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“"Write it on your heart thatevery day is the best day inthe year.” ~Ralph Waldo EmersonDear CASA Families, Staff, and Students,Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, I hope this message finds you all in greatspirits and ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.The start of a new year is always a time for reflection and renewal, and I amexcited to see what we can achieve together as a community.As we return to our routines, I want to remind everyone that we are just a fewweeks away from the Regents exams. This is a crucial time for our students, andI encourage all of you to take advantage of the Saturday and afterschool prepsessions we have organized. These sessions are designed to provide additionalsupport and ensure that every student is well-prepared to succeed.Additionally, with the end of the semester approaching, it is important forstudents to focus on completing any outstanding assignments and making upany missing work. Hard work and dedication now will pay off in the long run,and I am confident that each of you has the potential to finish the semesterstrong.To our dedicated staff, thank you for your unwavering commitment to ourstudents' success. Your hard work and passion make a significant difference intheir lives, and I am grateful for everything you do.To our families, your support and involvement are invaluable. Together, we cancreate a nurturing and empowering environment for our students to thrive.Let's make this year a memorable one, filled with achievements, growth, and joy.I look forward to seeing all the incredible things we will accomplish together in2025.Warm regards,Principal Valrie Wauchope,Cyberarts Studio Academy/CASA (15K463)THE CASA CHRONICLEFrom the Principal’s DeskIssue No. 22| January 2025CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY

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THE CASACHRONICLEJanuary 2025Financial Wellness MonthGet Organized MonthInternational Creativity MonthNational Blood Donor MonthNational Mentoring MonthNational Staying Healthy MonthNational "Thank You" MonthSelf-Love MonthJANUARY MONTHLY OBSERVANCESOur LearningUpcoming EventsAfter School ClubsTuesdays - Thursdays (Check the CASA Event Calendar fordetails.)Monthly SLT MeetingJanuary 13, 5:00pm, Room G22A & ZoomSenior Picture Retake DayJanuary 14MAP Growth Make-up, Grades 9/10January 14, Periods 2-4Town Hall Meetings (Library)Period 2, 11th &12th gradePeriod 3, 9th & 10th GradeProfessional Development Day - No students in attendanceJanuary 27First Day of Spring SemesterJanuary 28Chinese Heritage Celebration12:30-2:35pm, AuditoriumFall 2024 Report Cards DistributedJanuary 28Film FestivalJanuary 28, 5:30-7:30pm, LibrarySchools closed: Lunar New YearJanuary 29ENL SupportENL students can participate in a daily “Chat and Chew” toget additional assistance with their studies. See the CASASchool Calendar for details.Monday, January 20, 2025

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@ C Y B E R A R T S H S B K

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First 30 students to return thisflyer signed to attend areconfirmed a spot! Please printyour name to join and return toMs. Ahmed/Ms. Ghatas/Ms.ByrdName:_____________________Wednesday-Thursdayfrom 7:15am-8:10am Requirements to attend:students must be an ELLand receive the permissionslip. We will eat, talk and playgames together!Room G4AMs. Ahmed & Ms. Ghatas Timing & LocationStarts on Wednesday January 15!Students will receiveCASA bucks for eachday they attend!Permission:

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310 Old Country Road, Suite 101, Garden City, NY 11530(516) 728-1561Class Meets Virtually on Saturdays from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PMDates: 2/8, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29Prepare for the SAT Exam with CurvebreakersClass Includes:About the Class:Curvebreakers' course curriculum follows the lessons in the new SAT book,Decoding the Digital SAT (included in your class registration). This SAT bookis an all-encompassing learning tool, featuring comprehensive chapterlessons and practice questions that tackle every question type, providingoptimal strategies for each. A class instructor will review each section ofthe test in detail, providing all the basic content knowledge needed alongwith various test-taking strategies. Homework will be assigned fromCollege Board SAT practice tests.Zoom Information:To join the virtual class scan the QR code or usethis link: Hours of Classroom Instruction 99th-Percentile Scoring Instructors Customized Class Curriculum Post-Session Notes and Homework Emailed to Parents and Students

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Session Number1Session DateFebruary 8thSession Time23456March 1stMarch 8thMarch 15thMarch 22ndMarch 29th10:00 am - 12:00 pm10:00 am - 12:00 pm10:00 am - 12:00 pm10:00 am - 12:00 pm10:00 am - 12:00 pm10:00 am - 12:00 pm6-Session Virtual SAT ClassSchedule for Cyberarts Studio AcademySaturdays 10:00 am - 12:00 pmCurvebreakers310 Old Country Road, Suite 101, Garden City, NY 11530 | (516) 728-1561Curvebreakerstestprep.com1

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Dear Students, As you prepare for the Regents exams,remember that each of you has the strengthand resilience to overcome any challenge.You've put in tremendous effort throughoutthe semester, and your hard work will shinethrough. Trust in your abilities, stay organized,and maintain a positive attitude. Remember,we're here to support you every step of theway. You've got this!Here are a few tips to help you succeed duringthe exams:Create a Study Schedule: Break down yourstudy material into manageable sectionsand set specific times for each subject.Consistent, focused study sessions are moreeffective than cramming.1.Practice Past Exams: Familiarize yourselfwith the format and types of questions bypracticing with past exam regents. This willhelp you manage your time effectivelyduring the actual exam.2.Stay Healthy: Ensure you get enough sleep,eat nutritious meals, and stay hydrated. Ahealthy body supports a sharp mind.3.Stay Calm and Positive: Take deep breathsif you start to feel anxious. Remember, apositive mindset can significantly impactyour performance.4.Ask for Help: If you're struggling with aparticular topic, don't hesitate to reach outto your teachers or support staff forclarification.5.Let's end the semester on a high note andembrace the new year with confidence andenthusiasm.Warm regards,The Counseling TeamRegents Success: Tips for StayingFocused, Positive, and PreparedRegents Success: Tips for StayingFocused, Positive, and Prepared

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The Importance of MartinLuther King Jr. Day: A Dayof Reflection and ActionThe Importance of MartinLuther King Jr. Day: A Dayof Reflection and Action artin Luther King Jr. Day is more thanjust a day off from school; it is a day tohonor and reflect on the life and legacy ofone of the most influential figures inAmerican history. Dr. King’s tireless work forcivil rights, equality, and justice helpedshape the course of the nation. Hisleadership during the Civil Rights Movementtransformed the fight for racial equality, andhis vision of a “Beloved Community”continues to inspire generations to stand upfor justice and fairness.King’s teachings emphasize the importanceof nonviolence, understanding, andcompassion. His famous "I Have a Dream"speech remains a powerful reminder of theneed to confront racial inequality andinjustice through peaceful means. MLK Dayserves as a reminder for everyone,especially the younger generation, to reflecton how they can contribute to a more justsociety. It’s a call to action, urging us tocontinue fighting for equality, regardless ofthe progress that has already been made.On MLK Day, it is important to rememberthat honoring Dr. King’s legacy goes beyondjust celebrating his achievements. It is aboutcarrying his message forward throughaction. Whether through community service,educational programs, or simply havingmeaningful conversations about equalityand justice, we are all called to contribute tocreating a society where everyone is treatedwith respect and dignity. MLK Day is a timefor reflection, but it is also an opportunity toput into practice the values Dr. King foughtfor throughout his life.M

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IN THE LEGACY OF A KINGIN THE LEGACY OF A KINGExcerpt from the “I HAVE A DREAM” SpeechBY DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr.August 28, 1963...So even though we face the difficulties oftoday and tomorrow, I still have a dream. Itis a dream deeply rooted in the Americandream. I have a dream that one day thisnation will rise up and live out the truemeaning of its creed: We hold these truthsto be self-evident, that all men are createdequal.I have a dream that one day on the red hillsof Georgia, the sons of former slaves andthe sons of former slave owners will be ableto sit down together at the table ofbrotherhood.I have a dream that one day even the stateof Mississippi, a state sweltering with theheat of injustice, sweltering with the heatof oppression will be transformed into anoasis of freedom and justice.I have a dream that my four little childrenwill one day live in a nation where they willnot be judged by the color of their skin butby the content of their character. I have adream today.I have a dream that one day down inAlabama with its vicious racists, with itsgovernor having his lips dripping with thewords of interposition and nullification,one day right down in Alabama little Blackboys and Black girls will be able to joinhands with little white boys and white girlsas sisters and brothers. I have a dreamtoday.I have a dream that one day every valleyshall be exalted, every hill and mountainshall be made low, the rough places will bemade plain, and the crooked places will bemade straight, and the glory of the Lordshall be revealed, and all flesh shall see ittogether.This is our hope. This is the faith that I goback to the South with. With this faith, wewill be able to hew out of the mountain ofdespair a stone of hope. With this faith wewill be able to transform the janglingdiscords of our nation into a beautifulsymphony of brotherhood. With this faith wewill be able to work together, to praytogether, to struggle together, to go to jailtogether, to stand up for freedom together,knowing that we will be free one day.This will be the day when all of God'schildren will be able to sing with newmeaning: My country, 'tis of thee, sweet landof liberty, of thee I sing. Land where myfathers died, land of the pilgrims' pride,from every mountainside, let freedom ring.And if America is to be a great nation, thismust become true. And so let freedom ringfrom the prodigious hilltops of NewHampshire. Let freedom ring from themighty mountains of New York. Let freedomring from the heightening Alleghenies ofPennsylvania. Let freedom ring from thesnowcapped Rockies of Colorado. Letfreedom ring from the curvaceous slopes ofCalifornia. But not only that, let freedomring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Letfreedom ring from Lookout Mountain ofTennessee. Let freedom ring from every hilland molehill of Mississippi. From everymountainside, let freedom ring.And when this happens, and when we allowfreedom ring, when we let it ring from everyvillage and every hamlet, from every stateand every city, we will be able to speed upthat day when all of God's children, Blackmen and white men, Jews and Gentiles,Protestants and Catholics, will be able tojoin hands and sing in the words of the oldNegro spiritual: Free at last. Free at last.Thank God almighty, we are free at last.

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D I V E I N T O S P R I N G W I T H C A S A ' S S W I M P E C L A S S E S ! SWIMMINGP E C L A S S E SWe're excited to announce that CASA will be offering Swim PEclasses starting this Spring semester! Whether you're aseasoned swimmer or just looking to try something new, this isa fantastic opportunity to dive into fitness and fun.Class Details: Mondays, Wednesdays, andFridays Periods: 4 or 8IMPORTANT: All studentsmust sign up by January17th to secure their spot.Interested? Fill out theinterest form to let us knowyou're ready to dive in. 

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NADARCLASES DEE D U C A C I Ó N F Í S I C A¡Nos complace anunciar que CASA ofrecerá clases de educaciónfísica en natación a partir de este semestre de primavera! Ya sea queseas un nadador experimentado o que solo estés buscando probaralgo nuevo, esta es una oportunidad fantástica para sumergirte en elfitness y la diversión.Detalles de la clase:Lunes, miércoles y viernesPeriodos: 4 u 8IMPORTANTE:Todos los estudiantes debeninscribirse antes del 17 deenero para asegurar su lugar.¿INTERESADO?¡Completa el formulario deinterés para informarnos siestás listo para comenzar! ¡ S U M É R G E T E E N L A P R I M A V E R A C O N L A S C L A S E S D E E D U C A C I Ó N F Í S I C A D E N A T A C I Ó N D E C A S A !

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CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SS T U D E N T O F T H E M O N T HAnyenaro Margarin MorontoMathias Nicholas Leon PallarosaDekai WaldoFangiin LinChristian CooperDarius DominguezD E C E M B E R

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CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SS T U D E N T O F T H E M O N T HRitchie Camilo LopezJesus MoralesTrelon DingleAndres MexquititlaEvelyn DishuJiaen ChenD E C E M B E R

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2025 is here, and it marks the beginningof something pretty special—theChinese New Year, the Year of theSnake! While the festivities might lookdifferent in different parts of the world,one thing’s for sure: the Snakesymbolizes elegance, wisdom, andmystery, making it a fascinating themeto celebrate in 2025.But what exactly does the Year of theSnake represent? According to theChinese zodiac, each year is associatedwith an animal, and the Snake is thesixth of the 12 animals. People born inSnake years (like 2025) are thought tobe intuitive, intelligent, and graceful.However, they can also be a bitsecretive and independent, which givesthe Snake a mysterious edge. Snakesare seen as both ambitious andperceptive, making them wise andstrategic in their actions.The Snake’s element is fire, whichsymbolizes passion, energy, andtransformation. It’s all about makingbold moves and embracing change thisyear. If you’re feeling inspired, think ofit as a perfect time to make smartdecisions and pursue your goals withconfidence. Embracing the Year ofthe Snake withWisdom and RespectSo, how can we celebratethe Year of the Snakerespectfully and withcultural appreciation? First,remember that Chinese NewYear is all about honoringtraditions.

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Learn About the Traditions: Chinese New Yearis deeply rooted in history. It’s a time to honorancestors, celebrate family, and pray for goodfortune in the upcoming year. Take the time toresearch the customs—like the traditionalfamily reunions, firecrackers, and the iconicred envelopes filled with money (lucky money)for younger family members.1. Respect the Symbolism: The Snake maysymbolize mystery, but it’s also abouttransformation and renewal. This year, focuson growth, self-reflection, and embracingchange—whether it’s in your personal life orcareer.2.Celebrate with Food: Food plays a huge part inthe Chinese New Year celebrations. Sharedishes like dumplings (which symbolize wealth)or fish (representing abundance). It’s not justabout eating—it’s about sharing food withloved ones, connecting, and passing onblessings.3.Be Mindful of Cultural Sensitivities: It’simportant to remember that Chinese New Yearis not just a holiday—it’s a time of cultural andspiritual significance. Participate respectfullyby understanding the deeper meanings behindthe celebrations and showing appreciation forthe culture. Avoid treating it like just another"party"—it’s about more than just fun; it’s ameaningful tradition.4.Use Red and Gold: The colors red and gold areassociated with luck, wealth, and happiness inChinese culture. Wearing these colors ordecorating with them can be a fun andrespectful way to embrace the holiday’s spirit.5. Whether you’re planning to ring in the newyear with a big celebration or just taking amoment for some quiet reflection, the Yearof the Snake is all about transformation. It’s a time to set intentions, grow wiser, andappreciate the beauty of the journey ahead.So, let’s make 2025 a year of smart moves,personal growth, and positive energy.Wishing you all a prosperous, thoughtful,and fulfilling Year of the Snake!

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ASA RTSCreatesCASA Digital Art Showcase: A Glimpse into Student CreativityIn this special edition, we’re celebrating the extraordinary talent ofCASA’s Digital Graphic Design and Digital Photography students!From eye-catching magazine covers to stunning portrait shots,these works showcase the unique vision and artistic skills that ourstudents bring to life through their lenses and design software.CASA Digital Art Showcase: A Glimpse into Student CreativityIn this special edition, we’re celebrating the extraordinary talent ofCASA’s Digital Graphic Design and Digital Photography students!From eye-catching magazine covers to stunning portrait shots,these works showcase the unique vision and artistic skills that ourstudents bring to life through their lenses and design software.INSTRUCTORSMS.K. HARRIS, DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY MR. MORTON - GRAPHIC DESIGN VAUGHN DUPREGRAPHIC DESIGNCAYAZMIN LOWMANGRAPHIC DESIGNDEJA HOLDERMANGRAPHIC DESIGNMODEL: MIHADPHOTOGRAPHER: FAYAAZZ AHMEDPHOTOGRAPHYH

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Naomi Carbente Cesar Efrain Julajuj Kapone Davila Angel Lara Luna Amber Santiago Kenin Quilumbaqui Kai Kapena Alicea Cruz Sandoval Vicente Riquelmi Camilo Lopez

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Anisa Vasieva Catherine Flores NahuacatlIqra Toqeer Fidel Reyes Amari Hammomds Taylor Lewis Ejannah Barrett Isaiah Munnerlyn Aaliyah Robinson

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Britthany ValladaresCharles Garcia Yazmin Lowman Eric Moposita Divauri McCreath Mathias Nicolas LeonPallaroso Angel Mequititla-Bravo

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We would especially like to thank Ms.Wauchope, Mr. HarrisMs. Ahmed, Ms. G. Harris, Ms. Montague, Mr.Morton, Ms. NAsh-Molokwu, Ms. Rogers, Ms.Stein, and Ms. Vasquez, for theircontributions to this issue of the CASA Chronicle. EDITOR-IN-CHIEFMS. K. HARRIS