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2025 January NBIFC Newsletter

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34567,891011121314151617181920TABLE OF CONTENTS JANUARY 2025Executive Director’s MessageUpcoming EventsPrenatal ClassCommunity GenerosityKiizhay GraduatesSeven Grandfather TeachingsMembership Holiday Dinner 2024Parentling ClassAdult Cooking ClassCommunity Drum SocialFamily Support/Prenatal Program CalendarFamily Support/Prenatal Nutrition BingoRed Dress Day Art ContestHealth Outreach ProgramLandlord- Tenant Law WorkshopWe Are Hiring!Staff Directory

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Chi-Miigwetch and Happy New Year!As we welcome the arrival of a new year, I want to extend my warmest wishesfor a happy and prosperous 2025. Here at the North Bay IndigenousFriendship Centre (NBIFC), we’re embracing the opportunities the yearahead holds, with excitement and determination to build on our successes.This year, we are thrilled to announce the return of our annual LanguageConference, to be hosted once again at the Best Western. Last year’s eventwas an incredible success, thanks to the enthusiasm and participation of ourcommunity. Your feedback has encouraged us to make this an annualtradition, and we’re hard at work ensuring this year’s conference will be evenbetter. Keep an eye out for more details—we can’t wait to share what wehave planned!Another highlight to mark on your calendars is our much-anticipated annualMaamwi Kindasaawin Pow Wow. This cherished event will take place on June7-8, 2025, at Lee Park. The powwow continues to grow in size andsignificance, and we’re calling on our community members to join us inmaking it a resounding success. Volunteers play an essential role in bringingthis celebration to life, and we’d love to have your support.Suswin Village is entering its second year of operation, and we couldn’t beprouder of the remarkable work being done there. The staff have shownunwavering commitment to maintaining this 24-hour nest and providing vitalprogramming and activities for our most vulnerable community members. Aheartfelt shoutout also goes to our NBIFC team for their dedication todelivering wraparound services that make a difference in so many lives.I look forward to seeing each of you throughout the year as we gather,celebrate, and grow together. Your participation in our programs andactivities is what makes this community so special.Chi-Miigwetch for your ongoing support and contributions. Together, let’smake 2025 a year to remember!Baamaapii, Kathy FortinExecutive Director’s Message

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January 13th - 6:30 PM Full Moon CeremonyBig Medicine Studio - 161 Couchie Memorial Drive (at the tipi)Community Drum Social - See posterJanuary 28thFebruary 25thMarch 25th5:00pm-8:00pmTuesday night Drum nights! January 21st, February 4th, 11th and 18th6pm to 8pmPrenatal ClassesWednesdays 2:00pm- 3:00pm - please see posterJanuary 23rdFamily Support Nutrition Bingo - must register!Curious about what programs we offer? Program list Brochure can be found here: January 13th - 6:30 PM Full Moon CeremonyBig Medicine Studio - 161 Couchie Memorial Drive (at the tipi)Community Drum Social - See posterJanuary 28thFebruary 25thMarch 25th5:00pm-8:00pmTuesday night Drum nights! January 21st, February 4th, 11th and 18th6pm to 8pmPrenatal ClassesWednesdays 2:00pm- 3:00pm - please see posterJanuary 23rdFamily Support Nutrition Bingo - must register!Curious about what programs we offer? Program list Brochure can be found here: UPCOMING EVENTS PAGEUPCOMING EVENTS PAGE

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PrenatalClassEveryWednesdayTo register please call (705)472-2811Cindy Ext 212 or Kayla Ext 210Must be registered clients with FamilySupport and/or Prenatal Program.Registration is easy, call today!2:00pm-3:30 pmThere are few things more exciting than preparing for a newfamily member. Come in and learn about prenatal nutrition,labour and delivery, gestational diabetes, spiritual health,emotional health, and so much more, giving you the support youneed to take care of yourself and your little seed.

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Community Generosity 2024With the Giving Tree at the Winter Market and in our lobby, community donations, help fromthe Anishinabek Police Service and the Indigenous Education at the Near North DistrictSchool Board, we were able to distribute more help over the holidays than ever before! A grand total of 190 people (40 families, 30 elders, 15 Youth) with this year's donations andgifts each received gifts and items. In fact, most of the children received more than one giftand 8 families received a gift card of $100 for food.Chi-miigwetch to every person, organization, apartment building and business that donatedduring the gift drives, or just popped in to make a donation. Your contributions meant somuch to many of our families who face challenging times during the Christmas season. Chi-miigwetch to Our Supporters! A heartfelt chi-miigwetch (thank you) to everyone who contributed through Canada Helps, orbrought in donations throughout 2024. Your one time and monthly generosity fuels ourmission at the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre, ensuring our community events andactivities continue to thrive.Inflation has impacted us all, but your donations are a powerful way to keep traditions alive.Events like the Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow Wow, TRC Day, and countless others provide vitalopportunities for cultural connection, learning, and celebration.For many, attending NBIFC events or accessing services is a profound way to engage withculture, especially when traveling to home communities isn’t possible or someone is justbeginning to explore their heritage.With over 8,000 Indigenous people in our city, your support creates real impact—helping usbring people together, foster cultural pride, and build lasting connections.

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It was a busy Fall and winter season for the Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin Program; we had 2 classeswith 22 people graduating from the 12 week I am a Kind Man Program, attending both in person andvirtually! We wrapped up a busy 12 weeks of programming with a sharing circle and a GraduationDinner for those who could attend in person, with the rest attending virtually for the sharing circleand certificate presentation! The Kizhaay Group also had the opportunity to make Ribbon Vests for their Graduation Ceremony.It was bad weather that day, so some were unable to make it, but everyone had a great daylearning how to pin, cut and sew! And let's not forget how to rip stitches; some of us got REALLYgood at pulling stitches in the learning process, lol! Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin 22 Graduates, ready to make a difference.To top off a great day learning a new skill, we had a participant gift moose meat to the group, andanother participant made Moose Stew and Bannock so everyone could enjoy some traditional food. Ijust want to thank Pearl Sandy, and Sandra Thorkelson for organizing, picking out amazing fabricsand ribbon colours and helping to prep all the patterns as well as helping out on the day of theworkshop teaching how to sew and letting everyone learn and put their own touches on a fantasticVest they can wear to ceremonies for years to come.There was so much growth, sharing, and support in the Kizhaay Groups, which is a true testament tothe power of this program and the change it can bring for men to help heal our communities. I justwant to share some comments that the group made about the program. “I feel really blessed, really honoured… to be part of this program, this group….THANK YOU ALL forsharing, it feels like family. I have been through this program a couple of times, and it has NEVERfelt like this…. This has been different; I can feel the change.”“I’m not very good at these kind of talks…. I had a good week. I am glad I got to go through thisprogram, otherwise I would have been down a bad path, I’m glad I got to go through with this groupand feel really good about my path going forward as we graduate.”

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As you read the comments about the 12-week program, you can get a sense of the amazing work itis doing for our community, not only in North Bay but all over. Helping men to healintergenerational traumas, providing education, and providing a path forward through the SevenGrandfather Teachings leads to a fulfilled, strong community that is being built around ourcultures and traditions. Giving the men the courage, bravery and skills to speak up when theywitness abuse towards women, girls, two-spirit and gender diverse peoples. When you see the red Kizhaay Sweaters in the community and read the quote on the back It’s time for the sleeping giants to rise, Start using your gifts Start helping out Start doing the things you need to do -Richard Assinewai, Anishinabek Head Getzit Everyone who is wearing that sweater has made that commitment to help bring our communitiesback to traditional teachings and is ready to use their Gifts and start helping their communities. I would like to thank all the participants in the Kizhaay Program, you all are what makes thisprogram amazing, the way you supported each other in the group as well as connecting andcreating a support network outside of the group for both the virtual and in person was inspiring towatch and I wish you all the best on your journeys forward! And thank you so much for the pouch that was gifted to me, and made by George L. on behalf of the group; it will be a companion of mine when I spend time on the land, Chi Miigwetch! Happy new year and all the best in 2025!Kris Dicht “I think…I don’t know, I took a lot of the traditions and stuff that I didn’t know anything about,that I hadn’t been taught before, like the Grandfather Teachings, I didn’t know anything aboutthat. I loved the group work we did, where we had to put ourselves in situations and role play. Iliked the energy of the group, and I was hesitant to join and attend online, but it was really good. Ilike all the energy and shares; I hope to be able to pass this along to the next guy and my sons.” “I’ve taken away from the program a different way of thinking, being able to look at a situationand see both sides of the Coin; it has really helped me so far, and to be honest, I want to join theprogram again to learn even more and what I missed.”“When I joined I have really bad social anxiety, but coming to the end of the program, I wish Icould have been there with you guys in person, you all feel like a family.”

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Membership Holiday Dinner 2024The 2024 December Holiday Dinner was a beautifulevent, with over 120 people attending. Santa Clauseven showed up to wish everyone a Merry Christmasbefore heading back up to the North Pole to finish upholiday preparations. There were great prize draws, andthe turkey dinner the staff made was, yet again, topnotch (according to attendees). Chi-miigwetch to allthat attended!Kids of all ages werehappy to see Santa!The winter themedphoto booth was apopular spot duringthe dinner.

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NOBODY’S PERFECTNOBODY’S PERFECTPARENTING CLASSPARENTING CLASSStart date February 6th 9:30am-11:30amParenting can be incredibly challenging and sometimes finding the right tools to help can be hard todo. Our parenting class is judgment-free, supportive, fun and educational to help you be the bestparent you can be! Must be registered clients to Family Support and/or Prenatal Programto register contact (705)472-2811 Cindy Ext. 212 or Kayla Ext 210Parenting can be incredibly challenging and sometimes finding the right tools to help can be hard todo. Our parenting class is judgment-free, supportive, fun and educational to help you be the bestparent you can be! Must be registered clients to Family Support and/or Prenatal Programto register contact (705)472-2811 Cindy Ext. 212 or Kayla Ext 210

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JanuaryJanuary6 7 813 1420 21279 1015 16 1722 23 242831 2Monday Thursday FridayTuesday Wednesday29 30 312 0 2 5Musical Babies and Tots9:30am-11:30pm(Kayla Off)Musical Babies and Tots9:30am-11:30pm(Kayla Off)Musical Babies and Tots9:30am-11:30pm(Kayla Off)Parent Relief9:30-11:30Parent Relief9:30-11:30Parent Relief9:30-11:30Parent Relief9:30-11:30Musical Babies and Tots9:30am-11:30pm(Kayla Off)Traditional Crafts9:30-11:30Traditional Crafts9:30-11:30Traditional Crafts9:30-11:30Traditional Crafts9:30-11:30Home Visits9:30-11:30Home Visits9:30-11:30Nutrition Bingo10am-12pmNo ProgrammingIn the morningFamily Den9:30-11:30Staff Cultural dayFor programs that require registration please make sure to call Kayla @ ext 210 or Cindy@ ext 212. We have registration to make sure we have enough space and supplies foreveryone.If registering for parent relief, please call or message 24hrs in advance to make sure wehave the correct amount of staff.Miigwetch!Family Den9:30-11:30Family Den9:30-11:30No ProgrammingNobody’s perfect parenting class 2-3:30pmNobody’s perfect parenting class 2-3:30pmNobody’s perfect parenting class 2-3:30pmAs of January 13th the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre has started a 4 day workweek for staff.Which means Kayla will be off on Mondays and Cindy will be off on Fridays, this will notaffect programming. Miigwetch!Family Support Program

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Nutrition BingoJanuary 23rd 202510:00am-12:00pmNBIFC GymMust register to play. Limited spots available, first come first serve.To register, please contact Kayla Ext. 210 or Cindy Ext. 212

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RED DRESSRED DRESSDAYDAYArt ContestArt ContestAll forms of visual art are welcome (Paintings, sculptures, dress or fashion designing, sketching, pottery, photograpy).All forms of visual art are welcome (Paintings, sculptures, dress or fashion designing, sketching, pottery, photograpy).All Participants Must be Registeredto register contact: Amanda Curran at amhn@nbifc.orgAll Participants Must be Registeredto register contact: Amanda Curran at amhn@nbifc.orgSubmission deadlines and details including agecategories to be announced.Submission deadlines and details including agecategories to be announced. All entries must be original, culturally appropriate and suitable for all ages(no nudity or vulgar entries will be accepted or displayed) All entries must be original, culturally appropriate and suitable for all ages(no nudity or vulgar entries will be accepted or displayed)

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By Appointment ONLYCall or Email today!

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LANDLORD-TENANT LAW LANDLORD-TENANT LAW Monday, February 3, 20251:00 pm- 3:00 pmNBIFC GYMMonday, February 3, 20251:00 pm- 3:00 pmNBIFC GYMOpen to Everyonesnacks and refreshments will be servedsnacks and refreshments will be servedWorkshopWorkshopLearn about: Landlord & Tenant Rights and ResponsibilitiesTribunal ProcessPresentation by theNipissing Community Legal ClinicLawyer: Mairghread KnoughtNO REGISTRATION REQUIRED980 Cassells Street, North Bay, On P1B 4A8

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We AreHIRINGTo find out more, check out our website! www.nbifc.orgTo find out more, check out our website! www.nbifc.orgjoin us !Job Opportunities Available:Waaban WorkerChildren’s Wellness WorkerIndigenous Prenatal Nutrition/Family Support AssistantSuswin Village Transitional House (SVTH) Night Client CareWorker (part-time, casual relief)Akwe:go Program WorkerFriendly Visitor (part-time)980 Cassells St. North Bay,ON P1B (705)472-2811 ext 228Follow our human resources Facebook page:NBIFC HumanResources

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