2025INVESTMENT BENEFITSOUR MISSION is to promote, connect, and grow memberorganizations while working to enhance the quality oflife and economic development in the Norwalk area.norwalkchamber.orgPromote.Connect.Grow.
Luke NelsonCity of NorwalkHollie ZajicekCity of NorwalkEconomic DevelopmentShawn HollowayNorwalk CommunitySchoolsRachel FuscoWarren CountyEconomic DevelopmentRita ConnerCity of CummingEX OFFICIO2nd Vice ChairKalen LudwigPeoples Company &Dilligent DevelopmentBoard ChairAmanda Reid-RaperhudddleEXECUTIVE BOARDVICE ChairDan ObleyCity State BankTREASURERJohn SchmidtMHCS, PCPAST PRESIDENTLorie WilliamsonBlue Pencil LLCEXECUTIVE DIRECTORMel GuanciNorwalk Area Chamberof CommerceTERM THRU 2025Benjamin PearsonEdward JonesBrent HindersHopkins & HuebnerKyle DoyleIowa DistillingCompanyNatalie ZimmermanGregg YoungChevroletDavid AlbrechtCity State BankJean StrableNorwalk Easter PublicLibraryLindsey AaronRE/MAX ConceptsManny ToribioIbarra Realty GroupTERM THRU 2026BOARD OFDIRECTORSOur mission is topromote, connect,and grow memberorganizations whileworking to enhancethe quality of lifeand economicdevelopment in theNorwalk area. 2025 NACCEstablished 1992Emily McLainGreater Des MoinesPartnershipTERM THRU 2027Angela CooperAbsolute StorageTodd HansenFareway StoresTanya ApanaMain Street SchoolTravis StanleyNorwalk ChristianChurch
Our mission is to promote, connect, and grow member organizations while workingto enhance the quality of life and economic development in the Norwalk area. Founded in 1992 when Norwalk’s population was below 6,000, the Norwalk AreaChamber of Commerce has grown alongside our vibrant community, which nowboasts over 15,000 residents. This growth has attracted businesses eager to invest inour thriving area. The Chamber actively serves various regions in Warren County,including Norwalk, Cumming, Martinsdale, and Prole. As the Norwalk area continuesto expand, our Chamber membership also flourishes.Chamber members enjoy numerous benefits, including professional developmentopportunities, business promotion, civic engagement, and networking. Our eventsand committees are constantly evolving to meet the specific needs of our members.We strongly encourage active participation, as it enables members to maximize theirmembership advantages while making a positive impact on the community.By joining the Chamber, you can showcase your leadership skills and demonstrateyour commitment to the local business community.About UsAbout
MEL GUANCIEXECUTIVE DIRECTORThank you for investing in the Norwalk area businesscommunity. We serve Norwalk, Cumming, Martinsdale, andProle in Warren County. We’re excited for a new year withfresh ideas to support our businesses and community. To getconnected, join one of our committees, events, or meetings—it’s a great way to showcase your leadership skills. Ourdiverse board brings a range of expertise and passion. Asthe Norwalk area grows, so does our chamber membership. Ifyou’re considering our organization, we invite you to join us!$6,400$3,200$1,600$780 $350$250"The Norwalk Area Chamber is your mostvaluable partner during this exciting time ofgrowth in Norwalk, providing support andresources to help your business thrive."INVESTMENT LEVELS BeingInvestedCOMMUNITY CHAMPION LEADER PROMOTERACCESSBASIC BUSINESSBASIC NONPROFIT
Community$6,400Leader$3,200Promoter$1,600Access$780Basic$350Nonprofit$250Access to Member MeetingsDual Membership to the Greater Des Moines PartnershipBusiness Referrals Host a Ribbon Cutting for your BusinessAccess to Monthly New Residents ListPromotional Support in Chamber Digital EcosystemSubscription to Chamber eNewsletterListing on Online Business DirectoryUse of NACC Logo to show AffiliationPermanent Logo on the NorwalkChamber HomepageRUNorwalk SponsorshipGolf Outing Hole SponsorGolf FoursomeAnnual Banquet TicketsCategory Listings on the Chamber Website Search FeatureMonthly Membership Meeting MealsInvestor BenefitsGold Silver Bronze Valued8 3 2 26 4 38 3 2
A Community Champion investmentdemonstrates your company’scommitment to strengthening thelocal economy by supporting theChamber’s work in advocacy,business development, workforceeducation, talent attraction andretention, leadership development,regional branding, and more.Strengthening the Economy City State Bank has been a proud supporter ofthe Norwalk Area Chamber of Commerce since itsinception. One of our core values is “To makewhere you live better.” The Chamber embodiesthis value both in terms of helping localbusinesses prosper but also in the manyactivities and projects it promotes to improve thequality of life for citizens. We are truly strongerwhen we work together, and the Chamberprovides a consistent framework for this.David Albrecht, City State BankCOMMUNITYCHAMPION$6400+ ANNUALLYCHAMPION BENEFITSPermanent Logo on the NorwalkChamber HomepageRUNorwalk Gold SponsorshipGolf Outing Hole SponsorGolf Foursome8 Annual Banquet Tickets6 Category Listings on theChamber Website Search FeatureMonthly Membership MeetingMeals for 8PLUS all the advantages of Leader,Promoter, Access and BusinessMembership Levels on the followingpages.
We Value Our Community As a local builder serving Norwalk and Cumming, being part ofthe Norwalk Chamber has been an incredible opportunity toconnect with the community and grow our brand. The NorwalkArea Chamber has helped us build relationships with localresidents, business owners, and city leaders. It’s been especiallyrewarding to assist fellow Chamber members and communityleaders in building their homes, and we truly value theconnections and support that have come from this membership.Kalen Ludwig, Ground Breaker HomesA Leader investment demonstratesyour company’s commitment tobuilding a stronger economy bysupporting the Chamber’s effortsin advocacy, businessdevelopment, workforce education,talent attraction and retention,leadership development, regionalbranding, and more.PLUS all the advantages ofPromoter, Access and BusinessMembership Levels on thefollowing pages.LEADER$3200 ANNUALLYLEADER BENEFITSRUNorwalk Silver SponsorshipGolf Outing Hole SponsorGolf Foursome3 Annual Banquet Tickets4 Category Listings on theChamber Website SearchFeatureMonthly Membership MeetingMeals for 3
Building Leadership Being part of the Norwalk Area Chamber hasbeen a game-changer, offering invaluableopportunities to connect with local businessowners and community members. I'm gratefulfor the training resources and the ability topromote my business through events. It hasgenuinely boosted my professional growthand community presence.Heather Soyer, Magnolia ConnectionsA Promoter investment empowersthe Chamber to take meaningfulaction within our community—fostering growth, supporting localinitiatives, and strengtheningbusiness connections—whileamplifying your company’svisibility and presence. This levelof support showcases yourcommitment to community well-being and positions your businessas a recognized leader in ourvibrant economy.PROMOTER$1600 ANNUALLYPLUS all the advantages ofAccess and BusinessMembership Levels on thefollowing pages.PROMOTER BENEFITSRUNorwalk Bronze SponsorshipGolf Outing Hole Sponsor2 Annual Banquet Tickets3 Category Listings on theChamber Website Search FeatureMonthly Membership MeetingMeals for 2
An Access investment is a smartchoice for businesses seekingenhanced visibility. Members atthis level enjoy automatic perks,including advertising in theChamber Matters newsletter andfeatured placement onNorwalkChamber.org, ensuringyour business stays top-of-mindwithin the community.$780 ANNUALLYACCESSLeading through Unity The Norwalk Community School District is proud to be part of theNorwalk Area Chamber. Our membership has helped us build strongconnections with local businesses and community leaders, supportingour mission to serve Norwalk’s students and families. The Chamber’sfocus on bringing people together and helping our community growhas been a big help to our schools. We’re thankful for the Chamber’ssupport and the positive difference it makes in Norwalk.Shawn Holloway, Superintendent, Norwalk Community School DistrictPLUS all the advantages ofthe Basic Business Level onthe following pageACCESS BENEFITSRUNorwalk Valued Sponsorship2 Annual Banquet TicketsMonthly Membership MeetingMeals for Single Representative
Why become a Business Member of theNorwalk Area Chamber? This entry-levelmembership helps you build valuablerelationships with other businesses andengage with the community.MARKETING & VISIBILITYProfile on NorwalkChamber.org, where you can:Publish press releasesPost events on the Chamber calendarUpload video introductionsBoost your search engine rankings andonline visibilityOnline Business Listings onNorwalkChamber.org, including a maplink and direct link to your website.Business Referrals exclusive tomembers, with listings in the BusinessDirectory & Resource Guide, publishedtwice a year.Marketing Orientation to help youreach and engage your targetcustomers effectively.Advertising Opportunities in theChamber Matters newsletter, chamberbusiness directory, and onNorwalkChamber.org.Affiliate Membership with the GreaterDes Moines Partnership.BENEFITS & SERVICESEligible for one complimentary adper year in Chamber MattersNewsletterLearn how to access the featuresof your membership at ourMaximizing Your MembershipNew Member LunchSubscription to Chamber Matters,the official newsletter of theNorwalk Area Chamber.Membership plaque, virtualmembership plaque and windowsticker - tell the community youare invested in the Norwalk areao E-Polling on key business issuesChamber representation atgovernment meetings on local,state and federal levelsWeekly Online Updates o Memberonly pricingBASICBUSINESS$350 ANNUALLY