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2025 State Guide

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GO ALL IN!GO ALL IN!PACKAGE INCLUDES$375Supreme Package W e ' v e c r e a t e d o u r b r a n d - n e w a l l - i n c l u s i v e p a c k a g e t h a t s i g n s y o u u p f o re v e r y t h i n g o u r S t a t e P a g e a n t s h a v e t o o f f e r ! . B e l o w , y o u ' l l f i n d e v e r y t h i n gt h a t ' s i n c l u d e d . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t t h e p r i c e i s b a s e d o n t h e a t - l a r g ec o n t e s t a n t r a t e a n d d o e s n o t a c c o u n t f o r a n y g i f t c e r t i f i c a t e s . T h o s e w i l l b ed e d u c t e d a t t h e t i m e o f r e g i s t r a t i o n . P a y m e n t p l a n s a v a i l a b l e f o r a l lc o n t e s t a n t s . Every contestant regardless of placement is guaranteed agorgeous custom crown and amazing prizes!Every contestant regardless of placement is guaranteed agorgeous custom crown and amazing prizes!Event RegistrationMerit Titles & AwardsAll Divisional & SupremeTitles1 Guest Admission Band forcompetition & crowningceremony entry. Formal Wear CompetitionRunway Competition 2 Photogenic EntriesStar Search Competition Red Carpet Awards & Titles75 Shining Beauty Awards - Best Dressed; Best Personality;Most Congenial; MostConfident; Best Smile9 Supreme Titles - 3 awardedin each breakdown Overall Runway Supreme,Supermodel Supreme, OverallMost Beautiful Supreme

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BASIC PACKAGE &BASIC PACKAGE & ADD ON COMPETITIONADD ON COMPETITIONPRICINGPRICINGN o t i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e a l l - i n c l u s i v e p a c k a g e ? N o p r o b l e m ! C h e c k o u t o u r b a s i cp a c k a g e , a d d - o n p r i c i n g , a n d a d d i t i o n a l c o m p e t i t i o n o p t i o n s .PACKAGE INCLUDES$275Basic Package Event RegistrationMerit Titles & AwardsAll Divisional Titles1 Guest Admission Band forcompetition & crowningceremony entry. Grand Supremes Formal Wear CompetitionRunway Competition 1 Photogenic EntryRed Carpet Awards & Titles $7575 Shining Beauty Awards -Best Dressed; Best Personality; MostCongenial; Most Confident; BestSmile9 Supreme Titles - 3 awarded ineach breakdownOverall Runway Supreme,Supermodel Supreme, Overall MostBeautiful SupremeBallroom Admission Adults: $25 Pre-order / $30 At DoorChildren: $15 Pre-order / $20 At DoorStar Search $65

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ScoringRequired Competitions50% 25% 25% 100%Formal Wear RunwayPhotogenic Your Final Score+ +=There are three required competitions at our State Pageant level that each contestant willcompete in, each carrying a weight into your final score calculation. East Coast USA uses acustom-built scoring system that takes our judges scores and computes your score, rankingand pageant placements. The scoring method applies weights to various aspects of eachcompetition, and then combines each score into your final average. The East Coast USA Pageant uses highly qualified and experienced judges, and some of ourjudges have connections to industry representation for modeling and talent agencies.Contestants and judges will be staying in the same hotel for the weekend. If you recognize ajudge in the hotel during the pageant weekend, we ask that you refrain from speakingwith them. While a simple "hello" is okay, we ask that you do not hold conversation or askquestions.

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Enter ExitHostSTAGE &WALKING PATTERNWalking Pattern: Contestants willenter from the host side and walk tothe center mark on the main stage.From there, they should proceeddown the runway or to the frontmark. After reaching the front,contestants will turn and walk backalong the runway, stopping at thefinal mark before exiting to thebackstage area."Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess."

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HAIR &MAKE UPRULESMAKE UP HAIR0-9 Year Old ContestantsExtensions/Hair Pieces Hair extensions are allowed. Forcontestants 0-11 they must be apart of thechild’s everyday appearance. Weacknowledge that some children mayhave medical conditions necessitating theuse of hairpieces. Styling Forget the traditional "pageant" hairexpectations—at ECUSA, we embrace allstyles! Whether your hair is curly, braided,straight, shaved, or wavy, we welcome itall. Your look should reflect your personalbest on stage because we believe incelebrating individuality, not conformingto a single style. Let’s celebrate whatmakes you unique!Clear Lip Gloss Clear Mascara Is that really all that's allowed? Yes—only clear lip gloss andclear mascara are permitted for all onstage competitions for ouryoungest contestants. Fake tanner is strictly prohibited. Makeupchecks will be conducted before the competition begins, andanyone not in compliance will not be allowed onstage.10-11 Year Old ContestantsBlemish Covering Concealer Blush Clear Lip Gloss Light Mascara Super light blemish-covering makeup is allowed at this age, butit is not required. We understand that covering blemishes canhelp boost confidence onstage, but please remember thatECUSA does not judge contestants on "facial beauty." Instead,we focus on overall appearance and looking your personalbest. If you choose to wear permitted makeup, it should looknatural. Fake tanning is not allowed.12+ Year Old Contestants All Make Up is Permitted There are no makeup restrictions for our oldest contestants.You’re free to use any products that enhance your naturalbeauty and boost your confidence. We still look for a naturalglow!

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FORMAL WEARFORMAL WEARA CELEBRATION OF EVERYTHING THAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!50% Poise & Personality We look for a contestant with grace and “it”factor. Someone who loves being onstage andthat love shines from within. 25% Overall Appearance We look for contestants who exude theirpersonal best in both appearance andconfidence. Their attire should be well-fittedand complimentary, while their hair and(makeup 12+) should enhance their naturalbeauty25% Modeling Ability We are searching for confident contestantsonstage. For baby and young toddlercontestants, we value simple hand waving, cuteposes, and smiles. Older contestants shouldexhibit a strong connection with the judges,maintain eye contact, and demonstrate smoothmodeling. Please note that we do not look fordance routines or glitzy modelingperformances. The choreography of acontestant’s routine should not interfere withtheir natural connection with judges. WHAT IS THIS COMPETITION JUDGED ON? TIME LIMIT AND MUSIC Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the musicContestants 7 years and under old may chooseeither a short or long dress. Guardiansaccompanying their baby or toddler shouldwear black, all guardians must be 18 years orolder. Glitz Cupcake Dresses are not allowedand will result in point deductions for thecontestant. Contestants aged 8 and older should wear afloor-length gown that complements theirappearance. Ensure that you can walkcomfortably and wear age-appropriatefootwear.ATTIRE

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PHOTOGENICPHOTOGENICWHAT IS THIS COMPETITION JUDGED ON? 50% Expression of Personality and Eye Contact. Judges evaluate how effectively the submittedphoto captures the contestant's overall appearanceand uniqueness. The photo should be a headshot.Theemphasis is on showcasing eye contact, confidence,and expression. Natural light and studio lights areboth welcomed. We want to see a great connectionwith the camera with the main focus being thecontestant. 30% Composition and Clarity: This score considers the composition and artisticelements present in the photo, including framing,lighting, background, and overall aesthetics. Judgesassess how well these elements contribute to thevisual appeal, clarity and quality of the image whilecomplementing the contestant. 20% Appropriateness and Naturalism: Judges evaluate the appropriateness of the photo,ensuring it aligns with the competition's guidelines.Light retouching is allowed to enhance the image,but judges look for a balance that maintains thenatural beauty of the contestant. The photo shouldportray the model realistically and avoid excessiveretouching or any glitzy enhancements.HOW DO I UPLOAD?Each contestant will submit their photo by firstcompleting the online photogenic registration formand following our upload document with instructionsto correctly label and upload photos. Additionaldetails with where to locate the registration will besent a few weeks prior to the competition. HAIR & MAKEUP Light makeup may be worn for contestants ages 0-11. Points will be deducted for extreme retouchinglike those of Glitz Photos. Contestants ages 0-11should follow our rules for attire for the stagemeaning they should be dressed age appropriatelywith no midriff showing in any photos.

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OPTIONAL RUNWAYOPTIONAL RUNWAYWHAT IS THIS COMPETITION JUDGED ON? 50% Personality & StyleWe look for a contestant with “it” factor. Someonewho loves being onstage and that love shines fromwithin. We are also looking for creativity when itcomes to your style! 25% Overall Appearance We look for contestants who exude their personalbest in both appearance and confidence. Their attireshould be well-fitted and complimentary, while theirhair and (makeup 12+) should enhance their naturalbeauty25% Modeling Ability We are searching for confident contestants onstage.For baby and young toddler contestants, we valuesimple hand waving, cute poses, and smiles. Oldercontestants should exhibit a strong connection withthe judges, maintain eye contact, and demonstrate upbeat and fun modeling. Please note that we do notlook for dance routines or glitzy modelingperformances. The choreography of a contestant’sroutine should not interfere with their naturalconnection with judges. TIME LIMIT & MUSIC Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the musicIn this competition, contestants should show theirIndividuality! Attire can be anything from trendy toedgy if it represents you. Contestants attire should fit well and complimentthem. Attire should always be age appropriate. Nomidriff’s showing for any competitors age 11 andunder. Guardian’s should wear black as to notdistract from their child. You do not need expensivecustom or designer clothing!ATTIRE

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STAR SEARCHSTAR SEARCHLIGHTS. CAMERA. ACTION.A brand new competition for our State Preliminaries! It is time for the Star Search Competition! Contestants willsubmit a snapshot, similarly to how they upload their photogenic entries. We are looking for personality and starpotential! Contestants will also particpate in a second runway walk simply wearing denim bottoms, and any solidcolor shirt, no routines allowed, just straight modeling with a pose at the top of the runway. Contestants competing in Star Search will havetheir entries submitted to the participatingagent or manager in their state. Contestantswinning awards may or may not be simultaneouswith those contestants being chosen forcallbacks. Agents and managers have no bearingon competition results. You may already berepresented by an agency or manager tocompete in this competition as it is judgeddirectly by our panel.AGENCY AND MANAGERCALLBACKS AGE DIVISIONSAND AWARDSREGISTRATION & FEESA winner from the below age breakouts will winSash, Crown, a trophy and a $200 certificatetoward the National Finals. Little Miss Star Search; Ages 0-5Jr. Miss Star Search; Ages 6-11 Miss Star Search; 12+The Overall Star Search Champion is thecontestant with the highest score out of allparticipating contestants. She will take homethe sash, crown, agency callback, $200 giftcertificate and a free entry into the NationalStar Search Competition! Registration is included for contestants whoregistered with the Supreme Package. Contestants who purchased the Basic Package canadd Star Search on at the $65 rate. These titles can be double crowned - meaning theycan be won in addition to additional State Titles. TIME LIMIT & MUSIC Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the music

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Get ready to be blown away by our brand newRed Carpet Awards and Titles! Feauturing 9Supreme Titles & 75 Shining Beauty Awards! Awarding 9 SUPREME TITLESAll Supreme Winners will receive a custom rhinestone crowns, a custom satin sash, prizes and a $200 gift certication to theNational Finals! These are a great way to win-big at ECUSA! Contestants compete against those who have entered the RedCarpet Awards only, and the best part is there are no extra events to compete in - all of these are based on your event scores! 0-5 Supermodel SupremePhotogenic Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%0-5 Runway SupremeRunway Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%0-5 Overall MostBeautiful SupremeFormal Wear Weight: 100%6-11 Supermodel SupremePhotogenic Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%12+ Supermodel SupremePhotogenic Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%6-11 Runway SupremeRunway Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%12+ Runway SupremeRunway Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%6-11 Overall MostBeautiful SupremeFormal Wear Weight: 100%12+ Overall MostBeautiful SupremeFormal Wear Weight: 100%

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Awarding 75 Shining Beauty AwardsWithin each age division, we will award 5 Shining Beauty awards. During the Interview competition, our judgeswill identify their pick for each of the below awards. Each winner will recieve a recognition plaque onstage.BestDressedBestSmileBestPersonalityMostCongenialMostConfident

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Wee Baby Miss0-12 MonthsBaby Miss13-23 MonthsTiny Toddler Miss2 YearsWee Toddler Miss3 YearsToddler Miss4 YearsTiny Miss5 YearsMini Miss6-7 YearsLittle Miss8-9 YearsAGE DIVISIONSAGE DIVISIONSPre-Teen Miss10-11 Years

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Jr. Miss12-13 YearsYoung Miss14-16 YearsTeen Miss17-19 YearsMiss20-29 YearsMs.30-39 YearsMs. Woman40+ YearsAGE DIVISIONSAGE DIVISIONSWe limit participation to 15 contestants per division at the State Level.While divisions are never combined, additional age divisions and separatecategories may be introduced to accommodate more contestants,resulting in the creation of additional titles.

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Runway Photogenic EVENT AWARDS"When the crown hitsyour head...the journeyhas just begun" - Lauren HandlerAWARDS & TITLES2 Awards will be awarded to the highestscoring contestants in each division. 3 SPIRIT QUEENSIn each Supreme Breakdown (0-5, 6-11, 12+), a MissSpirit Queen will be crowned. These deservingwinners will take home a custom rhinestone crown, aspecial satin sash, and prizes. She will also win a $150gift certificate to the National Finals! The East CoastUSA team will select these queens, looking forcontestants who exemplify outstanding spirit andcongeniality both on and off the stage.3 GRAND AMBASSADOR QUEENSA National Grand Ambassador Queen will be crowned in each ofthe Supreme Breakdowns (0-5, 6-11, 12+). In addition to thisprestigious recognition, they will receive a custom rhinestonecrown, a special satin sash, prizes and a $150 gift certificate to theNational Finals. To be considered for this title, contestants mustsubmit an application detailing their community service effortsprior to their State Directors. State Directors will carefully selectthe queens who best embody the spirit of this award.2 DIRECTOR’S CHOICE QUEENS2 Director’s Choice Queen will be crowned. Thesedeserving winners will take home a customrhinestone crown, a special satin sash, and prizes.She will also win a $150 gift certificate to theNational Finals! The East Coast USA NationalDirectors will select these queens based on meritand performance.

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15 DIVISIONAL QUEENSPrize Package East Coast USA Signature Queen Crown Official State Custom Blue Trimmed Embroidered Sash Custom ECUSA Prizes $200 Gift Certificate to the National Finals Awarded to the highest scoring contestant in each age division. 60 NATIONAL ROYAL COURT RUNNER UPSPrize Package East Coast USA Gorgeous Crown Custom ECUSA Prizes$100 Gift Certificate to the National Finals!We will award four (4) Runner Ups to each Divisional TitleHolder in each division. They will join the Royal Court.3 State Grand SupremesThe contestants in the 0-5 years, 6-11 years, and 12 years and upcategories with the highest combined final score, after the Ultimate titlehas been awarded, will be named the East Coast USA Grand Supremes.Prize Package East Coast USA Signature Queen Crown Official State Custom Blue Trimmed Embroidered Sash Custom ECUSA Prizes NEW! $500 Gift Certificate to the National Finals!

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Competition Day 8:00AM 0-5 Year Old Check In & Practice 9:00AM 0-5 Runway, Star Search, Formal Wear 12:00PM 0-5 Crowning Ceremony 1:00PM Mandatory Royalty Meeting & Photoshoot1:00PM 6+ Check In & Practice 2:00PM 6+ Runway, Star Search, Formal Wear 5:00PM 6+ Crowning Ceremony 6:00PM Mandatory Royalty Meeting & PhotoshootThis is a tentative example schedule. Exact eventschedule will be email to you 2 weeks prior to event.TENTATIVE SCHEDULE

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2025 ROAD TO NATIONALS TOUR - CELEBRATING 26 YEARS!NEW! Florida January 11th, 2025Orlando, FL North Carolina February 2nd, 2025Raleigh, NC New YorkFebruary 23rd, 2025White Plains, NYPennsylvania March 9th, 2025Harrisburg, PAMaryland April 6th, 2025 Towson, MD New England April 27th, 2025Trumbull, CTNew Jersey May 18th, 2025New Brunswick, NJ Virginia June 1st, 2025Tysons Corner, VA Register Now Click Here!