Perseverance: A Nehemiah Battle PlanWe all have that one thing hanging over our lives that’s been there for a while. It keeps showing up. It sits smack dab in the middle of the room likethe proverbial pink elephant. It could be anaddiction to conquer, a habit to break, goalto accomplish, long-standing project tocomplete, relationship to restore (or toxicone to end), or even a debt to retire. Whatis your one thing? We all have one thing ifnot four. We’ve tried everything and failed.But what if we surrendered that one thingto God for real this time, wholeheartedlypersevering in the strength of the Lord?Perseverance is key ─ persevering inprayer, focus, His resources, and Hisstrength. Observing how Nehemiahaccomplished God’s call to rebuild the wallaround Jerusalem provides helpfulmethods that you and I can deploy in ourown lives to accomplish the extraordinary.The enemy will oppose us at every turn,but Nehemiah demonstrates how you andI can surround ourselves with people whoare committed to God and our success.Nehemiah began with prayer and endedwith praise as God provided theconfidence, resources, and people thatcarried Nehemiah to successfulcompletion. When we apply what weobserve through Nehemiah to our onething, we will begin to see God work inincredible ways in our own lives. (Thisstudy focuses on Nehemiah chapters 1-7.)WWomen's Retreatomen's Retreatat the Beautiful LAKE LAWN RESORT in Delavan, WI February 21-23, 2025February 21-23, 2025February 21-23, 2025Donna Snow, Retreat LeaderRegister & Pay OnlineRegister & Pay OnlineRegister & Pay OnlineGo to the online registration formlink at & pay by Jan 19thNo late additions. Donna is a sought-after speakerand travels the world to teach fromScripture. She regularly leads teaching tours through the HolyLand to walk where Jesus walkedand to see the Bible come to life. She also teaches Reformation-focused tours through Germany and Scotland in the footsteps of Martin Luther and John Knox. She has recently added teaching toursthrough Greece, Turkey, and Rome in thefootsteps of the Apostle Paul. Donna is amember of Salem Lutheran Church inTomball, Texas, a Bible study teacher, anactive LWML supporter, and an electedmember of the LCMS Texas DistrictNominating Committee. She is a lifelongTexan, adventurous traveler, and dabblinggardener, but home is always her favoriteplace to be.Girlfriends' Getaway 2025Girlfriends' Getaway 2025Perseverance: A Nehemiah Battle PlanWorship TEAMPianist TBDwith Jodi Bowen andSam Tietgen on vocals& Lauren Howard vocalsand guitar
FRIDAY5:00-6:30 PM - Arrival - Check in at table not desk - Taco Bar in Stephanie's Suite 5:30-6:307:00 PM - Welcome & Worship7:30 PM - Session #1 Donna Snow, “TheNonnegotiable Power of PrayerSATURDAY7:00 AM - Optional Yoga Stretch with TBD8:00–9:00 AM - Buffet Breakfast 9:15 AM - Worship 9:30 AM - Session #2 Donna Snow, “ChoosingYour Perseverance Posse”10:15 AM - Break10:30 AM - Small Group Discussion 11:15 AM - Session #3 Donna Snow, “HandlingOpposition and Obstacles”12:00PM - Lunch1:00 PM - Small Group Discussion1:30 PM - Personal Reflection 3:00 PM - Optional Revelation Wellness WorkoutEvening meal on your own8:00 PM - Optional Games in Stephanie's SuiteSUNDAY8:00–9:00 AM - Buffet Breakfast 9:15 AM - Worship 9:30 AM - Session #4 Donna Snow, “PerseveranceVictory!” 1 person $483/pp 2 people $297/pp3 people $235/pp 4 people $205/ppIncludes lodging for 2 nights, 2breakfasts, 1 lunch, resort fees,meeting space, speaker,worship, and more Room includes:2 queen bedsmini fridgecoffee makersafeironing boardKohler soaker tubNewly renovated!Save $10 when you registerbefore January 1st! No code needed. Registration limited. Cannotguarantee room availability afterfirst 50 sign up.Marilyn Batterman was a faithfulattendee at the Monday Morning BibleStudy. She served as a small groupleader and was a regular contributor tothe large group discussions. The womenof that study were blessed by her love forJesus and His Word, as she often sharedpractical insights and wisdom from herwalk of faith. Marilyn was also awonderful servant to her husband, herfour children (and their spouses), and hergrandchildren. The retreatspeakeris sponsored by the Marilyn H.BattermanFundWhat to dowith freetimeDining - Onsite1878 On the LakeLookout - Bar and EateryIsland of Capri Cafe Calladora Spa Services -Book 30 days in advance for10% OFF24 hour Fitness RoomGift ShopNightly bonfires Indoor Pool & Hot Tub7am - 11pmWinter Activities at theResort - Snow Shoes, IceSkating, Cross Country SkiLake Geneva Area ShopsFor additional information contact:Stephanie CutlerDirector of Women’s Ministry Phone: 262-367-8400 ext. 127stephanie.cutler@drlc.orgThe Lake Lawn has recently beenupdated including the lobby rennovationcompleted in November 2024!Save $10 when youregister beforeJanuary 1st! No code needed. SCHEDULESCHEDULESCHEDULEFLAT FEEFLAT FEEFLAT FEEfinancial assistance available
FRIDAY5:00-6:30 PM - Arrival - Check in at table not desk - Taco Bar in Stephanie's Suite 5:30-6:307:00 PM - Welcome & Worship7:30 PM - Session #1 Donna Snow, “TheNonnegotiable Power of PrayerSATURDAY7:00 AM - Optional Yoga Stretch with TBD8:00–9:00 AM - Buffet Breakfast 9:15 AM - Worship 9:30 AM - Session #2 Donna Snow, “ChoosingYour Perseverance Posse”10:15 AM - Break10:30 AM - Small Group Discussion 11:15 AM - Session #3 Donna Snow, “HandlingOpposition and Obstacles”12:00PM - Lunch1:00 PM - Small Group Discussion1:30 PM - Personal Reflection 3:00 PM - Optional Revelation Wellness WorkoutEvening meal on your own8:00 PM - Optional Games in Stephanie's SuiteSUNDAY8:00–9:00 AM - Buffet Breakfast 9:15 AM - Worship 9:30 AM - Session #4 Donna Snow, “PerseveranceVictory!” 1 person $483/pp 2 people $297/pp3 people $235/pp 4 people $205/ppIncludes lodging for 2 nights, 2breakfasts, 1 lunch, resort fees,meeting space, speaker,worship, and more Room includes:2 queen bedsmini fridgecoffee makersafeironing boardKohler soaker tubNewly renovated!Save $10 when you registerbefore January 1st! No code needed. Registration limited. Cannotguarantee room availability afterfirst 50 sign up.Marilyn Batterman was a faithfulattendee at the Monday Morning BibleStudy. She served as a small groupleader and was a regular contributor tothe large group discussions. The womenof that study were blessed by her love forJesus and His Word, as she often sharedpractical insights and wisdom from herwalk of faith. Marilyn was also awonderful servant to her husband, herfour children (and their spouses), and hergrandchildren. The retreatspeakeris sponsored by the Marilyn H.BattermanFundWhat to dowith freetimeDining - Onsite1878 On the LakeLookout - Bar and EateryIsland of Capri Cafe Calladora Spa Services -Book 30 days in advance for10% OFF24 hour Fitness RoomGift ShopNightly bonfires Indoor Pool & Hot Tub7am - 11pmWinter Activities at theResort - Snow Shoes, IceSkating, Cross Country SkiLake Geneva Area ShopsFor additional information contact:Stephanie CutlerDirector of Women’s Ministry Phone: 262-367-8400 ext. 127stephanie.cutler@drlc.orgThe Lake Lawn has recently beenupdated including the lobby rennovationcompleted in November 2024!Save $10 when youregister beforeJanuary 1st! No code needed. SCHEDULESCHEDULESCHEDULEFLAT FEEFLAT FEEFLAT FEEfinancial assistance available
FRIDAY5:00-6:30 PM - Arrival - Check in at table not desk - Taco Bar in Stephanie's Suite 5:30-6:307:00 PM - Welcome & Worship7:30 PM - Session #1 Donna Snow, “TheNonnegotiable Power of PrayerSATURDAY7:00 AM - Optional Yoga Stretch with TBD8:00–9:00 AM - Buffet Breakfast 9:15 AM - Worship 9:30 AM - Session #2 Donna Snow, “ChoosingYour Perseverance Posse”10:15 AM - Break10:30 AM - Small Group Discussion 11:15 AM - Session #3 Donna Snow, “HandlingOpposition and Obstacles”12:00PM - Lunch1:00 PM - Small Group Discussion1:30 PM - Personal Reflection 3:00 PM - Optional Revelation Wellness WorkoutEvening meal on your own8:00 PM - Optional Games in Stephanie's SuiteSUNDAY8:00–9:00 AM - Buffet Breakfast 9:15 AM - Worship 9:30 AM - Session #4 Donna Snow, “PerseveranceVictory!” 1 person $483/pp 2 people $297/pp3 people $235/pp 4 people $205/ppIncludes lodging for 2 nights, 2breakfasts, 1 lunch, resort fees,meeting space, speaker,worship, and more Room includes:2 queen bedsmini fridgecoffee makersafeironing boardKohler soaker tubNewly renovated!Save $10 when you registerbefore January 1st! No code needed. Registration limited. Cannotguarantee room availability afterfirst 50 sign up.Marilyn Batterman was a faithfulattendee at the Monday Morning BibleStudy. She served as a small groupleader and was a regular contributor tothe large group discussions. The womenof that study were blessed by her love forJesus and His Word, as she often sharedpractical insights and wisdom from herwalk of faith. Marilyn was also awonderful servant to her husband, herfour children (and their spouses), and hergrandchildren. The retreatspeakeris sponsored by the Marilyn H.BattermanFundWhat to dowith freetimeDining - Onsite1878 On the LakeLookout - Bar and EateryIsland of Capri Cafe Calladora Spa Services -Book 30 days in advance for10% OFF24 hour Fitness RoomGift ShopNightly bonfires Indoor Pool & Hot Tub7am - 11pmWinter Activities at theResort - Snow Shoes, IceSkating, Cross Country SkiLake Geneva Area ShopsFor additional information contact:Stephanie CutlerDirector of Women’s Ministry Phone: 262-367-8400 ext. 127stephanie.cutler@drlc.orgThe Lake Lawn has recently beenupdated including the lobby rennovationcompleted in November 2024!Save $10 when youregister beforeJanuary 1st! No code needed. SCHEDULESCHEDULESCHEDULEFLAT FEEFLAT FEEFLAT FEEfinancial assistance available
Perseverance: A Nehemiah Battle PlanWe all have that one thing hanging over our lives that’s been there for a while. It keeps showing up. It sits smack dab in the middle of the room likethe proverbial pink elephant. It could be anaddiction to conquer, a habit to break, goalto accomplish, long-standing project tocomplete, relationship to restore (or toxicone to end), or even a debt to retire. Whatis your one thing? We all have one thing ifnot four. We’ve tried everything and failed.But what if we surrendered that one thingto God for real this time, wholeheartedlypersevering in the strength of the Lord?Perseverance is key ─ persevering inprayer, focus, His resources, and Hisstrength. Observing how Nehemiahaccomplished God’s call to rebuild the wallaround Jerusalem provides helpfulmethods that you and I can deploy in ourown lives to accomplish the extraordinary.The enemy will oppose us at every turn,but Nehemiah demonstrates how you andI can surround ourselves with people whoare committed to God and our success.Nehemiah began with prayer and endedwith praise as God provided theconfidence, resources, and people thatcarried Nehemiah to successfulcompletion. When we apply what weobserve through Nehemiah to our onething, we will begin to see God work inincredible ways in our own lives. (Thisstudy focuses on Nehemiah chapters 1-7.)WWomen's Retreatomen's Retreatat the Beautiful LAKE LAWN RESORT in Delavan, WI February 21-23, 2025February 21-23, 2025February 21-23, 2025Donna Snow, Retreat LeaderRegister & Pay OnlineRegister & Pay OnlineRegister & Pay OnlineGo to the online registration formlink at & pay by Jan 19thNo late additions. Donna is a sought-after speakerand travels the world to teach fromScripture. She regularly leads teaching tours through the HolyLand to walk where Jesus walkedand to see the Bible come to life. She also teaches Reformation-focused tours through Germany and Scotland in the footsteps of Martin Luther and John Knox. She has recently added teaching toursthrough Greece, Turkey, and Rome in thefootsteps of the Apostle Paul. Donna is amember of Salem Lutheran Church inTomball, Texas, a Bible study teacher, anactive LWML supporter, and an electedmember of the LCMS Texas DistrictNominating Committee. She is a lifelongTexan, adventurous traveler, and dabblinggardener, but home is always her favoriteplace to be.Girlfriends' Getaway 2025Girlfriends' Getaway 2025Perseverance: A Nehemiah Battle PlanWorship TEAMPianist TBDwith Jodi Bowen andSam Tietgen on vocals& Lauren Howard vocalsand guitar
Perseverance: A Nehemiah Battle PlanWe all have that one thing hanging over our lives that’s been there for a while. It keeps showing up. It sits smack dab in the middle of the room likethe proverbial pink elephant. It could be anaddiction to conquer, a habit to break, goalto accomplish, long-standing project tocomplete, relationship to restore (or toxicone to end), or even a debt to retire. Whatis your one thing? We all have one thing ifnot four. We’ve tried everything and failed.But what if we surrendered that one thingto God for real this time, wholeheartedlypersevering in the strength of the Lord?Perseverance is key ─ persevering inprayer, focus, His resources, and Hisstrength. Observing how Nehemiahaccomplished God’s call to rebuild the wallaround Jerusalem provides helpfulmethods that you and I can deploy in ourown lives to accomplish the extraordinary.The enemy will oppose us at every turn,but Nehemiah demonstrates how you andI can surround ourselves with people whoare committed to God and our success.Nehemiah began with prayer and endedwith praise as God provided theconfidence, resources, and people thatcarried Nehemiah to successfulcompletion. When we apply what weobserve through Nehemiah to our onething, we will begin to see God work inincredible ways in our own lives. (Thisstudy focuses on Nehemiah chapters 1-7.)WWomen's Retreatomen's Retreatat the Beautiful LAKE LAWN RESORT in Delavan, WI February 21-23, 2025February 21-23, 2025February 21-23, 2025Donna Snow, Retreat LeaderRegister & Pay OnlineRegister & Pay OnlineRegister & Pay OnlineGo to the online registration formlink at & pay by Jan 19thNo late additions. Donna is a sought-after speakerand travels the world to teach fromScripture. She regularly leads teaching tours through the HolyLand to walk where Jesus walkedand to see the Bible come to life. She also teaches Reformation-focused tours through Germany and Scotland in the footsteps of Martin Luther and John Knox. She has recently added teaching toursthrough Greece, Turkey, and Rome in thefootsteps of the Apostle Paul. Donna is amember of Salem Lutheran Church inTomball, Texas, a Bible study teacher, anactive LWML supporter, and an electedmember of the LCMS Texas DistrictNominating Committee. She is a lifelongTexan, adventurous traveler, and dabblinggardener, but home is always her favoriteplace to be.Girlfriends' Getaway 2025Girlfriends' Getaway 2025Perseverance: A Nehemiah Battle PlanWorship TEAMPianist TBDwith Jodi Bowen andSam Tietgen on vocals& Lauren Howard vocalsand guitar