Message &The Wedding ofEmily HudsonMartin Fisher10 October 2025 • The Pearl GroveWedding CeremonyPreludeSeating of the MothersBridal ProcessionOpening PrayerReadingExchange of VowsExchange of RingsPronouncement of MarriageRecessional SOLEMNASSEMBLY2025SECOND CALVARY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH12017 Emery Avenue SW | Cleveland OH | 44135Dr. Kito D. March, Sr., Pastor/Teacher1
Wedding PartyParents of the BrideMichael and Charmaine HudsonParents of the GroomJoshua and Andrea FisherMaid of HonorJessica WhitmanBridesmaidsKyla SmithTina WillowAnna MiguelBest ManJonathan TaleGroomsmenDonald FergusonLance AubreyDrake AbelEmily & MartinThank you to our family and friends forcelebrating this special day with us CONTENTSWHAT IS SOLEMN ASSEMBLY?40 DAYS OF CONSECRATIONGUIDELINESDAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERSTABLE OF2
Wedding PartyParents of the BrideMichael and Charmaine HudsonParents of the GroomJoshua and Andrea FisherMaid of HonorJessica WhitmanBridesmaidsKyla SmithTina WillowAnna MiguelBest ManJonathan TaleGroomsmenDonald FergusonLance AubreyDrake AbelEmily & MartinThank you to our family and friends forcelebrating this special day with us Kito D. March, D. Min.Pastor/TeacherWHAT IS ASOLEMN ASSEMBLY?A Solemn Assembly is a sacred gathering ofGod's people for a time of repentance, prayer,fasting, and spiritual renewal. It is a biblicalconcept found in both the Old and NewTestaments, often associated with times ofnational repentance, seeking God's favor, andrededicating to His covenant.The term "solemn assembly" comes from theHebrew word "atsarah" (ה ָָר ָָר ָָצ ָָצֲֲעֲֲע), which means aTheseassemblies were often held during specialfeasts, times of crisis, or divine judgment,andsacred or restricted gathering. calling God's people to humility consecration.3
&The Wedding ofEmily HudsonMartin Fisher10 October 2025 • The Pearl GroveWedding CeremonyPreludeSeating of the MothersBridal ProcessionOpening PrayerReadingExchange of VowsExchange of RingsPronouncement of MarriageRecessional 40 DAYS OF:1.CONSECRATION 2. COMMITMENT3.COVENANTSet yourself apart for God’s purposesTo God’s WordEngage with the body of ChristWhat happens during this time?When does the Solemn Assembly start and end?Ash Wednesday: March 5, 7:00 PM WorshipHoly Thursday: April 17, 7:00 PM Prayer & Praise ServicePrayer: Christians read Sacred Scripture to seek the LordFasting: Christians practice self-controlServing: Christians serve othersInner conversion: Christians seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully4
A 40-day fast and consecration is a powerful spiritual journey that requiresintentional preparation, discipline, and reliance on God’s strength. Here are practicaland spiritual guidelines to help you navigate this sacred time effectively:1. Prepare Mentally & SpirituallySet a Clear Purpose: Write down why you are fasting (renewal, deeper intimacy withGod, breakthrough, etc.)Seek God’s Strength: Pray for grace to endure and stay committed. (Isaiah 40:31)Expect Spiritual Resistance: Temptations and distractions may increase, but remember,fasting is a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12)Meditate on Scripture: Prepare key verses that will sustain you when you feel weak(Matthew 4:4)2. Find an Accountability Partner or GroupConnect with someone who is also fasting to encourage, pray, and check in with eachother (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)Join a church group or prayer call for collective support and motivationBe honest about struggles and victories during the fast3. Grocery Shop Early & Plan Meals WiselyIf doing a Daniel Fast or modified diet, stock up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, andwater beforehandRemove tempting foods from your home to avoid cravings (1 Corinthians 10:13)Prepare simple meals so you can focus on God, not meal prepHydrate constantly—drink plenty of water, herbal teas, or natural juices if your fastallows4. Let Others Know This Is a Sacred TimeTell your close friends and family so they can respect your commitment and not temptyou with foodSet boundaries around social activities that may interfere with your focus.(Colossians 3:2)If you work in a setting where fasting may be challenging, inform your coworkers in away that maintains your spiritual commitment while being professional GUIDELINES FOR SURVIVINGTHE 40-DAY SOLEMN ASSEMBLYCHURCH FAST AND CONSECRATION5
5. Dedicate Time for Prayer, Worship, and the WordSchedule daily devotion and prayer—don’t just fast from food, feast on God’s Word(Joshua 1:8)Replace meal times with prayer—this keeps you spiritually nourishedPlay worship music to keep your heart focused on God (Psalm 34:1)Attend church services, Bible studies, or prayer calls for strength and guidance6. Be Spiritually & Physically WiseDon’t overextend yourself—get enough rest to sustain your energy. (Psalm 127:2)Listen to your body—if you feel weak or dizzy, adjust your fast accordingly(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)Use wisdom if you have medical conditions—consult your doctor before fasting 7. Expect God to Move and Keep a JournalWrite down prayers, revelations, and testimonies throughout the fast (Habakkuk 2:2)Reflect on how God is working in you—pay attention to spiritual clarity andbreakthroughsStay open to God’s leading—He may reveal new assignments or areas of growth duringthis time8. Prepare for Life after the FastEase back into eating regularly—avoid heavy foods immediately after fasting.Continue spiritual disciplines—prayer, fasting, and devotion should remain part of yourroutine. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)Live out what God has revealed—apply the lessons and spiritual renewal from the fast.A 40-day fast is not just about what you give up but about what you gain—a deeperrelationship with God, clarity, and renewal. Stay focused, prayerful, and expectant.God will sustain you! (Matthew 6:16-18)GUIDELINES PT.26
Each day includes a theme, scripture, and prayer focus to help guideyour spiritual journey.Week 1: Preparation & ConsecrationKey Focus: Drawing Near to God (James 4:8)March 3 – Commitment to the FastScripture: Matthew 6:16-18Prayer: Ask God for strength and discipline during this consecrationMarch 4 – Seeking God's PresenceScripture: Psalm 27:4Prayer: Pray for a hunger to dwell in God’s presence dailyMarch 5– Cleansing & RepentanceScripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14Prayer: Confess sins and ask God to purify your heartMarch 6 – Spiritual RenewalScripture: Romans 12:1-2Prayer: Ask God to transform your mind and renew your faithMarch 7 – Strength for the JourneyScripture: Isaiah 40:31Prayer: Seek strength to endure and stay committedMarch 8– Living in HolinessScripture: 1 Peter 1:15-16Prayer: Ask God to set you apart for His purposeMarch 9 – The Power of Prayer & FastingScripture: Isaiah 58:6-9Prayer: Pray for spiritual breakthroughs and deeper revelationDAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERS7
Week 2: Seeking God’s Favor & GuidanceKey Focus: Divine Direction & Favor (Proverbs 3:5-6)March 10 – Walking in God's WillScripture: Jeremiah 29:11Prayer: Ask God for clarity in His plans for youMarch 11 – Favor in Every AreaScripture: Psalm 5:12Prayer: Pray for God’s favor over your life, family, and workMarch 12– Hearing God's VoiceScripture: John 10:27Prayer: Ask for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leadingMarch 13 – Trusting God in Difficult SeasonsScripture: Romans 8:28Prayer: Pray for faith to trust God’s processMarch 14 – Walking by Faith, Not SightScripture: 2 Corinthians 5:7Prayer: Ask for boldness to step out in faithMarch 15 – Breaking Strongholds Scripture: 2 Corinthians10:4-5 Prayer: Pray against any spiritual battles orstrongholdsMarch 16 – The Power of PraiseScripture: Psalm 100:4Prayer: Give thanks and praise for what God is doingDAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERS8
Week 3: Walking in the SpiritKey Focus: Growth in the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)March 17 – Filled with the Holy SpiritScripture: Acts 1:8Prayer: Ask for fresh empowerment of the Holy Spirit March 18 – Bearing Spiritual FruitScripture: Galatians 5:22-23Prayer: Pray for growth in love, joy, peace, and patienceMarch 19 – Walking in Spiritual AuthorityScripture: Luke 10:19Prayer: Declare victory over every attack of the enemy March 20 – Gifts of the SpiritScripture: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11Prayer: Ask God to stir up spiritual gifts in your lifeMarch 21 – Overcoming Spiritual DrynessScripture: John 7:37-39Prayer: Pray for a fresh outpouring of God’s SpiritMarch 22 – The Fire of the Holy GhostScripture: Matthew 3:11Prayer: Ask for the refining fire of the Holy SpiritMarch 23 – Spiritual Warfare & ProtectionScripture: Ephesians 6:10-18Prayer: Put on the full armor of God and rebuke the enemy’s schemesDAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERS9
DAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERSWeek 4: Divine Provision & BreakthroughKey Focus: Trusting God for Open Doors (Philippians 4:19)March 24 – Jehovah Jireh: God is My ProviderScripture: Genesis 22:14Prayer: Trust God as your ultimate providerMarch 25– Breaking Financial StrugglesScripture: Deuteronomy 8:18Prayer: Declare financial wisdom, favor, and breakthroughMarch 26 – The Blessing of GenerosityScripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8Prayer: Pray for a giving heart and financial increaseMarch 27 – Breaking Cycles of LackScripture: Malachi 3:10Prayer: Speak overflow and provision into your lifeMarch 28 – Kingdom MindsetScripture: Matthew 6:33Prayer: Ask for a focus on God's priorities over material needsMarch 29 – The God of MiraclesScripture: Mark 11:23-24Prayer: Declare miracles in every area of your lifeMarch 30 – Strength in WaitingScripture: Isaiah 40:31Prayer: Ask for patience and endurance in God's timing10
Week 5: Victory, Peace, and ThanksgivingKey Focus: Walking in Victory & Renewal (1 Corinthians 15:57)March 31 – Walking in VictoryScripture: 1 John 5:4Prayer: Declare you are more than a conqueror in ChristApril 1– Peace in the StormScripture: Philippians 4:6-7Prayer: Ask for God’s peace in every situationApril 2 – Healing & RestorationScripture: Jeremiah 30:17Prayer: Pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional healingApril 3 – Revival & OutpouringScripture: Habakkuk 3:2Prayer: Pray for revival in your life, church, and communityApril 4 – The Power of ThanksgivingScripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18Prayer: Give thanks for God’s faithfulness and provisionApril 5 – Preparing for a New SeasonScripture: Isaiah 43:19Prayer: Ask God to lead you into new opportunitiesApril 6 – Praise, Thanksgiving, and ReflectionRead Psalms of praise: Psalm 100, Psalm 103, Psalm 150End the fast with gratitude and testimony sharingDAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERS11
DAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERSApril 8: Unity & Love in the FamilyColossians 3:14 – "And above all these put on love, which binds everything together inperfect harmony."Declaration: My family walks in love, peace, and unity. We will not be divided by strife, butwe will grow stronger together through Christ.Prayer: Lord, help my family to love and respect one another. Remove any bitterness,unforgiveness, or division. Let our home be filled with Your peace and joy. In Jesus' name,Amen.April 9: Strength & Health for the FamilyIsaiah 40:31 – "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mountup with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."Declaration: My family walks in divine strength and health. We will not be weary or weak,for the Lord renews us dailyPrayer: Lord, give my family strength for every task ahead. Heal every sickness and renewour bodies with Your power. We trust You as our divine healer. In Jesus' name, Amen.April 10: Financial Blessing & ProvisionPhilippians 4:19 – "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in gloryby Christ Jesus."Declaration: My family will never lack because God is our provider. He supplies all ourneeds and blesses us abundantlyPrayer: Father, I thank You for being our provider. Bless our home with financial stability,open doors of opportunity, and wisdom in stewardship. In Jesus' name, AmenWeek 6: Declarations for family and healthKey Focus: Intercession and DeclarationApril 7: Covering Your Family in God's ProtectionPsalm 91:10-11 – "No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; forHe shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways."Declaration: My family is covered under the shadow of the Almighty. No harm, disease, ordanger shall come near our home. God’s angels are guarding us daily.Prayer: Father, I commit my family into Your hands. Protect us from all harm, sickness, andevil. Let Your presence be our refuge and fortress. In Jesus' name, Amen.12
DAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERSWeek 6: Declarations for family and health - pt. 2April 11: Salvation & Spiritual Growth for the FamilyActs 16:31 – "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household."Declaration: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Every member of my familywill know Christ and grow in faith.Prayer: Lord, draw every member of my family closer to You. Save those who are lost andstrengthen those who already believe. Let our home be a place of worship and faith. InJesus' name, Amen.April 12: Wisdom & Guidance for the FamilyProverbs 3:5-6 – "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your ownunderstanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."Declaration: My family is led by the wisdom of God. We make decisions with clarity andwalk in His perfect will.Prayer: Lord, guide my family in every decision we make. Give us wisdom in parenting,finances, and daily choices. Lead us in the right direction. In Jesus' name, Amen.April 13: Healing & Wholeness for the Body and MindJeremiah 30:17 – "For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says theLord."Declaration: Every sickness, pain, and affliction is removed from my family. We walk indivine health and wholeness through Jesus Christ.Prayer: Lord, I declare healing over my family. Touch our bodies, minds, and spirits.Remove every illness, stress, and anxiety. We receive Your restoration today. In Jesus'name, Amen.April 14: Peace over the HomeJohn 14:27 – "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do Igive to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."Declaration: My home is filled with God’s peace. Fear, anxiety, and conflict have no place inour family.Prayer: Lord, let Your peace reign in my home. Remove all tension, stress, and fear. Let ourhouse be a place of love and security. In Jesus' name, Amen.13
DAILY SCRIPTURES AND PRAYERSWeek 6: Declarations for family and health - pt. 3April 15: Protection from Evil & Spiritual Attacks2 Thessalonians 3:3 – "But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect youfrom the evil one."Declaration: No weapon formed against my family shall prosper. The blood of Jesus coversus, and the enemy has no power over us.Prayer: Father, protect my family from every scheme of the enemy. Cover us in Yourmighty hand and surround us with Your angels. We are safe in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.April 16: Gratitude & Thanksgiving for the Family1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."Declaration: I am grateful for my family. We are blessed, highly favored, and walking inGod’s purpose. Prayer: Lord, thank You for my family. Thank You for Your love, protection, and provision.May we always remain in a posture of gratitude and trust in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.14
DECLARETHESE THINGS!Titus 2: 11-15 NIV216-252-1050www.secondcalvarymbc.com2ndcalvary1050@att.net12017 Emery Ave. SWCleveland, OH 44135Dr. Kito D. March, Sr. Pastor/Teacher15