HYATT REGENCYNEW BRUNSWICK, NJThe Hyatt New Brunswick offers a regalexperience during the National Finals, makingyou feel like royalty from the moment youarrive. You'll be welcomed by an abundance ofECUSA signage, with the entire team decked outin ECUSA shirts, enthusiastically cheering on ourqueens. The hotel takes the theme to heart,offering custom queen-inspired food menus, abeautiful pool, and stunning ballrooms andmeeting rooms. We're thrilled to partner withsuch a fabulous venue. Be sure to book yourhotel room early!Our VenueBOOK NOWGROUP RATEAVAILABLE!Two Albany St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Red CarpetRed CarpetCheck In &Check In &Gifting SuitesGifting SuitesOur dazzling celebration begins on Thursday, July 24th.Our dazzling celebration begins on Thursday, July 24th.Contestants will check in, receive their exclusive numbers, andContestants will check in, receive their exclusive numbers, andthen be whisked away to a glamorous red carpet event,then be whisked away to a glamorous red carpet event,complete with paparazzi flashes! Following this grand entrance,complete with paparazzi flashes! Following this grand entrance,they’ll have the chance to collect an array of fabulous ECUSAthey’ll have the chance to collect an array of fabulous ECUSAmerchandise at our gifting suites. Get ready for anmerchandise at our gifting suites. Get ready for anunforgettable start to the festivities!unforgettable start to the festivities!
Event RegistrationRed Carpet Check In withpapparazzi experience Welcome Gifting Suiteswith merch for allcontestants!2 tickets to the NationalBanquet which includes aa full course meal forcontestant and a guest!1 Guest WeekendAdmission Band forcompetition & crowningceremony entry. 1 ticket to brand newcontestant age divisionparties! All Supreme TitlesFormal Wear CompetitionPatriotic Competition Interview Competition 3 Photogenic EntriesOptional Runway CompetitionOptional Fitness Competition Optional SpokesmodelCompetition 6+1 Optional Print Model Entry All Divisional AwardsCommunity Service AwardsRed Carpet Awards & Supreme TitlesPro Supreme; NoviceSupreme; Overall MostBeautiful Supreme; PatrioticSupreme; Interview Supreme;Supermodel Supreme; FitnessSupreme; Runway Supreme;Print Model Supreme;Spokesmodel Supreme; NEW!National Baby Supreme 0-2Over 20 National ChampionTitles85 Shining Beauty Awards GO ALL IN!GO ALL IN!PACKAGE INCLUDES$1,100Supreme Package W e u n d e r s t a n d t h a t k e e p i n g t r a c k o f a d d - o n t i t l e s , o p t i o n a l c o m p e t i t i o n s ,b a n q u e t t i c k e t s , a n d m o r e c a n b e c h a l l e n g i n g . T h a t ' s w h y w e ' v e c r e a t e d o u rb r a n d - n e w a l l - i n c l u s i v e p a c k a g e . B e l o w , y o u ' l l f i n d e v e r y t h i n g t h a t ' s i n c l u d e d .P l e a s e n o t e t h a t t h e p r i c e i s b a s e d o n t h e a t - l a r g e c o n t e s t a n t r a t e a n d d o e sn o t a c c o u n t f o r a n y S t a t e Q u e e n o r A p p o i n t e d T i t l e g i f t c e r t i f i c a t e s . T h o s ew i l l b e d e d u c t e d a t t h e t i m e o f r e g i s t r a t i o n . P a y m e n t p l a n s a v a i l a b l e f o r a l lc o n t e s t a n t s . Every contestant regardless of placement is guaranteed agorgeous custom crown and amazing prizes!Every contestant regardless of placement is guaranteed agorgeous custom crown and amazing prizes!
Event RegistrationRed Carpet Check In withpapparazzi experience Welcome Gifting Suiteswith merch for allcontestants!Formal Wear CompetitionPatriotic Competition Interview Competition 1 Photogenic Entry BASIC PACKAGE &BASIC PACKAGE & ADD ON COMPETITIONADD ON COMPETITIONPRICINGPRICINGPACKAGE INCLUDES$715Basic Package N o t i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e a l l - i n c l u s i v e p a c k a g e ? N o p r o b l e m ! C h e c k o u t o u r b a s i cp a c k a g e , a d d - o n p r i c i n g , a n d a d d i t i o n a l c o m p e t i t i o n o p t i o n s .Eligible for All DivisionalAwardsCommunity Service AwardsEligible for Top Seven SupremeTitles1 Guest Weekend AdmissionBand for competition & crowningceremony entry. Add On Pricing Optional CompetitionsRunway $50 Fitness $50 Print Model $50 Spokesmodel $50 Weekend Admission Online Adults 12+ $40 Children 3-12 $20 Baby/Toddler admission isfreeRed Carpet Awards & Titles $225Pro Supreme; Novice Supreme;Overall Most Beautiful Supreme;Patriotic Supreme; InterviewSupreme; Supermodel Supreme;Fitness Supreme; Runway Supreme;Print Model Supreme; SpokesmodelSupremeOver 20 National Champion Titles85 Shining Beauty Awards National Banquet Tickets Adults 12+ $65 Children 3-12 $50Baby/Toddler admission isfreeContestant Parties $15Contestants ages 6+ will bedropped off to theircontestant party. 0-5requires a guardian. Onlyone ticket is needed.
20% PhotogenicUnderstanding the Score Calculation + + + =40% 20% 20% 100%Formal Wear Patriotic Interview Your Final Score The scores within the brackets can bereplaced with optional competitions, if yourscores are higher! Meaning, more combinationsto reach a higher final score!! There are four required competitions that each contestant will compete in, each carrying a weightinto your final score calculation. This score will be used in all placements unless otherwise noted. If a contestant registers for our optional events, the scores from those events can bump one ofthese required competitions, with the exception of Formal Wear. Contestants must participate ineach of the four required areas of competition. East Coast USA uses a custom-build scoring systemthat takes our judges scores and computes your score, ranking and pageant placements. The newscoring method applies weights to various aspects of each competition, and then combines eachscore into your final average, taking into account and replacement scores (this will be discussed alittle later on). Required CompetitionsFormal WearWeight: 40%PatrioticWeight: 20%InterviewWeight: 20%PhotogenicWeight: 20%Scoring
ScoringThere are four optional competitions that each contestant can register to compete in, each carryingthe ability to bump out a score of the three eligible required competitions, increasing your chances ofa higher final score calculation. Each optional competition will have a separate registration that will need to be completed prior tothe National Finals. Registration fees and additional requirement information can be found in theOptional Competition section of the National paperwork or on our website. Optional CompetitionsRunwayWeight: 20%FitnessWeight: 20%Print ModelWeight: 20%SpokesmodelWeight: 20%9.9PhotogenicExample: Original Required Scores+ + + =109.79.8 9.88Formal Wear Patriotic Interview Your Final Score SpokesmodelExample: Original Optional Scores9.99.7 9.8Runway Fitness Print Model9.7A Scoring Example with a Replacement9.9PhotogenicExample: Scores used in Final Calculation with Replacement+ + + =109.99.8 9.92Formal WearRunwayInterview Your Final Score In this example, the contestant scored higher inthe Runway Optional Competition thanPatriotic, so our scoring system replaced thelowest of the three eligible requiredcompetitions which increased the final score.
Enter ExitHostSTAGE &WALKING PATTERNWalking Pattern: Our stage setupincludes a large rectangular mainstage and a long runway.Contestants will enter from the hostside and walk to the center mark onthe main stage. From there, theyshould proceed down the runway tothe front mark. After reaching thefront, contestants will turn and walkback along the runway, stopping atthe final mark before exiting to thebackstage area.Grand Stage Dimensions:Main Rectangle 36ft W X 12ft D - Runway 8 ft W X 12ft D Optional Stage Dimensions: Main Rectangle 24ft W X 12ft D - Runway 8 ft W X 12 ft D"Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess."
EXCITING EXTRAS!EXCITING EXTRAS! Star SearchCompetition $100Audition for the top agenciesand managers in theentertainment industry and bein the running for our NationalActress Titles! T h e s e a d d i t i o n a l c o m p e t i t i o n s w o n ’ t a f f e c t y o u rS u p r e m e S c o r e , b u t t h e y o f f e r f a n t a s t i c o p p o r t u n i t i e st o w i n e x t r a N a t i o n a l T i t l e s , b o n d w i t h f a m i l y , a n dc a t c h t h e e y e o f t o p t a l e n t a g e n c i e s a n d m a n a g e r s !TalentCompetition $50Let your talent shine! Can youjuggle, sing, dance, play aninstrument? Anything goes!Win amazing titles and be inthe running for our Performerof the Year Cash Award! Mother/DaughterCompetition $50 Contestants and their motherwill perform a walk onstageafter answering an onstagequestion. Aunts,Grandmothers,and Someone Specials arealso welcome to competewith the contestant.Father/DaughterCompetition $50 Contestants and their fatherswill perform a walk onstageafter answering an onstagequestion. Uncles, Grandpas,and Someone Specials arealso welcome to competewith the contestant.
HAIR &MAKE UPRULESMAKE UP HAIRExtensions/Hair Pieces Hair extensions are allowed. Forcontestants 0-11 they must be a part of thechild’s everyday appearance. Weacknowledge that some children mayhave medical conditions necessitating theuse of hairpieces. Styling Forget the traditional "pageant" hairexpectations—at ECUSA, we embrace allstyles! Whether your hair is curly, braided,straight, shaved, or wavy, we welcome itall. Your look should reflect your personalbest on stage because we believe incelebrating individuality, not conformingto a single style. Let’s celebrate whatmakes you unique!0-9 Year Old ContestantsClear Lip Gloss Clear Mascara Is that really all that's allowed? Yes—only clear lip gloss andclear mascara are permitted for all onstage competitions for ouryoungest contestants. Fake tanner is strictly prohibited. Makeupchecks will be conducted before the competition begins, andanyone not in compliance will not be allowed onstage.10-11 Year Old ContestantsBlemish Covering Concealer Blush Clear Lip Gloss Light Mascara Super light blemish-covering makeup is allowed at this age, butit is not required. We understand that covering blemishes canhelp boost confidence onstage, but please remember thatECUSA does not judge contestants on "facial beauty." Instead,we focus on overall appearance and looking your personalbest. If you choose to wear permitted makeup, it should looknatural. Fake tanning is not allowed.12+ Year Old Contestants All Make Up is Permitted There are no makeup restrictions for our oldest contestants.You’re free to use any products that enhance your naturalbeauty and boost your confidence. We still look for a naturalglow!
FORMAL WEARFORMAL WEARA CELEBRATION OF EVERYTHING THAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!50% Poise & Personality We look for a contestant with grace and “it”factor. Someone who loves being onstage andthat love shines from within. 25% Overall Appearance We look for contestants who exude theirpersonal best in both appearance andconfidence. Their attire should be well-fittedand complimentary, while their hair and(makeup 12+) should enhance their naturalbeauty25% Modeling Ability We are searching for confident contestantsonstage. For baby and young toddlercontestants, we value simple hand waving, cuteposes, and smiles. Older contestants shouldexhibit a strong connection with the judges,maintain eye contact, and demonstrate smoothmodeling. Please note that we do not look fordance routines or glitzy modelingperformances. The choreography of acontestant’s routine should not interfere withtheir natural connection with judges. What is this competition judged on? Time Limit and Music Time Limit for all contestants: 75 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the musicContestants 7 years and under old may chooseeither a short or long dress. Guardiansaccompanying their baby or toddler shouldwear black, all guardians must be 18 years orolder. Glitz Cupcake Dresses are not allowedand will result in point deductions for thecontestant. Contestants aged 8 and older should wear afloor-length gown that complements theirappearance. Ensure that you can walkcomfortably and wear age-appropriatefootwear.Attire
PATRIOTIC WEARPATRIOTIC WEARWhat is this competition judged on? Time Limit and Music Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the musicIn this competition, contestants shouldshowcase their Patriotism! Attire shouldrepresent either the country they reside in or acountry they have a connection with throughheritage. Outfits should incorporate colors,symbols, or traditional elements that reflectpride in that nation's culture. All outfits must beage-appropriate, and for competitors ages 11and under, no midriffs should be exposed. Thisevent celebrates global heritage and pride!Attire50% Personality & Creativity We look for a contestant with “it” factor.Someone who loves being onstage and thatlove shines from within. We are also looking forcreativity when it comes to your style! 25% Overall Appearance We look for contestants who exude theirpersonal best in both appearance andconfidence. Their attire should be well-fittedand complimentary, while their hair and makeup(12+) should enhance their natural beauty25% Modeling Ability We are searching for confident contestants onstage. For baby and young toddler contestants,we value simple hand waving, cute poses, andsmiles. Older contestants should exhibit astrong connection with the judges, maintaineye contact, and demonstrate upbeat and funmodeling. Please note that we do not look fordance routines or glitzy modelingperformances. The choreography of acontestant’s routine should not interfere withtheir natural connection with judges.
INTERVIEWINTERVIEW AttireWhat is this competition judged on? 75% - Personality & Speaking Skills: This is the heart of the competition,where we aim to get to know each contestant on a personal level. Yourcharisma, confidence, and communication skills are what we're looking for.Authenticity is KeyWhile we value eloquence, we also appreciate authenticity. Contestants areencouraged to be true to themselves and express their personalitiesnaturally. Over-rehearsed responses are not the goal; we want to see thereal you.25% - Overall Appearance: We value contestants who exude their personalbest in both appearance and confidence. Your attire should be well-fittedand complimentary, while your hair and makeup (for contestants aged 12+)should enhance your natural beauty.Ages 0-2: For our youngest contestants, we aim to capture the essence ofyour baby's personality. Our judges will warmly interact with your baby,using smiles and waves to make them giggle and beam with joy. Thisdelightful moment allows the judges to witness your baby's buddingpersonality up close.Ages 3-5: Contestants in the 3-5 age group will be asked age-appropriatequestions that encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences.While it's optional, contestants of this age group may have a guardianaccompany them during the interview, providing comfort and support.Ages 6-11: For our contestants aged 6-11, the interview segment becomesan exciting opportunity to discuss their interests, hobbies, and communityinvolvement. Judges will engage in conversations to understand what theylove to do and how they contribute to their communities. This is a chanceto showcase their aspirations and enthusiasm.Ages 12 and Older: Future Leaders Speak! Contestants aged 12 and olderwill face questions that allow them to articulate their passions, aspirations,and commitment to making a difference. This segment emphasizes theirability to communicate effectively, with an eye toward leadership qualities.Think of it as a glimpse into the future, where poised, confident, andarticulate young leaders are born.Ages 0-2: 60 seconds Ages 3-5: 75 secondsAges 6+: 90 secondsTime Limit Contestants should wear a simple dress, outfit or interview suit- think future CEO! Contestants attire should fit well and compliment them. Attireshould always be age appropriate.
PHOTOGENICPHOTOGENICWhat is this competition judged on? 50% Expression of Personality and Eye Contact. Judges evaluate how effectively the submittedphoto captures the contestant's overall appearanceand uniqueness. The photo should be a headshot.Theemphasis is on showcasing eye contact, confidence,and expression. Natural light and studio lights areboth welcomed. We want to see a great connectionwith the camera with the main focus being thecontestant. 30% Composition and Clarity: This score considers the composition and artisticelements present in the photo, including framing,lighting, background, and overall aesthetics. Judgesassess how well these elements contribute to thevisual appeal, clarity and quality of the image whilecomplementing the contestant. 20% Appropriateness and Naturalism: Judges evaluate the appropriateness of the photo,ensuring it aligns with the competition's guidelines.Light retouching is allowed to enhance the image,but judges look for a balance that maintains thenatural beauty of the contestant. The photo shouldportray the model realistically and avoid excessiveretouching or any glitzy enhancements.How do I upload?Each contestant will submit their photo by firstcompleting the online photogenic registration formand following our upload document with instructionsto correctly label and upload photos. Additionaldetails with where to locate the registration will besent a few weeks prior to the competition. Hair & Makeup Light makeup may be worn for contestants ages 0-11. Points will be deducted for extreme retouchinglike those of Glitz Photos. Contestants ages 0-11should follow our rules for attire for the stagemeaning they should be dressed age appropriatelywith no midriff showing in any photos.
OPTIONAL RUNWAYOPTIONAL RUNWAYWhat is this competition judged on? 50% Personality & StyleWe look for a contestant with “it” factor. Someonewho loves being onstage and that love shines fromwithin. We are also looking for creativity when itcomes to your style! 25% Overall Appearance We look for contestants who exude their personalbest in both appearance and confidence. Their attireshould be well-fitted and complimentary, while theirhair and (makeup 12+) should enhance their naturalbeauty25% Modeling Ability We are searching for confident contestants onstage.For baby and young toddler contestants, we valuesimple hand waving, cute poses, and smiles. Oldercontestants should exhibit a strong connection withthe judges, maintain eye contact, and demonstrate upbeat and fun modeling. Please note that we do notlook for dance routines or glitzy modelingperformances. The choreography of a contestant’sroutine should not interfere with their naturalconnection with judges. Time Limit & Music Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the musicIn this competition, contestants should show theirIndividuality! Attire can be anything from trendy toedgy if it represents you. Contestants attire should fit well and complimentthem. Attire should always be age appropriate. Nomidriff’s showing for any competitors age 11 andunder. Guardian’s should wear black as to notdistract from their child. You do not need expensivecustom or designer clothing!Attire
OPTIONAL SPOKESMODELOPTIONAL SPOKESMODELWhat is this competition judged on? 50% Clarity & Confidence in Speech Delivery: Judges evaluate how well the participantarticulates their speech with clear expression andconfidence. A clear and confident delivery is crucialfor effective communication.25% Overall Appearance and Stage Presence:This score considers how well the participantpresents themselves on stage, including posture,gestures, facial expressions, and overallconfidence. Stage presence enhances the impact ofthe speech.25% Relevance and Importance of the ChosenTopic:Judges assess the importance and relevance of thechosen topic to the audience and society.Emphasis is placed on the significance andpotential impact of the message conveyed.Time Limit Time Limit for all contestants: Up to 75 SecondsAges 6+ Please choose from one of these topics below anddeliver a speech to the judges. My Passion: Making a Difference in the WorldBeyond the Crown: What Pageantry Truly Means toMeFriendship: What I look for in a friend Attire: Please follow the same guidelines as theinterview competition. Rules
OPTIONAL FITNESSOPTIONAL FITNESSWhat is this competition judged on? 50% Personality We look for a contestant with “it” factor. Someonewho loves being onstage and that love shines fromwithin. 25% Overall Appearance We look for contestants who exude their personalbest in both appearance and confidence. Their attireshould be well-fitted and complimentary, while theirhair and makeup (12+) should enhance their naturalbeauty. The ECUSA Fitness competition does notdeduct points from contestants based on their size;we firmly believe in celebrating all body types.25% Modeling Ability We are searching for confident contestants on stage.For baby and young toddler contestants, we valuesimple hand waving, cute poses, and smiles. Oldercontestants should exhibit a strong connection withthe judges, maintain eye contact, and demonstrate simple modeling with a few fitness poses. Thechoreography of a contestant’s routine should notinterfere with their natural connection with judges. Simple workout attire and sneakers only. Contestantsshould NOT wear sport or activity costumes of anykind. Contestants can wear shorts, skorts, leggings orskirts with a matching top. AttireTime Limitand Music Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the music
OPTIONAL PRINT MODELOPTIONAL PRINT MODELHow do I upload?Each contestant will submit their photo by firstcompleting the online photogenic registration formand following our upload document with instructionsto correctly label and upload photos. Additionaldetails with where to locate the registration will besent a few weeks prior to the competition. Hair & Makeup Light makeup may be worn for contestants ages 0-11. Points will be deducted for extreme retouchinglike those of Glitz Photos. Contestants ages 0-11should follow our rules for attire for the stagemeaning they should be dressed age appropriatelywith no midriff showing in any photos.What is this competition judged on? 50% Expression of Personality and Style: Judges evaluate how effectively the submitted photocaptures the contestant's unique personality anddistinctive sense of style. The photo should be fullbody- head to toe! The contestant can be sitting orstanding. The emphasis is on showcasing authenticity,confidence, and individuality through the contestant'sposes, expressions, and choice of attire. Thecontestant should always have eye contact with thecamera. 30% Composition and Clarity: This score considers the composition and artisticelements present in the photo, including framing,lighting, background, and overall aesthetics. Judgesassess how well these elements contribute to thevisual appeal, clarity and quality of the image whilecomplementing the contestant's style.20% Appropriateness and Naturalism: Judges evaluate the appropriateness of the photo fora print model competition, ensuring it aligns with thecompetition's guidelines. Light retouching is allowedto enhance the image, but judges look for a balancethat maintains the natural beauty of the contestant.The photo should portray the model realistically andavoid excessive retouching or any glitzyenhancements.
FAMILY COMPETITIONSFAMILY COMPETITIONSMother / DaughterThe East Coast USA Mother/Daughtercompetition is an audience favorite! This event iscompletely separate and does not count towardsthe contestant's Supreme rank. Contestants andtheir mother will perform a walk onstage afteranswering an onstage question. The winners willreceive gorgeous crowns and banners and theexperience will create memories that will last alifetime! Aunts, Grandmothers, and SomeoneSpecials are also welcome to compete with thecontestant.Father / DaughterIt's time for Dad to shine! The Father/Daughtercompetition is an amazing way to have a memorythat will last a lifetime! This competition has nobearing on overall competition results.Contestants will perform a walk onstage afteranswering the onstage questions, "What makesyour dad/daughter special". Have fun and pick atheme or keep it classic and formal. Uncles,Grandparents, and Someone Specials are alsowelcome to compete with the contestant.Anything goes! Handheld props are allowed! AttireTime Limit and Music Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the music
STAR SEARCHSTAR SEARCHLIGHTS. CAMERA. ACTIONIt is time for the National Star Search Competitionwhere we will crown 7 new National Actress TitleHolders! The National Actress Competition will bemodeled off of real industry movie, television andcommercial auditions. The camera will roll as thecontestant enters the audition room. They will have ashort personality chat with the judges and then recitea commercial from the pre-approved list. Contestantsshould wear a solid color t-shirt with any bottoms oftheir choice. Our youngest contestants can participatein a modified version of our Star Search event!Contestants will meet with the judges as they watchhow your baby and toddler express their personalitywhile we take a few snap shots that will be submittedto top industry agents and managers! In addition to our crowned titles judged by ourNational Panel we will submit every audition tape tothe top industry representative including EdgeEntertainment, The Zuri Agency and Click Models whowill be giving out callbacks to contestants forrepresentation in film, tv, commercials and print!Contestants winning the National Actress competitionmay or may not be simultaneous with thosecontestants being chosen for callbacks. Agents andmanagers have no bearing on competition results. Youmay already be represented by an agency or managerto compete in this competition as it is judged directlyby our National panel. AGENCY AND MANAGERCALLBACKS ACTRESS TITLES8 AMAZING NATIONAL TITLES!A winner from the below age breakouts will win aNational sash, custom rhinestone crown and prizes! National Baby Miss Actress Ages 0-2 Years National Tiny Miss Actress; Ages 3-5 YearsNational Little Miss Actress; Ages 6-8 YearsNational Jr. Miss Actress; Ages 9-11 YearsNational Young Miss Actress; Ages 12-14 YearsNational Teen Miss Actress; Ages 15-19 YearsNational Miss Actress; Ages 20 Years+The Overall National Actress is the contestant with thehighest score out of all participating contestants. Shewill take home the sash, crown, scepter and a one yearcontract with Edge Entertainment!
TALENTTALENTDivisional Talent Queens will win a gorgeous,satin sash and crown. The highest scoring talentcontestant will take home the title of Performerof the Year! They will take home a satin sash,crown, prizes and a $300 cash scholarship.DIVISIONS AND PLACEMENTSTOP TALENT SHOWDOWNNow is your time to show off your talent with the NationalTalent Competition and compete for your chance to earn thetitle of East Coast USA Performer of the Year! Contestants willreceive instructions on how to upload their video submission toDrop Box sent right to their email following registration. Thetop scoring contestants in each talent division will move on tothe live Finalist Show at the National Finals. Props are allowed. We do not allow fire acts at the National Finals. Open toparticipants ages 3 years +.Time limit: Three minutes7 AMAZING NATIONAL TITLES!National Tiny Miss Talent; Ages 3-5 YearsNational Little Miss Talent; Ages 6-8 YearsNational Jr. Miss Talent; Ages 9-11 YearsNational Young Miss Talent; Ages 12-14 YearsNational Teen Miss Talent; Ages 15-19 YearsNational Miss Talent; Ages 20 Years+The Overall Performer of the Year
National BanquetCelebrate with a night of glamour, dancing, 360 photobooths, community service awards, a full buffet dinnerand desserts! Plus as always, super amazing surprises!Only contestants who purchase the Supreme Package receive2 tickets to the National Banquet. Additional can be purchased on our website prior to the event!*Adult Tickets 12+ $65Children Tickets 3-12 $50*Additional banquet tickets are subject to availability. Details will be shared closer to the event regarding additional National Banquet Tickets.
Princess PartyPrincess Party0-7 Year Old Contestants0-7 Year Old ContestantsECUSAECUSAMeet the princesses, have sweet treats and dance away!1 ticket required per contestant $15. This ticket is already included inSupreme Package. A guardian must accompany contestants aged 0-5. Contestants aged 6 and 7 may be dropped off. The party will last 60 minutes!
Dearest Reader,W E A R E P L E A S E D T O A N N O U N C E . . .T H E D I A M O N D O F T H E S E A S O N I S . . . Y O U !SISTERHOODSOIREECONTESTANTS AGES 17+YOU’RE INVITEDJOI N US FOR AN ENCHANTINGAFF AIR OF DANC ING, DELIGHTFULCON FECTIONS, A ND THE SPLENDIDCOM PANY OF YOU R FELLOWSIS TER QUEENS!C o n t e s t a n t T i c k e t s $ 1 5C o n t e s t a n t t i c k e t i s a l r e a d yi n c l u d e d i f y o u p u r c h a s e d t h eS u p r e m e P a c k a g e .
Get ready to be blown away by our RedCarpet Awards and Titles! When you enter,you're in the running for our Shining BeautyAwards, 20 awesome brand new NationalChampion sash awards and 11 highly covetedred sash National Optional Supremes! There isnothing extra to prepare. Add the Red Carpetawards to your registration: $225Awarding 11 NATIONAL SUPREME TITLESAll Supreme Winners will receive two custom rhinestone crowns, a custom satin sash, scepter, prizes and a $250 cash award!These are a great way to win-big at ECUSA! Contestants compete against those who have entered the Red Carpet Awards only,and the best part is there are no extra events to compete in - all of these are based on your event scores! These titles will be awarded ahead of the Top 7 titles at the Supreme Crowning Ceremony! You have to be in it to win it! Runway SupremeRunway Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%Supermodel SupremePhotogenic Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%Patriotic SupremePatriotic Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%Interview SupremeInterview Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%Spokesmodel SupremeSpokesmodel Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%Print Model SupremePrint Model Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%Fitness SupremeFitness Weight: 75%Formal Wear Weight: 25%Pro SupremeContestants must havecompeted at an ECUSApreliminary pageant and won adivisional or supreme title.The winner is determined basedon formal wear 40% plus threehighest scoring 20% optionals.Overall MostBeautiful SupremeFormal Wear Weight: 100%Novice SupremeContestants must havecompeted at an ECUSApreliminary pageant but NOTwon an age divisional orsupreme title.The winner is determined basedon formal wear 40% plus threehighest scoring 20% optionals.National Baby SupremeAwarded to the highest scoring0-2 Year Old Contestant Only.The winner is determined basedon formal wear 40% plus threehighest scoring 20% optionals.
Awarding 20 National Champion AwardsAn exciting opportunity to win a special silver sash! Within the Red Carpet Awards & Titles, we have the 'Of the YearAwards.' Winners of these awards will receive a unique custom satin sash with silver trim, along with a special prize. It'simportant to note that Divisional Queens and Supreme Queens will be bumped out of winning these awards. However, theseawards can be earned in addition to other special titles and recognition. Scoring is based on the highest score in the specific optional event only. For example the Little Miss Patriotic Model of theYear will be awarded to the contestant with the highest Patriotic score in the 0-5 breakdown after the Divisional and SupremeTitles are calculated. Little Miss; 0-5 YearsLittle Miss Patriotic Model of the Year Little Miss Runway Model of the Year Little Miss Fitness Model of the Year Little Miss Photogenic Model of the Year Little Miss Print Model of the Year Little Miss Interviewer of the Year Junior Miss; 6-11 YearsJr. Miss Patriotic Model of the Year Jr. Miss Runway Model of the Year Jr. Miss Fitness Model of the Year Jr. Miss Photogenic Model of the Year Jr. Miss Print Model of the Year Jr. Miss Interviewer of the Year Jr. Miss Spokemodel of the YearMiss; 12-40+ YearsMiss Patriotic Model of the Year Miss Runway Model of the Year Miss Fitness Model of the Year Miss Photogenic Model of the Year Miss Print Model of the Year Miss Interviewer of the Year Miss Spokemodel of the Year Awarding 80 Shining Beauty AwardsWithin each age division, we will award 5 Shining Beauty awards. During the Interview competition, our judgeswill identify their pick for each of the below awards. Each winner will recieve a recognition plaque onstage.BestHairBestSmileBestPersonalityMostCongenialMostConfident
The highest-scoring internationalcontestant will be crowned the Coast toCoast International Supreme! She willreceive the official red-trimmedinternational sash, the official crown, anappearance crown, a scepter, photoshoots,and a collection of incredible prizes.Awarded at the Supreme CrowningCeremony!The contestants in the 0-5 years, 6-11 years,and 12 years and up categories with thehighest combined final score, after theSupreme and Division titles have beenawarded. They will win the official InternationalSilver trimmed sash and prizes! International TitlesInternational TitlesContestants traveling from outside the USA are eligible to compete in our sisterpageant, Coast to Coast International. Your scores from the National Stage & PhotoEvents will be used, along with the same scoring system. You'll be competingexclusively against other International contestants! These titles can be doublecrowned. International contestants are still eligible for the ECUSA National FinalsTitles.Contestants in the 0-5 years, 6-11 years,and 12 years and up categories who achievethe second highest combined final score,following the crowning of the InternationalSupreme, will be recognized as winners.They will receive the official red-trimmedinternational sash, the official crown, anappearance crown, a scepter, photoshoots,and a selection of incredible prizes.Coast to CoastInternational SupremeInternational ChampionsCoast to Coast DivisionSupremes
Runway Fitness Print Model Spokesmodel OPTIONAL AWARDS"When the crown hitsyour head...the journeyhas just begun" - Lauren HandlerAWARDS & TITLESEVENT AWARDS4 Optional Awards will be awarded to thehighest scoring contestants in eachdivision. Patriotic Interview Photogenic 3 Event Awards will be awarded to thehighest scoring contestants in eachdivision. COMMUNITY SERVICEOne community service award will bepresented to a contestant in each of our17 divisions. These prestigious awards,which recognize outstandingcontributions to the community, will bepresented at the National Banquet. Theyare open to all contestants, regardlessof their placement in the competition.Division WinnersRecipients of these awards will behonored with a custom satin sashadorned with silver trim, along with aspecial commemorative award. Thisrecognition is open to all contestants,regardless of their placement in thecompetition.Community Service ChampionsNATIONAL SPIRIT QUEENSIn each Supreme Breakdown (0-5, 6-11, 12+), a National Miss SpiritQueen will be crowned. These deserving winners will take home twocustom rhinestone crowns, a special satin sash, and an array ofprizes! The East Coast USA team will select these queens, lookingfor contestants who exemplify outstanding spirit and congenialityboth on and off the stage.NATIONAL GRAND AMBASSADORA National Grand Ambassador Queen will be crowned in each ofthe Supreme Breakdowns (0-5, 6-11, 12+). These exceptionalwinners will be honored with the Lauren’s Legacy Award, inmemory of our late National Director, Lauren Handler. In addition tothis prestigious recognition, they will receive two customrhinestone crowns, a special satin sash, and a selection of prizes.To be considered for this title, contestants must submit anapplication detailing their community service efforts prior to theNational competition. The National Directors will carefully selectthe queens who best embody the spirit of this award.
Wee Baby Miss0-12 MonthsBaby Miss13-23 MonthsTiny Toddler Miss2 YearsWee Toddler Miss3 YearsToddler Miss4 YearsTiny Miss5 YearsJr. Mini Miss6 YearsMini Miss7 YearsJr. Little Miss8 YearsAGE DIVISIONSAGE DIVISIONS
Little Miss9 YearsPre-Teen Miss10-11 YearsJr. Miss12-13 YearsYoung Miss14-16 YearsTeen Miss17-19 YearsMiss20-29 YearsMs.30-39 YearsMs. Woman40+ YearsAGE DIVISIONSAGE DIVISIONS
17 DIVISIONAL QUEENSPrize Package East Coast USA Signature Queen Crown Custom Red Trimmed Embroidered Sash Custom Rhinestone Appearance Crown $300.00 Cash Scholarship Custom Rhinestone Scepter Custom ECUSA Swag Amazing Prizes National Queen JerseyNational Recognition Looking Glass Photography ShootLiz Miller Castle Photoshoot Snapped by AZ Industry Photoshoot Fall Outing and Photoshoot Queen’s Holiday Party & Photoshoot Exciting Opportunities & Castings All Year Long! Awarded to the highest scoring contestant in each age division. 64 NATIONAL ROYAL COURT RUNNER UPSPrize Package East Coast USA Gorgeous Crown Custom ECUSA PrizesNational Jersey Beautiful Custom Award We will award four (4) Runner Ups to each National TitleHolder in each division. They will join the Royal Court.
3 National SupremesThe contestants in the 0-5 years, 6-11 years, and 12years and up categories who achieve the secondhighest combined final score, after the Ultimateand Grand titles have been awarded, will becrowned the East Coast USA Supremes.3 National Grand SupremesThe contestants in the 0-5 years, 6-11 years, and 12years and up categories with the highest combinedfinal score, after the Ultimate title has beenawarded, will be named the East Coast USA GrandSupremes.National Ultimate Grand SupremeAwarded to the highest all around scoring contestantTop Seven Supremes Top Seven Supremes
Prize PackageSupreme & Grand Supreme Supreme & Grand Supreme 4 Day Trip to Orlando, Florida East Coast USA Signature Queen Crown Custom Embroidered Sash Custom Rhinestone Appearance Crown Custom Rhinestone Scepter Grand Supremes $1500 Cash Scholarships Supremes $500 Cash ScholarshipsCustom ECUSA Swag Amazing Prizes National Recognition National Queen Jersey Liz Miller Castle Photoshoot Looking Glass Photography Photoshoot Snapped by AZ Industry Photoshoot Fall Outing and Photoshoot Queen’s Holiday Party & Photoshoot Exciting Opportunities & Castings All Year Long!
26TH ANNIVERSARYEAST COAST USA NATIONALULTIMATE GRAND SUPREMETaking home the official National UltimateGrand Supreme Giant Rhinestone Crown,Satin & Rhinestone embroidered redtrimmed sash, rhinestone appearancecrown, rose bouquet and scepter and so.much. more...$10,000 CASH AWARDAWARDED TO THE HIGHEST ALL AROUND SCORING CONTESTANT
Thursday, July 24th, 2025Red Carpet Check In & Gifting Suites National Star Search Talent Friday, July 25th, 2025CompetitionNational Banquet Saturday, July 26th, 2025CompetitionContestant Parties Sunday, July 27th, 2025Crowning CeremoniesTENTATIVE SCHEDULE