Message “Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
On behalf of the members of the Prince William County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., we are excited to welcome you to the 40th Anniversary of our Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Oratorical Program. As our chapter celebrates its Ruby Jubilee, 40 Years of Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service, we honor not only the legacy of our chapter, but also the enduring power of Dr. King’s dream through our 40 year tradition of the MLK Oratorical Program.The theme for this year’s program is “Fullling the Promise of Democracy, My Voice, My Choice, My Future, ” We look forward to celebrating the powerful voices of students as they inspire usto reect, engage and continue to strive toward a more equitable and inclusive society.As we come together for this momentous occasion, we reect on the history of the program and its impact on so many students over the past four decades. This program serves as a forum to inspire and empower students, thereby creating in them a sense of pride and condence. Through the voices of these talented student orators, we are reminded of the relevance of Dr. King’s dream and power of words to effect change. We are very grateful for the continued support of our community, sponsors and partners, whose contributions have made this program a lasting tradition. Your presence here today represents our shared commitment to uplifting the next generation and keeping Dr. King’s dream alive. Thank you for joining us for this milestone celebration. We look forward to an inspiring and memorable program as we honor the past, celebrate the present and prepare for a brighter future. With Sincere Appreciation,Felicia E. PryorPresidentPrince William County Alumnae ChapterGreetings and Welcome!Greetings and Welcome!“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
Greetings, As we celebrate 40 years of our chapter serving Prince William County, Manassas, and Manassas Park, we are also elated to celebrate 40 years of our Martin Luther King Jr. Program and 35 years of the Oratorical Competition. I am always in awe at the passion of the student orators and the words they have written, as well as the courage they demonstrate to stand in front of hundreds and deliver so eloquently. The legacy of Dr. King shines through the students, as they articulate what we, across the country and the world, must do to bring and keep Dr. King’s vision of a compassionate society to fruition. I am proud to be a part of the legacy of this program and look forward to continuing to share the impact of Dr. King’s life with the Prince William County Community.Talia Fletcher-Gay1st Vice PresidentPrince William County Alumnae ChapterGreetings,We are excited and humbled that you are able to join us this year as we celebrate 40 years as a chapter and our 40th MLK Oratorical Program. The Sensational Sorors of the Prince William County Alumnae Chapter had the foresight to develop this program that highlights the oratory skills of the best and brightest young people in the community. As it reads in Isaiah 11:6, “And a child shall lead them,” and lead they do. These young people take advantage of an opportunity to prove to themselvesand the community that they are leaders with all the condence necessary to propel them into their future. For the past 40 years, these young people have taken the theme given to them in line with Dr. MLK Jr.’s legacy and boldly exed their talents through their presentation skills. Dr. King’s legacy continues to vibrate through the fabric of the Black community and this year’s theme “Fullling the Promise of Democracy: My Voice, My Choice, My Future”, proves that through the presentations from these young people. I am amazed each year by the MLK committee and all of the work that goes into bringing to fruition a project so impactful to our community. To Sorors Donna Burton and Deborah Campbell, the MLK committee co-chairs, job well done! To our Sorors, community members, and leaders, we pray that you will all leave today’s program empowered, encouraged, and determined to “Fulll the Promise of Democracy with Your voice, by choice for your future”.Blessings,Dr. Ann Valenzuela2 nd Vice PresidentPrince William County Alumnae Chapter“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 40th Anniversary of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Program and Youth Oratorical Competition. The “King Program” was the rst public service project undertaken by the Prince William County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., after its chartering in December 1984. The members of our chapter are thrilled to host this milestone event, and we are honored to co-chair this special edition of such an impactful and meaningful program for our community. This year marks the 40th year of the program and the 35th year of the youth oratorical competition. For this year’s competition, the orators were given the theme: “Fullling the Promise of Democracy: My Voice, My Choice, My Future.” This timely and thought-provoking prompt was inspired by Dr. King’s persistent challenge, “America, be true to what you said on paper.” His words remind us that the self-evident truths expressed in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence must become regulating ideals in our daily living. Like past programs, our goal is to inspire students with a thought-provoking idea that offers limitless possibilities for speech content. We aim to provide them with a platform in front of their community, to express themselves in a way that honors Dr. King’s oratorical legacy, and his dedication to public service and civil rights. If the programs over the past four decades are any indication, we are condent that the speeches you will hear today will be capti-vating. No matter the perspective each orator chooses to share, you will undoubtedly be inspired by their reasoning and courage.We extend our deepest gratitude to our school community, community organizations, and the faith community. Without your unwavering support, this program would not be possible. A special thank you to Prince William County Public Schools, Manassas City Public Schools, and Manassas Park Public Schools—your support is the foundation of this program’s success. We also offer a heartfelt thank you to Mt. Zion Baptist Church leadership and staff. Your love, grace, and generosity in serving as our host facility are truly appreciated. As the chairs of this signature chapter program, we want to publicly thank the past chairs and leaders for the love, care, and excellence they have dedicated to the MLK Program over the years. We deeply appreciate your expertise, encouragement, and support in making this year’s event a success. This program requires months of planning, countless meetings, and lots of prayer. We are especially grateful to the current committee of PWCAC members for their time, creativity, and unwavering commitment.To both past and present MLK committee members and volunteers, thank you for your prayers—not only for our plans but also for the orators and other students participating in this event. We thank God for His continued blessings upon this program. Finally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our “beloved community” for your support and presence. Enjoy the program, and let us wholeheartedly encourage the remarkable orators and youth participants who have volunteered their time and talent to honor the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.TEAM Work will make the DREAM work. Donna Burton and Deborah CampbellCo-Chairs, 2025 Youth Oratorical CompetitionWelcome! “Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” The Prince William County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (PWCAC-DST, Inc.) is proud to be the annual sponsor of Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Program and Youth Oratorical Competition in Prince William County. This event has been held on the MLK Holiday each year, except 2025 and it was presented virtually in 2020-2023. The MLK program has been a project of PWCAC-DST, Inc., and for years each program has had the same vision: to educate the community about Dr. King’s commitment to nonviolence and equality.The rst MLK Celebration took place in 1985 and coincides with the chapter’s chartering, 40 years ago in December 1984. The program was held at First Baptist Church of Manassas before a capacity audience. The following year the program was moved to First Mount Zion Baptist Church in Dumfries. The large attendance at these early programs prompted the use of area high school auditoriums for subsequent programs.The rst MLK speaker was Colonel Joseph Bagnerise, Sr. Col. Bagnerise continued to play asignicant role by opening the programs with Dr. King’s “Drum Major” speech until his deathin 2005. Other notable speakers in the rst ve years included: Dorothy Height, President of the National Council of Negro Women; Dorothy Guilliam, columnist for the Washington Post; and Gwyne Washington, Assistant Director of Education for the D.C. Department of Corrections. The chapter changed to its current youth oratorical competition format in 1990. The rst youth oratorical program was held at Gar-Field Senior High School in Dale City. The auditorium waslled to its capacity of one thousand people. In 1992, the program was moved to Hylton High School in Woodbridge to meet the needs of the high-capacity crowds. In 1996, the sorority formeda partnership with Hylton Chapel in Woodbridge to provide the space needed for this annual community project. Audiences at Hylton Chapel have exceeded 2,500.The contest was open to all Prince William County, Manassas City, and Manassas Park middle and high school students. Only six students are selected as speakers (three middle and three high) but approximately one hundred students participate in this event annually. Initially, some of theaward-winn ing students recited Dr. King’s speeches. Students moved beyond the recitation level to writing original speeches or adapting one of King’s speeches. Students now write speeches related to a theme. Initially, the theme for the contest was the MLK national theme, “Living the Dream...LetFreedom Ring.”Since1993, an original theme has been provided each year for the speakers. The development of oratorical and writing skills and familiarity with the concept and vision of Dr. King are evident in the speeches of the youth participants.In 1991, another feature was added to the celebration. The MLK Youth Community Choir was formedto provide music for the program. This choir consists of students in grades K-12 and is reective ofthe many cultures in our community. The rst choir consisted of 87 students, and some years had more than 200.Monetary prizes are awarded to the students selected as speakers. All participants are presented with the chapter’s Delta-King medallion, appropriately named the “Drum Major” Medal. The success ofthe event is well documented. The project received national recognition from Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., as an exemplary social action project.Commendations for the program have been received from the Prince William County School Board, Manassas City School Board, Prince William Board of County Supervisors, and the Prince WilliamCounty NAACP. Requests for the participants as speakers have come from The White House, Governor George Allen of Virginia, Disney World, and many others.THE HISTORY
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Program and Youth Oratorical CompetitionMistress of CeremonyDr. Mattie FallenDr. Mattie Fallen“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
Dr. Mattie S. Fallen is a native of Virginia. She is a lifelong learner and educator with over 38 years of experience across various school systems and institutions (including Big Bend Community College and City Colleges of Chicago satellite sites, West Germany). She retired from Fairfax County Public Schools in 2023 after successfully serving 26 years as an Elementary SchoolTeacher, Reading Specialist, Assistant Principal, and Principal. Dr. Fallen holds several degrees that include an Associate’s Degree in Secretarial Science (Clerk Stenography) from Thomas Nelson Community College, Hampton,Virginia; Elementary Education Endorsement from Cameron University, Lawton, Oklahoma; Bachelor of Science in Business Education; Master of Science in Education with a Reading Specialist Endorsement; Education Specialist Degree (Ed.S. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies) and a Doctorate (Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies)—all from VA Tech University, Blacksburg, Virginia. She is currently studying the Old Testament as part of Trinity Bible Institute under the leadership of her Pastor, Dr. Joshua W. Speights, Jr. Dr. Fallen believes in “Walking in Her Purpose and Leading with God’s Grace.” Thus, she leads from a place and space of Love, Light, and JOY! She joyfully worked alongside her husband as a military wife for 23 years (1980 – 2003) and served her community across the U.S. and West Germany. Today she is a faithful member of Neabsco Baptist Church, Woodbridge, Virginia, where she currently serves as Chaplain of the Missionary Ministry and Vice President of the Women of the Word (WOW) Ministry. Dr. Fallen is a devoted sister and active member of the Prince William County Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and delights herself in public service. Since her initiation Spring 1979 at VA Tech, Mu Alpha Chapter, where she served as Dean of Pledges, she has worked to support her sorority and community in various capacities to include: • Germany Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Nuremberg Cluster: Community Service Projects Committee Member) • Leavenworth Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Past President) • Lawton Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Past Financial & Recording Secretary) • Prince William County Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Past Regional Conference Presenter (Poet-Performer—Over the Rainbow); (Past Founders Day Presenter – “Calling A ll Women” Poem by Soror Ruby Dee); 30th Anniversary Celebration (Mistress of Ceremony); Senior Citizen Luncheon (Mistress of Ceremony)Professional and Community Recognitions & Awards include: • Fairfax County Public Schoos Individual Excellence Award – Impact on Others • Kappa Delta Pi International Honorary Society • Alpha Delta Kappa International Honorary Sorority for Women Educators (Past Fundraising Committee Co-Lead) • WELV (Women Educational Leaders in Virginia) Presenter • VERA (Virginia Educational Research Association) Presenter • DergiPark Journal Article (Co-authored - Navigating Unchartered Waters: New Teacher Mentoring and Induction) • Fairfax County Public Schools - Region 2 Assistant Principal Leadership Team Facilitator • Fairfax County Public Schools LEAD Cohort - Aspiring Leadership Institute Presenter • Fairfax County Public Schools LEAD Fairfax Cohort Promotion Keynote Speaker • VA State and American Association of School Librarians National Convention Presenter – Project Excel • Neabsco Baptist Church – Annual Hospitality Ministry Day “Outstanding Recognition Award”Dr. Fallen is a woman of unwavering faith, devoted wife to her husband, Lt. Colonel (Ret.) Larry Fallen (43+years), lovingmother of Tiffany (Eddie) and Marcus (Esther), grandmother of Luke and Rafael, sister, and a cherished friend. Dr. Fallen loves to encourage, motivate, and mentor others through her inspirational writing, motivational speaking, poetry, and professional storytelling.“WALKING IN MY PURPOSE AND LEADINGWITH GOD’S GRACE”“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
Congratulatory Remarks“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
Martin Luther King, Jr. Program 40th Anniversary andMartin Luther King, Jr. Program 40th Anniversary and35th Youth Oratorical Competition 35th Youth Oratorical Competition January 18, 2025“MLK Program 40th Anniversary Commemorative Video Presentation” Christian Digital TV Network (CDTVN) Prelude Martin Luther King (MLK) Youth Community Choir Dr. Robin K. Butler, Director Member, Prince William County Alumnae ChapterEmergency Response Notice Cheryl Caldwell Chair, Emergency Response Team Invocation Rev. Dr. Alfred Jones, Jr., Pastor Mt. Zion Baptist ChurchPresentation of the Colors and The National Anthem Dr. Vanessa Gattis, U.S. Army Colonel (Retired) Woodbridge Boy Scout Troop 1390 Janiya Williams, Solois, Porter Traditional ShoolNeAhmiah Ivery, Soloist, Rippon Middle SchoolAniyah Green, Soloist, Colgan High SchoolDrum Major Salute Juan McPhailJoseph Bagnerise, III Belen Flores Bermudez, Drum Major, Freedom High School Medal Bearer Court Grace Abisgua, Old Bridge Elementary Chandler Francisco, Cedar Point Elementary Caspian Moody & Danto Moody, John Jenkins ElementaryMonse Van Wamelen Rodas, Occoquan ElementaryProcessional of Oratorical School Finalists Dr. Renee LaHuffman-Jackson Dr. Tonia Barnes Members, Prince William County Alumnae ChapterWelcome & Introduction of Mistress of Ceremony Felicia E. Pryor, President Prince William County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Musical Selection Martin Luther King (MLK) Youth Commuity Choir Dr. Robin K. Butler, DirectorMember, Prince William County Alumnae Chapter Introduction of Middle School Finalists and Final Competition Dr. Mattie Fallen Member, Prince William County Alumnae ChapterLift Every Voice” by James Weldon Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson, “Lyrics and Music Arranged by Greg Gilpin Stand Up” by Cynthia Erivo and Joshuah Brian Campbell
Drumline Presentation Manassas Park High School Chop Squad Molly Brolaski, DirectorOffertory Prayer and Offering Rev. Dr. Alfred Jones, Jr., Pastor Mt. Zion Baptist ChurchMusical Selection D.S.T. and Friends Dr. Robin K. Butler, Director Member, Prince William County Alumnae Chapter Special Recognitions - VIPs and Elected Officials Lillie Jessie Supervisor Margaret FranklinMembers, Prince William County Alumnae ChapterCandi Mundon King, Virginia State Delegate Presentation of Writing Contest Winners and Top Orators Felicia E. Pryor, PresidentNicole GaskinDr. Renee LaHuffman-JacksonDr. Tonia Barnes Donna Burton and Deborah CampbellJoann Bagnerise Members, Prince William County Alumnae ChapterCongratulatory Statement and Greetings Congressman Eugene Vindman,United States RepresentativePresentation of Congressional Record Certificates Special Presentations Donna Burton and Deborah Campbell Co-Chairs, 2025 Youth Oratorical Competition Closing Remarks Talia Fletcher-Gay, 1st Vice President Dr. Bethye “Ann” Valenzuela, 2nd Vice President Prince William County Alumnae Chapter Song of Celebration Martin Luther King (MLK) Youth Community Choir“Happy Birthday to You!” Stevie Wonder, Arranged by Lawrence Coleman Dr. Robin K. Butler, Director Members, Prince William County Alumnae ChapterBenediction Rev. Dr. Alfred Jones, Jr., Pastor Mt. Zion Baptist ChurchPostlude Audience/ MLK Youth Community Choir “We Shall Overcome” by Joan Baez, Arranged by Diana Ross “MLK Program 40th Anniversary Commemorative Video Presentation” Christian Digital TV Network (CDTVN) “For Every Mountain” by Kurt Carr
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Dr. Robin K. Butler, DirectorJelilah JonesJulian JonesHeneovai RimanRasine RimanAmelia GayWillow DeWeeverBraxton TrenierArsema AsaminewAfomia AsaminewSydney Stevens Madison Stevens Julie LedbetterAliya BrownMeli MillerElijah Carter Naomi CarterShayne MasonJamil MayoSa’Bella HendersonJosiah Wilson Nyla LittleJaniya WilliamsSavannah PattersonOlivia PattersonGavin Pendleton Noelle Bioh NeAhmiah IveryFoster Perry Ruffner Jr.Jordan FischerJonas PerryJonathan FrazierKyndall Butler Gabriela Muldrow-Blunder Aubrey MathisMikayla Stewart McKenzie StewartLaila Williams Aniyah GreenTyrin FrazierJonathan FrazierReginald Ellis - Piano/KeyboardTimothy Ellis - DrumsKeith Smith - FluteStand UpStand UpShielia Russell, Soloist National AnthemNational AnthemSoloistsJaniya WilliamsNeAhmiah IveryAniyah Green Lift Every VoiceLift Every Voice Jordan Fischer, Soloist For Every MountainFor Every Mountain D.S.T. and Friends Happy BirthdayHappy BirthdaySoloistsAfomia Asaminew Amelia GayJonathan FrazierJeliliah JonesWillow DeWeeversMLK Community Choir
We Shall OvercomeWe Shall OvercomeBy Joan BaezWe shall overcomeWe shall overcomeWe shall overcome, some dayOh, deep in my heartI do believeWe shall overcome, some dayWe’ll walk hand in handWe’ll walk hand in handWe’ll walk hand in hand, some dayOh, deep in my heartWe shall live in peaceWe shall live in peaceWe shall live in peace, some dayOh, deep in my heartWe shall all be freeWe shall all be freeWe shall all be free, some dayOh, deep in my heartWe are not afraidWe are not afraidWe are not afraid, TODAYOh, deep in my heartWe shall overcomeWe shall overcomeWe shall overcome, some dayOh, deep in my heartI do believeWe shall overcome, some day“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Lift Every Voice and SingBy James Weldon JohnsonLift every voice and sing Till earth and heaven ring,Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;Let our rejoicing riseHigh as the listening skies,Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us. Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won.Stony the road we trod,Bitter the chastening rod,Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat,Have not our weary feetCome to the place for which our fathers sighed?We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,Out from the gloomy past, Till now we stand at lastWhere the white gleam of our bright star is cast.God of our weary years, God of our silent tears,Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way; Thou who hast by Thy might Led us into the light,Keep us forever in the path, we pray.Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand. True to our God,True to our native land.
2025 MLK Youth Oratorical Finalist“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
We are proud and honored to have you represent Benton Middle School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Jerri Piacesi, PrincipalAmy Bayne, Oratorical Coordinator/CoachBenton Middle SchoolHOME OF THE COUGARSCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical FinalistSoluchi Eze8th Grade“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical Finalist
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School FinalistMarian NanaAcquah
We are proud and honored to have you represent “The Lions” at “The Park”! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Mrs. Yushica Walker, PrincipalMrs. Tara Funches, Oratorical CoordinatorGraham Park Middle SchoolHOME OF THE LIONS!Marian NanaAcquah“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Congratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School FinalistOratorical School Finalist
We are proud and honored to have you represent Hampton Middle School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Jehovanni Mitchell, PrincipalTeilko McCollough, Oratorical CoordinatorCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School FinalistHampton Middle SchoolHOME OF THE HUSKIES!Rhea Ghafoerkhan“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School FinalistNyda MattisonLake Ridge Middle SchoolHOME OF THE WOLVES!
Hampton Middle SchoolHOME OF THE HUSKIES!Nyda MattisonCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School FinalistLake Ridge Middle SchoolHOME OF THE WOLVES!We are proud and honored to have you represent Lake Ridge Middle School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! “Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Jim Dutrow, PrincipalEric Herod, Oratorical CoordinatorOratorical School Finalist
We are proud and honored to have you represent Fred Lynn Middle School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Inmar Romero, PrincipalDawn Miller, Oratorical CoordinatorCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School FinalistFred Lynn Middle SchoolHOME OF THE HORNET!Lizbeth Hernandez Herrera“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School FinalistManassas Park Middle SchoolHOME OF THE COUGAR!
Fred Lynn Middle SchoolHOME OF THE HORNET!We are proud and honored to have you represent Manassas Park Middle School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Kip Gansneder Tuttle, PrincipalSydney Stanley& Milton Villa, Oratorical CoordinatorsCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School FinalistManassas Park Middle SchoolHOME OF THE COUGAR!Brianna McGlawn“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School Finalist
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School FinalistCongratulations to Our 2025MLK Oratorical School FinalistChizaram Felix-Ugorji
We are proud and honored to have you represent Pennington Traditional School! Pennington Traditional School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Michael Kelchlin, Principal Ms. Lisa Boyle, Oratorical Coordinator Pennington Traditional SchoolHOME OF THE BLUE JAYS!Congratulations to Our 2025MLK Oratorical School FinalistChizaram Felix-Ugorji“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical Finalist
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical Finalist
We are proud and honored to have you represent Potomac Middle School!! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Rachel Preston, PrincipalAaliyah Green, Oratorical CoordinatorCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School FinalistPOTOMAC MIDDLE SCHOOLHOME OF THE PANTHERS!Auston-Eastwood Atuwein“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School Finalist
We are proud and honored to have you represent Rippon Middle School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Ms. Donahue, Principal Mr. Yutzler and Ms. Rawlings, Oratorical Coach and CoordinatorLiza-Joi DingleLiza-Joi Dingle8th GradeRippon Middle SchoolHOME OF THE RAIDERS! Congratulations to Our 2025 Oratorical School Finalist“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School Finalist
Saunders Middle School “It’s a We Thing”“It’s a We Thing”Mr. Jeremy Byrd, Principal Dr. Theresa Lewis & Mrs. Sarah Lanzo, Assistant PrincipalsMrs. Barbara Babauta, Administrative InternHeather Maiden & Viverette Barkley, MLK CoordinatorsCongratulations Emily Debnath! Emily is this year’s Saunders Middle School representative for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Oratorical Competition. The Saunders Middle School community is very proud of Emily for her hard work. We wish her the best of luck and success in the future!“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School Finalist
Naomi SamuelNaomi SamuelBattleeld High SchoolHOME OF THE BOBCAT!Congratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical FinalistWe are proud and honored to have you represent Battleeld High School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! DeLores Lucas, Principal Earlena Belino, Oratorical Coordinator “Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical FinalistWe are proud and honored to have you represent Charles J. Colgan High School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Dr. Tim Healey, PrincipalJennifer Simpson, Oratorical CoordinatorMichele Godfrey, ParentAlyssa Godfrey
Battleeld High SchoolHOME OF THE BOBCAT!We are proud and honored to have you represent Charles J. Colgan High School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Dr. Tim Healey, PrincipalJennifer Simpson, Oratorical CoordinatorMichele Godfrey, ParentAlyssa Godfrey“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School FinalistCharles J. Colgan High SchoolCharles J. Colgan High SchoolHOME OF THE SHARKS!HOME OF THE SHARKS!Congratulations to Our 2025 MLK Congratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School Oratorical School FinalistFinalist
We are proud and honored to have you represent Forest Park High School!BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Richard Martinez, Principal Pamela Goldman, Oratorical Coordinator/CoachForest Park High SchoolHOME OF THE BRUINS!Congratulations to Our 2025 MLKOratorical School Finalist Brooklyn RaynerClass of 2026“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School Finalist
Forest Park High SchoolHOME OF THE BRUINS!Congratulations to Our 2025 MLKOratorical School FinalistWe are proud and honored to have you represent Gainesville!BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Neil Beech, Principal Robert Scott, Oratorical Coordinator/CoachCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical FinalistGainesville High SchoolHOME OF THE CARDINALS!Jordyn NesbittGHS, Class of 2025“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical Finalist
We are proud and honored to have you represent G-F! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Matthew Mathison, Principal Anthony Amoruso, Oratorical Coordinator Gar-Field Senior High SchoolHOME OF THE RED WOLVES!Congratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School FinalistJuniper Adams“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical School Finalist
We are proud and honored to have you represent Osbourn Park High School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Lisamarie Kane, Principal Artise Gill, Oratorical Coordinator/CoachCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical FinalistOsbourn Park High SchoolHOME OF THE YELLOW JACKETS!Rabab RazaFreshman“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Oratorical Finalist
Unity Reed High SchoolHOME OF THE LIONS!We are proud and honored to have you represent Unity Reed High School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Milagros Pilanco, PrincipalLori R. Sterne, Oratorical CoordinatorCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School Finalist“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Miotisoa RandrianantenainaOratorical School Finalist
We are proud and honored to have you represent Unity Reed High School! BEST WISHES IN ALL THAT YOU DO! Milagros Pilanco, PrincipalLori R. Sterne, Oratorical CoordinatorCongratulations to Our 2025 MLK Oratorical School FinalistFourth Grade:Fourth Grade:First Place, Nikhil Thampi Glenkirk Elementary SchoolSecond Place, Josh TosanMerit School of Prince William Third Place, Caroline Moreland T. Clay Wood Elementary SchoolHonorable Mention, Arshida HabibLake Ridge Elementary School“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Writing Contest WinnersMLK Elementary School Writing Contest WinnersMLK Elementary School Writing Contest WinnersFifth Grade:Fifth Grade:First Place, Hailey Triglia Bennett Elementary SchoolSecond Place, Leonna DereseChrist Chapel Academy Third Place, London LewisLake Ridge Elementary SchoolHonorable Mention, Elizabeth Adams Bristow Run Elementary School
Judges for the 2025 Youth Oratorical CompetitionYouth Oratorical CompetitionMarie BarnesDr. Joe BoutteMarlene ColemanDr. Sequoyah CottomsTisha Lewis GriffithNorman JonesCharles LambDr. DaBeth MannsSeth Opoku-YeboahTai SmitsWriting Contest JudgesWriting Contest JudgesMary KingIda BakerGlinis Coates“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” 22 PAST ORATORICAL SCHOOL COMPETITION FINALIST
22 “Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” PAST ORATORICAL SCHOOL COMPETITION FINALIST
Sponsored by:Margaret FranklinVictor AngryKenny BoddyeDeshundra JeffersonFeaturing:Dr. DaBeth Manns (PhD)Donald Bell, Jr.Jones Family Donald Jr., Joshua, Brenda, Donald Sr.Dr. Janelle Haynes BareldJones Family Norman Jones III, Andrea Jones, Randy JonesKiana Trent (Youth Choir Director) Felicia E. PryorPresident Prince William County Alumnae ChapterShivon Kershaw“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Commemorative VideoMLK Program 40th Anniversary Commemorative Video Produced by: Christian Digital Television Network (CDTVN)
Special thanks to the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Special thanks to the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Deaconess Sandra Randle, and the Mt. Zion Deaconess Sandra Randle, and the Mt. Zion Baptist Church staff for your patience,Baptist Church staff for your patience, professionalism, and Christ-like attitude in professionalism, and Christ-like attitude in helping to make the dream a reality. helping to make the dream a reality.“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Rev. Dr. Alfred Jones, Jr., PastorRev. Dr. Alfred Jones, Jr., PastorMt. Zion Baptist ChurchMt. Zion Baptist Church18410 Chapel Street 18410 Chapel Street Triangle, VA 22172Triangle, VA 22172Special Acknowledgments
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” MLK Youth Oratorical Competition Chairs
President Felicia E. Pryor 1st Vice President Talia Fletcher-Gay 2nd Vice President Dr. Bethye (Ann) Valenzuela Recording Secretary Adenia (Dee) Crawley Assistant Recording Secretary Kerri B. Williams Corresponding Secretary Charita Mayo Assistant Corresponding Secretary Brandye Williams Financial Secretary Antoinette McCarthy Assistant Financial Secretary Kim Moses Treasurer Monica Watkins Assistant Treasurer Kiara Tate Appointed: Appointed: Historian Loraine Jackson Assistant Historian Jovial Terry-Jackson Chaplain Dr. Anita Greenlee Assistant Chaplain Cynthia Terry Sergeant-At-Arms Yolanda Allen Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms Alice Terry Parliamentarian Toshiro Stovall Assisstant Parlimentarian Tiffany Pope Keeper of Properties Kathaleen Cannon Meredith McKinney Contact us: www.pwcacdst.orgPrince William County Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 2025 Ofcers and Committee Chairpersons Ofcers, Elected and Appointed Positions“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
Prince William County Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 2025 Ofcers and Committee Chairpersons Ofcers, Elected and Appointed PositionsSpecial AcknowledgmentsToday’s MLK Program is a testament to the dedication,hard work, and unwavering commitment of numerous individuals and organizations. Your efforts have made this year’s event, including the Youth Oratorical Competition, a resounding success that will be cherished and remembered by our young orators for years to come.To the members of the 2025 MLK Committee, and Sorors who answered the volunteer call, thank you for your generous contributions of time, ideas, and resources, which help make this day a remarkable occasion.Donna Burton & Deborah Campbell Co-Chairs, 2025 Youth Oratorical Competition “Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Committee Co-ChairsCommittee Co-ChairsDonna BurtonDeborah CampbellProgram CoordinatorsProgram CoordinatorsKerri Williams - LeadDonna BurtonDeborah CampbellLillie JessieRubbie Speights Training Coordinator (Coaches)Training Coordinator (Coaches)Dr. Renee LaHuffman-JacksonTraining Coordinator (Judges)Training Coordinator (Judges)Dr. Tonia Barnes Writing ContestWriting ContestNicole Gaskin -LeadMary KingMyra Holliday Zella Jones Choir Coordinator & Support TeamChoir Coordinator & Support TeamDr. Robin K. Butler, DirectorSheila ArringtonGloria CliftonKhanner HancockJamilya Mayo-McAllisterCarol D. MooreGiovonna Perry Ruffner Logistics & VolunteersLogistics & VolunteersJacqui West - LeadLoretta FreemanDiane Price Ushers CoordinatorsUshers CoordinatorsJean MonroeEvent Venue CoordinatorEvent Venue CoordinatorRubbie Speights - LeadJacqui WestEmergency Response Team LiaisonEmergency Response Team LiaisonCheryl Caldwell - ERT ChairPR/Marketing TeamPR/Marketing TeamDr. Laramie Proctor - PR Co-ChairDeborah CampbellPhotography & Technology SupportPhotography & Technology SupportRaven Andrews Digital Program BookletDigital Program BookletDonna BurtonDeborah CampbellDr. Renee LaHuffman-JacksonKerri Williams Vendors/CommunityVendors/CommunityOrganization CoordinatorOrganization CoordinatorDiane Ampey-BrownReceptionReceptionHarriet Parker-LeadDenise Treadwell DumasDeidra Treadwell ThompsonCLP& Community Service Certificates CLP& Community Service Certificates Orator Medals and EngravingOrator Medals and EngravingDonna BurtonMedaling CeremonyMedaling CeremonyKerri Williams - LeadDr. Renee LaHuffman-JacksonDay of Service Project Day of Service Project Tammy Braddye - Outreach Co-Chair Risk Management TrainingRisk Management TrainingRobin Johnson, - ChairAppreciation GiftsAppreciation GiftsDeborah CampbellSheila ArringtonDonationsDonationsSheila M.G. Mitchell - Fundraising ChairDeborah Campbell Lillie JessieMLK 40th Anniversary VideoMLK 40th Anniversary VideoLillie Jessie -LeadDonna BurtonJacqui WestKerri WilliamsDeboriah CampbellRubbie SpeightsSpecial AssistanceSpecial AssistanceSusan AdamsShiela ArringtonJoann S.M. BagneriseCynthia R. BrownShiela BryantAyanna BurrisAntoinette CutrerBrigette DickersonTalia Fletcher, 1 st Vice PresidentPat HouseSandra MitchellDiane PriceRobin RubioBonita ShermanDr. Rebecca SledgeCandace WilliamsHeritage & Archives CommitteeHeritage & Archives CommitteeLorraine Jackson, ChairMLK Program &Youth Oratorical Competition Committee Members
Risk Management TrainingRisk Management TrainingRobin Johnson, - ChairAppreciation GiftsAppreciation GiftsDeborah CampbellSheila ArringtonDonationsDonationsSheila M.G. Mitchell - Fundraising ChairDeborah Campbell Lillie JessieMLK 40th Anniversary VideoMLK 40th Anniversary VideoLillie Jessie -LeadDonna BurtonJacqui WestKerri WilliamsDeboriah CampbellRubbie SpeightsSpecial AssistanceSpecial AssistanceSusan AdamsShiela ArringtonJoann S.M. BagneriseCynthia R. BrownShiela BryantAyanna BurrisAntoinette CutrerBrigette DickersonTalia Fletcher, 1 st Vice PresidentPat HouseSandra MitchellDiane PriceRobin RubioBonita ShermanDr. Rebecca SledgeCandace WilliamsHeritage & Archives CommitteeHeritage & Archives CommitteeLorraine Jackson, ChairVisit our vendors and community organizations, which are located in the multipurpose room.AxiLand Custom Gifts www.axilandcustomegifts.comCurbside Cakes www.curbsidecakesva.comEmotional Experiences, LLC Wanda Blackwell, AuthorHeritage Treasures LLC www.heritagetreasuresinc.comLeroy Brown Art https://www.leroybrownart.comPaparazzi$5 Bling with KBVShea at Again Marne Luxury CollectionSheaMarneLuxuryCollection@aol.comSimple to Sharp by Sharon, LLC www.simplesharpsharon.comBethel AME Church Woodbridge www.bethelofwoodbridge.orgHeritage Treasures LLCNAMI -Prince William (National Alliance on Mental Illness) www.nami-pw.orgPrince William NAACP ACT-SO www.pwnaacp.orgPrince William Health Ladies of Distinction“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Honorale Eugene Vindman, U.S. House of Representatives Honorale Eugene Vindman, U.S. House of Representatives Manassas City Pulic Schools Manassas City Pulic Schools Dr. Kevin Newman, SuperintendentDr. Kevin Newman, Superintendent Almeta Raford, Director of Pulic Communications Almeta Raford, Director of Pulic CommunicationsManassas Park City SchoolsManassas Park City Schools Dr. Melissa Saunders, Superintendent Dr. Melissa Saunders, Superintendent Manassas Park High School, “Chop SquadManassas Park High School, “Chop Squad”Drumline, Moly Brolaski, Band Director ”Drumline, Moly Brolaski, Band Director Prince Wiliam County Pulic SchoolsPrince Wiliam County Pulic Schools Dr. LaTanya McDade, Superintendent Dr. LaTanya McDade, Superintendent Maria DelaFave, Supervisor of Multimedia Maria DelaFave, Supervisor of Multimedia omas orogood, Band Director - Freedom High Schoolomas orogood, Band Director - Freedom High SchoolPrince Wiliam County Sheri’s OcePrince Wiliam County Sheri’s Oce Sheri Glendel Hil, Lieutenant Sheri Glendel Hil, Lieutenant Angela M. Miler, Ocers Detail Angela M. Miler, Ocers Detail Ushers Ushers Alpha Phi Alpha – Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter and Alpha AcademyAlpha Phi Alpha – Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter and Alpha AcademyIota Phi eta- Beta Alpha Omega Alumni Chapter Iota Phi eta- Beta Alpha Omega Alumni Chapter Kapa Alpha Psi - Woobridge Alumni Chapter and Kapa LeaueKapa Alpha Psi - Woobridge Alumni Chapter and Kapa LeaueOmega Psi Phi – Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter and Omega U Omega Psi Phi – Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter and Omega U Phi Beta Sigma – Omicron Zeta Sigma Chapter and Sigma Beta ClubPhi Beta Sigma – Omicron Zeta Sigma Chapter and Sigma Beta ClubBoy Scout Troop #1390Boy Scout Troop #1390Dr. Maie FalenDr. Maie FalenJuan McPhailJuan McPhailDB Unique Designs - Donna BurtonDB Unique Designs - Donna BurtonChristian Digital Television Network (CDTV)Christian Digital Television Network (CDTV)Ashlei Peoples, PianistAshlei Peoples, PianistKevin Smith, Musician Kevin Smith, Musician Delta and Friends ChorusDelta and Friends ChorusDr. Vanessa GaisDr. Vanessa GaisDonationsDonationsChick-l-A Dumfries Chick-l-A Dumfries Weburn Management Weburn Management Joann S. M. Bagnerise and Family - Drum Major AwardsJoann S. M. Bagnerise and Family - Drum Major AwardsCOMMUNITY SPECIAL ASSSISTANCE
PWCAC Upcoming Events“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Books can be ordered via Amazon using the following link: &qid=1705680532&ref=sr_ Additionally, books may be purchased from Barnes & Noble locations in Woodbridge and Manassas.**Deadline:** The last day to receive books is February 15, 2025. The books will be delivered to the schools during the Read Across America Celebration.PWCAC Delta D.E.A.R
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
PWCAC Arts & LettersAnnual Artist Reception“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” Physical & Mental Health
PWCAC-DST presentsThe March ExtravaganzaMarch 29, 2025 The date coincides with the thrilling NCAA Elite 8 basketball games! This isn’t just about the games – it’s about coming together as a community. We’re raising funds to support PWCAC-DST’s vital programs and scholarships, all while having some fun!Mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready to dance, compete, and cheer your way through an incredible day of March Madness magic!Let’s make a difference, one dance step and basketball shot at a time. See you on March 29th for a day you won’t forget! Please visit the link for more exciting information:“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence” SAVE THE DATESAVE THE DATE
PWCAC Fundraising Events“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”
“Perserving Our Legacy Through Sustained Excellence”