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2025 S4Y Catalogue

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Sensory4You, is a leading supplier of sensory products tosupport and enhance the educational needs of allchildren across the GCC region and beyond. Whether your child has a focused sensory need or not,we as children or adults learn and grow through oursenses and at Sensory4You, we want to deliver suitabletried and tested products aimed at each age group. Wework with a host of professionals in the field of therapy,education and physical well being to ensure our productsexcite, engage and have a sense of purpose. Our team can design, manufacture and install sensoryrooms for hotels, airports, schools, nurseries, therapycenters, offices, homes or entertainment areas.We manufacture a number of products locally includingwooden scooter boards, fine motor skill and weightedproducts. In addition to this, we have teamed up withsome amazing forward thinking companies, who haveembraced education and designed solutions created tochallenge and engage students whilst being fun andmindful of their well being.We always have new product ranges on the horizon,make sure to subscribe and follow us on our social mediachannels to see new product launches and avail ofspecial discounts!ABOUT US2

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06091720223337475256TABLE OF CONTENTMulti Sensory EnvironmentsPre Packaged Sensory RoomsTherapy PODSTube RoversBubble TubesBubble WallsFibre OpticsSensory MirrorsVibro-AcousticInteractive Panels61656669ProjectorsAroma DiffusersFish TanksEgg Chairs70767984Light-Up ProductsLight-Up FurnitureFloor TilesSoft Play3

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9598107109117120132137139142TABLE OF CONTENTSensory DensHandheld Sensory Light-UpRotating WheelsUltra-Violet ResourcesSensory Integration TherapyBalance and Co-ordinationClimbing SystemsSensory Wall PanelsSuspensionSensory Swings166171175178Assisted SeatingChews and Oral Motor ProductsSensory Tactile ProductsSensory Clothing189207208213Weight and Resistance ProductsTherapy BrushesEmotional WellbeingToddler Sensory4

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219224230243248258262273286294TABLE OF CONTENTRole PlayVibrating ProductsEducational ResourcesSensory TechLearning ResourcesTimers and StopwatchesMessy PlayFine Motor ProductsSensory BallsFidget Toys298Physical Education311317322Dens and Outdoor PlayF o r n o w , s o m e o f o u r p r o d u c t sn e e d t o b e s h i p p e d t o y o uf r o m a r o u n d t h e w o r l d , s oe n s u r e t o g i v e u s t i m e t o f u l f i l ly o u r o r d e r ! Sensory ConstructionDens & Outdoor PlayAuditory5

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM1.Interactive Power Cubes2. Marble Wheel4. Solar 250 LED ProjectorUnlock client potential in astimulating, stress-free space!Experience interactive, safe anddemand-free environmentsdesigned to maximize growth andwell-being.Interactive power cubes elevate multisensoryenvironments, captivating with dynamic lights,sounds, and tactile engagement.Solar LED projector illuminates spaces with eco-friendly brilliance, enhancing surroundings withvibrant, energy-efficient lighting and visual allure.A marble wheel cascades marbles through amesmerizing journey, captivating with dynamicmotion and visual delight.5. Interactive Bubble Tubes withPadded Platform Interactive bubble tubes engage senses, combiningsoothing bubbles with interactive elements fortherapeutic and captivating experiences.6. Wood Backed Mirror7. Interactive Wall Washer The interactive wall washer transforms spaceswith dynamic colours and patterns, providingengaging visual experiences for diverseenvironments.Mirrors reflect spaces, adding depth and light,creating an illusion of openness for visuallycaptivating environments.8. Interactive Marble Panel The interactive marble panel invites tactileexploration, combining touch and visuals for acaptivating multisensory experience.3. Stereo Rover The stereo rover navigates with precision, offeringimmersive sound experiences for a captivatingaudio journey.9. Fibre Optic CascadeThe fiber optic cascade creates a mesmerizingdisplay, intertwining colourful lights to evoke asoothing and captivating visual experience. MULTI-SENSORY ENVIRONMENTSWHAT YOU GETONSITE INSPECTIONDELIVERY & INSTALLATIONTRAINING & SUPPORTAFTER SALES CAREWIDE VARIETY OF COLOURSEUROPEAN STANDARD OF QUALITY6

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MULTI-SENSORY ENVIRONMENTS10. Vibro-Acoustic Rocker 11. Interactive Super Switch The vibro-acoustic rocker combines rhythmicvibrations and comfort, creating a calmingsensory experience for relaxation and therapeuticbenefits.The interactive super switch empowers users,providing dynamic control and engagement for acustomizable and enriching sensory experience.12. Liquid Effects ProjectorThe liquid effects projector transforms spaceswith mesmerizing fluid visuals, creating adynamic and immersive sensory experience.14. Vibro-Acoustic Crash Pit15. Fibre Optic HarnessThe vibro-acoustic crash pit combines deep pressureand rhythmic vibrations, offering a therapeutic andcalming space for sensory integration.The fiber optic harness immerses users in aconstellation of lights, creating a dynamic and visuallystunning sensory experience.13. Popcorn Bubble TubeThe popcorn bubble tube features mesmerizingbubbles, resembling popping corn, for adelightful and engaging sensory experience.16. Interactive Hemisphere MirrorThe interactive hemisphere mirror captivates with itsdynamic reflection, combining visual engagement andinteractive elements for a multisensory experience.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM17. Activity PanelThe activity panel features various engaging elements,promoting sensory exploration and cognitivedevelopment for interactive and educationalexperiences.Discover your perfect sensorysolution! Email us tostart a conversation aboutyour unique multi-sensoryenvironment needs.7

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMMASTER SWITCH REMOTE SWITCH/IR PROGRAMMING SWITCH The Remote Switch controls your relaxation and interactivelight source based products. You will find this remote comes as standard with many of our products however it isavailable for purchase if you require additional or replacementremotes. The programming switch allows your interactive equipment to sync with the Master Switch. Sync this switch with any interactive items that may not be accessible, for example a light source housed within your bubble tube platform. Wall mountable. Supplied with 2 x AAA BatteriesDimensions: 8 x 8 x 2cm The Master Switch has been designed to allow the user the choice of control and usage of their environment. The switch allows the option of three modes, once you select your mode of choice all interactive equipment within the room will respond accordingly. Wall mountable. Supplied with 2 x AAA BatteriesDimensions: 8 x 8 x 2cm 901217 901125 901124 Master Switch Remote Switch Programming Switch INTERACTIVE POWER CUBES The Interactive product turns whatever colour is facing upwardwhen the soft, multi-coloured cube is turned. The Power Cubewill help teach cause and effect, colour recognition andcommunication skills. A rechargeable battery is included topower the cube. Choose between the 30cm or 20cm options.Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 30cm or 20 x 20 x 20cm103120103125 30cm Interactive Power Cube20cm Interactive Power Cube 8

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PRE-PACKAGED SENSORY ROOMPACKAGESWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMS PEAK W I T H U S T O D A Y T OA R R A N G E A N O N S I T E V I S I TOCEANBLUESEAGREENCANDYPINKFORESTGREENBLACKUVPURPLESUNNYYELLOWLILACFUNREDBROWNCITRUSGREENCREAMELLIEGREYSNOWWHITEBABYPINK MIDBLUESKYBLUEMINTBLUEORANGEMUSTARDP R E P A C K A G E D R O O M SC O L O U R C H O I C E SWe offer ready-made sensory roomdesign solutions through our range ofpre-packaged multi-sensory roompackages. Perfect for those whoalready have a vision for their sensoryspace and are comfortable with astraightforward installation.9

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Our mini chill sensory room corner is used quite alot in thecorner of classrooms and as a 2nd Multi-Sensory Space.It is a very visual package that includes lights and mirrors.Suitable mostly for preschoolers but may suit up toaround 7 years.1.2m Bead Bubble Tube with BracketSoft Padded Walls and FloorBubble Tube Plinth and MirrorColour Changing Infinity TunnelBubble MirrorSensory Beanbag2 Liquid Lava TilesPadded Roof with Blackout CurtainOur Peek-A-Boo Sensory Corner is ideal for children up tothe age of 5. It includes lots of visual elements from lights and mirrors tothe liquid floor tiles.1.2m Bead Bubble Tube with Bracket Bubble Tube Plinth and MirrorSoft Padded Walls and FloorsColour Changing Infinity TunnelBubble MirrorProjector Kit Visual HavenSensory BeanbagExtra High Padded Supports are optional extrasPeek-a-boo sensory cornerMini Chill Sensory CornerWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMOur Hide and Seek Sensory Corner is ideal for children up tothe age of 7. It includes a safety padded dark den.There are 2 hideout options in this package. The bubble tube section can be enclosed in so no need toworry about it being in a bright space. The dark den also isa nice place to retreat to with some sensory toys.Multi-Sensory Hide and SeekThe Hide and Seek Sensory Package includes:1.2m Bead Bubble Tube with Bracket Bubble Tube Plinth and MirrorSoft Padded Walls and FloorsColour Changing Infinity TunnelBubble MirrorProjector Kit Visual HavenSensory BeanbagPadded Roof with Blackout CurtainSafety Padded Dark Den10

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMChilltopia Sensory CornerOur Chilltopia Sensory Room Package is ideal for primary schoolchildren up to 12 years of age. Ideal for a sensory room or thecorner of a room. Can be added to over time and is a great starterpack for schools on a limited budget. Includes enough safetypadding for comfort and plenty of visual resources.The Chilltopia Sensory Room Includes:1.5 Metre Bubble Tube and Safety BracketLarge Bubble Tube Plinth SeatSafety Padded Mirrors x 23 Metres Safety Padded Floor2 x 1.2 m High Safety Padded WallsSafety Mirror InsertColour Changing Infinity TunnelSensory BeanbagOptional Extra: Fibre Optics 2 metresOur Multi-Sensory Dynamic Den is ideal for children up to theage of 5. Perfect for in the corner of a room or in a room onit's own. It includes a safety padded dark den with a smallsensory space to the side that includes all the elements in asensory room but on a smaller scale with a little moreprivacy. This makes the space ideal for a classroom or busierarea.The Multi-Sensory Dynamic Den includes:Safety Padded Dark Den Sensory Soft Area Padded RoofSafety Padded FloorSafety Padded WallsColour Changing Infinity TunnelBubble Mirror1.2m Bead Bubble Tube with Safety BracketTactile Totem PoleBubble Tube Plinth and MirrorsMulti-Sensory Dynamic Den11

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Our Original Sensory Corner Pack was developed forschools who were looking for a starter pack for theirsensory room or to put in a corner of a room.Suitable for all ages 0-100.Includes:Safety Padded Walls x 2Safety Padded Floor 2.5 mLarge 2m Bubble Tube2 Colour Changing Infinity TunnelsSensory BeanbagsThe Original Sensory Corner 1Mini Sensory Corner PackGalactic Space Sensory CornerOur Original Sensory Corner Pack is similar to theCorner Pack 1 but smaller. The Bubble Tube is 1.5mhigh. Suitable for ages 0-12.Includes:Safety Padded Walls x 2Safety Padded Floor 2.5 m1.5m Bubble Tube and safety bracket2 Colour Changing Infinity TunnelsFibre Optic Package Optional ExtraLooking for something special, try our galactic spacesensory corner. Not only practical but looks really cool.Suitable for all ages 0-100.Includes:Infinity Padded RocketSafety Padded Floor 2.5 m2m Bubble Tube and safety bracketCloud Backboard and PlinthColour Changing Planet WallFibre Optic Package Optional ExtraWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM12

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This bench includes everything you need to be able tochill out. A padded backboard can be replaced with asafety mirror if required. Ideal for teens and adults. A great way to have a quick sensory break to de-escalate.Large Plinth and Padded BackboardsCalming Bubble Water WallDouble Colour Changing Infinity TunnelMassage Mattress InsertSense and Chill BenchSit and Chill Sensory AreaSensory Corner Unit 2Our Sit and Chill Sensory Area is perfect for waiting orcommunal areas in hospitals, colleges or residentialfacilities. Includes everything needed for a quick chill toallow the client to self-regulate.Large Plinth Padded Mirrored BackboardsCalming Bubble TubeDouble Colour Changing Infinity TunnelDouble Plinth SeatOur Sensory Corner Unit 2 is a larger version of ourprimary school option. It includes our largest 2 metreBubble Tube and 2 Extra large safety pads. Popular inresidential and adult services for people with morechallenging needs.Large Plinth and Padded MirrorCalming Bubble TubeColour Changing Infinity Tunnel2m Safety Floor PadsFull Height Safety Pads x 2WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM13

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMThe Calm Cube is a standalone Sensory Room.Featuring everything you would possibly need in asensory environment. It is 2m x 2m x 8ft high,padded inside and out which makes it ideal for ahall or classroom. The perfect solution for clients who don't have aroom to dedicate to a sensory space or need anextra sensory room.Interactive Bubble TubeSafety Padded Mirrors and Seat PlinthFibre Optic CascadeColour Changing BallpoolSensory Wheel ProjectorOcean ProjectoriLink Colour Changing Music SpeakerStar Galaxy ProjectorColour Changing Infinity TunnelFull Padded Floor or Sensory GrassFully Padded Walls (Full Height)Sensory Beanbag Inside product changes can be made to suit the client.The Calm Cube14

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A Portable Sensory Room on WheelsThe ideal solution for clients stuck forspace. A fully loaded sensory trolley thatopens up to become a sensory room. Set up or takedown takes less than 1minute which makes it a quick and easysolution to share within a school or ahospital setting. The first of it's kind!The Sensory Trolley includes:Fully Padded Inside and OutCalming Bubble Tube or Rainbow TubeApp or Colour Changing ControllerBubble Tube Safety Padded MirrorsBubble Tube Plinth and Step UpSafety Padded Floor MatsColour Changing Infinity TunnelSensory Wheel ProjectorGalaxy Star Music PlayerSensory Mini BeanbagThe SensaroamWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM15

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The Sensory Shed has been designed to allowfor businesses to have an inclusive spaceoutdoors. It is contained in a 4m x 3m steelshed. It is completely insulated, pre-wired andincludes an air-conditioning unit. It can be vinyl wrapped to create a warm andfriendly exterior. The Sensory Shed includes:Sensory Bubble Tube Corner with CushionedSeat and Safety Padded MirrorsFull Safety Padded Wall Panels from Floor to CeilingDeluxe Cinema Projector System3 Colour Changing from Infinity to BeyondSensory Panels2 Sensory Bubble MirrorsFull Fibre Optic CascadeSensory Tactile Wall FeatureBubble Water WallStar Ceiling ProjectorSensory Wheel ProjectorOcean Effects ProjectionSensory SwingTactile Grass FlooringBuilt In Lava TilesSensory Wipeable BeanbagThe Sensory ShedThe Sensory Shed has been designed to havefeatures that both calm or stimulate,depending on the persons needs.Can be placed indoors or outdoors.Low maintenance and durable.Temperature controlled environment.Suitable for all ages.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM16

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPODS PLAYDedicatedappBluetoothSpeakerMemoryFoam MatInterchangableThemesSoundEffects andAudiobooksRemoteControlLightsSensoryRelaxationEncouragesImaginativePlayChild’sown safespaceImmersiveRole playPortable& Easy tostoreQuick Setup &packawayIMAGINATION ANYWHERESwitch up their world with a range ofinterchangeable experiences.Immerse in a full spectrum of colour withremote controlled sensory lighting.Relax in comfort with themed adventures,audiobooks, ebooks & sound effectsenhanced through the inclusive speakers.17

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMTHERAPY PODSTherapy PODS are 360° immersive environments designedfor relaxation and sensory stimulation. These versatile,portable PODS cater to all ages and needs, from personaltime-outs to specialized care for the elderly and individualswith Autism or dementia.Ideal for homes, schools, and care facilities, Therapy PODSoffer a spacious, accessible sanctuary that supportsrelaxation, reflection, and even light exercise. Easy to set upand move, they provide a flexible, portable alternative totraditional sensory rooms.FundamentalsThe excitement of a rumblingtrain, the freedom of soaringthrough the clouds, and the windin your face. Therapy PODS areversatile, catering to variousneeds such as reminiscence orsensory stimulation through aportable pop-up POD.Trains, Planes & AutomobilesImagine stepping into aspacious, portable havenwhere the sights and soundsof a serene woodlandsurround you. Perfect forhomes, care facilities, schools,and hospitals, these versatile Woodland WalkTake the plunge into a worldof tranquillity and wonderwith the Scuba Ocean FloorTherapy PODS environmentand be transported to anunderwater paradise.Scuba Ocean Floor18

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMThis immersive, themedplay environment isdesigned to resemble a realrocket ship, allowing littleexplorers' imaginations tosoar to new heights!Galactic SpaceAdventureUp in the Ivory towers ofPODS Palace, would bePrinces and Princesses canlook out onto their empire,with an enchantinglandscape of rainbows,rolling pastures andwaterfalls.Magical PrincessPalaceIt's snow joke... PODS is nowcooler than ever with theview of the frozen polarlandscape from the comfortof your very own igloo.Chillout in style!Polar IceIglooHome to some of the mostlively wildlife in the PODSrange. Glorious vibrantcolours set the scene for atropical creatureplayground. The lusciousjungle environment createsan immersive setting formonkeying around.Rumble in the JungleClear the bridge! Dive, Dive,Dive...Sitting on board thesubmarine, kids can viewthe ocean floor, go sea lifespotting and chill out in thecoral reef.Sub Aqua QuestAboard the safari truck,marvel at the view out ontothe vast plains of theSavanna. In the heart ofnature among the big 5animals and their wondroushabitat. This charming andcalming theme is perfect forwildlife lovers.Sunset SavannaSafariSomething Rawsome is on the horizon...Jump into the time machine and go back to theJurassic times and sensory play among theTheroPODS.A calming sensory tent for indoor use, engagingyour little camper in endless hours of fun andmagical playtime. PODS are super easy to set up,transportable and durable.Walking with DinosaursPODS THEMES19

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A Complete and Portable Multi-Sensory Environment.BUBBLE TUBE ROVERS The Bubble Tube Rover is our most powerful, adaptive and completemobile Multi-Sensory Environment available. It comes complete withconnections for 4 vibro-acoustic products for simultaneous use. Theexternal speakers and the ability to connect your iPod/iPad/MP3 to theradio allows for greater control by the facilitator to provide vibration andmusic to the user. The Interactive model comes with a Super Switch asstandard and can be adapted for use with any population, regardless oftheir abilities and needs.The Relaxation Bubble Rover automatically rotates through the colours,has 4 vibro- acoustic connections, but does not include interactive switchcapabilities.Both models come with 1 x Solar 100 LED Projector, 1 x Wheel Rotatorand 3 x Effect Wheels as standard. Rover is also available in Composite material.Dimensions: 55 x 145 x 100cm31BWVISM Interactive Bubble Tube Rover31BWNP Relaxation Bubble Tube Rover TUBE ROVERSMIRRORED BUBBLE TUBE ROVER The original Mirrored Bubble Tube Roverwith hinged mirrored panels that reflect amultiple light display. The Interactive model comes with Switchcapabilities as standard, the RelaxationMirrored Bubble Tube Rover automaticallyrotates through the colours, but does notinclude interactive switch capabilities.Projector sold separately. Dimensions: 65 x 50 x 150cm90097732BWNP Interactive Mirrored Bubble Tube RoverRelaxation Mirrored Bubble Tube Rover POPCORN TUBE ROVERS Each Popcorn Tube Rover provides all the benefits of our standard Rovers withBubble Tubes without the need to change the water every few months. TheInteractive model comes with a Super Switch as standard, combined with connections for 4 vibro-acoustic products, it can be adapted for use with any population, regardless of their abilities and needs.The Relaxation Popcorn Roverautomatically rotates through the colours, has 4 vibro-acoustic connections, butdoes not include interactive switch capabilities.Both models come with 1 x Solar 100 LED Projector, 1 x Wheel Rotator and 3 x Effect Wheels as standard. Rover is also available in Composite material.Dimensions: 55 x 145 x 100cm 31AWVISM Interactive Popcorn Tube Rover31AWNP Relaxation Popcorn Tube Rover WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM20

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Portable Sensory Room Experience a giant sensory room onwheels – everything you need for animmediate sensory impact. This portableroom is cleverly designed for maximumfunctionality with movable mirrors,extensive storage, and open sides forvarious sensory products. A worthwhileinvestment featuring:Strong castors for easy portability Rearcupboards for sensory product storageFully mirrored fl oor and sides aroundthe bubble tube Space for fi bre opticsIncludes bubble tubeSKU: SCART180Dimensions: 76x120x180cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSmall Sensory Portable RoomA compact solution for smaller bubble tubes or waterless tubes. This portable room features space for fibre optics, rear storage cupboards for sensory products, and two usable sides for hanging sensoryboards. Enjoy:Strong castors for easy portability Fully mirrored fl oor and sides around the bubble tube Space for fibre optics Includes bubble tubeSKU: SCART90Dimensions: 90 x 60 x 90cm21

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSame price: 1.5m or 1.75m Bubble Tube, youmake the decision based on what is bestfor your clients. Supplied with powerfulLED's and a secure Baltic Birch base, this15cm diameter tube is a great addition toany MSE.Our Bubble and Popcorn Tubes are available with Interactive or Relaxation functionality, andthe option to add a padded platform that surrounds thetube and offers your clients a soft comfortable seat.Both Interactive and Relaxation models allow clients toenjoy the vibratory input offered by the movement ofthe bubbles/beads and the visual sensory input providedby the gradual changing colour of the LEDs. Our BubbleTubes use a simple draining system, making waterchanges stress free.BUBBLE TUBE 33BB6IW 1.5m Interactive Bubble Tube 33BB7IW1.75m Interactive Bubble Tube 33BB6PW 1.5mRelaxation Bubble Tube 33BB7PW 1.75mRelaxation Bubble Tube BUBBLE TUBESPORTABLE BUBBLE TUBE Just the right size to sit on a table or desk or be used in theCozy Cottage. This cost-effective bubble tube provides a greatportable option for an itinerant practitioner. The Relaxationmodel gives a passive colour change operation, while theinteractive Tube will work with our Switches.Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 15cm (Base); 90cm (Bubble Tube)900972303126 Interactive Portable Bubble TubeRelaxation Portable Bubble Tube AVAILABLE WITH ROUNDEDAND CURVED PLATFORMS.The platform fits comfortably into a corner of your MSE room without intruding on theother Multi-sensory equipment. Each Bubble Tube Platform comes with a Bubble TubeSecurity Bracket. Supplied with powerful LED's and a secure Baltic Birch platform withtop cushion Same price: 1.5m or 1.75m Bubble Tube, you make the decision based onwhat is best for your clients.Rounded, custom sized and fully padded platforms available.Dimensions: 91 x 91 x 45cm (Platform With Pad)33BS6IW 1.5m Interactive Bubble Tube with Platform 33BS7IW 1.75m Interactive Bubble Tube with Platform 33BS6PW 1.5m Relaxation Bubble Tube with Platform 33BS7PW 1.75m Relaxation Bubble Tube with Platform INTERACTIVE BUBBLE TUBE WITH PLATFORMBubble tubes enhance sensory rooms,promoting relaxation, focus, and sensoryengagement for therapeuticexperiences.22

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POPCORN TUBE POPCORN TUBE WITH PLATFORM POPCORN TUBE WITH PADDED PLATFORM We recognise that some establishments require a fullypadded platform, therefore have introduced a fullypadded platform to our range. The Timber sides will be upholstered in 50mm thickpadding and vinyl, with a 50mm top cushion. Available in square platform only. Sold in White.Dimensions: 91 x 91 x 45cm (Platform With Pad)Popcorn Tubes are a wonderful addition to your sensory environment. Likemany Multi-Sensory Environment products, Popcorn Tubes are availablewith Interactive or Relaxation functionality. Our customers love themaintenance free option the Popcorn Tube offers.Our Interactive Popcorn Tube offers wireless capabilities when used withthe Interactive Power Cube or Interactive Super Switch. Therapist directed.Client controlled.Our Popcorn Tube comes with a variable-speed switch that can be used asa valuable tool for both assessment and monitoring progress of the user.Therapist controlled.Dimensions: 45 x 45 x 20cm (Base)The platform fits comfortably into a corner of your MSE roomwithout intruding on the other Multi-sensory equipment. Our customers love the maintenance free option thePopcorn Tube offers.The Popcorn Tube comes with a variable-speed switch that canbe used as a valuable tool for both assessment and monitoringprogress of the user. Therapist controlled. The lights for thePopcorn Tube are LED and never have to be changed. Dimensions: 90 x 90 x 45cm (Platform With Pad)901114901115 901114-P901115-P 33AB4IW 1.2m Interactive Popcorn Tube 33AB5IW 1.5mInteractive Popcorn Tube 33AB4PW 1.2m RelaxationPopcorn Tube 33AB5PW 1.5m Relaxation Popcorn Tube 1.5m Interactive Popcorn Tube with Platform1.5m Relaxation Popcorn Tube with Platform 1.5m Interactive Popcorn Tube with Padded Platform1.5m Relaxation Popcorn Tube with Padded Platform BALL BUBBLE TUBE WITH PLATFORMThe addition of balls into the tube offers your clients’ additional sensoryinput and the opportunity to improve tracking skills and visual perception.Six colourful ping pong balls are pushed up an inner tube by rising airbubbles, then fall into the larger tube where they drift to the bottom andresume their journey.The Ball Bubble Tube can be purchased in its standard base just like theBubble and Popcorn Tubes, or if you prefer it can be purchased with thePlatform, creating a seating area around the tube.Dimensions: 90 x 90 x 45cm (Platform With Pad)901209901208901210303104 1.5m Interactive Tube 1.5m Relaxation Tube 1.5m Interactive Tube with Platform1.5m Relaxation Tube with Platform WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM23

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Dimensions: 183cm x 15cm diameterSku#: BT180This striking circular bubble tube with colourchanging LED lights makes a spellbinding addition toany home, office or bedroom. Perfect forcreating a enhancing sensory room with continuousrising bubbles and changing LED lights. Optionalfish and balls can be added.Operated by the remote control, the bubble tube has an array of colour modes to choose from.Suitable for indoor use.• 15 fish & balls• Stainless steel base - sturdy and robust• Remote controlBUBBLE TUBE - SQUARE BASE 6’Optional Remote controllers(purchased separatly)6’ Large BubbleTube (Plastic Base)This Striking bubble tube stands an impressive 180cm / 6’, comes with colour changing LED lights and makes a spellbinding addition to any home, office or bedroom. Sku#: BT181 (BT180ECO)Dimensions: 183cm x 15cm DiameterOptional Bracket Available to secure to wall (tobe purchased separately).Sku#: BTB15WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM24

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Sku#: BTB15Sku#: BT100CDimensions: 100cm x 15cmOptional Remote controllers(purchased separatly)A wider diameter (15cm) bubbletube with colour changing LEDlights which features bubblesbeing directed through a specialcolumn inside to the top of thebubble tube and then allowingcoloured balls to slowly drop tothe bottom. A truly relaxingexperience.Remote control included to choosefrom an array of light up coloursand modes.• Remote control• mains adapterSku#: BT60Dimensions: 60cm x 15cmFor large bubble tube.Available to secure to wall(to be purchasedseparately).Will fit only 15cmBubble tubeOptional Remote controllers(purchased separatly)A wider diameter (15cm) bubble tubewith colour changing LED lights whichfeatures bubbles being directedthrough a special column inside to thetop of the bubble tube and then allow-ing coloured balls to slowly drop to thebottom. A truly relaxing experience.Remote control included to choosefrom an array of light up colours andmodes.• Remote control• mains adapterThis large controller, with extralarge buttons compatible with our 6’ bubble Tube BT180 encourageschildren of varied ages anddisabilities change the colour ofthe lights onthe bubble tube andeven the speed at which they change colour, great for interaction.Easy to install.Sku#: BTLBCDimensions: 40cm diameter x 10cm tall.Buttons are approx. 8cm diameter 42cm heightBubble Tube Withfloating balls 60cmBubble Tube Bracket 15cmLarge Button ControllerFor Bubble TubeBubble Tube With floating balls 100cmColour Controller Cube forwireless Bubble Features Interactive large, light weight and softcolourful cube remote. Turn it over andwatch your bubble tube change colour,turn it again and another colour willappear. Each side of the cube changesthe bubble tube a different colour.Wireless and easy to install. RequiresBatteries (Not Supplied)Sku#: SCCC Dimensions: 31x31x31cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM25

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Convenient storageto keep sensoryrooms neatMade with high-gradesoft vinyl that is easyto wipe clean.Each baseaccomodates FiberOptics (not included)This comfortable high quality padded surround is made from highquality foam and vinyl. The padded surround protects children from anysharp or technical parts. This product can be bought as standalone product or together with a bubble tube, bracket and a fibre optickit.PADDED SURROUNDSRectangle Padded forLarge Bubble Tube andFibre Optic Light SourceBubble Tube Kit 1Bubble Tube Kit 2Corner Padded Surround forLarge Bubble Tube andFibre Optic Light SourceRound Padded SurroundGrey for Large Bubble Tubeand Fibre Optic Light SourceColour: CreamSku#: BTSSDim ensions: 100 x 70 x 37cmColour: CreamSku#: BTSSCDimensions: 95 x 95 x 42 cmincludes :Large Eco Bubble Tube(tubeand base in one)Padded Surround CentrePosition BTSS BracketOptional Extras: Fibre Optics Light Source +Tails MirrorsSku#: BT180Kincludes:Large Eco Bubble Tube (tube and base in onePadded Surround CornerPosition BTSSC BracketOptional Extras:Fibre Optics Light Source +Tails MirrorsSku#:BT180KCColour: GraySku#: E1843Dimensions: 100cm diameter 40cm tallWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM26

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFor 10cm diameterbubble tubes.Black/WhiteSku#: BTB10WSku#: BTB10Colour changing lights, bubbles and fish make itideal for any classroom or sensory zone.Suitable to place on a floor. Bubble tube availablein black or white. Whether it is in a calming roomor an interactive room, the array of changingcolours and moving bubbles gets everyoneattracted to its relaxing effects. Be mesmerisedby the fish. Creates a positive response whenwatching the bubble tubes in action. Provides atracking activity that helps to improve visualdevelopment and communi- cation skills.Popular with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).Dimensions: 100cmx10cm diameterSku#: BT101 / BT101EUSku#: BT100 / BT100EUBubble Tube Round 100cmBubble Tube Bracket 10cmExtend the seating area beside or in-between Bubble Tubes with Platforms.Dimensions: 90 x 120 x 45cm (Platform With Pad)303113 Large Platform LARGE PLATFORM PLATFORM PADDED COVER This padded cover turns your platform into a fully padded one. If you require a fully padded platform and have no need to remove the cover please see pages 149 and 151 for our fully paddedplatforms. 303005 Platform Padded Cover BCB FLUID BCB Fluid is used to reduce the infection riskand build up of algae. Regular use will increasethe longevity of your equipment . Will provideapproximately 1 years supply. 901109 BCB Fluid 27

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Bubble tube with colour changing LED lightswhich features beads being directed througha special column inside to the top of thebubble tube and then allowing coloured ballsto slowly drop to the bottom. A truly relaxingexperience. Remote control included.Sku#: BT150-30Dimensions: 150cm x30cmOptional Remote controllers (purchased separately)These elegant yet simple mirrorsare designed to be mounted toany wall behind any waterfeature to enhance the visualexcitement the water featureshave to offer. Can be used withall LED features, with and withoutpadded surrounds. Needs fixingto the wall. Fixings not included. Sku#: MIRROR (plywood backing)Dimensions: 120 x 60cm each (set of 2)Sku#: XLMIR2 (acrylic mirrors)Dimensions: 120 x70cm each (set of 2)Extra Wide Bubble Tube - 150 x 30cmLarge Mirrors set of 2WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM28

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Sku#: BT120Dimensions: 120cm x 10cmFor BT120CSku#: BTB12Sku#: BT120CDimensions: 120cm x 12cmJust fill with water,pop in the beads and watched themfloat around the LED colour changingTube. Enchanting andrelaxing. Ideal forany table top or shelf.Comes with USB adapterSku#: 60TTBTDimensions: 60cm Tall x 6cm diameterExtra Fish and Balls Compatible withBT180 and BT181A great budget colourchanging bubble tube at120cm tall. Includes fish aremote control.Sku#: FS10Pack of 10 fishOptional Remote controllers(purchased separatly)Sku#: BL20Pack of 20 ballsUSB AdapterRemote controlVarious colour light(settings and mode)Black lid & baseIncludes 7 fishSku#: BT90Dimensions: 90cm x 10cm DiameterSku#: FSBL126 fish and 6 ballsA wider diameter (12 cm) colourchanging bubble tube whichfeatures 8 colourful fish.Remote control and bracketincluded.60cm Table TopBead TubeBubble Tube 120cmBubble Tube 120cm90cm Bubble Tubewith RemoteBubble Tube Bracket 12cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM29

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBubble TubesBubble Tubes are a must-have in every sensory environment. Theystimulate the senses using sound, light and vibration, and arepopular with autistic children and those with severe special needs.Perfect for the user to relax and enjoy the different pattern of thebubbles.Interactive Bubble Tubes are available including sound, touch andDMX. Fully compatible with switch and sensor based equipment.Key PointsAvailable in heights between 1m and 2m. Fill with water and cleanout every 4-6 weeks, a drain kit helps make this process quick andeasy. With deionised water (which we can provide) your bubbletube can last even longer.Sound, touch and DMX interactive options.Perfect for sensory environments, engage your senses with abubble tube.Chroma TubeA maintenance free alternative to a Bubble Tube, the Chroma Tube isa playful mood enhancing column of light that cycles through anarray of colours.Used as a stimulating focal point in a sensory room the Chroma Tubecan calm the user and provide a wonderful sensory experience.Fully compatible with a range of interactiveoptions, get in touch to find out more.Key PointsHeights between 1m and 2m. Completely maintenance free.Simply plug and play!Interactive options include wireless sensors and switchremotes.A strong focal point in any sensory room, perfect for whenwater is not an option.30

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM13 different light sequences each with 8 different visuallystimulating coloursCompletely maintenance free. Simply plug and play!Available in heights of 1m, 1.5m, 1.75m and 2m with a diameter of150mmCan work with the Apollo Room Controller, sensory remotecontroller or even custom buttons embedded into soft play. Userscan use their existing sensory remote controller with the Chroma+Tube. -Air TubeExperience a whirlwind of beads as they spiralthrough the Air Tube. This maintenance freetube is easy to set up and the included beadsprovide a vortex like effect that creates asensory stimulating pattern for the user.The Air Tube is ideal for sensory relaxation andthe interactive options provide the user with theability to interact through cause and effectlearning.Key PointsHeights between 1m and 2m. Nomaintenance required. Comes witheverything you need to get started.Sound, touch and DMX interactive optionsavailable.A great alternative to a Bubble Tubewithout the need for water.Introducing the Chroma+ tube. This upgraded version of our popularChroma Tube has been designed to enhance sensory stimulation,improve visual tracking skills and teach cause and effect learning withenhanced lighting display.The Chroma+ tube works great with the Sensory Room Controller.Using the various buttons allow the user to switch to different modes.The remote is portable so ideal for wheelchair users in sensory rooms.Chroma +Key Points31

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMDisco TubeA Disco Tube reacts to the noises you make by displaying differentcolours. An interactive, engaging and fun way of stimulating the senses.Maintenance free and really easy to set up, the Disco Tube fits perfectlyinto a sensory environment. Create a fun and engaging effect whilstencouraging the user to interact and understand how colour reacts withthe noises they create.Key PointsHeights between 1m and 2m Clap, shout, stomp and more totrigger this fun and colourful light column.Stimulate the senses with colour and light patterns.No maintenance required. Very easy to set up.Flowing Gems Standing Water WallA beautiful mix of art and relaxation.Picture gentle water fl owing down, litup by glowing Bubbles, creating acalm vibe that turns any space into aserene escape. Sku#: FGWW120Dimensions:30 x120cm32

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4Interactive Wall HangingBubble WallBUBBLE WALLSSku#: IBWDimensions: 110cm x 60cm x 20cmThe ultimate interactive wall panel.Buttons will control the flow of bubbleand change the colour of the lights.Whilst no buttons are pressed thebubble wall runs on a delightful andmemorising programme of lights andbubbles. Using the highest quality materialsthis Bubble Wall is our finest yet! WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBubble walls create dynamic visualdisplays, fostering calmness andsensory delight in therapeuticenvironments.33

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Sku#: BWH3Dimensions: 110cm x 60cm x 20cmSku#: BWWMPDimensions: 123cm x 57 x 10cmThe combination of the streamingbubbles, color changing LED lights, andgentle hum of the pump creates thatperfect calm and relaxing atmosphere.This is a great way to enhance the décorof your sensory room, dining room,bedroom, living room, nursing home, oreven an office or doctor’s waiting area.Base and Top made from high qualityacrylic material. Beautiful mirror back-ground reflects the gorgeous displayand gives off an impressive look.• Indoor use only.Remote control - lightschange to a wide rangeof colours, speeds andmodes• Mains operated.3FT One Piece Wall hanging Bubble wall4’ Wall Hanging Bubble WallWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM34

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#:BW120Sku#: BW120WHTDimensions: 123cm x 40cm x 18cm• Fully self-contained• Continuously bubbles and colour changeLED lights •Various light modes• Mains operated, remote control included • Toughened glasstop metal sidesSku#: BT60RDimensions: 60cm diameter, 42cm height• Continuously rising bubblesColourchanging LED lights.• Five modes: flash, strobe, fade, smoothand static single colour.• Led brightness setting• Mains operated, remote controlincludedBubble Table RoundFloor Standing Bubble WallOptional: Beads IncludedFloor Standing TornadoImmerse in the extraordinary: witness thetube unleash a vibrant tornado of coloursfor a truly unique sensory experience. Addbeads (supplied) to watch the beads chargearound the tornado to create even moreexcitement!Sku#: TORN80Dimensions: 80 x 40cm diameter35

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EMTECONTROWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWall Hanging Glow BeadCascadeA colour changing wallwith luminous beads thatgently fl oat down the wallto create a magicalrelaxing experience. Sku#: WHBWBDimensions: 50x11x93 cmMULTICONNECTSEEPAGE15FORDETAILSBubble TableWatch mesmerizing bubbles burst fromthe centre, gently fading at the edges.Smartly designed and compact,everything is contained inside for aseamless operation. Enjoy dynamiccolour-changing eff ects. Mains oper-ated with a plastic tabletop for addedsafety.Sku#: BTLG60Dimensions:60cm diameter x 40cm tall Maze Bubble TableA captivating display whereglowing bubbles gracefullywind their way around amaze, creating amesmerizing and soothingexperience as theygradually disappear fromview. Immerse yourself inthis fascinating and relaxingjourney. Colour changing Sku#: MBT50Dimensions: 50x11x93 cm36

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Fibre Optics turn any room into amagical escape. High quality fibreoptic tails encourage touching,hold.FIBRE OPTICSDiscover the enchanting world ofsensory fiber optics lighting. Thisinnovative technology uses optical fibersto transmit light, creating customizableand mesmerizing lighting effects. Enjoythe benefits of energy efficiency, lowmaintenance, and safety, making itperfect for residential, commercial, andpublic spaces. Whether you want astarry bedroom ceiling, a captivatingrestaurant ambiance, or museum-qualitylighting for your art, sensory fiber opticscan elevate your space. Our expert teamwill guide you through the installationprocess, ensuring seamless integration.37

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FIBRE OPTIC CASCADE WALL WASHER FIBRE OPTIC PADDED PLATFORM Our Fibre Optic Cascade creates a havenof changing light that stretches into infinitywith 150 sidelight fibre optic strands thatare 3m L. The acrylic mirrored panel ismounted in a drop ceiling or screwed intowooden ceiling joists. Add an Interactive Super Switch orInteractive Power Cube to the Interactive Model to create endlessopportunities for manipulation of the light.Dimensions: 60 x 60 x 300cmA changing flood of colours provide cool, decorative lightingeffects that encourages focus of attention. Powered by low-voltage LED technology, the unit easily attaches to a wallanywhere in your MSE. Add an Interactive Super Switch orInteractive Power Cube to reinforce themes or develop colour recognition skills. Dimensions: 15 x 5 x 6cmYou and your clients can sit comfortably on this padded platformas you enjoy the tactile and visual stimulation of the fibre opticstrands as they slowly change colours. A two foot acrylic tube inthe center of the platform holds the 2m fibre optic spray, whichoverflows the tube and nestles on the padding. The platform andcan fit easily into a corner of your sensory room. Platform comescomplete with fibre optic spray and light source. Use one of ourSwitches to control the colour change of the Interactive Platform.Dimensions: 90 x 90 x 45cm (Platform With Pad)900958900973 Interactive Fibre Optic CascadeRelaxation Fibre Optic Cascade 900975303503 303302900974 Interactive Wall WasherRelaxation Wall Washer Interactive Fibre Optic Padded PlatformRelaxation Fibre Optic Padded Platform WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM38

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFIBRE OPTIC LIGHT SOURCE FIBRE OPTIC SPRAY HARNESSFIBRE OPTIC CARPETSFibre Optic Spray Harnesses offer both tactileand visual stimulation. They produce asparkling effect when paired with LightSources. Composed of polymer strands in a plastic sleeve, these are designed to bedurable and highly resistant to stretching or chewing. Light source sold separately. Interactive wireless technology creates a new dimension to changing colours that encourages attention to focus on the light. Low-voltage and LED lights make it virtually maintenance free! Harness sold separately. Add an Interactive Super Switch or Interactive Power Cube to create a full range of opportunitiesfor interactive activities.Dimensions: 15 x 5 x 6cmAllow clients a visual and tactile experiencewhen they sit or lie on our carpet. Increaseits versatility by placing it on the wall toprovide tactile input for those who cannotreach the floor. This is also an excellentsetup to improve visual scanning andawareness, as well as upper extremity range of motion. Light source soldseparately. Dimensions: 100 x 100cm or 200 x 100cm303501900976 901101901102900902901103900903901104901105 1m x 100 strands 1mx 150 strands 2m x100 strands 2m x150 strands 2m x200 strands 3m x150 strands 3m x200 strands Interactive Fibre Optic Light SourceRelaxation Fibre Optic Light Source 203540203542 1m x 1m Fibre Optic Carpet2m x 1m Fibre Optic Carpet STAR CEILING RING Increase your clients’ sensory experience with aview of the firmament on your ceiling. Our StarCeiling Rings are easy to install and do notrequire access above the ceiling. Thelightweight black material is fitted with over 70fibre optic stars that are fed by our LED lightsource which scrolls through the many vibrantcolours. The LED light source (included) alsoneeds to be attached to the ceiling with screws.Dimensions: 120cm dia901211900909 Interactive Star Ceiling RingRelaxation Star Ceiling Ring 39

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LED STRIP LIGHTINGFIBRE OPTIC CEILING TILEFIBRE OPTIC TUNNELFIBRE OPTIC HEMISPHERE TILEThe LED Strip lighting is a great way to create striking ambient lighting within a room. The strip lighting can be concealed behind wall mats or used along the wall at ceiling height. The lighting can be provided as either an interactive or relaxation version. LED Strip Lighting is sold in 5m lengths and includes the controller & IR Switch remote. This Fibre Optic Tunnel providesusers with a visual and tactileexperience. Light Sourceincluded.Dimensions: 80 W x 90 D x 90 H Create a starry night effect with these Fibre Optic Ceiling Tile. The stars change colour andaspect to the ceiling as the stars seem to floatDesigned to fit across 2 standard ceiling tiles. inspace. It mounts securely in a suspended Light Source included.ceiling grid 60 x 60cm tile.Light Source included.Dimensions: 120 x 60cmDimensions: 60 x 60cm901142901143 901213901214 Interactive LED Strip LightingRelaxation LED Strip Lighting Interactive Fibre Optic Ceiling TileRelaxation Fibre Optic Ceiling Tile 901194901195 303490901267 Interactive Fibre OpticTunnel Relaxation FibreOptic Tunnel Interactive Fibre Optic Hemisphere TileRelaxation Fibre Optic Hemisphere Tile This hemisphere mirror creates an illusoryeffect. are controlled by the light sourceincluded Provides visual stimulation with anew dimensional which must be mountedabove the ceiling.FIBRE OPTIC WATERFALL Cover a doorway, hang it on awall, or use it to turn a corner ofthe room into a privatehideaway. The Cascade isconnected to our LED lightsource which allows full colourchange. Completely safe totouch and play with, theWaterfall of Fibre Optics willcaptivate the users. Use one of our Switches to control thecolour change of the InteractiveWaterfall. Light Sourceincluded.Dimensions: 100 x 200cm901212900906 Interactive Fibre OpticWaterfall Relaxation FibreOptic Waterfall WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSENSORY WALL TUBESuitable for mounting on wallsor above doors and windows.Produces a shimmering curtainof light which is safe to touchand play with, stand under andwalk through.SWT40

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150 Tails 1.5m long200 Tails long200 Tails 3mlongTails purchased separately (see below)Sku#: SFOLS45WDimensions: 28.5 x 26.5 x 14.5cm45W light source Enables the tails to twinkleSku#: SFOTK45WDimensions: 21 x 15 x 15cmThe fibres are of the highest quality,with each tail con- taining 3 fibrestrands enclosed in a soft plasticcover. Light source purchased separatel This heavy duty bracket is designed to fit onany sturdy wall at any required height.Allows you to attach our 45W light sourceand thread through any length of fibres tocreate a shower effect. Light source andtails purchased separately.Sku#: FOSSDimensions: 47 x 16cmSku#: SFOT150Sku#: SFOT300Sku#: SFOT200Fibre Optic 45WLight SourceFibre Optic TailsFibre Optic Shower SupportFibre Optic TwinkleLight SourceSensory fibre optics stimulates the sense of touch and vision. It is one of thesensory toys which helps to aid child development by combining the two, where theillumination and the colour are taken into consideration. The remote providesmultiple operation modes including static or colour change. Within this section weprovide several light sources, fibre tails, brackets and other features that allinclude Fibre option tails and lighting.Includes:Light Source 16W 100 tails 1.5mRemote controlSku#: SFOK16WFibre Optic KitWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM41

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Create a stunning galaxy ofstars on your ceiling with thisincredibly effective fibre opticceiling kit. Control the colourswith the remote control or let itscroll through a colourchanging sequence to createa starry night light show.Professional installationrequired. Includes 16W lightsource. Fixture, fittings andremote included.Sku#: SFOCDDimensions: 1.2m diameterThis large mirror circle has a ring of fibreoptic tails cascading down. Can be mountedto the ceiling creating a dramatic roundcurtain of lights that is reflected in the mirror.Powered by a light source with mains plug.Professional installation required to fix to theceiling. This ceiling hanging fibre opticcircular curtain includes a light source and150 individual hanging fibre tails.• 70cm diameter ring• 150 fibre tails• Approx 2.5mSku#: SFOCRDimensions: 70 x approx 240cmFibre Optic Ceiling DisplaySensory Fibre Optic Curtain RingThis comfortable high quality seat isspecially designed for any of ourfibre optic kits. With the light sourcesafely enclosed in this high qualitypadded seat, children are free to sitand explore the magical fibres.Fibres and light source purchasedseparately.Sku#: SFOTSSDimensions: 30 x 44 x 30 (H) cmFibre Optic Padded Seat / SurroundWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM42

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Fibre Optic Curtain BracketFibre Optic Curtain with TailsThe fibre optic curtain is ideal forany wall or door, creating amagical background for anyenvironment. Comes with remotecontrol with various colour andmode functions to choose from. Sku#: SFOC50Sku#: SFOC100Dimensions: 1m x 10 x approx. 2.4m longThis bracket holds the fibre optic curtain andallows you to position the fibre tails awayfrom the wall when in use. And then gently push it back againstthe wall to act as a curtain, giving you thebest of both worldsSku#: SFOBKTWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM43

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Fibre Optic Lamp withBluetooth Speaker and USBFibre Optic Lamp with Remote ControlMedium Fibre Optic Lamps Light UpBaseFibre Optic Lamp with ColourChanging BaseBattery operatedSku#: SFLBT35Dimensions: 35cmUSB wire / battery operated Sku#:SFL13RDimensions: 35cmBattery operatedSku#: SFL13Dimensions: 33cmSet of 4, battery operatedSku#: SFLDimensions: 25cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMIlluminate your space with the mesmerizing glow of ourFiber Optics Lamps – where cutting-edge technology meetsartistic elegance, creating a symphony of light to transformany room into a captivating oasis.44

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFibre Optic LightsUsing the latest LED technology to provide clear andcrisp lighting for enhanced interactivity. Fibre OpticLight sources require no bulbs to replace whilst beingsmall and silent.They are ideal for inaccessible locations.Strands of light immerse the user tostimulate the senses visually as theypassively cycle through a spectrum ofcolours. They also keep cool when in useand are completely maintenance free.Key PointsSafe, low voltage design Can come with strands in 1m, 2m or 3m.Dimensions of the unit 15.6cm x 7cm x 8.1cmCool to touch, perfect for tactile play.Fibre Optic ChandelierThe Fibre Optic Chandelier uses a cascade of strands thatimmerse the user in a calm sensory experience. This ceilingmounted sensory product is placed above the user for them tointeract. The user can use the Fibre Optic Chandelier from allangles and get the benefit of sensory stimulation. Simply use softplay or a bean bag underneath to add further relaxation andinteraction.Choose between 2 metre and 3 metre length strands. Interactive options available for switch based controls andsensor control technology.Great for a sensory room and doesn’t take up a lot of space.45

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMJumbo Fibre Optic LightsThe jumbo fibre optic lights provide the same benefits asregular fibre optic lights but use much bigger strands sothat the user can further engage in tactile play.The strands are 8.0mm thick making themeasy to handle and more robust. Ideal foradults as well as children who benefit fromusing fibre optic light strands. The LED lightsare extremely long lasting and you canchoose to have mains powered or a moreportable option using a rechargeable battery.Key PointsThicker strands give a more robust feel. Can be usedas a sensory weight to drape over the user for addedsensory benefits.Portable options available, ideal for moving thejumbo fibre optic lights from room to room.Bright LED’s ideal for stimulating sight senses.Rainbow Fibre Optic LightsRainbow fibre optic lights are colourful strands of light that are fun andengaging for relaxing sensory experiences. Mixing blue, red, green, yellow,pink and purple all the colours of the rainbow.Using the strands in a sensory space isbeneficial for the user as the variety ofpatterns and colours it displays will lookgreat in any room.You can use the strands to brush on the bodyfor touch sensory stimulation as well asgripping and pulling them for further touch stimulation.Option of jumbo strands for tactile sensory benefits Colourful lightsthat have a portable battery option so you can take them anywhereColourful strands of light that add incredible colour to sensoryspaces46

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSENSORY MIRRORSColoured 4 Bubbles Convex Mirrors – 4 pcsSet of coloured, 4 Bubble convex mirrors, each piece adifferent colour. 4 pc setSku#: 4CMIR4Dimensions: 35x35cm eachLarge Bubble SensoryConvex Mirror - 2 pcsSet of 2 large convexbubble mirrors. Sku#: 1CMIR2 Dimensions: 42x42cm each8 Convex Bubbles Mirror8 Random convex bubbles onlarge mirrorSku#: 8CMIR1Dimensions: 50x50cm pieceAssorted Convex Sensory Mirrors – 4 pcsLarge set of 4 sensory mirrors, each mirrorhas different amount of convex bubbles. 1large bubble, 4 bubbles, 9 bubbles and 16bubbles.Sku#: ACMIR4Dimensions: 49x49cm each9 DOME MIRROR The distorted images the domes create give users a funand interesting view of the world. The mirrors can be usedinside and outside and come with sticky back pads andcorner fixing brackets, allowing them to be secured to anyflat surface. Dimensions: 49 x 49xm901331 9 Dome Mirror Sensory mirrors simulate various stimuli toenhance perception, aiding research,therapy and virtual experiences bymimicking sensory input.47

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Extra Large Colourful Mirrors - 5 pcsLarge Mirrors set of 25 extra large mirrors in Blue, Red, Green, Silverand gold to brighten up any wall, playroom andclass room. Ideal for sen- sory, and exploringcolours with pre drilled holes and screws orsticky pads for fixing.Sku#: COLMIR5Dimensions: 80x40cm eachThese elegant yet simple mirrors aredesigned to be mounted to any wallbehind any water feature to enhance thevisual excitement the waterfeatures haveto offer. Can be used with all LEDfeatures, with and without paddedsurrounds. Needs fixing to the wall. Fixings not included. Sku#: MIRROR (plywood backing)Dimensions: 120 x 60cm each setSku#: XLMIR2 (acrylic mirrorsDimensions: 120 x70cm each (set of 2)Metallic ballsSet of 10 Metallic balls of various sizes and colours with a shinyreflective mirror effect finish for tactile and sensory exploration.Made from hard- wearing steel makes them robust enough forchildren to handle but light enough for them to lift easily. Stimu-lates self-discovery and awareness. Sku#: MTB10Dimensions: XL Ball : 14cm diameter x 2Large Ball : 9cm diameter x 2 Medium Ball : 7cm diameter x 2Small Ball : 5cm diameter x 4WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM48

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Large Mirrors Set of 2 These elegant yet simple mirrors aredesigned to be mounted to any wall behind anywater feature to enhance the visual excitement thewater features have to offer. Can be used with allLED features, with and without padded surrounds.Needs fixing to the wall. Fixings not included. Sku#: PL95MIR2Dimensions: 95 x 120cmSku#: XLMIR2 (acrylic mirrors)Dimensions: 120 x70cm each (set of 2)Sku#: 95MIR2Dimensions: 95 x 120cmWITH PLYWOOD BACKINGLarge LED MirrorA tall and sturdy mirror with a colour changingLED frame to light up any sensory room,bedroom or dressing room. Designed with ahook on the back for mounting on the wall.Mains operated, remote included.Wall hanging only. Not RechargeableSku#: LEDMIRDimensions: 152x30x6cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFibre Optic Infinity PanelImmerse yourself in the mesmerizing world ofthe Fibre Optic Infinity Panel. With just a pressof the button, watch as the panel illuminatesand seamlessly transitions through an array ofcaptivating colours, creating a visual spectaclethat seemingly stretches on to infinity. Specialmodes offer a shooting star effect in a ring or asequence of colour changes, providing acustomizable experience at your fingertips. Thiscaptivating display serves as a fascinating andcalming source of light, transforming any spaceinto a tranquil oasis.Sku#: FOIP75Dimensions: 75 x 65 cm49

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These mirror come in a set of four inassorted colours and have a soft frame.They can be used hand held or wallmounted to create a display. Wallmounting adhesive pads are included. Dimensions: 20 x 20cm each WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMJIGSAW MIRROR FRAMED MIRRORS Wall-mounted mirrors are a great way to increase theintensity of the visual effects in an MSE room. We havebacked and framed our acrylic mirror panels with Baltic Birchwood to ensure a high quality finish and that there is minimaldistortion in the reflections. If you don't have a corner for your Bubble Tube these singlemirrors are perfect for mounting behind your Platform. Mirrors don't just have to be used in Multi- Sensory Environments they can be used as valuable tools in therapy spaces for body awareness. Available in two heights.Dimensions: 90cm (to fit Platform)901332 901120901121901122901123 Jigsaw Mirror Set of two - 1.5m Set of two - 1.75mSingle mirror - 1.5mSingle mirror - 1.75m Wall mountable.Great addition to any sensory room. The largeround infinity mirror is approx. 60cm diameterand when turned on, creates an amazinginfinity effect that adds an element of interest.The rings of LEDS create a tunnel effect to anywall. This item has the added bonus of extralarge bright and playful buttons, tap once tochange the colour, tap colour again to makethe item flash.Sku#: SIM60Dimensions: Approx. 60cm x 10cmLarge Infinity Mirror with Button Control 60cmWall mountable.Great addition to any sensory room. The largeround infinity mirror is approx. 50cm diameterand when turned on, the rings of LEDS createa tunnel effect to any wall floor or ceiling.Comes with remote control.Sku#: SIM50Dimensions: Approx. 50cm x 5cmLarge Infinity Mirror with RemoteControl 50cmBattery poweredSku#: SIM6Dimensions: 15cmIncludes USB / Batterypowered Sku#: SIM9Dimensions: 23cmLarge Infinity MirrorInfinity Mirror50

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMInfinity Wall PanelAn infinite illusion of LED lights. Create a stunning effect that willengage the user. The Infinity Wall Panel is fully self contained andeasy to set up. Simply mount the frame to your chosen wall, plug andplay!The infinite effect adds the perfect ambienceto any sensory room or environment.The Infinity Wall Panel will cycle throughdifferent colours when in passive mode. Youcan add interactive buttons to enable theuser to control the colours.Key PointsThe panel measures 120cm x 60cm x 8cm (HxWxD). Addbuttons to your Infinity Wall Panel make it switchinteractive.Easily mountable to a suitable wall with no maintenancerequired.Small Infinity Wall PanelThe smaller version of our popular Infinity WallPanel is a great space saver for sensory roomsand interactive spaces. Measuring at just600mm (height and width) this Small InfinityPanel is easy to mount to the wall for engagingsensory play. The four built-in coloured buttonsprovide an interactive element to the panel. Thebuttons also have dedicated switch inputs forassistive switches and controls.The panel measures 600mm x 600mm x 80mm(HxWxD). The coloured buttons on your Small Infinity WallPanel make switch interactive as it changes todifferent colours.Easily mount to a suitable wall with no maintenanceadditional required.A great space saver with its smaller frame.Small Chroma PanelOur Chroma Panel is the perfect piece of ambientlighting to add to any sensory room. The brightmood enhancing LEDs cycle through the colourspectrum seamlessly, making the area much calmer.The Chroma Panel is a great space saver forsensory rooms and interactive spaces.Measuring at just 600mm (height and width)this Small Chroma Panel is easy to mount tothe wall for engaging sensory play.We can also offer our Chroma Panel in anInteractive Mode to work with our Remote Controlleror Dice Controller.This Chroma Panel creates a bright glowingfocal point for any unused dark space or sensoryroom.The panel measures 600mm x 600mm x 80mm(HxWxD). The panel is available in Passive,Interactive & DMX Mode.Easily mount to a suitable wall with no maintenanceadditional required.The panel is a great addition to any dark/UV room.A great space saver with its smaller frame.51

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Where Comfort, Vibrationand Music Meet.The Stereo Rover stereo is housed in a sturdybirch cabinet that includes a storage unit with oneshelf, a 4-plug power strip, and wheels that allow it to be moved anywhere in the room. Currentmodel has radio unit, DVD, CD MP3 and WMAplayback. Compatible with Android, IOS and othersmartphone devices. DAB & FM radio and 4 audiopoints to power 4 different pieces of equipment. Dimensions: 45 x 70 x 50cmThe Wall Stereo can be attached easily to a wall or placed on a table. To save space, the CornerStereo conveniently fits into the corner of a room.Current model has radio unit, DVD, CD MP3 andWMA playback. Compatible with Android, IOS andother smartphone devices. DAB & FM radio and 4audio points to power 4 different pieces ofequipment.Dimensions: 64 x 26 x 24cm (Wall); 60 x 35 x 35cm (Corner)Our Vibro-Acoustic lounges, waterbeds and seatingoptions all have bass shaking speakers that offer adeep vibratory input to your clients. Each item has abuilt-in connector that uses speaker wires that areeasily connected or disconnected from our stereo andamplifier units. The Amplifier is an easy to use, yet functional addition to our Vibro-Acoustic range. The Amplifierdesigned to complement existing sound systems/CD/DVD players, as well as offering a fullyfunctional system on its own. Complete with Bluetooth connectivity, USB port, Phono connections,you can connect direct and have full and easy access control over the Vibro and Acousticelements to meet the users needs, such as increasing the vibration while reducing the sound. Dimensions: 47 x 25 x 10cmSTEREO AMPLIFIER STEREO ROVER 901301 303199 303900303910 Amplifier Stereo Rover Wall StereoCorner Stereo VIBRO-ACOUSTICWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM52

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMVIBRO-ACOUSTIC ROCKERS DELUXE AMPLIFIER & STEREO VIBRO-ACOUSTIC WATERBED The contoured rocking chair holds the user in a very comfortable position while offering vibratory input. Sold in colours highlighted below unless specified otherwise.Dimensions: 145 L x 80 W x 105cm H (Large); 128 L x 60 W x 73cm H (Medium); 105 L x 55 W x 62cm H (Small)The Deluxe Amplifier & Stereo offers an upgrade on the Amplifier (#901301) and comes complete withinbuilt Stereo speakers and CD/DVD player in a Baltic birch surround. The system offers seamlessBluetooth connectivity for your Android, IOS and other smartphone devices, as well as USB port andPhono connections. The Deluxe Amplifier & Stereo allows the user to have full and easy access control over the Vibro and Acoustic elements of the equipment in order to meet theusers needs, such as increasing the vibration while reducing the sound. With the inbuilt CD/DVD player, you can even link up with a TV/Projector to bring to create an immersive and interactiveexperience.Dimensions: 55 x 40 x 12cmOur Vibro Waterbed is made of Baltic Birch, hastwo speakers, heater unit and a removable vinylcover that can be cleaned and disinfected. It alsofeatures a cut-out base for mobile lift access, so your non-ambulatory clients can bemoved on and off the bed. Speaker wires connecteasily to the stereo.Dimensions: 215 x 125 x 45cm 303200303207303102 902269 Deluxe Amplifier & Stereo Small Vibro-Acoustic Rocker - DaffodilMedium Vibro-Acoustic Rocker - PacificLarge Vibro-Acoustic Rocker - Fawn 303101 Vibro-Acoustic Waterbed VIBRO-ACOUSTIC SENSORY CORNERThe Vibro-Acoustic Sensory Corner is a portablemodular space that offers a full body experiencefor your client. The corner contains two stereospeakers that may be connected to any Vibro-Radio product. Padded walls on two sides for theplatform to fit against. The other sides areenclosed by a 15cm retaining wall. Dimensions: 1.8m x 1.2m x 15cm (Platform); 1.5m(Walls)303110 Vibro-Acoustic Sensory Corner 53

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VIBRO-ACOUSTIC BEAN BAG VIBRO-ACOUSTIC PLATFORM The Bean Bag has one stereo speaker thatoffers vibratory input and a built-inconnector that uses speaker wires that areeasily connected or disconnected from ourstereo units. This item is covered in strong,durable fabric which provides support andcomfort. Small is sold in Yellow, Medium inRoyal Blue; Large in Navy unless otherwisespecified.Dimensions: Small, 75cm dia x 96cm (SeatHeight 22cm); Medium 90cm dia x 122cm (Seat Height26cm); Large 100cm dia x 125cm (Seat Height 32cm)Extend the seating area beside or in-betweenBubble Tubes with Platforms.Dimensions: 90 x 120 x 45cm (Platform With Pad)5805V5807V5808V 303112 Vibro-Acoustic Platform Small Vibro-Acoustic Bean Bag Medium Vibro-Acoustic Bean Bag Large Vibro-Acoustic Bean Bag VIBRO-ACOUSTIC WEDGE The wedge has one stereo speaker thatoffers vibratory input to your clients and includes a built-in connector that uses speaker wires that are easily connected or disconnected from our stereo units. The wedge is made of dense foam and covered in high impact, mildew resistant, phthalate-free vinyl.Dimensions: 115 x 60 x 20cm Working Load: 70kg303108 Vibro-Acoustic Wedge VIBRO-ACOUSTIC PILLOW The Vibro-Acoustic Pillow was designed to besmall enough to hug, fit behind a client’s back in a wheelchair or be used in bed. The Pillowhas one stereo speaker that offers vibratoryinput and a built-in connector that uses speakerwires that are easily connected or disconnectedfrom our stereo units. This item is made ofdense foam and covered in high impact, mildewresistant, phthalate-free vinyl.Dimensions: 65 x 40 x 15cm303206 Vibro-Acoustic Pillow WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBean Bags are available in a selection of othercolours if required. Please contact us at sales@sensory4you.com54

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMVIBRO-ACOUSTIC CRASH PIT VIBRO-ACOUSTIC FLOOR MAT INTERACTIVE VIBRO-ACOUSTIC CRASH PIT Made to fit snugly against the base of the BubbleTubes with Platforms to provide padded floorspace. This mat includes one stereo speaker thatoffers vibratory input and a built-in connector thatuses speaker wires that are easily connected ordisconnected from our stereo units. This item ismade of dense foam and covered in high impact,mildew resistant, phthalate-free vinyl.Dimensions: 150 x 90 x 15cmOur Vibro-acoustic Crash Pit will easily hold threechildren or one large adult. The Crash Pit provides thedeep pressure so many of your clients seek. Crash PitSteps, Slide and balls sold separately. Includes 2 xPowerful bass shaking speakers contained in aninternal floor mat.Dimensions: 114 x 114cm (Inside); 135 x 135cm (Outside); 124 x 610 x 10cm (Each wall)Enjoy the incredible feeling of floating in a sea of colour,sink down under and watch the kaleidoscope effectsand experience the magic. The Interactive Vibro CrashPit can be used with any of our switches. Balls soldseparately. Includes 2 x Powerful bass shaking speakers& lighting contained in an internal floor mat.Dimensions: 114 x 114cm (Inside); 135 x 135cm (Outside); 124 x 610 x 10cm (Each wall)303115 303109 303240 Vibro-Acoustic Crash Pit Vibro-Acoustic Floor Mat Interactive Vibro-Acoustic Crash Pit VIBRO ADAPTER FOR WHEELCHAIRS Problems with transferring clients and wanting toprovide them with the best Vibro-acousticexperience? Try our Vibro- acoustic adapter andjust slip it behind them in their wheelchair or Geri-chair. The Vibro Adapter for wheelchairs containsonly one speaker.Dimensions: 150 x 20cm 303250 Vibro Adapter for Wheelchairs 55

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMINTERACTIVE MARBLE PANEL WITH COVER The optional clear acrylic cover was therapist requested, “This is justwonderful and will help my treatment for clients with developmentaldisabilities and expands the use from a piece of equipment that aclient could self-stimulate on, to one that has a controllable functionto block out unwanted behaviour. It can change from a tactile,auditory and visual feedback piece of equipment to one that can bepleasing visually.Easily paired with the wireless Power Cube or Super Switch, soldseparately.Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 10cmINTERACTIVE STAR INFINITY PANELINTERACTIVE HEMISPHEREMIRROR This Interactive Star Infinity Panel gives theimpression of an infinite field of stars thatmesmerise. Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 10cmThe Interactive HemisphereMirror provides a new dimensional aspect tointrigue and the imagination.In a dark room the “stars”seem to float in space.Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 10cm (notincluding dome) 303301 Interactive Star Infinity Panel 303305303306 303310 Interactive Marble Panel with Cover Cover only (to retrofit Interactive Marble Panels) Interactive Hemisphere Mirror INTERACTIVE PANELSInteractive panels enable user engagement through touch orgesture, facilitating dynamic presentations, education andcollaborative work with responsive digital interfaces.56

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MARVELOUS MARBLE PANEL INTERACTIVE COLOUR PANEL Cool glass, sparkling light, gentle noise! You get it all with this Marvelous Marble Panel. Mount it lowon a wall and see how entranced your clients and studentsare with this sensory panel. More than 1,000 iridescentmarbles fit into a steel grid on the panel that is illuminated bydiffused LED lighting. As your clients turthe marbles, theyreceive visual, tactile and aural sensory input, and experiencea calming sensation. Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 10cm This Interactive product provides a panreleiefof light that makes a colourful addition to anMSE, bedroom or common room.Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 10cmMarvelous Marble Panel 303300 Interactive Colour Panel LARGE MARVELOUSMARBLE PANEL Sometimes bigger is better. Our Large Marvelous MarblePanel provides the same visual, tactile and aural sensoryinput as the original, with over 2,000 iridescent marbles in asteel grid on a panel that is illuminated by diffused LEDlighting. Dimensions: 70 x 140 x 16cm 303807 Large Marvelous Marble Panel INTERACTIVE MARBLE PANEL The Interactive Marble Panel features ourwireless-controlled LED technologycombined with the fantastic colour, textureand sound of the marbles.Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 10cm303303 Interactive Marble Panel WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM57

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMInteractive Colour Changing AromaPanel5 light up colour changing sections for 5 different aroma’s with a Large buttoncontroller. Evoke those senses, press anybutton and fill the room with your favouritescent to create a therapeutic atmosphere. Mixit up and make your own scent by pressingmore than one button, play guessing games.Works well in dark and light sensory rooms.Mains adapterSku#: CCAPDimensions: 60x40x10LED Infinity CubeExperience Brilliance: Our Mirror FinishLED Cube transforms into a captivatingtunnel of LED lights. With a sound controlfunction and a feature-packed remotecontrol, this fully spinnable 360-degreecube offers a magical array of colours.It’s not just a product; it’s anextraordinary experience and one of ourfinest creations. Sku#: IC25Dimensions: 25cm x 50cm58

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMInteractive Sound PanelInteract with this sound panel by clapping, stomping and more! Thelights move according to the level of sound you make. A fun featurethat children will love. You can even play your own music to interactwith the sound panel! Easy wipe surface and no further maintenancerequired makes the interactive sound panel a popular feature insensory environments.The panel measures: 120cm x 60cm x 8cm (HxWxD). Easycleaning and no maintenance required for the InteractiveSound Panel.Use your own music and sounds to activate the colours.Easily mount on to the wall and simple to set up whilst usingminimal space in your sensory room.Sound Panel PlusThe Sound Panel Plus is a sound reactive wall panel for sensory andimmersive rooms. Easy to set up straight out of the box. Activate it bymaking noise, including clapping, singing, humming or playing yourown music!The Sound Panel Plus has 13 different modes that light up with a lots ofdifferent colours. You can even adjust the brightness andsensitivity levels of the panel to ensure every user can play. The SoundPanel Plus picks up sounds within the environment or through theexternal microphone which makes it perfect playtime for everyone.Key Points13 different light sequences each with lots of different colours. The colours will change and move in time to the sounds ormusic.Completely maintenance free. Uses the hanging bar andplace on a secure wall then simply plug in and play!Use in a sensory room to encourage vocal skills and socialinteraction, perfect for engaging users whilst learning andhaving fun! External microphone slot included on the panel foraccessibility as well as to encourage all users to interact with.Adjust the sensitivity and brightness of the Sound Panel Plusto make sure everyone can interact safely with the panel.59

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSensory Bubble WallThe self contained Sensory Bubble Wall is designed to be easy to fit,easy to maintain and a great sensory experience. A variety of colourspromote a calming visual sensory experience whilst the front acrylicgently vibrates to add touch stimulation. Easy to drain and fill withclear access points. Top up your Bubble Wall with BCB fluid regularlyto keep it in good shape.The Bubble Wall measures: 120cm x 60cm x 8cm (HxWxD). Simply fitthe hanging bar to your chosen wall and place the Bubble Wall intoposition.Sound, touch and DMX interactive options.A fantastic way to utilise wall space and a must have in any sensoryroom.LED Wall WashEasily fit the strips together and connect to the Spectrum Driver toprovide clear and crisp lighting effects. The lights complete asensory room experience creating ambient moods. We also supplydifferent types of connectors so your lights can split along differentwalls and even connect around corners.LED strips available in 1m or 2m. Everything in one package.Simply connect your strips to the Spectrum Driver and you’reready to go.Easy connection between the light strips.Interactive options using switch based and sensory controls.Wall Mounted Touch Interactive HoneycombPanel Introducing our Honey Comb Touch InteractivePanel – a unique sensory experience awaits.Simply glide your hand over the comb-shapedpatterns to witness a captivating interplay ofmoving lights and colours. This interactivefeature not only engages the senses but alsoadds an artistic touch to any space. Elevateyour environment with the seamless fusion oftouch, movement, and vibrant hues, creating adynamic visual experience on your wall.Sku#: TIHONDimensions: 60 x 60 cm60

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Ocean Wave Projector with Sound and SpeakerThis projector lights up the room with beautiful colours,resembling the waves of the ocean. It also has speakers, andcan be connected to your phone, computer or tablet, or playmusic files from a TF card.Sku#: SOWPMDimensions: 13 x 11 x 10cm (D x H x base D)PROJECTORSRainbow LightCloud shaped projector thatcreates a colourful rainboweffect on any nearby surface.Position it by a wall and pressthe button to activate the fivecolourful LEDs on theunderside of the cloud.Battery operatedSet of 4Sku#: SRBOWDimensions: 13 x 11 x 17cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMProjectors display images or videos on surfaces, usedfor presentations, entertainment and educationalpurposes, enhancing visual communication in diversesettings.61

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901303Leaves901305Flowers 203427Aviation203418 BlankWheel Set203423Tropical Birds901306Earth 203424Deep203420Cloud901304Butterflies203428Earthquake203429Safari203425Fireworks 203422Tropical Fish203449Cross203431 OceanBreeze203433 GalacticRapture203416Pulsing203414 4-Leaf Clover203436Sahara Sun203430 Roses Delight203417 Black/White Stars203442Starburst203415Star-Flake203444Concentric203432 PinkLady203437Tutti FruttiLIQUID EFFECT WHEELS PHOTOGRAPH EFFECT WHEELSEFFECT CASSETTESUse one of these wheels and let yourclients use their imagination, make upgames, tell stories, and interact on manylevels. Must be used with Magnetic Wheel Rotator (#203408).Each wheel has a different combination ofcoloured immiscible (do not blend) liquids.When projected on the wall, they producelarge, amoeba-like amorphous shapes inmany colours. Must be used with MagneticWheel Rotator (#203408).5cm Cassettes combine two pieces of glass, onestatic and the other rotating, to produce constantly changing designs and image movement.Cassettes click-fit onto the 5cm cassette rotator(#203407).Inspired by real life photography, this selection of beautiful effectwheels bring the outside world into your environment. These imagewheels provide calming, inspiring, and educational effects in highdefinition. Only compatible with LED Projector (#901282). 203418 Blank Wheel Set WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM62

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMRotates 15cmwheels at 1/2 rpm. Rotates 5cm cassettes at 2 rpm.203405 PANORAMIC ROTATORMotorized prism sends original effect around the room.The Laser Twilight projector will fill any dark space with a super- sharpspectacle of animated stars and cloud formations. AC Adapter included.The halogen bulb has been replaced with LED, no more bulbs tochange! Same great quality, lighter and quieter design. Differentlenses and additional accessories can be added to this projectorto create additional effects. A wheel or cassette rotator isrequired.Dimensions: 35 x 15W x 25cmThe Aura projector is a multi effects projector that uses the same specialistlighting effects found in sensory rooms and medical facilities, entertainmentamenities and sporting arenas. The projector has its own Wi-Fi hotspot whichcan be linked to Wi-Fi enabled devices using its free application on IOS orAndroid. Each projector includes one magnetic standard liquid wheel that fitseasily onto the integral wheel rotator. A table and wall mount with fixtures andfittings is also included.Dimensions: 23 L x 23 W x 22cm HThe LED Projector offers an easy to setup and use alterna other specialist projection units, while offering a very similar effect. With its in-built magnetic wheel rotator, 85mm lens, adjustable stand and powered withultra bright 1200 lumen LED this projector offers a lot of functionality for agreat price. Various speed and directional controls come as standard. Not compatible with any additional lenses or lighting accessories. If you wish touse with existing Optikinetic wheels, you will require the Adaption kit (#901284)Dimensions: 33 x 12 x 22cm PROJECTOR ACCESSORIES LED PROJECTORLASER TWILIGHT™AURA LED PROJECTORSOLAR 250 LED PROJECTOR901215 901282901284 203401 203111 Laser Twilight™ Aura LED Projector Solar 250 LED Projector LED Projector Projector Adaptation Kit for Optikinetic Wheels 203408 MAGNETICWHEEL ROTATOR203407 CASSETTEROTATORThe LED Water Projector will projecta colour changing water effect ontoany surface. The projectorcontinually scrolls through a rangeof colours to give a relaxing effect. Italso incorpo- rates the option toshow a static colour, change speedsand brightness. Mains operated.Sku#: SPWP/ SPWPEULED Cloud / Water Projector63

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Peacock ProjectorColour changing, rechargeable projectorrefl ecting a peacock image across yourwalls.USB powered. Remote included.Galaxy ProjectorSlow moving projector, projecting calming spaceimages across your ceilings and walls. Includes 12slides.USB adapter.Sku#: PEAPRODimensions: 20 x 8 x 10 cmSku#: GALPRODimensions: 11.5cm x 11cm diameter62 Multimedia HD ProjectorCreate sensory wonder instantly with our ultra-portable mini projector. Powered by Android, it’splug- and-play connecting to WiFi , allowing youto project sensory videos from Youtube or theinternet . Explore specialized sensory apps for atailored experience. Connect eff ortlessly to yoursmartphone or laptop to showcase personalvideos. With a built-in speaker and the option toconnect your own, this projector is the perfectcompanion for on-the-go sensory environments.All you need is a white wall!Sku#: MMPDimensions: 19cm x 10cm diameterWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSensory Vista ProjectorImmerse yourself in a world of dynamic visuals andcaptivating sounds with the SensoryVista Projector.Designed for sensory engagement, this cutting-edgedevice creates a multi-sensory experience perfect forrelaxation, learning, and entertainment. With itsinnovative dual-lens system and immersive soundtechnology, it transforms any space into a realm ofwonder.Sku#: VISTAPRO64

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Essential OilsScented BallsAroma DiffuserAroma SmartDohA fun set of 6 large fruit themedScented Balls in various coloursand facial expressions. Made ofPVC. The high quality Aroma SmartDoh is made usingnatural ingredients and provides both tactile andolfactory stimulation. The set includes five different scents providing aromas to calm and uplift.Scents included are as follows: Lime, Lemon, Mint, Grapefruit and Lavender. Offer your clients an additional sensoryexperience by using essential oils in class, therapyroom or at home. We've put together two sensorysets of five different oil combinations. All oils are10ml each.The Calming Set includes scents such as Lavender,Patchouli & Ylang Ylang which create a wonderfulsensual aroma to promote calm.The Mood Elevating set was chosen to invigorate,inspire and create a sense of happiness throughuse of scents such as mint, citrus fruits & spice.Each set comes with 5 different aromas.This beautiful and modern designed Aromadiffuser creates the perfect ambience foryour clients. It produces a cool, magical andscented mist using ultrasonic technology. Itcomes complete with a Mood light,Adjustable mist volume, Colour selectionmode and a Night Mode. Just place a fewdrops of oil in the diffuser with a smallamount of water and enjoy the benefit ofyour favourite essential oil to awaken yoursenses.Voltage: 12V DC, Water Capacity: 130 ml901151 901218 203301203302 900959 Aroma Diffuser Scented Balls (Set of 6) Aroma SmartDoh (Set of 5) Calming Essential Oils Set Mood-Elevating Essential Oils Set AROMA DIFFUSERSThis pack contains thefollowing Peppermint,Rose, Lavender,Vanilla, Tangerine,Tea tree.Sku#: SA61This pack contains thefollowing Clove, Grapefruit,Rosemary, Jas- min,Sandalwood, Juniperberry.Sku#: SA62Aromas pack 2Aromas pack 1WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMAroma diffusers disperse scents in sensory rooms,enhancing the environment with therapeuticfragrances for a calming and immersive experience.Aromas pack 165

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Jelly Fish Tank RoundWhiteSku#: JFRTDimensions: 32 x 15cmLED Colourchanging glow tank5 colour modes andcolour phasingmode Mains adapterAuto shut offLED Colour changing glowtank 5 colour modes andcolour phasing modeMains adapterAuto shut offSku#: JFTDimensions: 44 x 23cmJelly Fish Tank RoundBlackSku#: JFRTBDimensions: 32 x 15cmLED Colour changingglow tank5 colour modes andcolour phasing modeMains adapterAuto shut offBattery operatedAutomatic colourchangingSku#: SJBTMDimensions: 23cmMini Jelly FishTankSku#: SRJFTMDimensions: 22cmBattery operatedAutomatic colourchangingJelly Fish Tank LargeMini Jelly Ball TankFISH TANKSWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMAquariums or fish tanks bring tranquility indoors,captivating with aquatic life, providing a serene andvisually engaging atmosphere for relaxation.66

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• LED Colour changing glowtank• 5 colour modes and colourphasing mode • Mains adapter• Auto shut offSku#: JFGTDimensions: 27 x 17 x 7cm• LED Colour changing glow tank• 5 colour modes and colour phasingmode • Mains adapter• Auto shut offSku#: JFTODimensions: 31 x 8 x 22cmMesmerising lifelikeJellyfish with realistic movements,be fascinated as theseneon dotted jellyfish swimmajestically around theirtank. Mains powered.Sku#: 80JFTDimensions: 80 x 14cmJelly Fish Glow TankJelly Fish Tank Desktop Oval ShapeTall Jelly Fish Tank - 80cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM67

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LED Colour changing glowtank5 colour modes and colourphasing mode Mains adapterAuto shut offSku#: LGJFTSQDimensions: 35 x 35 x 11.5cmLED Colour changing glowtank5 colour modes and colourphasing mode Mains adapterAuto shut offSku#: JFTTFDimensions: 24 x 28 x 10cmLED Colour changing glowtank5 colour modes and colourphasing mode Mains adapterAuto shut offSku#: JFTSQDimensions: 24 x 28 x 10cmTropical Fish Tank SquareJelly Fish Tank SquareGiant Jelly Fish Tank -Square 35 x 35 x 11.5cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM68

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Egg ChairSku#: EGGCHRDimensions: (W x D x H) 72x96x136cm.Retro upholstered egg shapedchairwLiUth glossy exterior and360oC Espinning ability. Sit back,snuggle up and let the egg hold yousafe. Ideal RfoEr any bedroom,home or sensory setting.EGG CHAIRSWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMEgg chairs offer cocoon-like comfortand modern design, creating a cozyand stylish seating experience invarious indoor and outdoor spaces.Round Retro ChairSku#: EGGRD-B2Dimensions: 136x72cm69

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Simple to use with it’s USB cable, justpress the on button once to turn it on,each further touch, turns the light a littlebrighter and finally turning it off.The table has a measuring guide on theside, making it the ideal educational tool. Other UsesInclude: Tracing, Stained Glass Projects,Investigation Light and Dark Colours,Colour Mixing And Shadows. Sku#: LUBOARDDimensions: 47 x 37 x 0.5cmThis large jar of acrylic pebblescontains a total of 30 pieces invarious sizes and an array ofvivid colours. The translucentcolourings make the idea for anylight table.Includes plastic storage jar.Sku#: AP30Large Light Board with 3 Light SettingsColoured Acrylic PebblesWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMLIGHT-UP PRODUCTSLight-up products illuminate messages ordesigns, providing customizable and vibrantvisual displays for artistic expression orfunctional communication.1kgSku#: GP30Glass Pebbles70

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A well-made light table with a cleveracrylic remov- able tray for sand andmessy play with 5 colour changing largebuttons for selecting colour, perfect forsensory play and observations. Theacrylic tabletop keeps sand and messunder control and allows tactile andsensory play with a wide range ofmaterials to create art with light. Sku#: SLTWSTDimensions: 60 x 60 x 12cm, Acrylic top: 55 x 55cmAn educational and gaming tablewith illumination (backlight), brightand stylish design, interactiveentertainment system. A remotecontrol provided with the table letsyou change modes, colours andbrightness of the table. Age: 3+. (Made in Ukraine)Sku#: E1421Dimensions: 67.5 x 6.75 x 77cmLarge Table with Sand Table TopLight up DeskWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMThis light weight light box comeswith 1 mode light setting, easy to useand includes 2 bags of sand,dustpan and a brush! The top trayis 1.8cm deep making it ideal for the sand, allows tactileand sensory play with a widerange of materials to create artwith light.Sku#: LUBOXDimensions: 38.5 x 26 x 8.5cmPlastic Light BoxLight BoxSKU: SEN 1071

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20 Designed to fit snuggly into our large Sand and Light Table (SKU :SLTWST) this large wood- en frame with 64 circle cut outs can beplaced on top of the table. The light from the table illuminates thecoloured rods, allowing you to experiment with colours as well ascreating an array of patterns and designs. Comes with 64 Assortedcoloured acrylic rods, slide them in the hole, swap them around andchoose another coloured light on your tabletop and watch the rodschange colour. Each acrylic rod is 6cm x 2.8cm.Light table to be purchased seperatley.Sku#: TTLPCRDimensions: 57x57x1.8cmLarge wall hanging wooden frame withwhite light backboard and 64 circle cutouts allowing the light to shine and travelthrough the coloured rods. Comes with64 Assorted coloured acrylic rods, slidethem in the hole, swap them around andwatch them illuminate. Create patterns,games, signs or pictures. Each acrylic rod is 6cm x 2.8cmMains adapterSku#: WHLPCRDimensions: 59x59x4.5cmTable Top Panel with coloured RodsWall Hanging Sensory LightPanel with Coloured RodsWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM72

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2m Colour Changing Colum180cm Waterless LED TubeOptional remoteMaintenance free alternative toour 6’ bubble tube, this colourChanging LED Column stands at180cm tall and at 15cm diameterwill fit snuggly into our bespokepadded surrounds. Comes withremote control for colour changingand mode settings. Mains adapterSku#: WLT180Dimensions: 180cm x 15cm diameterThis 2m tall, sleek column changescolours with many features andsequences to choose from to give youthat comfortable atmosphere. A tall and elegant plastic tube that isglass and water free, great option oralternative to our 6’ Bubble tube. Itcomes with remote control and bracketso you can sit back in comfort and choose themode to suit your mood.Sku#: 2MCCCDimensions: 200 x 23cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSensory UV LED Light BoardDraw on on the board using the UVpens included and turn the lights on tosee your drawings light up under theglare. • 6 UV pens • 3 template drawing boards• 3 Light Settings• Battery OperatedSku#: UVLEDBDimensions: 45x30x4.5cmPattern Glow Pad Create glowing art with the pattern glow pad! This 50 x 45 cmlight board features a squishy gel pad that lets you shapevibrant patterns, illuminated by colorful LED lights. Simply pressthe button to switch between glowing colors and watch yourdesigns come to life. A mess-free, interactive way to unleashcreativity and make stunning light- up masterpieces!Sku#: GLOPADDimensions: 50x45 cm73

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LARGERocket Light and Remote 1mColour Changing Ceiling Ring 130cm Waterless LED TubeOptional remoteA great sensory room additionwhen noise and water is not anoption.100cm tall with colour changingtube and a remote control. Mainsadapter.Also comes with new wall fixingsSku#: SRL100Dimensions: 100cmSku#: CCCRLDimensions: 100 x 10cm.MEDIUMSku#: CCCRMDimensions: 40 x 10cm.Optional remoteA formidable circular ring has a variety of colourchanging sequences to light and brighten up any ceiling. Just lie back andwatch it change or grab the remote and choose themode to suit your mood. Captivating for any agegroup but an incredible finishing piece to any sensoryroom. Available in two sizes. Fixings (chains) included A wonderful colour Changing LEDColumn stands at 130cm tall and at 12cmdiameter to give any room an impact.Comes with remote control for colourchanging and mode settings so you canchoose a static colour, various colours atonce, or have it skipping from colour tocolour and mode to mode.Mains adapterSku#: WLT130Dimensions: 130cm x 12cm diameterWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM74

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Room ControllerControl every aspect of your sensory room using theController. Control bubble tubes, fibre optic lights, LED lightsand other sensory equipment wirelessly, to change theenvironment to suit your needs. The ARC comes with pre builtthemes. These themes are interactive to the user bycontrolling light, sound, pictures and video to transform thesensory room all at the same time. The software also lets youdesign and save your own themes using the simple userinterface.The perfect way to control your sensory room. Easilycreate your own themes and content. Connect yourApollo Creative sensory equipment to further enhanceinteractivity.Full training of the software included when you purchase.Dome LightThe Dome Light creates a light show across your whole room.Simply fit the Dome Light in the corner of a room, plug in and bedazzled by the colour effects and patterns it produces. The DomeLight is well suited to a budget friendly sensory space. The domecycles through a host of different colours that the user will bevisually stimulated by to create an engaging sensory experience.Key PointsSmall, light and easy to use. Simply fit into a corner of yoursensory space, plug in and you’re ready to go.Different colours and patterns create a visual sensoryexperience.Perfect for those creating a budget sensory space.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM75

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• Rechargeable • Colour changing furniture for indoor use.• Battery life: Approx 12 Hours.• Change colour modes, speed and light intensity using theremote control. • Phase through up to 12 colours and pause onyour favourite shade.A tall and sturdy mirror with a colour changingLED frame to light up any sensory room,bedroom or dressing room. Designed with ahook on the back for mounting on the wall.Mains operated, remote included.Wall hanging only. Not RechargeableSku#: LEDMIRDimensions: 152x30x6cmLarge LED MirrorLIGHT-UP FURNITUREWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMLight-up furniture integrates LED technology, addingambiance and versatility to spaces by providing colorfuland adjustable illumination within functional furniturepieces.76

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LARGEMEDIUMLARGEMEDIUMSku#: SLUFB50Dimensions: 50cm dia.Sku#: SLUFB40Dimensions: 40cm dia.RechargeableRemote controlInterchangeable adapterEU/UKSku#: SLUFE22Dimensions: 22 x 32cmActs as a great seat or table• Rechargeable• Remote control• Interchangeable adapterEU/UKSku#: SLUFTRDimensions: 36 x 36cmRechargeableRemote controlInterchangeable adapterEU/UK Available in two sizesSku#: SLUFC40Dimensions: 40 x 40 x 40cmSku#: SLUFC30Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 30cm.• Rechargeable•Remote control• Interchangeable adapterEU/UKSku#: SLUFFB34Dimensions: 34 x 12cmRechargeableRemote controlInterchangeable adapterEU/UKSku#: SLUFD34Dimensions: 16 x 34cmColour Changing EggColour Changing Sphere Colour Changing Tree TrunkLight Up DropletColour Changing LED StoolColour Changing Flat PebbleWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM77

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LARGEMEDIUMRechargeableRemote controlInterchangeableadapter EU/UKSku#: SLUFP28Dimensions: 35 x 18cmRechargeableRemote controlInterchangeableadapter EU/UKAvailable in two sizesSku#: SLUC75Dimensions: Approx. 32 x 76cm tallSku#: SLUC110Dimensions: Approx. 38 x 96cm tallRechargeableRemote controlInterchangeableadapter EU/UKSku#: SLUFM22Dimensions: 22 x 22 x 21cmThis portable lamp is great for readingor as relaxing back- ground light. Greatfor a kids night light, as room d’ecor oras an outdoor table lamp. Use remotecontrol provided to convenientlychange between light and modesettings.• Rechargeable• Remote control• Interchangeable adapter EU/UKSku#: SLUFLMPDimensions: 27 x 18cmColour ChangingLarge PebbleColour Changing CylinderColour Changing Night LampColour Changing MushroomHigh quality design with rechargeable battery allows for hours of cordless portable use. Remote control included, light up furniture is funand practical. These multi-functional dimmable LED light are great for anight light, bedroom accessory, sensory room or party centerpiece. Withfull product testing for both indoor and outdoor use, this color changingdecor enhances any room or occasion.• Rechargeable• Remote control• Interchangeable adapter EU/UKSku#: SLUFCBDimensions: 102 x 40 x 40cmColour Changing Curved Bench SeatingWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM78

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FLOOR TILESA very high-quality unique product. Each tile isfilled with gel. Every step or movement will cause theliquid gel to shift in an array of patterns. A wonderfulresource for a sensory room or to create a mini platform in the room to give a childtheir special space.• Non slip and can carry loads up to 500kg per tile.• Tiles have an option to plug into each other.• One adapter can be used for multiple tiles. • Adapter must be purchased separately.Light-Up Liquid Floor Tiles (Choice of 4 Colours)Sku#: CZ5000Adapter for Light Up LiquidFloor Tiles (for 4 tiles) Thisadapter must be purchased separately. The tile will not automatically be provided with anadapter. This adapter can supply power for up to 4 tiles.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSensory floor tiles incorporatetactile elements, vibrant colors, orinteractive features to createengaging and therapeutic flooringfor sensory rooms or spaces.79

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Hopscotch Liquid Floor Tiles (10 pieces)Wonderful visual and tactile experience that really will encourageyou to move around and explore the surfaces. Screen printed withbrightly coloured numbers, ideal for a variety of games. Ideal for use in sensory rooms oreducational environments as eachtile is filled with bright liquid gel, creating ever changing shapes toencourage visualstimulation as well as movement and touch. The non slip softcushioned backs grip onto smoother surfaces for stability. Simplyapply a little pressure to create a dramatic visualeffect. Sku#: SFTHOPDimensions: 40 x 40cm eachUV Sensory Liquid Floor Tiles (Set of 4)Reacts under UV lightSku#: SFTUVDimensions: 40 x 40cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMRound Tiles - 50cm Diameter RoundTiles - 50cm DiameterA wonderful visual and tactile light upexperience that really will encourage you tomove around and explore the surfaces. Eachround tile is filled with a liquid gel. Every stepor movement will cause the liquid gel to shiftin an array of patterns. Encourages visualstimulation as well as movement and touch.Each tile is filled with a liquid gel so that eachstep or movement will cause the liquid gel toshift in an array of patterns.SLFTRound Floor Tiles - 4 Equilateral Triangle Liquid Floor TileSet of 6Sku#: SFTET6Dimensions: Approx.33cm80

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Set of 4 ColoursSku#: SLFTSDimensions: 30 x 30cmA wonderful visual and tactile light-up experiencethat really will encourage you to move aroundand explore the surfaces. Every step or movementwill cause the liquid gel to shift in an array ofpatterns. The tiles withstand jumping andstrenuous use by children and adults as well as the weight ofwheelchairs. Can also be used on a tabletop ofany flat surface.Sku#: SFT6Dimensions: 50 x 50cmSingles 6 Pack ColourSmall Liquid Square Tiles - 30 x 30cmLiquid Square Tiles - 50 x 50cm6 Liquid Floor Tiles 50x50cm (6 Colours)SFTBWSFTGYSFTOSFTPISFTPSFTBBSFTBWX6SFTGYX6SFTOX6SFTPIX6SFTPX6SFTBBX6Blue/WhiteGreen/YellowOrange/RedPink/YellowPurpleRedGold SilverSensory Liquid Glitter Filled TileSku#: SFTGS1Dimensions: 50x 50cmSku#: SFTSS1WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM81

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMTextured Massage Liquid TilesSet of 4 exciting liquid tiles,each tile has a diff erent textureand colour. Walk across, watchthe coloured liquid movearound and let your sensesexplore the patterns whilstmassaging your feet. Animal Themed Liquid Floor TilesSet of 4 A great addition to ourexpansive liquid tiles range. Stepon these animal themed tiles for agreat fun, squishy, sensoryexperience.Textured Massage Liquid TilesSet of 6 exciting coloured liquidtiles, each tile has a differenttextured finish. Walk across, watchthe coloured liquid move aroundand let your senses explore thepatterns whilst massaging yourfeet. UV Round AquariumLiquid TilesSet of 4Soft Textured Liquid Tiles Set of 4 Soft texture under footSku#: STMT4Dimensions: Each tile 30 x 30cmSku#: SALT4Dimensions: Each tile: 30 x 30 cmSku#: UVRALT4Dimensions: Each :30cm diameterSku#: STMT6Dimensions: Each tile 30 x 30cmSku#: STT4 Dimensions: Each tile is 30x3082

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Quadrant Liquid Floor TileHexagon Liquid Floor TileSet of 4Sku#: SFTQ4Dimensions: Approx. 33cmSet of 4Sku#: SFTHX4Dimensions: Approx. 33cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#: SIRFR50Dimensions: 50cmdiameter x 6cmRounded for safety, easy to install, can be placedon walls or simply placed on the floor and can bemoved around with ease. The tile lights up andwill change colour autonomously, react to yourtouch or music. Visually exciting and fun to use.This item will have the children playing andsmiling for hours.Our interactive tile will drift from colour tocolour until you place your hand or footupon it where you will see anothersequence of multiple colours pop up andchange at a faster speed. Looksmagnificent when set in a wall or floor.50cm diameterSku#: SIRFT50Dimensions: 50cm diameter30cm diameterSku#: SIRFT30Dimensions: 30cm diameterRound Interactive Light Up Plastic Floor TileRound Interactive Colour Change Tile1m x 1m carpet filled with colourchanging LED’s giving a starrycalming vision that can beactivated upon touch.Sku#: SCARDimensions: 100 x 100cmLED Sensory Carpet83

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COZY COTTAGE KID GARAGE Provide your clients and students a space of their own thatcan be customized to meet their needs. Make it a moveablesensory room with the addition of a Bubble Tube. Made out ofsturdy foam which fastens with strong hook and loopconnectors. Sold in Midnight Blue and Yellow unless otherwisespecified.Dimensions: 2 x 2 x 2mDesigned for home, clinic or classroom, the Kid Garage is theperfect place to park a child in need of quiet space. The garageis cormeliefposed of four foam-filled slabs that have a durablevinyl exterior and a soft, comforting nylon fabric interior. Theends are capped with vinyl covers that are secured to thegarage with hook-and- loop material. Sold in Midnight Blueunless otherwise specified. Dimensions: Kid Garage, 100 x 75cm4460 Cozy Cottage 151420 Kid Garage 1m75cmSOFT PLAYWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSoft play enhances sensory development inchildren by providing a safe environment forexploration. It promotes motor skills, spatialawareness, and social interaction, fosteringcognitive and physical growth through tactile andvisual stimuli.SKU: SOFP LA28SENSORY DENThe Soft play Den has external soft padded wallsand roof, a door and window to look through, aSoft play Floor and internal Acrylic Mirrors to twowalls and ceiling to enhance self image, discovery,and visual perception.84

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFLOOR MATSLANDING MATS FOLDING MATS All our Floor Mats are 5cm (thick) and are leadand phthalate free. The mats are manufactured inthe UK and are of the highest quality and aredesigned for heavy use which makes them perfectfor general therapy activities and floor use. Offered without Velcro, or with Velcro on the 2 long sides. All Floor Mats are supplied in Blue, unless specified otherwise.This Landing Mat is a great addition to asensory integration therapy space as itprovides a soft landing area for lots ofactivities. The Landing Mat is manufactured toa size of 1 x 2m and comes in two thickness’s(10cm or 20cm) and are both lead andphthalate free. The mats are manufactured inthe UK and are of the highest quality and aredesigned for heavy use which makes themperfect for general therapy activities and flooruse.Image for representation only, productmay differ.All Landing Mats are supplied in Blue, unlessspecified otherwise. Our Folding mats are perfect for those areas wherespace and storage is at a premium. They are 5cmthick and are both lead and phthalate free. The mats are manufactured in the UK and are of thehighest quality and are designed for heavy use which makes them perfect for general therapyactivities and floor use. All Folding Mats are supplied in Blue, unless specified otherwise.900941900942 901131900940 10cm Mat20cm Mat No Velcro 900934 1.8m x 90cm Floor Mat900935 2m x 1m Floor Mat Velcro on 2 long sides 900936 1.8m x 90cm Floor Mat900937 2m x 1m Floor Mat 2m x 1m Folding Mat (1 fold)3m x 1m Folding Mat (2 fold) Super Blocks and Large Building Blocks offer an endless variety ofeffective, enjoyable construction tasks. Choose either our SuperBlocks, which are made of soft foam covered with reinforcedwipeable vinyl fabric and stack easily for quick pickup. Oralternatively our Large Building Blocks which are heavier andfirmer, making them strong enough to be stood and climbed on;great for creative "den" building exercises.Sold in a set of 2.Weight: 2kg (each)Dimensions: 90 x 20 x 30cmLARGE BUILDING BLOCK (SET OF 2)SKU: 901232Monster Blocks and Small Building Blocksoffer an endless variety of effective,enjoyable construction tasks.Dimensions: 45 x 20 x 30cmMonster Blocks weight: 0.9kg(each)Building Blocks weight: 1.6kg(each)MONSTER BUILDING BLOCKS SETSKU: 197085

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMAre you creating a new Sensory Integrationroom or Multi-Sensory Environment? If you need something a little different,rather than our standard sized wall and floor mats, we can accommodate theseneeds. We offer a free consultation service on allpadding needs. Email us at sales@sensory4you.comOur commercial grade wall mats offer protectionfor all your therapy clients and students at anyfacility. Available in two different sizes as well ascustom sizes upon request, we have your wallpadding needs covered!All mats are 1m wide, and 5cm thick, and arecovered in phthalate and lead compliant vinyl. AllWall Mats are supplied in Royal Blue, unless specified otherwise. Wall Mat Mounting Battens sold separately.Our easy to install hook covered wood battens connect to the loop fastener on the back ofyour wall mat. Sold in sets of 1m length strips to match our standard wall mats above.Mounting hardware not included. All of our mats and wall padding in the catalogue meet the requirements forlead and phthalates and fire retardancy regulations as at time of print.• All mats are covered in high-impact nylon-coated vinyl that has been treatedwith anti- mildew and UV-resistant agents.• All wall and floor mats are made to order and subject to lead times.• Custom sizes are available.• All items are sold in colours specified but are available in a selection of othercolours if required. Please contact the teamWALL MATS BESPOKE MATTING556600556601 XQ1001 1.5m x 1m Wall Mat 1.8mx 1m Wall Mat Wall Mat Mounting Battens All items are available in a selection of othercolours if required. Please contact us at sales@sensory4you.com86

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PLAYHOUSE SOFT-LITE TUNNELA soft foam filled tunnel, perfectfor crawling through or hidingaway in. Sold in Midnight Blueunless otherwise specified.Dimensions: 80 W x 90 D x 90H All items are available in a selection of othercolours if required. Please contact us at sales@sensory4you.comThe Playhouse walls are constructed of durable foam, and the top is made of sturdy birch plywood, completelyencased in foam. One wall has a removable doorway where your clients can enter the house for some quiet time.The Playhouse is easy to assemble and walls can be configured in many ways. One of the most versatile functions of the Playhouse is that it can double as a ball pool. Just flip the house upsidedown, pour in the balls, and you now have a pool for tactile stimulation. The steps and slide also fit together withhook-and-loop fasteners for continued motor planning while using the playhouse as a ball pool. Sold in Midnight Blue and Yellow unless otherwise specified.Dimensions: 139 x 139 x 99cm (Playhouse) 76 x 74 x 91cm (Steps) 168 x 74 x 99cm (Slide) Working Load: 181kg 44004410901144 Playhouse PlayhouseSteps Playhouse Slide Soft-Lite Tunnel WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSENSORY SHAKER Your clients will have a ball in Sensory Shaker! The Sensory Shaker is an oversized bag that, when filledwith balls, provides tactile input as well as vestibular input for your client as she sits inside and youshake her up. Without movement, the Sensory Shaker provides a small, enclosed space for your client. The bag is made out of breathable yet sturdy jersey fabric with strong handles to make the shakingeasier. The bag’s size is versatile enough to accommodate a large range of clients, from toddlers toelementary. Does not include balls. Colours may vary. Dimensions: 150 x 300cm Circumference1395 Sensory Shaker 87

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMDiscover the ideal multi-sensory environment or sensory integrationroom to your unique preferences and requirements without the hassleof designing it yourself. Let us guide you through the process andleverage our expertise to create the most beneficial space possible. Ourteam of sensory room designers has crafted numerous custom multi-sensory rooms for various settings. We understand that budgets vary,so our plans and prices are flexible, taking into account your specificneeds and the sensory equipment you choose.We offer a freeconsultation service on allMulti-Sensory environment needs. Email us atsales@sensory4you.com88

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CRASH PIT CRASH PIT BALLS MINI CRASH PIT CRASH PIT DUST COVER Whether it’s filled with our Giant Cloud Nine orwith balls, our Crash Pit is fun and inviting. It’s aperfect landing spot for the children who cravethe crash-and-burn input. Or add a weightedblanket and create a calming quiet space.Either way, it’s a perfect fit for your clinic orbasement playroom. Sold with a vinyl bottom as standard and inMidnight Blue unless specified otherwise. Ballssold separately.Dimensions: 198 x 61 x 15cm (Each wall) 182 x 182cm (Inside); 214 x 214cm (Outside)The Crash Pit Dust Cover is made of lightweight durable vinyl. The covers are madein two sizes for the standard and mini crashpits. Sold in colour shown unless specifiedotherwise.Our Mini Crash Pit is fun and inviting for childrenwho crave crash-and-burn input. Sold with a vinyl bottom as standard and inMidnight Blue unless specified otherwise. Ballssold separately. Dimensions: 124 x 61 x 10cm (Eachwall) 114 x 114cm (Inside); 135 x 135cm (Outside)451400151402 551408900992551500 Crash Pit Crash Pit Floor Mat Set of 100 Coloured BallsSet of 500 Coloured BallsSet of 500 Clear Balls 151430151431 151410151415 Mini Crash Pit Mini Crash Pit Floor Mat Crash Pit Dust Cover Mini Crash Pit Dust Cover 151430 CRASH PIT DUST COVER451410 MINI CRASH PIT AND (1,000) BALLS WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMCRASH PIT STEPS & SLIDE To improve accessibility to our crash pits, wehave added the option of our Steps and Slide. This makes our Crash Pit more versatile and will provide your clients hours of fun as they develop motor planning, grossmotor skills and social interaction. Sold in Sold in Midnight Blue and Yellow unless otherwise specified.Dimensions: 76 x 74 x 61cm (Steps); 183 x 74 x 61cm (Slide)44404450 Crash Pit StepsCrash Pit Slide CRASH PIT BENCH & INNER STEP Attach to the inside or outside of theCrash Pit to give smaller children a stepup when climbing in and out. Sold inMidnight Blue unless otherwise specified.Dimensions: 91 x 23 x 30cm (Crash Pit Bench) 51 x 23 x 20cm (Crash Pit Inner Step)151435151436 Crash Pit BenchCrash Pit Inner Step 89

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMCLOUD NINE GIANT CLOUD NINE MINI CLOUD NINE Try a piece of heaven for your Crash Pit or useit alone as a perfect landing spot, or a soft,cosy, quiet space. Made of the same durableyet soft material as our standard Cloud Nine, onlymuch bigger! An additional inner liner can bepurchased separately. Supplied in Pacific Blue.Dimensions: 185 x 185 x 60cm Used as a crash pit or a quiet readingspace, our Cloud Nine is sure to be a hitwith all children. Made with soft macrosuedeon the outside, and filled with chunks offlexible foam on the inside. An additionalinner liner can be purchased separately.Supplied in Pacific Blue.Dimensions: 185 x 120 x 30cm This smaller version of our Giant Cloud Nine offers thesame comfortable resting place for your clients, age 9 and under. Made with soft macrosuedeon the outside, and filled with chunks of flexible foamon the inside. An additional inner liner can bepurchased separately. Supplied in Pacific Blue. Dimensions: 115 x 115 x 15cm 145914601461 145514561457 Cloud Nine Outer cover onlyInner liner only Giant Cloud NineOuter Liner onlyInner Liner only 145014511452 Mini Cloud NineOuter Cover onlyInner Liner only 1455 CLOUD NINE. 1459 GIANT CLOUD NINE. CRASHPIT SOLD SEPARATELY.Forest Party (L/S) SKU:KP1803 SKU:KP1801 90

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSTEPPING STONES ROLLS AND ROLLS BESPOKE SOFT PLAYThese foam filled Rolls are fun and inviting while offeringmotor planning and balance activities. They can bedetached from their base to change the colour way.Additionally they can be left removed from their base andplaced end to end to create a balance beam. Colours may vary. Dimensions: 140 L x 92 W x 25cm HThe foam filled Stepping Stones provide, motorplanning, balance, and organising activities. Theindividual blocks can be re positioned to create newchallenges and patterns. Colours may vary. Dimensions: 122 L x 61 W x 61cm H (Set of 8); 122 L x 122W x 61cm H (Set of 16)Are you creating a new Sensory Integrationroom or Multi-Sensory Environment? If you need something a little different, andrequire our soft play products combining tomake a bespoke space, we canaccommodatethese needs. We offer a free consultationservice on all room design needs.Email us at sales@sensory4you.com901140901135 901248 Rolls and Rolls Stepping Stones - Set of 8Stepping Stones - Set of 16 AIR MATSUse your imagination to create a variety of activitiesthat are therapeutic and enjoyable with Air Mats. Usethe Air Mats for vestibular or proprioceptive stimulation,balance activities and motor tasks.Available in three sizes, Air Mats are durable, and canbe inflated and deflated with an Inflater/Deflater Pump. Be sure to remove all sharp personal objects (belts,buckles, keys, etc.) that could puncture the mat. The AirMats are good for working with postural adjustments,motor planning and sensory stimulation. All clients mustbe supervised and adequate padding provided duringactivities. Colours may vary.Dimensions: 105 x 105cm (Dolphin Deflated); 215 x180cm (Walrus Deflated); 215 x 120cm (Seal Deflated) Working Load: 45kg (Dolphin); 70kg (Walrus and Seal)132413251326 Dolphin Air MatWalrus Air MatSeal Air Mat 91

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMROCKING BARRELSSOFT-LITE & KID-LITE BARRELS Clients can crawl through the barrels to enhancespatial awareness; add movement and they alsoprovide strong vestibular input. If a therapist or client is inside a barrel, it provides heavy work for another client to push the barrel. The sturdy foam enables a therapist to work with a client on top of the barrel for balance and positioning activities.The Kid-Lite Barrel is lined with vinyl and foam and covered on the outside with soft carpet. Padded edges around the rim help prevent pinched fingers. Colours may vary.Dimensions: 40 ID x 70 OD x 90cm (Soft-Lite); 50 dia. x 60cm (Kid-Lite) Working Load: 100kg. (Soft-Lite); 115kg. (Kid-Lite) The Rocking Barrel offers a variety of uses in thetherapeutic setting. Allow clients to work onproprioceptive input and motor planning skills bycrawling through or pushing the barrel, and enjoyvestibular stimulation by rolling or rocking in it.It is great to use as a target to enforce hand-eyecoordination skills. Use it as a fun addition to anyobstacle course. The Rocking Barrel can also be usedfor calming, by providing a small space to sit in. AdultRocking Barrel supplied in Blue. Phthalate and leadcompliant. Dimensions: 80 dia x 90cm (RockingBarrel); 100 dia x 1m (Adult Rocking Barrel) Working Load: 115kg 550090901191 10601050 Soft-Lite BarrelKid-Lite Barrel Rocking Barrel Adult Rocking Barrel 1050 KID-LITE BARREL550090 ROCKING BARRELPencil Padded Wall Art Fire-resistant and BooBoo resistant : bang, fall orroll into the wall will no longer end in ‘ouches’ withthis colourful padded wall protector. Perfect for playareas, sensory rooms and bedrooms. Easy to wipedown and keep clean.Double sided type included.7 piece setSku#: PENCILDimensions: 80x40x3cm92

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COMFY NOODLE POSITIONING ROLLS FOLDING WEDGE SOFT-LITE FLOOR ROLL Adaptive positioning provides stability andsupport for persons who do not have fullbody control. The rolls can be used forvestibular training and positioning. These foam noodles can be used in wateror on dry land. They can be used forbalancing exercises, creating activity courses and encouraging imaginative play.With the use of the connectors multipleNoodles can be joined together making the possibilities endless. Dimensions: 7cm dia.A staple for any therapy room, wedges help in positioning, balance and exercise activities. These folding wedges can be turned into square blocks that are useful for alternative exercise. Made of a firm, solid foam core covered in durable vinyl. Colours may vary. Dimensions: 65 x 55cmOur floor rolls are sturdy enough for clients of all ages. Made of durable foam and covered in heavy-duty vinyl, these rolls are built to withstand years of use. Dimensions: 40cm dia. x 90cm (Full roll), 90cm x 20cm (Half roll) Working Load: 102kg.901152556323 902261902262 15cm dia. x 45cm L Roll15cm dia. x 90cm L Roll Comfy Noodle (Set of 24) Comfy Noodle Connector (Set of 12) 10611065 155561155563 20cm Folding Wedge30cm Folding Wedge Full Soft-Lite Floor RollHalf Soft-Lite Floor Roll WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM93

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Massage Puzzle Floor TileForest Padded Wall ArtS/6 Textured Floor TilesSet of 6 colourful plastic tiles, each with with adifferent design and textured finish.Massaging your feet or hands, get thechildren moving, improving blood circulation,helping strengthen muscles and ligaments,with puzzle and fun aspect. Clip together likepuzzle pieces, making your desired shapewhether it be a floor mat or a path, you caneven add more sets making a larger area.Suitable for indoor or outdoor and easy toclean.Sku#: TEXMP6Dimensions: Each tile size: 29cm x 29cmSet of 6 colourful plastic tiles, each with with adifferent design and textured finish.Massaging your feet or hands, get the childrenmoving, improving blood circulation, helpingstrengthen muscles and ligaments, with puzzleand fun aspect. Clip together like puzzlepieces, making your desired shape whether itbe a floor mat or a path, you can even addmore sets making a larger area.Sku#: TEXFT6Dimensions: Each tile size: 30cm x 30cmFull Size: 60 x 90cm.Fire-resistant and BooBoo resistant : bang, fall orroll into the wall will no longer end in ‘ouches’ withthis colourful padded wall protector. Perfect forplay areas, sensory rooms and bedrooms. Easy towipe down and keep clean. Double sided typeincluded.Sku#: FORESTDimensions: 180x120x3cmWith a texturedunderneath, it ensures anon-slip grip.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM94

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Blackout Sensory Tent is an affordable denfor creative play that is simple to constructand store. Featuring a nylon double skin thatblocks out the light, it’s ideal for using lightand glow objects to create a magical sensoryenvironment. Can also be used when a cozy,secure place is necessary. Canvas Storagebag includedLED accessories not included.Sku#: SDDF100Dimensions: 100 x 100cmOur pop up tent can be packed away to save space, ideal for atemporary mini sensory room, or classroom. Ideal for exploringaccessories that light up, glow in the dark or project, perfect forcreating a calming environment with soothing moodlighting, or evoke their excitement with colour changing and lightup products. Canvas Storage bag includedSku#: SDDF120Dimensions: 120 x 180cmDark Den TentDark Den Tent - LargeSENSORY DENSWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSensory dens are secluded spaces with tactilefeatures, colours and calming elements,providing a therapeutic retreat for individuals toself-regulate and relax.95

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An entire sensory room ready to go! This qual-ity wooden box can be placed in any room and children can go and immerse in asensory environment and hide from theoutside world. The size is big enough forseveral children. Window has UV strips thatreact to UV light. UV light included. Padded floor for comfort.The inside is lined with plastic mirrors so allsensory equipment is magnified. A hole in the ceiling for Fibre optics. Place the lightsource on the ceiling and drape the fibresthrough the roof. Fibre optics and bubbletubes purchased separately. With bubble tube surround.All bubble tubes and fibres to be purchasedseperatetly.Sku#: SWDLMLDimensions: Approx. 140 x 140 x 140cmThis sensory unit is ideal for children looking for aquiet place to read, rest and relax. This unit alsodoubles up as a sensory hideout with built incoloured lighting in the ceiling, which is operatedby remote control (light can be fixed on onecolour or set to change to 7 different colours). Apadded base keeps children comfortable.Manufactured from 18mm Maple melamine facedboard and supplied with LED light and a softcushion base.Sku#: SWCDMLDimensions: 124 x 72 x 41cmLarge Wooden Den WithInternal Mirror WallsWooden Padded Den With Mood LightingWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM96

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Dimensions: 105 x 105 x 110cm Folded: dia. 44cmA unique EXTRA Large Sensory Tunnel with 5 LEDflahsing balls, made larger than your averagetunnel to also cater for the older child. Made dark incolour for extra effect. Encourge your child throughthe tunnel by dropping the flashing balls in theholes positioned at various lengths along the topmaking this item great fun.Sku#: POPTUNDimensions: 42cm diameter x 120cm longLarge white pop up tent for lightprojection for UV product & LEDsensory toys.Climb into the tent, place aprojector inside, and watch theden become engulfed in an arrayof colours, creating a calm discolight effect. LED accessories not included.Pop up TentSensory Pop up Tunnel with LED BallsWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMIndoor Framed Sensory Dark Den A safe, dark, sensory environment inthe classroom or home . Ideal forchildren in need of a distraction-freespace. Add light-up accessories forsensory stimulation. Thoughtfuldesign folds into a small caseSKU: SDMDBKDimensions: 99x117x144cm97

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Make some noise with this Light Up Tambourine. Thisflashing tambourine provides lots of input for thesenses with touch, lights and music. This light uptambourine has a simple press button Off/On switchon the handle which activates the bright multi-coloured LED lights.Sku#: STAMDimensions: 22cmLight-Up TambourineHANDHELDSENSORY LIGHT-UPHandheld sensory light-up products provideportable visual stimulation, aiding relaxation andfocus through colourful, interactive illuminationfor tactile engagement.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM98

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Silver BaseBlack BaseBattery includedSku#: SGLLDimensions: 15cm• USB charger• Battery includedSku#: SRSSGLDimensions: 15cm• Set of 2.• Battery includedSku#: SGSGSDimensions: 15cmBattery includedBattery includedSku#: SMSSSLDimensions: 15cmColours may vary.Battery includedSku#: SB47DDimensions: 15cmSku#: SGL6Sku#: SGL6BDimensions: 15cmGold and SilverGlitter ShakeShine with LEDRocket Shake &Shine Glitter LampWhite Shake andShine Glitter LampLight Up MiniFish AquariumsShake and ShineGlitter LampsWhite Mini Shake andShine Star LightWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM99

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TornadoGlitter LampColour Changing CylinderSensory GlitterWaterball LightLarge ColourChanging Glitter LampSensory VolcanoGlitter LampSensory TwinTornado Glitter LampSku#: SDLBBDimensions: 13 x 8 x 8 cmBattery operatedSku#: STL13Dimensions: 33cmBattery operatedSku#: SGWLDimensions: 14cmBattery operatedSku#: SGL13Dimensions: 33cmUSB lead & battery operatedSku#: SVRGLDimensions: 20cmUSB lead RechargeableSku#: STTGLDimensions: 26cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM100

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Battery operatedSku#: SPB6Dimensions: 15cmThis light up dome has moving andcolour changing lights revolving arroundthe dome creating mezmerising pattern.USB adapterSku#: SPD14Dimensions: 14cm x 14cm diameterSD/USB slot andbluetooth. MainsOperated.Sku#: SDBBTDimensions: 18 x 16cmSparkling filled frame that pushesthe shimmering glitter, swimmingaround the square and changescolour.• USB adapter• rechargeableSku#: GFS22Dimensions: 22x22x412cm diameter mirrored bal with LEDstarburst effect. USB adapter with on/offbutton along the wire. Black MDF plinthbase.USB adapterSku#: 84205 Dimensions: 15cm x 12cm diameterPatterned DomeKaleidoscopeRotating Disco BallDisco Ball and SpeakersFibre BallGlitter Filled SquareWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM101

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Ball notincludedSku#: MBMMains powered4 Colour discssuppliedSku#: SPMBSku#: SPMBEU (EU Adapter)The globe is covered in mosaic mirror tileswhich projects and reflects designs aroundyour room.Available in 3 sizes.Sku#: SMDB8Dimensions: 8 Inch (20cm)Medium Disco Mirror Small Disco Mirror BallSku#: SMDB6 Sku#: SMDB4Dimensions: 6 Inch (15cm) Dimensions: 4 Inch (10cm)The tent provides a brightprojection room that still allowslight to shine through. Pops up andpacks away, comes with a storagebag.Our range of White Projection Props are perfect for any projectionwithout a child feeling overwhelmedin a small space. * LED accessories not included.Sku#: SWPUTDimensions: 105 x 105 x 110cmFolded: dia. 44cmBattery PoweredSpinner for MirrorBallsProjector forMirror BallsLarge Disco Mirror BallWhite Projection TentWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM102

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Battery includedSku#: SWGBDimensions: 7.5cmPowered by handmovement AssorteddesignsSku#: SHHTDimensions: 11.5 cm heightSku#: SFBBDimensions: 21cm approx.• set of 6• Colour changing• Various colourchanging modesSku#: SFB6Dimensions: 40cmSku#: SFDBBDimensions: 23cm approx.Spikey Light UpSingle BatonLight Up WaterFilled Glitter BallWind Up Dynamo TorchFoam Batons SinglesSpikey Light UpDouble BatonWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM103

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Set of 6, batteryincludedSku#: SML6Dimensions: 4cm• set of 4• Battery includedSku#: SFL4Dimensions: 15cmone supplied, battery includedSku#: SFOLDimensions: 38cmBattery operatedSku#: SLUPTDimensions: 25cmset of 12, battery includedSku#: LEDFL12Fibre Optic WandColour ChangingMini Light-Up DomesMini Fibre Optic LampsFinger LightsLight Up Torch(colour changing)WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM104

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Set of 4, battery includedSku#: SCCE4Dimensions: 9cmSet of 4 batteryincludedSku#: SDF4Children will be mesmerized by thisfantastic colour changing moonlamp. With 16 distinct colours childrenare sure to be entertained while alsoenjoy an amazing visual experience.Sku#: SLMLDimensions: 10 x 12cmSet of4, battery includedSku#: SSML4Dimensions: 7.5cmColour Changing EggsFlashingDuck FamilyColour Changing Moon Rock with RemoteColour Changing Mood BlocksWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM105

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Sku#: AD100Dimensions: 14 x 12cmBattery poweredSku#: SPS5Dimensions: 17cmAn electrifying interactive light show at your very fingertips. Control bolts of lightwith your hands and fingers and create amazing interactive light shows with thePlasma Ball. The plasma inside the large 8” hand-blown sphere interacts with thetouch of your hand. Simply place your fingertips on the glass and watch the bolts oflight follow your movements. The large glass sphere means that you get 360viewing so you can see the dramatic light show from any angle. Mains poweredSku#: SPB8Dimensions: 20cmThis cool colour changing Aroma Diffuser Speaker certainly canbring life to any Sensory Room or even to your next Party!Equipped with 9 LED bulbs, this awesome device lights up andchanges colours. It also serves as a Speaker system and iscompatible to Android and iPhone devices, wirelessly throughBluetooth. You can add liquid fragrance to the Diffuser Tank,and the device will disperse it in the air at intervals. Mainspowered.Battery poweredMains poweredSku#: PMLDimensions: 43cmSku#: SPB3Dimensions: 9cmColourChangingPattern Sphere8 Inch Plasma BallColour Changing Aroma Diffuser(Bluetooth and Speaker)Pyramid Light UpColour Changing3.5 Inch Plasma BallWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM106

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Rotating Bead WheelSKU:E0271Mirror Marble WheelSKU: E0111Black & White Spinning WheelSKU:E0270Rotating Bell FlowerSKU:E0243Rotating Wood MillSKU:E0244Rotating Sensory SpiralSKU:E0242WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMThis range of Rotating Wheels is guaranteedto engage and fascinate young children. From jangling bells to sparkly beads,clickety clack sounds to mesmerising spirals;each one will delight children of any age.ROTATING WHEELS107

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Fluorescent Tube LadderSKU:E0133Fluorescent DefractionBoxSKU: E0135Fluorescent Tube RollerShakerSKU:E0131Fluorescent Tube DrumSKU:E0132Fluorescent Mirror ChimeaboutSKU:E0129Fluorescent Roly PolyDrumSKU:E0130Fluorescent Roly PolySKU:E0134As well as providing all the essential sensory benefits associated with the range of woodenresources, the use of fluorescent material adds a magical appeal: it will ‘glow’ when usedwith an ultraviolet light source! The ultraviolet resources provide a combination of rotating, turning and spinning motionswhilst at the same time often giving valuable audible feedback too. Try shining a UV lighton them in a dark den and be amazed at the visual effectsWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMUV RESOURCES108

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This large, comprehensive UV-kit contains a wide variety of fun andexciting glow-in-the-dark toys, that is sure to delight and entertain.When exposed to the UV-light in the dark, these toys will glow up,creating a stimulating visual effect, giving children an entirely newunderstanding of light and colour. The best place to use this kit is ina dark enclosed area.Sku#: UVSKLUV Kit LargeCOMPONENTSMAY VARYULTRA-VIOLETRESOURCESUltraviolet resources enhance sensory rooms withdynamic visuals. UV reactive materials, lights, andartwork create immersive and stimulatingenvironments for therapeutic and engagingexperiences.109

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UV Kit MediumUV Kit SmallUV Kit Extra LargeLED Strip LightUV LED Torch (Large)UV LED Torch (Medium)Sku#: UVSKELSku#: UVSKMSku#: UVSKSSku#: SMUVTDimensions: 9cmSku#: SUVTLDimensions: 15cmThis UV lamp fixture is excellent forglow-in- the dark play and UV kits orfor any dark den. Place it on the flooror mount it on a wall. Creates a funand stimulating environment forplaying in the dark. Buy more thanone and you can link them togetherand run off one plug. Sku#: UVL60Dimensions: 60cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM110

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A delightful quality productthat has an inbuilt UV lightwhich glows on the hangingstrands. A great addition toany sensory room. Mainspowered.Sku#: SUVMSDimensions: 100 x 70cmUV Mirror with Strands111

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBLACK LIGHTUV WATERFALL UV RAINBOW PLAYMATUV FIBRE OPTIC SPRAY HARNESSOur Black Light is a 60cmL 20W lightwith reflectors for super high output.Dimensions: 60cm LOur 2m Ultraviolet Fibre Optic Spray canbe used with UV black lights for anextraordinary visual experience. Lightsource sold separately. See items 303501,203508 and 900901.A wall mounted waterfall which produces anamazingly bright glowing effect when usedrelief with a UV light. Even under everydaywhite light the colours radiate. The cantilevermounting bracket allows more freedom in thepositioning of the waterfall.Dimensions: 100 x 200cm HTough, durable multi-coloured playmat whichproduces an amazingly bright glowing effectwhen used with a UV light. Even undereveryday white light the colours radiate.Woven from stretchy PVC, the mat stimulatesthe visual senses whilst providing a greattactile experience.Dimensions: 1m x 1m 900911 900910 203125 900904900905 Black Light UV Waterfall 2m x 100 strands2m x 200 strands UV Rainbow Playmat 112

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Set of 4Sku#: SFTUVDimensions: 40 x 40cm20 pieces. Colours may vary.Sku#: UVBB20Pair of stretchy glovesknitted with Glow in the dark wool, hold thegloves under a UV lightfor a short moment andwatch them glow.Will fit age 6 to adult.Sku#: GIDGLVSet of 5Sku#: SSBUVA unique product to add to any sensory room.Specially created to use with UV light and willprovide a stunning backdrop to any room. Use inconjunction with a UV light source.Sku#: SUVWP180Dimensions: 180 x 135cmMade from soft material and internalwadding for comfort, the black background isdecorated with fluorescent ribbons, thatreflects magnificently under the UV light.Sku#: UVMDimensions: 100 x 100cmUV Sensory Liquid Floor TilesUV Sensory Soft Blocks and Bean BagsGlow in dark GlovesUV MatUV Wall Paper GalaxyUV Stretchy BanglesWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM113

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Set of 6Sku#: UVTPone suppliedSku#: SGBSLTDimensions: 16cmSku#: FGDTUBEDimensions: 19.5cm x 3cm diameterLarge textured spikey ballthat can glow in the dark.Comes deflated with pumpincludedSku#: GIDSBDimensions: 19cm diameterSku#: SLUVBDimensions: 10cmSku#: SMOTGDimensions: 12 x 5cmUV PuttyGreen andBlack SpiralLiquid TimerGlow in dark FidgetStretch TubesSensory Glow inDark Spikey BallUV Mini OozeTube GreenGiant UV String Ball - GreenWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM114

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Non flashingSku#: SSPBUVMedium sizeSku#: SUVSMBSet of 4Sku#: SGDFLB Non flashingSku#: SUVKBSet of 4Sku#: SUVSB4Non flashingSku#: SPSB4UV Spikey BallGlow in TheDark Flexi BallUV Soft Medium BallUV Spine BallsUV Knitted BallPuffer Stress BallWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM115

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Set of 12Sku#: SGDRSku#: SGDS43 Pieces:• Moon• Planets• Stars• With double sidedstickersSku#: UVGMSSku#: WGSSet of 6Sku#: SGDDGlow InDark SnakeGlow In DarkReptiles SetUV Glow in DarkPlanets & StarsGlow in theDark DinosaursWavy Glow In TheDark Spaghetti StringsWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM116

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SENSORY INTEGRATIONTHERAPYSensory integration therapy fosters neurodevelopment byengaging individuals in purposeful activities that challengeand integrate sensory inputs, promoting improvedcoordination, focus, and adaptive responses for enhanceddaily functioning.117

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BOUNCE PAD BOUNCE DISC VERTICAL STIMULATION DEVICE Use our triangular Bounce Pad as a clever alternative to atrampoline to provide your client with otolithic stimulation.Push-offs and landings require balance, timing and motorplanning. The heavy-duty springs are covered topreverenlieft pinched fingers. An optional carpet isavailable to attach to the Bounce Pad with hook and looptabs.Dimensions: 55cm Triangle x 12cm H Working Load: 90kg Similar to the Bounce Pad, our Bounce Disc is aclever alternative to a trampoline with addedstability. The base is made of Baltic Birch.Dimensions: 90cm dia x 15 H (Bounce Disc);60cm dia relxief 15 H (Mini Bounce Disc) Working Load: 90kg (Bounce Disc) The VSD provides excellent vestibular andproprioceptive stimulation because itallows controlled bouncing and verticalmovement. It comes complete with twolocking safety snaps and four industrialquality elastic loops—two single loops,each with a working load of 15kg, and twodouble loops, which have a working load of30kg. per double loop. This setup providesa working load range of 15- 80kg You canadd additional double loops in place of thesingle loops to increase your VSD’scapacity to 110kg.Dimensions: 50cm H; Working Load: 15kgPer Single Loop; 30kg Per Double Loop193519371938 1120 151151151150 Bounce Pad Bounce Disc, 8 Springs Mini Bounce Disc, 6 Springs Vertical Stimulation Device Kit Replacement Single Loop, 15kg load,each loop Replacement Double Loop,30kg load, each loop WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMJUMP & PLAY ISLAND Children will love this addition to your therapy setting. Fun, fun, fun is whatthey’ll have when they play and bounce on our Jump & Play Island. This piece of equipment is ideal for group participation and increases spatial awareness while providing a great deal of proprioceptive input. Inaddition, it increases balance and motor planning as children walk around it or maneuver in and out of the middle. The options are endless, solet those creative juices flow!Dimensions: 150cm dia x 2m H Working Load: 160kg45004511 Jump & Play IslandReplacement Inner Tube BUNGEE JUMPER The Bungee Jumper brings the springy andhoppy fun of pogoing to younger childrenwho have not yet developed the motor skills and balance to use a traditional pogostick. The high-rebound foam gives thefeeling of soaring into the sky, while thestretchy tubing and soft handle keep thebase securely fixed to the user’s feet. Sincethe Bungee Jumper does not utilize a metalstructure or spring mechanism, it is extremely safe and portable. Non-marking,slip-resistant bottom. Working Load: 115kg1115 Bungee Jumper 118

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REBOUNDER TRAMPOLINEITINERANT TRAMPOLINEOur Rebounder Trampoline is perfect for thehome, gym, or therapy environment. It is durableand safe with an adjustable handlebar allowingthe user to enjoy a deeper and gentler bounce.The handlebar has 3 levels of adjustment with themaximum being 140cm, making it suitable for allages. The Trampoline is recommended for users up to120kg. Dimensions: 33cm high, 106cm dia This indoor trampoline is ideal for the itineranttherapist or the home, it is lightweight and foldable.It to be transported in the back of the car or storedunder the sofa. When it is required for use simplyunfold, and put on the safety pad and legs thenyou're good to go.The heavy duty steel frame and heavy gaugesprings provide a safe and sturdy bounce. Provides support for users to to a maximum of100kg. Dimensions: 91cm dia 901150 Rebounder Trampoline 902268 Itiinerant Trampoline WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBALANCE BOARDThis institutional grade Balance Boardoffers easy to moderate balancechallenges for children and adults. Dimensions: 40cm dia. 250001 Balance Board BALANCE DISCUse the Balance Disc standing, sitting or kneeling. Use a needle pump to adjust airpressure for varying challenge levels. Improvesbalance and joint stabilization. Product may varyfrom image. 231012 Balance Disc Mini-trampoline97X97cm SKU: 5420057004762122X122cm SKU: 5420057004762119

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBuild and Balance KitsTG440 Figure 8 Balance Walk BoardTY456 Balance SnakeTG1753+Stepping StonesTG173Plan Your StepSKU:KM1001BALANCE AND CO-ORDINATIONEnhance equilibrium and coordination withour sensory tools designed to refine motorskills and promote stability.120

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM Up On TopSKU:KP6106DevelopMotor Skills,Balance andCo-ordinationTactile Path (16pcs)SKU:KT0003.1Tactile Path + SquareSKU:KT0002.1-020Tactile Straight PathSKU: KT0004.1Tactile Curve PathSKU:KT0005.1Rainbow River StonesSKU:KT0008Wavy Tactile PathSKU:KT0009Honey HillsSKU: KT0016ConnectorSKU:KT0010121

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Balance Rocking IceSKU:KP4005Butterfly PathSKU:KP4006Stepping Stones(3 Pairs)SKU:KT0001.1Stepping Stones(1 Pair)SKU: KT0001.1-002Team Walker 2Pairs SKU:KM4001.1-0044Pairs SKU:KM4001.1Water Lily 6pcs SKU:KM2012-00612pcs SKU:KM2012WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBalance Arch CircleSKU: KP4002Balance ArchSKU: KP4002-002Three sizes of Ice with irregularshapes and designs of thebottom. Each features a uniquechallenge for children includingwalking stably, wobbling as wellas rocking back and forth.offers two wobblingexperiences. One side moves upand down like a seesaw whilethe other side wobbles gentlywith the arc base. It createsmore flexibility to play when theButterflies are connected withthe rope or placed individually.Balance Arch is the perfect climbing setfor kids. Children can step, walk orcrawl with the Balance Arch. Theexercises help to strengthen bodymuscles and coordination. All parts aremade of anti-slip materials whichensure children’s safety.122

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMKids WoodenBalance BoardSKU: 5420057026702Rocking Balance BeamSKU: 5420057026658Duck WalkerSKU: 5420057006728Wooden RockingTunnelSKU: 5420057027891Circular Balancing BoardSKU:KP0002.1Tai Chi Balance BoardSKU:KP0003.1All direction balancing andmovement build coordination andstrength. Running the ball along thetrack creates more fun. Users canalso use the board with both handsto develop hand-eye coordinationand muscle coordination in thearms.This rugged, simply designedproduct is one of the finestbalance boards. It is molded inone piece from reinforcedpolypropylene. Children can rockside-to-side, spin 360° on asmooth surface or walk like aduck. Color may vary.Dimension: 60x12,7x9cm.Large Tai-Chi Balance boardallows two players to stand on itat a time. Rolling the ball alongthe track helps to improve bodybalance and lower body muscles.The disks are interchangeableand can be played separately,without the base. This activityhelps to enhance hand-eyecoordination, so playersexperience variation in just onesingle set.This sturdy wooden Balance Boardstimulates balance, coordination,strength, spatial and physicalawareness in a playful way. It isperfectly sized for kids’ small feet andattractive looking graphics help toshow where to place their feet. Highlydurable wooden construction.Recommended for children 3 years ofage and older. Materials from FSC-certified forests.123

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Maze Balance BoardSKU:KP0001.1Rocking SeesawSKU:KP1003.1WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM RotatorPutt Putt Balance BoardSKU:KP0005Seesaw ASKU:KP1001.1Seesaw BSKU:KP1002.1SKU:KP2001.1Whally BoardSKU:KP1005Rocking Seesaw offers a greaterchallenge for children with its height andnarrow base. Children maintain balanceon the board by controlling their bodywhich helps to strengthen lower bodymuscles.The rubber anti-slip design on thebottom and top makes it safe whenstanding on it.Weplay seesaw A and B combinea seesaw with a balance board.Players need to keep theirbalance while trying to run theball along the track. This activityhelps to strengthen balance andlower body control ability.Putt Putt Balance Board is a greatway to get a hole in 1! Inspired bythe image of a flower with leaves,set includes a board, tracks, balls,and a cover. Anti-slip bottomensures safe play.Rotator is perfect foryounger players for itssimple design. Children canrotate while sitting orstanding on the Rotator.This activity provideschildren with vestibularinput.124

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Balancing Board SmallRotating BoardLarge Bean ShapedBalance Board MediumRotating boards are specifically used to treat vestibular nystagmus, as well as therapeutic stimulationof the vestibular system in cases of hyposensivity. Rotating equipment is also used to developrotational movements in the trunk and the ability to isolate eye movement from head movement andprimitive reflexs through strengthening flexor muscles.Balance Boards are used for shaping postural reflexes, with a special focus on equilibrium reaction,background postural reflexes, orienting and defensive responses. Using this Balance Board ensuresstimulation of basal sensory systems, facilitating the development and modification of the child’spostural reflexes.Balance Board LargeBALANCE BOARDSROTATING BOARDSSku#: SI202Dimensions: 50 x 30cmSku#: SI223SDimensions: 110 x 50cmSku#: SI201MDimensions: 50 x 50cmSku#: SI209Dimensions: 60 x 50cmSku#: SI208MDimensions: 110 x 55cmRotating BoardMediumWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKATEBOARDSSensory Skateboards are recommended especially for the treatment of dyspraxia and forstimulating the vestibular sys- tem. The skateboard is cushioned in order to ensure a safe andpleasant therapy session. All edges have been smoothed out to lessen the risk of collision with wallsetc. Every skate also has eyelet to which a rope can be attach in order to increase the amounts ofexercises there can be done.Sku#: SI203MDimensions: 70 x 40cmSkateboard LargeSkateboard MediumSku#: SI205MDimensions: 50 x 40cmSkateboard RoundSku#: SI204MDimensions: 50cm diameter125

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Bolster ScootersScooter with HandlesOur Bolster Scooters are a great tool forworking with your clients on extensionpatterns as well as bilateral motorcoordination. Sitting astride a movablesurface aids development of balancereactions. Add a little fun to your therapysessions, and let your clients position inprone, as they see how fast they can gousing their arms and feet to propel themacross the room. Or have them sit upright,hold on to the wooden handle, and practicewalking. Both scooters have a Baltic Birch basemounted on four freely rotating casters. Asturdy foam half-barrel sits on top of the base and is covered in phthalate-free and lead-free vinyl that meetgovernment regulations. Colours may vary.Dimensions: 125 x 50 x 40cm (Large) 95 x 35 x 30cm (Small) Working Load: 90kgThis rugged scooter offers hours of action! Made ofdurable polypropylene with non-marking wheels. Handlesprovide added balance and stability. May be used indoorsor outside. Colours may vary.Dimensions: 40cm Square; 53 x 40cm (including handles) Working Load: 80kg150055150056 553021 Scooter with Handles Large Bolster ScooterSmall Bolster Scooter WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFloor SurferThe Floor Surfer is the perfect tool for play as well astargeted training of motor skills. It has been developed byphysiotherapists and will stimulate children at every motorskills level. The ergonomic shape supports posture musclesaround the pelvis and muscles in the back and neck, whilethe Floor Surfer's durable EVA foam pads make itcomfortable to lie on. Maximum load is 100kg256039 Floor Surfer Advantage Line Scooter BoardNo developmental therapy programme is complete withouta scooter board. Use it for obstacle courses, games andraces to help boost posture and coordination skills. OurAdvantage Line Scooter Board is not adjustable and offers alower-cost alternative to our Adjustable Scooter Board. Towstrap included.Dimensions: 50 x 35; Working Load: 70kg150050 Advantage Line™ Scooter Board 126

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Ergonomic Scooters- 33x43cm Set of 6SKU: 5420057019926UltrafoamScootaddles Set of 12SKU: 5420057011463Pair of ScooterPaddlesSKU: 54200570113643 Legged Race Bands -set of 6SKU: 5420057020052Safer Pogo BouncerSKU: 5420057006735Team TraksSKU: 5420057008067Frog Feet JumperSKU: 5420057016949Set of 6 Hopsackers SmallSKU: 5420057007916Set of 6 Hopsackers LargeSKU: 5420057007923Activi-T-BlanketSKU: 5420057007367WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMThese comfortable fabric coveredelastic bands are great for three-legged races or other funactivities. Velcro® band allows foreasy attachement and quickrelease.Textile fiber composition: 100%Polyester.These scooters have very strong wheelsmaking them very durable but also giving themthe quickest turning radius making it easier forchildren to move. Moreover, ergonomic detailsare build into the scooters to allow students toeasily kneel, sit and hold the scooters. Notrecommended for outdoor use. Maximum userweight : 80kg.These scooter paddles arevery resistant, shockabsorbant and have a largeeasy-grip shaft. This assuresa maximum control andoffers a fatigue-free grippingexperience. Can be used aspaddles or polo sticks.Handle diameter: 3,5cm.An extra wide base made of EVAhigh quality foam makes thisFrog Feet Jumper a fun tool toexercise balancing, jumping andhand-foot coordination. Indooruse.127

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMScooter Board XLScooter Board BackrestfTherapists asked us for a positioning device to aid gravitationally insecure clients and lower functioning clients while working on the Scooter Board. This padded, contoured Backrest comes with soft straps to aid in positioning. Easily attaching to all Scooter Boards, it can be positioned anywhere within 8cm from the front all the way to the back of the Scooter Board.The Scooter Board XL provides greater supportfor longer bodies and comes with two soft-sided straps to help hold the child’s torsoand/or legs on top of the board. When not inuse, the straps can be stored on the undersideof the scooter board itself.The Scooter Board XL is compatible with theScooter Board Backrest (item 1952). Rope not included.Dimensions: 100 x 40cm; Working Load: 70kg1953 1952 150110450111 Scooter Board XL Scooter Board XL and Backrest Scooter Board Backrest, Includes 2 adjustable straps Adjustable Scooter Board and Backrest Adjustable Scooter BoardThe Scooter Board is a fun, versatile piece of equipment thatcan be used in practically any environment. Smaller clients, orthose requiring a greater challenge, can use the smaller 45cmL x 35cm W scooter board. To quickly adjust for larger clients,unlock the scooter board, insert and lock the extra leaf inplace and you now have a 60cm L x 35cm W scooter board. Rotates freely on four 360-degree casters.Dimensions: 45 or 60 x 35cm; Working Load: 70kg1950 Adjustable Scooter Board and Tow Strap This rocker will be a hit with all clients as they address balance, core musclestrengthening and coordination skills. It's great to use with a partner, or evenalone with the help of an adult. Turn it over and it becomes a bridge to cross.The dowels are positioned properly to ensure safety for feet of all sizes. A greatnew double-duty product. Must be completely assembled.CAUTION: Please make sure to comply with working load limits.Weight: 17kg Dimensions: 150 x 80 x 40cm H Working load: 135kgRocking Arch150005Rocker boards are ideal for balanceactivities while standing, kneeling, sittingor lying prone. Balance boards are idealfor giving your clients just the rightchallenge. Designed with handholds toprevent pinched fingers, making theseboards easy to use for all clients.Small:Weight: 2.5kg Dimensions: 70 x 70 x 20cmWorking load:70kgLarge:Weight: 15kg Dimensions:70 x 140 x 20cmH Working load: 70kgSKU: 150020Rocker Boards128

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Sku#: SR95BUDimensions:Approx. 91x51x51Inflatable SensoryRoller with Tactile NubsNon-roll away weighted balance ball offers a flexible chair for school, office and home enabling increased focusand improved performance.• FOCUS: Provides an outlet for excess energy while alleviating anxiety, stress, and boredom• KEEPS MIND ENGAGED: Reduces fidgeting and aids concentration as the constant ballmovements increase blood flow to the brain• ORIGINAL DESIGN: Weighting feature prevents the ball from rolling and keeps it in place whennot in use• STRENGTH: Builds core strength and healthy posture• 65cm diameter–for kids & adults over 5’6” tall• Includes foot pump, 2 stoppers, a stopper remover, and measuring tape• Anti-burst, slip-resistant, high quality material• Safety tested and latex freeSKU DimensionsColourWBS45GRWBS55GRWBS55SIWBS45BUWBS55BUWBS65BU45cm55cm55cm45cm55cm65cmGreenGreenSilverBlueBlueBlueWEIGHTED BALANCE BALLSWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM129

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Jumping BallSKU:KB1301/KB1302Half Massage UFOSKU:KB0304Anti Burst BallSKU:KB1309To & Fro BallSKU:KB2301Massage BallSKU:KB0306Modern Ball Chair Small SKU:KE0312 Large SKU:KE0311 Air CushionSKU:KT4303WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSit-N-Play KidsBalance BallSKU: 5420057026603Core DiskSKU: 5420057007756Inflatable AnimalBouncersSKU: 5420057028751Our Sit-N-Play Kids Balance Ballis ideal for kids aged from 3 to 6years old. They can play with it,train their balance but also sitand focus on other things.Includes an inflatable ring thatstabilizes the ball for easierbalance but is also useful tostore the ball away when not inuse. Antiburst ball.It can be used on the floor tostrengthen lower bodymuscles and to train forbalance as well. One side ofthe cushion is bump-studdedwhile the other side is moregently textured to provideusers with differentsensations in order toenhance the sense of touchand coordination.Modern Ball Chair (L) is ideal forschool, office, and home use. The BallChair’s flexibility and shape help toimprove the user’s balance andposture. The high chair back providesextra comfort.Turn springballs into spring...animals!A funny way for children (3+) toenhance their balance skills.Seat height: +/- 23cm.Inflatable Core Disk can be sat onor stood on. The Core Disk can beused to provide stability forpositioning or can be free flowingfor development of balance skillsand trunk strength. The more airyou add, the less effective thefillings are. Eventually, users arealmost sitting or standing on airalone. The Core Disk is filled withsmall plastic pellets.130

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMAir StabilityWobble CushionsSKU: 5420057027235Sensory BalancePods(Set of 8)SKU: 5420057028126Fitball 45cm Green SKU: 542005702648155cm Blue SKU: 542005700355065cm Black SKU: 542005700356775cm Purple SKU:: 5420057003574Mini Stability Ball 17CM Red SKU: 542005702202525CM Blue SKU: 5420057022032Step-N-Stones Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057011494Set of 6 BalanceSound StepsSKU: 5420057025866Ultimate Frisbee DiscSKU: 5420057009675SKU: 75267932151Peanut BallUse these Sensory Balance Pods made ofbright, eye-catching colors to improvefooting and balance while providing astimulating, hands-on sensory experience.Create fun, active and healthy play andengaging games for kids who love to jump,climb and stretch.Set includes 4 domes with a bumpy surfaceand 4 domes with a sensory trianglesurface.These 6 colorful soft stepping padsmake a sound when stepped/jumped onor off, and can be used to provideproprioceptive and auditory stimulation.These light pads encourage andreinforce your sense of balance andprovide jumping fun! Ideal for addressinggravitational insecurities. Antislip surfaceon their backside. Outer surfacematerial: PU fabric. Inner material: PEfoam.Workouts using the Mini Stability Ball will help to improveposture, balance, strength and flexibility with a major focus onlengthening and strengthening muscles. This ball is also a greattool for yoga and pilates. Children also love this soft ball. Itinflates easily with a straw to a diameter depending on thedesired firmness and deflates very quickly for easy storage. Theball is responsive to the touch and non-slip when placed againsta hard surface. Withstands a weight of max. 100kg.These air-filled PVC domes audibly release air andbecome flat when stepped or pushed upon. Thestone instantly recovers its full shape when foot orhand is lifted. The different colors and numbers areuseful for cognitive activities. Each stone isrotomolded in one piece and hence very durable.Numbered from 1 to 6.Highly resistant therapy and exercise ball. Mostly adapted forfitness or prenatal gymnastic exercises. In addition to its highresistance, the Fit Ball has been developed to avoid all risk ofburst. Maximum user weight: 45cm: 150kg ; 55, 65 and 75cm: 250kg.131

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CLIMBING SYSTEMSLarge Roller SlideCurved Roller SlideRoller Slide SmallThe slides are used for shaping postural reflexes, with a special focus on equilibrium reactions,background postural re- flexes, orienting and defensive responses. Using this equipmentensures stimulation of basal sensory systems, facilitating the development and modification ofthe child’s postural reflexes.ROLLER SLIDESSku#: SI206Dimensions: 350 x 110 x 80cmAlso compatible withclimb systemSku#: SI221Dimensions: 250 x 125 x 75cmSku#: SI220Dimensions: 150 x 100 x 80cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBy pressing themselves between the rolls, children stimulate their sense of proprioception. Theroller is also used to decrease tactile defensiveness by providing a large dose of proprioceptivesensations, especially useful in sensory modu- lation disorders. An essential part of any sensorydiet prescribed by an occupational therapist.BODY ROLLERSBody Roller StandardSku#: SI211Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 75cmBody Roller MediumSku#: SI212Dimensions: 120 x 70cmBody Roller LargeSku#: SI210Dimensions: 160 x 85 x 45cmReach new heights with our innovative climbing systems,fostering strength, agility, and spatial awareness foradventurous exploration.132

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Sku#: SI217Dimensions: 210 x 75 x 125cmWooden Feet 8 feetThese feet facilitateexercises strengthen- ing thesense of proprioception andteach visuomotorcoordination.Sku#: ZE0007Dimensions: Each foot size 23 x 12cmFootbridge 4 lengthsThis sensory footbridge isused for stimulating andpromoting balance andmotor skills. An idealaddition to a sensory dietprescribed by anoccupational therapist.Sku#: SI222Dimensions: 100 x 10cm, 18cm heightThis tall wooden climbing wall isanother essential in sensory integrationtherapy. Focused on training balance,spatial orientation and motor skills, thisclimbing wall is quite an important partof any sensory diet.Sku#: SI216Dimensions: 240 x 120 x 60cmMedium WoodenClimb SystemClimbing WallWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMLarge ExtendedWooden Climb SystemSku#: SI218Dimensions: 300 x 130 x 125cmCLIMB SYSTEMSUsed for developing bilateral motor co-ordination, balance reflexes, visuomotor co-ordination, tonic (especially laby- rinthine) reflex integration, improvingpostural (flexor and extensor) muscle tone and general stimulation of thenervous system through strong activation of the vestibular and proprioceptivesystem receptors. Extended Wooden ClimbingSystem Set - Includes SlideSku#: SI224Dimensions: 420 x 130 x 125cmADJUSTABLE PIKLER TRIANGLESKU: INDCF39133

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Sku#: SI313Dimensions: 3 x 2.5 x 2mAlong with the slide we include a specially mountedline and special pegs, which broadens the function-ality of the slide. The slide is used for shaping pos-tural reflexes, with a special focus on equilibriumreactions, background postural reflexes, orientingand defensive responses. Using this equipmentensures stimulation of basal sensory systems,facilitating the development and modification of thechild’s postural reflexes. The slide can be used incombination with the skateboard in order tostimulate linear movement receptors of the ves-tibular system. It is especially useful in developingprimitive reflexes through strengthening extensormuscles, but also motor planning and some eyereflexes, e.g. convergence.Sku#: SI207Dimensions: 180 x 65 x 35cmSensory SlideWooden LadderClimbing FrameWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#: SFTMATDimensions: Each mat 140 x 280cmSafety Floor MatsThis large wooden frame is calledthe SENSIS System. A lot of our products can beattached to it and de-tached againin order to facilitate as manydifferent exercises as possible. Youcan pick and choose different modelsto use with the frame to create yourown SENSIS System set. A variety of models designed towork with the sen- sis system or theframes, easy to attach, remove andswap with alternative modelsdepending upon the sensory exerciseyou wish to perform. INCLUDES1 x swivel4 x carabiner1 x rope net4 rope extensions and 5carabiners to hang the rope net2 x mats, to fill the entire surface1 x ladder1 x body roller1 x climbing wall Sku#: SI311Dimensions: 3 x 3mAlso available in 4 x 4mSensory Slide134

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CLIMBING LADDERS Our ladders and climbers are a great way for clients to work onbilateral coordination, motor planning, balance, gravitationalinsecurity and upper extremity strengthening. Ladders are madewith soft poly ropes supporting the 3cm dia. hardwood rungs—just right for small hands. The Ladder Wall requires a two-pointsuspension system. Special ladder heights are available onrequest.Dimensions: 45cm W x 215cm H (Single Rung Climbing Ladder) 120cm W x 230cm H (Ladder Wall) Working Load: 115kg1255 1250 Single Rung Climbing Ladder, (2) Safety Snaps,(2)mat straps and (2) “quick clips”Ladder Wall, (2) Safety Snaps, (2) mat straps and (2)“quick clips”1255 SINGLE RUNG CLIMBING LADDER1250 LADDER WALLWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMA climbing wall is an excellent tool for motor planning skills. Children mustplan what their next step will be, where to place their feet, where to place theirhands, and how much strength is needed.Our climbing wall is made especially for lateral movements, which is also agreat way to enhance the use of both hands simultaneously. This Climbing System is ideal for any OT, PT or Adapted PE programme because it does not need to be used with abelay and harness system. Each Convertible Climbing Wall includes:• (3) 145 x 75cm panels, complete with pre- mounted handhold anchors• Sliding-rail system• (20) handholds• All necessary hardware for installation/mounting onto a Concrete, Block orBrick wall.Dimensions: 145cm W x 225cm H (Convertible Climbing Wall finished size) Working Load: 80kgCONVERTIBLE CLIMBING SYSTEM 110022110019 110010 Poured Concrete, Concrete Block or Brick Wall Free Radical Handholds (set of 20)Kidz Handholds (set of 20) NESSIE CLIMBER This is a wonderful addition to ourCustom Support Structure that allowsyour clients to climb the rigging of apirate ship or scale a building likeSpiderman. It is definitely a great wayto address motor planning, bilateralcoordination, balance and stabilityskills for either individuals or groups.Only suitable for the standard sizeCustom Support Structure.Dimensions: 2m L x 2.9m W Working Load: 225kg120070 Nessie Climber 135

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COMPOSITE CLIMBING WALL TRAVERSE WALL SETThe Composite Climbing Wall is made of material that iseasy to clean and can be mounted outdoors. The climbingwall comes with (20) handholds that can be used toarrange various paths. The wall has (60) handhold mounts to provide plenty of options. Dimensions: 120 x 220 x 60cm Working Load: 80kgThese Traverse panels come in a set of 6 allowingthem to be installed to suit the location and users. Allpanels are supplied complete with handholds. Thebottom panel should be mounted no more than 60cm from ground level, the top panel can then be mountedappropriately to suit the heights of the users.Wall fixings not included. Suitable fixings should beused for the chosen wall type.Appropriate floor matting should be used.Dimensions: 120cm x 40cm (each panel) Working Load: 80kg110030 Composite Climbing Wall 901274 Traverse Wall Set IN-FUN-ITY™ CLIMBING SYSTEM In-FUN-ity Climbing System can go into anyclinic or classroom and is expandable to anysize. Climbing enhances body awareness, bodyscheme, motor planning and bilateralcoordination. The child’s body weight, combinedwith gravity, provides additional proprioceptivefeedback to his joints, helping the childcoordinate his movements while working towardincreasingly complex motor planning events.Arm and leg coordination (bilateralcoordination) is enhanced as he climbs up theladder or rock wall and across the monkey bars,propels the scooter board or pulls himself up thescooter board ramp.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMCLIMBING WALL WITH MONKEYBARSSKU: INDCF14SKU: INDCF57FREE STANDING MULTI CLIMB TOWER136

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Sensory Wall Panel 9SKU: SEN 21SKU: SEN 18Sensory Wall Panel 7WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKU: SEN 14Sensory Wall Panel 3SKU: SEN 12Sensory Wall Panel 1SKU: SEN 19Sensory Wall Panel 8SKU: SEN 15Sensory Wall Panel 4SKU: SEN 17Sensory Wall Panel 6SENSORY WALL PANELSExceptionally made play spaces for schools, nurseries,hotels, hospitals and residential developments. If you arelooking for the best playgrounds, kids furniture, soft playor flooring in the UAE, then you’ve found us! Whetheryou’ve got a big idea or need some inspiration with aproject, we are here to create the perfect space.This lovely sensory wall panel will keepyour child entertained whilst helpingthem work on their dexterity skills.Helps with Physical Development,Intellectual Development, LearningDevelopment, Dexterity Skills andPlanning skills.A play panel designed for bothphysical and intellectual developmentfor Toddlers. It's a sensory wall panelfor playing at home, waiting rooms ofhospitals, restaurants, schools, andHotels. Helps in Physical Development,Intellectual Development, LearningDevelopment, Dexterity Skills andPlanning Skills.This sensory wall panel is a greatchallenge and will keep your childentertained whilst helping them work ontheir dexterity skills and planning skills.Helps in Physical Development,Intellectual Development, LearningDevelopment, Dexterity Skills andPlanning Skills.137

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKU: 0571-013Tactile Panel - SparkleOur Fibre Optic Tactile Panel offerscustomizable colored lights and tactiletextures, enhancing cognitive,language, and motor skills. Ideal forsensory rooms and hallways, itsupports exploration, calmness, andself-expression.SKU: 0571-016Tactile Panel - The WorksThis tactile panel combines "Sparkle" fiberoptic lights with the "Loopies" activity for anexciting sensory experience. Mike AyresDesign's original tactile panels enhancecognitive, language, and motor skills,supporting sensory integration and calmness.Ideal for sensory rooms and hallways, theyencourage exploration and self-expression.SKU: 1441-002Tactile CaterpillarThe Caterpillar comes as standard as Left facing(head to the left as you look at it). You can order itin a different orientation but that would be subjectto longer lead times.Feel and track the textures whilst discussing whatthe caterpillar could possibly eat to have such avaried skin. Can be designed as part of a largertactile mural. Dimensions:Large: 238 x 98cmSmall: 150 x 72cmSKU: 0571-015Tactiile Panel - LoopsiesThe panel features varied textures anda strong visual tracking activity,"Loopies," where balls tumble down.Mike Ayres Design's original tactilepanels enhance cognitive, language,and motor skills, supporting sensoryintegration and calmness. Ideal forsensory rooms and hallways, theyencourage exploration and self-expression.SKU: 0571-011Tactile Panel - OriginalThese textured, patented "trail"panels provide robust sensoryfeedback, enhancing cognitive,language, and motor skills whilepromoting calm and exploration inclassrooms, hallways, and sensoryrooms. Suitable for vertical orhorizontal installation.138

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SUSPENSIONWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMElevate sensory integration with oursuspension products, fosteringproprioception, balance, and calmingsensations for enhanced well-being.SUSPENSION & HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT KIT Everything you need to safely hang yourequipment from ceilings up to 4m H. The kitincludes a safety snap, rotational device, 3m oftherapy rope with eye splice, and a heightadjuster with safety snap. These items may alsobe purchased separately. Remember toregularly inspect all equipment for wear.Dimensions: Safety Snap: 10cm H; Working Load: 455kgSafety Rotational Device: 17cm H; WorkingLoad: 455kg41000101009022721100150110020050002000412000 Suspension & Height Adjustment Kit Safety Snap Locking Safety Snap Eye Splice & 3m Therapy Rope Eye Splice & 6m Therapy Rope Height Adjuster, with Safety Snap Safety Rotational Device, One Safety Snap IncludedSafety Rotational Bulk Pack (Qty. 10) SAVE 15%! HEAVY-DUTY ROTATIONAL DEVICE A rotational device is one of the single mostimportant pieces of hardware when it comesto suspended equipment. We have beefed upthe components of our original rotationaldevice to provide greater durability. Thewear-point of the eyebolt is 70% greater,which will extend the useful life of the rotationdevice. The useful life of a rotational devicedepends entirely upon proper maintenance. See the product instructionsheet for details.Dimensions: 20cm H; Working Load: 455kg112000422000 Heavy-Duty Rotational Device, One Safety SnapHeavy-Duty Safety Rotational Bulk Pack (Qty. 10) 410001 SUSPENSION & HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT KIT 2000REGULAR0100 SAFETY SNAP2000 ROTATIONALDEVICE1100150 EYE SPLICEAND 10' THERAPYROPE5000 HEIGHTADJUSTER112000HEAVY- DUTYAlways use a rotational deviceThese items comenext in theassemblyIt all starts above theceiling with theforged bolt! This isyour responsibility.Suspend your equipmentfrom the height adjuster and change the height simply by sliding itup or down the rope.139

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMStrut BStrut ASUSPENSION BRACKET I-BEAM OR H-BEAM KIT5 X 15CM BEAM INSTALLATION KIT WOOD JOIST DROP CEILING INSTALLATION KIT relieffSteel I-Beams or H-Beams arecommon support structures in buildingsthat have two floors. Included in this kitare (1) 5cm x 1.27cm galvanized forged steeleyebolt, (1) 1.27cm washer and (1) 1.27cm positive lock nut.Working Load: 275kgWe have produced a ceiling eyebolt kit designed for woodenjoists above a dropped ceiling. Similar in design to our metalpre-fab joist kit, it includes all the hardware you need tocomplete the installation. Simply measure the distance fromthe bottom of your joist to your dropped ceiling, then orderthe appropriate kit.Working Load: 225kgWe’ve redesigned the rod end in this kit to prolong the life of the suspensionhardware and allow for more fluid movement. This kit is mounted to an exposed5 x 15cm or greater wooden beam with five hex head bolts. Comes complete withall the hardware necessary for installation. Ready for your building contractor toinstall. Safety Snaps not included.5cm is the minimum measurement of the beam needed, the kit can be fitted tothicker beams, but will require longer hex head bolts. Working Load: 225kgIf the various options for ceiling suspensiondo not work with your ceiling type thisbracket may be a possible solution. Thesteel plate and eyebolt can be mounted tothe ceiling using a range of fixings suitedto your ceiling type. You will need to seekadvice form a structural engineer on thebest approach for safe installation. Fixingsnot included. Working Load: 200kg70567066 7000-I 900892 7013 Suspension Bracket I-Beam or H-Beam Kit5 x 15cm Beam Installation Kit 30 to 75cm Drop Wood Joist Installation Kit 75cmto 150cm Drop Wood Joist Installation Kit EYEBOLTS & EYEBOLT WRAPS fWe’ve made it easier for therapists to position therapeutic equipmentwhile using the Custom Support Structure. We’ve designed the Eyebolt Wrap, which moves along the top beam.The Swivel Eyebolt Wrap includes a built-in Rotational Device. EachEyebolt Wrap is designed to be used only with the Custom SupportStructure.Working Load: 455kg; Weight: 3kg70017002700970107015 Eyebolt Wrap Swivel Eyebolt Wrap Eyebolt Wrap (Set of 3) Swivel Eyebolt Wrap (Set of 3)Replacement Eyebolt 7002 7015 7001 SWIVEL REPLACEMENT EYEBOLT EYEBOLT EYEBOLT WRAP WRAP140

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSWING PULLEY WALL BRACKET EQUIPMENT STORAGE SYSTEM Clear your space of those difficult-to-storeswings with our Equipment Storage System.This device is able to keep your Frog Swing, Platform Swing or almost any otherpiece of equipment off the floor. storage rackswill keep your space organised and efficient.Like many of our products, these racks aredesigned to be flexible for your needs. Theeyebolt attachment points are adjustable and can be easily moved to accommodate theequipment you have. Or, you can add moreeyebolts if necessary. The Equipment StorageRack comes in two lengths 1.2m and 1.8m, andcomes with 4 Eyebolts. Mounting hardware issold separately.reliefWith our newly engineered swing pulley,you no longer have to balance thosebulky swings and struggle to put them up,get the right height, and take them down.This system allows you the ease of puttingup and taking down suspendedequipment by simply attaching the swingto the pulley and away you go.PLEASE NOTE: The Swing Pulley is only tobe used to raise and lower the swing. It isnot to be used to lift users. Working Load: 225kgThe Wall Bracket provides an eyebolt mounted tothe wall. This allows ropes and bands to beattached to the eyebolt and used for pullingactivities using scooters, swings or climbing.Working Load: 200kg121120121110121110A121110X 112500 901219 Swing Pulley Wall Bracket Equipment Storage Rack(1.2m) Equipment StorageRack (1.8m) Mounting Kit Additional Eyebolt Kit (each) 121110XADDITIONALEYEBOLT KITCUSTOM EXPANSION BEAM We have enhanced our Custom Support Structure bydesigning the Expansion Beam. The beam will fit any sizeCustom Support Structure designed by Southpaw. Someassembly required. Colours may vary.Dimensions: 100cm; Working Load: 320kg; Weight: 25kg7005 Custom Expansion Beam, Complete with Hardware and Eyebolt 7005 CUSTOMEXPANSION BEAMUPRIGHT EYEBOLT KIT The Upright Eyebolt Kit is used toconnect pull handles or to anchorthe bottom end of a zip line.7008 Upright Eyebolt Kit 141

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SENSORY SWINGSWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMITINERANT THERAPIST KIT 1 ITINERANT THERAPIST KIT 2 NOT compatible with the ItinerantSupport Frame1. Pony Bolster (1005)2. Dual Swing (1600)3. 75cm Trapeze Bar (4001)4. Sling Swing (0133)5. Temporary Attachment Loop (16000)6. Rotational Device (2000)7. Safety Snap (0100)8. Height Adjuster (5000)9. 3m Therapy Rope with Eye Splice (1100150)10. Carrying CaseCompatible with the Itinerant Support Frame1. Itinerant Platform Swing (7260)2. Dual Swing (1600)3. 75cm Trapeze Bar (4001)4. Sling Swing (0133)5. Temporary Attachment Loop (16000)6. Rotational Device (2000)7. Safety Snap (0100)8. Height Adjuster (5000)9. 3m Therapy Rope with Eye Splice (1100150)10. Carrying Case1003 Itinerant Therapist Kit 1 7280 Itinerant Therapist Kit 2 ADVANTAGE LINE™ VESTIBULAR SET Every therapist knows there are three swings that are the basis of every vestibular programme: the platform swing, bolsterswing and net swing. The platform swing can be used in a wide range oftilting movements and is suitable for clients in prone to standing positions.The bolster swing may be used for a variety of progressive flexion activities,and is strong enough to support both therapist and client. The therapy netprovides vestibular input in all planes and improved head and neck extension.We’ve put the three swings together in one kit and are offering them at asubstantial savings to you.420130 Advantage Line Vestibular Set TMExperience sensory bliss with our diverserange of swings, offering soothing motionand sensory stimulation for all ages.142

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMHALF ROUND SWINGING BOLSTER ADVANTAGE LINE™ BOLSTER SWING Our Half Round Swinging Bolster brings anadditional balance challenge to your clients,as it tends to move faster and higher andneeds additional control to stay in line. As with all our Bolsters, it is made of foam covered in safety-compliant vinyl. Dimensions: 90 L x 55 W x 100cm H Ropes: 170cm L Working Load: 70kg1090 Half Round Swinging Bolster One of the first choices of therapists, a BolsterSwing can be used in a variety of ways tochallenge postural and balance reactions. We have adapted our standard Bolster Swingby eliminating some extra parts, which lets usoffer you a product that will function just asintended, at a lower price! Dimensions: 20cmdia x 120 L x 175cm H Working Load: 135kg120050 Advantage Line™ Bolster Swing ADVANTAGE LINE™ 2-IN-1BOLSTER SWING & TRAPEZE BAR Enjoy two popular pieces of suspendedequipment in one swing for one affordableprice. This combination includes an adapted Pony Bolster Swing and a Trapeze Bar that will allow you to address avariety of therapeutic needs. 120060 Advantage Line™ 2-in-1 BolsterSwing & Trapeze Bar GIDDIE-UP GLIDER Not only is this swing fun, but it’s good for kids!The Giddie-Up Glider provides vestibular input and addresses bilateralcontrol and motor planning skills as well asincorporating heavy work.Dimensions: 90 L x 25 W x 180cm H Working Load: 90kgGiddie-Up Glider 120010 THERAPY NET MAT When using the Therapy Net, allow your clients extra comfort and support with ourTherapy Net Mat. It includes special fasteners that secure the mat and keep the netin the open position. The design makes it easier for you to place your clients in aprone position. The Therapy Net Mat has a firm and comfortable foam center witha removable cover and comes complete with spreader bar.Dimensions: 130 L x 65 W x 5cm D0136 Therapy Net Mat 143

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMC-STAND & LINEAR MOTION BARHEAVY DUTY C-STAND & LINEAR MOTION BAR Our easy-to-assemble, free-standing C-Stand frame has a flat,padded base that provides a stable, strong support platformwithout frame legs to interfere with treatment. We have simplifiedthe height adjustment by adding a C-stand exclusive heightadjustment strap. The “C” portion of the kit is a two- piece unit,which makes moving and assembly easier. Setup time is approximately 2 hours with 2-3 competent people. Thekit includes everything you need to start using your therapeuticequipment… Just unpack and assemble.Dimensions: 152 dia. x 152 W x 235cm H Working Load: 135kg (Active); 225kg (Passive) Weight: 275kg Heavy Duty C-Stand is designed to allow for a lingload. The frame has a paarger workdded base thatprovides a stable, strong support and allows for ampleroom for swinging. The Heavy Duty C- Stand has abuilt-in rotational device and height adjustment strap.Setup time is approximately 2-3 hours with 2-3competent people. Dimensions: 155 W x 220 D x 235cm H Working Load: 300kg (455kg Passive load) Weight: 325kg 71017102 7100 C-Stand, Complete with IntegratedRotational Device, Height AdjustingStrap, Base and Bump MatsLinear Motion Bar for C-Stand C-StandReplacement Eyebolt7152 7150 Heavy Duty C-Stand, Complete withRotational Device, Height Adjusting Strap,Base and Bump Mats Heavy Duty C-Stand Linear Motion Bar 7100 C-STAND. SWING SOLD SEPARATELY7152 LINEAR MOTION BAR FOR HD C-STANDBILATERAL BOLSTER SWING Help improve bilateral integration while getting the benefitsof postural and balance adjustments. The Bilateral BolsterSwing offers all the benefits of our Standard Bolster Swing,but we’ve added two ropes attached to the body for clientsto grasp with both hands. If you already have our standard swing, you can purchasethe body of the Bilateral Bolster and attach it to yourexisting upper works and bar. The Bilateral Bolster comes inStandard and Pony sizes with ropes that are covered with aprotective vinyl tubing to prevent rope burns. Dimensions: 20cm dia x 120 L x 175 H (Standard); 20cm dia x 90 L x 175 H (Pony) Working Load: 160kg (Standard or Pony)1070107110751076 Standard Bilateral Bolster Swing Standard Bilateral Bolster Swing, Bodyonly Pony Bilateral Bolster Swing Pony Bilateral Bolster Swing, Body only 144

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THERAPY NETTHERAPY NETADAPTATION KIT The Therapy Net is an all-around must havefor any therapeutic setting. It’s simple to use,and can be used in a variety of ways. Itprovides vestibular input in all planes,improved head and neck extension,proprioceptive input and overall body control. Use the Therapy Net by itself, or withour Net Adaptation Kit.Dimensions: 120cm H; Working Load: 90kgNets are wonderful therapytools, but for physicallychallenged or uncoordinatedclients, they can be difficult touse. The answer to this problemis the Net Adaptation Kit.The kit includes a paddedwooden seat, top spreader barand (2) attachment clips. Thehardwood spreader barattaches easily to your net, andthe seat insert lets you easily adjust your client’sposition in the net.0131 0130 Therapy Net Therapy Net Adaptation Kit BOLSTER SWINGS REPLACEMENT PARTS reliefIf a therapist has to select just one piece of suspendedequipment, a Bolster Swing is the best choice. Includes a built-in safety rotational device and vinyl-covered ropes for added client protection!Dimensions: 20cm dia x 120 L x 175 H (Standard) 20cm dia x 90 L x 175 H (Pony) Working Load: 160kg (Standard or Pony) 1000Standard Bolster Swing1005 Pony Bolster Swing The Upper Works includes the built-in safety rotational device andthe three control ropes above the wooden bar. Bar snaps notincluded.The Replacement Upper Bar easily replaces the existing wooden barthat works in conjunction with the upper works control loops. Snapsnot included.121000 Standard Bolster Replacement, Upper Works 121005 Pony Bolster Replacement, Upper Works 121001 Standard Bolster Replacement, Upper Bar 121006 Pony Bolster Replacement, Upper Bar WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMTHE WHALE The Whale is great at providing rhythmicalcalming and organising input. It also helps withpostural control, balance and corestrengthening.The minimum span distance is 2.75m,maximum span is 4.85m. Any distance greaterthan 5m will require additional extensionstraps. The Whale is made with soft, flexiblefoam and comes complete with four doubleloop Vertical Stimulation Devices.Dimensions: 25cm dia x 125cm L Working Load: 135kg 1080 The Whale 145

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LINEAR GLIDERS LINEAR GLIDER TENT COVER Your creative possibilities are endless with this piece ofequipment. It is ideally used to provide vestibular input,increase balance, address weight shifting abilities and increase bilateral coordination. The Standard Linear Glider and the Adult Linear Glider feature a platform with removable carpet, and suspension ropes with stabilizing rungs. Includes removable carpet, Pull Handles and (2) Safety Snaps.Dimensions: 150 L x 75 W x 175cm H (Adult) 115 L x 60 W x 150cm H (Standard) Suspension Points: 1.35m to 1.65cm Apart (Adult); 1m to 1.35m Apart (Standard) Working Load: 205kg Our Linear Glider Tent Cover works with the AdultLinear Glider (not included), to provide a smallspace for the over-stimulated client. Unlike otherswings that provide some bit of enclosure, theLinear Glider Tent Cover provides the ability for atherapist and child, or two peers, to work onactivities at the same time. This simple addition toan already therapeutic favorite provides a greatway to improve attention, focus and one-on-oneinteraction.Dimensions: 150 W x 145 H x 75cm D18521850 Adult Linear GliderStandard Linear Glider 121855 Linear Glider Tent Cover Provide a different perspective to vestibular input. TheCocoon Swings are ideal to be used in variouspositions while allowing clients to feel secure. They aremade of soft, no-pinch nylon mesh fabric, and hangfrom six webbing straps. With the front and rear strapsdetached, the Child Cocoon Swing becomes a single-point sling hammock, which provides full body supportwith an extension position.Dimensions: 127cm H (Child); 150cm H (Adult) Working Load: 70kg (Child); 135kg (Adult)01320135 Child Cocoon SwingAdult Cocoon Swing CHILD AND ADULT COCOON SWINGS WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM146

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GLIDER BOLSTER PULL HANDLES & ROPE Glider Bolsters allow therapists to accommodate larger or moreinvolved clients in all developmental positions. It’s also strong enoughfor a therapist to ride with clients and provide hands-on facilitation.For younger or posturally insecure clients, the swing offers stability. Itcan be hung from two or four points and moved in smooth arcs,orgently rocked, depending on the need. If you want to encouragesocial interaction, the Glider Bolster can easily accommodate severalclients during an activity.Use the heavily padded, vinyl-covered base on either side by simply flipping the bolster over. One side is high-density foam padding;the other side is padded with low-density foam. This special feature isdesigned to increase your clients’ comfort.Dimensions: 100 L x 30cm W (Mini); 180 L x 45cm W (Standard) Side Ropes: 115cm L Suspension Points: 1m to 1.6m Apart (Mini); 1.6m to 1.98cm Apart(Standard) Working Load: 180kg These are the same Pull Handlesincluded with the Linear Glider, but theyare offered separately for use with otherequipment such as the Platform Swingor Therapy Net. Handles are made ofdurable plastic with soft, poly rope. Thiswell-made accessory has no knots orsharp edges.Rope length: 1.5m10071006 Mini Glider BolsterStandard Glider Bolster 1855 Pull Handles & Rope WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM126015 PLATFORM SWING126010 TRAPEZE BAR126020 CLIMBING LADDERMade with the same qualitystandards as our clinic- sizedladder. The ladder has sixclimbing rungs, with a rung atthe bottom connected only atone end, to be used as astabilizer by the parent ortherapist.Dimensions: 185 L x 43cm W Working Load: 60kgCLIMBING LADDER 126020 Climbing Ladder Children will have fun swingingwhile improving their flexionskills. The bar may be moved,so kids can hang from thehandles as well.Dimensions: 43 W x 75cm H Working Load: 60kgTRAPEZE BAR 126010 Trapeze Bar The Platform Swing providesvestibular input and may be used ina variety of ways. Designed in asmaller, rectangular version. Carpetsold separately.Dimensions: 75 L x 50 W x 145cm H Working Load: 90kgPLATFORM SWING 126015 Platform Swing, Home Therapy System Designed for doorwaysbetween 73cm W and 91cmW only. Support bracketsscrew into the door framewith the included drill bit.Has three adjustableheights and comes with (2)Safety Snaps. WorkingLoad: 90kg (Dependent onthe strength of your doorjambs)DOORWAY SUPPORT 116010 Doorway Support 147

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ACROBAT SWING ADVANTAGE LINE MOON SWING Acrobat Swing can be hung from two, three or fourattachment points. As a hammock, it providesvestibular input with increased pressure offering acalming effect. The three- or four-point hookupincreases the challenge by allowing clients to climbthrough the layers. Or, it can provide a calming tent-like space. This swing is great for developing bodyawareness and addressing motor planning skills.Made of four layers of heavy-duty, four-way stretchLycra®, this swing provides varying degrees of resistance, layer by layer. Safety snaps are not included.Dimensions: 240 L x 120cm W Working Load: 135kgThe Moon Swing is a great means foraddressing bilateral coordination,balance, strength and vestibular input. Itssize and shape allows the therapist tocreate an easy mount and dismount forclients. The soft gooseneck is extra longto help the child hang on. The Moon Swing is exceptionally durable,with a ring connection point that isreinforced for extended wear. Dimensions: 45cm dia x 120cm L Working Load: 90kg120077 Acrobat Swing Rainbow 0143 Advantage Line Moon Swing VARIABLE AXIS SWING Variable Axis Swing allows clients to be moved in a number ofdifferent directions. From general swinging on any axis to spinningwith Rotational Device, this swing provides comfort while yourclients can be positioned in vertical and horizontal planes. Thisswing is a great way to address spatial awareness as well asvestibular and proprioceptive inputs. It allows positioning of clientsto stimulate areas of semi-circular canals for maximum therapeuticbenefit. This swing is aesthetically pleasing and practical. The coveris washable in cold water. The frame is durable and lightweight witha folding mechanism making it easy to store. Dimensions: 55 W x 105cm H (Swing) 20 W x 50cm H (Footrest) Working Load: 90kg 460046014602 Variable Axis Swing, with Safety SnapVariable Axis Swing Footrest Variable Axis Swing & Footrest WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMRAINBOW PLATFORM SWINGA fun, exciting change to a therapyclassic. This platform swing offers allthe same vestibular input of ourwooden platform swing, but with aLYCRA® fabric bottom. The resistivefabric provides a soft base and extraproprioceptive input. Dimensions: 78 L x 78 W x 160cm H Working Load: 90kg420177 Rainbow Platform Swing 148

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Increase calming and organise input byproviding deep touch pressure andvestibular stimulation in our Cuddle Swing.Postural flexion is also encouraged whileyour child or client lies in the swing. Childrenwill find this soft, stretchy swing fun andcomfortable. Includes (1) Safety Snap.Dimensions: 125cm L Working Load: 90kgAIRWALKER®SWADDLE SWING SNUGGLE SWING The Airwalker is a cocoon-shaped bag ofspecially formulated Spandex™ that gives clients the sensation of walking on an airy floor that melts away under their feet. Theweight and stretch of the Airwalker helps aclient's vertical stability while creating a motorplanning challenge as he or she travels acrossthe cloth to the opposite side. The Airwalker isideal for the traveling therapist. Its durable bagmeasures 110cm L. Breathable fabric lets clientsenjoy a pleasant sense of confinement.Dimensions: 110cm L Working Load: 115kgThe Swaddle Swing, brought to us by Catherine Hoyt Drazen OTD, OTR/L, allows you to make a swing anywhere. This unique swing provides vestibular stimulation and helps infants and toddlers with self regulation and calming. The gentle pressure from the LYCRA® provides a safe, secure environment for the child to experience the movement and comfort of the swing with the soft light coming through the mesh. Can be used by a therapist alone to swing a child, or in cooperation with a parent. A great product for an itinerant or home-based therapist.Four shoulder straps, shown right, included for extra back support.Like the Cuddle Swing, the Snuggle Swing ismade of a soft, stretchy fabric, but offers oneclosed side, allowing for more stability as a childsits and looks through the opening of the swing.With the deep pressure provided throughout thebody, the Snuggle Swing is an ideal way toaddress calming and organising needs whileincorporating vestibular input during any treatment activity. Includes (1) Safety Snap.Dimensions: 160cm L Working Load: 135kg0145 120006 Airwalker® Swaddle Swing 120005 Snuggle Swing CUDDLE SWING 120030 Cuddle Swing ADULT CUDDLE SWING Larger clients need pressure too! Increasecalming and organising input by providingdeep touch pressure and vestibularstimulation in the Adult Cuddle Swing. With one side of the cuddle cut taller than the other, the swing becomes anatural seat, encouraging postural flexion.The Adult Cuddle Swing is made of soft,stretchy nylon mesh and long-lastingCordura® fabric. Includes (1) Safety Snap.Dimensions: 160cm L Working Load: 135kg120035 Adult Cuddle Swing WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM149

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PLATFORM SWING ADVANTAGE LINE™ PLATFORM SWING The Platform Swing is an essential toolin sensory integration therapy. Ourplatform swings offer therapists theability to create a wide range of tiltingmovements with the control linesattached to the top disc. Can be usedwith clients in a variety of positionsfrom prone to standing. Platform iscarpeted. Dimensions: 78 L x 78 W x 150cm H Working Load: 135kg Now it’s easy to add a staple piece ofsuspended equipment to any environment.Our Advantage Line version of the PlatformSwing has been simplified to bring you aneconomical version of our classic model. Dimensions: 78 L x 78 W x 150cm H Working Load: 135kg 1800 Platform Swing 120040 Advantage Line™ Platform Swing FROG SWING The Frog Swing is one of the most popular swings for clinicaland home use for providing proprioceptive stimulation and vertical movement. The FrogSwing has a wood cross beam that allows it to be adapted for a working load of 70kg The Frog Swing comes with three single vertical stimulation loops for an initial working load of up to 40kg These loops can be removed to provide a greater bounce for younger clients. You can easily increase the working load to 54kg or even 70kg by simply adding more loops.Dimensions: 140cm H Working Load: 40kg (up to 70kg withadditional VSDs)1925 Frog Swing THE MODIFIED PLATFORM SWING Just as good as our original Platform Swing,but the top disc of The Modified PlatformSwing has been enlarged, so there’s moreroom inside the ropes for a larger teen oradult. Dimensions: 78 L x 78 W x 150cm H Working Load: 135kg1805 The Modified Platform Swing BOUNCY PLATFORM SWING With the addition of bungees to this essentialtherapy tool, the Bouncy Platform Swing adds acomponent of proprioceptive input to yourtherapeutic activity making this an all-in-one pieceof equipment.Dimensions: 78 x 78 x 150cm H Working Load: 110kg 1830 Bouncy Platform Swing WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM150

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INFANT SWINGS INFANT ADAPTATION KIT ADVANTAGE LINE™ INFANTADAPTATION KIT The Infant Swing offers superior durability for theyoungest clients. We have even made it easier to placechildren in the swing with our front-loading seat. This isalso helpful for the little ones who demonstrategravitational insecurity. To offer some proprioceptiveinput, the swing can become a bouncer with the additionof a Vertical Stimulation Device and an extra SafetySnap. Seat is removable and machine washable.Dimensions: 25 L x 25cm W (Infant Swing - Seat Opening) 30 L x 30cm W (Not-So-Infant Swing - Seat Opening) Working Load: 75kgThe Advantage Line Infant Adaptation Kitcreates a soft, enclosed space on our PlatformSwing for infants and small clients with extremegravitational insecurity. The soft-sided surfaceattaches to all Platform Swings and AdvantageLine Platform Swings. It can be used to create asmall cocoon space for the swing. And, forsome extra fun, it can even turn the swing intoa moving ball pit.Infant Adaptation Kit is a greataddition to the Platform Swingfor smaller clients. This kitprovides a padded pool forinfants and small clients withgravitational insecurity anddecreased trunk control. Thishigh-density foam pool with softinsides provides proper rigidityand maximum protection. Worksonly with Platform Swings, andeasily attaches using (4)included hook-and-loop flaps.120020120025 Infant Swing Not-So- Infant Swing 18201810 121820421820 Infant Adaptation Kit Platform Swing & Adaptation Kit Advantage Line™ Infant Adaptation Kit Advantage Line™ Platform Swing/Infant Adaptation Kit Combo WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMITN ADAPTION KIT ITINERANT PLATFORM SWING The traveling therapist now has more options with Itinerant Platform Swing!Designed to fit the Itinerant Support Frame, this lightweight swing weighs only5kg, is 75cm in diameter and comes with its own carrying case. It also includesremovable spreader bars to help provide more room inside the ropes forlarger clients.The platform swing is a useful tool for every therapist. It offers a variety ofuses for vestibular input, postural control and balance.Dimensions: 75cm dia. x 150cm H Working Load: 135kg Weight: 5kgThis kit is a must-have add-on to the Itinerant Platform Swing if you are working with very young children or those with low trunk control.It allows you to create a smaller, more secure space to complete activities or providevestibular input, and it also enables you tokeep your hands free to allow for increasedinteraction. This kit is designed to be used withthe Itinerant Platform Swing (#7260) only andeasily attaches using the 4 included hook-and-loop straps.7261 7260 ITN Adaption Kit Itinerant Platform Swing 151

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THE BUDDY BOAT RAINBOW BUCKET SWING FEATHERWEIGHT PLATFORMSWING™ & BUCKET SWING™ Our Featherweight Platform Swing andFeatherweight Bucket Swing perform just like ouroriginal Platform Swing and include the adjustablecontrol lines. But the design of these swingsincludes a number of key innovations. First, wereplaced the wood platform with a lightweightaluminium frame and a durable 1000 denier nyloncover. The result is a 35% weight savings thatmakes hanging the swing much easier. Aprotective padding is sewn into the cover to keeptherapists’ shins safe. One frame can be used withboth the platform cover or the bucket cover.Dimensions: 78 L x 78 W x 145cm H (Platform Swing) 78 L x 78 W x 175 H x 20cm D (Bucket Swing)Working Load: 90kg This swing is a fun, ideal way to provide smaller individuals with vestibular input. Thebucket design allows children a place to sit withsome support, while the LYCRA® fabric bottomgives them a soft feeling with resistance. Fill thebucket with balls or other small toys for avariety of therapeutic activities.Dimensions: 78 L x 78 W x 160cm H Working Load: 90kg Clients can use this swing while sitting, prone or even on their backs. Usingpositioning aids, such as wedges or cushions, makes this a great swing touse with children who have decreased motor control. The large dimensions make it suitable to hold several toddlers or pre-schoolers simultaneously, encouraging socialisation andcooperative play. One end of The Buddy Boat is made of durable clear vinyl, so the children can see out and the therapist can see in. Dimensions: 115 L x55 W x 180 H x 30cm D Working Load: 135kg120100 420110420115420120 420178 The Buddy Boat Rainbow Bucket Swing Featherweight Platform Swing™Featherweight Bucket Swing™Deluxe Featherweight Kit (Bucket & Platform Covers) 420110 FEATHERWEIGHTPLATFORM SWING™420115 FEATHERWEIGHTBUCKET SWING™WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM152

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMTRAPEZE BARS SWING HARNESS DOUBLE TRAPEZE BAR The Trapeze Bar allows clients to work on their upperextremity strengthening, increase their flexion posture, and improve their motor planning skills. It offers a funway to challenge many of their overall development skills. The bungee adds increased vestibular input and an increased challenge for balance. It is also good for teaching timing and body control, as the Bungee Trapeze Bar requires more focus than physicalstrength. Safety Snaps included.Dimensions: 1m W x 90cm H (Adult); 75 W x 91cm H (Child); 45 W x 56cm H (Wee); 75 W x 90cm H (Bungee) Working Load: 45kg (Wee); 180kg (Adult & Child); 55kg (Bungee)The Swing Harness adds a new dimension and challenge to any therapeutic activity. Once strapped in, clients experience vestibular input in a variety of planes, including upside down. It is a great piece of equipment to use with activities that address motor planning and body awareness. Adjustable belt fits up to a 80cm waist. Leg loops fit up to 50cm thigh. Vertical Stimulation Device sold separately. Working Load: 225kg Double Trapeze Bar, featuring the security of a double bar, enables your clients toswing into success. Children pull up to a sitting position from a hanging positionwith more confidence. The 3cm dia solid hardwood rungs are 65cm wide and 45cmapart. The Double Trapeze Bar can be hung from one or two ceiling points.Includes (2) Safety Snaps.Dimensions: 65 W x 70cm H Working Load: 90kg4000400140044002 Adult Trapeze Bar ChildTrapeze Bar WeeTrapeze Bar BungeeTrapeze Bar 4003 120065 Swing Harness Double Trapeze Bar 153

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The swing delivers full body pressure provided by theclient’s own weight. This provides excellentproprioceptive input to help with calming the over-stimulated client. The Taco Swing is an easy and fun way to getrelaxed. To get the full therapeutic effect, have thechild or adult lie face up or down and begin slowlyswinging. The swing cover is made from a quilted poly-cottonmaterial that is durable and soft to the touch.Machine washable and dryable. Colours may vary.Dimensions: 180cm H Working Load: 90kgTWIRLER TACO SWING FLYING PURPLE PEOPLE EATER Twirler invites clients to spin and twirl while providing axial andvestibular stimulation. Use the Twirler in conjunction with the Vertical Stimulation Device to add bounce. The Twirler is an excellent tool to stimulate flexion and extension patterns.Includes rope and handle.Dimensions: 90cm H Working Load: 135kg This versatile swing is great for any child who lovessmal places. Kids will love to swing and spin while intheir own little space. Fill it with therapy balls (or anyother tactile material) to increase the input andexcitement.Includes a removable stabilizing bottom board, soyou can provide a solid, flat floor to sit or kneel on.Each board is covered in durable fabric and attacheseasily to the bottom of the swing with hook-and-loopfasteners. Dimensions: 130cm H Working Load: 90kg1149 120130 120090 Twirler Taco Swing Flying Purple People Eater SLING SWING Sling Swing, a single-point suspended hammock,provides full and even support, and will not gather orbunch with the weight of the client. Made of softnylon knit fabric, the Sling Swing works like a net,without any tangle problems. Supported with heavy-duty vinyl for strength and durability, the Sling Swingoffers responsive support, and provides all support ina flexion position. It also offers vestibular stimulationprone or seated. Includes (1) Safety Snap.Dimensions: 150cm H (Child & Adult) Working Load: 90kg (Child); 135kg (Adult)01330134 Child Sling SwingAdult Sling Swing SKY SAILOR This piece of equipment offers both vestibular andproprioceptive input. From the heavy LYCRA® materialadding resistance and providing a calming feel to thevestibular input that can be provided in a variety ofpositions, this swing can be a great addition to manytherapeutic activities. Dimensions: 122 L x 63 W x 122cm H Working Load: 113kg120133 Sky Sailor WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM154

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSLING SEAT TADPOLE SWING 2-IN-1 FROG SWINGSling Seat is designed to be used with the standard DualSwing or alone. Larger clients, as well as therapists,sometimes find the sling seat more comfortable to use thanthe leg loops. Use alone as a seat or belly swing. The 150cmwide seat comes with two permanently attached lines. With this adaptation, you’ll find many of yourclients will be more comfortable and work longer. Dimensions: 170cm H Working Load: 180kgTwo great swings in one! Our awesome FrogSwing comes with a Trapeze bar at the top toallow clients a handlebar to hold onto, but then reliefwith a few clicks, change the activity into a Trapeze swing task. This piece of equipment offers great proprioceptive stimulation and vertical movement with the Frog Swing; and upper extremity strengthening, motor planning and core strengthening with the Trapeze Bar. Dimensions: 75 L (Trapeze Bar) x 140cm H Working Load: 55kg (up to 70kg with additional VSDs)Allow your young clients to leap and bounce with ourTadpole Swing while working on core stability skills.Made of nylon mesh fabric, this cushioned sling-likeswing is great to use with kids in the prone position. Itis ideal for those clients who are low tone orgravitationally insecure. Comes complete with seat, (3) vertical stimulationloops and (2) locking Safety Snaps.Dimensions: 165cm H Working Load: 40kg (up to 70kg with additional VSDs) 1625 Sling Seat 121925 121920 Tadpole Swing 2-in-1 Frog SwingHELICOPTER SWING The Helicopter Swing offers responsivesupport in a flexion position. The swing can be used lying face down or on the back, and helps the most nervous client gain confidence in swinging.Working Load: 180kg120170 Helicopter Swing 155

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BIORBITAL ACCELERATOR INTERACTION DUAL SWING The Interaction Dual Swing encourages interaction as it providesstimulation. Active play by two clients provides both rotationaland orbital stimulation, and demands postural adjustments. Thisunique design encourages a more normal shoulder and upperextremity position. The shared exercise encourages longer involvement in therapeutic activity.Includes (2) lines and spreader bar, (4) leg loops and (1) SafetySnap.Dimensions: 155cm H Working Load: 180kgThree ranges of movement, vertical, rotational and orbital, provide all the versatility andmotion you could want from one piece of equipment. The Biorbital Accelerator’s steelcrossbar serves as a teeter-totter, which permits an exaggerated vertical movement.The main pivot of the steel crossbar can be moved easily by shifting the rotational device to one of the three positioning eyebolts, thus allowing two clients of different sizes to work together.Includes (2) sets of leg loops, (1) sling seat and (2) adjustable chest harnesses.Dimensions: 90 L x 150cm H Working Load: 135kg1630 1700 Biorbital Accelerator Interaction Dual Swing FLYING TRAPEZE Motor planning, flexion, vestibular stimulation and fun are all apart of this activity on the Flying Trapeze. This horizontalglider is excellent for helping clients develop a tolerance to movement, for improving flexion patterns, and motor planning a new task.This system suspends from two existing ceiling points, 2.4m to 3.6m apart, and does not require wall-mounted suspension points. A special track allows the trolley to glide freely from one end to the other. The configuration of the upper rigging uses four height adjustment systems to give you complete control over the height and angle of the track, and keeps the mechanism from swaying. Adjustability is built into the Flying Trapeze so you can meet your clients’ individual needs. Adjust the height, theangle, and choose a seat. You may want a young client to sitin the sling seat so his feet almost touch the floor. You may want to position another client prone in the sling seat with the beam at an angle so she can pull herself hand-over-hand up a rope using heavy work patterns.Includes track, upper rigging, trolley, trapeze bar and detachable sling seat.Dimensions: 3m L x 2.4m – 3.6m H (Adjustable) Working Load: 90kg1960 Flying Trapeze 3m3mWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM156

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PLEASE NOTE: The circumference of the3-in-1 Barrel Swing may cause a “W”sitting position in some clients whenstraddling the swing, andshould be discouraged.3-IN-1 BARREL SWINGSTherapists will be able to challenge clients in vestibular stimulatingand calming, weight bearing, flexion/extension, balance, push/pulland climbing activities. The 3-in-1 Barrel Swing can be suspendedfrom either a single- or two-point suspension system. You can alsocreate a trapeze bar with the hanging assembly and use the barrelas a floor roll.Its strong, corrugated structure can support both client andtherapist. The exterior (3cm) and interior (2cm) padding makes allBarrel Swing positions extra comfortable. The exterior is covered ina durable vinyl that allows easy maintenance and cleaning.Dimensions: 35 ID x 50 OD x 85 L x 175cm H (Small) 40 ID x 60 OD x 95 L x 185cm H (Large) Working Load: 180kg120140120145 Small 3-in-1 Barrel SwingLarge 3-in-1 Barrel Swing STANDARD DUAL SWING The Standard Dual Swing remains high on the list of popular therapytools because of its ability to provide orbital and rotational movements.The swing can be used prone or sitting. It provides vestibular input while working on extension, proprioceptive input, motor planning and corestability. This versatile swing may be used with one or two clients in the sittingposition. It definitely adds a great deal of variety and fun to your treatmentsessions.The Standard Dual Swing consists of four super-soft nylon leg loops attached to four 1m ropes. It fastens at the top with two Safety Snaps topermit easy hanging. The loops are made of extremely soft webbingand provide comfortable support for most clients. Its versatility and lowprice make it a must for every programme. Includes (4) ropes, (4) legloops and (2) Safety Snaps.Dimensions: 170 H x 100cm L (Ropes) Working Load: 180kg1600 Standard Dual Swing WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM157

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U-BOAT SWINGDISC SWING Clients can use this swing while sitting, proneor even on their backs. The large dimensions of the U-Boat make it suitable tohold several toddlers or preschoolers simultaneously, encouraging socialisationand cooperative play. The working load of 135kg makes it possible to hold olderchildren or adults as well. Dimensions: 105 x 50 x 165cm (U-Boat); 50 x50 x 165cm (Mini U-Boat) Working Load: 135kgThis sturdy, textured disc swing is designed for a comfortable ride, with a plastic neck around the rope to protect your client’s legs. Provides vestibular stimulation and flexion, motor control development, rotational and orbital stimulation, and stimulation for both upper and lower extremities.Working Load: 70kg126022126021 U-Boat SwingMini U-Boat Swing 1172 Disc Swing MOON BALL SWING The Moon Ball Swing provides excellent vestibular andproprioceptive stimulationbecause it allows for controlledbouncing and vertical movement.The swing incorporates a 55cmtherapy ball as the base for avariety of activities, includingflexion, extension and posturaladjustments. Can be used as both a swing and on the floor forcontrolled activities. Dimensions: 55 W x 150cm H Working Load: 90kg120175 Moon Ball Swing FLEXION T-BAR Here’s a great way to address balance and bilateral strength, and also provide vestibular input foryour more involved population. The Flexion T-Barchallenges your clients’ flexion patterns as they enjoy activities while on this piece ofsuspended equipment.Advanced clients will be stimulated when they hang beneath the T-Bar and shift from side to side while swinging. Use for a wide range of rotational and orbitalmovements. Includes control strap and (1) Safety Snap. Dimensions:110 H (Without VSD); 160cm H (With VSD) Working Load: 160kg (T-Bar Alone) 19191920 Flexion T-Bar Deluxe T-Bar, Includes VSD WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM158

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TUBE SWING BUOY SWINGThe heavy-duty tube shown may beinflated to any size needed. Thenatural bounce of the rubber tubemakes it ideal for providingproprioceptive and vestibularstimulation. Harness is made withheavy-duty material. Webbed nylonsling adjusts to fit most larger innertubes and protects clients from beingscraped or poked by the valve stem.Working Load: 115kg when used withour Heavy-Duty Inner Tube (item 0180)Have fun with a challenging alternative to thetraditional swing! The Buoy Swing providesproprioception, core strengthening, and vestibularstimulation for your clients. Children will be ableto swing with a gentle motion or an activeorbiting arc. The Buoy Ball has a molded end for high strength, and also features a trapezebar attachment that can be used separately.Recommended for ages 6–13.Dimensions: 40cm dia.; Working Load: 56kg 01801501 0185 1500 Tube Swing Harness Only, Inner Tube NotIncluded Heavy-Duty Inner Tube Tube Swing Kit, Includes Harness & Heavy-Duty Inner Tube Single Tube Wrap 120150 Buoy Swing FLEXION DISC Flexion Disc provides both vestibular andproprioceptive stimulation for your clients.Vary the vestibular input from gentle pushingand rocking to a more active shaking, rotatingand orbiting. The Flexion Disc has a carpeted base with a heavily padded edge and center post. A minimum ceiling height of 2.5m is required. Accommodate a wide range of clients by adding the Large Flexion board to yourFlexion Disc. Our Large Flexion Disc board is 56% larger thanthe standard disc. The board is carpeted and padded around theedge like the standard board. Includesdetachable control strap and (1) Safety Snap. Dimensions: 90 H (Without VSD); 140cm H (With VSD) Working Load: 135kg (Disc Alone)190919101914 Flexion Disc Deluxe Flexion Disc, IncludesVSD Large Flexion Disc Board WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM159

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMA-SWING FRAME & PLATFORMSWINGLOW-PROFILE SLING SWING MANTIS SUSPENSION FRAME The A-Swing Frame has been designed to facilitate sensoryintegration therapy for paediatric clients that are servedwithin their home or in community settings. It is easy tocarry and stow in most vehicles. A- Swing Platform Swingsold separately. Dimensions: 152 L x 152 W x 152cm H(Frame) Base Area: 1.5 x 1.5m (Frame) Working Load: 135kg Offering the benefits of our Sling Swing in a shorter version. This single-point swing can be easily used with itinerant swing hook-ups (#7250 and #7290), and offers evensupport during vestibular input. Frame soldseparately.Dimensions: 122cm L Working Load: 90kg We designed this frame along with the University of DaytonEngineering Department because you asked for a suspension systemthat could be moved around the room easily. It can be assembled ordismantled by two people in less than 20 minutes. Once unassembled,it will fit through any standard door. Our suspension unit is made ofaluminium tubing and has removable padding on all eight legs. Withthree suspension points, it will accept most swings, and can be usedfor linear movement.Dimensions: 4.45 L x 2.45 W x 2.37m H; Working Load: 225kg; Weight: 72kg 72907295 A-Swing FrameA-Swing Platform Swing7600 SS0133 Low-Profile Sling Swing Mantis Portable Suspension Frame SWING SOLD SEPARATELY7250 ITINERANT SUPPORT FRAME.PLATFORM SWING SOLD SEPARATELY.7260 ITINERANTITINERANT SUPPORT FRAME Using the lightest, strongest and most cost-effective material available,our Itinerant (ITN) Support Frame will fit in almost any area, giving on-the-go therapists the first real portable suspension system on themarket.Weighing only 12kg, and less than 1.8m in length when collapsed,the ITN Support Frame can easily be carried in most cars. The ITNSupport Frame requires only 4 square metres of floor space, andadjusts up to a 3m working height.It comes complete with a built-insafety rotational device and a sturdy carrying case. A perfectcomplement for the ITN Therapist Kit. Vinyl-covered cables attach thelegs to one another for extra stability. Swing sold separately.Dimensions: 2m - 2.4m H Base Area: 2.2m x 2.2m Traveling Length: 1.8m LWorking Load: 135kg Weight: 12kg7250 Itinerant Support Frame 160

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#: SI111Dimensions: 150 x 20 x 20cmSku#: SI310ZDimensions: 240 x 244 x 325cmSku#: SI306ZDimensions: 300 x 245 x 200cmSku#: SI125Dimensions: 150 x 18cmLarge SuspensionSteel FrameMedium Suspension Frame SetRocking Horse with 2 x 50cm ExtensionsBench SwingBESPOKEDIMENSIONSAVAILABLEUPONREQUESTSWINGPURCHASEDSEPARATELY7000 CUSTOM SUPPORT STRUCTURECustom Floor MatsWe now offer custom-made floormats to fit within the dimensions ofyour Support Structure. The 15cmthick mats are the same height as thebase of the structure. These are madeto order to suit the frame size of yourchoice.161

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Extenders,carabinerand swivelhookspurchasedseparatelyT-Shape SwingMushroom SwingElasticHammock Swing CocoonHammock SwingSuspended PearBeanbag Swing“Hot Dog” SwingHammock withPlastic BallsSku#: SI103Dimensions: 100 x 90cmSku#: SI114Dimensions: 90 x 100 x 20cmSku#: 107MDimensions: 130 x 60cm DiameterSku#: SI400Dimensions: 140cmSku#: SI128Dimensions: 110 x 90cm DiameterSku#: SI115Dimensions: 150 x 25cm DiameterIncludes 260 ballsSku#: SI124Dimensions: 170 x 70cm DiameterWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM162

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Sku#: SI104Dimensions: 120 x 130cmSku#: SI105Dimensions: 100 x 90cmSku#: SI108MDimensions: 76 x 76cmSku#: SI129MDimensions: 75cmDiameterSku#: SI102Dimensions: 120 x 40cmSku#: 110M2Dimensions: 110 x 50cmMedium HammockRelaxation Hammock SwingSquareSuspension SwingRound SuspendedPlatform SwingLarge Hammock SwingLarge SuspendedPlatform SwingWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM163

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Sensory Swingwith SafeguardsFootbridge for Balance ExercisesTyre SwingFrog SwingHammock Swingwith Plastic BallsGymnastic RingsSku#: 109MDimensions: 50 x 50cmSku#: SI122Dimensions: 125cmSku#: SI113Dimensions: 140cm External diameter85cm internal diameterSku#: SI118Dimensions: 80cmIncludes 260 ballsSku#: SI127ZDimensions:125 x 62 x 62cmSku#: SI120Dimensions:25cm DiameterCarabiner,extendersand swivelpurchasedseparatelyCarabiner,extendersand swivelpurchasedseparatelyWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM164

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50cm100cmSku#: EXT50Sku#: EXT100Sku#: SI112Dimensions: 125 x 40 x 125cmSku#: SI117Dimensions: 60cm widePlace something inside, close it and try to guess what objectyou’re holding using only touch and sound.Sku#: ZE0001Dimensions: 34.5 x 22 x 22cmSku#: SI302Sku#: SI303Sku#: SI106ExtendersRocking HorseHelicopter Swing Trapeze SwingGuessing TrunkSwivelConnectorsCarabinerSteel HookHelicopter SwingWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM165

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Couch and ChairFloor CushionOur Couch and Chair are built with high- densityfoam, offering an alternative optio to many of thehard, less comfortable seating devices. Designedwith just enough support to encourage proper bodypositioning and sized just right for your youngerpopulation. Sold in Colours shown. Dimensions: 90 x 65 x 60cm (Couch); 30cm (Couch Seat Height) 45 x 65 x 60cm (Chair); 30cm (Chair Seat Height) Weight: 10kg (Couch); 5kg (Chair)Our giant Floor Cushion offers the ideal place tohave your clients hang out and relax, and is perfect for any setting. Designed with the comfortable, durable materials you have come to love, the Floor Cushion offers the ability to bepositioned for clients with various needs.Floor Cushion cover is removable and machinewashable. Comes with Inner liner. Colours may vary.Dimensions: 90cm dia x 75cm 155400155401155402 Couch & Chair LoungeSet Couch Chair 156400 Floor Cushion 155400 COUCH & CHAIR LOUNGE SET155401 COUCH ASSISTED SEATINGWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMInnovative assisted seating products for sensory needsprovide comfort, support and a calming environment,enhancing overall well-being in therapeutic settings.Floor PillowsChildren can work on motor planning, balance andcoordination, and get proprioceptive input, by walking, crawlingor hanging out under this pillow. In addition, the Floor Pillowoffers an ideal space for calming and can easily fit into allenvironments without taking up a tonne of space. Colours mayvary.Dimensions: 80cm dia x 25cm156440 Floor Pillows (Set of 2) 166

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBean ChairHowdaHugBouncing T-StoolYou can rock in this comfortable chair or you can turn itover for a peaceful stationary seat, with a quiet hideawayunderneath. The gentle rocking movement offers soothing proprioceptive input and the high sides help enhance bodyawareness. Dimensions: 65 x 75 x 100cm (Bean Chair) 50 x 40 x 75cm (Individual) Working Load: 91kg."It feels like a HUG" The HowdaHUG offers proprioceptive and vestibularinput for children with sensory integration needs, and is also enjoyed bytypically developing peers. It can be used on the floor, for rocking andupright back support. It may also be used in different types of chairs, including classroom chairs. The HowdaHug® can go everywhere with the child, because it can berolled up and weighs only 1kg. The colourful seat comes in three sizes, tofit children 3 years old and up. Dimensions: 33 x 33 x 33cm (PetiteHUG); 38 x 39 x 34cm (HowdaHUG); 41 x 40 x 37cm (Large HowdaHUG)Working Load: 23kg. (PetiteHUG); 45kg. (HowdaHUG); 56kg. (Large HowdaHUG)The Togo is a practical, economical and portable solution to combine both the sensory and strengthening components of a therapy ball and a standard T-stool. Adults and children with ADHD, autism or sensory processing disorder, and those that demonstrate low tone or lack of focus, can benefit from the sensory stimulation that the Togo provides. Adult supervision is recommended while in use. Dimensions: D35isccm) dia x 35cm H (Small Disc); 35cm dia x 55cm H (Large Working Load: 68kg (Small); 102kg (Large) 255110255111255112 156420156421 154000B154005B Small DiscLarge Disc Bean Chair Individual Bean Chair PetiteHUG® (Ages 3–5)HowdaHUG® (Ages 5–7) Large HowdaHUG® (Ages 7–12) Bean Bag ChairAvailable in a range of coloursBean Bag Chairs have always been an important positioning and relaxationitem for children and adults with sensory integration needs. But, all Bean BagChairs are not the same. Our Chairs are covered in durable, water resistantfabric and come with a concealed dual zipping function to avoid bead spillage.We offer the chair in three sizes to fit children through to adults. The Medium and Large Bean Bags are delivered in two parts. Sold in coloursspecified. Dimensions: Small, 75cm dia x 96cm (22cm Seat Height); Medium, 90cm dia x 122cm (26cm Seat Height); Large, 100cm dia x 125cm (32cm Seat Height)580558075808 Small Bean Bag Chair (Yellow)Medium Bean Bag Chair (RoyalBlue) Large Bean Bag Chair (Navy) SKU: BEA8AED 525.00167

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMCube ChairsSensory RockersContoured Relaxation ChairThis Relaxation Chair has been contoured to conformto the shape of the body and distribute weight evenly.Made of soft foam covered with water resistant, 100%Polyester Microfibre macrosuede, it is ideal for an MSEor any Quiet Room. Sold in Blue unless specifiedotherwise.Dimensions: 120cm x 65cm x 75cm Our versatile 40cm durable, lightweightCube Chair for indoor and outdoor use,features radius corners and multiple uses.First, use as a chair with either 18cm highseat or 23cm high seat. Second, flip ourchair over and it serves either as a 38cmhigh table, or the perfect height chair foradults. Manufactured from non-toxicrecyclable polyethylene.Dimensions: 40 x 40 x 40cm These contoured rocking chairs offer gentlesensory stimulation in a comfortableposition. An ideal positioning product forthose who only need mild vestibular input. The Sensory Rockers are covered in a 100% Polyester Microfibre macrosuede, which iswater resistant, as water beads on thesurface. The cover also has in-built dust-mitepathogens, making it great for anyone whomay be affected by a respiratory condition.Sold in colour specified below, Dimensions: 145 L x 80 W x 105cm H (Large);128 L x 60 W x 73cm H (Medium); 105 L x 55 W x 62cm H(Small)154051900900154050 555480 256401 Cube Chair Contoured Relaxation Chair Small Sensory Rocker - DaffodilMedium Sensory Rocker - PacificLarge Sensory Rocker - Fawn Use to improve a child’shand-eye coordination andhelp develop gross motorskills.Weight: 4.5kg Max weight:45kg Dimensions: 30cm x50cm dia.Whizzy DizzySKU: 901320SKU: FSF27Moon BagSKU: BEA3Bean BagThis beanbag is perfectfor any room and can bepersonalised too! Just theright size for relaxing,reading or playingfavourite video games!Our beanbag has it’s ownhandle for easy totingtoo.For all of your alternative seating needs!This modern, stylish Moon Bag (it’s agigantic beanbag!) is unique in design and amust have for your home. Available in lotsof different colours and featuring achildproof double zip system. Available inSmall (150x120)cm and Large (180x140) cm168

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ZUMA TASK CHAIRZUMA ROCKERZUMA FLOOR ROCKERZUMA ROCKER(WITH ARMS) Zuma RockerTHE ZUMA® RANGEZuma Task ChairZuma Floor RockerAvailable in two sizes, the small chair is38cm and the large is 45cm. The mentioned measurement is of the seatheight to the floor. As a quick guideline onsizing we class the small chair as primarysize and the large as adolescent/ adult.Available in two colours Apple Green andSky Blue.Working Load: 110kgThe Zuma range offers the movement students need to stay alert and pay attention,in a safe and non-disruptive way. In two sizes, this chair is great for circle time,reading, for working on a handheld or laptop device and for collaborative learningdiscussions. While all students can benefit from the calming and organizing motion ofthe Rockers, children who have specific sensory needs may show an especially positiveresponse. The same movement as the ever popularZuma Rocker but designed to be seateddirectly on the floor. Great for those userswho prefer to sit at low level.Sold in Squash only.The Task chair has the same seat shape as theZuma Rocker but doesn't just rock forward andback. This chair is on casters, and has anintegral spring system that allows the seat torock in all directions.Sold in Purple Iris only.Working Load: 110kg556461-A Sml Rocker (Apple Green) 556461-B Sml Rocker (Sky Blue) 556462-A Lrg Rocker (Apple Green) 556462-B Lrg Rocker (Sky Blue) 556466-A Sml Rocker with Arms (Apple Green)556466-B Sml Rocker with Arms (Sky Blue)556467-A Lrg Rocker with Arms (Apple Green)556467-B Lrg Rocker with Arms (Sky Blue) 901333901311 901310 Lrg Zuma Task Chair Sml Zuma Floor RockerLrg Zuma Floor Rocker WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM169

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The barrel facilitatesexercis- es which engagespostural and orientingreactions, as well asisolating eye from headmove- ment. The barrel isvery light and its largecentre allows children andadults to use it.Sku#: SI200Dimensions: 80 x 75cm DiameterThis comfortable chairtightens gently whenpressure applied by weightcreating a calming effecton children.Sku#: SQSTDimensions: 79 x 28 x 75cmThis canoe is a perfect elementto exercise / calming process,thanks to the pressure exertedaround the bodies of the smallones. It helps children with sensoryprocessing disorders, autism andADHD. Used and recommended fortherapists.Recommended: from 4 years ofage.Sku#: SQCNDimensions: 80 x 25 x 76cmThe sensory tunnel is the perfect devicefor children requiring proprioceptive stim-ulation. Squeezing through this tunnelfilled with a special Styrofoam semolinaprovides a lot of tactile stimulation and isalso a lot of fun for the child exercising, despite thechallenge involved. Thanks to its qualities, the soft tunnel canalso be used as a beanbag chair with thistype of filling. One can lie, sit or roll aroundon it.Sku#: SI420Dimensions: Internal diameter: 95 x 50cmSqueeze CanoeSensory LightWeight Soft BarrelSqueeze SeatTunnelWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM170

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMCHEWS AND ORAL MOTORSKU: 75268204015Ark ZVibeSKU: 75268208013Ark Spare KitSKU: 75268220007Ark Spare BatterySKU: 75268206014Ark ZVibe TipJigglers Elephant & GatorSKU: 5420057011746Discover our curated selection of chews and oralmotor products. featuring a diverse range ofproducts. Specially designed to provide therapeuticbenefits, promoting oral motor skills and sensoryengagement.Use the calming and organizinginput of low-intensity vibration andlearn why Jigglers are a must! Thischewable and durable oral facialmassager is ideal for special needstherapy and oral stimulation. Theelephant's ears are great as aspoon for orally defensive children.Battery not included.ARK's Z-Vibe® is a vibratory oralmotor tool that can help buildoral tone and improve a varietyof speech, feeding and sensoryskills. Use it to provide a variedsensory experience and/or toprovide targeted tactile cueswithin the oral cavity.171

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKU: 75268214010Chewable Side KickSKU: 75268216009Magic WandSKU:5420057023510Ark Bear BottleSKU: 75268210012One Way Straw KitArk Grabber ChewSKU: 5420057020182SKU: 182129000779Kyypro Bite ChewArk Goshabunga ChewSKU: 5420057020182SKU: 75268210012Flexi CupsThe cut out for the nose also makes it easier toview lip and tongue movement. Because the"nosey" cut out cup is flexible, it can besqueezed to control and direct the flow of fluid.ARK's One-Way Straws make drinking easierfor individuals with a weak suck, oral motordifficulties, and/or problems generating andmaintaining suction.ARK's Bear Bottle Kit is a fun and friendly wayto make drinking easier for beginners and/orchildren with oral motor difficulties. It's also anexcellent way to transition babies straight frombottles to straw drinkingUse it as a safe alternative to chewing onone's hands, shirts, pencils, etc. It can also beused as an oral motor therapy tool topractice biting/chewing skills without the riskof choking, build jaw strength and stability,and exercise the mouth muscles. ARK's Krypto-Bite® Gem Necklaceprovides a safe, wearable, anddiscreet solution for kids andadults who need to chew.ARK's Sidekick™ Chewie is our largestoral motor chew tool. Whether youenvision your Sidekick kicking animaginary soccer ball, stretching, ordancing, this fun design is sure to puta smile on your face.The Magic Wand measures about6.25" long (one of our longest chews),.37" in diameter at the thinnest point(at the tip), and .8" in diameter at thethickest part (where the hole is). 172

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMChewy Twisted NecklaceSKU: 75268142046Chewy Robot NecklaceSKU:75268128053Chewy Brick NecklaceSKU: 75268154040Chewy Red TeardropSKU: 75268144045Chewy Necklace PuzzleSKU: 75268134050Chewy ManSKU: 75268160037Chewy Elephant NecklaceSKU: 100132Chewy Tubes SmoothSKU: 75268122056Chewy Tubes KnobblySKU: 75268124055Chewy T Knobbly75268118058P&Q ChewsSKU: 75268138048ToothettesSKU: 75267744245Bite BandsSKU: 75268186024173

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMChewy Brick Pencil TopperSKU:75268158038Chewy King Pencil Topper100140Chewy Knight Pencil Topper100139Chewy Giant Pencil Topper100134Krypto Chewy Pencil TopperSKU: 5420057026931Arks Robochew Pencil Topper100140CHEWY PENCIL TOPPERSChewy pencil toppers add a playful twist to the act of writing, transforming themundane into a sensory experience. These soft and textured accessories not onlyprovide a satisfying chew for sensory seekers but also serve as a discreet tool tochannel fidgeting energy, enhancing focus in classrooms or workspaces.174

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SENSORY TACTILEPRODUCTSSku#: TO421Dimensions: 6.4 cm; 6.9 cm; 5.6 cm; 6.0 cm; 7.5 cmSku#: TO420Dimensions: 7.6 cm; 6.4 cm; 7.9 cm; 7.3 cm; 6.0 cmSensory Shape Set 0m+Sensory Balls 0m+WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMExplore a world of sensory tactile products, designed toengage and stimulate, fostering sensory exploration andenriching tactile experiences for various therapeuticapplications.Set of 2Sku#: TO460Dimensions: 15.5 x 7cmOne suppliedSku#: TO456Sensory Stepping Stones LargeMassage Ball(12pcs) 9cm SKU: KT3306 15cm SKU: KT3305 8cm SKU: KT33077cm SKU: KT3308175

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Set of4Sku#: TO457Dimensions: 17cm diameter• 6 pk• 2 different textures• 3 different coloursSku#: STSS6Dimensions: 15cm x 8cmSku#: SSR6Dimensions: Each ring 11cm diameterSensory Discs Silicon TexturedStepping StonesSensory Ring (6 pk)WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMTactile Mini MatsSKU: 5420057025859Each of these six Tactile Mini Mats is different - sixstructures and six colors to explore. The mats canbe placed on the floor or table or hung on the wall -where children can explore them with their feet orhands. Engages children to touch and describetextures that feel like grass, glitter, sandpaper,plush, snake skin and carpet. These Mini Mats aredesigned for all little explorers who like to capturetheir environment with their senses. But it is alsosuitable for children with tactile perceptiondisorders as they can train their external perceptionin a safe environment.With anti-slip back. Hole in the top for easyhanging.Each tile measures: 20x25cm.Set of 5 Sensory Texture MatsSKU: 5420057028171Set includes 5 Sensory Texture Mats with different shapes,colors and textures: 1 yellow circle with a circled surface, 1green square with a lined surface, 1 orange triangle with atriangular surface, 1 pink flower with a bumpy surface and 1blue hexagon with a spiked surface.Spiky Stepping StonesPerfect for children’s exercisesand can be used both indoorsand outdoors. Can be used invarious challenging activities todevelop motor skills and balance,while also providing a tactile footmassage when stepped on. Soldin a set of 6. 900979 Spiky Stepping Stones 176

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Set of 3Sku#: TO406Dimensions: Large: 8cm medium: 7cmsmall: 6cmOne suppliedSku#: TO402Dimensions: 12.5 x 5.5cmOne suppliedSku#: TO408Dimensions: 9cm diameterOne suppliedSku#: TO403Dimensions: 7.5cmOne suppliedSku#: TO404Dimensions: 7cm diameterMassage BallsMassage RollerMassage BallMassage RollerEliptical ShapeRubber RingWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM177

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM100% SENSORYFRIENDLYSuper softSeemless FeelingNo Itchy LabelsComfortable ModelsKIDSTEENSADULTSSUSTAINABLEHigh QualityNo fast fashionAll time favouritesCertificationsThis collection offers refined, high-quality sensory-friendly apparel and stylish accessories designed toenhance comfort and promote regulation. Carefullycrafted for those seeking both style and sensorysupport, these pieces provide a thoughtful solution forstress reduction and sensory comfort.SENSORY CLOTHINGProducts developedwith experts andtested with sensitivepersons. Returns % below 10%.178

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMThis Chewy Fidget is designed to providesubtle chew and fidget options for kids, teens& adults. One side is smooth, the other sidehas a texture that can provide tactile input.It has the look of a cool fashionable clothingtag. You can match it with SAM's T-shirt (hang itat the loops) or with the SAM's hoodie. Are justlet it hang at your (school)bag, coat, pencilcase,... The Chewy Fidget is presented in a subtle whitebox, giving it an extra accessory touch.Non-toxic, high quality food-grade siliconeBPA freeTested using European safety standardCE certificationEasy to clean with water & soapDesigned by SAM in BelgiumProduction in ChinaNot suitable for children under the age of 3Chewy Fidgetmint - pink - Grey - blue This hand made accessory is a subtle fidgetmatching with the SAM clothing. You can hang it atthe zippers of the SAM hoodie, at the loop inside thepocket of the SAM hoodie or at your (school)bag,pencilcase...Stress reduction Ideal for subtle fidgeting. Helpsto release stress and boost concentration.Super soft stress ball accessory matchingwith the SAM hoodies. super soft fabric in organic cotton idealsubtle fidget hand made in Belgium(HIB) Color: navy blue fabriccomposition: %47 Organic cotton, %47 Viscose, %6 ElasthaneNot suitable for childrenunder the age of 3.Stressball179

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSensory LANYARD - chain for phone/keys/badgeEnjoy subtle Sensory RegulationReduce stress and improve your focus with the ChillChain Sensory Lanyard! For fidget fans and thoseseeking focus. Always have your preferred fidgetmaterial at hand, stylish and discreet.No more sharp edges from traditional lanyards.Our lanyard is designed with your comfort in mindand feels heavenly around your neck.Please Note: Our lanyard is designed forresponsible use, and safety is paramount. Werecommend that this product be used only byindividuals who understand how to wear andmanage it safely and correctly. This ensures thatthe lanyard remains a practical and functionalaccessory without risks when used improperly. Forthis reason, the product is recommended forindividuals aged 16 and above.*The Sensory Lanyard includes everything except the phone case shown inthe picture. This is purely illustrative for use in the case of a phone.Sensory Lanyard (Chill Chain)More than just a lanyard:Practical: Hang your phone, keys, orbadge on it so you always haveeverything at hand.Sensory Relief: Our lanyard is equippedwith various sensory elements that aregreat for fidgeting. From knots to movablebeads and sensory (detachable) scrunchieswith different sensations, this lanyardoffers the ultimate sensory experience.Sustainable Design: A strong emphasis onthe use of sustainable materials.Development and Production Designed inBelgium. Handmade in Poland. CompositionFabric: 100% leftover material SAM: 47%organic cotton, 47% viscose, 6% elastane,100% organic cotton Components: 100%cotton cord, metal hook and eye, plasticbead, dried lavender, cherry pits Filling: 100%recycled wool Maintenance Hand wash at lowtemperature. Let it air dry.180

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWeighted With this weighted collaryou can de-excite in a subtle wayat school or after a busy day. Tryit out and you will be amazed bythe calming, de- stimulating effectof weighting.Easy to use Use the collar to calmdown at school, during(home)work, in the car, train,airplane,...Super soft weighted collaraccessory matching with the SAMclothing.super soft weight is perfectly spreadhand made in Belgium (HIB) +/- 1.7kg (5% deviation possible) color: navyblue fabric composition: %47 Organiccotton, Weighted collarSENSORY REGULATION ON THE GO181

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMAge for use: For children from 10years old and adults with a weightup to +/- 75kg. Suitable for hipcircumference of 60cm to 100cm.COMPOSITIONBag: 100% cotton canvasWeighted bags: 4 separatebags with different weights(total +/- 2.2 kg, 5%deviation possible). Thefilling consists of polishedglass beads made fromrecycled glass.FASHION MEETS CALMDo you ever experienceoverstimulation andseek ways to find calm?The CalmDesign bag isyour solution! This stylishbag combines fashionwith the therapeuticpower of deep pressureto help you relax andprevent overstimulation. You can take theCalmDesign bag withyou everywhere,whether it's at home, onthe go, at school, at theairport, or at a festival.Also Store yourbelongings such aswallet, keys, and phonein the spacious bag.CalmDesign bagWeighted belt bagADJUST THE WEIGHTLoose weighted pockets inside give you thepossibility to adjust the weight.The weighted bags are also very nice to use seperately.CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE WAYTO WEAR IT182

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSuper soft NOT ITCHY beaniefor boys and girls. super soft no labelsseamless feelingorganic cotton sizesmall (4-8y), size big(10-16y), Beanie and Neck GaiterBoxerssuper soft no labels seamlessfeeling organic cotton andsustainablesize 4- years upto XL for adults grey melange accentcolors: grey Used materials: OEKO-TEX 100composition: %48 Organic cotton, 48% modal, 4%elasthaneBriefssuper soft no labels seamless feelingorganic cotton and sustainablesize 4- years upto XL for adults greymelange accent colors: grey Usedmaterials: OEKO-TEX 100 composition:%48 Organic cotton, 48% modal, 4%elasthane183

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMUltimate comfort for sensitive feetSuper soft 97% bamboo Breathable and moistureregulating Without tactile seams or loose threadsWithout rib at the top Bamboo has antibacterialproperties and is non-allergenic. People who haveany sort of skin allergy or irritation won't bebothered by bamboo socks. Less moisture, lessodor: absorbs four times more moisture thancotton socks.Available sizes 27-31 32-36 37-41 42-46SENS Socks3-pack multi colorsSuper soft cotton Withouttactile seams or loose threadsWithout rib at the topAvailable sizes 27-31 32-36 37-41 42-46HIGH QUALITY COTTONFor these socks we useFILMAR ZERO cotton. Thissoft cotton has also a nopilling feature.Filmar is a market leaderin the production of top-quality cotton yarns.PURE JOY SocksPURE JOY Sneaker Socks3-pack multi colorsSuper soft cotton Withouttactile seams or loose threadsWithout rib at the topHIGH QUALITY COTTON For these socks we useFILMAR ZERO cotton. This soft cotton has alsoa no pilling feature.Filmar is a market leader in the production oftop- quality cotton yarns.Available sizes 27-31 32-36 37-41 42-46184

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSuper soft, sustainable & timeless T-shirt super soft no labels seamless feeling withloop at collar and bottom seam to hangchew/fidget accessories organic cotton Organic Content Standard (OCS)size 4 years upto XL for adultsfabric color: white used materials:OEKO-TEX 100 composition: 57 %organisch katoen, 38.5 % modal, 4.5 % elastan T-shirt white With loops for accessoriesLongsleeve blueWith loops for accessoriesSuper soft, sustainable & timelessLongsleevesuper soft no labels seamless feelingorganic cottonsize 4-16y & up to size XL for adults fabric:navy blue Loop at collar and at bottomseam to attach accessories. usedmaterials: OEKO-TEX 100 composition:%48 Organic cotton, %48 modal, %4 elasthane 185

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSuper soft, sustainable & timeless Longsleevesuper soft no labels seamless feeling organic cottonLongsleeve white With loops for accessoriesLoop at collar andat bottom seamto attachchew/fidgetaccessories. Forchewy fidget seeaccessories.size 4-16y & up to size XL for adults fabric:navy blue Loop at collar and at bottomseam to attach accessories. usedmaterials: OEKO-TEX 100 composition:%48 Organic cotton, %48 modal, %4 elasthane Zipped Hoodie Bluesuper soft, no labels seamless feeling organic cotton size 4years upto XL for adults color blue with black accents Usedmaterials: OEKO-TEX 100 composition: %47 Organic cotton,%47 Viscose, %6 Elasthane made in TurkeyCustomizable Can be customized asdesired with the matching ZENaccessories from SAM to reducestress and boost concentration. -weighted collar - stress ball > hang atloops inside the pockets - biteelements > hang at loop zipper pulleror at loops drawstrings.NO STRESS HOODIE For everyone fan ofthe softest hoodies... Success assured withthis SAM hoodie! Made of a super softfabric, without noticeable seams or labels. 186

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBig fan of ultra soft hoodies?Snuggle up in the seamless SAMhooded zipper vest for men andwomen! Experience the ultimatecomfort of the mega soft fabricwith no tactile seams or irritatinglabels. Our stress ball and chewyfidget make it complete!HOODIE AIR: ZIPPEDBLUE5Super soft, sustainable & stylishsweatersuper soft no labels organic cotton size 4years upto XL for adults color coral black= dark grey Used materials: OEKO-TEX100 composition: %47 Organic cotton, %47 Viscose, %6 ElasthaneTwo loops inside pocket to attach fidgetSubtle loop at collar to attach chewyfidget Loop at bottom to attach fidgetSweater Stylish ComfortAdd accessoriesfor subtle regulationSubtle loop at collar to attach fidget Two loops in pocket to attach fidget 187

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Weighted blankets often helps those with Autismand associated Sensory Processing Disorder byproviding soothing weighted blanket sensoryinput. Other than using at night these weight- edblankets are also ideal for any sensory room,classroom or for calming sensitive solutions inyour own home. They are an effective therapeuticsolution, helping sensory seeking children andadults calm their body, helping aid a peacefulnights sleep. The extra weight can help to relieveanxiety and stress. Made with soft tactile velourfabric. SLEEP THERAPY, WEIGHT &RESISTANCE PRODUCTSWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMDiscover a range of weight and resistance products,tailored to enhance sensory experiences and promotewell-being through therapeutic applications.Made with the softest of fabrics tomake you want to slip you hands inand bring in close. Ideal for cuddlingand feeling safe and warm withtactile finish and available in moderncolours. Dimensions: Approximately 25cm in diameter.Cuddle BallsWeighted Blanket188

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The Octopush ‘Olly’ (Light and Sounds)The Octopush ‘Olly’ is a specialist toy for encouragingsocial interactions, communication, and collaborationthrough play for children with special educationalneeds. ‘Olly’ is a creature-friend and a facilitator ofchildren’s communication. It allows to create a levelplaying fi eld for children with diff erent special needsand encourages peer-to-peer social interactions. TheOctopush ‘Olly’ is underpinned by research in designfor health and education, and its eff ectiveness wassuccessfully evaluated with children with cerebral palsyat a special needs school in the UK. The Octopush hasfour modes: 1. ‘Interactive game’ mode to practise turn-taking skills and cooperation. 2. ‘Sounds mode’ forcalming and relaxing. 3. ‘Sound reactive’ cause and effect mode. 4. ‘Colour recognition game’ mode.Playing with ‘Olly’ allows multiple skills to be developedsimultaneously. These include:Social skills, such as sharing, cooperation, jointattention, visual/sign/speech Sku#: OCTO Dimensions: 120 x 35 cmPhysical skills, such as fine and gross motormovements, coordination,Sensory skills such as tactile, visual and audio,Emotional skills, such as understanding positiveemotions,Cognitive skills, such as knowing colours,counting, understanding consecutive and cause-and-effect actions.Key characteristics: • Inter-sensory tactile toy with lights and sounds(without sudden eff ects or splashes of light), • Ergonomic and stable (easy to use for childrenwith involuntary movements, poor muscle control, tremors, etc.), • Inclusive (for children with diff erent specialneeds), • With positive and cause & eff ect feedback, • Safe (soft, without small and detachable parts,washable), • Intuitive (no need for instructions from adults).Sensory Light Blanket - BatterySuper soft removeable andwashable cover, with colourchanging lights inside. Batteryoperated.Sku#: BLANKBDimensions: 125x90cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM189

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMThe gift of sleep. Fidgetbum is the patented sleep aid forsensory children recommended byOccupational Therapists.Fidgetbum’s gentle pressure soothes,relaxes and reassures the childthroughout the night. The security and comfort that Fidgetbumbrings can reduce or eliminate the need formedication at bedtime.With its luxury, super stretchy material, theycan fidget as much as they like - the coverswill stay on, keeping them cosy for a restfulnights sleep.The fidgetbum is made from comfy, cosy, stretchy cotton fabric. It runs under themattress and then over the top of the covers, where the ends are joined togetherby a chunky, child friendly zip.It keeps the covers on the child, and the child snuggly in the bed. When not in use, the ends of the fidgetbum can be hidden discretely under thecovers, allowing your child to enjoy their favourite bedding. It is designed to stretch snuggly around all standard bed sizes - we do bespoke too!FIDGETBUM190

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Just the right size. Our Weighted LapBlanket offers an even amount ofproprioceptive input to help your clientattend and organise during sit down tasks.The deep pressure provided with the use ofthe Weighted Lap Blanket will assist yourlittle wiggle worm with just the right input. Dimensions: 65 x 30cm; Weight: 1.5kg eachWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMweighted Lap PadWeighted Lap BlanketWeighted Lap BeltOffer your client proprioceptive feedbackwhile doing sit-down tasks. Great forchildren who have the wiggles. Choose theamount of weight to be used by using thecapsule weights, which are 0.2kg each. TheWeighted Lap Pad can hold up to 5.4kg ofweight and includes (24) 0.2kg weights. Soft and durable.Dimensions: 65 x 40cmThe Weighted Lap Belt is a great way to provide a bitof proprioceptive input and deep pressure to assistthe somewhat fidgety child during sitting activities.The Weighted Lap Belt is ideally used to gainregulation and calmness in order to improve attentionand participation in tasks at home, school or during therapy activities. Additionally, theBelt is made of a soft fur that helps build tactileawareness. Dimensions: 90 x 15cm; Weight: 1.8kg 120 x 15cm; Weight: 2.5kg2295 2296 Weighted Lap Pad Weighted Lap Blanket(Set of 3) 2274 Weighted Lap Belt(Set of 2) Weighted Washable BodyBlanketOur weighted blanket is made of softplush fleece and cotton flannel. Itoffers calming sensory input. Theblanket is filled with non- toxic PolyPellets®. Dimensions: 100 x 75cm; Weight: 2kg241152 Weighted WashableBody Blanket Weighted Wheel Barrow and Shopping CartJust like our Weighted Shopping Carts, the WeightedWheelbarrows are a great way to provide heavy work andaddress bilateral skills and motor planning.The Weighted Wheelbarrows can be ordered with a single frontwheel, ideal for addressing balance and coordination skills, ortwo front wheels, providing more stability and support.SKU: 156620SKU: 156605191

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Sequin weighted lap padWeighted Lap PadWeighted Neck Pad2.3 kg Our new and improvedweighted lap pad has beendesigned to give you thesecurity and comfort of aweighted lap pad but designedwith the added extra fidgetelement when you can draw,write and create with the twocolour sequins, that will helpcalm any anxieties or keep thehands occupied helping them toconcentrate on theirsurroundings.Sku#: SQLP2300Dimensions: 60x38x2cmHelps to calm and eliminatefeelings of restlessness byproviding pres- sure on thebody. Ideal when sat at desk orin cosy corners. Grey softvelour finish, convex circlePattern one side for that addedtactile finish. Designed to matchour weighted blankets with anice and modern look. Grey softvelour finish.Sku#: WLP2300Dimensions: 60x38x1.5cm1.4kg We have redesigned our weightedneck pad in a more comfortable andmodern feel in a super soft finishwith one side having convex circles.Good for Children and adults. Helpsto give weight anddeep pressure therapy forreassurance for children, providesdeep and calming pressure. Idealwhen sat at a desk or in assembly. For adults it can help relieve tension,soothe pain, relax sore muscles. Sku#: WNP1400WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#: LPUNDimensions: Approx. 38x35x10cmWashable SensoryUnicorn 5lb Lap PadSku#: LPDODimensions: Approx. 38x35x10cmWashable SensoryPuppy 5lb Lap Pad192

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMOcto PadSKU: 5420057012231Whether your kids like the softfurry face, smooth eyes, tactiletentacles, springy hair or just theweighted feel of the pad, this issurely the lap pad that will haveyour kids sitting. In addition, thisgreat little pad vibrates with justthe pull of a string!Size: 34cmx60cm. Made of felt.PRICED TO ORDERSpeak with us today or email us about ourrange of weighted products madelocally with quality materials andspecial silent stones.Explore comforttailored to you withour custom-maderange of weightedblankets, lap pads,lycra bed sheets andvests.Flannel Weighted Body ShawlThis quilted, microwaveable bodyshawl sports a flannel material with amore mature pattern for adolescents.Yet, it still feels like a warm hug whenused for therapy on your back,abdomen or across the shoulders.You can even use it to warm atherapy treatment table! Made from anavy blue flannel and red plaidflannel. Unscented.Dimensions: 70 x 50cm; Weight: 2kg240055 Flannel WeightedBody Shawl 193

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Bear HugBEAR HUG MEASUREMENT CHARTBear Hug Weighted WrapFor best fit, measure largest circumference ofchild’s torso (the chest or tummy).Size Torso Wrap Shoulder StrapsS 20 x 65cm 50cmM 20 x 85cm 50cmL 25 x 100cm 60cmXL30 x 120cm 60cm Give your clients the sensation of a big bear hug with the Deep-pressure vest. The Bear Hug vest can be used to developproprioceptive integration and for calmingactivities to help the over-sensitive childdecrease hyper-responsiveness.The Bear Hugfits snugly next to the body and does not shift asthe child moves, which makes it comfortable tobe worn under clothing if desired. The adjustablestraps and body wrap allow the therapist toadjust the amount of pressure as desired. Each vest is made out of comfortable neoprene with loop-compatible outer skin. The body wrap and straps utilise strong hook-and-loop closures.The Bear Hug consists of one adjustable body wrap and two adjustable shoulder straps and comes in four sizes. Cold water washable.Add weight to your Bear Hug and giveproprioceptive input with deep pressure tohelp increase arousal level and attention.The weighted wrap is baffled into sections,which hold capsule weights of .2kg each.You control the amount of weight for eachchild depending on the number of capsulesused. Easily attaches to The Bear Hug withhook-and-loop fabric. Weighted Wrap doesNOT include The Bear Hug.2284228522862287 Small Bear HugMedium Bear HugLarge Bear Hug Extra Large Bear Hug 22882289 Small Weighted Wrap Large/Extra Large Weighted Wrap WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBody SnuggleSimilar to our Bear Hugs, the Body Snuggle will offer your client the extraproprioceptive input needed to calm, focusand attend. Made of Lycra® material andwith adjustable straps at the shoulders andgroin.142100142101142102 Small Body SnuggleMedium Body SnuggleLarge Body Snuggle Large Adjustable Weighted VestSku#: WVEST-LApprox. ages 8-12Medium Sku#: WVEST-MApprox. ages 4-8Available in two sizes• Weight adjustable •Washable194

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Weighted VestWEIGHTED VESTS MEASUREMENT CHARTQuilted Weighted VestFor best fit, measure largest circumference ofchild’s torso (the chest or tummy).Size Circumference Length Weights (4 each)XS55–65cm 35cm 0.2, 0.3, 0.5kg S 65–75cm 40cm 0.2, 0.3, 0.5kgM 75–80cm 40cm 0.2, 0.5, 0.7kgL 80–90cm 45cm 0.2, 0.5, 0.7kgXL 95–105cm 45cm 0.2, 0.5, 0.7kgThe Weighted Vest continues to be an extremely popular therapy tool, and it is arguably the most durably constructed, therapy-specific vest of its kind, providing proprioceptive feedback and stability.These vests have hook-and-loop closures on the sides for adjust ability and safety in the event that they must be quickly removed. Additionally, each vest is cut to maximize ventilation for the client, and the weight pockets are sewn to prevent the weights from pressing on the spine. Available in navy only.Made of soft, quilted material, this weighted vest provides the benefit ofproprioceptive feedback and stability that a weighted vest offers. You control theamount of weight for each child by addingor removing weights from interior pockets.Weights included.142256N142257N142258N142259N142260N Extra Small Weighted VestSmall Weighted Vest MediumWeighted Vest LargeWeighted Vest Extra Large Weighted Vest 142230142231142232 Small Quilted Weighted VestMedium Quilted Weighted VestLarge Quilted Weighted Vest reliefWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWeighted HoodieThis fleece Weighted Hoodie comes with2kg of weights that are placed on theshoulders, providing proprioceptivefeedback and stability. Dimensions: Waist 50cm x Shoulder tohem 56cm x Shoulder to shoulder 40cm142255 Weighted Hoodie 195

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWeighted YokeSensory SnakeWeighted BoaProvide proprioceptive feedback on theshoulders and upper torso with ourWeighted Yoke. You can place as little oras much weight as needed in the yoke.Comes complete with 18 x 0.1kg or 0.2kgweights. Machine washable.Dimensions: 15cm dia (Neck Opening)The Sensory Snake can be easily used ina classroom, worn around the neck oracross the lap. Surface-washable only.Dimensions: Small: 65–70 x 5cm; Weight: 0.9kg Large: 75–80 x 10cm; Weight: 1.8kgChildren will love their friend Bowie, ashe brings sparkle and shine to thisweighted accessory. Kids will feel calm with theproprioceptive input from Bowie whilekeeping their hands busy fidgeting tochange his sequinned body. Bowie is ready to be your child's newbest friend at home, school, or on the go. Dimensions: 76cm long; Weight: 2.3 lbs.140010140015 Small Sensory SnakeLarge Sensory Snake 22922293 2240 Bowie theWeighted Boa Small Yoke (18) 0.1kg WeightsLarge Yoke (18) 0.2kg Weights reliefWeighted Compression VestThis vest combines the benefits of a Weighted Vest and BearCompression Vest. Designed to provide proprioceptive inputthroughout to help calm and organize children. Along with theweight, adding just the right amount of compression with theadjustable, heavy-duty Velcro, this vest is ideal for those kidsneeding the right input to maintain focus at school, keep calmat home, and is a great addition to your sensory equipmentcollection.. Dimensions: 36cm L x 71cm torso; Weight: 1.4kg (Small/Med). 48cm L x 91cm torso; 2.7kg (Large/X Large) 142220142221 Small/MediumLarge/X Large 196

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2277 GIANTWEIGHTEDBLANKET2282 CUDDLEBLANKET2276 LARGEWEIGHTEDBLANKETDisposable Blanket Covers (SET OF 10) Use these throw away water-resistant covers help keep your weighted blankets free of stains and looking like new.The covers are sold in sets of 10 and are available for small, medium and large blankets.Dimensions: 145 x 145cm142297142298142293 Disposable cover for Small BlanketDisposable cover for Medium BlanketDisposable cover for Large Blanket WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWeighted HatProvide a kid-friendly way to increasearousal levels by giving your clientsproprioceptive input from the top down. Thebaseball cap has (3) 0.1kg weights hiddeninside the top, attached with hook-and-loop.Colours may vary.2249 Weighted Hat, One Size Fits All Weighted Shoe PocketsThe Weighted Shoe Pocket, by Darsha McManus, OTR/L, isperfect for adding input right at the extended footplacement, rather than on the ankle joint. This allows theweight to extend to 70% of the foot area as well as to theankle. 2271 2273 2272 Small Weighted Shoe Pocket Includes: (2)55g,115g. & 0.2kg WeightsMedium Weighted Shoe Pocket Includes: (2)115g, 170g & 0.2kg WeightsLarge Weighted Shoe Pocket Includes: (2)0.2kg, 0.5kg & 1.2kg WeightsMiracle BeltThe Miracle Belt promotes self-calming, balance andincreased body awareness by enhancing proprioceptivefeedback in children weighing less than 32kg. It isrecommended that the belt be worn for 15 to 30 minutesup to four times a day. Dimensions: 40–65cm Adjustable (0.9kg)240071 0.9kg Miracle Belt™ for 11–20kg 197

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWeighted TurtleSKU: 5420057027167Weighted CatSKU: 5420057028065SKU; 5420057028072Weighted FrogSKU: 5420057027488Weighted DogSKU: 5420057028041SKU: 5420057028058Weighted DolphinSKU: 5420057024036SKU: 5420057024043Sparkly Stress BallSKU: 5420057009514Weighted LizardSKU: 5420057024012ConcentrationImproves concentration andattentionStress managementHelps with anxiety and stressmanagementPromotes calmPromotes calm and sleep Decrease motor restlessness and excess energy. Example: place the manimo on the shoulders or on the thighs,which will satisfy the need to move. Optimize concentration during cognitive activities (work,homework, games). Example: in a seated position, place the manimo on your legsand press it with one hand, as if giving it a massage. Maximize a moment of relaxation or meditation, thanks tofull body awareness. Example: place the manimo on a part of the body andbecome aware of the weight of the plush. Observe and feelthe benefit it provides. Help empty oneself, perfect for a return to calm orpreparing for sleep. Example: lay the manimo on your chest or hold it againstyou, for a feeling of well-being conducive to relaxation. The Weighted CompanionLizard-shaped manimo®. Shiny fabric forincreased visual stimulation. Its shape isideal to be placed around neck, onshoulders, thighs or on chest.The dog is human's bestfriend! Chic and elegant, themanimo® weighted dog withvelvet coating also allows towork on fine motor skills (thescarf can be handled) andcan be a source of olfactorystimulation (the scarf can beperfumed). It can be used onthe shoulders, chest, back orthighs.The weighted turtle is ourfirst ever 2-in-1 manimo®!The body and shell (1kgeach piece) can be placedon different areas of thebody, for an all-aroundcomforting experience. Softand lovable, it will become afavorite among children andadults.Dolphin-shaped manimo®.Velvety soft fabric. Its shape isideal to be placed aroundneck, on shoulders and thighs.The Weighted Frog is the heaviestmanimo® weighted animal: it isperfect for grownups who can useit on thighs or chest. Made fromsparkly Lycra® for visualstimulation.198

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMMr. Veggie & Mr. FruitySKU: 54200570259105420057025927Teacher's PetDachshundSKU: 5420057012286Weighted Sensory CaterpillarSKU: 5420057028102Smiling Star FishSKU: 5420057017243Shoulder SnakeSmall VioletSKU: 5420057015928Shoulder SnakeLarge BlueSKU: 5420057015935Pair of AbiliweightsSKU: 5420057015966Weighted Vest XSmall 0.9kgSKU: 5420057022377Weighted VestSmall 1.4kgSKU: 5420057022384Weighted VestMedium 1.8kgSKU: 5420057025118SqueezerSKU:KT3002-006Deep Pressure RollerSKU: 5420057022216This Giant Weighted Sensory Caterpillar is a greattherapeutic tool to stimulate the child'sproprioceptive and tactile systems. The caterpillaris filled with 12 weighted bags (170g each) that canbe removed easily to adjust the toy's weight to theuser's needs or to wash the cover.With their weight and soft touch Mr.Veggie & Fruity are greatcompanions at home or in theclassroom. Through their deeppressure input they providerelaxation, a better perception of thebody's integrity and limits and anincrease of attention.This soft foam roller providesdeep pressure massage and isthe perfect tool for sensoryseekers and sensory under-responsive individuals.These 2 starfishes willattract any sensoryseeking individual to theiroh-so-soft tactilesurfaces. In addition, theyare weighted! They canbe used individually asweighted pillows.These adorable weights are not onlyuseful, they are attractive to kids of allabilities. Soft to touch, each weightfeatures smileys and a secure hook-and-loop closure. Fits wrists and ankles from12 to 27cm circumference.199

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPADJIT™ ELASTABLAST®RESISTANCE TUNNEL WITH THERAPY BALL fWe have updated our tunnel with a slightly larger opening to have clients push a ball through it to increase proprioceptive input and motor planning skills. With an 45cm Therapy Ball, this makes the perfect therapeutic activity! Dimensions: 50cm dia. x 4.5mThis weighted activity lap pad provides multiple sensory stimuliand accompanying comfort in a therapy device. A large, wipe-free dry-erase window ideal for electronic devices or notebooks ispositioned in the middle, with smaller pockets on each side givingeasy access to fidgets and tactile materials. The Padjit™ comeswith two detachable pieces of tactile material that can be placedinside the pockets for added sensory input.Weight: 3.6kg The stretch, strength and rebound of the ElastaBlast creates anexciting new movement experience that can either contain andhold a rowdy group or encourage risk taking from even themost timid. Like a bungee cord covered in soft fleece, itsdynamic rebound challenges individual gravity and balance.Group movement can support individual experimentation withtrust, caution, risk taking and release. It provides a resistancethat maximizes simultaneous stretching and strengthening ofmuscle groups. Suitable for up to 4 participants.2297 453975 Padjit™ Resistance Tunnel withTherapy Ball 261031 ElastaBlast® ANKLE & WRIST WEIGHTS These Ankle and Wrist Weights arefilled with Ironsand, easy to wearand can be used in a variety ofways to build and strengthenmuscle tone, or assist withproprioceptive awareness. Sold in apair, can be used as wrist or ankleweights. Weight: 1.5kg (per pair)901265 Ankle & Wrist Weights 200

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Medicine Ball 1kgSKU: 5420057024449Medicine Ball 2kgSKU: 5420057024432Medicine Ball 3kgSKU: 5420057024425Medicine Ball 4kgSKU: 5420057024418Medicine Ball 5kgSKU: 5420057024401Yuck-E Medicine Balls1kg, yellow, 12cmSKU: 5420057010756Yuck-E Medicine Balls2kg, green, 16cmSKU: 5420057010763Yuck-E Medicine Ball3kg, violet, 20cmSKU: 5420057010770Soft MedsThese small, sand-filled weighted balls are perfectly sized foranyone who wants a comfortable alternative to dumbbells.These SoftMeds are an easy and effective way to addstrength training to your clients' therapy programmes.Firmness of the balls may be easily adjusted by using aneedle pump to change the amount of air inside the balls. 259200259202259204 0.5kg SoftMed1.5kg SoftMed2.5kg SoftMed WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMMedicine ball recommended for overal physical preparation and also throwing andreceiving exercises. Can be used both indoors and in water.201

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBodysock Size S/M/L/XLSKU: 5420057026528SKU: 5420057007411SKU: 5420057007428SKU: 5420057007435Band offers full body pressure during movement as wellas exercise and is intended for individual use. It feels goodand provides a calming effect. It offers enhanced motorcontrol and coordination by activating bodycenterawareness and strengthening core musculature. Eachband is 38cm wide and made from heavy-duty, circularnylon/LYCRA. Color may vary.Small - Fits up to 1,57m students | Medium - Fits up to 1,65mstudents.Stretch-ezeS- M531341 M- M531342Designed specifically for spatial awareness and interactionthrough balance and resistance. Experience your body in anew way with this Stretch Bodysock by increasing bodyawareness, strength and creativity. Stretch Bodysock alsocreates a protective and imaginative space. Teachers useStretch Bodysock to demonstrate concepts of shape,space and visual motor coordination. Each pillow case-likesack is constructed from four-way stretch Lycra® with areinforced Velcro-closed entrance.Small MediumLargeStretch Body StockingRecommended Age:Recommended Age:Recommended Age:3-5 years6-8 years8-12 yearsSku#: E1013-1 Sku#: E1013-2Sku#: E1013-3Dimensions: 900x500 mmDimensions: 1050x550 mmDimensions: 1500x650 mmThis stretchable body wrap comfortably and carefully covers your child’sentire body including arms, shoulders, legs, and feet in a calming fabricthat provides deep pressure stimulation. Colours may vary202

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMGreen Therapy Putty 500gRed Therapy Putty 500gYellow Therapy Putty 500gMediumSku#: STP500GRNSoft/MediumSku#: STP500REDSoftSku#: STP500YELTherapy PuttyTherapy PuttySet of 3, Yellow, red, greenSku#: STH234Set of 3, Blue, red, tanSku#: STH135259079259080259081259082259083259095 X Soft (Small)Soft (Small)Medium (Small)Firm (Small) X Firm (Small)Set of 5 (Small) 259085259086259087259088259089 X Soft (Large)Soft (Large)Medium (Large)Firm (Large) X Firm (Large) Colour StrengthTherapy PuttyTanYellowRedGreenBlueExtra SoftSoftSoft/MediumMedium Firm5 Colours / 5 Strengths, Tubs of 57gSku#: STHPfirmOur Therapy Putty is a great way to effectively exercise and strengthen hands. It isideal for people with arthritis in hands or can also be used for post-surgical exercise. Itis lightweight, non-greasy and perfect for people with reduced hand strength. Thelightweight, velvety tex- ture is the result of a unique composition that makes it less oily.Therapy putty won’t stick to skin or under fingernails, and maintains resistance whilepinching and squeezing.THERAPY PUTTY203

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Small - 160gLarge - 230gMedium - 200gChild Weighted Wrist BandsWeighted Handwriting Glove (3 sizes)Adult Weighted Wrist Band orChild Weighted Ankle Band2 pieces, 200g per bandSku#: WWB200Sku#: HWWSDimensions: 2.25 - 2.75cmSku#: HWWLDimensions: 325 - 3.75cmSku#: HWWMDimensions: 2.75 - 3.25cm2 pieces, 500g per bandSku#: WWA500Dimensions:Single : 10x3x5 cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSet of 3This strengthener, provides a strength trainingsolution for fingers, hands, wrists, and forearms.The design ensures an even comfortable gripfor all hand sizes. Lightweight, washable, portableand easy to use.Sku#: SHSSilicon Hand StrengthenerSet of 4 stretchy, silicon sensory gloves, thatcan fit child to adult-size hands, with a softspikey side that can be worn on the inside oroutside of your hand, ideal for strokingyourself or another. In bright, Neon coloursthat also react under UV lightAge 8 years to adults.Sku#: SPKGLV4Spikey Glove4 PiecesSku#: SPB4Strechy Bangles204

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Pin Art MetalPinsone suppliedSaturn Fidget PullPull it, pop it, twist it. Great forsensory exploration, cause andeffect and motor skillsPin Art Plastic PinsSet of 3Sensory TexturedRingsPack of 6 Sku#: STR6Sku#: SPAMDimensions: 20 x 15cm,Sku#: SATFIDDimensions: 25 x 11.5cmSku#: SPA3Lifesize Pin Art WallOur giant pin art wall has a grid ofpins that can be pushed in tocreate 3D impressions of objects orbody parts when pressed againstthem. The tactile feedback frompushing the pins can providesensory stimulation, which is beneficial for sensory- seeking children.Colours will vary. Available in twosizes. EXTRA LARGESku#: LPAW200 Dimensions: 200 x 110 x 145 cmSku#: LPAW155Dimensions:155 x 116 x 145 cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM205

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THERAPY BRUSHESSoft Therapy BrushSKU: 75267810212 Therapressure BrushSKU: 75267760237 Rectangle Therapy BrushSKU: 75267894170 Some of the benefits may include improved ability totransition between daily activities, improved attentionspan, a decreased fear or discomfort of being touched,enhanced coordination, and better self-regulation.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWhale Soft Therapy BrushSKU: 75267760237 Bear Soft Therapy BrushSKU: 75267760237 By rubbing the brush across the skin, thepressure input targets touch receptors andhelps a child organize his/her central nervoussystem. This can calm down any over-activereceptors that are misfiring and help bring achild's level of alertness to a normal (calm)level.Our Animal Therapy Brushes offer handheld tactileexperience for sensory stimulation. These soft siliconebrushes glide gently over skin or clothes while providingmoderate pressure that helps to calm and relax kidsand adults struggling with touch or sensory processingchallenges. They can be used for light massages allover the body to desensitize in case of tactilehypersensitivity, or to stimulate in case ofhyposensitivity. 206

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMThe ‘How Do I Feel?’ Wheel is an interactive, colourfulemotions wheel, helping children to process andcommunicate difficult feelings, using words and images.Emotional literacy and self-awareness play an importantrole in supporting mental health. For children, both at homeand at school, experiencing feelings for the first time can beconfusing and difficult to explain.This product is a double-sided, foldable board (full size: 35 x35cm), for table-top activities or wall display, with movingdials to help children pinpoint words and images that reflecttheir inner thoughts and outer behaviours. Comes with a user guide, to inspire lesson plans for school,as well as at-home activities. For children and teenagers. Appropriate for all children.NOW INCLUDES a LinkyThinks Emotions Chart, withEmotions Wheel Sticker Sheets for logging mood &behaviour!'HOW DO I FEEL?' WHEEL, FOR MENTAL HEALTH & EMOTIONAL VOCABULARYSKU LK005EMOTIONAL WELLBEINGNurture emotional well-being with our curatedproducts. From mindfulness tools to mood-enhancingresources, empower yourself on the journey toemotional resilience and a balanced, positive life.207

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMMindful Kids Giant SpinningGameBN577Promote mindfulnesswhile improvingconventration anddeveloping strengthand flexibilityYoga Positions MiniCarpetsZB1185Positivity Wellbeing PlacementCarpet 3 X 3MetresZF727208

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMI am Me, Feelings and Emotions PuzzleZF160 Wooden EmotionFiguresHow I Feel Today MirrorBN960RT74What’s up? Magnetic EmotionPiecesBN158Stack and Build Emotion FiguresLK84 209

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Pip and the Bag of BuddiesKit(Book and both Bags ofBuddies)SKU:T3449Exploring Emotions Kit 2SKU:T3442Bag of Buddies BlanketSKU:T3440Bag of buddies set 2SKU:T3399Bag of buddies set 1SKU:T3382Nesting Brown BearsSKU:L1005Nesting Panda BearsSKU:L1006Sometimes giving a child something to talk through helps unlock their emotions. These charming little characters are small enough to sit in the palm of your hand. Two sets of 4 washable characters in a drawstring bag with practitioner notes to provide guidance and supportJoin Pip on the biggest adventure of all - life! Through the magic of rhyme and the delightful, humorous and insightful illustrations of the incredibly talented Bec Barnes; each of the eight emotions is brought to life. Feelings of shame and embarrassment in children need kindness and compassion. Through the ‘thinking for grown ups’ section, teachers and practitioners will gain an understanding of the theory behind the many activities and materials included. With the Bag of Buddies Set 2 and Nesting Panda Bears, children have the opportunity to learn through play. WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMHelp children embrace their emotions in a positive way through play. This rangeof resources help children understand that emotions affect their whole body; asthey learn to accept, name and talk about their feelings.210

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PedaYoga is a playful method to introduceyoga to children. The mission of PedaYoga is tointegrate yoga into the children educationalsystem to help their development inconcentration and stimulate their learning. Kid-sized yoga mat made of absorbentmicrofiber that provides hours of fun atschool, daycare, in the garden or athome. Discover 36 different yoga posesperfectly integrated in an attractivelandscape design. 2. Pedayoga Discovery Mat23455. Pedayoga Dice Pair4. Pedayoga Mini Cards Poses &EmotionsCreate your own PedaYoga session withthese fun illustrated cards! You caneasily develop your own sequences ofyoga poses using this card set and evenmanage to get kids talking about theiremotions! CONTENTS: 36 POSE CARDSAND 20 EMOTION CARDS. CARD SIZE: 9X10CM. IDEAL FORAGES 4-8.1Pedayoga Starter Set1.The perfect set to start with thePedaYoga method. Set contains: 56mini cards poses and emotions, 32teacher pose sheets, 1 dice pair and 1nylon carry bag to store andtransport everything.66. Pedayoga Pose SheetsHave fun by inviting children to doposes, find pictures on their bingocards and move around whilelearning to concentrate! Contents: 35 x A4 cardboard posesheets and 12 PedaYoga picturebingo sheets.This is an excellent tool for teachers andinstructors since these cards are anessential visual tool to show childrenPedaYoga poses.3. Pedayoga Kids Mat This mat provides a stable, non-slip surface to ensure safety andcomfort kids need to enhanceproper alignment and maintainposes. The mat also features agreat board game including 36yoga poses. IDEAL FOR AGES 4-8. PedaYoga dice pair offers endlessgame possibilities when used incombination with our PedaYoga MiniCards Poses and EmotionsEach die holds 2 sides of each color:red, orange and purple. You can usethe colors to distinguish standing,sitting and lying Yoga poses.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM211

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TODDLER SENSORYWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSimpl DimplSKU: 811802024305Dimpl DuoSKU: 811802024251Dimpl DigitsSKU: 811802026118SKU: 5420057025392Tobbles NeoSKU: 811802023230DimplIgnite your toddler's senses with our curatedtoddler sensory collection. Explore captivatingtextures, vibrant colours, and engagingactivities, fostering developmental growth andendless moments of exploration.Young or old, this unique little keychainprovides endless hours of fidget fun!The frame is made of strong, high-quality plastic - ideal for rattlingaround in your pocket or purse - andthe two colorful buttons are made of100% silicone.Touch, push, pop, and learn!Squishy, silicone bubblescaptivate the fingers in a waythat's impossible to put downwhile simultaneously openinga unique new avenue forlearning.Textures, colors, shapes, andwords! On one side, each siliconebutton is embossed with adifferent shape and labeled with itsmatching word in English and inBraille.Little fingers can't resist these beautifulbuttons! Built safely into the sturdy ABSplastic frame are five vibrant siliconebubbles in varying sizes and colors.Tobbles Neo - bright and cheerful colors, thephysics of motion - and the addition of moretactile clout! The unique grippable texture ofTobbles Neo awakens touch. See those gentle,playful curves? They truly enliven tactileexperiences.212

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMHandheld Mirrors PlainBN49Rainbow Mirror SetJK444What’s Inside Soft FeelyBoxER554 BIRTH+Giant Stacking CupsAT61810Textured Pop BlocksJK221Chucky PegsJK203Roll and PopTowerLK900My First PegPuzzle-SafariED23My First PegPuzzle-FarmED22213

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Oombee CubeSKU: 811802021083Oombee BallSKU: 811802024749 Sensory RollersSKU: 811802021885WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKU:811802026798Dimpl StackSKU: 811802021250WimzleSKU: 811802020635Pipz SquigzSKU: 811802021564CrankitySKU: 811802020673Peek A Doodle DooA vibrant stack-and-discoverexperience! The top of eachcup features a squishy siliconebubble embossed with aunique texture pattern. Littlefingers will love to touch, push,and pop them again and again.Send your little one's senses on awhimsical adventure! Sliding backand forth at clever angles throughthe center ball are four bars withvibrant, textured spheres on eachend.The ultimate KEEP-THEIR-ATTENTION TOY!Meet pipSquigz, aset of three Fun Little Suckers forages 6 months and up. Adored bybaby and parents alike, pipSquigzare perfect for the stroller, highchair,bathtub, and anywhere-travel.Get your brain cranking!The object is simple:build a puzzle solutionbetween the red gearand the yellow wheel.The find and hide game of chickensand eggs! Cluck! Cluck! What an“egg-cellent” memory you have! A“My First Game” for your clever littlefarmer. With constant motion, Peek-A-Doodle Doo engages your child'smemory and concentration in afarm fresh way!214

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSpin AgainSKU: 811802020949Squigz 2.0 - 36 pieceSKU: 811802024329Pip Squiqz RingletsSKU: 811802025289SKU: 811802026798Pop n Slide ShellySKU: 811802021236Mini SpinnySKU: 811802024275Whirly SquigzSKU: 811802026804Dizzy BeesSKU: 811802021656KlickitySKU: 811802023056Suction KupzCoggySKU: 811802021045It's a stacking toy with a spin—literally! Dropthe vibrant discs onto the threaded corkscrewpole and go ooooh as they spin fast andsmooth to settle onto the reversible base.Get your mental gears spinning withthis bending, clicking, shape-shiftingbrainteaser!Squigz are fun little suckers! Apply pressure totwo Squigz. Air rushes out and the fun rushes in!Connecting to each other and to any solid, non-porous surface Stack, roll, stick, and sip! Each of these sixcolorful, squishy cups features a suction cup onthe bottom, a suctioning brim at the top, plusendless creative-play possibilities all around.Connect them to anything and let your little oneexplore! 6 silicone rings feature fun textures, suctioncup connectors; The ideal take-anywhere toy for baby!Push, spin, rattle, click, and discover! Little handswill be occupied for hours once you introducethem to this unique device that's brimming withthrilling sensory-exploration experiences.Slide, pop, and learn with this happy playtimeturtle! Covering its shell are seven vibranthexagons in four soothing colorsYoung minds will be abuzz with tactile-learningexcitement! The three bees connect magnetically tostack atop the reversible honeycomb base.Get your little one's senses spinning with excitementwherever they go! Designed with vivid spectral colors,exciting textures, and soothingly smooth surfaces.Send your little explorer twirling and whirling into adelightful sensory adventure! Each Whirly Squigz ismade of 100% high-quality silicone that's colorful,pleasant to touch, and safe for teething.215

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPip Squigz LoopsSKU: 811802021922Spinny PinsSKU: 811802025265SKU: 811802024688Fruit FriendsSKU: 811802023254Squigz ToobsSKU: 811802026057Silly RingsSKU: 811802026828QuubiSKU: 811802020697Teeter PopperA unique instrument for it's used is up to the kids!Whether they rock it, roll it, sit init or stand... kids want to movewith Teeter Popper! How wildlyfun it is! “POP-POP-POP... POP-POP-POP!” Senses go for a rideevery time they play. A cinch tomaneuver - stand, sit, rock, tilt,wobble, wiggle, spin.Young minds will bloom at thesight of this cube! Each edge isconnected by elastic bands toallow little hands to bend it andtwist it this way and that.Sensory fascination so fun it's silly!Each ring is covered in a soft,rubbery material, features uniquetextures for the fingers to explore,and has a built-in rattle thatdelights the ears.Wobbly wonders await! Theseunique Toobz wildly bend, twist,and loop every which way toinspire hours of creative play.Build them tall.216

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2.Stacker Decker BusSKU: 50116667322091.Toomies 2 in 1Transforming TractorsSKU: 50116667321933.Toomies Egg RacersSKU: 50116667308855.Toomies Egg BusSKU: 501166673098410.Toomies Hide & SqueakBright ChickSKU: 50116667308164.Fill & Pop Snack TruckSKU: 50116667309776.2 in 1 Eggventure TrainSKU: 50116667309917.Hide & Squeak EggsSKU: 50116660158149.Hide & Squeak Eggand Spoon SetSKU: 501166673082311.Hide & Squeak EggStackersSKU: 50116667308308.Hide & Squeak Nesting EggsSKU: 50116667319362134567981110WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM217

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMROLE PLAYWooden Cash RegisterGH574 Mini Play KitchenWooden Kettle andToaster SetZF731 TG1032 Shopping BasketJK193 Explore sensory realms with our immersive roleplay products, designed to engage touch, sight, andsound for a multisensory experience that sparkscreativity and enriches imaginative play.218

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Wooden Grocery SetChinese Play Food SetFood CratesTG1029ER1054 GH1068WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMColourful WoodenShoe ScalesGH157 Wooden Play VillageShopTY706 219

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Fun 2-3 Instant CameraSKU: 3417766122032Count Along RegisterSKU: 708431193062Count Along Basket ScannerSKU: 3417766142030Shapes & Sharing Picnic BasketSKU: 3417766036032Scrub n Play Smart SinkSKU: 3417766081032Sweet Treats Learning CafeSKU: 34177660100322 in 1 Vacuum cleanerSKU: 3417766110039Leapfrog Smart Sizzling BBQ grillSKU: 3417766079039Leapfrog Scoop &Learn Ice Cream CartSKU: 3417766007032Leapfrog Yum-2-3 ToasterSKU: 3417766098030Choppini Fun Learning PotSKU: 3147766123039WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM220

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Role Play Traffic Signs Role Play LollipopStick and SignCV482RP136WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMAfternoon Tea StandJK196Hape WoodenTea SetQW6633+12Deluxe Market SetSKU:765023097252Fix It!SKU:765023092301Fruit ,Veg ToteSKU:765023097221Leapfrog Water &Veggie GardenSKU: 3417766050038Brightly coloured play foodpieces provide earlylearners with imaginativeplay adventures for hoursof learning fun!Role-play as a gardener topractice size concepts,numbers and counting skillsMade from durable materialswith a high quality finish, thechunky tools in this toy tool setare perfect for little hands tograsp as they hammer, saw,twist, drill, and play.This set of play vegetables and fruithas an apple, berries, apricot, pear,plum, banana, strawberry, grapes,lemon, corn on the cob, lettuce,onion, tomato, potato, carrot, andcucumber in a carrier tote bag.221

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPurple King CostumeKing Doll SetRoyal QueenRoyal Princess Cloak SetRT814ZF683ZF689ZF684Hospital Dressing up CostumesCV1071 Emergency ServiceCostumesCV1070 3+222

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88 A cosy circular cushion that yourchild will love to hold. Softvelour covers available in arange of colours. Requires 2 x AA batteries whichgives a soft gentle vibration thatis perfect for sensorystimulation.Assorted colour. One suppliedSku#: SMPSDimensions: 18 x 36cmSku#: SMPSBDimensions: 18 x 36cm diameterThis handy wipe clean cover massagepillow is perfect for heavy use and to usewith multiple children due to its wipeclean cover and rechargeable lithiumbattery. USB cable allows easy charging. vibrates when pressure applied.Sku#: SMPWCDimensions: 30x30x8cmSquare Massage CushionWipe Clean Massage CushionSoft Massage cushion - BLUEVIBRATING PRODUCTSWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMExperience sensory stimulation with vibratingproducts, designed to provide soothingvibrations for relaxation and sensoryengagement in therapeutic and calmingenvironments.223

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSENSEEZ VIBRATING CUSHIONSSenseez Vibrating AdaptablesThe adaptable range vibrates, is weighted andsnuggly it also contains a hot and cold patch.Senseez Black VinylVibrating CushionSKU: 75267868183AED200.00Senseez Trendable FlannelVibrating CushionSKU:75267842196Senseez Trendable SweaterVibrating CushionSKU: 75267838198Senseez Trendable HoodedVibrating CushionSKU: : 75267840197Senseez cushions play a crucial role in offering essential sensory input to calm and regulateunder-sensitive children, especially those with sensory processing disorders or sensoryintegration dysfunction. These children often find comfort and a sense of relief in the inputprovided by these pillows, making them a convenient and soothing solution. These pillows offera comfortable means of delivering therapeutic benefits, including vibrations, which can bebeneficial for individuals of all ages, regardless of disabilities or sensory processing issues. Thehealing effects extend to any part of the body, making these pillows a versatile and effectivetool for promoting well-being.This range of Senseez cushions are loved by older children and adults alike. Senseez Vibrating TrendablesSenseez FlowerAdaptableSKU: 75267868183Senseez CamoAdaptableSKU: 75267868183224

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSenseez Handheld MassagersLil JellySKU: 75267854190Lil TurtleSKU: 75267852191Lil CowSKU: 75267856189Senseez Bumpy TurtleVibrating CushionSKU: 75267872181Senseez Plush JellyVibrating CushionSKU: 75267848193Senseez Furry CowVibrating CushionSKU: 75267864185These wonderful handheld vibrating fidgets are a perfect tool to have on the go and idealfor little people who need some comfort and assistance regulating. 225

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSenseez Soccer BallVibrating CushionSKU:75267844195Senseez Orange CircleVibrating CushionSKU: 75267850192Senseez Blue SquareVibrating CushionSKU: 75267874180Senseez Red OctogonVibrating CushionSKU: 75267846194Lil TurtleSKU: 75267858188Lil JellySKU: 75267860187Lil CowSKU: 75267862186Senseez Soothables Hot and Cold PatchesPortable hot/cold therapy on the go! Helps relax sore muscles, aches and pains. Your senseswill love the added textures and the tail to fidget with.226

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMHandheld Vibrating MassagerPortable Hand Held VibratingMassager with LED Light for Bodyand head. Battery operated.Electrical Massage Kit4 Piece Electric Massage Kit — theultimate relaxation. This comprehensive4-piece set is designed to address everypart of your body: 1. Full Body SiliconeBristle Massager: Waterproof withmultiple massage strengths.Rechargeable via USB for convenience.Sku#: VMASDimensions: 10.5x10.5x9cmSku#: EMS4Cuddle BeeNew vibrating design. Battery operated. Our larger thanlife Sensory Cuddle Bee has a 25cm diameter and hasa removable vibrating mechanism hidden inside which you can have off or on dependingon your relaxation needSku#: CUDBEEDimensions: 25cm diameter227

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Mini MassagerVibrating FrogVibrating SnakeVibraflex Tactile MassagerThis tactile and squeezable snake is perfect for childrenwho need encouragement for touch and manipulation.Under its plush exterior, each of the 6 sections has adifferent feel (foam, memory foam, beads, vibration,marbles, quiet rattle), which give hands and fingers agreat workout. Pull string vibrator. No batteries needed.Dimensions: 86cm This soft Vibrating Frog can sooth and calm those users whoare over responsive and can stimulate the under responsive.Requires two AA batteries (not included). This vibrating tube can be wound around arms, legs, neck —wherever you want sensory input. The flexible device holds itsshape and features two massage speeds. Requires two AA batteries (not included).Dimensions: 100cm LEven fearful clients will find it hard to resist these fun massagers.Small, colourful and fun, these handheld massagers can be usedto gain vibratory input all over the body. Perfect for the back,neck, shoulders, arms and legs. 2x AAA Batteries needed (notincluded). Massager brand and design is subject to change.901177 900914 902267 260008 Mini Massager Vibrating Frog Vibrating Snake Vibraflex Tactile Massager WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#: VNDODimensions: Approx. 41x30x15cmSku#: VNUNDimensions: Approx. 41x30x15cmVibrating Puppy NeckPillowVibrating UnicornNeck Pillow228

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Sku#: PD48BUDimensions: Approx. 122x67x4348” Comfy HuggingPeapod Sensory Pod -Blue EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESExplore diverse educational resources,offering knowledge, tools, and insights tosupport continuous learning and skilldevelopment across various subjects anddisciplines.229

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMAppropriate for exam preparation as well as nurturing a love ofwriting.Includes:Character profiles with hundreds of verbs, adjectives, similesand metaphorsIllustrated guides to detailed descriptionFunny and descriptive short storiesAn in-built dictionary for maximum vocabulary expansion80 unique story titles to inspire a child’s writing Tips on balancing description, action and dialogueGuides on describing body language and emotionLarge A3 book, printed on sustainable (FSC approved) paper.Winner of Educational Book of The Year at theEducation Resource Awards 2022.The fun, illustrated, interactive guide to describingcharacters and building quality stories. Descriptionary - 'Humanoids' (ages 9-13)SKU LK004Storygami Guided Storytelling Game - 6 Versions Included!There are two main struggles for children when writing stories: they eithercan’t think of ideas, or they think of too many. Storygami® solves bothproblems!This is a unique, interactive resource to spark creative ideas & structurethem into four simple steps: Let the story unfold!An origami fidget toy combined with a colouring book, Storygami® guideschildren to write a story to match the pictures, adding their own ideas alongthe way!Six Versions included - Alien, Scuba, Haunted House, Theatre, TimeMachine, PartyBoosts confidence in Creative WritingTeaches story structure & improves visual inferenceA beautiful keepsake of your child’s writingAppropriate for ALL ages/abilitiesArrives pre-assembled, crafted by handProduced in the UK on high-quality, sustainably produced materialsIncludes user guide with literacy tipsSKU: LK006230

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMA colourful book of Word Wheels, overflowing withambitious vocabulary and bitesize descriptivephrases. Can be used as both a teacher tool and forindependent learning. Suitable for children across arange of levels and goals (roughly ages 6-9 years).The ‘advanced’ edition is suitable for children workingtowards SATS, 11+, 13+ exams, pre-GCSE prep, orsimply for enriching literacy, writing style and a loveof storytelling. Every booklet contains 10 wheels:verbs adjectives sentence openers emotions fivesenses animals nature seasons and weather coloursformal phrases. The PRO edition Word Wheel book is a handyreference tool, full of vocabulary and bitesizephrases, for writing academic essays, building high-level vocabulary, writing letters, speeches, articles,applications and answering exam questions withstyle. Suitable for teenagers and adults, from 13+,GCSE and A-level preparation, through to universityand even for professional articulacy in the world ofwork.Advanced Word Wheel Book (ages 9-13)PRO Word Wheel Book(teens & adults)Elementary Word Wheel Book (ages 6-9)SKU LK002SKU LK001 SKU LK003 231

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WritingSlope RedWritingSlope YellowWritingSlope ClearWritingSlope BlueClear Perspex writing slope allows children to write at the correct angle, helping to develophandwriting skills. These writ- ing slopes are tough and durable and can be carried easilyfrom classroom to classroom. Some children find writing on a flat surface difficult and it cansometimes lead development of an incorrect posture and poor motor control. Our writingslopes have a 20 degree angle, which helps to ensure greater comfort and more effectiveskills development.Wooden Writing SlopeWRITING SLOPESSku#: SWSRDimensions: 35cm (w) x 33cm (l) x 12cm (h)Sku#: SWSYDimensions: 35cm (w) x 33cm (l) x 12cm (h)Another classroom essential.This fabulous extra widewooden writing slopeenables children to work andwrite at the optimum angle.We’ve purposefully made thesurface of the slope slipperyto ensure children use bothhands - one to hold thepaper in place, the other towrite. Sku#: WWSLPDimensions: 45cm (w) x 35cm (l) x 12cm (h)Sku#: SWSDimensions: 35cm (w) x 33cm (l) x 12cm (h)Sku#: SWSBDimensions: 35cm (w) x 33cm (l) x 12cm (h)WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM232

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Bouncy Band forSpecial ChairsBlack Bouncybandfor School DesksThe ORIGINAL Bouncyband for Elementary School Chairs enables kids to have an outletfor excess energy while working alleviating anxiety, hyperactivity and boredom, andincreasing concentration and performance. They allow children to quietly move whileworking, enabling them to stay on task and be more productive.Black Bouncyband forMiddle/High School ChairsFor Middle and Secondaryschool Chairs.The band stretches to fitchairs with legs 17”-24”apart.Sku#: CMBKA universal fit forunusual chairs atschool or at home.The band stretches tofit chairs with legs17”-24” apart.Sku#: BBSPThe band stretches tofit tables with legs17”-24” apart.Sku#: DKBKThe original for primaryschool Chairs. The band stretches to fitchairs with legs 13”-17”apart.Sku#: CEBKBOUNCYBANDBlack Bouncybandfor Elementary SchoolChairsWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM233

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Fidgeting with Wiggle Feetallows excess energy to beexpelled while sitting at adesk, or in any chair helpingachieve greater focus. Sku#: WFBUDimensions: Approx. 40x30x6.60cmAn ideal solution for restlessnessboth while seat- ed and standing. TheFoot Roller fidgeting device fromBouncyband with a non-slip baseallows the user to increase focus andrelease excess energy. Spinning theFoot Roller forwards, backward orboth are calming and relaxingenabling better concentration andfocus. The Foot Roller can also beused for a relaxing foot massage.Sku#: FDFRDimensions: Approx. 17x16x7.5cmPatented Wiggle Wobble ChairFeet transform a standard school chair into aWobble Chair enabling kids tohave an outlet for excess energywhile working, alleviating anxiety,hyperactivity and boredom.Installation is simple as each“foot” snaps right onto thestandard round school chair glide(measuring between 1.125 and1.25” in diameter) turning the seatinto a Wobble Chair - no toolsrequired! Wiggle Wobble ChairFeet can be used on tile, woodand carpeted floors.Sku#: WWCFFoot RollerFrench Wiggle FeetSensory CushionWiggle Wobble Chair FeetWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#: FTBUMDimensions: Approx.11x11x4.5cmSensiPod DeskFidget Toy234

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Calming and Fun Sensory RockerCalming Stretchy Band Fidget Toy SKU: ROCKBU Dimensions: 142x109x61cmCalming Influence – Outlet for excess energyProvides sensory stimulation Decompress andrelax when rocking Includes foot pump –Durable & repair kit includedWeight limit 300 lbs (136 kg)SKU: SBSMBU Dimensions: 76cm x 15 cm Silent fidget reduces stress & calms childrenOutlet for excess energy increasing focus Improves spatial awareness & awakens imaginationTherapeutic relief for kids who need to decompressBouncy BoardSoft & Flexible Wobble SeatSKU: WSTBU Dimensions: 36x36x29cmSku#: BCBUDimensions: 55.5 x 40 x 11cmEnables greater focus by releasing fidgetyenergy Supports kids’ need to movewithout distracting others Rocking back,forth, and all-around calms children Everchanging positions provide sensory inputrelaxing kidsJumping and balancing in differentpositions on a bouncy boardreleases excess energy boostingfocus. Relieving anxiety, andhyperactivity, and stress.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM235

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Portable Study Privacy PartitionBouncyband : Handy HuggerSensory Compression Tool Wiggle Wobble Rock & Twist Sit & Twist Active Seat CushionSKU: HHUGG Recommended 3y+Fits Waist/Hips 38cm - 71cm 725gSKU: PSBU Dimensions: Centre 20x14”.Sides 16x14.Reduces noise and visual distractions Createsquiet workspace for reading, writing and testsIdeal for children who become easilyoverwhelmed Portable and easy to clean witheasy grip handle.Promote self-calming by enhancingproprioceptive feedback. Enables childrento feel more grounded, focused andsecure.SKU: WTBU Dimensions: Diameter 30cmSKU: WWDISCBUDimensions: 22x18x8(56x46x20cm)Stimulates proprioceptive senses throughmovement Creates a comforting effect throughspinning Increases focusing and concentrationExcellent for stressful situations at school or homeSilent movement provides an outlet for excessenergy Patent pending disc enables kids to silentlytwist and turn Comfortable cushioned heavy-dutyvinyl seat is easy to clean Portable with non-skidbase keeps it secure on a chair or the floorMax weight 350 lbs(159 kg)WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM236

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Little 27cmBig33cmLittle 27cmBig33cmWiggle Seat SensoryCushion GreenWiggle Seat SensoryCushion BasketballWiggle Seat SensoryCushion MonsterWiggle Seat SensoryCushion ButterflyWiggle seats help children (age 3-18) stay calm and focused while sitting on a chair. Itallows children to quietly move while working, enabling them to stay on task and bemore productive. It is a portable alternative to balance balls with the same benefits. Wiggle seats come with an easy-inflation pump and the firmness can becustomized to contour exactly to each child’s needs. They are effective on chairs, benches,or directly on floors.Wiggle Seat SensoryCushion PurpleWiggle Seat SensoryCushion BlueWIGGLE SEATSSku#: WS33GRDimensions: 33cmSku#: WSSBAORDimensions: Approx. 33x33x5Sku#: WSSMOGRDimensions:Approx. 32x27x5Sku#: WSSBUPUDimensions: Approx. 33x28x5Sku#: WS33PUSku#: WS27PUSku#: WS33BUSku#: WS27BUWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM237

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Sku#: WD10BUDimensions: Approx.26x25x7Sku#: MB27BUWSDimensions:diameter 27cmAntimicrobial WedgeWiggle SeatWiggle Seat AntimicrobialLittle Chair CushionWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBitty BottomSKU: 5420057011579This pint-sized seat cushion isperfect for smaller bottoms.Each BittyBottom is molded tobe a perfect fit and containssmall PVC balls for a smoothexperience. Cushions are idealfor kids who need to wiggle,fidget and move! Use on theground, on a chair, duringmealtime, circle time, and...justabout any time!Inflatable Peapod Chair SKU: PDCHBU Dimensions: 66 x 71 x 56 cmComforting ‘hug’ provides calmingsense of security Increases focuswhile reading, writing andsocializing Perfect for kids whocan’t sit still Includes foot air pump pumpincluded!238

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BlueSku#:PD60PGreenBUSku#: PD60GRDimensions: Approx. 152x76x43cmSku#: PD80BUDimensions:Approx. 203x76x56Sku#: PD48BUDimensions: Approx. 122x67x43cmComfy Hugging Peapod’s soothing deep pressure offers a fun & comforting caressing hug, enabling acalming sense of security. Just a few minutes in the Comfy Peapod relaxes, quiets and calms downmost kids. Perfect for those who are fidgety and can’t sit still to read, study, or just relax. FOCUS: The Peapod’s soft embrace relieves anxiety and stress, resulting in greater concentrationand more attentive behaviorSENSORY COMFORT: Supports all children including kids with ADHD, autism, and sensoryprocessing disorderMOTION: Three inflatable compartments enable kids to rock side to side, providing an outlet forexcess energyDURABLE: Made of the finest flocked super-strong vinyl with heavy-duty triple-welded seams. Softlike velvet and strong for endless kid’s playFAST AND EASY: Comes with an electric pump, making it effortless to inflate or deflate for storageat school or homeElectric pump and repair kit included60’ Comfy HuggingPeapod Sensory Pod80’ Comfy Hugging PeapodSensory Pod - Blue48’ Comfy HuggingPeapod Sensory Pod - BluePEAPODSWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM239

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Sku#: FDFPDimensions: Approx. 14x7x0.9cmSku#: FDSTDimensions: Approx. 5x3x3cmFidget PhoneFlick Sticks WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBlasterSKU: 5420057017229Plush Marble MazeSKU: 5420057028485Pair of Fidgety Finger LoopsSKU: 542005701750210.Set of 6 EmotionCushionsSKU: 5420057027884Sensory Sequin PanelSKU: 5420057028454This tool is a versatile and fun way to buildrespiration. One of the few mouth toysthat provide both suck and blowopportunities. Place a bright pom-pom inthe Blaster and watch the fun begin!Clamp on the end cap, and visually trackthe pom-poms back and forth.The Fidgety Finger Loops will keep childrenengaged for hours. In the brightly coloredloop, kids can work on tactile discriminationand sequencing while pushing a hidden ballthrough a maze of different colored andtextured compartments.Very soft plush maze withwooden marble develops finemotor skills, provides fun andalso enhances focus andattention. Perfect travelcompanion for anyone who likesto keep their hands busy. Exists in2 shapes: red square and bluecircle.This tactile Sensory Panel isan effective way to developcreativity and to stimulate thesenses by sight and touch.Dual colored sequins areappealing and eye-catching.Swipe your hand along themto make designs or just tofeel the scaly feeling of thesequins as they flip over.240

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMEmotions InteractiveCircular CarpetMini Beasts SquareCarpet 3x3MetresRainbow RectangularCarpetShapes and Numbers CarpetRainbow AlphabetCarpetDD2325QW983DD1416GH756ZB903Leaf Sitting PadsZE477241

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSIR LINKALOTFeaturingThe app is divided into the five keyelements of literacy: spelling,homophones, rules & patterns,punctuation & grammar,etymology, parts of speech andprefixes. These are categorisedinto ‘bundles’ with each based on arenowned literary figure. We’realways adding more bundlesperiodically to further expand yourspelling knowledge.What?Sir Linkalot is an innovative,educational and fun app that istransforming how we learn to spell.Through developing memorableconnections or ‘links’, users are ableto learn words from ‘I’ all the way to‘onomatopoeia’. These are broughtto life through hundreds ofentertaining, memorableanimations This is the future of spelling.Sir Linkalot’s award-winning app improvesspelling for students of all agesWhy?Traditional spelling resourcesoften use ‘Rote learning’(essentially repetition) in order tolearn words. This approach istime-consuming and ineffectivefor a large number of children,especially those with dyslexiaand additional needs. SirLinkalot’s app provides aninnovative solution to this How?Alongside the 600+ animations,the Sir Linkalot app has multiplechoice tests to challengeyourself, educational crosswords,and results screen to monitoryour progress. As it’s aclassroom resource, no parentalinput is required which takes thepressure off stressful last minuterevision for tests! SPEAK WITH USTODAY FOR A FREEDEMO242

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MAGIC CARPETLiz Platt – PMLD Teacher - ChaileyHeritage FoundationMagic Carpet is a stunning app-based interactive projection systemthat stimulates and engages people of all ages and abilities. Users simply move over the projected apps tointeract with them. The system has applications in education, healthand leisure settings and comes with more than 500 apps, 35customisable app templates and 5000 royalty free media assets touse when making your own apps. Magic carpet is supplied in two configurations: a neat adjustableportable system providing variable projection image and a fixedceiling installation. Magic carpet is controlled using the Magic CarpetControl for iOS and Android. You can make your own activities direct from this App and run them on the Magic Carpet.Dimensions: 60 x 60 x 60cm (Mobile)“Magic Carpet has made a massive difference in making the experience somuch easier and enjoyable for the children. We used to have to move thechild in order to swap and manage Apps, and now, I can just do it on theiPad”“It’s very beneficial because they can make choices, they can bring in theirphotos from their own iPads rom home, we can find out their likes anddislikes and they can have fun with it”901137901138 Magic Carpet - FixedMagic Carpet - Mobile WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM243

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SPEAK WITH US TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATIONINTERACTIVEPLAYGROUNDWelcome to the world of Lü !Lü is an intelligent spatial environment thatunderstands and reacts to the players’ interactionsand behaviours in real time.Our platform literally transforms any space into aninteractive playground, where children combinetheir passion for interactive gaming with physicalactivity.Playing, moving, running, laughing : these are the basisto any child’s physical and intellectual development.The more active kids are, the more awake, curious andready to learn they are.But how do we get them to move and exercise whilevideo games seem to reign as lord and king ?"Lü transforms any space into an active and immersive educationalenvironment where kids are engaged physically, intellectually andsocially-emotionally."50% PAYMENTUPFRONTWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM244

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THE MAGIC BEHIND LÜ To integrate Lü into your sports and educational projects, contact us.Lü produces state of the art audiovisual systems powered by awide range of educational applications. Aside from obviouspedagogical uses, our systems can be used for a variety ofpurposes, from cinema-quality movie nights to dance parties andprofessional presentations. Each Lü system includes a highdefinition laser projector, a movement detection camera, apowerful sound system and a fully automated multi-coloredlighting system to create immersive magical environments.ÜNO3 DIFFERENTCONFIGURATIONS : DÜOMOBILEOne interactive wall.Discover the Lüexperience.Two interactive walls.A completelyimmersive experiencefor larger groups.One portableinteractive wall. Easy tomove for use in variousspaces.We believe that physicalactivity should be fun, playfuland accessible for everyone.Lü allows engaging,immersive and inclusiveexperiences where childrendevelop their physical skillsthrough play.Lü stimulates children’s brainsby offering cross-curricularand educational activities.Moreover, every aspect of ourLü games has been carefullydesigned to maximizerespectful play, taking everychildren abilities into account. FUNSMARTLIVELYWe strongly believe in learningthrough active and participatory play. When playing with LÜ, thesenses and minds of children are fully engaged, which takesactivities and sports to a wholenew level.LÜ IS A VERSATILE TOOLLü transforms any space into an active andimmersive environment where kids are engagedphysically, intellectually and social- emotionally.Aside from obvious pedagogical uses, our systemspromot health and well-being, develop interpersonalrelationships and teamwork, enhance individual skillsand adapt to the needs of each child.Lü also features a bustling peer-based onlinecommunity, where users create, customize and sharecontent between one another.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM245

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CONTACT USFOR A FREETRIAL ANDDEMO TODAYDYSLEXIA ANDDYSCALCULIASOLUTIONWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMAward-winning literacy and numeracy software programmes trusted bythousands of schools around the world.Increase spelling and reading age by 11 months in just 26 hours without theneed for one to one help.What is included in your IDL packageAward winning literacy and numeracy software programmes trusted by thousands ofschools around the worldAn unlimited user licence to use with as many learners as you like on as many devices asyou wishA user-friendly interface that allows you to automate lesson plans and see studentprogress at the touch of a buttonPortfolio of free resources to provide extra support, including Animated Maths Tutorials,Literacy & Numeracy Screening and Times Tables practiceTouch typing and subject specific spelling exercises – perfect for homework or exampracticeThe ability for pupils to work independently with minimal tutor supervisionApps designed for iPads and tablets so you can use IDL on any device with an internetconnection from any locationDownloadable certificates to reward pupil progressProgress reporting and graphs to show individual and group improvementDedicated technical support team and customer service advisors on hand to helpComplimentary training available to all staff throughout the year246

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMLEARNING RESOURCESPan Balance Jr.SKU:765023808988Mini Relational Geosolids®SKU:765023809138Large Plastic GeometricShapes, Set of 10SKU:765023809220Georeflector™ MirrorSKU:765023009811Explore Learning Resources' dynamic productline, unlocking a world of educational wonders.From interactive games to innovative teachingtools, empower minds and ignite a passion forlearning.Elevate math learning with ourdynamic, user-friendlyresources—unlockingmathematical concepts forsuccess and confidence.Teach shapes, sizes and relationships with thesehandy colourful, plastic geometric pieces. Includesfour sizes of eight shapes: triangular prism, cube,cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism,triangular pyramid and square pyramid. Eachshape measures from 1.5cm to 4.5cm.This junior size balance lets children measure andcompare amounts. Detachable pans are great formeasuring liquids. Durable, plastic scale withdetachable pans can hold solids or up to 500ml liquid.Measures 36 cm x 15cm.This big, bright set of 10 shapes invitesstudents to explore geometry. Shapeshave a common three-inch dimensionto illustrate relationships betweenarea, volume, shape, form and size.See-through plastic surfacewith special reflectivequalities allows students tounderstand geometry,symmetry and congruence.247

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Wild About AnimalsJungle Counters™SKU:765023033618Tumble Trax MagneticMarble RunSKU:765023028218Penguins On Ice - MathActivity SetSKU:765023833119Precision SchoolBalance With WeightsSKU:765023009989In The Garden CritterCounters™SKU:765023033816Wooden GeometricSolids, Set of 19SKU:765023042986View-Thru ColourfulGeometric ShapesSKU:765023043310Place Value DisksSKU:765023052152Super Sorting PieSKU:765023062168Super Sorting Set (UKVersion)SKU:765023015126WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPrimary ShapesTemplate SetSKU:765023854404248

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Veggie Farm SortingSetSKU:765023055535Birds In A Nest SortingSetSKU:765023055542Link ‘N’ Learn® Links, 4Colours, Set of 500SKU:765023895445Pattern Block ActivitySetSKU:765023002409Snap Cubes®, Set of 100SKU:765023075847WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMKanoodle®SKU:86002029782Friendly Farm® AnimalCounters, Set of 72SKU:765023005301Laminated HundredsBoards, Set of 10SKU:765023002553Giant Soft NumeralCubes, Set of 2SKU:765023002720Write ,Wipe ExtraStudent Clocks, Set of 10SKU:765023012538Three Bear Family®Rainbow™ Counters, Set of 96SKU:765023006100Stay on time with this set of 10 heavy-duty laminated clocks. Great for small-group activities. Measuring 4.5' square,clocks with movable hands and a placeto write in digital time. Great way toencourage student participation in time-telling activities.The Original Three Bear Family® alsopopularly known as the CompareBears® are an Early Years and KeyStage 1 classroom staple.Use your noodle and constructcaboobles of puzzles with brain-twisting solo logic puzzles for kids.Using combinations of colouredconnected beads, players completecolourful logic puzzles in two uniqueformats249

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4WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM4.Mathlink® CubesNumberblocks 11-20 Activity SetSKU:50555064086646.Numberblocks StampolinePark Stamp Activity SetSKU:HM94563-UK7.NumberblocksReusable ClingsSKU:HM94746-UK1.Giant Magnetic BaseTen SetSKU:7650230636602.Soft Foam DotDice, Set of 200SKU:7650238091385.NumberblocksNumberblob CountersSKU:HM94490-UK3.Mathlink® CubesNumberblocks 1-10 Activity SetSKU:5055506408381132567We are theNumberblocks! Littleblocks with big ideas,having a ton of numberfun. Learn how to add,subtract and count thefun and educationalway!13.Three Bear Family®Sorting Bowls, Set of 6SKU:76502300396314.Three Bear Family®Double-Sided Pattern CardsSKU:765023011296250

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSqueezy Tweezers™SKU:765023059632Helping Hands FineMotor Tool Set™SKU:765023055580Gator Grabber TweezersSKU:765023029635Sand ,Water Fine MotorTool SetSKU:7650223855593Handy Scoopers™SKU:765023049633Jumbo Tweezers, Set of 12SKU:765023019636Smart Scoops MathActivity SetSKU:765023063158Avalanche Fruit Stand™ Colour,Fine Motor Skills GameSKU:765023050707Tiny treasures deserve tender care – These earlyyears tweezers delicately capture those preciousmoments with utmost precision and gentle touch,making every tiny task a joyous bonding experience.Tri Grip TongsJK7251

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All About Me FamilyCountersSKU:765023833720Mini Motor MathActivity SetSKU:765023877311Teaching Tac-TilesSKU:765023090758WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMCrocodile Hop™ Floor GameSKU:765023895445Jumbo 7-Colour InkStamp PadSKU:765023042757Three Bear Family®Sort, Pattern ,Play SetSKU:765023014198Uppercase Alphabet,Punctuation StampsSKU:765023005974Lowercase AlphabetStampsSKU:765023805987All About Me 2 In 1 MirrorsSKU:765023033717Promote social and emotionaldevelopment with the All About Merange. Double-sided mirrors featureregular mirror on one side and funmirror on reverse Fun mirror warpsreflection to sharpen observation skillsIdeal for self-exploration andencouraging self-awareness 2 in 1Mirrors are non-glass and unbreakableSoft, rubberised handles are perfect forsmall hands Each mirror measures15cm W x 10cm H Set of 6Children hop down the river to learncolours, shapes and counting numbers1-10. Also improves problem solvingskills, turn taking and directionfollowing as children play together.Oversized mat is perfect for individual,small-group or whole-class play.Includes colourful vinyl floor mat(250cm L x 75cm W), two inflatable12cm cubes, 40 animal markers andActivity Guide.252

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Primary ScienceBinocularsSKU:765023028188Color mix Sensory TubesSKU:848850114122Jumbo Test TubesSKU:765023027884WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMTeacher IncentiveStampsSKU:765023806786Organisation Station®SKU:765023022551Farmyard AnswerBuzzers (Set of 4)SKU:765023837759Lights And SoundsBuzzers (Set of 4)SKU:765023837766Recordable AnswerBuzzers (Set of 4)SKU:765023837698Magnetic Storage PocketsSKU:765023864472Ideal for social emotional learning(SEL), help children practisemanaging their emotions andfocusing their attention with thismesmerising set of colourful tubes.Shake a tube to mix the colours,and then watch them slowlyseparate back into their originalcolours. Tubes are securely sealed,and the square endcaps meanchildren can use them verticallyand horizontally.253

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Booper, Hip, HopSTEM - Extra RobotMouseWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKU:765023030891Ranger & ZipSKU:765023030808Scamper & SneakerSKU:765023030815Botley™ The Coding RobotSKU:765023029369Botley™ The RobotCoding Activity SetSKU:765023029352SKU:7650230284161Elevate STEMlearning withengaging codingproducts, fosteringcuriosity andfuture-ready skills.Science, Technology, Engineeringand Maths (STEM) Engage andinspire young learners in STEMwith our next generation ofcoding robot, Botley! 100%screen-free, Botley is the idealintroduction to coding; nosmartphones or tablets required!254

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMRumble & BumbleSKU:765023030822Pair-a-Pets Adventureswith Hunter & ScoutSKU:765023030907Coding Critters™ Pair-a-Pets Adventures withPouncer & PearlSKU:765023030914Coding Critters™ Pair-a-Pets Adventures withFluffy & BuffySKU:765023030938Code ,Go Robot MouseMath PackSKU:765023028614Botley™ The CodingRobot Accessory SetSKU:765023029376Your first codingfriends are ready forfun! With the help ofscreen-free storybookcoding adventures,kids as young as 4learn codingfundamentals everytime they play!Go Robot Mouse ActivitySKU:765023028317255

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Learning Friends 100Words Book(AR+UK)SKU: 3417766015297Touch & LearnNature ABC BoardSKU: 95030090Interactive WoodenAnimal PuzzleSKU: 95030090100 Words AboutPlaces I GoSKU: 3417766130433Leapfrog Tad's getReady for school bookSKU: 3417766023032Fridge Phonics AppleSKU: 3417766028037WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSnap n Learn FruitShapersSKU:765023067156Farmer'S MarketFood Sorting SetSKU:765023030600Phonics Bean BagsSKU:86002030443Conversation CubesSKU:765023073003Basic Vocabulary PhotoCard SetSKU:765023060799256

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Time is of the essence, and thatsaying truly comes to life with ournew splendid range of Sand Timers!Different Coloured Sand Timerswith Matching Coloured SandMEDIUM SANDTIMERSAvailable also in setsLarge SandtimersRedSku#: ST30SGreenSku#: ST1PinkSku#: ST2YellowSku#: ST330 Seconds 1 Minute2 Minutes3 MinutesBlueSku#: ST5OrangeSku#: ST10PurpleSku#: ST15BlackSku#: ST305 Minutes 10 Minutes15 Minutes30 MinutesTIMERS ANDSTOPWATCHESWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMEfficiently manage time with reliable timers andstopwatches, essential tools for precision invarious activities, from workouts to educationaltasks.257

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Class set, 30PiecesSku#: ST3030Dimensions: 9cmSet of 3Sku#: BGT3Dimensions: 16cmAsst. coloursSku#: STPW15Asst. coloursSku#: STPWMini Sand TimersBallotini TimerSet of 15 StopwatchesStopwatchWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKU: 75267718258Visual TimersBubble DropsSKU: 75268172031SKU: 75268170032258

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Suction TimerSKU: 75267772231SKU: 75267984125Magnetic TimerSense-Of-Timer30 sec., redSKU: 5420057011517Sense-Of-Timer 1min., yellowSKU: 5420057011524Sense-Of-Timer2 min., blueSKU: 5420057011531Sense-Of-Timer3 min., greenSKU: 5420057011548Sense-Of-Timer 4min., purpleSKU: 5420057011555Sense-Of-Timer 5min., orangeSKU: 5420057011562WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMDigital Timer CountDown/UpSKU:765023043396Simple StopwatchSKU:765023808087Time Tracker™SKU:765023069006Handheld DigitalStop WatchCV236259

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSet of 2Colour may vary.Sku#: SMOT2Dimensions: 12cmSet of 3 Various speeds:Green (fast)Orange (medium)Red (slow)Sku#: STLOT3Dimensions: 12cmSku#:SCLTSSku#:SCLTS3Dimensions: 14.5cm4 packSku#: SMLIQ4Dimensions: Each 20cm x 4.5cm diameterSet of 2Sku#: SLLT2Dimensions: 12cm3 packSku#: VOLLIQ3Dimensions: Each 8.5 x 6cm diameterSku#: SOTPSku#: SOTBDimension: 20cmSku#: SOTRSet of 2Sku#: SMCLTX2Dimensions: 6.5cm3 packSku#: UPLIQ3Dimensions: Each 15 x 8 x 3cmMini Ooze TubesLiquid Timer SingleTraffic Light Ooze TubesSensory Motion LiquidTimers Sensory VolcanoLiquid Timers Large Up-Flow Liquid TimerOoze Tube LargeLiquid Mini Classic TimersSensory Upward FlowLiquid Timers 260

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85124885122185121385123X YellowGreenBlueRedIdeal for colourful messy playthese food colourings are alsofood safe and can be used forbaking etc. as well.COLOURING 500mlMESSY PLAYUnleash creativity with our messy playessentials, fostering imagination and sensoryexploration through delightful, hands-onexperiencesWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSand & Water Clam AED 797.00SKU:KT2005261

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PinkBlueWhiteLemonStrawberryPeppermintInsta-Snow is an amazing superabsorbent powder that looks like realsnow when you add water. Just addwater and Insta-Snow expands to 100times its original volume to make themost amazing faux snow you’ve everseen. Insta-Snow is great for parties,decorations, play, hobbies, photographyor as a magical demonstration to amazeyour friends. Insta-Snow is evenreusable after it dries out. Perfect for holiday decorating.Includes measuring cup and spoon. Sku#: SS100This wonderfulFlavouring will add extra flavour toyour children play, asthey explore the worldof food-making!Sku#: FSOAPSku#: KSOAPBSku#: KSOAPPSku#: 852295Sku#: 852309Sku#: 852287Instant Snow 125gFoaming Soap 225mlFlavouring 500mlWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM262

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3.5KgFrom exploringtextures tomaking ‘gloop’cornflouroffers endlesspossibilities forlearningthroughsensory play.Sku#: FCORN425 Grams The original washing powder,this safe non toxic pure soapproduct is still around due to it’spopularity in the classroom.This soap, once dissolved has afantastic texture and is perfectfor use in your messy play. Addglitter and food colouring foradded spice.Sku#: SOAPFLAKES3.5KgFrom exploringtextures tomaking sloppy‘gloop’ custardoffers endlesspos- sibilitiesfor learningthroughsensory play.Sku#: FCUSTARD3.5KgSqueeze, dripand scoop thejelly for funtactileexploration.Sku#: 852279CornflourSoap FlakesCustardJelly CrystalsWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM263

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Ready Mixed PaintAssortment- 6 ColoursReady Mix Paint PackPUMP FOR 5 LITRE DRUMReady Mix Paint- 5LitresER1097LK1009AT562Available in 10 colours -Ready Mix Paint Assorted-600mlWashable Ready MixPaint-300mlZE329QW251WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMReady Mix Paint PearlscentAssortmentTY226WATERCOLOUR PAINTBOX -PACK OF 4- PACK OF 30PA19ER829PA19ULPAINT STICKSPAINT STICKS BULK SAVERTY158TY158UL 4 Packs264

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Jumbo Natural Lolly SticksJumbo Coloured Lolly SticksMetallic Glitter Pom PomsPom Pom Class PackRT11 RT11ULRT8 Pack of 100RT8ULMM28BMM28BULMM465WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMColoured Wooden MatchSticksMM54 MM54ULWooden Flower Craft SticksCV140CV140ULNatural WoodenMatch Craft SticksMM54NTissue Paper OffcutsER1070ER1070ULInstant Snow PowderAssorted FeathersMM13MM13ULPipe CleanersMM467MM467ULBlack and White GooglyEyesMM89MM89ULWooden Dough ToolSetER850ER850ULVery Soft Dough BrightsSetMM64MM64ULAcrylic Gem StonesQW379Assorted Sequin ShapesMM377265

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Coloured Play Sand 5kgLarge Play TableDouble Sided Sensory TableSBCPS ZF604 ZF1060 18M+Wooden Lid forSand BoxHexagonal Sand BoxGH179GH180 WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM266

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMRound Tray BlackRound Trayand StandZK196ZK199 Pack of 3ZF1003Black Mini TuffTrayTUFF01Hand TrayTG971 Jumbo Tray SquareZX309Black Tuff TrayBlack Tuff Tray with StandTY1105 AT586AT586UL Pack of 3267

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3+Gelli Glitter and SlimeGlitter ComboCrackle PlayColours MixedBubble Wand SetLARGE SPONGE FOR TUFF TRAYMINI SPONGE FOR TUFF TRAY ZH578 ZH586BN538ZF212ZF749CRAZY FOAM- PINK- BLUE- WHITERainbow SlimeMessy Play Sensory KitTG156TG155ZX723ZX1024 ZF1039WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM268

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPlayfoam Mega RainbowSKU:LER2045Playfoam Twist Blackand WhiteSKU:86002019448Playfoam Build aSnowmanSKU:ESP2251-UKPlayfoam PluffleSKU:LER1940Playfoam PalsSKU:LER1952Playfoam PuttySKU:86002020505Playfoam GO!SKU:086002019301Play foam is a tactile sensorymaterial, offering squishy, moldable,and non-sticky properties. Itstimulates touch exploration, aidingfine motor skills and creativeexpression in play.Playfoam® Go! is the creativeplay toy that’s great forkeeping young kids entertainedon-the-go. With 8 bricks ofsquishy, squashy Playfoam in ahandy travel case, it’s ideal forkeeping kids busy andengaged in the car, plane, ortrain, or for playing in smallspaces.Mould, stretch and squeeze thisuniquely textured kids putty andhear it make satisfying cracklingsounds with every squish. Thisfun sensory toy combines thesquishability of award-winningPlayfoam® with stretch of puttyfor a fun multi-sensory creativeplay experience. The 4-Packcontains 4 cool neon coloursand because child-friendlyPlayfoam never dries out, thesquishing, crackling fun neverends!Preschoolers can squish, squash,squeeze, and sculpt this super-satisfying, kid-safe, non-toxicsensory compound, then smash itdown and start all over again.There's no end to the sensorystimulation and creativity with thePlayfoam Mega Pack!Make a snowman that nevermelts, with Playfoam! Usewinter white glitter Playfoam toshape your frosty friend, thenstyle it with a hat, scarf,buttons, and other includedaccessories. 269

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMColour By PlayfoamDRAGON:UNICORN:SKU:086002020406SKU:086002020413Playfoam Shape and LearnNUMBERS:ALPHABETS:SKU:086002019189SKU:86002019172Playfoam Classic4-PACK:SKU:0860020190048-PACK:Playfoam Glow in theDark4-PACK:SKU:086002019103SKU:086002020413Playfoam SparkleSKU:086002019103Playfoam ComboSKU:086002019066Versatile, tactile joy fosteringcreativity, fine motor skills,and safe sensory explorationin children.Tactile stimulation.Enhances fine motor skills.Sensory exploration.Calming texture.Promotes creativity.Safe sensory play.Encourages imagination.Textural engagement.Enjoy hours of creative fun with Colour By Playfoam®Dragon. Use Playfoam and squish it into the canvas ofthis dragon themed craft kit to create a colourfulmasterpiece, then scoop it out and start all over again.Playfoam never dries out so the squishing fun never ends.The bead-like structure is ideal forsensory play, and the child-friendly,non-drying formula can be usedstraight from the packaging forhours of creative fun.Practice important preschool skillswith sensory-stimulating Playfoam!With 4 sets, each including 13 double-sided learning cards, the learningnever ends!Playfoam allows children toexpress their creativity—withno mess to clean up afterward!Just squish the Playfoam up,shape it however you like,squash it back down, and startall over again.270

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Colour Doodle BagSKU: 5011666723696Mini Mat ZooSKU: 5011666725409Classic Colour PinkSKU: 5011666723719Classic ColourSKU: 5011666723702WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMMini Mat DinoSKU: 5011666725416Trend Animal MatSKU: 5011666732674My ABC AquadoodleSKU: 5011666728660Shape & CreateSKU: 5011666728677Vehicle Adventure MatSKU: 5011666732681Red Travel Drawing BagSKU: 5011666066599271

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SMALL MARBLE PANEL FINE MOTOR ACTIVITY TABLEOur Marvelous Marble Panel has been such a hit with kids and teachers alike, we’ve made asmaller one that can be held on the lap or on a desk. It also includes a base that will hold it upright on the desk. Great for fine motorstimulation and sensory input.Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 5cm; 30 x 30cm (Base)Every clinic needs a place for a child to perform fine motor tasks,and every therapist knows the value of furniture that adjusts inheight. design not only provides a workspace that can be adjustedto fit your clients, but adds eight large, easily accessible storagebins to keep all your supplies close at hand. Made with high-qualitymaterials, this table will definitely stand up to year after year ofuse. (Fine motor materials not included).A scooter board ramp can be added at any time. The rampattaches easily to the table, and can even attach to two Fine MotorActivity Tables to make a bridge. The ramp features unique hinged ends that allow the ramp to work with the table at any height.Dimensions: 125 x 90 x 50–70cm H (adjustable) Weight: 45kg303816 Small Marble Panel 191000151000491000 Fine Motor Activity Table Ramp for Fine Motor Activity TableFine Motor Activity Table & Ramp WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFINE MOTORPRODUCTSEnhance fine motor skills with a variety of productsdesigned to promote precision, coordination, and dexterityin therapeutic and developmental contexts.272

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMDRESS UP DRAGONMANUAL DEXTERITY VESTSLEARNING BOARDSGIANT LACING BUTTONSEach element of dressing is represented.Hook and loop closures for his hat, clipfastening cape and his special vest hasbuttons, snaps and zippers. His shoes worktying skills The Dress up Dragon allowseach element be explored. Vests encourage practice in basic dressingskills and include snaps, buttons and zipper.Elastic panels let one size fit all children.Made of heavy-duty cotton/poly blend.Colours may vary. Set of 4.Dimensions: 45 x 35cm This set includes 44 buttons in 5 sizes and5 colours, with 6 coloured laces. Great fordeveloping fine motor skills and developingphysical development. Dimensions: 3-7cm buttonsEach board encourages children to practicebasic skills for zippers, snaps, buttons,buckles and tying. Made of Masonitecovered in heavy-duty cotton blend. Colours may vary. Ages 3 and up. Set of 6.Dimensions: 30 x 25cm 901181 297036 Dress Up Dragon Manual Dexterity Vests 901327 297035 Learning Boards Giant Lacing Buttons 273

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Bean StalkSKU:KC2008Stepping ShapeSKU:KC3004Tricky FishSKU:KF0005Jumbo CircusSKU: KF0007Bean PodsSKU:KF0013Tricky TreeSKU:KM0002Tai Chi Loop BallSKU:KM0001WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMMassage RollSKU:KT3301Olive Massage Ball(12pcs) Small SKU:KT33111 AED64.90Large SKU:KT3310 AED82.00Massage Ball with StickSKU:KT3004Children need to follow thetwig direction to turn the discsonto the Bough. Weplay TrickyTree is not only for enhancingwrist ability but also trainingfor whole-body movement.The product was designed tohelp develop children’sproblem-solving abilities.Tai Chi Loop (Ball) is inspired bythe philosophy of Oriental TaiChi, which explores physicalpotentials through the essencesof harmony, symmetry, andcirculation. When playing thisproduct, we move our wrists,arms, and body rhythmically -just like doing Tai Chi exercise.One side of the linear path is under the transparentcover, children need to keep the ball rolling alongthe track. The other side is a shallow track, whichprovides more challenges and helps develop handcontrol. The loose ball sits in the opening eye of thefish for easy storage.274

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Sensory StonesSensory Wooden Massage PackOrange and Lime PackSensory StarsTY725LK224LK217WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSpike the Fine Motor HedgehogBN123Finn the Fine motor FishJK113275

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Sensory Sponge SetColours, textures and shapesabound with this huge SensorySponge Set. Every texture isthought of to provide the ultimatesensory experience. Grab Mat and BagLarge circular mat, that turns into abag and grabs everything inside it.Contents not included.Sku#: SGBDimensions: Approx. 100cm diameterStimulates Touch Helps build concentrationRegulates emotions Suitable for all ages Packed in canvas drawstring bagSku#: TSS15Massage Kit Large (15 pcs)Large Massage Kit Responding tocustomer requests, we’ve expanded ourofferings with a new 15-Piece MassageKit, building on the success of ourpopular 8-piece kit. Enjoy a wider rangeof massage options, neatly packed in aconvenient drawstring bag for easystorage and portability. Your enhancedmassage experience awaits!Massage Basket8 Pieces. An ideal sensory resource withrollers and shapes made out of smoothwood. Stimulates touch and helps buildconcentration. Packed in a willow andsea- grass basket.Sku#: MS15Sku#: MS8WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSensory Spike Massage Kit7 pcs. Includes drawstring bag.Sku#: SPIKEM7276

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Wooden ThreadingBoardTUB OF 240Treading BeadsThreading Shapes SetColouredThreadingLacesWooden Weaving FramesLacing Fruit SetCotton ReelsTG441MS121 LK71TY271 ZK1009AT754 JK153STEMWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM277

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Sweet JarsColour Matching AntsFlower MazeSku#: 21308Dimensions: 35.5 x 23.5cmSku#: 1113Dimensions: 29.5 x 29.5cmSku#: 20649Dimensions: 29.5 x 29.5cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM50 piecesSku#: J24Threating Fruit & VegTeach colour and shaperecognition, counting and sorting.72 beads and 10 sticks to teachcolour and shape recognition, andcounting & sorting. 10 match the colour guide cards.Can be played alone or as agroup.Sku#: 9484Bead Stacker and SorterSku#: 21204Dimensions: 29.5 x 19cmShape Matching BoxSku#: 21310Dimensions: 34 x 16 x 8cmWooden Sorting Box278

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Wooden TreasuresRainbow Wooden EggCupsRainbow SuperLoose SetZK005 Pack of 42ZK003 Pack of 168ZK002 Pack of 420ZK058 LK5683+Simple Tape MeasureMeasure WormsZF499JK296 WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPlay MoneyZF500Our new Wooden Treasure sets are a fabulous addition toloose parts play, these smooth shapes have been designedand inspired by nature and discovery. Each shape comes in3 shades of 7 organic colours which symbolise the sensesand emotional characteristics.The Wooden Treasure shapes aim to stimulate imagination,enhance fine motor skills and unlock creative ability. Theshapes can be used in a multitude of ways, from practicingcounting, sorting and sequencing to creating unique picturesand stories.Includes cotton bag.Available in 3 different pack sizes, 42, 168 or 420.279

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TwidgetSKU: 5420057016062Gum Fun FingerStrengthenerSKU: 5420057016918CaterpinchSKU: 5420057001730Fidget WheelSKU: 5420057001778This diverserange of qualityproducts are wellthought out toprovide schoolsand therapyclinics with thesensoryresources theyrequire.GrabitsSKU: 5420057020229Gel-E Seat CushionSKU: 5420057028355WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSquidgy FidgetsMini Timers SetSKU: 5420057028027Squidgy Fidgets Finger SetSKU: 5420057026535Squidgy Fidgets Circle SetSKU: 5420057026559Squidgy FidgetsTangram SetSKU: 5420057026542280

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFINGER WEIGHTS™ WEIGHTED PENCIL SET WEIGHTED HAND PATCHES Improve legibility of handwriting with ourWeighted Pencil. The weight providesproprioceptive and tactile input for childrenwho experience problems of dyspraxia orpoor motor planning. The weight slides onand off easily, and can be placed at thefinger grasp for a larger surface or higheron the pencil for a more normal grip. Theslide-on weight is 0.03kg, an ideal weight for elementary ages through adults. Fits on#2 pencils and some disposable pens.Comes with (12) pencils, (2) grips, (5) weights and (10) rings.These innovative Finger Weights with universalfit slip-on design feature an adjustable weightsystem. Excellent for strengthening, dexterityand receiving kinesthetic and proprioceptivefeedback to fingers! You’ll find many uses forthese smart weights. Try them keyboarding,practicing guitar, doing therapy exercises etc. Available in a set of 5, in a rainbow ofprimary colours. Each set includes a storage pouch and nicely illustratedinstruction/exercise manual. The professionaltherapy tool for the clinic or school basedtherapist!Weighted Hand Patches are mini- barbells forthe hand, wrist and entire arm. Unlike otherwrist weights, the Hand Patches only cover asmall portion of the back of the hand and areheld in place by a thumb and wrist strap. Withthe exception of a small strap around the wristand middle finger, the hand is completelyexposed. To find size, measure around theclient’s wrist at the base of the hand. Thenmeasure from the wrist to base of middlefinger. Measurement from wrist to base ofmiddle finger takes precedence.Dimensions: Small: 10–15cm Wrist dia., 5cm from wrist tomiddle finger. Medium: 15–20cm Wrist dia., 10cm from wrist tomiddle finger.2299 295100 Weighted Pencil Set Finger Weights™ (Set of 5) 2251 2252 Small Weighted Hand Patches: Includes (2) each: .01 and .02kg. weights Medium Weighted Hand Patches: Includes (2) each: .02, .05 and .08kg. weights281

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKU: 75268020107SKU:75267734250Tripod GripSKU: 75267958138Mini GripSKU: 100132One Finger GripPENCILGRIPSEllie Grip SKU: 5420057012255Egg GripSKU: 75268228003Dolphin GripSKU:75268090072Grotto GripSKU: 75268046094SKU: 75268052091Gel GripSKU: 75268108063Claw GripHandi GripSKU: 75267766234The Pencil GripSKU: 75268062086Foam GripSKU: 75268018108HandiwriterSKU: 75267926154Pencil Weights282

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Arts and crafts helps encourageimagination, fosterscreativity and teacheschildren to love artRIGHT HANDED Long LoopScissors Small- PACK OF 4Loop Scissors - LEFT HANDED - PACK OF 4Craft Scissors - PACK OF 12- PACK OF 36Dual Control Scissors Right Handed- PACK OF 4Left HandedCraft ScissorsDual Control Scissors LeftHandedRT9RT9ULZK298ZK298ULSC21SC21ULSC13SC13ULSC9LSC9LUL Pack of 6QW327 QW327UL Pack of 43+3+3+WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSKU: 811802026798Easy Grip ScissorsSKU: 75268202016Assistive Scissors283

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Pop Up PirateSKU: 5011666070288Pop Up T-RexSKU: 5011666732902WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMMache Magic Twist & PressSKU: 053941123659Stretchy Elastic FidgetSnakes6 Pieces.Sku#: SFEB6Dimensions: 29 cm length.Sensory Textured RingsPack of 6Sku#: STR6Stretchy TexturedElastic Fidget Snakes6 Pieces.Sku#: SFTXEB6Dimensions: 29 cm length.284

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSENSORY BALLSRubbabu Sensory BallsSKU: 8904001201928SET OF 6 BALLSThe velvety soft surface of these ballsprovides sensory stimulation.Fun, didactic, safe and durable!!Rubbabu Mini SensoryBallsSKU: 8904001202499SET OF 3 BALLSThese soft, colorful fuzzy toys areperfect for ages 0-6 years or fortherapy use.These irresistible fuzzy and squishyballs keep kids safe and entertained forhours at end. The velvety soft and tactile surfaceprovides sensory stimulation. They bounce well making them versatiletoys for many games.SKU: 8904001203144Rubbabu Tactile BallsSET OF 6 BALLSSensory balls help children with autism byhelping them develop a visual sense. Studieshave shown that children with ADHD andautism have a lesser ability to process visualsensory information. This is a great solutionto help get your child started!285

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Set of 6 SmallEmotional FacesSKU: 5420057019957Set of 6 Fruit BallsSKU: 5420057005370Set of 6 FacialBallsSKU: 5420057005387Emotional Faces20cm - Set of 6SKU: 5420057005394Set of 6 Neon-Colored Foam BallsSKU: 5420057023862Set of 6 Saturn Balls SKU: 5420057028683Juggle Bean BallsSet of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057006551Skin-Coated Foam Balls70mm set of 4 colorsSKU: 5420057005509Set of 6 Fleece BallsSKU: 5420057017601E-Z Balls Set of6 colorsSKU: 5420057010701Spiderball - Set of 3SKU: 5420057027945Pair of Softee BallsSKU: 5420057006841Set of 6 SensationBell BallsSKU: 5420057008609WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSet of 6 ColoredAll Balls 7cmSKU: 5420057008562286

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPyramidballs Setof 6 colorsSKU: 5420057012521Reaction ball soft10,2cmSKU: 5420057015348Set of 6 ColoredAll Balls 15.2cmSKU: 5420057012361Super Duty BeachBallsØ 28cmSKU: 5420057008647Set of 6 ColoredAll Balls 10.2cmSKU: 5420057012347Out-R-Coat FoamBalls Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057012538Set of 3 Play BallsSKU: 5420057025804Small ReactionBall 6.4cmSKU: 5420057010657No-Bounce BallsSet of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057008821Jingle TrainerSKU: 5420057008814Knead-A-BallSKU: 5420057010787Set of 10Knead-A-BallsSKU: 5420057028164Set of 6 Success Ball 13cmSKU: 5420057015386Set of 6 Success Ball 20cmSKU: 5420057010985Pair of GiantCatch Tail BallsSKU: 5420057020137287

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Catch-a-BallSet of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057005356Set of 3 ColoredTwist BallsSKU: 5420057026078Twist BallSKU: 5420057022704Skin-Coated FoamBall 15cm redSKU: 5420057005516Pompom Ball 7cmSKU: 5420057005585Pompom Ball 10cmSKU: 5420057016994Set of 6 PomPom BallsSKU: 5420057017489Set of 6 Stretchy Balls 12cmSKU: 5420057024340Set of 6 Stretchy Balls 25cmSKU: 5420057024333Spordas ColoredCage Ball 85cmSKU: 5420057027082Spordas Colored CageBall 100cmSKU: 5420057027099Bean Balls5,5cm Set of 3SKU: 5420057027174Pair of SofteeBallsSKU: 5420057006841WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWeaveBallSKU: 5420057016932Sure KatchballSKU: 5420057010800Grabballs 9cm,Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057023930Grabballs 12cm,Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057010879Squelet BallSKU: 5420057010923288

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSet of 6 Yuck-E BallsSKU: 5420057010718Set of 4 Sand BallsSKU: 5420057015379Set of 6 SlowMotion BallsSKU: 5420057016901Set of 6 WaterBead Squeeze BallsSKU: 5420057027259Glitter KnobblyBalls(Set of 3)SKU: 5420057028430Set of 12 MorphSquishy BallsSKU: 5420057028553Set of 12 GlitterBead Squishy BallsSKU: 5420057028539Set of 12 Smiley Face Squishy BallsSKU: 5420057028546Set of 12 DNASquishy BallsSKU: 5420057028522Set of 3 Roll NRattle Sensory BallsSKU: 5420057008715Set of 3 Mud BallsSKU: 5420057010954Set of 10 Thera Feel& Find BallsSKU: 5420057001693289

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSquishy StressMesh BallSku#: SSMB1 Dimensions: 6.5cm diameterSquish Mesh Stress Ball -filled with Mini Jelly BallsSku#: SSMB3 Dimensions:6.5cm diameterSpikey Stress Relief BallPack of 4.Sku#: SPIKESTDimensions: 6.5cmdiameter each ballSmiley Stress BallSku#: 120969STWPuffer Stress BallSet of 4 Sku#: SPSB4Dimensions: 8cm diameterTextured Squeeze ShapesSet of 4 coloured shapes for stress relief.These are much fi rmer thanyour regular stress ball but stillsoft enough to textured Sku#: STSS4 Sensory Alien Stress Balls 4 packSku#: ASS4Dimensions: 6cm diameterSensory Soft Spiky StressShapes 4 packSku#: SSS4Dimensions: between 6 — 8cmSensory DinosaurStress Shapes 4 packSku#: DSS4Dimensions: between 5 — 13 cmPop Ball Toy SmallSKU: 100137Pop Ball Toy LargeSKU: 100138Pop Ball ToyLarge(set of 4)SKU: 100142Pop Ball ToySmall(set of 4)SKU: 100141290

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#: STGBALLSku#: ESYMF Dimensions:Approx. 16cm diameterDimensions: 12cmdiameterSku#: ESYLF Dimensions:Approx. 21cm diameterThe E-Z Grip™ Ball has a soft, but tough,durable, stretchy outer web covering aninfl atable ball that does not aff ect thebounce. Ideal for those who want toimprove their hand-eye coordinationand visual motor skills. One supplied.Medium, 16cmSku#: GBBLOne suppliedDimensions:10cm diameterSku#: ESYRB Dimensions:Approx. length: 24 cmSku#: GBBDimensions:7.5cm diameterColours may vary.One suppliedSku#: SFLBDimensions: 9cm diameterEasy Grip BallLarge Black and WhiteSoft String BallEasy Grip RugbyBallGo Bounce SoftBall LargeFlexi BallGo Bounce SoftBall Small Large,21cmVariety of 5 LED balls(balls may vary)Sku#: BALL55 Piece LED Ball KitOne supplied.Sku#: SSSFBLDimensions:8.5cm diameterSpikey Flashing StripyBall LargeMedium sizeSku#: SSLUBSku#: SSLUBLFlashing SpikeyLight Up BallMedium6.5cmLarge7.5cm291

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Crazy BallsSKU: 75268100067Rainbow BallSKU: 75267900167WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMTransparent Activity BallSKU: 5420057022124Therapy Hand StrengtheningBalls - 5 pkHand and forearm exercise ballsto help enhance grip strength,promote blood circulation andreduce stiff ness and joint pain.Benefi cial for conditions such asrheumatoid arthritis, carpaltunnel syndrome, tennis elbow,tendinitis, as well aspreoperative and postoperativerecovery. Five resistant levels tohelp you build up your strength. Sku#: THSB5Dimensions: 5 cmdiameter (each ball)Sku#: SSBALL Dimensions: 6.5cm diameterSqueeze Stress BallSku#: STXSBDimensions: 6.5cmdiameterTextured SensoryStress BallSku#: SFSSBDimensions: 6.5cmdiameterSpectra Strobe BallSku#: NV341Dimensions: 5cmdiameterHoneycomb BallSku#: SSTTBDimensions: 10 cmdiameterSensory SpikeyTwin Tone LED BallOne supplied.Sku#: SWEBBDimensions: 9m diameterEasy to Grip Flashing WebBall292

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFIDGET TOYSFidget SpinnerSKU: 75267794220Pop ItSKU: 75267922156Fidget CubeSKU: 75268082076SnapperSKU: 75267814210Find focus with our fidgets. Compact andquiet, these sensory tools provide adiscreet outlet for restlessness, promotingconcentration and calm in any setting.Small handheld toys providingsensory stimulation forrelaxation, focus, or calmingeffects through repetitivespinning motions.Silicone sensory toy withprotruding bubbles, oftenused for stress relief andtactile stimulation throughpopping movements.A handheld desk toy withvarious buttons, switches, andfeatures designed to relievestress and improve focus.A tactile fidget toy consisting ofinterconnected plastic links thatcan be snapped together andapart for sensory stimulation.293

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSpinningLollipop TreeSKU: 54200570079923D InfiniteFidget SpinnerSKU: 100144Pop SuckerDart LargeSKU: 100136Pop SucketDart SmallSKU: 100135Metal Ball SpinnerSKU: 100149Fidget SnailSlugSKU: 100147Fidget Lobster SlugSKU: 100150Fidget SharkSlugSKU: 100148FidgetDolphin SlugSKU: 100200Fidget Caterpillar SlugSKU: 100152Pencil Topper FidgetSKU: 75267928153Fidget Slugs are colourful,stretchable, and squishysensory toys shaped likeslugs, designed to providetactile stimulation andstress relief throughsqueezing, stretching, andmanipulation for calmingeffects.294

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Magic Infinity BraceletSKU: 10099WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBoinksSKU: 75268178028Zip Fidget BraceletSKU: 75267648293Fabric Marble MazeSKU: 75267980127Metal Ring FidgetSKU: 75267970132SKU: 100143Squirrel ToyTouch and FeelAnenomeSKU: 75267742246TangleSKU: 75267770232Magnetic RingsSKU: 100100Pop TubeSKU: 75267920157295

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Fidget kits offer diverse tactile tools for stressrelief and focus, featuring various textures,shapes and motions to enhance sensoryexperiences.Sku#: FK1Sku#: FK2Sku#: 17FDGT113 PC KIT8 PC KIT9 PC KITCOMPONENTS MAY VARYFIDGET KITSCOMPONENTS MAY VARYCOMPONENTS MAY VARYWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM296

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMWhat’s included?The pack includes a total of 32 mats in various sizes, including: 14 activity mats, 4 home mats fromteamwork, 10 arrow runs to help direct students to the next activity, 4 target mats, and 2 carrybags for easy storage & 10 lesson resources.Schools also have access to the Action Mats app containing over 40 different lesson plans!Key BenefitsFast and hassle-free setup, engaging pupils quickly and maximises learning time – no need forWi-fi or download needed!Includes over 40 different lesson plans Helps to nurture fine motor skills through the coordination of small muscles Promote agility, balance, coordination, speed, problem-solving and concentration Lightweight, portable with 2 carry bags and durable with non-slip technology Cross-curricular resource, facilitating lesson progression across KS1 and KS2 PE and Sports Premium Compatible PHYSICAL EDUCATIONSKU: AP1Contact us for anonsitedemonstrationDesigned for KS1 and KS2, the ActionPacked range is perfect as a PE resourcefor cardio fitness circuits or group PEactivities, as well as for After School andBreakfast Club activities.ACTION MATS (ACTION PACKED SET)297

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMMini MatsUnlocking the power of movement and helping tomake PE lessons and active learning, fun andengaging for EYFS – Mini Mats is a multifunctionallearning tool. The mats can be used as part of astandalone lesson or used as a “wake up, shake up”session — stimulating children’s physical andcognitive abilities before classroom learning.What makes its unique is the ever-growing lessonplan library that comes as standard via our app, tohelp reduce teacher planning and preparation time!What’s included?The pack includes a total of 26 mats in various sizes,including: 18 activity mats, plus 4 targets and 4arrows to help direct students to the next activity,and a carry bag.Mindful MatsPerfect for EYFS, KS1 and KS2, Mindful Mats aredesigned to help children regulate their emotionswith its self-regulation and sensory stations, withactivities that range from cerebral and active, tocontrolled dynamic. The mats can be used individually or as a collective,and offer different methods, whether its breathingtechniques to physical activities, to help childrenrefocus, redirect, and recover. What’s included?The set includes 16 @ 1M x 1M mats that act as self-regulation and sensory stations, with activities thatrange from cerebral and active, to controlleddynamic. The set comes in two tough storage bagsand access to the Action Mats app.SKU: MM1SKU: MM2298

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Poull Ball Original SetSKU: 5420057017892lPoull Ball is a fair play sport that aims to giveeveryone the chance to evolve. The goal of the game that opposes two teams of 5players is to knock down the target (multicoloredcube) with a ball of 55cm diameter after at least 3passes without entering the forbidden circle zone. The emphasis of the sport is on effort andpositioning as opposed to aggressive physicalcontact.Poull Ball Giant BallSKU: 5420057017892lInflatable Poull Ball CubeSKU: 5420057027112lPoull Ball Foam CubeSKU: 5420057007121WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMIn this Poull Ball Original Set you willfind two sturdy foam Poull BallCubes, two Big Red Bases, two shortyellow poles, two platforms, a PoullBall ball and practice instructionsThis robust giant ball has beenspecially designed for the practiceof Poull Ball and has its ownfeatures such as its rebound andease of handling (weight, touch,flight characteristics).Inflatable cube with Polyestercover whose 6 faces are ofdifferent colors. This cube hasbeen specially designed for ourPoull Ball game but can of coursealso be used as a target (not as aseat!) for any other throwinggame. Cube can be inflated with aregular ball compressor.6 surface foam cube covered with a highquality PVC cover in 6 different colors(one color per surface). This cube isspecially designed for the game Poull Ball.But of course you can use it as a targetfor other throwing games. This cube is notconceived as a seat.299

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Giant Foam Dice PairSKU: 5420057027143Stretchband 4-8m SKU: 54200570016008-16M SKU: 5420057002119Simple Rhythmic LadderSKU: 5420057009323Double Rhythmic LadderSKU: 5420057017922Hoop Set(20pcs)SKU: 5420057017939Set of 4 Flat Rings35cm SKU: 542005700949150cm SKU: 542005700950760cm SKU: 5420057009514Hula Hoop Ring50cm SKU: 542005700963765cm SKU: 542005700964475cm SKU: 5420057009651Speed Jump Rope 2m70 SKU:54200570221793m SKU:5420057022186WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMJump ropes, Setof 6 colorsSKU: 5420057015522300

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMDouble Dutch Jump Rope PairSKU: 5420057023497Hexagonal Agility Ring SetSKU: 5420057028089Classic Yoga Block BlueSKU: 5420057027426Speedball - Rotor SpinTennis SetSKU: 5420057028348Swing Ping PongSKU: 5420057022629Foam Pilates RollerSKU: 5412488352659Set of 3 MoveCubes 15cmSKU: 5420057011487Move Cubes provide physicaleducators and classroomteachers with unlimitedpossibilities of activities. Each sidehas a transparent vinyl window,into which you can slide a card upto 10x14,5cm. You write theinstructions on the cards to bringthe movement story to life.Light, soft and space-saving, withbeveled edges for easy gripping,the yoga block is the ideal toolfor posture and supportexercises. Place the block underhands, feet, or seat, it will offerheight and support whereneeded. It helps to deepenstretches and to ensure properalignment during poses.Swing Ping Pong is afantastic training tool toencourage movement in thewrist, hands and arms. It alsodevelops hand-eyecoordination and motor skills.Simply attach onto adoorframe, roof orgymnastic bar with theincluded velcro, pull down theball and try different strokesand various heights.The Rotor Spin Tennis Set is aclassic outdoor game for allages! This game has beeninspired by Tether ball and is away to work on precision andvision of the ball beforereaching the tennis courts. Thisgame can be played alone,with two players (match) or inrelay.301

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Drag ParachuteSKU: 5420057009330WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMNutrimoveParachute GameSKU: 5420057017403Traditionalparachute 3,6mSKU: 5420057005448Traditionalparachute 6mSKU: 5420057005455Traditionalparachute 7.3mSKU: 5420057005455PocketParachute 3.6mSKU: 5420057017397Pocket Parachute6mSKU: 5420057023657Smiley ParachuteSKU: 54200570054862 Person – ParachuteSet of 6SKU: 5420057017441Set of 4 MultipurposeBucketsSKU: 5420057026634Set of 4Multipurpose BricksSKU: 5420057026771Set of 6 Foam FlyersSKU: 5420057006902302

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPlayground PackEntrySKU: 5420057023183Playground PackDeluxeSKU: 5420057023213Playground PackMediumSKU: 5420057023190Multipurpose MotorSkill Starter SetSKU: 5420057026979Super Parachute PackSKU: 5420057019964Parachute PackSKU: 5420057008074Set of 10 ActivityTossing RingsSKU: 5420057028119Set of 6 My KatchersSKU: 5420057008258Mini Move Cubes10cm - Set of 6SKU: 5420057023923Make catching a successfulexperience!Its ergonomically balancedconstruction and manageable sizemakes MyKatcher one of our mostsuccess-oriented catching products.It's perfect for catching soft and lightobjects and balls in sizes ranging upto those that will easily fall throughits official basketball-goal-size(diameter: 45cm).Set contains 10 durable rings, each ina different color. You can use theseversatile Activity Tossing Rings inevery sport class: they can be thrown,juggled, gripped with hands and feet,balanced on the head, danced or youcan tiptoe through them.303

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Floor Stuff - setof 30 piecesSKU: 5420057007664Set of 6 FloorStuff ArrowsSKU: 5420057007671Floor Stuff Setof 6 donutsSKU: 5420057007688Floor Stuff Setof 6 basesSKU: 5420057007695Floor Stuff Set of 6 handsSKU: 5420057007701Floor StuffSet of 6 feetSKU: 5420057007718WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMFootprint & HandprintSKU:KM2008.1Set of 6 ColoredBlindfoldsSKU: 5420057020045Follow the RouteSKU:1802304

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMBean Bags Turtles,Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057006391Bean Bags Bears,Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057006414Bean Bags Frogs,Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057006353Bean Bags Bunnies,Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057006360Numbered BeanBags SetSKU: 5420057026689Set of 6 PyramidBeanbagsSKU: 5420057026665Edubug Bean BagsSet of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057006445Set of 6 BeanlessAirbagsSKU: 5420057006483Utility Sequencing BeanBags Set of 6 colorsSKU: 5420057006438Nutrition BeanBags set of 32SKU: 5420057017595Textured BeanBags(Set of 10)SKU: 5420057023992Phase 3 PhonicsBean BagsPhase 2 PhonicsBeanbagsZF1030 ZF1029305

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Softy Flying DiskSKU: 5420057028003Set of 3Educational DiceSKU: 5420057017434UltraFoam Dice Set of 12SKU: 5420057015775Mix-N-Mats HopscotchSKU: 5420057007732Nimbly® -Educational Play MatSKU: 5420057027297WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSet of 6 ColorTwist FrisbeesSKU: 5420057016956Grab-N-Ringsset of 6SKU: 5420057012514Set of 6 JumpBand PairsSKU: 5420057024708Color N' ShapeRecognition Dice PairSKU: 5420057022117Ring Toss GameSKU: 8904001200952A much-loved classic, made in a soft natural rubberfoam, the Rubbabu Ring Toss Game is an enjoyablesport for the younger and older children. Setconsists of one base and 4 soft rubber rings. A great children’s toy and also a useful tool forphysical therapy.306

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSpordas SlowMotion FootballSKU: 5420057022483Finger lights 41cm, PairSKU: 5420057012484Finger light 25cm, PairSKU: 5420057008661Finger light 35cm, PairSKU: 5420057008678Sensation BallSKU: 5420057008593CatchballSKU: 5420057010794Spordas SensoryFootballSKU: 5420057022490PocoballSKU: 5420057010848Rainbow RibbonWands - Set of 6SKU: 5420057017663Moon hopperSKU: 5420057005431Big Foot StridersSKU: 5420057006711A great alternative to balloons, without thelatex!Regardless of their physical abilities,FingerLights make everyone in the room aparticipant. That's because when fully inflatedthey're so responsive that their panels will firststretch around the surface they hit (a finger, anose or the top of a head) and then reboundoff it. They're so light that they'll literally floataround a room like bubbles. The unique panelsand solid welds are very strong. FingerLightsexist in 3 sizes.Slow Motion is a weighted footballwith 285g of sand inserted into theball, which allows the ball to remainin play. The slow motion of the ballallows repetitive trials, independentskill development for students withdisabilities, sensory integration andcoordination issues.Sensory is a weighted footballwith 285g of steel shot insertedinto it, which allows the ball toremain in play. The sound of thesteel shot allows students withvision impairment to track theball as the ball remains in closeproximity.307

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Set of 3 Juggling ScarvesSKU: 5420057006520Set of 72 Juggling ScarvesSKU: 5420057017670Cooperative BandCan Toss SetSKU: 5420057005424Obstacle Course SetSKU: 5420057028157SKU: 5420057007398Soft Weighted Hula HoopSKU: 5420057023954Set of 6 TeamKatchersSKU: 5420057008234Rainbow HoopsLarge, 60cm, Set of 6SKU: 5420057006643Rainbow Hoops Small,30cm, Set of 6SKU: 5420057006636WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM.Motor Skill Universal SetSKU:KM2000.1Pair of CooperativeBand WalkersSKU: 5420057020069Develop your sharp skill and hand-eyecoordination with this toss game set incan design and made of soft foam. Thisamusing tossing set includes 10 cans, 6balls and a handy storage bag. For bothindoor and outdoor play.TeamKatchers simultaneously developverbal and physical communication skillsas 2 to 3 partners work together toachieve a common goal. That goal is tocatch balls and other objects in a mesh-net basket whose goal is nearly 2 timesthat of a traditional basketball goal(diameter: 75cm). Each basket is attachedto a hoop with velcro fasteners.This large and very durable HulaHoop ring is covered with highdensity, soft foam in rainbowcolors. Thanks to its bigger size itis easier to work out with. Itsheavier weight helps slim andtone the body’s core muscles,while the high- density foampadding provides extraprotection against discomfort. Somuch fun to exercise waistmuscles and enhance movementskills. Assembly and dissassemblyfor easy storage and comes witha storage bag.Suitable as from 10 years old.308

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SuperCrawl TunnelSKU: 5420057007978SuperCross TunnelSKU: 5420057011890MegatunnelSKU: 5420057007992See-Through Tunnel 250cmSKU: 5420057024647Cooperative BlanketSKU: 5420057007343Giant, colourful, feather light, air filled shapes that will literally float intothe air. Every Float-R shell is specially made of tightly stitched, highquality nylon.Float-R ballSKU: 5420057011876Float-R cubeSKU: 5420057012378Float-R Us Junior SetSKU: 5420057007961WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMCreepy Crawly Play Tunnel 1.5 METRES CV136Heavy Duty Coloured Play TunnelER759309

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25 Piece setSku#: WFB25Dimensions: Each Brick : 20X9.5cmWhite Foam BricksSENSORYCONSTRUCTIONEngage in sensory construction activities,fostering creativity and tactile exploration for amultisensory experience that promotes learningand development in therapeutic settings.Giant Life-Size Foam BricksSku#: CY50Dimensions: Single brick 20 x 9.5 x 6.5cmWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM310

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20 pieces40piecesFoam PaverBuilding BlocksFoam Breeze Blocks30 piece setSku#: CY30-HGDimensions: Each block:13X13cmSku#: CY20Sku#: CY40Dimensions: Single brick 20 x 9.5 x 6.5cmFreestyle Mosaic8 x 8cm, 1kgAssortedSku#: S20100Wooden Foam Brick StandWooden Building ToolsDesigned to help the youngchildren build a straight wallwith our life like foam bricks,made from extra thick woodfor durability. Also acts as agreat storage unit for thebricks when not in use.Suitable for use with brownbricks, will not work withBreeze Blocks.Sku#: CYWS1Dimensions: 110 x 25 x 85cm4 pieces These pretend toy woodenbuilding tools will make children feel likereal little builders. They featurehandles sized for small hands andhave a robust woodenconstruction. Sku#: CY4BRICKSPURCHASEDSEPARATELYWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM311

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36 piecesSku#: VTC3624 piece setSku#: CY24-WBDimensions: 6 x: :30.5 X 10 x 3.8cm6 x: :30.5 X 5.8 x 3.8cm6 x: :45.5 X 5.8 x 3.8cmTranslucent CubesConstruction SetLife Like Wooden BeamsWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM150 pieces Cacto Cubes are fantastic multi-coloured building blocks thatopen up for a whole new worldof construction play.Sku#: CAC150Cacto Cubes1250 pieces The Hexiflex Set contains 12 vibrantcolours. It includes building instructionsand plenty of pieces to shape yourown creations. Comes in a handystorage case. Suitable for ages 6+.Sku#: HEXIFHexiflex312

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We Blocks Mini 28pcs SKU:KC3002-02856pcs SKU:KC3002Icy Ice Building SetSKU:KC0005Construction TilesSKU:KC0006Fun With CurvesSKU:KC20033D Creative Mat Colour SKU:KC1801-OKWBlack & White SKU:KC1801-OOMPattern CubesSKU:KC2001Crystal SpectrumSKU:KC2010LinkitsSKU:KC2803Learning CubeSKU:KC3001WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM Reflector TubeSKU:KT1002Weplay Construction Tiles is a set ofblocks that incorporate Orientalarchitecture culture. Created with wavytiles, hollowed-out windows, and carvedcolumns, this set is more than justblocks! The creation of WeplayConstruction Tiles could be a delicatedecorative object. The large size of theTiles makes constructive play easy.Children can practice their fine motorand spatial skills through the activities.The Spectrum Blocks can fittogether from different angles oreven with two connection points.Children learn to connect andbalance the Spectrum Blocks whilecreating their artistic works. Thethree transparent primary colorblocks enable children tounderstand the initial dynamicconcepts of color mixing. Sixdouble-sided game cards provideinspirational ideas.313

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42 piecesSuitable for age 12 months+Sku#: BB042PDimensions: Single brick 22 x 10 x 7cm42 piecesSuitable for age 12 months+Sku#: BB042 Dimensions: Single brick 22 x 10 x 7cmWise Big Block ConstructionSet Pastel ColoursWise Big Block ConstructionSet Primary ColoursWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM100 pieces These magnetic tiles teach spatialawareness, math, logic, and problem-solvingthrough creative building! The tiles attach onall sides and in all combinations, helpingchildren move from two-dimensional tothree dimensional creations.Sku#: IMAGS100Magnetic Tiles Set50 pieces This fantastic set adds special andunique pieces for your Imags set.Includes vehicles, domes, stairs spheresand little people to being alive yourcreations. Sku#: IMAGS+Magnetic Tiles Accessories Set314

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50 piecesSku#:50GACCreate and discover magnetic fun!Magnetic power allows forcreative building that is funand simple. This bright and chunkyconstruction set is ideal foryoung children, as the piecesare easy to connect and totake apart. The set includes amixture of brightly colouredmag- netic long and short,chunky rods and balls, whichsticks together in a variety ofways. Dimensions: Rod size: 13cmBall size: 5.5cm diameterIncludes 56 wheels & connectors856 piecesEnhance your imagination withStraws and Connectors. Builda boat, design a rocket, create araft or construct a fort. Childrencan work alone, inpairs or in groups and with parents to designand build whatever they canimagine. The ingenious designis intuitively easy to use. Thestraws are flexible; theconnectors can join 6 strawstogether at 90o angles. Cutthe straws for even moredesign flexibility.Sku#: VSC800WHJumbo Curved SetJumbo Magnetic SetsStraws & ConnectorsConstruction SetWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM315

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20 piecesSku#: PDF80Simple and easy slot together den frame to usewith coloured materials orblackout material for a darkden. Frame only.Sku#: PDF80Dimensions: 100 x 100 x 80cmPlastic Framefor Den BuildingLarge Pegs CamoDENS AND OUTDOORPLAYCreate imaginative dens for enriching outdoorplay, encouraging exploration, creativity, andsocial interaction in natural settings forwholesome developmental experiences.WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMSku#: WC8Dimensions: 8 x 1mWooden HalfWater Channelling316

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMCHANNELINGThis water channelling frame isdesigned to place variouswater channelling upon it. Letthe children design and movethe holders around frame,building the simplest to anadvanced design, using aslittle or even water flow downthe chan- nels. Designed to befree standing socan easily move around, andcan place inside or outdoorswith it’s power coated finishprotecting it from theelements. Channelling sold separately.Sku#: WCAFDimensions: Approx. 1m x 1mChanging Channels Set: FramePlastic Half Water ChannelSku#: WCPH4Dimensions: 4 x 1mPlastic Full Water TubeSku#: WCPF4Dimensions: 4 x 1mSingle MetalWater Channel Stands 4 piece, 1 of eachheight Channellingsold separately.Sku#: SMWS4317

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DEN-MAKING116 PiecesMaterials and pegs soldseparatelySku#: PDF2X2Many of us have forgotten how exciting the simplest things in life can be.Adventures is lacking in so many children’s lives. Far too many have neverlearned basic building and survival skills. This den making kit is abouteducating and inspiring children to explore the world around them. Toencourage them to get off their computers and televisions and see that thereal world is a far more exciting place to be! To show them that even in theback yard can be transformed into a base camp all that’s needed is a littleimagination.House HideawayFrames (Extra LargeDen Frame Kit)WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM318

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BlueGoldPurpleSku#: DCTDimensions: Approx.1.8 x 3mSku#: DCNDimensions: Approx. 1.5 x 1.5mSku#: DMC3Dimensions: 1.5 x 2.5m each3 pieceSku#: TARPDimensions: 2.5 x 3mA simple 1m x 1m den frame ready to cover with yourfavourite materials. Use blackout material to createthe perfect dark den. Many other designs available.Material not included.Sku#: PDF100Dimensions: 100 x 100cm Sku#: DM1Sku#: DM2Sku#: DM3Dimensions: 1.5 x 2.5m eachCamo TarpCamo NettingCamo MaterialTarpsDen FrameMaterialsFor DensWWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM319

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Random Plastic ReelsSmall TyresLarge Tyre StandLarge TyresSmall Tyre StandZF1037ZF1050ZF1004ZF651ZF1064WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM320

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMNoise-canceling headphones helpreduce or eliminate unwantedambient sounds by usingadvanced technology and soundmanipulation techniques. They areparticularly useful in environmentswhere there is a lot of backgroundnoise, such as airplanes, busystreets or noisy offices.AUDITORYEnhance focus, reduce stress, andboost cognitive abilities throughimmersive sound experiences forheightened well-being.Improve Sleep QualityReduce Sensory OverloadEnhance Focus for ActivitiesComfort and RelaxationReduce Ambient NoiseTravel ComfortEar defendersNoise cancelling headphones, helpingreduce the noise around you withadjustable head set. Ideal for Age 5+GREENSku#: EARDG Dimensions: 45x30x4.5cmBLUESku#: EARDB Dimensions: 45x30x4.5cm321

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WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COMPre School Music BoxGH224Sensory ReflectiveSound ButtonsZK061Sound Block AED 197.50SKU:KT5001322

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Colourful PlasticRain MakerBaby BandPlastic Egg ShakerChildren SensoryShakers andRattlesOceanwaves SensoryDrumsMU16ZF624GH220 ZF623 QW452 WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM323

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You don’t need a teacher or musical skillsto help your little one to play the pianowith this fun interactive coloured method!The Musical Spider Method promotes finemotor control, brain gym, sense of order,pre-reading , pre-maths skills and ofcourse musicianship!The Musical Spider Box SetVol. 1Board Book: 10 single songs withU.V varnish, CD, Rings, finger-stickers and Piano-Stickers in aBox set.SKU 978-0-7144-2032-5 The Musical Spider Box SetVol. 2Board Book: 10 single songs with U.Vvarnish (See List of Songs below), CD,Rings, finger-stickers and Piano-Stickersin a Box set.SKU 978-0-7144-2056-1Finger StickersPut the hypoallergenic spider-stickers onyour child’s fingers; remember, thumbs sharethe same key!SKU 978-0-7144-2033-2 Silicone RingsPut the silicone-rings or the hypoallergenicspider-stickers on your child’s fingers; remember,thumbs share the same key!SKU 978-0-7144-2031-8 Piano StickersPlace the nine spider-stickers on your pianoor keyboard keys as shown.SKU 978-0-7144-2034-9 WWW.SENSORY4YOU.COM324

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