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Message 1Kiama2025

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Destination Kiama acknowledges the Dharawalpeople as the Traditional Custodians of the land,"Kiarama", or Kiama and their custodianship formore than 60,000 years.We value and celebrate the Dharawal cultureand language, and acknowledge the Dharawalpeople’s continuing connection to the land, thesea and the community.We pay respect to the Elders and their families,past, present and emerging, and through them, toall Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. @kiamanswAcknowledgementof CountryShare your journey2

Page 3 3Our regionGetting aboutAdventurePlan ahead EssentialsParticipate28 Access & inclusion30 Markets & shopping32 Scavenger hunt34 Driving & cycling05 Yulunga — welcome06 Your top 1008 Blowholes10 History12 Walking14 Wildlife16 Beaches18 Thrills36 Pets on holiday38 Rainy weather40 Your itinerary44 Weddings20 Events22 Eating out24 Wellness26 Workshops46 Local connections61 Your directory66 Maps71 Essentials42812362046I’m pretty sure I have the best job in the world as Mayor of Kiama, the“2024 NSW Top Tourism Town”.This award recognised the outstanding appeal of our natural wonders,high quality visitor experience and sustainable tourism practices. It’s afitting recognition for the many local businesses and community memberswho make Kiama a welcoming and exceptional place for visitors. Of course, there’s more to this patch of paradise than just the town of Kiama,and this Visitor Guide is the best way to unlock all our iconic attractions andbest kept secrets — which we are proud to share. Please explore and enjoy.Cameron McDonaldKiama Mayor

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What does the perfect escape look like?For some, it’s a golden sunrise oftumbling waves and the peaceful joy ofa morning surf or swim. Or perhaps it’swide open spaces, picture postcard vistasand a friendly hello from locals on coastalpaths; long shadows and short blacks,bustling cafes and boutique shopping.For others, it’s all about exploring nature’s wonders –meandering rivers and rolling green hills. Blowholes,rock pools and cascading waterfalls. Flying throughrainforests and splashing with adrenaline. Quiet countrylanes and relaxing villages. Deep breaths of fresh airalongside gasps of wonder.The artwork of local Aboriginal Elder, AuntyJodie Stewart, titled “On Country – Wherethe Mountains Meet the Sea,” has beenproudly incorporated throughout this guidein a digitised format.Destination Kiama and Kiama MunicipalCouncil extend thanks to Aunty Jodiefor sharing her artwork for use in this guide.But ultimately, it’s about memories. Making new oneswhile blissfully kissing goodbye to your everyday cares. This is Dharawal country — rich in history and burstingwith unique natural beauty. From the rivermouthtownships of Minnamurra and Gerroa to the relaxingbeachside vibes of Gerringong and Kiama’s award-winning coastal character and charm, our goldenshoreline fringes are spectacular and varied. Then, just minutes inland, the landscape makes way for dairy pastures that hug the idyllic village of Jamberoo before climbing into rainforest-clad foothills, where waterfalls cascade from the escarpment. At just 258 square kilometres, we’re one of the smallest regional areas in Australia – which is what makes our patchwork of stunning attractions, modern venues and world-class events so special. From the mountains to the sea, it’s a pocket-sized paradise and the ideal backdrop for you to explore and unwind. New memories are created with every visit.Once more, Yulunga— welcome toEnjoy your perfect escape!Yulunga- 5

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Rainforest CentreTheAction ParkCoast WalkMinnamurraBlowholesJamberooKiamaWhen looking for a top-rated getaway destination,it’s hard to go past the winner of NSW’s Top TouristTown Award 2024! Whether you base yourself inKiama itself or any one of our other picturesquevillages, you’re never far fromexperiencing some of our topattractions.How many can YOU visit duringyour stay?TOP10K iama3142Kiama Blowhole and theLittle Blowhole attractthousands of visitorsevery year to theirsplash-tastic show.Step back in time to a world of lushrainforest, waterfalls and colourfulflora and fauna. Enjoy a suspendedboardwalk with both stroller-friendlyand more challenging options.Explore approximately 20km of sealedpaths, natural tracks and stunningviews along the entire length of oursparkling coastline. Between Septemberand April, make asplash at NSW’sfavourite watertheme park — rightin our backyard!6

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Seven MileBeachCathedral RocksThese stunning spired ocean-set rockformations are a must-visit for naturelovers and photographers alike. MinnamurraRiverIllawarra Fly5976108HeadlandBomboOcean PoolsTreetop AdventuresGet your heart racing at this uniqueescarpment-based treetop walk andwild eco-zipline adventure. Transport yourself toanother world, amidthe rock formations andnatural erosion of thisgeological playground.This southern stretch ofendless golden sand offerssomething for everyone —take surf lessons with SurfCamp Australia, enjoy arefreshing swim, or explorethe National Park walks.A brilliant way togreet the new day.Cool off in one ofthe four saltwaterocean poolsacross Kiama andGerringong.Forming Kiama’snorthern border, thisis a family-friendlyswimming, snorkelling,boating, paddleboardingand fishing haven! 7

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Can you hear that? The unmistakable “WOOSH” of this geological marvel has been 260 million years in the making — long before the age of the dinosaurs! Shaped by volcanic forces and sculpted by the ocean’s persistence, these two frothy, thunderous wonders are nature’s own showstoppers.blowholesMeet ourfamousScan the QR code tosee Kiama Blowhole onFULL display! toptip8

Page 9 9Much like the blowholes of the whales that migratealong our coast, the Kiama Blowhole is essentially onelarge vent, which, under pressure, will force a jet ofwater high into the air (up to 30 metres or eight storeyshigh in the right conditions!) each time it takes a ‘breath’.This unique landmark sits on a natural headland, visitedby Aboriginal tribes for centuries and given the name‘Khanterinte’. The first European to make a splash in thisarea was George Bass in 1797 — and some 228 yearslater this site is now a hive of activity — home to abustling harbour, cafes, ocean baths, walking tracks,historic Pilot’s Cottage, lighthouse and more.Stock up on maps, brochures, bookings and informationat Kiama Visitor Information Centre, just a 100m walkfrom the lighthouse and Kiama Blowhole. But wait, there’s more! Besides the main KiamaBlowhole (pictured above), there is also a second LittleBlowhole (pictured left) approximately 2km to thesouth — a short drive to Tingira Crescent or stroll alongthe Kiama Coast Walk. Did you know?The name ‘Kiama’ can be translated as“where the sea makes a noise”. The Little Blowhole is often active when its big sibling is not. Catch them on a good day, and they’ll really blow your mind! Are they coin operated?Only on 1 April! …These natural features rely on the right sea swell (not tides) to put on a good show. Let’s hope they’re feeling ‘swell’ during your visit.What hours are the Blowholes open?From 8am until — just kidding, they’re open all the time and are free to visit. Both of Kiama’s blowholes have accessible viewing platforms suitable for visitors with limited mobility.Funfacts

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10 acknowledge that the sharing of cultural informationis subject to community permissions and protocols.Although the information provided seeks to offer an insightto readers, we do not assume or imply cultural authority.

Page 11 11timeOnce upon aTo fully understand the story of Kiama, it’s worth first exploring the echoes of the past.Ours is a rich and layered history, dotted with milestones that make us what we are today. An abundant landFor thousands of years, Kiama was both a destinationand crossroads for the nomadic Wodi Wodi people ofthe Dharawal Nation. They travelled regularly with theseasons, making use of this region’s seasonal flora andfauna, freshwater fish and seafood. Evidence of the lattercan still be seen in traditional middens at MinnamurraRiver mouth.New industries, new growthIt would not be until the turn of the 19th century thatEuropeans first set foot in these parts, and within decadesthe ancient cedar forests were cut and shipped out tohelp build a growing nation. Quartz mining would followlater in the 1800s, with Kiama a rich source of basalt inthe building boom. Much of the region’s iconic buildingprojects took place during this time. These includeKiama’s harbour (1876), Post Office (1878) andLighthouse (1887) among others. Many elements of nature are represented in totems withinthe Aboriginal culture. The Dreaming Poles sculptureson the Kiama Coast Walk depict this important harmonywith the land and sea. The cabbage tree palms seenthroughout the region are one such totem that are alsoan important resource to the Wodi Wodi people. Theversatile leaves of the palm were used to make shelterand mats, while strips of palm fibre made fishing line.The heart of the tree was reserved for special ceremonies. Many of our landmarks play an important role in the localAboriginal history, culture and heritage of the DharawalNation. Important stories of the Wodi Wodi people havebeen passed down, including that of Gurrungutch, theGreat Giant Eel — which tells of the creation of CathedralRocks and the Kiama blowholes.Scan the QR code to learnmore about Gurrungutch,the Great Giant EelDid you know?There are almost 400 dry stone wallsreminiscent of Britain and Ireland inthe hills and fields around Kiama —most built by Thomas Newing and hisson between the 1860s and 1920s.The 20th century brought the railway and tourism toKiama. The advent of refrigeration also helped pioneera thriving dairy industry across the lush green fields.Today, you can explore Kiama’s history for yourself atthe Pilot’s Cottage Museum on Blowhole Point or atGerringong Library and Museum.Gurrungutch,Giant Eelthe Great toptip

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If you meet a local who says “take a hike!”during your stay, don’t be offended.They’re actually encouraging you to enjoyour world-class walking tracks. Fromcrashing waves to tumbling waterfalls,rainforests to rock formations, there’s apath for everyone.t rackOn the rightTo explore more, scanthe QR code to downloadyour walking guide.toptip12

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2-3km (1hr)600m (30mins)6-8km (2-3hrs) 6km-20km (1.5-6.5hrs) one way8km (3hrs) return2-4km (1-2hrs) return2-8km (30mins-3hrs)Carrington FallsBombo HeadlandSeven Mile BeachKiama Coast WalkBarren GroundsMinnamurra RainforestHoddles Track (Saddleback Mountain)This unique moonscape is the legacy of blue metalquarrying from more than a century ago, with surrealbasalt columns and walls to explore.In terms of bang-for-your-buck, this short walkguarantees maximum WOW for your steps! Enjoy theimpressive falls lookout, waterholes and picnic spots.This is the undisputed jewel in the crown — a coastalspine that stretches 20km from Minnamurra toGerringong. Along the way, you’ll discover many “wow”moments including dramatic clifftops, secret coves,unspoilt beaches and delightful detours. It’s one ofAustralia’s finest walks — complete the whole thing orone of the three smaller sections. For an indepthbreakdown of Kiama Coast Walk, head to page 69.Help protect our National Parks and reserves for future generations by staying on paths and respecting the environment at all times.Remember to carry water, your phone and sun protection.Weather conditions can change quickly — always check the forecast before setting off and ensure you have appropriate clothing.There is strictly no smoking in NSW National Parks.Follow the waterline or sand track parallel to the coastjust south of Gerroa, with dunes and forests of Blackbuttand Bangalay. (Also suitable for mountain bikes.)This plateau of walks is ‘barren’ in name only — withspectacular country and coastline views plus anabundance of birdlife and wildflowers when in season.$12 per carExplore rare rainforest remnants and fauna in this lush escarpment setting, choosing the Falls Walk or shorter accessible Lyrebird Loop.Section 2 of the Kiama Coast Walk is largely on sealedpaths, while the Lyrebird Loop Walk at MinnamurraRainforest is also accessible-friendly.Kids and nature walks are a great combination,but can be dangerous, supervision is required.Take all rubbish with you or use bins if provided.After heavy rain, access to Gerringong from the Kiama Coast Walk may be limited. Call 1300 654 262 for Werri Lagoon access updates.For your convenience and safety, detailed maps arelocated at the end of this guide on page 66. This challenging escarpment adventure is a must-do forbird watchers and nature lovers, as it follows the originalgoods route via Mt Noorinan. Head west past the furthestSaddleback Mtn vantage point, down the steep track.» » » » »»» » Walking 13

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This mountain bird is a totem of the Dharawalpeople and a symbol of peace. They are mostfamous for their mimicry skills — likely to be heardbefore they are seen, especially in the rainforestsof the escarpment. Visit Minnamurra Rainforest foryour best chance to witness their splendour.These harbour dwellers are often seen glidinggracefully along our shore, or gathering at a boatramp, wishfully hoping for a fisherman’s snack. TheAustralian species has the biggest bill in the world— a bill that can hold more than its belly!From May to November, the migration (first north,then south with calves) of humpback whales (alongwith southern right and blue whales) can be seeneasily from the shore. Some of the best vantagepoints can be found along the Kiama Coast Walk.You’ll find these iconic trees lining the coast — manyplanted back in the 1800s and known for theirtolerance to the salt air. Fun fact: these tall straighttrunks were once used for ships’ masts.The Wodi Wodi people introduced the sacred“Dharawal” to the region, spreading its seeds acrossthe landscape. This iconic palm is the namesake ofthe area’s traditional owners and holds deep culturalsignificance. Its leaves were also used to craft mats,fishing lines, and shelters.Strikingly beautiful but shy, these lush green birdsare a prized sight for bird-watchers — your bestchance of spotting them is at Barren GroundsNature Reserve.For issues with native animals, birds or reptiles, call WIRES on 1300 094 737tipBlooming bright red in spring,these trees are endemic toour area. Beyond their beauty,they served a practicalpurpose for centuries — theirsoft, spongy wood and barkwere used to craft nets andfishing lines. In spring, look tothe escarpment to see them dotted among the lushgreen landscape.These pristinely white bellied beauties can often beseen along the Kiama Coast Walk hunting prey inthe rocky outcrops. Listen out for their ‘goose-like’honking sound!In spring, the escarpment plateau becomes a carpetof wildflowers and butterflies — bursting with colourand life. Visit Carrington Falls or Barren Grounds fora colourful display.These beautifully distinctive, large trees featureintricate roots and a gnarly structure. You’ll find giantexamples at Black Beach Kiama, Hindmarsh Parkand outside Kiama Library.topPelicansDjawula - lyrebirdsNorfolk Island pinesBurri burri - humpback whalesDharawal - cabbage tree palmsWildflowersMoreton Bay figsIllawarra flame treesEastern ground parrotsWhite bellied sea eaglesTOP10nat uralencounters21345678910wildThesideCrikey! Kiama is like a coastal safari,boasting an abundance of wildlifeacross its diverse and colourfullandscape. This happy habitat isthe perfect playground for ‘naturefrothers’ and casual observers alike.14

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16’s aFor hundreds, if not thousands of years,people have flocked to the golden sands ofKiama. Today, our sparking coastlineremains as inviting as ever. After all, what’s not to like? With nine distinct beaches tochoose from (and a few more secret ones… shhhh), we’renot just punching well above our weight — we deliver aknockout blow in the sheer number of sandy stretches,soothing saltwater and surf spots on offer.Crashing waves not your thing? Then the calmwaters of Minnamurra River or Crooked River(Gerroa) are great. We also have the ocean poolsin Kiama and Gerringong, Kiama Leisure Centreand an outdoor pool in Jamberoo. And you’ll findnatural swimming holes at Nellies Glen(Budderoo National Park), Campbell’s Hole(Gerringong) and Boneyard (Bombo).Kiama’s variety of surf breaks are suitable for everyone frombeginners to the world’s best. Meanwhile, safe swimmingis provided throughout the warmer months, with patrolledbeaches up and down the coast. (For exact dates andlocations, see opposite page.) All beaches can be easilyaccessed on foot or by car — with many literally a fewsteps from holiday parks and other accommodation.Even in the cooler months, a sunrise walk along our beachesis a magical thing — your footprints marking the sandwhile crashing waves provide a blissful backing track.Whatever the season, our beaches are a must’sea’ attraction!OtherTOPspotsSwimming

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Seven Mile BeachWerri BeachJones BeachSurf BeachKendalls BeachEasts BeachBombo (North) BeachBeach Patrol Season 2024-2025Seven days: 23 Dec to 31 JanWeekends only: FebruaryBeach wheelchairs areavailable for hire at SurfBeach and Jones BeachSurf Life Saving Clubs, aswell as Seven Mile Beach Holiday Park.Mon-Fri: 23 Dec to 31 JanWeekends & public holidays: 28 Sep to 27 Apr (Kiama Downs SLSC)Mon-Fri: 30 Sep to 24 AprWeekends & public holidays: 28 Sep - 27 Apr (Kiama SLSC)Mon-Fri: 23 Dec to 31 JanWeekends & public holidays: 28 Sep - 27 Apr (Gerringong SLSC)Easter School Holidays: 12 Apr to 24 17

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18 illsGet yourThere’s nothing quite like an adventureto set your heart pumping, jaw dropping,spine tingling and eyes popping! It all begins more than 700m above sea level — atIllawarra Fly Treetop Adventures, home to Australia’shighest zipline. This experience is for all ages andstages, with breathtaking panoramic views across theregion from this ancient rainforest. Want to get higher?Then get on board Big Wave Skydive, leaving fromShellharbour Airport and take in incredible coast viewsbefore landing at Bass Point Reserve.If fishing is your thing, try our Fishing With a Local toursto net Kiama-specific knowledge. Or catch yourself aKiama Charter Service for some deep sea fun! See thedirectory on page 63 for more information.Back on solid ground, Jamberoo’s green hills are thesetting for thrilling world-class rides at Jamberoo ActionPark (September–April), NSW’s largest family-ownedwater park. Or for splashes of a different kind, SevenMile Beach is the ideal classroom for a surf lessonvia Surf Camp, while farther out to sea you’ll marvelat whales, dolphins and other marine life all aboardShellharbour Wild ocean adventures.If it’s four-wheeled fun you crave, live out your top-gearfantasies by hiring a luxury car with Prancing HorseLuxury Driving Experience or King of the Road andmeander through the scenic highways and byways.Or raise your pulse in a range of other leisure pursuitsincluding scenic golf courses, tennis courts, skate parks,and more. You can find details of these locations in ouressentials guide on page 71. Hook, line & Sinker

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Did you know?Jamberoo Action Park started life as a‘grass skiing’ venue — even hosting theWorld Championships in 1983! 19

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DhaarawalsPeason:NgoonungiseasonAn eventfor everyThroughout the year, the Kiama regionregularly plays host to a kaleidoscopeof festivals, shows, sporting events, livemusic, parades, celebrations and more.It’s an eventful destination — considerthis your invitation to join us!Dharawalseson:arra’doweeandBurranSizzling summerHighlights include the Gerringong ChristmasStreet Parade, Kiama Carols, Changing TidesMusic Festival, spectacular Kiama NYE Sky Show,the Annual Kiama Show, colourful KiamasalaIndian Festival, Gerringong Car Show and theever-popular Kiama Rugby Sevens.20

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It’s the perfect time of year to takepart in Kiama Beach Tag or theKiama Triathlon, look to the skiesfor Shellharbour Airport’s AirshowDownunder or enjoy some toe-tapping tunes at the SurfLife Music andKiama Jazz and Blues Festivals.It’s a bloomin’ good time for Jamberoo Action Park,Romans Hot Rod Show and Jamberoo Car Show.For culture, try Folk By the Sea, the Annual Quiltand Craft Show, KISS Arts Festival or the KazadorSpiegeltent season. While Clearly brings a hostof headliner acts to The Pavilion in Spring andthroughout the year. Scan the QR codefor our up-to-dateevents calendar. Warm your heart with the Classic Kiama Concert,Kiama Readers Festival and Kiama Art SocietyAnnual Exhibition. Make a run for it at the RedCross Fun Run, Kiama Coastal Classic or SouthernDistrict Rugby Shute Shield Series. Enjoy Junetunes at Crooked River’s Winter Wine Festivaland experience Winter at The Co-op, Gerringong. toptipAutumnaldelightsThe joys of springWinter wonderlandDharawalwselassoans:Burruagina’ 21

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t reat,Eat,rep eat!A day filled with exploring, adventuring,shopping or relaxing can really whet one’sappetite. Luckily, you’re never far from atasty selection of cafes, eateries and barsto hit the spot.We may be a small region, but we more than makeup for it in our world-class variety of makers, growersand providores. Kiama was traditionally about dairyfarming and produce, but these days you’re just aslikely to discover locally roasted coffee beans, freshgelato, donuts, cakes, sourdough, honey, dumplings,acai bowls, bánh mi rolls, sushi, cheeses, yoghurt andhandmade chocolates. All washed down with yourfavourite beverage from the variety of cafes and bars.This is a place where farm to table means exactly that— with a bounty of locally harvested delights on offerevery day. It’s where your morning coffee comes with freeviews and Surf Beach’s Wednesday afternoon Farmers’Market bursts with fresh flavours and bold colours. Whata delicious destination!As the sun sets, it’s not just our trees that light up — as Kiama’sbars and restaurants come to life. A world of cuisines await, takingyour taste buds on a magic carpet ride through Asia, Europe, LatinAmerica and modern Aussie cuisine. From harbourside restaurantsto award-winning pub and club grub, this nosh is top notch, withsomething to suit everyone — even fish ‘n’ chips on the beach.And to drink? We’ve raised the bar, with cheeky neighbourhoodspeakeasy spots, chic bistros, streetside hotel saloons, cellardoors and microbreweries plus family-friendly clubs. Find craftbeers, sumptuous wines and signature cocktails — with live musicand weekly entertainment providing the perfect evening backdropat a number of regular venues. Have a great night!Twilight indulgences22

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Delve into our dedicated(and sometimes decadent)dining guide online byscanning the QR 23

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24,recharge& rejuvenateAn escape to Kiama truly is a breath of fresh air – the perfect place to take stock and take time to reconnect with your body and mind.We may only be a hundred kilometres from one of Australia’slargest cities, but the moment Kiama’s wide open spaces come intoview you’ll feel a million miles away from daily stresses. Thingsmove a little gentler in this corner of the world — giving you time tonourish your soul, listen to your body and appreciate the simplepleasures in life.For more suggestions on rechargingyour body battery during your stay,scan the QR code.toptip

Page 25 25TOP6ways to a blissful mind & bodyGive the green light to a round of redlight therapy or the modern detox ofan infrared sauna session. Prefer yoursaunas the steamy way? Kiama LeisureCentre offers this option too!Our day spas offer remedial, restorativeand stone massage treatments forindividuals or couples, as well as bodytreatments such as wraps, facials, wax/tint, mani/pedicures and more. Becauseyou’re worth it!An advantage of hugging the eastcoast is that you can greet the sun themoment it appears each morning —soaking up the proven health benefits ofexposure to this ‘low sun’ energy.These two disciplines focus on balance,breathing, core fitness, flexibility andspirituality. A range of local providersoffer yoga classes including flow,vinyasa, prenatal and sunrise, whileyou can also find many pilates classesincluding reformer.Enjoy an endorphin high by jogging ourbeautiful parks and trails. Kiama RunningClub offers social jogs on Wednesday,Saturday and Sunday mornings, while freeexercise machines line the coastal paths inGerringong and Kiama.Let our rivers and ocean wash away yourcares as you surf, swim laps or simply letthe salt water do its thing. Alternatively,book yourself an ice bath or sensory floatsession at Wellness & Recovery Haus orSiam Balance Float & Wellness. Glow upWorship the sunPamper thyselfWater therapyPilates & yogaMake a run for it

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CreativepursuitsWith such an inspiring backdrop of naturalbeauty and laid back living, is it anywonder that Kiama has long been a havenfor artists, writers, musicians and makers?Our villages and country lanes are home to manytalented painters, illustrators, sculpture and muralartists, craftspeople, photographers and potters —often exhibiting work in their own boutique studios orin local galleries and at public spaces and events. Onesuch accessible gallery is the Old Fire Station, locatedin Kiama’s main street and offering a weekly rotation oflocal creatives — just look for Daisy the Cow! You’ll alsofind other curated shows at Seven Marks Gallery or onthe walls of many of our cafes.Did you know?Kiama was home to 20th century Oscar-winning costume designer Orry Kelly andauthor Charmain Clift. And more recently,bands Pacific Avenue and The Terrys, andcomedy lads, The Inspired Unemployed.While you’re exploring, keep an eye out for an evergrowing number of large scale murals and public art atsurprising locations. Commissioned by Kiama MunicipalCouncil, these artworks are often inspired by locallandscapes or Aboriginal stories. You’ll also be able toconnect directly with readers/writers, live musiciansand talented stage performers throughout the year atgigs, author talks, book clubs and larger festivals —see page 20 & 21 for more details.26

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A creative and colourful activity for all ages.Exploring mixed media artworks, sketching andpainting in oils, acrylic or watercolours.Family-friendly beach-themed hanging decorations.Wheely good fun working with clay or personalisingearthenware items.Workshops are empowering and enriching — a wonderfulway to express your creativity while tapping into localknowledge. And the best part? Getting to take home akeepsake made by YOU! Check out our TOP 10 suggestions:Scan here to check out our diverserange of workshops you can planaround your stayHand-making chocolate — say no more…Including fashioning earrings and other pieces.Take a class to learn about the art of preserving,baking, cheesemaking and pantry staples.Crafting scented candles to remember your stay.Making Christmas wreaths, wrapping paper andedible treats.Learn macrame and how to weave your own basket!Let’s this!workshopAr tworksB eadingBeach keepsakesPottery & ceramicsFarm freshCandlesTextiles & basketsJewelleryChocolateFestive 27

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AccessibleKiama is a destination for everyone — welcoming all ages and abilities. Our ongoing focus on accessibility makes it easier than ever to explore our stunning natural beauty and enjoy inclusive attractions and events during your stay.The iconic Kiama blowholes both provide accessibleviewing platforms, with parking nearby. You’ll alsolove the wheelchair/pram friendly boardwalk loop atMinnamurra Rainforest that uniquely immerses you innature. Black Beach Reserve at Kiama Harbour featuresaccessible paths and picnic areas. An adult changingfacility and accessible bathroom with shower isavailable at Kiama Harbour with a MLAK key availablefrom the Visitor Information Centre. And at nearby SurfBeach, enjoy beach wheelchairs during lifeguard hoursand accessible bathroom. KiamaFor more information onenjoying an inclusive stay,scan the QR codeReady for a swim? Outdoors, the Continental Pool atBlack Beach includes a ramp and nearby showers/toilets, Boat Harbour Pool (Gerringong) includesaccessible paths and a picnic area, while JamberooAction Park has accessible rides and dedicatedamenities. If you’re exploring in Jamberoo, there areMLAK key amenities at Kevin Walsh Oval. Kiama LeisureCentre is a great indoor option all year round, with apurpose-built pool hoist available at all times – just askthe friendly staff!Families will love the newly updated (2024) HindmarshPark playground in Kiama — designed specifically withinclusivity and accessibility in mind and caters to physicaland sensory needs, while the park’s inviting shady picnicand free BBQ facilities make it an excellent stop.Kiama’s Harbourside Cabins, Surf Beach HolidayPark and Kendalls Beach Holiday Park all offerdedicated accessible cabins — featuring levelparking, ramp access and accessible bathrooms.Meanwhile, Sebel Harbourside Kiama and KiamaShores Motel both provide wheelchair-accessiblerooms and public areas, while Lion’s Cottage ispurposefully built with accessibility in mind.Hungry? Many of our popular cafes and clubs includeramp or level street access, as well as wheelchair-accessible seating and low serving counters in somecases. The updated Kiama Village shopping centrealso includes excellent lift and travelator access plusaccessible parking and amenities.There’s no shortage of things to do! Illawarra Fly TreetopAdventures prides itself in delivering an accommodatingexperience for visitors with mobility challenges.Meanwhile, Bundanon Museum is dedicated to inclusivitywith accessible facilities, ramps and parking throughout.Kiama Library and Gerringong Library and Museumare also both modern with lift and/or ramp access andcomprehensive facilities.Catching a train to Kiama is easy, with lift access,hearing loops, platform edge tactiles and boardingramps at Kiama Train Station, and accessible entry atGerringong and Minnamurra Stations. And enjoying ourbig events is easier than ever — most events catering tothose with limited mobility. Contact the Kiama Visitor Information Centre on 1300654 262 for specific details.toptipStay in comfort28

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I Kiama heart There are more than a dozen publicdefibrillator machines across theregion — including Kiama Coast HolidayParks, Kiama Library, Kiama VisitorInformation Centre, Kiama Leisure Centre, The Pavilion and 29

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FinderskeepersSay goodbye to boring chain stores and“good buy” to our charming collectionof boutiques, markets and specialtyshops — filled with treasures just waitingto be found!Whether you’re packing the perfect picnic picks (trysaying that five times fast!) or hunting for a specialkeepsake, you’ll find it all here. Our village streets area browser’s paradise — filled with a bountiful mixof fashion, jewellery, artworks, books, toys, soaps,candles, gifts and homewares. Many items have beenethically sourced or embrace our coastal vibe, whilevintage/retro pieces and antique collectables have theirown unique stories to share.Kiama is all about sustainableshopping — so bring along yourown bag or basket! To fuel your bargain hunting, you literally cannot go pastthe handmade delights on offer in our cafes, patisseries,delis and specialty pantries — although these particularkeepsakes may not last quite so long!toptip30

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Market leadersFor all the info onmarkets, scan theQR code.The community meeting place is our Farmers’ Marketevery Wednesday afternoon next to Surf Beach in Kiama.Bring your own bags and stuff them full of fresh local fruitand vegetables as well as everything from breads andcheeses to free range eggs, herbs, meats, seafood anddumplings! There’s even entertainment for the kids.For weekend browsing, Gerringong’s Rotary Market takesover the centre of town on the third Saturday of eachmonth and Kiama’s Seaside Market fills Black Beach withcolour and fun on the third Sunday. Meanwhile, Jamberoo’sVillage Market is a friendly village affair among the shadytrees on the last Sunday of each month. 31

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STARTKiama Coast WalkJamberoo 7GerroaKiama Coast WalkFINISHGerringongKiamaKiama DownsBomboMinnamurraSevenMileBWe hcacJeorners BeahBoecmb Bo eaahchiBN77Illustration By202241101211975386232

Page 33 33Made youKiama is a great place to explore as a family –with natural wonders and fun attractions dottedacross the map. And speaking of maps, see thatone on the left? Use it as your rough guide tocompleting as many of our scavenger hunt tasksas you can during your stay. Can you do them all?look!Bonus point: who canspot our friend Daisy thedecorated dairy cow?Find and snap a photoof Cathedral Rocks.Scream as loud as youcan on The Funnel Web atJamberoo Action Park!Score a hole-in-one atJamberoo Golf’s Footgolf.Tally up how manystingrays you can spot atKiama harbour.Find the two art muralsbordering Hindmarsh Park.Spot Rangoon Island fromMinnamurra Headland.For a bonus trickytreasure hunt, scanthe QR CodeMeasure which blowholehas the bigger whoosh– big or little? (hint, itchanges each day!).Spot five different dogsat GerringongHeadland.Take a ride on the swingat Crooked River Wines.While enjoying an icecream at Kiama harbour,give a wave to the trainon the overpass.Take a photo of starfish onthe rock shelf at Seven MileBeach in GerroaTouch the Dreaming Poleson the Kiama Coast Walk.toptip423561981210711

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Enjoy theFourrideThe beauty of the Kiama region is that it’spocket-sized enough to explore all cornersof it during your stay. All you need aresome wheels (two or four) and a desire todiscover what’s around the next corner…charge wheelsTake If you’re touring with an EV, you’ll find public chargingstations at Kiama Village, The Pavilion Kiama andGerringong Bowlo, with a growing number of othercharging points at local accommodation too.Who doesn’t love a road trip? And once you tour ourcountry lanes, coastal streets and stunning forested ways,you’ll understand why Kiama regularly stars in so manycar advertisements. Your assignment is simple: Keepyour hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road and beprepared to stop regularly for village browsing, tasty bitesand plenty of scenic photo opportunities!One highlight is Tourist Drive 9 – follow the brown signswest from Kiama through Jamberoo and up throughrainforests to attractions including Illawarra Fly TreetopAdventure, Carrington Falls and Nellies Glen. If you loopthrough Robertson and back via Kangaroo Valley andBerry, allow 3-4 hours for the round trip.Scan the QR code to findout more about our EVcharging stations.A shorter loop takes you up Saddleback Mountain tothe lookout at the very top (great views!), then back viaFountaindale Road through the rolling hills of JamberooValley. Allow an hour for this one. And while you’reout and about, include a cruise down Tasman Drive inGerringong – voted Australia’s most scenic street in 2024!toptip34

Page 35 35Two wheelsDuring the World Road Cycling champs in Wollongonga few years back, many of the international teams couldbe spotted regularly training in the challenging anduncluttered back roads across the Kiama region. Theyhad discovered what we already knew — that this is arewarding place for biking — from families and beginnersto lycra-clad enthusiasts!The dedicated cycle path from Kiama Downs toJamberoo is a popular inland scenic ride, while coastalviews abound on the path from Minnamurra Riverto Kiama via attractions including Cathedral Rocks,Boneyard, Bombo Headland and the blowholes — withnatural stops and lookouts along the way. And familieswill love exploring the shared paths around Kiama’sharbour and beaches or along Gerringong’s Werri Beach. Scan the QR code todownload the KiamaCycle Guide.For something a little more challenging, Seven MileBeach provides off road trails. Minnamurra Bike SkillsTrack includes a dedicated pump track, and the lanes andhills of Jamberoo Valley and Mountain are a technicalroad cyclist’s dream!toptip

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36 friendlyKiamaBringing your doggo? The more the furrier!They are, after all, part of your family – andyou’ll find plenty of dog-friendly activitiesto partake in with your pooch. Here aresome of our favourites:A dog’s breakfastAt last count, we had more cafes per capita thanLondon or New York (maybe). Many are just fine withyour on-leash friend tagging/wagging along. Andyes, some even offer puppuccinos and doggy donuts!It’s a dog-sniff-dog worldThe headland and beach paths that line KiamaCoast Walk are like a doggy highway throughoutthe day — in particular at sunrise and sunset.They’re also a great way to meet new friends(four legged and two!). Dogs must be kept on-leashin most areas .Teach your dog new tricksWe have a number of off-leash outdoor spaces —including Black Head Reserve (Gerroa), GerringongHeadland, Marsden Head and Kaleula HeadReserves (Kiama) and Minnamurra Headland.But the most fun might be at Bombo Headlandand Agility Park.

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Salty sea dogsHeading to the beach? Three sandy stretches areoff-leash friendly — Jones Beach (south section),Bombo Beach (middle), and Werri Beach (middle).As always, be sure to read the signs regardingdoggy dos and don’ts.Dog day afternoonsGrab a picnic blanket and enjoy a local wineoutside on the picturesque hill at Crooked RiverWines, or for a more industrial vibe, Stoic Brewerywill even showcase your fur-baby on the doggo-picture wall!Let sleeping dogs lieMany of our holiday parks offer dog-friendlyaccommodation, allowing the entire family to enjoya prime seaside spot. For more petfriendly info, scanthe QR 37

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Just dough it – Pick up a DIY donut kit from Moistn Glazed.Enjoy Kiama’s Blowholes – They’re often feistiest on rainy days.Get cosy at our cafes, eateries and pubs – ‘Wet’ your appetite!Kiama Library – Plenty of magazines, games and booksfor all.Kiama Family History Centre – Find out if you’re related to royalty.Gerringong Library and Museum – A brand new space full of wonders.Workshop it – Get crafty and make your own artwork,pottery masterpiece, candle or donut.Bundanon – An art museum with a side of kangaroosand scenic walks.Do yoga or pilates – For more information, see page 25.Catch a movie – Event Cinemas (15 mins north) orPics’n’Flicks in Gerringong on the firstFriday of the month.HARS Aviation Museum – Home to vintage warbirds and even aQantas 747!Go karts, flip out, bowling orsmash lab?– All just 15 minutes north, in Albion Park Rail.Get wetter! – Make a splash at Kiama Leisure Centre orJamberoo Action Park.Get so mindful, so demure – Book a massage, facial or pamper session.Get sweaty – Hit the gym, do a class, hire a court or booka sauna.- Take your pick of Minnamurra, Carringtonor Fitzroy Falls.Right asVisit a waterfallrainNo one can predict the weather. Andwhile rain might be great for our localfarmers, it does make sunny beachdays difficult. So we’ve made a list ofideas you can save for a rainy day… 39

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40 ya bike! Hire some wheels from Kiama Cyclesthen catch a train to Minnamurra,biking back to town via the KiamaCoast Walk. Swim in the river orbeaches along the way and lunch ateateries in Kiama Downs. CathedralRocks, Boneyard and BomboHeadland are great photo ops! Edible delights Check into your accommodation and ifit happens to be a Wednesday, stockup on fresh local produce and goodiesat Kiama Farmers’ Market. Then hit upone of Kiama’s many restaurants for adelicious meal, walking it off with anice cream or sorbet.Rolling into town late morning?Perfect. Grab a coffee and load upon guides and information at theKiama Visitor Information Centrebefore checking out the nearbylighthouse and Kiama Blowhole.Whoosh-tastic!Day 1MorningStart hereArvoEveningAn escape torememberKiama was voted NSW’s TopTourism Town in 2024 – so whynot see what all the fuss isabout? Enjoy this jam-packed,fun- filled, awe-inspiring fourday itinerary, guaranteed tocreate some special newmemories…

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Coast walking Pack a picnic and walk south alongthe Kiama Coast Walk, passingdreamy beaches and the LittleBlowhole – while keeping an eyeout for migrating whale spouts (Mayto November). End at GerringongBowlo for refreshments and a returncourtesy bus to Kiama.Sipping & supping Once you’ve got your energy back,you’ve earnt an evening at one ofour cute cocktail bars, sitting backsavouring rolling tapas plates andrecounting your adventures.Start with a cold plunge in the Blowhole Point ocean pool followed by coffee and hot brekky – fuelling up for your day ahead.MorningRise n shine!ArvoEveningDay 41

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42 n shopCheers! Wine o’clock! Head to our localfaves, Crooked River Wines andStoic Brewery, or continue furthersouth to a wealth of picturesquecellar doors, including CoolangattaEstate. Booking a Foodscape tourcan even take care of the decisionsand driving!Pottering aboutIf it’s a Friday night, head to SoulClay Studio to recreate that scenefrom Ghost — no experience needed!Then to Gerringong for a relaxingdinner and delicious drinks.Your body will be feeling it after that big walk, so take in a relaxing yoga or pilates class to reconnect with your body and soul. After that, it’s time for some retail therapy, shopping the main streets of our villages for bargains and keepsakes.Day 3MorningArvoEvening

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Body and soulStart with a private floatation pod, sauna ortherapy at Wellness & Recovery Haus, or SiamBalance Therapy before loading up with a bigbrekky. Then it’s a ‘board meeting’ – eitherhiring a SUP on Minnamurra River or a surfinglesson at Seven Mile Beach’s surf school. Chasing waterfalls After a gourmet lunch and coffee, get yourbearings at Saddleback Lookout before drivingto Minnamurra Rainforest. The scenic drive upto Nellies Glen, Carrington, Fitzroy or BelmoreFalls will satisfy your splashy cravings,while Illawarra Fly Treetop Walk provides abreathtaking finale. See you again soon!MorningArvoDay 43

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44 made inKiamaWith so many romantic and idylliclocations, plus a wealth of quality localwedding service providers, saying “I do” toa heavenly Kiama celebration is one of theeasiest decisions you’ll ever make.matchBeach wedding? Church wedding? Barn?Rainforest resort? Between grape vines? Orunder a giant tree with dangling fairy lights?Wherever you have in mind for saying yourvows, there will be a venue to suit. Fromthe ceremony itself to the reception — largegathering or small.When you choose Kiama as your weddingdestination, you’ll find local providers whoare among the best in the business — fromcelebrants to florists, hair and makeup,photographers, musicians, caterers and evenmobile bar services! It’s all about making yourday special, and it’s all right here. Kiama’s easy transport access (not to mentionour picturesque setting), makes it a popularspot for friends and loved ones to tick ‘yes’to on the RSVP. And you’ll find a range ofaccommodation to suit everyone from yourcousin Bazza to fussy great-aunt Shirley.Holiday parks, motels, hotels, vineyards, B&Bs— all close to everything Kiama and surroundshave to offer!The secret’s out. In recent years, NSW’s South Coast hasquickly gained a reputation for providing the stunningbackdrop (and foreground!) for magical and memorableweddings. Whether you’re looking for an indoor venue, anoutdoor gathering, or a mix of both, we have the “XOX-factor” you’ve been seeking — the perfect place to begina new life together.At your serviceSetting the sceneSharing the love

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Check page 65 for local providers andscan the code to find out more aboutsaying “I do” in our slice of 45

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Enjoy yourstayOne of the advantages of visiting apopular destination like Kiama is thatyou’ll never lose sleep over the range ofaccommodation on offer. Laid-back toluxury, there’s something here for everyone— idyllic retreats, 4.5 star hotels, beachsidecabins, campgrounds, hotels, motels andholiday homes. Be our guest!46

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Terralong Terrace ApartmentsConsisting of sixteen meticulously maintained self-contained apartmentson Kiama’s main street. Unlike a standard motel, you have the luxury of anentire 1, 2 or 3-bedroom apartment, fully equipped and ideally located.A 129 Terralong Street, KiamaP 0499 000 993E Ridge RetreatThirty-two boutique rooms in Gerringong’s town centre, most withbalconies and scenic views. Enjoy gardens, BBQs, free Wi-Fi, and nearbybeach access. Perfect for families, groups, or business travellers.The Bellevue KiamaOffering six boutique-style, one-bedroom apartments. Fully self-contained, surrounded by an award-winning garden and refurbishedwith a touch of The Hamptons, these apartments cater for two adults. A 21 Minnamurra Street, KiamaP 02 4232 4000E Luxury CampingNestled in the Jerrara countryside just 90 min from Sydney, with Kiama’sstunning beaches and town centre moments away, Cicada LuxuryCamping offers two luxurious bell tents and two safari-style tents. BIG4 Easts Beach Holiday ParkThe perfect beach holiday destination. Family owned & operated for over85 years, our family friendly park has an array of accommodation to suiteveryone’s needs from our waterfront villas to our ensuite and powered sites.In early 2025, we’re excited to add two superior dome tents with ensuite, undercover deck, and outdoor wood-fired hot tub.All our adults-only tents feature a private fire pit and deck with breathtaking views across the rolling hills of Jerrara and Jamberoo.• Sunny’s Aquaventure Park – water park• • Café & mini-mart• Camp kitchen• Games roomChildren’s playgrounds• Absolute beach frontage• Pool complex• Jumping pillow with sun 47A 30 Ocean Street, KiamaP 02 4232 2124E 139 Belinda Street, GerringongP 02 4234 1000E 127 Jerrara Road, JerraraP 0400 991 452E

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48 Sebel Kiama & Yves Bar & BistroCnr Minnamurra & Shoalhaven St, Kiama | (02) H ES E B E LK I A M A

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An iconic country pub with motel and pub styleaccommodation situated in the beautiful villageof Jamberoo. Indoor and outdoor function areasavailable to suit any occasion. Situated within a short drive to Illawarra Fly, Jamberoo Action Park Minnamurra Rainforest and Saddleback Mountain whilst only a short stroll away from picturesque Jamberoo Golf Course. Everyone is welcome at the historic Jamberoo Pub.Built in 1857 and home to memorabilia from the past including a significant collection devoted to Johnny Warren it is the place for all football and sporting 49A VARIETY OF CARAVAN, CAMPING AND CABIN ACCOMMODATION • WATER VIEWS • FAMILY FRIENDLY FACILITIES • PET FRIENDLY OPTIONSKIAMA HARBOUR • SURF BEACH • KENDALLS BEACH • WERRI BEACH • SEVEN MILE BEACHBOOK YOUR STAYKIAMACOAST.COM.AUJamberoo Pub & Saleyard MotelA 12 Allowrie Street, JamberooP 02 4236 0270E

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50 usENQUIRE NOW ON 02 4255 0454CEDARKIAMA.COM.AUVisit our Sales Office at 33 Collins Street, KiamaYou may have to pay a departure fee when you leave this village.Located in the heart of idyllic Kiama, Cedar on Collins is a unique retirement residence offering a range of one, two and three-bedroom apartments.Residents can enjoy a relaxed lifestyle within this warm and friendly local community as well as benefit from exclusive concierge services and on-site amenities including a gym, lounge, wine cellar, roof-top terraces and more.K I A M A’S P R EMI U M COA S T A LR E T I REM E N T CO M M U NIT Y . Cedar on Collins charity event May 2024

Page 51 51River ShackShoalhaven HeadsExperience the comfort and convenience of the RiverShack, a modern riverfront cottage. Enjoy a BBQ relaxingon the wrap-around veranda with river views, or soak inthe private hot tub as the sun sets over the Shoalhaven River. Perfect for SUP,sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, and fishing, with a boat ramp nearby. Fish fromyour boat on the river or head out to the open waters, alternatively justthrow in a line from the water’s edge at this holiday haven.Bombora at KiamaKiamaWelcome to Bombora at Kiama, a multi-level retreat withstunning ocean views. Enjoy spacious living areas, a pooltable, fireplace, and an upstairs kitchenette. Relax in theenclosed outdoor area with a BBQ and hot tub. Explore Kiama’s attractionslike the Blowhole, arts scene, seafood restaurants, and coastal trails. Perfectfor families and friends to unwind and make lasting memories. Bombo BlueKiamaDiscover comfort at Bombo Blue, just 400m from BomboBeach. This inviting retreat features three bedrooms, twobathrooms, a powder room, and air conditioning in theliving room and master bedroom. Unwind on the private balcony, fire up theBBQ or enjoy the fenced courtyard while the pets or kids play. With securegarage parking and pet-friendly amenities, Bombo Blue offers the ideal familyescape to make lasting memories.Blue Horizon on ManningKiamaBlue Horizon on Manning offers sleek, modern kitchen andbathrooms, perfect for both style and function. Relax witha book in multiple cosy spots or enjoy water glimpses andsunsets from the balcony. Just steps from cafes and restaurants, a short walkleads to a headland with panoramic views. The balcony is ideal for gatheringswith a BBQ and seating. Secure underground parking and lift access included.3 bedrooms3 bathrooms6 guests4 bedrooms2.5 bathrooms8 guests2 bedrooms2 bathrooms6 guests3 bedrooms2.5 bathrooms6 guests

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52 coffee & lunch at The QuarryCafe amongst our BurnettsGarden Centre.Offering a variety of native & exoticplants, trees, herbs & vegetables,along with beautiful pots, gardeningequipment, homewares &landscaping supplies.Set on Kiama’s Surf Beach with beautiful views of the ocean andcoastline, Silica Restaurant offers Kiama’s freshest local seafoodand finest dining experience.A 72 Manning Street, KiamaP 02 4233 0572E our seasonal menu, showcasing the finestproduce from the South Coast complemented by animpressive selection of beer, wine, and cocktails.Enjoy your meal in our garden courtyard, or bask in the inviting ambience of our indoor dining.Unwind during our daily Happy Hour from 4 to 6 PM.Enjoy live entertainment featuring local talented artists every Friday and Saturday, starting at 5:30 PM.Bookings are recommended for a seamless experience, but we happily welcome walk-ins.Open seven days a week for breakfast and dinner.Private hire options are availableLARGE SELECTION OF BOUTIQUE HOLIDAY HOMESBook direct & savePh: 02 4234 on BarneySilicaBella Char RestaurantA 80 Barney Street, KiamaP 02 4233 1322E enquiries@burnettsonbarney. W 1 Fern Street, GerringongP 02 4230 7979E

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Open Fridays to Sundays,our bakery offers a range ofsourdough breads and a rotatingmenu of sweet and savourytreats inspired by seasonal andlocally sourced ingredients.Jamberoo Golf Club welcomesboth golfers and footgolfers. Come and enjoy our lovely course in beautiful Jamberoo Valley! Diggies serves up coastal vibes and fresh, all-day brunch, cocktails, andice cream with stunning seaside views. Enjoy your morning coffee, freshlysqueezed juice, or an afternoon treat. Little ones have room to play, andlive music adds to the vibe. Open daily from 7am, dine in or take away.Book online or just drop in after your rockpool dip! 53Slow DoughDiggiesJamberoo Golf ClubA 1 Blowhole Point Road, KiamaP 0436 353 370E 21 Allowrie Street, JamberooP 02 4236 0404E 19 Bong Bong Street, KiamaE CLUis nestled between thePacific Ocean & MinnamurraRiver.No trip to the areais complete without a visit toour Course and Clubhouse.79-81 Oxley Ave. Kiama Downs,NSW, Australia 253302 4237

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54 Camps• Fully inclusive overnight surf camps• Purpose built accommodation• Groups, families and singles• All meals providedSurf School• • All equipment suppliedPrivate or Group lessons• • Enjoy the famous Seven Bookings essentialMile BeachExperience the local spirit at Gerringong Bowling Club! Nestled at thesouth end of Werri Beach, we offer delicious food, refreshing cocktails,live entertainment, and barefoot bowls. The Dairy delights withgourmet antipasto and artisanal cheese, while Cabo Pacific Grill servescontemporary cuisine with a seaside view. Join us for an unforgettabletime with friends and family.Gerringong Bowling & Recreation ClubSurf Camp Australia / Gerroa Surf SchoolA Pacific Avenue, Werri BeachP 02 4234 1414E 107 Crooked River Road, GerroaP 1800 888 732E

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The Illawarra Fly offers a breathtaking treetop walk and ziplineadventure through the lush Illawarra rainforest, featuring panoramicviews, suspension bridges, and elevated walkways.A 182 Knights Hill Road, Knights HillP 02 8251 7810E on 30 hectares of rolling hills is Granties Hedge Maze with over 100attractions. Many of the rides / attractions are to be seen no where elsein Australia. There is a modern kiosk and picnic huts with BBQ facilities. Admission is FREE. You only pay for what you use.Famous collection of Australia’s Aviation Heritage aircraft. Our guides willtake you onboard many aircraft and provide outstanding commentary. Over 50 exhibits including Boeing 747-400, Lockheed Super Constellation, F-111C fighter, Southern Cross replica, 1954 Queen’s Visit Dakota, PBY-6A Catalina, and DHC Caribou. 747 VIP, Cockpit and Wing Walk Tours (must pre book).Open daily 9.30am - 3.30pm • Last tour 2.00pm • Cafe open 9.30am-2.00pm for breakfast and lunch • Gift Shop • Fishing trips.• Bait, tackle and licences supplied.• Check website for details and availability.• Please phone to book and arrange 55$15 Entry - Purchase tickets online only! More info at kiamasevens.coSaturday 22nd February 2025 - Kiama Showground, Bong Bong St KIAMA8.00am Kickoff / Finals from 3pmThe 2025 tournament will be our greatest yet.Don’t miss this iconic south coast favouriteand join us in celebrating 53 years of qualityrugby and seaside fun for the family! BE SEEN @Illawarra Fly Treetop AdventuresA 25 Donovan Road, FoxgroundP 0407 284 888E 54 Airport Road, Shellharbour AirportP 02 4257 4333E ‘Kostalota’ in Kiama HarbourP 02 4236 1716 or 0428 621 875E Granties MazeHARS Aviation MuseumKiama Charter Service

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56 is Australia’s largest independently owned toy retailer, that hasall the best toys and sports goods. Find swimming and snorkelling gear,beach buckets and body boards – all you need for your holiday stay!A 74 Terralong Street, KiamaP 02 4232 2684E & Recovery Haus offersfloatation therapy, infrared sauna,massage, ice baths, Normatecboots, and red light therapy in atranquil, private setting—perfectfor relaxation, recovery, andrejuvenation.Kiama Leisure Centre offers an array of activities for all ages. Dive intothe aquatic centre, hit the gym, or unwind in the spa and sauna. Open 7days. Group Classes • PT • Gym • Pool • Spa & Sauna • Swim school • Squads • Gymnastics • Creche • EventsMaking Faces Makeup and Hairare an award winning teamoffering a fully mobile service.Gumaraa is an Aboriginal cultural experience and education company thatdelivers authentic Indigenous experiences for all, based on the traditions ofthe Dharawal and Yuin Nation. Feel the land and its stories and experience the oldest surviving culture in the world with our programs and tours packed with deep knowledge and understanding about the traditional custodians of this land. “Connectingour past, to create our future.”Unleash your inner artist andindulge in a world of creativity!Our space invites you to shop fora range of materials, engage inhands-on experiences, and letyour imagination run wild. We offer a range of workshops for all ages and abilities in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.A Shop 8/65 Manning Street, KiamaP 0466 054 696E 3/ 26 Shaban St Albion Park RailP 0432 645 912E 1 Havilah Place, KiamaP 02 4232 1877E Shop 18 123-125 Fern StreetGerringongP 02 4234 1197E A 7 Hothersal St, KiamaM 0409 128 721P 02 4232 2248E services@makingfacesmakeup. W Toyworld Wellness & RecoveryHausMaking FacesMakeup and HairKiama Leisure CentreGumaraa Aboriginal ExperienceBead Shack

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From beachside chic to bohemian charm, we’ve gotsomething for every taste and style. Whether you’researching for that one-of-a-kind piece to elevate yourhome or the perfect gift for someone special, you’llfind it here. Nestled in the boutique seaside town of Gerringong, our store is proudly locally owned and operated. We take pride in curating a stunning selection of products, blending treasures from around the globe with the best of locally crafted goods.With doors open early to late, seven days a week, we’re here to welcome you whenever inspiration strikes. So why not drop by, explore our collection, and say G’day? 5734 Degrees South Trading CompanyA Shop 3 / 128 Belinda Street GerringongP 0422 036 411E Abundant and Irresistibly GoodDiscover the biggest and best range of sweets,treats & gifts on the South Coast at theKiama Swee t Company Open everyday15/106 Terralong Street, Kiama 0490 548

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58 Pavilion Kiama is a modern, versatile seasideevents space that brings businesses, familiesand community together. Choosing The PavilionKiama also brings peace of mind. Our friendly andprofessional team are here to ensure that your eventis delivered just as you imagined. Nestled in the heart of one of Australia’s most picturesque coastal towns (just 90 minutes from Sydney), The Pavilion Kiama is the home of concerts to conferences; formals to weddings; retreats to exhibitions.• Open 7 days• • • • Bookings requiredSeats: 10-400Access friendlyFree parkingKiama Village is the perfect destination for visitors togather all their holiday essentials in one, convenientlocation. With Woolworths, a range of specialtystores, inviting cafes, a bakery, and essential healthand beauty services, it has everything to simplifyholiday preparations.For EV drivers, Kiama Village offers even more convenience with JET Charge stations located in the basement carpark—use the JET Charge app or simply tap your card to charge up with ease while you shop. Open daily with extended hours, including flexible specialty store trading times, Kiama Village ensures a stress-free, enjoyable holiday shopping experience for locals and visitors alike. Stock up for your weekend trip or extended coastal holiday with a visit to Kiama Village!Kiama VillageThe Pavilion KiamaA 143 Terralong Street, KiamaP 02 9840 0262E james.anderson@colliers.comW 2 Bong Bong Street, KiamaP 02 4232 1419E

Page 59 59CONTACT US0497 43 2 @greyleigh.kiama 177 Long Brush Rd,Jerrara NSW in a lush pocket of green rolling hills with viewsall the way out to the sea — Greyleigh is a uniquelybeautiful property set on 200 private acres, just two hourssouth of Sydney. A renowned dairy farm in the 1800s, Greyleigh is now a premier destination for holidays, weekend adventures, events and celebrations. Immerse yourself in nature, centuries of local history and the finest modern luxuries.As you move through the property you will find citrus trees, herb gardens, century-old silos and stoned walls, wildlife and farm animals. Enjoy exclusive use of the whole property, with a pool and cabana, day spa room and an outdoor woodfire pizza oven — Greyleigh offers it all for a soulful getaway or memorable event with loved ones.Luxury farm stay, wedding & events venueCrooked River Estate is a proudly family-owned and operated winery. It issituated in Gerringong on the beautiful south coast of New South Wales.Our vineyard was established in 1998 in the rich volcanic alluvial soil ofGerringong, in a valley with amazing views of the mountains and the sea. Crooked River EstateExperience the passion, the food, the wine & the views.1 Willowvale Rd, Gerringong NSW 2534

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60 is many things. An artmuseum embedded in the landscape.A wildlife sanctuary set on 1000 hectares. The vast array of experiences at this New South WalesSouth Coast art destination means every visitor’s journeyhere will be different.SOMETHING FOR EVERYONEBundanon presents a changing program of contemporaryexhibitions throughout the year, as well as a dynamiccalendar of live events and unique cultural experiences.Tour Arthur Boyd’s historic Bundanon Homestead & Studio; take a guided walk through the landscape; get creative in an artist-led workshop; or stop by for lunch at Ramox Café. Take the trip! Top to bottom: The Bridge. Photo: Katherine LuWilder Times, 2024 (installation view). Photo: Zan Wimberley Art Museum | Wed-Sun, 10am - 5pm Ramox Café | Wed-Sun,10am - 4pm Homestead & Arthur Boyd’s Studio | Sat & Sun,10am - 5pm Homestead Kitchen Café | Sat & Sun, 10am -3pm170 Riversdale Road, Illaroo NSW. 20 minutes west of

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62 & DrinkBusiness / Event NameCreative ArtsBusiness / Event NameContact numberContact numberWebsiteWebsiteVenue AddressVenue AddressPhotographyBelinda Doyle Photography & ArtJon Harris PhotographyPeter Izzard PhotographyPottery & CeramicsKiama Ceramic Art StudioPottery at Old Toolijooa SchoolSoul Clay StudiosZeynep Testoni CeramicsGalleries & StudiosAndrew McPhail ArtCedar Ridge Studio Robyn SharpFern Street Gallery Karen Crea ArtSevenmarks GalleryTwo Gulls GalleryCafé & RestaurantBy the Sea Take Away KiamaCentrepoint PizzaCin Cin Wine BarDaily Grind Coffee CompanyDiggies KiamaEl Corazon Cocina de MexicoFillmore'sFlour Water SaltHanoi on ManningJaws Seafood KiamaJJ's Indian RestaurantKG CaféKings Patisserie and CafeLittle Betty'sMeats and Greet BBQMiss ArdaMoist 'n' GlazedOlive & VineOtis DeliParfait PatisseriePark Central CafePenny WhistlersSaltwaterSilica RestaurantSlow DoughSpot CafeThai@KiamaThe Blue SwimmerThe Brooding ItalianThe Farmer's TableThe Hill Bar and KitchenThe Hungry MonkeyThe Quarry Café at Burnetts on Barney0417 068 0750431 561 1790418 463 2070417 698 8920439 924 1680403 183 1280417 284 2850405 767 0010431 776 03602 4232 14890466 641 0880413 490 3510406 407 9530436 353 37002 4232 48470434 208 40402 4233 088702 4232 331502 4263 981002 4232 456502 4233 221102 4236 181802 4232 264102 4202 31200499 548 01402 4232 12680457 237 84402 4232 10300411 476 8550410 373 67702 4232 110402 4233 05720477 614 9960490 609 74202 4232 119002 4234 37960406 401 21302 4232 12140402 345 3481300 666 53902 4233 13220403 139 41602 4234 14310405 465 3010405 465 watersaltéandrewmcphailar t.comrobyncsharp.comfernstreetgaller Fern Street, GerringongKiama Area Kiama Area6 Akuna Street, Kiama233 Princes Highway, Toolijooa51 Rowlins Road, GerringongHeadland Drive, Gerroa72 Terralong Street, Kiama 106Terralong Street, Kiama 4 TingiraCrescent, Kiama 9 Bergin Street,Gerringong Blowhole Point Road,Kiama 6 Terralong Street, Kiama38-40 Manning Street, Kiama 49Shoalhaven Street, Kiama 10Manning Street, Kiama 106Terralong Street, Kiama 127Terralong Street, Kiama 42Terralong Street, Kiama 18Allowrie Street, Jamberoo 55Collins Street, Kiama KiamaVillage Shopping Complex 62Terralong Street, Kiama 28 BongBong Street, Kiama 87 ManningStreet, Kiama 106 TerralongStreet, Kiama 38-40 ManningStreet, Kiama 84 TerralongStreet, Kiama 31 ShoalhavenStreet, Kiama 104 TerralongStreet, Kiama 72 Manning Street,Kiama 19 Bong Bong Street,Kiama 10/143 Terralong Street,Kiama 55 Collins Street, Kiama 19Riverleigh Avenue, Gerroa 160Manning Street, Kiama 42 CollinsStreet, Kiama 98 Fern Street,Gerringong 32 Collins Street,Kiama 80 Barney Street, KiamaKiama Area 287 Free SelectorsRoad, FoxgroundBy AppointmentKiama Area7 Marks Street, Kiama11 Gray Street, Kiama

Page 62 63See & DoFood & DrinkBusiness / Event NameHealth & WellnessBusiness / Event NameBusiness / Event NameContact numberContact numberContact numberWebsiteWebsiteWebsiteVenue AddressVenue AddressVenue AddressDanceMiss Zoe's School of DanceEvents & EntertainmentFolk By the SeaGerringong Music ClubKiama Show SocietyThe Fine Wine FestFamily FunGranties Maze & Fun ParkIllawarra Fly Treetop AdventuresJamberoo Action ParkFishingFishing with a LocalKiama Charter ServiceFitnessKiama Tennis ClubMuseumBundanonGerringong Library and MuseumHARS Aviation MuseumMassageKoh Samui MassageSiam Balance Float and WellnessYoga & PilatesBody In Line Pilates StudioEmergence YogaThe Studio KiamaBike HireKiama CyclesIce CreameryCafé Kiama & Scoops Ice CreameryThe Original Ice Creamery KiamaCatering & Custom Food ServicesCulinarius Catering and Fine FoodsLocal ProduceThe Treat Factory & Dairy BarTilda & CacaoWineries & BreweryCoolangatta EstateCrooked River WinesStoic BrewingBeauty & Day SpaSoul Revival SpaSynergy Beauty Therapy Health & WellnessThe Man WalkWellness & Recovery HausCafé & RestaurantZia's CaffeZiggy's Pizza02 4228 18000407 433 62602 4234 024102 4232 31000402 740 76802 4464 111202 8089 02850414 485 94302 4233 19500402 837 1770412 123 3430424 826 6050416 269 5650402 278 2571300 053 4350419 788 31302 4448 713102 4234 09750499 476 599 02 4232 30050407 291 05402 4232 24310437 697 43502 4236 17160407 284 88802 4885 107802 4236 011402 4422 21000413 738 91502 4257 43331300 887 0340414 529 4070431366 9440414 500 Terralong Street, Kiama106 Terralong Street, Kiama35 Manning Street, Kiama128 Terralong Street, Kiama25 Noble Street, Gerringong42 Terralong Street, Kiama106 Terralong Street, Kiama6 Old Creamery Lane, Berry2 Victoria Street, Gerringong97 Kenny Street WollongongMobile Business, Kiama Area64 Manning Street, Kiama27 Collins Street, Kiama12 Thornett Way, Kiama Downs65 Manning Street, Kiama45 Collins Street , Kiama11 Blackwood Street, Gerringong50 Noorinan Street, KiamaMobile Business"Kostalota" Kiama Harbour1335 Bolong Road, Shoalhaven Heads11 Willowvale Road, Gerringong45 Rowlins Road, GerringongKiama Showground, KiamaGerringong Town Hall, GerringongBong Bong Street, KiamaKiama Area170 Riversdale Road, Illaroo 10Blackwood Street, Gerringong 54Airport Road, Albion Park RailSaddleback Mountain Road, Kiama25 Donovan Road, Foxground182 Knights Hill Road, Knights Hill1215 Jamberoo Road, Jamberoo

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64 & DoServicesService & Sporting ClubsBusiness / Event NameBusiness / Event Name Contact numberContact numberWebsiteWebsite Venue AddressVenue AddressToursFoodscape ToursGumaraa Aboriginal ExperienceKing of the RoadPrancing Horse Drive ExperiencesWorkshopsBead ShackBuena Vista FarmExpressive Art ExperienceKerry Bruce ArtKiama Art WorkshopsKiama U3ALampshade WorkroomLuxury Clay ExperiencesWillowvale Road MuseumIllawarra Light Rail MuseumPilots Cottage MuseumThe Australian Motorlife MuseumNature & Adventure ActivitiesBIGWAVE SKYDIVEJervis Bay WildMinnamurra Rainforest CentreShellharbour WildStand Up Paddle Board ShellharbourSurf SchoolSurf Camp Australia / Gerroa Surf School SolicitorsRMB LawyersTransportLink AirlinesPharmacyKiama Downs PharmacyRadio & MediaThe BugleReal Estate & PropertyElders Real Estate JamberooRidgewaters KiamaRetirement LivingCedar on CollinsBowling ClubsGerringong Bowling & Recreation ClubKiama Bowling & Recreation ClubBusiness ServicesCloudbreak WealthKiama and District Business ChamberGraphics, Web & DigitalDNL CreativeAudio Visual & LightingR & R Production Services0421 467 3130411 188 88502 4237 77320412 415 10102 4255 045202 4232 11881300 851 26902 4263 90840457 773 0640402 101 3431300 752 15402 4234 141402 4232 11760492 267 5810438 520 44802 4261 41000407 787 3461300 502 1000432 645 9120492 473 8471300 307 05002 4234 11970414 703 9580411 417 3630418 463 2070404 770 5040488 445 6550437 360 7870435 158 6890413 132 4610432 715 03202 4441 700202 42 360 46902 4203 23790427 667 938dnlcreative.comlinkairways.comsur texperience.comkerr ybrucear t.comkiamaar y.comaustralianmotorlifemuseum.comKiama Area20 Dido Street, Kiama33 Collins Street, Kiama65 Manning Street, Kiama20 Allowrie Street, Jamberoo2 Surfleet Place, Kiama125 Terralong Street, Kiama88-90 Terralong Street, Kiama88-90 Terralong Street, KiamaPacific Avenue, Gerringong100 Shoalhaven Street, Kiama107 Crooked River Road, Gerroa23 Johnson Street, Kiama Downs113 Queen Street, Berry 26Shaban Street, Albion Park RailMobile Business Mobile Business48A Tongarra Road, Albion Park RailBlowhole Point, Kiama94 Darkes Road, Stream HillBass Point Tourist Road, Shell Cove15 Field Street, Huskisson345 Minnamurra Falls Road, Jamberoo9 Marina Drive, Shell CoveMinnamurra River & Lake IllawarraShellharbour Airport Terminal, Albion Park Rail123-125 Fern Street, Gerringong 250 Fern Street,Gerringong Kiama Area Kiama Area Kiama ScoutHall, Kiama North Kiama Neighbourhood Centre,Kiama Downs Jamberoo Area Mobile Business 128Willowvale Road, GerringongBusiness / Event Name Contact number Website Venue Address

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Published by Destination Kiama / Kiama Municipal CouncilDesign by Switch Up Design • Text by Dean Koorey • Artwork by Aunty Jodie Stewart • Illustrations by Tiana LichaaContent photography (in order of appearance): Belinda Doyle Design, Jeff Sheppeard Photography, Peter Izzard Photography, Mark Fitz Photography, Jon Harris Photography, Jordan Robins Photography, Phil Winterton Photography, Ian Hollis Photography, Destination NSW, Dee Kramer Photography, Chloe Aubin Photography, Ashley Sykes Photography, Lachlan Hall, Ellie Summerhayes, Shot Studio, Sol Flare Photography, Krimsone and Scott Nagy, Chilby Photography and Alana Taylor Photography. Cover Image: Chloe Aubin Photography • Printing: IVE GroupCopyright and concept: Kiama Municipal Council. All rights reserved © 2025. No part may be reproduced in any form without written permissionfrom the publishers. While care has been taken, no responsibility will be accepted for errors, misconceptions or omissions of any 65Weddings & EventsShopping & MarketsService & Sporting ClubsBusiness / Event NameBusiness / Event NameContact numberContact numberWebsiteWebsiteVenue AddressVenue AddressVenueBush Bank WeddingsGreyleighSeacliff HouseThe Co-op GerringongThe Pavilion KiamaWedding ServicesElopments by SharonMaking Faces Makeup StudioPop Up ElopementsMarketsCelebrantCeremonies with Tanya Sharonis my CelebrantMobile Bar, FunctionsHenry Clive Caravan BarGolf ClubsGerringong Golf ClubJamberoo Golf ClubKiama Golf Club Service ClubsKiama Leagues ClubKiama Surf Life Saving ClubRetail StoreShopping CentreKiama VillageKiama Farmers' MarketKiama Masonic CentreKiama Seaside Markets34 Degrees South Trading CompanyBombo Clothing CoKiama Sweet CompanyNorfolk & Co GerringongSara Handmade JewelleryThe Bookshop KiamaThe Collective Beat KiamaThe Phone SurgeryThe Retro RoomToyworld Kiama0448 306 9550493 256 9200417 287 03102 4236 040402 4237 730002 4232 17770404 478 8530431 823 0780409 668 2310457 773 0630422 036 41102 4232 24220490 548 3380432 683 20702 4233 202302 4232 49660421 723 228134 877 0432265 523 024232 26840412 689 7730437 575 3750408 364 3210497 432 4321800 442 3880431 759 01502 4232 14190437 575 37502 4232 22480432 268 101henr .comthephonesurger BusinessMobile BusinessMobile Business7 Hothersal Street, KiamaMobile Business109 Terralong Street, Kiama74 Manning Street, Kiama143 Terralong Street, Kiama69 Rowlins Road, Gerringong128 Belinda Street, Gerringong44 Manning Street, Kiama106 Terralong Street, Kiama141 Belinda Street, Gerringong130 Terralong Street, Kiama64 Terralong Street, Kiama100 Terralong Street, Kiama143 Terralomg Street, Kiama128 Terralong Street, Kiama74 Terralong Street, Kiama14 Crooked River Road, Gerringong21 Allowrie Street, Jamberoo79 Oxley Avenue, Kiama Downs59 Princes Highway, Kiama165 - 177 Long Brush Road, Jerrara139 Princess Highway, Gerringong18 Belinda Street, Gerringong2 Bong Bong Street, KiamaCoronation Park, Surf Beach, Kiama46 Collins Street, Kiama61 Terralong Street, KiamaBusiness / Event Name Contact number Website Venue Address

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66 ELNSLOOOAAR DSDERJOGSSERE RVGDTMIRSRBES CRACENTRAL AVDITo WollongongTo NowraRAILWAYGRA ILWAYYAWLIARRA ILWAYCO A STSOU THW YAILARARREDI HNHI G HWAYUNAVALE-MOSSTMcGRATDRRANMTDROL IJOSFRSRORA EYLOCALDERWORALSMEADOWABDROADEAVCAAAREROKAOORBTONURTMALDRAAEIAANDRORANRDIFSROMEPRINCESL ATROUTEDRAAUTWRSEDI-MDCTELSSCANDABROAENREWLLOLBRALQEYARCERRNHIB AAAERUNTHKAOUSH MDH LTTORJAOONERSGDALETDVM UEW ILD ERDLNTDVSOPI S T RJAMAOADRPSRMKONTLPRIYMEOK.EODIOKA NDAABE NALLOARADSORUAODRRAOJLROADEBKIROZWBROAWHARFRDTDADSRRDOIOALNGRDRAVRBRBEACHROADCLRALCDLLNCE RDKRETALERDNLIMOUER OBUDSHEERPSEUR IJAMBRLRWDHOSORRRDFOXG ROGADRVE EHSBHIG HWAYATHS RDWATCEDPSFOUFKEANRDOMOLNADGOLER DOUNDOONMREEORDDABOIKAUEMENSALOOARSAMYRRDOOLHRREDRIAREVRROADIREHLUPPLLDERORailwayMuseumGROJamberooLookoutHindmarshLookoutIllawarraLookPoiucnic tAreaMt Pleasant LookoutManningsLookoutSurge TankLPumping &Power StationE YBendeela Pumping& Power StationO.OGDAKDMTONGARRARDLDMEODNKLELEKORWJA MROADLHTOUWYAWHROADRDDNEULDROADARTON.MKARDD.DDDMMLRAUSTOOHCAILONRRBJAA ARRILL AWDRRGDEAANTUAAASHNODRESS WA MPERHWYSECNIRPLTPLNAORDHALLAYNHRIRBNAALDROAORILLAWARRARNIllawarraRegional AirportMT JOHNSTONMACQUARIEPASSGREEN MOUNTAINSTOCKYARD MTNKNAPSACK HILLCALOOLA PASSWANTSHILLMcGRATHS HILLKNIGHTSHILLWATTS HILLJAMBEROO PASSMMTTBBRRAANNDDOONNNOORINAN MTNSADDLEBACKMOUNTAINBIG HILLBUNKERSHILLUULLRRIICCHHSS PPAASSSSCURRYSMOUNTAINBARRENGARRYMOUNTAINDRAWING ROOMROCKSRED HILLTHE GAPBBRROOUUGGHHTTOONNHHEEAADDBBIINNYYAA HHIILLLLTOMLINSHILLMMTT CCAARRRRIIAALLOOOOWindang IslandM A C Q U A R I E P A S SN A T I O N A L P A R KBAS S P OINTRE S E R V EKILLALEASTATE PARKStack IslandRO D W AYN A T U R ER E S E R V EHampden BridgehcaBeleiMnSeevWarilla BeachBarrack PointShellharbourBeachMystics BeachBomboBeachWalkers BeachhcaeBaelallKiAvondaleYallahMarshallMountaBarrackHeightsCalderwoodAlbionParkRailBass PointGlenquarryShell CoveMt.MurrayDunmoreTullimbarCroomOcean ViewCalwallaRocklowYellow RockMinnamurra PointMinnamurraCurramoreCarringtonFallsWildes MeadowJerraraMyra ValeYeolaBBaarree BBlluuffffUpperKangaroo ValleyFoxgroundBrogersCreekRose ValleyBudderooWillow ValeWoodhillBroughtonWattamollaBarrengarryBroughtonValeToolijooaBlack HeadBundewallahBerryMountainBellawongarahJamberooAction ParkIllawarraFly TreeTop WalkBarren GroundsWalking TracksMaps produced by © Cartodraft Australia Pty. Ltd. Ph: 02 8850 n g c a r r i b e e S wa mpBelmoreF a l l sF i t z r o y F a l l siFoysBendee laPo ndag eS wa mpF i t z ro yF a l l sR e sLAKEILLAWARRAyanaBkBushrangers BayantnRogonoeoKReWingecarribeeR e s e r v o irM O R T O NN A T I O N A LP A R KB U D D E R O ON A T I O N A L P A R KB A R R E N G R O U N D SN A T U R E R E S E R V EB U D D E R O ON A T I O N A L P A R KMt. WarrigalOakFlatsShellharbourEastKangaloonKangaloonKiama DownsBomboAvocaBeachsideMarsden HeadKiama HeightsFitzroy FallsWerri BeachWindangWarillaBurrawangJamberooGerringongGerroaBerryKangarooValleyAlbionParkRobertsonBlowhole PtKIAMAlreerCvrS h a f tinRBlaottuoLitBCCluakvrsruokkneu srnasooviagCktayClrkrnaahsgCDerCabyarkrraoHBaagnurrYkCstneguNrgCnwnkCkr hsagKorC a n a larNFedovniRdCaeaFi t z r o ykCorokoCgnrbnae eDm sthungBrzcCknekhCklgeuForPipelinenBoo l l y snDClhBalaluwaidCkcnlsGCel seDlmMkCuCslCirkTC a n a leCkgeaooounnrnaCCYFCkkkesBCkuCCckkrCkkuCawiorgCreToBirkrlhaddeklkaS reWkskWCksrelylirYellgagrelGminwLkg roBkeaeerCsregorBreviRooragnaKmuerRivooraganKlkklaworyCaCklCuMrcpnlCkGleriivRarqMranniRokyCtdsaertueluRiveracMnuoMlaCeeapeyuerkrklDkCrrqlGrJerKIAMA AREA MAP 4 6 8 10kmM1M1M1M1M123221019201617102110101015

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Keylandmarks21345678Ocean Pool(s)Little BlowholeKiama BlowholeKiama Leisure CentreHistoric Terrace HousesBonaira Native GardensPilot’s Cottage MuseumKiama Visitor InformationCentre912101113141516LookoutsBoneyardGolf Course(s)Cathedral RocksBombo HeadlandMinnamurra RiverSpring Creek Wetland& Bird HideMinnamurra RainforestCentre2217181920212324Scan the QR code formore information onthese landmarksCarrington FallsThe Farm, KillaleaBrewery & WineriesJamberoo Action ParkBarren Grounds NatureReserveHARS Aviation MuseumJamberoo Pub & JohnnyWarren MuseumIllawarra Fly Treetop 67

Page 67 68Werri Beach Holiday ParkYUL AWTIARCOASTc hHOSYAWLIARILLAWARRAto SaddlebackMtn LookoutSurf BeachHoliday ParkKendalls BeachHoliday ParkDiscoveryHoliday ParksGerroaSeven Mile BeachHoliday ParkP.O.RampPublicSchoolHOLLIMinnamurraRailwayStationTennisCourtsClubHouseNetballCtsAquaticCentreTennisCourtsCemeteryPublicSchoolCouncilDepotPetrolStationRampKiama Downs SLSCBowlingClubKiamaDistrictHospitalBomboRailway StationKiama Rwy StnChapmanResP.O.LittleBlowholeTheBlowholeShellyBeacha c hB el enMie v eSaB eir reWCathedralRocksSurf BeachKendallsBeachBlackBeachB e a c hB o m b ohcaeBsenoJhe a cBarrumaM i n nStackIslandH/MHH/MBlack HeadBx2MAMA7HHHMABHM MinnamurraPointKendalls PointKaleulaHeadBlowholePoin2tMarsdenHeadPheasantPoint6KiamaChurch PtGerryEmeryReserveKiamaCourseKiamaVillageNative Ga4rdenKiamaSports ComplexKiamaHighSchoolBonairaResCemCemeteryPublicSchoolP.O.FootbridgeCemPoolRampBoat Fisherman's ClubTennis ClubBowling ClubP.O.Fire StationGerringongRailway StationPublic SchoolMayower Ret. VillageMichael CroninMuseumFieldFootbridgeP.O.TownHallMPetrolStationBowlingClubTennisClubSLSCCemeteryWhaleWatchingPlatform6PoolPetrol StationSports GroundGolfCourseTo Golf CourseRed CliffKiama Fire &Ambulance Stn2nd Kiama accessSouthbound1st Kiama accessNorthbound2nd Kiama accessNorthbound1st Kiama accessSouthboundS h o a l h a v e n0BightGe r ri n gon gHar bouranoogLirreWHarbourdekororCeviRHyamskeerCreviRarrmuanniMkeeC reeOoarknore erCanuMannuMreviRarrumanniMSpring kCGerroaJamberooGer r i n gWerriBeachBa yPoolBoat RampGerringongKiamaDownsGolfMinnamurraBomboEastsBeachEasts BeachHoliday ParkKiamaHeightsKIAMACROOKEDDRKRPAEDRPARADRUALLAROADKERBUFSTDROFVSTASTDROFSTAFDRIVEHEADLANDAVHGIELREIYOUNGSTGOLDEN VALLEYROWENSTSTREETMACQUARIEBEATTI ESTREETE TESTRLELRIWOAWYALLALANEMINNAMURRAST R EETCHURCHILLMTN RDOOREBJAMCROOKEDRDRIVERRDRIVERRDAVPA CI F ICRWILVALELO WDSIMSRO ADBLACKWOODSTJUPITE RGE E R INGSTREETSTAVPA CI F ICAVPA CI F ICSANDY WHARDRDREN F R E WDRRREN F R EWROSEVA LLE YROADBRIDGESRDTSIREWSTR E ETFERNSTR E ETFERNSTCAMPBELLBELINDASTROWLINSROADGRETASTPRINCESHIGHWAYTOORAKWE IR STDRIVEAVENUEA T T UNGANGRDAMSOUTH KIARDASOUTH KIAMSOCEA NSTTMARSDENSTTINGIRA CRAVDRAVYOBOANAT OMBONDAVANNAGWINGGIRR AWEENTSREIDSTBONAIRADARIEN AVDRNIDATNSUOMADLMEEIBACK CHAPMAN STTSADDLEBACK ROADSTAYLORBL A NDSTBARNEYBL A NDSTMcMINNAMURRABONG BONGORINAN STST B ARNEYBELVED FARMERSTSTSTSTKULPLAFOLDHOTHERSALSTSHOALHAVENTHOMSON STCOLLINSSTSTEDDY STETASIOMANNR GMA NNI NGSTONAKSTAVAERNGVUTERRALONGSTSTGIPPSIRVIRBROWN STSTTERLOENPRINCESHIGHWAYRNEOCLIFTRARLESACHBAVDNAXERCALARDSNVRDNAHERCAILUKFLINDE RS AVDRIVERTHKIAMANOAVVAMAILKEEIDFEVIDRAMKIATHRONAREUANVAVSRAHSTFED E RALNORTHSTAHIGHWAYPRINCESDRIVERIVERSIDEDRIVERIVERSIDESTEEEYLXPRINCES HWY0500 m© Cartodraft Australia Pty. Ltd.Serviced ApartmentBed & BreakfastHotelMotel0250 500 m500 m0500 m KEYKiamaCoastWalk KiamaCoast WalkSect. 1Kiama Coast WalkSect. 3KiamaCoast WalkSect. 2241B02418151510615158 9 14101312116315

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69 ShellharbourJones BeachBoneyardBombo BeachSSpprriinnggCC rr ee ee kkBOMBOKiama HarbourSurf BeachKendalls BeachLittleB l ow h o l eEurnson SekaAveJohtPRINCES HWYPRINCESHWYThe Kiama Coast Walk forms an unbrokenribbon stretching approximately 20km alongour sparkling coastline. Suitable for mostlevels of fitness, along the way you’ll betreated to spectacular ocean views, unspoiltbeaches and delightful detours via a mix ofsealed pathways, beaches and grassedtracks. Enjoy the walk.MINNAMURRA RIVERCATHEDRAL ROCKSBOMBO HEADLANDBLOWHOLEVISITOR INFORMATIONCENTRE AND PILOT’SCOTTAGE MUSEUMLITTLE BLOWHOLENWESMINNAMURR AKIAMA DOWNSKIAMABlowhole Point“YULUNGA” Welcome to Dharawal CountryWe proudly acknowledge the WodiWodi people of the DharawalNation as the traditional custodiansof ‘Kiarama’ or Kiama, as it is currently known.We pay our respects to all Elders past, present, and emerging and recognise their deep and ongoing connection to this land, water, and communit yStar t

Page 69 70PRINCES HWYPRINCES HWYEastsBeachLoves BayMount PleasantLookoutWerriLagoonWerri BeachTo GerroaBoat HarbourKIAMAHEIGHTSWALKING TIPSGERRINGONGWERRI LAGOONDREAMING POLESWHALE WATCHING PLATFORMKey to symbolsKiama Coast WalkTrain LineWerri Lagoon is occasionally open to the sea. Call 1300 654 262 to see if you can cross.Your dog is welcome on a lead for most of the walk, but not permitted on various beaches. See onsite signage for details.Train StationFood + DrinkPicnic AreaToiletsunattended.Travel smart – carry water, a phone and wear sun protection.For train times, visit www.transportnsw.infoShare your adventure #kiamansw @kiamanswThis walk is a series of connected paths and tracks with varying conditions. For more information on the most suitable section for your needs, please contact us using the details below.ParkingAccommodationOcean PoolKiama Visitor Information CentreBlowhole Point Road Phone: 1300 654 our digital mapby scanning the QR codeMINNAMURRA RIVER TO KIAMA BLOWHOLEKIAMA BLOWHOLE TO LOVES BAYLOVES BAY TO GERRINGONG8.5km3 hrsMedium6km1.5 hrsMedium6km2 hrsMediumFinish

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Visit• To Sydney: 90mins• To Wollongong: 35mins• To Kangaroo Valley: 40mins• To Jervis Bay: 1hr• To Canberra: 2hrs 45mins• To Batemans Bay: 2hrs• To Melbourne (Hume Hwy): 8hrs 20mins• To Melbourne (Princes Hwy): 11hrs• Kiama Village Shopping Centre: 143 Terralong St, Kiama (3)• Pavilion Kiama: 2 Bong Bong St, Kiama (4)• Top Shop Kiama: 162 Manning St, Kiama• Gerringong Bowling Club: Pacific Ave Download the app “PlugShare” for more. • Shellharbour Hospital: 17 Madigan Blvd, Mount Warrigal.  02 4295 2500• Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital: Scenic Drive, Nowra.  02 4421 3111• Trains: 131 500 (stations at Minnamurra, Bombo, Kiama and Gerringong)• Illawarra Taxi Network  02 4254 2121• Driving Miss Daisy  02 4237 7505• Kiama Coachlines  02 4232 3466• Limited Uber: Book ahead or allow 20mins• Woolworths: 143 Terralong St, Kiama, 7am-9pm• IGA: 17 Johnson St, Kiama Downs, 7am-8pm• IGA: 3 Allowrie St, Jamberoo, 7am-7pm• IGA: 11-13 Blackwood St, Gerringong, 7.30am-8pm• Foodworks: 41 Meehan Dr, Kiama Downs 6.30am-7pm• Top Shop Kiama: 162 Manning St, Kiama, 7am-8pm• BP Kiama: 180 Manning St, 24hrs• Enhance Kiama: 35 Collins St, 5am-10pm• Caltex Gerringong: 2 Belinda St, 5am-10pm• Enhance Gerringong: 140 Fern St, 5am-10pm• Anglican: 2 Terralong St, Kiama; 17 Railway Pde, Minnamurra; 103 Fern St, Gerringong;45 Churchill St, Jamberoo• Catholic: 94 Manning St, Kiama; 166 Fern St, Gerringong; 22 Chapel Ln, Jamberoo• Uniting: 19 Bong Bong St, Kiama; 25 Fern St, Gerringong; 11 Wyalla Rd, Jamberoo• Presbyterian: 40 Shoalhaven St, Kiama• Baptist: 1/3 Brown St, Kiama• Minnamurra: 446 Riverside Dr• Minnamurra River: Minnamurra• Crooked River: Gerroa• Werri Lagoon: Gerringong• Kiama Cycles: 27 Collins St  02 4232 3005• Seven Mile Beach Kayak & Bike Hire: 200 Crooked River Rd,Gerroa  02 4234 1340• SUP Shellharbour: Lake Illawarra & Minnamurra River  0427 667 938• Kevin Walsh Oval: Jamberoo (Public) •Holiday parks in Gerroa, Gerringong and Kiama• Kiama: 100 Shoalhaven St• Gerringong: Pacific Ave, Werri Beach• Jamberoo: 11 Allowrie St• For domestic animal, parking or pollution issues  0409 917 092• For issues with native animals, birds or reptiles  WIRES 1300 094 737• Gerringong: Coastal links, scenic, par 72• Kiama : Treelined fairways, par 66• Jamberoo: Rural, water hazards, par 67 (Jamberoo Golf Club also offers FootGolf)• Minnamurra : 2 courts  02 4231 4302• Kiama: 7 courts (Noorinan St) and 2 courts (Blowhole Pt)  02 4232 2431• Gerringong: 5courts  0437 430 731• Jamberoo: 4 courts  0429 838 942• Outdoor table tennis: Kiama & Gerringong• Crooked River (Prawns, Bream, Flathead)• Minnamurra River (Whiting, Bream, Flathead, Blackfish)• Kiama Harbour (Bream, Blackfish)• Blowhole Point/Black Head, Gerroa (Kingfish, Snapper, Trevally, Salmon, Groper)• Werri Beach (Snapper, Whiting)• Seven Mile Beach (Whiting, Bream, Tailor, Salmon, Flathead, Mulloway)• In a boat! (take your pick)• 6 boat ramps Minnamurra River (3), Kiama Harbour, Gerringong Boat Harbour, SevenMile Beach Fishing Licences are available online from ServiceNSW. • Blowhole Point: Kiama •Continental Pool: Kiama •South Werri: Gerringong •Boat Harbour: Gerringong Police, fire, ambulanceemergencies occuring now, calltriple zero (000) immediately.For all other non-urgent policeassistance and general enquiries,please call 02 4232 1444.Playgrounds BBQs• James Oates Reserve: Minnamurra• Jones Beach: Kiama Downs• Chase Reserve: Gainsborough• Robert East Reserve: Bombo• Black Beach: Kiama• Storm Bay: Kiama• Hindmarsh Park: Kiama• Coronation Park: Kiama• Surf Beach: Kiama• Peace Park: Kiama• Kendalls Beach: Kiama • Bonaira Native Gardens: Kiama• Bonaira Oval: Kiama• Hillview Circuit: Kiama• Attunga Reserve: Kiama• Old School Ground Park: Gerringong• Werri Beach Surf Club: Werri Beach• Boat Harbour: Gerringong• Jerrara Dam: Jerrara• Reid Park: Jamberoo• Minnamurra Rainforest: Jamberoo • Kiama Leisure Centre: bball, indoor  02 4232 1877 • North Kiama Dr, Kiama Downs: bball •Kiama Quarry Sports Complex: skate •Meehan Dr, Gainsborough: both • SouthWerri Beach, Gerringong: both • KevinWalsh Oval, Jamberoo: both Ocean 71The Driving timesEmergenciesEssentialsFuelHospitalsChurchesGroceriesPublic toiletsPublic transportEV charging stationsGolf coursesFishing spotsBowling greensRanger & WiresRecycling centreKayaking/paddlingTennis courts (floodlit)Motorhome dump pointsBike hire & water sport hireParks & reservesBasketball & Skate parksFor other enquiries,contact Kiama VisitorInformation Centre:Blowhole Point Road1300 654

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