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2025 Opportunities for Support

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Opportunities toSupport Pets & Peoplein 2025

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your support makes adifferenceHelp save thousands of animals and improve the lives of pets &people in Chelan and Douglas Counties by partnering withWenatchee Valley Humane Society in 2025.The lifesaving work that happens every day at Wenatchee Valley HumaneSociety is only possible with community support, both through financial giftsand through the volunteering of time and skills. We see the impact local businesses have on the quality of life for residents,both human and animal, of North Central Washington. We appreciate yourgenerous support for the many groups working to make a difference everyday.WVHS has many opportunities to help in 2025. You could sponsor an eventthat aligns with your philanthropic goals or choose a volunteer opportunity thatyour staff would enjoy completing. We can also create custom sponsorship orvolunteer opportunities that meet your budget, business and marketing needs.Let’s work together to improve the lives of pets and people in 2025! ContactPamela Nelle at or (509) 888 0828.Thank you for your compassion for the pets and people in need in ourcommunity.

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januaryfebruarymarchCanine RoyaltyCanine RoyaltySave a Tiny Life CampaignaprilmayjuneCanine Royalty - Union HillCider DogsCanine Royalty - AppleBlossom Festival ParadeSave a Tiny Life Bottles &BrewsDog Walk with CDLTjulyaugustseptemberDoggie DatesPresident’s Circle LuncheonSave a Tiny Life Kittens &YogaHappy Cats ChelanSalmonfest Dogs at theDamoctobernovemberdecemberBarktoberfestWreath & Holiday BrunchSanta Paws Fun RunMasquerade BallCalendar publishedWVHS 2025 EVENTS AT A GLANCE

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The annual gala is a major fundraiser for WVHS, as well as animportant opportunity to come together with community members. The2025 gala will be on Saturday, October 25th at the WenatcheeConvention Center. This year the theme is Enchanted ForestMasquerade Ball, with guests encouraged to create a costumecelebrating animals and nature. There will be a no-host bar, heavyappetizers, music and a dance floor, a silent auction and Raise thePaddle. Silver $2,500 - Logo on website and email promotional materials, 2 socialmedia posts acknowledging support. Complimentary tickets for 6. Table Sponsor $500 - Logo on website and on table, 1 social media postacknowledging support.Bronze $1,000 - Name on website and email promotional materials, 1social media post acknowledging support. Complimentary tickets for 4.Title Sponsor $10,000 - Pre-party celebration, announcement as PresentingSponsor, logo & link on all promotional materials, including social mediaposts, website, emails and digital billboard on Wenatchee Aveacknowledging support. Complimentary VIP table for 10.Platinum $7,500 - logo and link on promotional materials, includingwebsite and 5 social media posts and emails acknowledging support.Complimentary VIP table for 10.Gold $5,000 - logo and link on promotional materials, including websiteand 3 social media posts and emails acknowledging support.Complimentary tickets for 8.ANNUAL FUNDRAISING GALASPONSORSHIP BENEFITS

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PETS & PEOPLE OUTDOORSPets and People Outdoors is a community-focused initiative aimed atfostering connections between people, their pets, and the naturalbeauty of our region. By creating opportunities to enjoy parks, trails,dog-friendly businesses, and public spaces, this initiative promotesphysical, mental, and emotional well-being for both pets and theirhumans.2025 Pets & People Outdoors events:Canine Royalty - February through May, culminating at the AppleBlossom ParadeDoggie Dates - July Wenatchee River outing date TBDDog Walk with CDLT - Kenzie Landing, April 5Dogs at the Dam - Salmonfest, Rocky Reach Dam, Sept, date TBD Barktoberfest - Leavenworth, October, date TBDSanta Paws Fun Run - 3rd annual, Loop Trail, Dec. 13

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Presenting Sponsor $10,000 - logo & link on all promotional materials,including social media posts, website, emails and digital billboard onWenatchee Ave acknowledging support. Business name added to Pets &People Outdoors logo. Complimentary tickets to all Pets & People Outdoorsevents including riding on float or walking with WVHS during AppleBlossom Parade.Your business name herebrought to you by:Silver $2,500 - Logo on website and email promotional materials, 2 socialmedia posts acknowledging support. Complimentary tickets to all Pets &People Outdoors events.Bronze $1,000 - Name on website and email promotional materials, 1social media post acknowledging support. Platinum $7,500 - logo and link on promotional materials, includingwebsite and 5 social media posts and emails acknowledging support.Complimentary tickets to all Pets & People Outdoors events.Gold $5,000 - logo and link on promotional materials, including websiteand 3 social media posts and emails acknowledging support.Complimentary tickets to all Pets & People Outdoors events.SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS

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SAVE A TINY LIFECAMPAIGNNursing kits for community members assisting orphaned kittens.Essential supplies for foster families caring for newborns.Matching gift for the spring direct mail Save a Tiny Life appeal.Kittens and Brews and Kitten Yoga education and fundraising events.Happy Cats ChelanSeptember is Happy Cat Month, a special awareness holiday tocelebrate cats. We want to celebrate our feline friends, acknowledgethe leadership and impact of Chelan residents and City Council workingto care for community cats, and raise money to purchase a much-neededultrasound machine for our clinic.The dinner will be held in Chelan (venue to be determined) and hostWVHS’s major donors. We’ll have discussion on how we can best carefor cats in NCW, and help raise funds for a new ultrasound machine forthe clinic. The Save A Tiny Life Campaign is alife-saving initiative dedicated tosupporting the most vulnerableanimals in our care—community cats,newborn and young kittens. Eachyear, kitten season brings an influx oftiny, fragile lives to our shelter,requiring around-the-clock care,specialized supplies, and dedicatedfoster families. This campaign raises awareness and funds to support:

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Gold $5,000 - logo and link on promotional materials, including websiteand 3 social media posts and emails acknowledging support.Complimentary tickets to all events.Silver $2,500 - Logo on website and email promotional materials, 2 socialmedia posts acknowledging support. Complimentary tickets to all Pets &People Outdoors events.Bronze $1,000 - Name on website and email promotional materials, 1social media post acknowledging support. SPONSORSHIP BENEFITSTitle Sponsor $10,000 - Logo & link on all promotional materials, includingsocial media posts, website, emails and digital billboard on Wenatchee Aveacknowledging support. Complimentary tickets to all events, including twotickets to the Happy Cats Chelan dinner, named as Presenting Sponsor onthe save the date, invitation, menu and any printed material at the dinner.Platinum $7,500 - logo and link on promotional materials, includingwebsite and 5 social media posts and emails acknowledging support.Complimentary tickets to all events.

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We’re thrilled to announce the return of the Holiday Brunch. Thispopular fundraiser presents an opportunity to celebrate the seasonwhile supporting pets in need. HOLIDAY BRUNCHTitle Sponsor $5,000 - Announcement as Presenting Sponsor, logo and linkon website, all promotional material, and on digital billboard onWenatchee Ave, tagged on all social media posts. Complimentary table for8.Silver $2,500 - logo and link on website and all promotional material, 2social media posts. Complimentary table for 6.Bronze $1,000 - logo and link on website and all promotional material, 1social media post. Complimentary tickets for 4 people.Table Sponsor $500 - logo and link on website and name on table.Guests will enjoy a festive meal, entertainment, and participate in the wreathraffle, giving tree, and other holiday traditions. A no-host mimosa and BloodyMary bar and a lively ugly Christmas sweater contest will ensure this is a livelyafternoon. The Holiday Brunch is an opportunity to support pets in need duringthe season of giving.SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS

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Help us produce a WVHS calendarthat supports our mission andcelebrates the amazing animals whoenrich our lives every day. 2026 WVHS CALENDARCover page $1,000 - logo and business name$350 per month, logo Calendars are sent to members of ourPresident’s Circle and Animal Ally donors(monthly donors), are for sale at the shelter,and at partner retail stores in the valley.