CONTENTS Principal s Welcome 1 Visions Aims 3 Excellence in Pastoral Care 4 Child Centred Provision 6 Safeguarding Child Protection 8 Pupil Voice 12 Year 8 Transition 14 Uniform 16 Supporting Our Pupils 18 Spiritual Life in St Patrick s 19 Excellence in Learning 20 A Personalised Learning Journey 26 Careers Guidance 28 Home School Communication 30 Our School in the Community 32 Our Sporting Provision 34 Developing Talents 36 Celebrating Success 38 School Trips 41
PRINCIPAL S WELCOME St Patrick s College Banbridge 1 I am privileged to be the Principal of Saint Patrick s College and it s with great pride that I present this insight into our strong vibrant and welcoming school community I hope you take time to read through this prospectus and I have no doubt it will enable you to make a well informed choice about the post primary transition for your child St Patrick s is an all ability inclusive school which was opened in 1958 to serve the boys and girls of the greater Banbridge area We are a Catholic school where our pupils are encouraged to participate fully in the Religious Education programme and practice of the faith We warmly welcome students from other faith groups and value the richness and breadth they bring to our school community At St Patrick s we strive for excellence We have high expectations for all pupils not only in terms of their schoolwork and homework but also in their personal appearance and conduct We encourage and nurture our pupils to achieve their best and we strongly believe that positive relationships across the school community are the key to our success Your support as parents and carers will help to ensure that they avail of a range of opportunities which will enable them to reach their potential and become positive contributors to society Our curriculum provision has grown rapidly and in collaboration with our partner schools in the area learning community we are well equipped to ensure that our pupils access the full N I curriculum at Key Stage Three Key Stage Four and Post 16 We offer a comprehensive careers programme complemented by the Career Ready Programme to ensure our pupils are well informed to make the most appropriate choices about career pathways We continually work with CCMS and the Department of Education to enhance the physical learning environment of our school so that it is modern and well equipped to meet the needs of all learners We now have a state of the art 3G GAA football pitch with floodlights and changing rooms and we hope to continue to extend our school estate to accommodate our rapidly growing intake we have just opened a new Home Economics suite as well as general classrooms and later in the year a new well resourced Year 13 and 14 suite will be opened to support our pupils with their post 16 studies We are very proud of our reputation as being a child centred school focussed on ensuring every learner is happy and content We have invested significantly on developing relational learning and nurture to ensure every pupil is listened to well supported and cared for and we firmly believe and live out the vision that a happy child is a happy learner I hope you enjoy reading through this prospectus and if there is any further information you require that will enable you to make a more informed decision about next steps please do not hesitate to contact us R is n Woods Principal
St Patrick s College Banbridge 2
VISIONS AIMS OUR VISION Our work in Saint Patrick s College involves the efforts of teachers parents pupils and the whole school community in pursuit of excellence in everything we do OUR AIMS To create a happy caring welcoming and nurturing environment where childhood and youth are appreciated as special experiences To provide a holistic curriculum and a positive learning experience that will empower each pupil to achieve the highest possible academic and vocational success To recognise and celebrate success while continuously striving for improvement To encourage independent lifelong learning To prepare pupils for the opportunities responsibilities and experiences of adult life To promote diversity and inclusion in both the school and wider community within an ethos of mutual respect care and equality St Patrick s College Banbridge 3
EXCELLENCE IN PASTORAL CARE St Patrick s College Banbridge 4 We are extremely proud of the supportive community here at St Patrick s College We are committed to creating a happy environment where every single pupil can thrive and flourish Indeed we understand that above all wellbeing is a prerequisite of academic excellence The emphasis we place on pastoral care is therefore integral to the ethos of our College community We have high expectations of our students to give and receive respect respect for people their beliefs their differences their talents and their backgrounds We give support help and guidance through what can be challenging periods in a young person s life We give encouragement and praise and operate a merit system to reward students but we demand high standards of behaviour and commitment in return Everyone works hard to ensure our school is a happy successful and harmonious place to be Pastoral Care is supported by a carefully planned quality Personal Development Programme a counselling service which is available to all students if required and the effective pastoral structure of the school Mrs Clare McCullough is our Emotional Health WellBeing Champion who is always at hand to provide a listening ear advice and guidance for our pupils Each student has a Form Tutor providing day today pastoral guidance and help The tutor will support and listen but will also demand high standards of behaviour attendance punctuality appearance and work and will monitor each student s progress Tutors can call upon support from our dedicated Heads of Year who also oversee the strategic direction of pastoral care in the College Our SENCo Mrs Fidelma McKeever works closely with those pupils with Special Educational Needs and disabilities and both the Vice Principal and Principal are on hand building excellent relationships with students to ensure that every voice is heard Mrs F Hartigan Vice Principal The student voice is one which we put a great emphasis on at St Patrick s Our Student Council put forward the views of all pupils to the Senior Leadership Team and we are thrilled to have a trained team of anti bullying ambassadors who ensure that our Anti Bullying Policy is owned by and shared among all members of our student body We implement a Positive Behaviour Policy which is reviewed constantly in response to the needs of our pupils The PBP is well complemented by the nurturing and positive relationships that exist between all staff pupils and parents We always work very hard to resolve any issues as quickly as possible for the betterment of all We recognise the academic and extra curricular achievement through whole school trips for year groups and Junior and Senior Prize Giving events We monitor and record achievements through SIMS A positive comment can be awarded for an exceptional contribution to school life and participation to events when our students represent the school Visitors often comment on the warm and inviting climate that exists within the school There is now a major focus on the celebration of success academic achievement good behaviour and valuable contributions to all areas of school life success breeds success Parents are also engaged It is vital that school and home work closely together in order to get the very best outcome for each student Our School motto Excellence through Partnership reminds us of the necessity to establish and maintain close relationships with all our parents and guardians We will keep you informed of the progress of your child regularly and guide you in helping them to reach their true potential
St Patrick s College Banbridge 5 WELLBEING
CHILD CENTRED PROVISION St Patrick s College Banbridge 6 We work hard to ensure the mental health and well being of every child is at the heart of everything we do We firmly believe that a happy child is a happy learner and we encourage parents guardians to let us know as quickly as possible if there are any concerns which we will try to resolve as quickly as possible We have invested heavily in ensuring our school is a nurturing and loving one where every child is valued in a supportive community Our staff are well equipped in the skills of nurture relational learning and trauma informed practice DAILY ROUTINE Each day begins with Form Class where our pupils meet with their form tutor to complete administrative tasks as well as delivering our Personal Development programme which also supports the KS4 CEAIG Programme Our Form teachers create a climate of high expectation while developing a unique supportive and nurturing relationship with the pupils in their form class They monitor the assessment and pastoral data of the pupils and challenge them to reach their full potential They also work in partnership with parents teachers classroom assistants and external agencies to remove barriers to learning to ensure pupils succeed Form teachers are supported by Year Tutors who will have access to a more extensive suite of support strategies We utilise the support of outside agencies to enhance our mental health and wellbeing provision in school Links Counselling Services Reach Mentoring EA Reach Women s Aid Behaviour Support Cara Friend Health and Social Care Trust Learnspark Young Enterprise are some of the agencies we connect with regularly HEADSPACE SENSORY ROOMS For some of our pupils particularly those who are on the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice we have created two nurturing areas in our school building The Head Space room is available for those pupils who need to avail of some of the strategies we use and equipment we have purchased to enable them to regulate their emotions We also offer our Sensory Room which is a tranquil quiet and calm space for pupils who need a little time out Both rooms are an essential part of our pastoral support package and are successfully used to provide a bit of equilibrium for a small number of our pupils throughout the school day
St Patrick s College Banbridge 7 FAMILY
SAFEGUARDING CHILD PROTECTION St Patrick s College Banbridge 8 We have a responsibility for the safeguarding and child protection of the children in our care and we will carry out this duty by providing a caring supportive and safe environment where each child is valued for their unique talents and abilities and in which all our young people can learn and develop to their full potential We aim to provide a safe and caring environment that will enable pupils to feel secure in discussing concerns with key members of staff All members of our school community know the members of our safeguarding team MEET OUR SAFEGUARDING TEAM MRS WOODS PRINCIPAL MRS HARTIGAN VICE PRINCIPAL MRS McKEEVER SENIOR TEACHER SENCO MR McCABE SENIOR TEACHER MISS CASSIDY ENGAGEMENT CO ORDINATOR
St Patrick s College Banbridge 9 With the support of our external partners and in consultation with all members of our school community we continually monitor and review our suite of safeguarding policies and update them to ensure they reflect changes in legislation and the ever changing needs of our young people Our suite of Safeguarding policies include our Child Protection Policy the Positive Behaviour Policy the Anti bullying Policy the Acceptable Use Policy and the Drugs Education Policy We are currently going through the process of becoming a Being Well Doing Well school to support our pastoral provision SCHOOL COUNSELLOR Our School Counsellor is a fully qualified counsellor who will be available to support our pupils through difficult and challenging times in their lives Access to the School Counsellor can be secured through selfreferral or through a member of our pastoral team EMOTIONAL HEALTH WELLBEING CHAMPION Mrs Clare McCullough is our valued Emotional Health WellBeing Champion She provides additional support for many of our pupils who struggle with many aspects of their home or school life Clare McCullough Emotional Health Wellbeing Champion REACH MENTORING We are passionate about supporting our pupils through the toughest of times Many young people are exposed to a variety of challenges which can impact on their ability to cope with the routine of everyday life We have an established network of support services including Reach Mentoring who are available for our young people to utilise Reach Mentoring empowers young people to be the best version of themselves Reach exists to support the educational experience of young people by providing pastoral care and personal development classes Reach encourages young people to explore healthy lifestyle choices for those needing additional support with life issues behavioural difficulties or low selfesteem COMPASSION
St Patrick s College Banbridge 10 ANTI BULLYING POLICY We have a robust Anti bullying policy that has been created in consultation with staff pupils and parents in response to the Addressing Bullying in School Act 2016 NI Staff are trained to respond urgently to any allegations of bullying and we aim to ensure a swift and supportive resolution so that all pupils involved are happy and engaged in their learning With the support of staff our anti bullying ambassadors have created their own child friendly version of our Anti bullying policy which has been distributed to all pupils in our school community DRUGS EDUCATION Saint Patrick s College is committed to promoting the health and safety of all members of its school community We have a clear Drugs Education Policy which is frequently updated and shared reflecting the fluid nature of drug related issues and the processes we implement to protect all pupils and staff should the need arise We strongly believe that prevention is better than cure and throughout the year our child centred Personal Development programme complemented by guest speakers from the PCSP and Relate NI aims to educate our pupils across all year groups in the dangers of illicit and illegal drugs and associated products The Drugs Education Policy will be enforced should there be any possession consumption or abuse of drugs or alcohol on school premises and in most cases the PSNI will be contacted for additional support and intervention At any time a pupil parent or guardian can call any of the following numbers for advice and support 0808 800 5000 0800 1111 0808 808 8000 0808 8008 0390
A WORD FROM ONE OF OUR PARENTS St Patrick s College Banbridge 11 3G Pitch
PUPIL VOICE STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM Each year a Student Leadership Team is elected composed of pupil representatives from across all year groups The School Council is led by a Head boy and Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl as well as the Senior Prefect Team and they actively seek out the pupil voice in relation to many aspects of school life including policy development extra curricular activities charity events and pupil mental health and wellbeing The main aims of our Student Leadership Team are To create a stronger relationship between the students and the staff To foster leadership skills within the student body To develop an awareness of the student council within the student body To ensure pupils views are acknowledged and when appropriate acted upon To encourage student initiatives to support policies and procedures within Saint Patrick s College To make the school a more harmonious place to thrive and learn The Student Leadership Team are responsible for Providing a forum for students to discuss their views opinions Delivering a representation of the student views Improving the school environment Serving as a spokesperson for the concerns of groups and individuals Promoting the school at public and school events Stimulating student interest in school activities and promoting school spirit Collaborating with the staff of Saint Patrick s College in the development of policies Arranging our annual 6th Form Formal The quality of our teaching and learning is well informed by the pupil voice Teachers and support staff welcome the views and opinions of our pupils in how they learn best Teachers and support staff will often consider and implement some of the strategies recommended by our students to ensure the level of engagement in lessons is high The pupil voice is ascertained frequently at the end of unit work in some subjects or at the end of an assessment period St Patrick s College Banbridge 12
St Patrick s College Banbridge 13 Ben Magennis Head Boy Sophie Doyle Head Girl LEADERSHIP
YEAR 8 TRANSITION St Patrick s College Banbridge 14 We believe the transition from primary to post primary is key in ensuring all our new pupils integrate into Saint Patrick s College successfully The Year 8 Transition Programme is carefully designed to ensure we make provisions for every child We work in close collaboration with all parents our primary school partners and external providers to ensure the transition is a smooth happy and memorable one Key steps in our Year 8 Transition Programme include May 2025 When you are notified of your school place you will receive a welcome pack containing some important and relevant documentation which will have to be completed to enable us to register our new year 8 pupils successfully Early June 2025 Key members of staff visit primary schools and meet with primary teachers of transferring pupils to find out more useful academic and pastoral information so that we can get to know them a little better Mid June 2025 All transferring pupils and their parents guardians are invited into school to meet with teachers and the year 8 pastoral team for the first time This is an informal and important opportunity for pupils to tell us about themselves and what they hope for as they embark on this next stage of their educational journey Parents guardians will also have an opportunity to keep us informed of things they think we need to know Late June 2025 Transferring pupils are welcomed back into our school for our innovative and enjoyable induction day where they will meet other pupils who are also transferring During this induction day pupils will complete an online CAT assessment to enable us to gain more useful information so that we can tailor our teaching to meet the needs of our pupils There are also some fun activities to encourage all pupils to integrate and meet new friends in advance of their start date in the new academic year Pupils can also become more familiar with their new environment new teachers and support staff July August 2025 Our summer scheme is very popular with transferring pupils where they are provided with the opportunity to get to know each other and some staff members During this time pupils participate in games arts and crafts and trips to fun and interesting places September 2025 The first day of school for our new year 8 pupils is always carefully designed to ensure it is easy and fun Pupils from post 16 also attend school on that first day and they are assigned to year 8 classes to support and mentor them as the year progresses Autumn 2025 In term one there are several events to support the induction of our new year 8 pupils from Primary to Post Primary Young Enterprise deliver the Step Up programme Learnspark deliver the Kick Start Big School Ready programme Reach Mentoring meet with each year 8 class to Address Changes and key staff deliver a presentation on safe use of ICT and social media The highlight of term one for our Year 8 pupils and their parents guardians is the induction mass which signifies the academic and spiritual beginning of their educational journey in Saint Patrick s College
St Patrick s College Banbridge 15 Year 8 Learning Support For year 8 pupils who have a Statement of Educational Need and who require a small class setting our Learning Support Centre offers a nurturing and welcoming environment where each child has access to a bespoke and differentiated curriculum that meets each individual pupil s needs All information pertaining to each child is carefully analysed and considered and as their time progresses attainment across all aspects of their curriculum is monitored to ascertain value added or areas requiring further support Pupils have access to specialist teachers for core subjects and mainstream teachers for practical subjects such as Design and Technology Science Art Home Economics and PE and are also very well supported by an excellent team of Classroom Assistants Each pupil within our Learning Support Centre will contribute to their individual Pupil Learning Plan PLP in agreement with their parents guardians and teachers The agreed targets on these plans are communicated to all staff and are monitored and reviewed regularly Pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties Social Emotional and Wellbeing needs as well as physical needs thrive and are happy in our Learning Support Centres We will work closely in partnership with parents specialist providers and external agencies to ensure all pupils have access to the appropriate level of support Key stage 3 pupils follow adapted schemes of work in line with pupils in their year group At Key stage 4 the pupils follow a range of courses which lead to external accreditation and which prepare the pupils for the world of work the world of living and leisure Some of our pupils in Learning Support are also provided with the opportunity to reverse integrate into mainstream classes if evidence suggests that they are ready INCLUSION
UNIFORM St Patrick s College Banbridge 16 A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students Anyone arriving at school in non uniform clothing may expect to be sent home to get changed Uniform as directed must also be worn when representing the school at any official function Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school Jewellery and make up are not permitted in school Coats and other outdoor clothing may not be worn in school GIRLS Navy blazer Navy skirt Sky blue shirt School tie Navy V neck jumper optional Navy tights Flat black shoes BOYS Navy blazer Black school trousers Sky blue shirt School Tie Navy V neck jumper optional Black shoes no boots GRILS PE School jersey School shorts or School bottoms leggings School zip optional School socks Laced trainers Football boots BOYS PE School jersey School shorts or School bottoms School zip optional School socks Laced trainers Football boots It is compulsory for all students to wear the full PE kit for all lessons and during participation in competitive sports
St Patrick s College Banbridge 17 Hello my name is Emily McGivern I am a past pupil of Saint Mary s Primary School Rathfriland I was nervous choosing a secondary school to attend but after going to the St Patrick s College Open Night I felt it was the right school for me The staff were very welcoming and friendly and I knew a lot of the students helping on the night I went to the Summer Scheme in July before starting school It was a great opportunity to meet the teachers and make new friends and get to know my way around the school before starting On my first day I was lucky to be put into a form class with a few of my friends from primary school Since then I have met a lot more people and made many new friends I enjoy moving around the school to attend my different classes instead of being in the same classroom all day My favourite subject is PE and I love doing practicals in Technology Design My teachers are very supportive and always willing to help me reach my goals At St Patrick s College I feel like I am part of a wider community I took part in the year 8 mass by doing a reading I enjoyed taking part in the year 8 Gaelic tournament and recently got an award for the year 8 anti bullying poster competition I am very happy here in St Patrick s and I am looking forward to the rest of the school year Emily McGivern Year 8
SUPPORTING OUR PUPILS St Patrick s College Banbridge 18 NEWCOMER CHILDREN Children for whom English is an additional language will be screened using the Common European Framework of Reference CFER along with other assessment data so that staff can identify the additional support required to enable these pupils to fully access their education We enjoy learning from our Newcomer pupils and celebrate our diverse and inclusive school at key times of the year We also utilise all external providers to support and enrich the learning experiences of these children Our languages department work industriously to ensure all staff are aware of the needs of Newcomer children and the strategies that should be used to support them across all subject areas Their language development is monitored and reviewed regularly to identify progress SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITY S E N D Saint Patrick s College has a qualified and well experienced SENCo Special Education Needs Coordinator who is well supported by an Assistant SENCo They lead all staff in supporting and responding appropriately to pupils who are on the Code of Practice We aim to create an environment that is sympathetic to pupils who exhibit learning and behavioural difficulties so that their learning is optimised Additional and individualised help is provided for these pupils through in class support from our hardworking Classroom Assistants as well as specialist tuition Regular in service training is provided for all staff and Pupil Learning Plans PLPs are used appropriately to enhance learning The transition programme for pupils with Statements of Educational Need is carefully designed to ensure any anxieties that the pupils and parents guardians may have are addressed and alleviated In June each transitioning Statemented child along with their parents will meet with the school SENCo or Assistant SENCo where they will have an opportunity to find out a bit more about their new learning environment The pupils and parents guardians can also tell us about concerns they might have in advance of the new school year Teachers carefully monitor assessment and baseline data at the beginning of the school year and as the academic year progresses Assessment data can highlight learning needs that may have gone undiagnosed Teachers are encouraged to make referrals to the SENCo for additional support if they are concerned about a child in their class and appropriate interventions are agreed with the support of parents guardians
SPIRITUAL LIFE IN ST PATRICK S COLLEGE St Patrick s College Banbridge 19 We are proud of our tradition as a Catholic school with a Christian ethos serving primarily the Catholic pupils in the greater Banbridge area We welcome pupils of all denominations and other faiths All pupils study Religious Education at both Key Stage Three and Four and at Post 16 We are fortunate to have an Oratory in which pupils and their Religious Education teachers spend time in prayer and meditative worship Our School Chaplain serves the whole school community offering opportunity for prayerful reflection and worship The Celebration of Mass takes place at the beginning of each school year Special Liturgies are held for parents pupils and teachers to welcome our Year 8 pupils and to acknowledge leavers at the end of their time in St Patrick s Sacraments are celebrated on many occasions and opportunities for reconciliation are provided in Advent and Lent A special remembrance service takes place during the month of November Counselling will be provided for pupils who suffer bereavement or other major trauma through a Contact Youth Counsellor who works on a weekly basis in the school We have our Pastoral Support Officer Mrs McCullough who is always at hand to provide a listening ear to those pupils who need to talk Our post 16 pupils enjoy participating in the Pope John Paul II Award which will enable them to gain accreditation for voluntary and community work that they do A small number of our post 16 pupils have the privilege of accompanying the sick to Lourdes as part of the Carmelite Pilgrimage each September FAITH
EXCELLENCE IN LEARNING Key Stage 3 The curriculum for Years 8 9 and 10 is broad and balanced and reflects the N I Curriculum The curriculum is carefully designed to meet the needs and interests of our pupils and it prepares them well for making those all important GCSE subject choices during Year 10 The KS3 years are important years for building a firm knowledge foundation across all subjects and we expect every child to be active participants in their own individual learning journey accepting positive challenge to ensure they reach their true potential An extensive careers programme complements the KS3 Curriculum in Year 10 KS3 Subjects LANGUAGE AND LITERACY English Literacy support MATHEMATICS Mathematics Numeracy Support LEARNING FOR LIFE WORK Global Local Citizenship Employability Personal Social Education Home Economics ICT THE ARTS Art Design Drama Music St Patrick s College Banbridge 20 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Education MODERN LANGUAGES Irish Spanish ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY Geography History SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Science Design Technology RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education
St Patrick s College Banbridge 21 Key Stage 4 Our Key Stage 4 curriculum complies with the Entitlement Framework and comprises of both academic and vocational subjects The KS4 curriculum is reviewed annually and is tailored to meet the needs and preferences of our pupils When pupils make their GCSE subject choices in Year 10 they are well supported by subject teachers the Careers Department and the Senior Leadership Team Key stage 3 assessment and baseline data are used to inform advice and guidance for pupils and they are encouraged to select subjects that will secure them their chosen career pathway and best outcomes at GCSE KS4 Core Subjects Religious Education English Science Maths Physical Education non exam KS4 Optional Subjects Arabic Art and Design BTEC IT BTEC Sport OCN Sport Business Communication Systems Business Studies GCSE BTEC Children s Play Learning Development Construction Double Award Science Single Award Science OCN Science Design and Technology Digital Technology GCSE ICT Drama Engineering English Literature Further Mathematics Geography History Health and Social Care HE Food Nutrition HE Child Development Irish Learning for Life Work Media Music Occupational Studies Performing Arts OCN NI Level 2 Personal Success Well being GSCE Religious Studies OCN Religious Education Princes Trust Public Services Polish Spanish All KS4 pupils attend classes in Careers Education The above qualifications are offered at GCSE OCN or BTEC First Certificate Award Level All are GCSE or GCSE equivalencies
POST 16 The next stage of our pupils learning journey is to prepare them for Further and Higher Level education or the world of work Pupils at this stage are expected to be confident in their own ability and are more aware of their own strengths and capabilities Admission to our Post 16 provision is based on academic performance as well as a range of pastoral data Similar to our Key Stage 4 curriculum our post 16 curriculum which also meets the Entitlement Framework is informed by the needs and aspirations of our pupils and comprises of vocational and academic qualifications Career planning is an important aspect of subject choices at post 16 and pupils are advised at each and every stage by subject teachers the Careers Department and Senior Leadership Team We stress the importance of selecting subjects that will facilitate career pathways and maximise outcomes at this level We will always endeavour to respond to labour market information on employment trends in Northern Ireland and we will work in collaboration with all stakeholders to develop those essential hard and soft skills to enable our young people to secure employment in the future All pupils are required to select at least 3 A Levels A level equivalencies Non exam Religious Education General PE and Careers will appear on all timetables Pupils are expected to also embrace the wide range of enrichment programmes that are provided to ensure they are gaining those invaluable experiences that lead to essential skills development St Patrick s College Banbridge 22
St Patrick s College Banbridge 23 Post 16 Subjects Art Design Biology English History BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Engineering BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Performing Arts Physics Home Economics Food Nutrition Cambridge Technical Level 3 in Business BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Media Studies Chemistry Design Technology BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Construction Religion BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Sport equivalent to 2 A levels BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport equivalent to 3 A levels BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology Mathematics Applied A level Health and Social Care 1 A level Applied Double Award A Level Health and Social Care equivalent to two A levels Software Systems Development Geography Psychology Professional Business Services Sociology Our Post 16 Curriculum responds annually to the needs and aspirations of our pupils
St Patrick s College Banbridge 24 HHLSUeSeePeIllvlacmlerseaoTeahdaavtpnt aelmoealidhearrlpcmcGMaoRociIreiriethonAccfltmwewibltaseyhsiurhgpkbhieatrUve vi telDmea taenvtdhinreps ndtruialpegai miranieraanpnviimespmrnuevCnynmYrorigvempeybSesdEmlttfeeioeyimaer rtrPns eTnalcgslatweoigreNtaetuosnhiAnriPInotdsftlgnrhpcaiutegiao8tslsyaeyhdedasaeolrTttth etp oeatnrmdtihohassroaueoaiwaaAueesarcinJpidrlvacvgnsLr dahsasuaousoak enmSheeiaooirtBhluupctt llytdb Rcsoodaseeniaeh rut elhhhopluY rsntsempldeoiaCoAaesptgai cusdnsooapusP tyiaehocolpnkyipnilRpleusntnehlemnaacai li yleltChlegritrteoluolrneS samgei woihxmtthlnMvdsnldt apelepeCiheohuefghctimu naeeonisivotn iiIhhnradcroppPrnIIreeguuhio eghnnuiaittdltapaelelniImddetwyrPtouhimmntAbieahoriatsrcerancCyuidnw faatjymtsaNierogPutccaosshahftftSabiuIkSfcrnsurono inrepeoto aareitoimrtwdldnxvsesrrniestreTfSuniec rotsPyneseisarPaohnretsupSnssglajanlerpehaiurdpwslotRttrt otwPpiteaminltpeuhcreeouhyaiatrsssoaesdaaiadxnitpgiocrutPscna tcrstpdeYakihuhilkcrasemtrfenoytbQle oadhi rhelournssntcae useneoerugikdPerBeitnrdm serDCf ywtnLtrPsutsoaeIaihecoo8oensrPnrmnpbeaeaglpeagiiCfl rdiyenolmsedburnnmnrsmsipisoe gaemAeitsnoaeuetscluremcuyogl rSna a esspsotfswrr ymdrgtn1oaihimaielscy6isaseci ikletplehi eta htmaiphlaosIabosaser tae Tara Russell Deputy Head Girl aSocImctfhihIlnhituuwteoeeahPtsevPomsorMmeeieaalpcua muctypeltfhdcasar ecorToeilinionricwcahorcdpa kdlkisrtallsm eyeId hysIfsiaeespinwnirSlsClaaCofieeihtptusoyvn ooeaoleatclllnraealCunyoea ignnru sgorejddehraneera a maemirtgsculaelWmhaoenncezdhmBisedhnyiouinumvtagwgrseot aPeetrnEasiawesIndoh drctfidodfhtteiIwiSnhowrhtaodeaiecolhnlsoariMnnedtevsmatrwreieneloIfhgsmotRPihtatcruaoyaomahifwttlemlftgrineoaahiooercjnleosfetklyYaunpwy iman1fspst t2hbpsyeselto eCircnhptrspheoetusuaaPovliplvrbboeersietpjollrgiecmiuueccihanptuIataotillsroltlatnsSylSorh easamleaeyridineynt t Conall Bustard Year 12
A WORD FROM ONE OF OUR ALUMNI Hi My name is Cathal Morgan and I m a proud past student of St Patrick s College Banbridge I attended St Mary s Primary School and following the suit of my family members the natural progression was to attend St Patricks Not being a typical straight A student the education I received at St Patricks had a positive impact and influence on not only my academic achievements but also my personal social development The school and the teaching staff fostered individual critical thinking and problem solving a skill that is essential for my current role within the construction industry St Patricks provided a supportive network for social skills and character development which included interaction with peers teachers and other members of the community Within the school we were encouraged to be individuals and to respect the core values of honesty integrity respect and determination I have so many positive memories of St Pat s from our Year 9 French Trip even if I was studying Irish to art classes with Mr Quail to the debates and expressing views and opinions in Mrs McKeever s class It was these core values and life lessons which I took with me throughout university my career and my personal life that aided my personal growth and development I was proud to be the only non grammar school student to obtain a First Class Hours in my undergraduate degree in Construction Engineering and Management at Ulster University and more recently I was one of two students to receive a Master of Science with Distinction in Construction Project Management from Queen s University Belfast St Patricks contributed significantly to my overall development academically socially and practically instilling a determination for improvement which has been vital for success in various aspects of my life from marathon running to CrossFit and in my current role as a Contracts Manager within the construction industry Cathal Morgan Cf AMAP MSc BSc Hons St Patrick s College Banbridge 25
A PERSONALISED LEARNING JOURNEY St Patrick s College Banbridge 26 Every pupil is offered a personalised learning journey as they proceed through Key Stage 3 at St Patrick s College Each year four formal assessments are undertaken by every pupil in each subject These are assessed by the subject teacher and moderated within each area of study The results are placed against each pupil s personalised targets ascertained through the use of CAT baseline testing and PTE and PTM Pupil s personalised targets are reviewed each academic year to continually stretch and challenge all pupils Attitudinal data PASS is also analysed to inform intervention and support from a pastoral perspective This enables every pupil to be challenged to reach his her potential target Individualised averages will be available so that parents can determine if their child is underachieving working to their expected standard or overachieving in a subject area Parents will be able to view all formal assessment scores through the SIMs parent app Formal assessment scores are reviewed by departments and SLT Parents guardians will receive one full subject teacher report per academic year This provides a partnership of learning to optimise the achievements of every pupil Students are provided with the opportunity to engage in a wide range of assessment and learning opportunities including peer and selfassessment Assessment data can be used to identify a learning need whether it is support or challenge When used with additional pastoral data it can help us as teachers to identify issues that may be preventing a child from reaching their full potential We will always work in partnership with our pupils and parents guardians to remove barriers to learning Our staff are highly skilled in addressing the needs of all learners and provide differentiated support at all times
St Patrick s College Banbridge 27 Art Design
CAREERS GUIDANCE St Patrick s College Banbridge 28 Our CEIAG Careers Education Information Advice Guidance programme is a key element in the curriculum provision across all Key Stages It is designed to equip our pupils with the skills and experience to make sound career choices and to progress to third level education or to the world of work AT KS3 Our careers programme is initially delivered through Learning for Life and Work LLW In addition a discrete time is allocated at the key transition point of Year 10 when subject choices are made Relevant up to date and impartial careers information and guidance is provided by our Careers and Guidance staff with the support of the Careers Advisory Service AT KS4 Our KS4 CEIAG programme aims to provide our pupils with informative and up to date information towards career pathways A range of work related activities complements the work carried out within the College CEIAG opportunities are further enhanced by the involvement of employers and the business community St Patrick s College has strong links with local businesses and we are fortunate that many are willing to take Year 11 and Year 13 pupils on Work Experience Industrial visits and initiatives organised through Science Technology Education and Maths STEM have enabled our pupils to be supported in a wide range of learning As a member of the Banbridge Area Learning Community St Patrick s is able to avail of collaborative learning within the school community and also the Southern Regional College This has enabled firm foundations to be built for pathways into post 16 study so our pupils can avail of opportunities in the Banbridge and Newry area POST 16 Careers advice and guidance is a critical aspect of our post 16 experience All pupils have at least one class of Careers Education per week As well as visiting our local universities representatives from the Queen s University of Belfast the University of Ulster Dundalk Institute of Technology and Saint Mary s College Belfast visit the school to speak with our post 16 cohort With a strong emphasis on the value of Higher Level Apprenticeships PWC Deloitte and BT are just some of the contributors to our post 16 careers programme Students in Year 14 are fully supported during the UCAS application process and other application processes they have decided to complete Additionally advice and guidance are provided to support students preparing for interviews as part of the application process We are also a Career Ready school A small number of our year 13 pupils are selected to participate in this interactive and innovative programme where they are mentored by a representative from a local industry and are provided with an invaluable work placement opportunity All pupils also participate in workshops where they can develop their interview and presentation skills invaluable experiences as they move towards Further and Higher Education or the world of work Voluntary Service is also a mandatory aspect of our post 16 experience and it involves students spending time volunteering in the local community We provide opportunities for our young people to secure a short weekly placement in an area of work they are interested in pursuing develop skills and qualities that will prove beneficial as they progress to Post 18 education or the world of work
St Patrick s College Banbridge 29 AMBITION
HOME SCHOOL COMMUNICATION St Patrick s College Banbridge 30 The successful partnership between home and school is essential in ensuring that every pupil in our school is well supported and nurtured to enable them to grow thrive and develop into positive contributors to society We welcome and encourage parents guardians to play their part in ensuring that our pupils have access to the best possible learning environment COMMUNICATION Effective communication between home and school is key to the success of our pupils We encourage parents guardians to contact the school with any concerns and we will endeavour to resolve them as quickly as possible We have several channels of communicating with home SIMS parent app Parents guardians have quick access to behavioural attendance and assessment data as well as important documents and letters that are uploaded to the app Email we regularly email parents with important documents and letters Homework diary this important little book is frequently used by parents guardians as well as teachers from time to time to communicate with home Parent teacher meetings each child is entitled to one parent teacher meeting per year where parents guardians have an opportunity to discuss their child s progress with subject teachers Text to parents guardians this is used to alert parents to important announcements Parent surveys your opinion matters and we take pride in implementing many of our parents guardians recommendations that might make our pupils learning environment as good as it can be WEBSITE SOCIAL MEDIA We have a vibrant website that is updated frequently and showcases what goes on in our school and in the wider community Important information about our school can be found on the website including who s who curriculum and assessment information school policy and procedures and a calendar of events for the school year Our school website address is www stpatrickscollegebanbridge com The website is also complemented by our school social media accounts where the most up to date information on daily events are posted on Facebook and Instagram Our social media accounts provide an instant glimpse into daily life at Saint Patrick s College
St Patrick s College Banbridge 31 Sam Maguire Visit
OUR SCHOOL IN THE COMMUNITY St Patrick s College Banbridge 32 Saint Patrick s College belongs to the local and wider Banbridge community a community that is growing and thriving as more and more businesses move into the area We have much to learn from our community partners and through them we can enrich the learning experiences of our pupils LOCAL INDUSTRY We rely heavily on various industries and businesses in Banbridge to provide mentorship for our pupils and to facilitate work placements and voluntary service which are important aspects of their learning journey We are blessed that so many of our industry and business partners are so willing to give of their precious time to expose our pupils to the real challenges of the world of work so that they are better equipped for the next stage of their educational journey OTHER SCHOOLS Saint Patrick s College enjoys developing positive relationships with our feeder primary schools Each year we have a variety of events where we engage with our primary partners our primary 7 taster days in December the GAA Academy coaching days and primary school blitz our JPII pupils support primary school pupils with preparation for receiving the sacraments We also work closely with our Primary School Partners on ensuring the transition into post Primary is as smooth as possible We are also a member of the Banbridge Area Learning Community and we work extensively with our Post Primary School partners to ensure our pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 4 and Post 16 We also benefit from sharing and collaborating the latest guidance on Careers Education topical pastoral issues and innovations in teaching and learning to ensure classroom practice is as active and engaging as possible CHARITIES Each year we have a number of charities that we support Tr caire is our main charity which is always our focus across all year groups during our Lenten campaign We also hold many key events to support other charities such as Cancer Focus PIPs Macmillan Saint Vincent De Paul and our local Hospice VOLUNTARY SERVICE As part of our Post 16 enrichment programme our pupils are offered opportunities to support local organisations in the caring profession and our feeder primary schools Such an opportunity provides our pupils with the necessary experience that will enable them to make informed choices on career progression Voluntary service is an essential part of the weekly timetable for some of our students
St Patrick s College Banbridge 33 PARTNERSHIP
OUR SPORTING PROVISION St Patrick s College Banbridge 34 We pride ourselves on an outstanding reputation for producing some of the top sports people in Ulster We are determined to continue to build on this success We are fortunate to have a number of experienced and dedicated staff members who coach and manage teams across a variety of sports They provide our students with opportunities to play games and encourage lifelong participation in a recreational or competitive basis Gaelic Football Gaelic football is offered to pupils from Years 8 to 14 Training is held each week and teams play in the Ulster Schools Championship competitions Soccer Boys across all age groups are offered the opportunity to play soccer The school enters the South Down League Cup and Blitz Competitions Rugby Students are provided with the opportunity to avail of rugby coaching in conjunction with other schools in our Area Learning Community It is delivered by Ulster Rugby coaches Players can participate in the Schools Cup and Ulster Schools Competitions Netball Netball training takes place each week for pupils in Years 812 Our Year 8 pupils train all year round on Wednesday afternoon and they will compete in the Banbridge Area Netball Tournament in March Each Tuesday our minor team train religiously for competitions in the Banbridge Area League On Mondays our junior and intermediate girls train together and they always enjoy success in the local and wider community competitions Ladies Gaelic Football Our Year 8 girls are encouraged to represent the school in Ladies Gaelic football Training commences in early September until Halloween mid term and resumes in the Easter term Our Year 8 girls participate in an annual Ulster Schools blitz and an invitational competition takes place in the school to conclude this first training block Our Year 8 girls are registered to play each season and they usually enjoy success in their competitions Our Senior ladies made history in 2023 24 as the school s first ever U20 team to be entered into an Ulster Schools blitz The knockout stages of this competition are usually after Halloween Our U14 football team took pride of place winning Ulster competition in 2021 22 season and they continue to build and provide the backbone for success with our football squads St Patrick s College had the privilege of sending two pupils to All Star trials in Cookstown in 2023 24 Camogie The College enter Down and Ulster competitions at Year 8 and Under 14 level Training commences after the Halloween mid term break where girls are encouraged to pick up the caman and represent the school Athletics Cross Country Our athletics cross country club continues to grow from strength to strength with increasing numbers of our pupils joining and participating in training sessions and competitions The club consists of students from Years 8 to 12 with boys and girls competing at Local District and Ulster Level We are delighted that in previous years we had a number of pupils who qualified for Ulster and came away from the competition having achieved personal best times competing with a top quality field of athletes The GAA Academy In 2022 the GAA Academy for our post 16 pupils was launched in collaboration with Down GAA our local GAA clubs and feeder primary schools GAA Academy pupils benefit from achieving qualifications in coaching refereeing and safeguarding and they are also exposed to the reality and challenges of the administrative aspects of running a successful GAA Club Our GAA Academy pupils enjoy delivering coaching sessions to our feeder primary schools and they are also given the opportunity to referee at blitz competitions for Primary Schools organised by Down GAA as well as our own GAA Academy blitz Our pupils can apply for recognition of their volunteering in our Academy through Ulster GAA s Inspiring Leaders Awards
St Patrick s College Banbridge 35 DETERMINATION
DEVELOPING TALENTS The extracurricular provision in Saint Patrick s College is diverse and vibrant and is a key element in developing our pupils spiritually emotionally and socially Our pupils enjoy participating in events that extend beyond the classroom providing them with opportunities to develop meaningful friendships laughter fun and most importantly positive memories MUSIC At St Patrick s School we are proud to offer a vibrant and diverse music program that caters to a wide range of musical interests and talents Our commitment to nurturing students musical abilities fostering a love for music and providing opportunities for personal growth through music is at the heart of our school s music department Choir Our well established school choir is open to students from Year 8 to Year 14 Meeting weekly the choir is not just about singing it s a chance to build lasting friendships through a shared love of music Whether you re a seasoned vocalist or a beginner our choir welcomes everyone and provides an inclusive environment for musical expression and camaraderie Vocal Training At St Patrick s we believe in nurturing the individual talents of our students To achieve this we offer solo and group singing lessons during school hours Our students benefit from the expertise of a professional vocal coach who guides them in developing their vocal abilities St Patrick s College Banbridge 36
St Patrick s College Banbridge 37 Instrument Tuition Music is not just about singing it s also about playing instruments We offer a wide range of instrument tuition including guitar drums strings woodwind and brass instruments Our dedicated and experienced music tutors will help you master your chosen instrument and provide opportunities to perform both as soloists and in groups Performances and Opportunities At St Patrick s we understand the importance of giving our students the chance to showcase their talents and hard work Throughout the year we organise various musical events and performances allowing our students to shine These events include concerts liturgy services and opportunities to participate in class performances Additionally we offer the chance to pursue musical exams to further develop your skills and achieve recognition for your dedication Music at St Patrick s School is not just a subject it s a community where students come together to create explore and share their passion for music Whether you re looking to enhance your vocal abilities master a musical instrument or simply enjoy the friendships of like minded students our music program offers something for everyone ADDITIONAL EXTRACURRICULAR PROVISION Science Club Craft Club Coding Club Jewellery Workshop Chess Club Film Club Cookery Club KS3 Running Club We will always strive to provide extracurricular support where there is a particular demand ENDEAVOUR
CELEBRATING SUCCESS St Patrick s College Banbridge 38 We take great pleasure in celebrating the successes of our pupils and the positive contributions they make to school life Their hard work dedication and passion deserve to be recognised and celebrated Our annual Junior Prize Giving and Senior Prize Giving ceremonies provide a platform for us to acknowledge the tremendous achievements of our pupils in their academic and extracurricular endeavours highlighting their diverse talents and commitment As a school at the heart of the community we strive to ensure that every pupil feels valued and supported in reaching their full potential Whether excelling in the classroom making an impact in sports arts or other activities or contributing to causes outside of school we take immense pride in recognising and celebrating their achievements big or small that make a difference in our school and beyond
St Patrick s College Banbridge 39 A WORD FROM ONE OF OUR ALUMNI In 2010 I started St Patrick s College as an excited yet petrified Year 8 pupil little did I know it was the start of a wonderful journey St Patrick s embraces all of its pupils and helps nurture the things which matter most The quality of teaching I received was nothing short of outstanding all of the staff both teaching and nonteaching went above and beyond to help me and my peers through all aspects of schooling Any pastoral care I received was always fantastic and something which I am forever grateful for I was able to achieve great academic success because of the quality and supportive teaching in St Patrick s One of my greatest achievements during my time there was being named Top Candidate at GCSE Level by CCEA for Business and Communication Systems I now work as an Executive Consultant for First Derivative KX a local Newry firm in the world of Foreign Exchange Anything is possible if we put our minds to it and St Patrick s College strives to bring out the best in its pupils and help them to achieve their absolute potential My sister and two brothers are now pupils at St Patrick s and are thriving because of the positive constructive environment which the school provides I loved every minute of my time at St Patrick s and I sincerely hope you do too Aimee Dornan First Derivative KX
St Patrick s College Banbridge 40 A WORD FROM ONE OF OUR PARENTS So far two of our children have attended St Patrick s College and their experiences have been very positive Our daughter is now in her first year of university she really enjoyed her time at school and has many great memories During her time there she grew in confidence through the constant support and encouragement she received from her teachers She decided to stay at St Patrick s to study her A levels not all were offered by St Patrick s but with the benefit of shared education she was able to study the subjects of her choice while remaining at her own school It also gave her the opportunity to meet new friends at the other schools she attended where she received a warm welcome St Patrick s offers invaluable advice and guidance when it comes to subject choices and if it transpires that a subject isn t suitable for your child the school will quickly intervene offering alternative options to ensure success and ultimately allow them to achieve their goals Our son is currently studying for GCSEs His teachers have been very supportive and put in considerable effort to ensure success He also attends the Southern Regional College where they are offered a wide range of practical subjects He has really enjoyed this opportunity and has gained an insight into a wide range of career options available to him Mrs Woods and her team through their belief hard work and dedication have provided our children with the foundation to succeed in whatever path they choose to take as parents we are very grateful for their efforts Caroline Rooney Parent 2024
SCHOOL TRIPS We organise a broad range of local and international trips for our pupils Some of the more educational trips complement the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and 4 and other trips are offered to provide our pupils with an experience that they might never have again Over the last number of years our pupils have enjoyed Our annual ski trip to Les Menuires A visit to the battle fields in France A pilgrimage to Lourdes Visits to Dublin and Belfast The Gaeltacht in Donegal Participation in Gael Linn Irish events Various field trips to support the Geography curriculum Trips to the annual CCEA Art Exhibition Our trips and outings are tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of our pupils with destinations changing annually and informed by the contributions of our pupil voice St Patrick s College Banbridge 41
St Patrick s College Scarva Rd Banbridge Co Down BT32 3AS T 028 4066 2309 F 028 4066 2367 Email info stpatricks banbridge ni sch uk Website www stpatrickscollegebanbridge com Review Amendments The information in this prospectus is published subject to review and amendment as and when is necessary Any changes in respect of any matter mentioned in this publication known before the end of November 2024 will be conveyed to parents guardians by letter