice me available. Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys January 8, 2025 All Canadian Classic - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys February 5 & 6, 2025 Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys February 20, 2025 Early March Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys March 5, 2025 Late March Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys, Junior Boys & COED March 20, 2025 Spring Classic - Girls & Junior Boys April 9 & 10, 2025  January 7 & 8, 2025 Vale Centre Convenor: Stephen Sim Port Colborne  March 27, 2025 Earl Nichols and Bostwick Arenas Convenor: Mike Pepe London  June 10, 2025 Paris DHS Shelley Weaver Paris ON Learn byDoing. That is

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11www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA is thrilled with the progress of the Regional Events Program during the 2024-2025 school year! Launched in 2022-2023 to expand and enrich participation opportunities, the program has succeeded greatly. Twelve regional events have already been approved for the 2024-2025 school year! Want to join in on the excitement? Approved applications will receive a $500 honorarium to help cover event expenses.Check out the list of approved events below:Denis Morris SOSSA Flag Football November 1, 2024St. CatharinesErin ClarkJohn McCrae Secondary SchoolNCSSAAPara Ice Hockey ("Sledge Hockey")November 13, 2024 Oawa Brandon BourcierBrock High School COSSA Cornhole November 27, 2024 Cannington Krisne St. LouisJohn McCrae Secondary SchoolNCSSAA Ringee November 28, 2024 Oawa Brandon BourcierRegiopolis Notre Dame Catholic High SchoolEOSSAA Cheerleading March 31, 2025 Kingston Karen WallaceEtobicoke Collegiate InstuteTDSSAA Cheerleading April 2, 2025 Etobicoke Karen WallaceSt Ignaus High School NWOSSAA Cheerleading April 2, 2025 Thunder Bay Chrisne Wiluk St. Francis Xavier Secondary School-MiltonGHAC Cheerleading April 3, 2025 Milton Karen WallaceJohn McCrae Secondary SchoolNCSSAAWheelchair Basketball TournamentApril 4, 2025 NEPEAN Jenn TalbotBear Creek GBSSACheerleading/DanceApril 30, 2025 Barrie Heather RobertDenis Morris Catholic High SchoolSOSSA Cornhole May 15, 2025 St Catharines Billy McLarenBayview Secondary SchoolYRAA Table Tennis May 28, 2025Richmond HillWesley LamMore information and the application form can be found on our website. The philosophy behind Regional Events:• Priority on participation, not competition.• Provide student leadership opportunities!• Target students who are not currently participating in athletics at the school.• Event which introduces a new activity or one currently popular in the region.• No eligibility requirements (ex. Transfers).Regional EventsOFSAA NEWS

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12THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025The Hammarskjold Vikings senior girls’ basketball team won the school’s rst ever basketball championship in November while aending the OFSAA Girls’ AA Basketball Championship in North Bay. Not only was it a school rst, but it had also never been done before in the NWOSSAA region, that a court sport team – basketball or volleyball, boys or girls – had brought home the gold at an OFSAA Championship. A truly historic win for this Viking group!Most of the Hammarskjold team has been together since grade 9/10. Many are mul-sport athletes, balancing me between basketball, volleyball, and track and eld. With the unbelievable connuous support from the school’s administraon, the girls were able to be exposed to many posive experiences and acquire skills from each sport which has helped round them into athletes and teammates that made them ready to make history. Even with this huge commitment to athlecs, the team is honour roll in school boasng an impressive overall team average of over 90%. They are the true denion of student-athletes. By John Clouthier, Head Coach, Hammarskjold Vikings Girls Basketball Team

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13www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA NEWSTwo years ago on the court, the team placed 4th at OFSAA in Straord, with the majority of the group junior in age. Now returning as seniors, and accompanied by new junior talents, Kayln Crocker and Jadene Prinsloo, they felt they had a great chance to do something that had never been done in their region, win OFSAA gold. Aer rolling through their local regular season with a perfect season record, they entered OFSAA as the 5th seed. The girls seemed to hit top form while in North Bay, nishing the championship with a perfect 5-0 record while outscoring their opponents 353-165 to capture the championship.Needing to stay an extra day in Oawa, as ights home for the team on Sunday were too expensive (the Taylor Swi eect), the team had ights booked home for Monday morning. Aer a morning ight delay, upon arrival home to Thunder Bay later in the aernoon, the team was exhausted from travel and the weekend of play, they were met by local media and parents to help celebrate this extraordinary result. In an interview, Lyndsay Gerry, the team’s captain, was asked about how it felt to make history, and she said “it feels very surreal right now, I don’t think it’s really sunk in for any of us yet.”It was an extra special moment for me as head coach as my three daughters also played on the team - twins Kirsten and Sara, and the youngest, Kate. The three sisters combined for 44 of the 59 nals points when they defeated E.L. Crossley Secondary School of Fonthill (SOSSA) 59-33 to win gold. Proud. Unbelievably proud of their determinaon, grit, and perseverance over the last 2-3 years. Each of them has dealt with injury – major injuries – and to see them come back with their team and do what they did, is a testament to them alone. My wife Jami was also able to make the trip to North Bay and be a part of this incredible ride. It is a moment that our family will cherish forever. The overall OFSAA experience in North Bay was fantasc! The aenon to detail and genuine concern for the lile things were appreciated by the athletes, coaches, and parents who travelled to watch. Right from team check-in, the girls were received with aenon and made to feel special, receiving bags with OFSAA name tags and merch, along with having team photos taken, which were ready to purchase and take home before the conclusion of the event. From streaming the games, to the on-court therapists available, the organizing commiee met every need for the 

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14THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025athletes. We especially enjoyed how some of the locals became our biggest fans, holding signs and cheering with our parents! As coaches, we were especially grateful for the third gymnasium which allowed extra me to be scheduled between games, allowing the girls to have a full warm-up before each game. Thank you, North Bay, for your hospitality and for making our experience one we will never forget!Congratulaons to the Hammarskjold Vikings senior girls’ basketball team from Thunder Bay on an absolutely historic season! OFSAA Gold Medalists.

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15www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA NEWSeftours.caNext year, thiscould be yourclassroom

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17www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA NEWSAny OFSAA event must aempt to achieve a standard of organizaonal and educaonal excellence which will serve to place it beyond reproach in either area. OFSAA is commied to providing a safe and inclusive environment that is free of discriminaon and harassment. Everyone is welcome and should expect to help promote an environment where people are treated in a courteous, professional, considerate and respecul manner by all spectators, sta and parcipants.The following points address conduct that is inconsistent with OFSAA’s mission, goals and values and detracts from the overall OFSAA experience and is prohibited at all OFSAA events:Code Of Conduct For Spectators For OFSAA Events● Behaviour that is unruly, disrupve, threatening or violent in nature, including verbal or physical harassment of ocials,student-athletes, teacher-coaches, sta or other spectators● Conduct that is illegal● Conduct that results in damage to the facility or other personal property● Displaying signs, symbols, images (including those associated with hate based organizaons), using language or making gestures that are threatening, abusive, or discriminatory, including on the basis of race, ethnicity, naonal origin, religion, gender, gender identy, ability, and/or sexual orientaon● Interfering with the compeon, including; entering the eld of play, throwing objects of any kind, incidents of distracon (e.g. arcial noisemakers, noise during a serve or foul shot, etc.)● Throwing objects of any kind, or entering the eld of play● Failing to follow requests from sta regarding event operaons, policies and emergency response procedures● Consumpon or being under the inuence of any alcoholic beverage or drugs, other than medicaon prescribed by a medical doctor, whether of legal age or not, at any me during an OFSAA event● Any disrupve, harmful or disorderly behaviour or any act which, in the opinion of the convenor or OFSAA representave, presents a risk to the safety of other individuals, interferes with the compeon or otherwise targets other spectators or other spectators enjoyment of the compeon.

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19www.ofsaa.on.caIn honour of his decades of coaching, Roger Poirier was recognized with OFSAA’s presgious Pete Beach Award in June 2016. (RCI photo) Tributes are pouring in following the news that beloved rered Renfrew teacher and coach Roger Poirier has died. Poirier was a teacher at Renfrew Collegiate Instute (RCI) for more than 26 years and the school paid tribute in a social media post. News of his death sparked many reacons, comments, memories and condolences from former colleagues, students and athletes.Raised in Alexandria, Ont., where he graduated from Glengarry DHS, Poirier completed his undergraduate degree from Carleton and his teaching credenals from Lakehead. He worked as a supply teacher in Oawa before being hired to teach at Arnprior high school in 1987. “He then moved over to RCI and was a teacher here for over 26 years. Mr. Poirier along with Principal O’Brien founded RCI’s rst media studies class that many remember fondly,” reads the post. “Mr. Poirier says his proudest moment as a Raider was winning his rst school overall Track and Field Championship 1997. He helped RCI win 12 straight Renfrew County Track and Field School Aggregate Championships and 17 consecuve Cross Country Renfrew County School Aggregate Championships.” Poirier coached more than 58 teams throughout his career, winning some 30 Renfrew County championships, seven Eastern Ontario championships and coaching everything from running to volleyball to basketball. “He has taken over 200 athletes to OFSAA, the all-Ontario Championships. He, along with Madame Moershead, convened OFSAA Cross Country in Renfrew in 2003,” reads the post. “In honour of his decades of coaching, he was recognized with OFSAA’s presgious Pete Beach Award in June 2016 – a few months aer his rerement.” Outside of his school accomplishments, he ran four Boston Marathons (and qualied for a h). “We will miss his Poirierisms, his outside-the-box thinking, his eccentric lesson planning, and his undeniable care for students,” reads the post. “We send our deepest condolences to his three sons and family.” (Sherry Haaima)OFSAA NEWS‘UNDENIABLE CARE FOR STUDENTS’: Renfrew mourns loss of treasured retired teacher, coachBy myFM News/Oldies 107.7 sta Dec 6, 2024

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20THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025FOR COMPLETE CHAMPIONSHIP DETAILS VISIT www.ofsaa.on.caChampionship ResultsOct. 16-17, 2024, TimminsColin Sullivan, Timmins High and Vocaonal School(705) 360-1411Oct. 16-17, 2024, TecumsehChance Conrad, Tecumseh Vista Academy(519) 739-2189Nov. 4, 2024, OawaKirk Dillabaugh, Glebe Collegiate (613)Nov. 7-9, 2024, St. Catharines Jay Tredway / David Zanic, Ridley Nov. 21-23, 2024, Chatham Sharon Smith, Chatham Chrisan School (519) 352-4980sharonsmith@chathamchrisNov. 21-23, 2024, St. Catharines Tammy Short, Sir Winston Churchill(905)Nov. 21-23, 2024, KingstonDavid Loken, Kingston SS(613)Nov. 21-23, 2024, Kitchener Kae Plaisier, Woodland Chrisan HS (519)Nov. 21-23, 2024, North BaySam Levac, West Ferris SS(705)Nov. 21-23, 2024, BramptonDouglas McAnally / Sean Forrest, Castlebrooke SS(905)Nov. 25-27, 2024, Windsor James Clarke, John McGregor SS(519)Feb. 20-21, 2025, SudburyKerry Abols, Lockerby Composite(705)Feb. 24-25, 2025, CollingwoodMelissa Wheatcro, Our Lady of the Bay(705) 445-2043mwheatcroFeb. 26, 2025, DuntroonAdrienne Chong, MarkvilleMarch. 4-5, 2025, Toronto Tim White, CISAA Director905-373-9656March 4-5, 2025, KitchenerStephen Gross, Resurrecon CSS (519) March 3-5, 2025, WoodstockEric Molinaro, Woodstock Collegiate Instute (519)March 3-5, 2025, North BaySam Levac, West Ferris SS(705)March 3-5, 2025, KingstonDuncan Cowan, FrontenacMarch 3-5, 2025, TorontoGarry Kollins, University of Toronto Schools (416)March 3-5, 2025, North Bay Sara Pickles, Chippewa SS(705)March 3-5, 2025, BurlingtonMike Skeoch / Krista Caron, Dr. Frank J. Hayden SS(905) /March 18-20, 2025, SudburyDarren Michelu / Kristy Hebert, St. Charles College705-566-9605darren.michelu /March 18-20, 2025, AuroraKate Treacy / Joe Gaudio, St Maximilian Kolbe CHS(905) 727-5652 / March 18-20, 2025, SudburyDarren Michelu / Kristy Hebert, St. Charles College705-566-9605darren.michelu /March 18-20, 2025, WindsorSteve Burke / Ben Dubois / Mahew Vezina, St. Anne CHS519-727-8908 2024-2025 OFSAA CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR2024-2025 OFSAA CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR

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21www.ofsaa.on.caFOR COMPLETE CHAMPIONSHIP DETAILS VISIT www.ofsaa.on.ca2024-2025 OFSAA CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR2024-2025 OFSAA CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDARMarch 19-22, 2025, SarniaKelly Boston, Northern Collegiate(519)May 1-3, 2025, BurlingtonVirginia Houston, Acton District(519)May 29-30, 2025, BarrieCarla Morrison, St. Peter’s CHS 705-734-0168 June 2-3, 2025, St. Catharines Wade Pychel / Billy Mclaren / Mahew Vinc, Denis Morris CHS(905), ma,June 2-4, 2025, TorontoLarry Laughlin, Marc GarneauJune 2-4, 2025, CobourgGreg Conway, St Mary CSS(905)June 2-4, 2025, AuroraFrank Ienna, St Maximilian Kolbe CHS(905)June 4-5, 2025, WhitbyGeo Whent, Sinclair SS(905) 666-5400 geoJune 4-5, 2025, LakeshoreSteve Burke, St. Anne CHS519-727-8908June 4-5, 2025, Owen Sound Owen Ferguson, Owen Sound DSS(519)June 5-7, 2025, BellevilleKyle Ripley / Pete Hercus, Centennial SSJune 5-7, 2025, Aurora Frank Ienna, St Maximilian Kolbe(905)June 5-7, 2025, Welland Jason Duthie/Glen Beauregard, ÉSC Saint Jean de Brébeuf(905) /June 5-7, 2025, KingstonKrisn Lawlor, Lasalle SS(613)June 5-7, 2025, OakvillePeter Bonglio, Holy Trinity CSS(905) 257-3534BonJune 5-7, 2025, Welland Jason Duthie/ Glen Beauregard, ÉSC Saint Jean de Brébeuf(905) /June 5-7, 2025, OawaCarl Marneau, ESP Gisele Lalonde (613) 833-0018carl.marJune 5-7, 2025, KingstonDavid Loken, Kingston SS (613)June 5-7, 2025, TorontoFraser Bertram, Crescent School(416) 449-2556ertram@crescentschool.orgBrad Barker, A.Y. Jackson S.S.(416)June 9-10, 2025, WindsorJim Kil, FJ Brennan(519) 945-2351jim_kiJune 10, 2025 (TBD)Brian Poste,

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23www.ofsaa.on.caScholarships & AwardsScholarships and Awards Available for 2025OFSAA has formed partnerships with a number of organizaons, beneng student-athletes, as well as teacher-coaches across the province.The following scholarships and awards are available:The OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Program encourages Ontario High School students to apply for the 2024-25 OFSAA Alumni Scholarship. This year, students enrolled in schools in       are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Applicaons must be completed online no later than . The specic criteria and the actual applicaon form can be found on the OFSAA website at . It is important that all teacher-coaches, athlec directors, and student services sta make student-athletes aware of this opportunity and encourage qualied individuals to apply!The Colin Hood Award is available annually to one graduang male, one graduang female, and one coach in every school in the province. Schools can order these at no charge through the OFSAA website..Once a year, OFSAA awards the Character Athlete Award to four recipients (two males, two females) who embody OFSAA’s values of leadership, commitment, equity, respect and sportsmanship. Winners receive a $500 grant from Baron, and a plaque from OFSAA commemorang this accomplishment..The Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to six student-athletes that will be connuing their post-secondary educaon at a Canadian College or University. Three males and three females will each be awarded a scholarship of $5000 based on criteria including honesty, integrity, compassion and an unwavering quest to accomplish the best they can be.

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24THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025In celebraon of the 10th annual Naonal Coaches Week (September 16-22) the Coaches Associaon of Ontario (CAO), the Ministry of Sport, and Hydro One Inc. (Hydro One) were proud to recognize 15 coaches with the Ontario Coaching Excellence Award. From basketball to swimming, the province’s most presgious coaching award recognizes the power of sport across local communies in Ontario.Two Coaches Honoured As Part of Special 10th Anniversary CelebrationsThe “      recipient,  , received the top coaching honour for his dedicated service as a cornerstone of athlecs at St. Patrick High School and the Thunder Bay area minor hockey associaon for the past 30 years. His extensive volunteer work has led to signicant successes, including nine NWOSSA tles in 13 years and spearheading the launch of girls’ high school hockey in Thunder Bay in 2020. The “     ” recipient,  , received the presgious coaching honour for her dedicaon and commitment to supporng students for over 25 years. A coach of ve sports at the school, she generously volunteers her personal me to ensure teams do not fold due to a lack of sta. Her outstanding dedicaon shines through as she relessly works to provide opportunies for all aspiring athletes in her school community.“We are excited to honour Roger and Kathryn for their steadfast commitment and support in developing athletes both on and o the eld. The bonds formed through sports play a crucial role in strengthening our communies, and coaches like Roger and Kathryn are instrumental in creang those safe, enjoyable, and nurturing environments for youth to thrive,” said Jeremy Cross, Execuve Director of CAO.“From lile league to the big leagues, coaches are a big part of the success of sport in Ontario and to the development of our athletes, both on and o the eld,” said Neil Lumsden, Ontario’s Minister of Sport. “The lessons they teach, and the values they insll are carried by their athletes for life. To everyone being recognized, congratulaons—and thanks, coach.”This year marked the 10th annual Naonal Coaches Week, where Canadians say #ThanksCoach for the role coaches play in building safe communies and the posive impact they have on the lives of all parcipants. For more informaon about Naonal Coaches Week across Ontario, visitThe Coaches Associaon of Ontario is an independent, non-prot organizaon that supports coaches from community to high performance across all sports in Ontario. For more informaon, please visit, follow us on Facebook or Twier.

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25www.ofsaa.on.caScholarships & AwardsTrademarks owned by Molten Corporation or Molten USA, Inc. ©2022 Molten USA, Inc.Molten is the Official Ball of OFSAAMOLTENUSA.COM

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26THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025OFSAA Football Bowls Series Windsor November 25-27, 2024For the second consecuve year, SWOSSAA hosted the OFSAA Football Fesval Bowl Series at St. Clair College in Windsor. Once again, this rst-class facility proved to be an outstanding venue for the nine Bowl Games. Convenor James Clarke and his dedicated commiee members are also to be commended for making this three-day event a memorable one for all of the student-athletes and coaches who aended. Since the Football Fesval will be hosted by CWOSSA during the 2025 - 26 school year, OFSAA would like to thank James and his commiee for taking on all of the hosng responsibilies for the past two years.The organizing commiee was also able to present the rst ever Leadership in School Sport Award at a Football Fesval. The rst winner of this presgious award was Craig Poole, a long-me teacher-coach at Holy Names Catholic High School in Windsor. Craig has coached football, hockey and track during his 20- year tenure while at the same me being the strength and condioning coach for all of the school’s sports teams during that me. Congratulaons, Craig!Check out the results from this year’s games:

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27www.ofsaa.on.caFestival Results

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30THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025Festival Results1. Emily McKee (GHAC) Garth Webb SS R1: 70 R2: 70 Total: 1402. Lea Lemieux (NOSSA) Lockerby Composite School R1: 72 R2: 71 Total: 1433. Avery Nordman (NCSSAA) AY Jackson SS R1: 73 R2: 71 Total: 1441. Paige Seon (GBSSA) Maple Ridge SS R1: 80 R2: 77 Total: 1572. Jessica Gu (TDCAA) – University of Toronto Schools R1: 85 R2: 80 Total: 1653. Lauren Perron (YRAA) Our Lady Queen of the World Catholic Academy R1: 85 R2: 84 Total: 169 The Ambassador Golf Club in Windsor welcomed 119 girls who secured their spot to compete at the 2024 OFSAA Girls’ Golf Fesval. Under the leadership of Convenor Chance Conrad from Tecumseh Vista Academy (SWOSSAA) and his dedicated commiee, the event was very well organized for both the student-athletes and their coaches.During the banquet, the 2024 Girls’ Golf Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Ma Loebach, last year’s convenor for the OFSAA Boys’ Golf Championship and a teacher-coach from Riverside Secondary School (SWOSSAA). With 16 years of experience in high school sports, Ma has played a pivotal role in organizing or convening eight OFSAA Championships and Fesvals. His contribuons extend beyond organizing as he has coached numerous high school teams and has proven to be an invaluable asset to both his school and the wider WECSSAA and SWOSSAA communies. Congratulaons, Ma!In the high school division, Paige Seon from Maple Ridge Secondary School (GBSSA) claimed the gold medal with an impressive score of 80 on day one and 77 on day two, totaling 157. Jessica Gu from University of Toronto Schools (TDCAA) followed closely, securing the silver medal with scores of 85 and 80 for a combined total of 165. Both Lauren Perron from Our Lady Queen of the World Catholic Academy (YRAA) and Phoebe Li from St. Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School (YRAA) nished strong, each scoring 85 on day one and 84 on day two, totaling 169. Lauren prevailed in a playo to earn the bronze medal.In the open division, Emily McKee from Garth Webb Secondary School (GHAC) triumphed for the second consecuve year, achieving a stellar score of 70 on both days for a combined total of 140. Close behind was Lea Lemieux from Lockerby Composite School (NOSSA), who secured the silver medal with scores of 72 and 71 for a total of 143. The bronze medal went to Avery Nordman from AY Jackson Secondary School (NCSSAA), who recorded scores of 73 and 71 for a total of 144.Congratulaons to all the student-athletes and coaches for a remarkable and successful Fesval!OFSAA Girls’ Golf FestivalWindsor, Ambassador Golf Club October 16-17, 2024 

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31www.ofsaa.on.caFestival ResultsChampionship ResultsThe 2024 OFSAA Girls’ A Basketball Championship was hosted by Woodland Chrisan High School (CWOSSA) in Breslau. Convenor Kae Plaisier and her enre organizing commiee did an amazing job planning, organizing and running a superb championship. This was truly a provincial championship as Woodland Chrisan C.H.S. and the town of Breslau welcomed teams from Kenora, Englehart, Oawa, Delhi, Brockville, Belleville, Port Hope, Barrie, Oakville, Oshawa, North Bay, Mississauga, Ancaster, Forest, Woodstock, Scarborough and Toronto. All teams should be congratulated on their parcipaon in this 18-team championship!This was truly an incredible event that resulted in an unforgeable experience for all. At the banquet, former Canadian Women’s Basketball Olympian, team captain, and power forward Chelsea Aubry spoke and illustrated the key points of perseverance, hard work, goal seng and the importance of a posive mindset! Chelsea was empowering, engaging, inspiring and relatable. The Leadership in School Sport Award was also presented at the banquet. Bernadine Verstraeten was the deserving recipient. She has coached boys’ volleyball, girls’ volleyball and track and eld for 33 years at Woodland C.H.S. She has hosted elementary and secondary school sports events of all kinds, where she has provided great opportunies for her students to step up and lead, allowing them to build crical life skills in the process. Bernadine has won medals at every level in the province, including OFSAA, but more importantly has always challenged her athletes to play the right way.In an excing gold medal game, Woodland C.H.S. (CWOSSA) defeated Academie Catholique Ange-Gabriel (EOSSAA) with a nal score of 55-46. Congratulaons to: Kristen Adema, Kaylee Chapman, Bethany Drake, Bree Drost, Zorana Erak, Nina Erak, Ariana Ilie, Chiara Koops, Trisha Kooy-Velazquez, Leah Pyper, Sydney Rumph, Isla Sloss, Chloe Strauss, Emma Tonin and Lila Van Zwol; along with the coaching sta of Stu Julius, Mae Drost, and Mahew Hazenberg. The bronze medal was won by Osgoode Township H.S. (NCSSAA) with the anque bronze being won by Hamilton District C.I. (SOSSA).A hearelt congratulaons goes out to École secondaire catholique Nouvelle-Alliance (GBSSA) on being named the winners of the Team Sportsmanship Award for demonstrang good sportsmanship, posive character, and represenng themselves, their team and their associaon with dignity and excellence.OFSAA Girls’ A Basketball ChampionshipBreslau November 21-23, 2024 Trinity College School CISAANicholson Catholic College COSSAWoodland Chrisan C.H.S. CWOSSADelhi D. S.S. CWOSSAAcademie Catholique Ange-Gabriel EOSSAAÉSC Nouvelle-Alliance ( GBSSAÉSC Sainte-Trinité GHACMonsignor J. Pereyma C.S.S. LOSSAOsgoode Township H.S. NCSSAAEnglehart H.S. NEOAAÉS Algonquin NOSSASt. Thomas Aquinas H.S. NWOSSAAO l i v e G rove H . S . RO P S S A A Hamilton District Chrisan H.S. SOSSANorth Lambton S.S. SWOSSAAUniversity of Toronto Schools TDCAAL’Amoreaux C.I. TDSSAAWoodstock C.I. WOSSAAOsgoode def. Nicholson 42-30Ange-Gabriel def. Englehart 51-27Woodland def. Sainte-Trinité 74-29Hamilton District def. Nouvelle-Alliance 37-36Woodland def. Hamilton District 53-10 Ange-Gabriel def. Osgoode 43-42Trinity College def. University of Toronto 54-33Osgoode def. Hamilton District 36-17Woodland def. Ange-Gabriel 55-46

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32THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025The 2024 OFSAA Girls’ AA Basketball Championship was hosted by West Ferris Secondary School in beautiful North Bay. Sam Levac and his organizing committee did an excellent job organizing and running the championship. At the banquet, the head coach of the Nipissing Women’s Basketball Team, Rachel Van Woezik shared how her injuries derailed her playing career after parts of three seasons in post secondary, but shared how her pathway to coaching allowed her to find a new passion for the game. She reflected on her high school basketball experience and how involvement in school sport positively impacted her future and ultimately led to a coaching career.The Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Robert Brady of West Ferris S. S. (NOSSA). Robert is the head coach of the girls’ basketball team and has been involved in high school sport for over 20 years. He has convened local basketball leagues, coached many teams and is a true positive role model for his student-athletes through education in sport. Robert is retiring at the end of this school year and will be missed by the staff and students at West Ferris S. S. Congratulations and best wishes, Rob! E. L. Crossley S.S. (SOSSA) faced Hammarskjold H.S. (NWOSSAA) in the gold medal game. Leading up to this matchup, both teams went undefeated throughout the championship with E.L. Crossley defeating last year’s gold medallists, King’s Christian Collegiate (GHAC) in the semi-finals. Ultimately, Hammarskjold H.S. came out with the win to capture the 2024 OFSAA Girls’ AA Basketball Championship banner. The 59-33 win made Hammarskjold the first Thunder Bay team to win an OFSAA basketball championship. The win was also a very special one for the Clouthier family as the coach, John got to coach his three daughters who have never all played together until this year. Congratulations to the 2024 OFSAA Girls’ AA Basketball Champions, Hammarskjold H.S. student-athletes, Sarah Browne, Grace Charbonneau, Kirsten Clouthier, Sara Clouthier, Kate Clouthier, Kayln Crocker, Lyndsay Gerry, Mackenzie McClendon, Ainsley Pare, Abby Peterson, Jadene Prinsloo, Ella Rae Rusnak and coaches, John Clouthier, Sydney Charles and Jami Clouthier. Congratulations to St. Theresa C.S.S. (COSSA) for being recognized with the Team Sportsmanship Award! Their exemplary sportsmanship, both on and off the court, was truly inspiring. Every member representing the school, including the spectators, demonstrated respect, fairness, and a positive attitude, setting a remarkable example for all to see.OFSAA Girls’ AA Basketball ChampionshipNorth Bay November 21- 23, 2024 St. Theresa C.S.S. ( COSSABishop Macdonell C.H.S. CWOSSAThousand Islands S.S. EOSSAAPatrick Fogarty C.S.S. GBSSAKing’s Chrisan Collegiate GHACElsie MacGill S.S. GHACAnderson C. & V.I. LOSSAÉ.S.C. Louis-Riel NCSSAAÉ.S.C. Theriault NEOAASt. Mary’s College NOSSAWest Ferris. S.S. NOSSAHammarskjold H.S. NWOSSAAE.L. Crossley S.S. SOSSAGreat Lakes S.S. SWOSSAASt. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy TDCAAWest Hill C.I. TDSSAASt. Michael C.S.S. WOSSAAKing City S.S. YRAALouis-Riel def. Thousand Islands 46-40 Hammarskjold def. Elsie MacGill 73-17 King’s Chrisan def. St. Michael 69-53 E.L. Crossley def. Great Lakes 45-40 Hammarskjold def. Louis-Riel 63-50E.L. Crossley def. King’s Chrisan 53-35 Bishop Macdonell def. St. Theresa 62-34 Louis-Riel def. King’s Chrisan 52-45 Hammarskjold def. E.L. Crossley 59-33

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33www.ofsaa.on.caThe 2024 OFSAA Girls’ AAA Basketball Championship was hosted by Castlebrooke Secondary School (ROPSSAA) in Brampton. Convenor Doug McAnally and his organizing commiee did not miss a single detail in the organizaon of this event. They put on an incredible event that resulted in an amazing experience for all. The site convenor, Leon Barre at Jean Augusne Secondary School also ensured that all teams vising that site had the same great experience. The administraon, sta and students of both schools provided such amazing support and an excing atmosphere for parcipants and spectators alike.The Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Sean Forrest who has taught and coached at Turner Fenton Secondary School, Castlebrooke and Innisdale Secondary School. He has been involved in school sport for the past 21 years of his teaching experience. Sean has convened both ROPSSAA Girls Hockey and OFSAA Girls Hockey on more than one occasion. He has been involved in coaching football, basketball, hockey, ball hockey, cricket and badminton. Sean was also a contribung member of the ROPSSAA Execuve Council from 2004-2023. Congratulaons, Sean! In a very excing gold medal game, Maple Ridge Secondary School (GBSSA) defeated Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School (WOSSAA) by a nal score of 46-42. Congratulaons goes out to the 2024 OFSAA Girls’ AAA Basketball Champions, Maple Ridge Secondary School: Reese Burleigh, Morgan Catling, Azalea Duncan, Julia Hamilton, Aniya Hitchman, Ashlyn Macey, Avery Miles, Kira Pappas, Rylie Tuy, Cecily Ward-Robbins, Malda Wylie and their coaches Conor Laronde and Mike Tutly!Congratulaons are also extended to Adam Sco Collegiate Vocaonal Instute (COSSA) on being named the winners of the Team Sportsmanship Award for their amazing demonstraon of sportsmanship throughout the championship. OFSAA Girls’ AAA Basketball ChampionshipBrampton November 21-23, 2024Championship ResultsAdam Sco C.V.I. ( COSSAAssumpon College School CWOSSAHoly Cross C.S.S. EOSSAAMaple Ridge S.S. GBSSASt. Thomas More C.S.S. GHACPickering H.S. LOSSASouth Carleton H.S. NCSSAALo-Ellen Park S.S. NOSSASt. Roch C.S.S. ROPSSAACastlebrooke S.S. ROPSSAANotre Dame College School SOSSAHoly Names C.H.S. SWOSSAAMichael Power - St. Joseph H.S. TDCAALawrence Park C.I. TDSSAAMother Teresa C.S.S. WOSSAAWestmount C.I. YRAAMother Teresa def. Adam Sco 49-25Holy Names def. Lawrence Park 56-35St. Thomas More def. Notre Dame 63-40Maple Ridge def. Pickering 76-46Maple Ridge def. Holy Names 58-47Mother Teresa def. St. Thomas More 61-57St. Roch def. Assumpon 60-53Holy Names def. St. Thomas More 80-54Maple Ridge def. Mother Teresa 46-42

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34THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025The 2024 OFSAA Cross Country Championship was held at Mooney’s Bay and the Terry Fox Athlec Facility in the Naon’s Capital of Oawa. Kirk Dillabaugh of Glebe Collegiate led an experienced commiee of hard-working teacher-coaches from the Naonal Capital Secondary School Athlec Associaon (NCSSAA) in conducng an excellent championship event.The Leadership in School Sport Awards were presented to Debbie Tracey of Immaculata High School and Kirk Dillabaugh, the convenor of the meet. Their presenters both spoke highly of their long-me dedicaon and posive role modeling throughout their careers. Both are very deserving of this recognion, and OFSAA congratulates them both!The OFSAA Cross Country Championship delivered excellent compeon across all divisions in overcast and wet condions once again in 2024.Georgetown District High School (GHAC) captured the team tle in Novice Girls, St. Michael’s College School (CISAA) in Novice Boys, St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic High School (YRAA) in Junior Girls, Riverdale Collegiate Instute (TDSSAA) in Junior Boys, Collingwood Collegiate Instute (GBSSA) in Senior Girls, and Brooklin High School (LOSSA) in Senior Boys. Collingwood Collegiate, with 30 points, captured the overall girls’ tle, beang Riverdale Collegiate of Toronto by a mere one point! Malvern was third with 21 team points.In the boys’ overall compeon, Neil McNeil High School (TDCAA) captured its fourth consecuve tle, accumulang 44 team points. Collingwood Collegiate was second with 32 points and Sir Winston Churchill from St. Catharines (SOSSA) was third with 28 points. The Para Division saw another increase in parcipants, showing that this division is growing province-wide. Thanks to the schools that advocate for students and include them in their respecve programs, the list of winners in each of the Para categories is listed below, with the top 10 in each division. OFSAA wishes to thank our friends and partners at Nike, who once again enhanced the OFSAA experience for all those in aendance.Full results are available at the website of the ocial OFSAA XC Timer, Track Database hps:// Cross Country Championship Ottawa November 4, 2024     1 Chloe Walker, Uxbridge 15:14 Kate Nagy, Newmarket 18:25 Athena Andrecyk, Kingston SS 22:162 Niamh Richards, Havergal 15:32 Kiana Charest, ES Theriault 18:34 Eleanor Voykin, Birchmount Park 22:463 Alexandra Harris, John McCrae 15:33 Olivia Downey, All Saints 18:51 Riley Innes, Sir William Mulock 23:034 Mckenzie Sherwin, Marngrove 15:35 Rebecca Pribaz, Northern 18:54 Ava Moric, John Diefenbaker 23:145 Myka Penninga, Emmanuel Chrisan 15:38 Alexis Elkins, Hilleld Strathallan 19:22 Soa Clarkson, Maple Ridge 23:156 Addy Rudling, St. Thomas of Villanova 15:41 Grace Malcolm, Maximilian Kolbe 19:31 Kieva Birmingham, Northern SS 23:197 Selena Loaring, Centennial (Guelph) 15:42 Anieu Chan, Vincent Massey 19:34 Maya Markowska, Burlington Central 23:288 Siena Naisbi, Banng 15:45 Ella Garron, Uxbridge 19:34 Abbigail Silvera, Maximilian Kolbe 23:329 Camila Forero, St. Marcellinus 15:46 Bridget Malcolm, Maximilian Kolbe 19:47 Emma Morrow, St. Joseph’s 23:3710 Maeve Agres, Redmond 15:49 Micah Carswell, ESC Piere-Rene-De-Galinee 19:47 Kaiya Fujoka, Brooklin 23:42     1 Aidan Chan-Smith, Michael Power/ St. Joseph 13:11 William Thomas, Riverdale CI 16:33 Daniel Cova, Louis-Riel 19:322 Rau Gianfranco, St. Thomas of Villanova 13:21 Simon Nagy, Newmarket 16:44 Mahew Kmecz, St. Michaels College 19:383 Alistair Wark, Collingwood CI 13:32 Ethan Deveaux, TA Blakelock HS 16:49 Graham Tomori, Eden 19:414 Thomas Mo, St. Michael (Straord) 13:34 Jackson Ortwein, Dundas Valley 16:53 Kenneth Champ, St. Peter’s (Barrie) 19:445 Julian Luoma, Lo-Ellen Park 13:50 Oliver O’Brien, Victoria Park 17:00 Van Clarkson, Maple Ridge 19:506 Deagan Halle, Sir Winston Churchill 13:59 Noah Hill, Newmarket 17:08 Brody Clark, Milton DHS 19:527 Benjamin Maiese, St. Michaels College 14:04 Juan Bernal Salazar, Bishop Allen Academy 17:08 Jack Gregory, Napanee DSS 19:538 Maeo Dorego, Bill Crothers 14:10 Jose Gras, Denis Morris 17:10 Michael Schmalz, Notre Dame (Burlington) 19:549 Eli Hanson, Uxbridge 14:10 Perry Smith, Saugeen DSS 17:16 Jackson Whitham, St. Mary’s (Brockville) 19:57 10 Owen Lanng, Guido de Bres CHS 14:11 George Coon, Birchmount Park 17:18 Landon Reuter, St. David CSS 20:00

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36THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025The 2024 OFSAA Girls’ Field Hockey Championship took place in St. Catharines at Ridley College (CISAA). Co-Convenors Jay Tredway and David Zanic, along with their dedicated organizing commiee, worked relessly to deliver a remarkable championship experience for both parcipants and spectators.Lenny Ferraro of Ridley College (CISAA) was honored with the presgious Leadership in School Sport Award. A dedicated member of the Ridley community for over 20 years, Lenny has contributed to every aspect of athlecs at the school and played a pivotal role in organizing numerous championships at the local, CISAA, and OFSAA levels. Congratulaons, Lenny, on this well-deserved recognion!In the bronze medal match, Salleet D.H.S. (SOSSA) faced o against Merivale H.S. (NCSSAA). Aer a hard-fought regulaon, the score was sll ed at 0-0. Ulmately, Salleet D.H.S. ulmately claimed the bronze medal winning on penalty strokes. Both teams demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship throughout the championship, and their eorts are to be commended.The gold medal game saw a thrilling rematch of the CWOSSA nal, where Waterloo-Oxford D.S.S. and Bluevale C.I. baled it out once again. The nal was an intense and excing contest, with Waterloo-Oxford D.S.S. emerging victorious, winning 1-0 and claiming the gold medal – their rst in this championship since 1998. Congratulaons to the 2024 OFSAA Girls’ Field Hockey Champions: Julia Amyoe, Lauren Fidler, Jaden Greenlee, Willow Harris, Ella Kiel, Tatjana Knezevic, Dana Kropf, Lauren Leis, Olivia Lucche, Leah McPhee, Payton McPhee, Reese Moore, Katelyn Pfohl, Avery Schaub, Victoria Shipp, Leah Thompson, Maeve Turner, Ashley Woolco, Samantha Wright, and coaches Amanda Smith, Natalie Oerbein, Terri-Lyn Stewart, and Janine Walmsley.Following the conclusion of the matches, the organizing commiee selected Salleet D.H.S. as the recipient of the Team Sportsmanship Award. The team was recognized for their posive atude and exemplary sportsmanship both on and o the eld. Congratulaons to the Salleet team on this well-earned award!OFSAA Girls’ Field Hockey Championship St. Catharines November 7-9, 2024Appleby College CISAARidley College CISAAWaterloo-Oxford D.S.S. CWOSSABluevale C.I. CWOSSAHoly Cross C.S.S. EOSSAASydenham H.S. EOSSAAOakville Trafalgar H.S. GHACSt. Thomas Aquinas C.S.S. GHACDunbarton H.S. LOSSAMerivale H.S. NCSSAAMayeld S.S. ROPSSAASalleet D.H.S. ( SOSSA Loreo Abbey C.S.S. TDCAALawrence Park C.I. TDSSAAMedway H.S. WOSSAABill Crothers S.S. YRAAMerivale def. Medway 2-1Bluevale def. St. Thomas Aquinas 3-2Waterloo-Oxford def. Oakville Trafalgar 3-0Salleet def. Holy Cross 3-2Waterloo-Oxford def. Salleet 2-1Bluevale def. Merivale 2-0Salleet def. Merivale 1-0Waterloo-Oxford def. Bluevale 1-0

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37www.ofsaa.on.caChampionship ResultsA trip north to Timmins resulted in an outstanding 2024 Boys’ Golf Championship. Colin Sullivan and his team created a memorable experience and showcased both the North and the Hollinger Golf Club. Day one had cool temperatures, but the course played well and the athletes responded to the challenge with some excellent scores. Day two started late due to frost, but the sun came out and it was a great day for golf. In the High School Division, Nate Van Asseldonk from Sydenham (EOSSAA) came out on top nishing at +13 for the tournament. He was followed by Jerey Oh from Thornlea (YRAA) and Jacob Nadeau from St. Thomas Aquinas (WOSSAA). The Open Division was won by Jordan Hwang from Richmond Green SS (YRAA) who was the only golfer under par for the tournament with a nishing score of -7. He red a -7 on the last day to set a junior course record! Barron Mundy from St. Marn (ROPSSAA) nished in the silver medal posion and Mahew Simpson from St. Michael’s College School (CISAA) nished with the bronze medal. The team compeon was dominated by CISAA with St. Michael’s College School winning gold and Upper Canada College winning silver. St. Marn from ROPSSAA nished in the bronze medal posion.The banquet was held at the Dante Club with a fantasc meal and words of wisdom from Owen Rigg, current Director and Regional Manager of the Northern Golf Associaon, and a local OFSAA competor before golf was an ocial OFSAA sport. The highlight had to be the recorded message from PGA professional David Hearn to help get the competors ready to compete. Congratulaons to our Leadership in School Sport Award winner Kris Koskela from Timmins High School! His dedicaon to golf and high school sport in the NEOAA area is second to none. OFSAA Boys’ Golf Championship Timmins October 16-17, 20241. Jordan Hwang (YRAA) – Richmond Green SS R1: 72 R2: 65 Total: 1372. Barron Mundy (ROPSSAA) – St. Marn SS R1: 72 R2: 73 Total: 1453. Mahew Simpson (CISAA) - St. Michael’s College School R1: 73 R2: 77 Total: 1501. Nate Van Asseldonk (EOSSAA) – Sydenham HS R1: 81 R2: 76 Total: 1572. Jerey Oh (YRAA) – Thornlea SS R1: 81 R2: 79 Total: 1603. Jacob Nadeau (WOSSAA) – St. Thomas Aquinas CSS R1: 80 R2: 82 Total: 162 1. St. Michael’s College School (CISAA) R1: 230 R2: 240 Total: 4702. Upper Canada College (CISAA) R1: 247 R2: 230 Total: 4773. St. Marn SS (ROPSSAA) R1: 245 R2: 236 Total: 481

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38THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025Hamilton District Chrisan H.S. SOSSA Smithville Chrisan H.S. SOSSA ESAC Mère-Teresa GHAC Rockway Mennonite Collegiate CWOSSA ÉSC Saint-Frere-Andre TDCAA É.S. Macdonald-Carer NOSSA Chatham Chrisan H.S. SWOSSAA ÉSC Monseigneur-Bruyère WOSSAA Quinte Chrisan H.S. COSSA Valour H.S. EOSSAA Durham Chrisan H.S. LOSSA St. Thomas Aquinas H.S. WOSSAA Notre Dame H.S NCSSAA ÉSC E.J. Lajeunesse SWOSSAA The York School CISAA Kirkland Lake D.C.S NEOAA/AANEOÉSC Renaissance YRAA Brampton Chrisan Academy ROPSSAA É.S. Le Caron GBSSA Oakwood C.I. TDSSAA Hamilton Chrisan def. Mère-Teresa 3-0 (25-23, 25-23, 26-24)Saint-Frere-Andre def. Rockway Mennonite 3-1 (23-25, 25-19, 25-17, 25-15)Smithville Chrisan def. Chatham Chrisan 3-0 (25-23, 28-26, 25-17)Monseigneur-Bruyère def. Macdonald-Carer 3-2 (25-14, 16-25, 22-25, 28-26, 15-12)Hamilton Chrisan def. Saint-Frere-Andre 3-2 (25-17, 25-20, 20-25, 22-25, 15-13)Smithville Chrisan def. Monseigneur-Bruyère 3-2 (25-13, 25-22, 18-25, 18-25, 19-17)St. Thomas Aquinas def. Valour 3-0 (25-21, 25-20, 25-14)Monseigneur-Bruyère def. Saint-Frere-Andre 3-2 (25-11, 21-25, 25-22, 20-25, 16-14)Hamilton Chrisan def. Smithville Chrisan 3-0 (26-24, 25-20, 29-27)Chatham, Ontario hosted the 2024 OFSAA Boys’ A Volleyball Championship, as twenty teams baled it out for OFSAA Gold. This year’s co-convenors Sharon Smith and Mark Wiersma and their organizing commiee of volunteers from Chatham Chrisan School (SWOSSAA) hosted an excellent event for all parcipants. The compeon was erce and Hamilton District Chrisan High School from SOSSA came to OFSAA once again with one goal in mind, to bring home another gold medal. They were victorious and achieved their 4th consecuve OFSAA championship, defeang longme rival Smithville Chrisan High School (SOSSA) in three straight sets. Congratulaons to champions; Carter DeJonge, Micah Dijkema, Elias Dijkema, Andrew Eggink, Lucas Haanstra, Isaac Hagen, Josiah Heidbuurt, Nathaniel Stelpstra, Zachary Swackhammer, Ezra Tigchelaar, Kyle Welmers and coaches Brad Heidbuurt, Je Heidbuurt and Leah Siebenga.Derek Kominek from Lambton-Kent Composite School (SWOSSAA) achieved the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award. Derek has been coaching student-athletes in various sports at the school for 22 years. His passion and dedicaon to supporng student-athletes both at the school and within local leadership roles is appreciated by everyone in the LKSSAA associaon. Thank you for your connued volunteerism throughout your career!Congratulaons also to Valour High School from Petawawa (EOSSAA), who won the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award. The athletes and coaches from Valour exemplied a posive atude throughout the championship and were friendly to all volunteers, athletes and coaches. The recognion is well deserved!Finally, congratulaons to Sharon, Mark and the many volunteers from Chatham Chrisan School. The 2024 Boys’ A Volleyball Championship was a very well-organized event. Your hard work resulted in many lifeme memories for all parcipants! OFSAA Boys’ A Volleyball Championship Chatham November 21-23, 2024

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39www.ofsaa.on.caChampionship ResultsThe Boys’ AA Volleyball Championship was hosted by Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School (SOSSA) in St. Catharines, Ontario. Although tasked with hosng the championship on short noce, and with just a few months to plan, experienced convenors Tammy Short and Brent Mergl did an amazing job in organizing this year’s championship. On Wednesday evening, ahead of the compeon, parcipants gathered for the customary banquet at Club Capri. The highlight of the event was the presentaon of the Leadership in School Sport Award to co-convenor Brent Mergl. A dedicated volleyball OFSAA Boys’ AA Volleyball Championship St. Catharines November 21-23, 2024Crestwood S.S. COSSASt. Mary’s H.S. CWOSSABishop Smith C.H.S. EOSSAANoawasaga Pines SS GBSSAAldershot School GHACPort Perry H.S.  LOSSASamuel-Genest CC NCSSAALouis-Riel ESP NCSSAATimiskaming District S.S. NEOAALo-Ellen Park S.S. NOSSAÉ.S.C. L’Horizon NOSSAHammarskjold H.S. NWOSSAASt. Augusne C.S.S. ROPSSAASir Winston Churchill S.S. SOSSA E.L. Crossley S.S. SOSSA Essex D.H.S. SWOSSAAFrancis Libermann TDCAASir Oliver Mowat C.I. TDSSAAMontcalm S.S. WOSSAAAurora H.S. YRAASt. Mary’s H.S. def. Samuel- Genest CC 3-0 (25-12, 25-18, 25-21)Noawasaga Pines S.S. def. Lo-Ellen Park S.S. 3-1 (25-22, 25-18, 22-25, 25-22)Louis-Riel ESP def. Sir Winston Churchill S.S. 3-0 (25-13, 25-14, 25-19) É.S.C. L’Horizon def. Sir Oliver Mowat C.I. 3-0 (25-22, 25-21, 25-17)St. Mary’s H.S. def. Noawasaga Pines S.S. 3-0 (25-13, 25-20, 25-16)Louis-Riel ÉSP def. É.S.C. L’Horizon 3-2 (22-25, 27-25, 25-14, 23-25, 15-12)É.S.C. L’Horizon def. Noawasaga Pines S.S. 3-1 (25-8, 22-25, 25-18, 27-25) Louis-Riel ÉSP def. St. Mary’s H.S. 3-1 (24-26, 25-22, 25-22, 25-20)coach at Sir Winston Churchill S.S., Brent’s longstanding commitment, passion, and signicant contribuons to school sports made him a truly deserving recipient. Congratulaons, Brent! The tournament was an excing display of fast-paced acon, with excellent skill showcased from beginning to end. The top two seeds were set to face o in the nal, and the match certainly lived up to the hype between Louis-Riel ÉSP (NCSSAA) and St. Mary’s H.S. (CWOSSA). Both teams demonstrated remarkable skill and determinaon, delivering a thrilling contest from beginning to end. In the end, it was the lower seed that emerged victorious, with Louis-Riel ÉSP claiming the gold medal.Congratulaons to Louis-Riel ÉSP team members: Noah Backman, William Bélanger, Maxime Caron, Jusn Daugherty, Keven de Léon Lupien, Jody Dérival, William Gimbert, Owen Laeur, Adam Lkassbi, Ethan Roy, Keagan Vick, Deilàn Vieira-Jean and coaches François St-Denis, Stéphane Chartrand and Devon Von Eicken.The OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award was proudly claimed by Port Perry High School (LOSSA) for the second consecuve year! Congratulaons to both the athletes and coaches for demonstrang outstanding sportsmanship throughout the championship!Congratulaons to all the parcipang teams for their exceponal performances, and a special thank you once again to the host, Sir Winston Churchill S.S., for organizing an extraordinary event.

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40THE BULLETIN WINTER 2025St. Michael’s College School CISAAAdam Sco C & VI COSSAJohn F. Ross C & VI CWOSSAKingston S.S. EOSSAAHoly Cross Catholic S.S. EOSSAASt. Peter’s C.S.S. GBSSAOakville Trafalgar H.S. GHACBishop P.F. Reding C.S.S. GHACUxbridge S.S. LOSSADonald A. Wilson S.S. LOSSAFranco-Cité ESC NCSSAAWest Carleton S.S. NCSSAAChippewa S.S. NOSSACentral Peel S.S. ROPSSAAEden H.S. SOSSA Ursuline College SWOSSAANeil McNeil H.S. TDCAAEarl Haig S.S. TDSSAAA.B. Lucas S.S. WOSSAAHodan Nalayeh S.S. YRAAFranco-Cité ESC def. Earl Haig S.S. 3-0 (25-21, 25-21, 25-20)Kingston S.S. def. West Carleton S.S. 3-0 (25-16, 25-14, 25-18) Uxbridge S.S. def. Neil McNeil H.S. 3-0 (25-17, 25-19, 25-18)Bishop P.F. Reding CSS def. Hodan Nalayeh S.S. 3-0 (25-15, 25-17, 25-19)Uxbridge S.S. def. Bishop P.F. Reding 3-2 (25-20, 17-25, 25-15, 23-25, 21-19)Kingston S.S. def. Franco-Cité ESC 3-1 (28-26, 25-23, 13-25, 26-24)Franco-Cité ESC def. Bishop P.F. Reding 3-0 (25-19, 25-21, 25-20)Uxbridge S.S. def. Kingston S.S. 3-2 (25-20, 21-25, 25-27, 25-21, 15-12)David Loken, the convenor from Kingston Secondary School (EOSSAA), along with the dedicated organizing commiee, demonstrated exceponal commitment as they prepared to welcome parcipants from across the province to the city of Kingston. Despite taking on the responsibility of hosng the championship on short noce, with only a few months to plan, David and his team rose to the challenge with remarkable prociency and creavity. Great care was taken to ensure every parcipant le with a meaningful memento of the championship. Thoughul details like these were woven throughout the event, which led to a profound and lasng impact on all who took part. Following the games on Day 1, St. Lawrence College hosted a delighul banquet where parcipants were treated to a fantasc meal. One of the evening’s highlights was the presentaon of the Leadership in School Sport Award, which was righully awarded to Todd Collard, a dedicated teacher at Napanee District Secondary School. Todd has been a pillar in the Kingston high school volleyball community for the past 25 years, coaching both boys’ and girls’ teams every season. Congratulaons, Todd, on this well-deserved recognion! Everyone in aendance also had the pleasure of listening to Gabriel DeGroot the Head Coach, of Queen’s Men’s Volleyball at the banquet.Back on the court, spectators were treated to exceponal volleyball in every match. In the bronze medal contest, Franco-Cité ESC (NCSSAA) won in straight sets over Bishop P.F. Reding (GHAC). The gold medal showdown featured the reigning champions, Uxbridge Secondary School (LOSSA), facing o against the host school, Kingston Secondary School. The gymnasium was packed with enthusiasc Kingston fans, creang an electrifying atmosphere. Determined to secure their third consecuve championship tle, Uxbridge delivered an incredible performance, emerging victorious in a thrilling ve-set bale!Congratulaons to champions: Heath Barry, Mason Begg, Jackson Clark, Seth Clubine, Caleb Greene, Kevin Lonson, Jusn Jamieson, Julian Josephs, Xavier Josephs, Rowan Mather, Owen McCartney, Devon Oliver, Riley Reed, Anwar Singer, Mehdi Singer, Ben Walker and coaches Faraaz Ghafur and Andony Kiriakou. Aer all the games were done, the organizing commiee selected Earl Haig Secondary School (TDSSAA) as the Team Sportsmanship Award winner for their excellent display of sportsmanship and spirit, both on and o the court. Congratulaons to all the athletes and coaches!OFSAA Boys’ AAA Volleyball Championship Kingston November 21-23, 2024

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