2025Presenting Sponsor:Produced by:Elevating HR to New PeaksApril 2 - 3, 2025 | North Conway Grand Hotelgshrconference.orgProduced by:REGISTER NOW AT GSHRConference.org
2025INTRODUCTIONThe annual GSHRCprovides a uniqueretreat-style experiencefor HR professionals tomeet in a privatesetting to discuss theHR landscape, sharebest practices, engagein hands-on trainingwith actionabletakeaways, and forgenew relationships withsponsors and fellowattendees for personal,professional andbusiness growth. CONTENTS2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 2#GSHRC
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORSInterested in sponsoring? Contact Gregg@GreenTreeEvents.com or 207-781-2982 x130 for more info.2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 3
20258:00 am8:30 am - 9:30 am9:30 am - 10:00 am10:00 am - 10:15 am10:15 am - 11:00 am11:00 am - 11:15 am11:15 am - 12:15 pm12:15 pm - 1:00 pm1:00 pm - 1:15 pm1:15 pm - 2:15 pm2:15 pm - 2:45 pm2:45 pm - 3:45 pm3:45 pm - 4:00 pm4:00 pm - 4:45 pm5:00 pm - 6:00 pm6:30 pm - 8:30 pm9:00 pm - 10:00 pmRegistration OpensEarly Bird Bonus Session: Positive ROI: Effective Mentoring forWorkforce Development - Sarah ScalaCoffee & Pastry ServiceWelcomeKeynote: Managing & Retaining Multi-Generational Teams - KrystalHicks BreakBreakout Session 1: From Corporate to Consultant: Making the Move From In House toYour Own Business - Charla Stevens and Samantha O'Neill Climb Higher: Elevate HR by Empowering Upstanders on the Pathto Workplace Respect - Susan Lloynd Taming the 401(k) Beast: HR's Survival Guide - Valerie McClendon LunchHR Hero AwardKeynote: Shaping the Future of Business: How to Elevate HR’sInfluence and Drive Organizational Success- Charla Stevens andSamantha O'Neill Dessert BreakBreakout Session 2Building & Leveraging Internship Programs to Pipeline Talent -Krystal Hicks Sexual Harassment Law Panel - Andrea Chatfield The Great Recalculation! Social Security, Medicare, and NewRetirement Realities for Employees - Thomas Wright BreakKeynote: Reaching Your Peak Potential - Randy PierceHR Happy Hour & Facilitated NetworkingDinner and Games (separate ticket required)HR Late NightAGENDA-AT-A-GLANCE DAY 1: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 20252 0 2 5 G S H R C / 4#GSHRC
20257:00 am - 8:00 am7:30 am - 8:30 am8:30 am - 8:45 am8:45 am - 9:45 am9:45 am - 10:15 am10:15 am -11:00 am11:00 am - 11:15 am11:15 am - 12:15 pm12:15 pm - 12:30 pm Morning WellnessBreakfastWelcome & SHRM UpdateKeynote: Continuous Improvement - Monica Sheri ScottCoffee Break Breakout Session 3Taking the Discomfort out of Grief in the Workplace - JenniferLandonWhen the Union Comes Knocking on Your Door - Dave Twitchell &John MaitlandNavigating the River: Leadership in Times Of Change- Jon Bradley BreakLegislative Update: The Peaks and Valleys of HR-Related Legislation- Peg O’BrienClosing Remarks & PrizesDAY 2: Thursday, April 3rd, 2025This conference has been approved for 8.25 SHRM creditsGenerously Sponsored by:2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 5#GSHRC
2025KRYSTAL HICKS, CAREER STRATEGIST AND FOUNDER JOBTALK2025 KEYNOTE SESSIONSManaging & Retaining Multi-Generational TeamsAs people continue to live and work longer, organizations in 2025 arefacing the fact that to build high-performing, generationally diverseteams, they have to lead, communicate, and develop their peopledifferently. This keynote will provide stats and insights to help leadersbetter understand their teams' unique motivators and needs as wellas provide some actionable ways managers can engage and inspireteam members who appear to have vastly different expectations oftheir employer and their employee experience as a whole.RANDY PIERCE, FUTURE IN SIGHTReaching Your Peak Potential Randy Pierce draws upon his life experiences to inspire, entertain,and teach. Randy offers his unique viewpoint by sharing his personaladventures and challenges as a man who chose a life filled withincredible adventure-laden experiences despite his being suddenlystricken with a neurological disease rendering him blind at age 22. Inthis session you will experience the highs, lows, and problem-solvingtechniques used to convert adversity into methods of achieving ourpeak potential.Generously Sponsored by:Generously Sponsored by:2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 6#GSHRC
SAMANTHA O’NEILL, FORGE POINT SOLUTIONS GROUPShaping the Future of Business:How to Elevate HR’s Influence andDrive Organizational SuccessSamantha and Charla will discuss thetransition from an in-house role withhuman resources responsibilities toforging out on one’s own (or joining aconsulting firm). The presentation willfocus on making the decision to changecareers, planning and implementingyour new role, and ultimately ensuringyour own success. They will review the CHARLA B. STEVENS, CHARLA STEVENS CONSULTINGContinuous ImprovementMonica works with individuals and organizations to makeprogress and shape value-based cultures. She speaks, writes,and leads with a passionate commitment to see others findfulfillment and make progress. Monica's leadership andspeaking portfolio spans two decades. She has layers ofexperience mentoring leaders, building teams, and inspiringindividuals at every age and stage of life and business. As aresult of her work people often say they feel understood, areequipped with a plan for progress, and are inspired to conquerwhat lies ahead of them. Her keynote speaking style is fun andinspiring. Her heart and humor will have your audience smiling,laughing, and thoughtfully motivated to seize opportunities totake their next step of progress.MONICA SHERI SCOTT, CULTURE SPECIALISTGenerously Sponsored by:legal and professional implications of making a change, the importance of your professional andpersonal networks, and the necessary "tools of the trade." This session will help you betterunderstand if you are a leader with the interest and the ability to succeed as a business owner. 2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 7
2025SPECIAL FEATURES!BONUS EARLY BIRD SESSION: WEDNESDAY, 8:30AMPositive ROI: Effective Mentoring for Workforce DevelopmentSarah A. Scala M.Ed & OD, PCC, ConsultantMentoring is one of the best ways to strengthen skills or to take a leadershiprole in developing future leaders or followers. Mentoring can also be very costeffective for organizations. Through interactive group activities and thesharing of best practices, this program will provide examples of mentoringsuccesses with a strong return on investment.DINNER & GAMES, WEDNESDAY, 6:30-8:30PMSeparate ticket required (included with the Premium Pass). Enjoy afantastic dinner, your first drink on us with a complimentary drinkticket, and put your knowledge to the test with a fun-filled triviachallenge. Don’t miss this opportunity to relax, connect, and createlasting memories with your HR community! Dinner and games willtake place at the Hotel following the HR Happy Hour. Generously Sponsored by:Generously Sponsored by:2025 RY PERRY GSHRC HR HERO AWARD: WEDNESDAY, 1:00PM The Ry Perry HR Hero Award is awarded each year to justone Granite State HR Hero who takes pride in advancingthe HR profession and devotes valuable time tovolunteering in their community. 2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 8#GHSRC
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: THURSDAY, 11:15AMThe Peaks and Valleys of HR-Related LegislationPeg O’Brien, Mclane MiddletonThe legal landscape is always changing and can be rough terrain when itcomes to balancing business needs and employee rights. HR professionalsneed to stay on top of new workplace laws, regulations and pendinglegislation as they navigate employers’ legal compliance challenges. Thissession will present an overview of the more significant federal and NewHampshire state legislative and regulatory developments within the last yearand look at what lawmakers have in store for the year ahead. Awaken Your Mind & Body YogaStart your day off right! A instructor from Mountain Kula Yoga will lead you in a45 minute introspection and movement session to get the most of your day, andpossibly your life!MORNING WELLNESS ACTIVITIES: THURSDAY, 7:00AMMorning HikeEscape the confines of conference rooms and embrace the natural beautysurrounding the GSHRC with fellow attendees as we explore the scenic trails andbask in the beauty of the great outdoors.Generously Sponsored by:GIFTS AND PRIZES AND SURPRISES - OH MY!We're giving away incredible prizes throughout the event including cash &gas gift cards and a special gift for each attendee! Whether you're a first-timeattendee or a seasoned pro, these prizes are designed to make yourexperience even more rewarding. Don’t miss your chance to win whilegaining invaluable insights and networking with industry leaders. Registernow and be part of the action!2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 9
BREAKOUT SESSION 1Elevate HR by Empowering Upstanders on the Path to Workplace RespectSusan Lloynd (Climb Higher)This training program is dedicated to empowering participants to become proactive upstanderswho take decisive action to support and protect others in their environment. Participants willlearn the practical application of the 5 Ds—Direct, Distract, Delegate, Document, and Delay—aseffective tools for diffusing and de-escalating challenging situations. The training emphasizes theimportance of each individual’s role in fostering a safer and more respectful community byillustrating how both significant and minor actions contribute to the overall well-being and safetyof the group.2025From Corporate to Consultant: Making the Move From In House to Your Own BusinessCharla Stevens and Samantha O'Neill (HR Consultants) Samantha and Charla will discuss the transition from an in-house role with human resourcesresponsibilities to forging out on one’s own (or joining a consulting firm). The presentation willfocus on making the decision to change careers, planning and implementing your new role, andultimately ensuring your own success. They will review the legal and professional implications ofmaking a change, the importance of your professional and personal networks, and the necessary"tools of the trade." This session will help you better understand if you are a leader with theinterest and the ability to succeed as a business owner. Taming the 401(k) Beast: HR's Survival Guide Valerie McClendon (Boston Wealth Strategies) Does understanding 401(k) or 403(b) plan administration sometimes feel like battling a menacingand wild animal?? Whether you oversee your company’s Plan or help to support it, 401(k) and403(b) regulations can leave you feeling overwhelmed, confused and utterly terrified! This presentation will provide HR professionals with a clear understanding of current IRSrequirements, as well as the tools and tips they can leverage to avoid costly and time-consumingerrors. In addition, we’ll discuss which provisions of the SECURE 2.0 Act are actually required for2025 and 2026, and the most popular optional provisions Employers are looking to adopt.2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 1 0#GSHRC
Navigating Employer Responsibilities in the Evolution of Sexual Harassment in theWorkplaceAndrea Chatfield (Sheehan Phinney) Despite equality and civility initiatives, #MeToo awareness, and other efforts, sexual harassmentcases are increasing year to year. From 2021-2023, the EEOC saw a 40% increase in sexualharassment charges filed. This interactive panel brings together representatives of the EEOC, theUS Department of Labor, the social services community, and legal counsel to discuss (1) howsocietal attitudes and cultural norms around sexual harassment have evolved over the pastdecade and (2) what policies, strategies, and measures would be most effective in creatingworkplaces that are free from sexual harassment. BREAKOUT SESSION 2Building & Leveraging Internship Programs to Pipeline TalentKrystal Hicks (JOBTALK) We all know that NH is the second oldest state in the U.S., and with more and more GraniteStaters retiring, organizations have been scrambling to create robust, sustainable internshipprograms as a way to generate proactive pipelines of fresh talent. Whether your company has anestablished internship program, or you've been "winging it" as students come forward, thisworkshop will not only provide best practices but will also help you ensure your program issustainable by aligning it with your manpower planning goals and budget review process.The Great Recalculation! Social Security, Medicare, and New Retirement Realities forEmployeesThomas Wright (Turning 65 Workshop)After decades of historic growth, America’s aging workforce was blindsided by theunprecedented disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Health concerns, layoffs, andfinancial market volatility forced many older employees to leave the workforce prematurely (TheGreat Resignation). Those who remain have had to rethink their retirement plans- and the SocialSecurity & Medicare decisions they are built upon. This fast-paced, engaging presentation explores the surprising statistics that underscore thedifficult realities facing today’s ‘Peak Boomer’ employees who are nearing retirement. Ithighlights some of the Social Security & Medicare basics that are in play for these employees andidentifies specific challenges facing this group as they navigate the unique, often complex, andhighly consequential filing decisions ahead.2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 1 1
2025BREAKOUT SESSION 3When the Union Comes Knocking on Your DoorDave Twitchell & Attorney John Maitland (Down Rachlin Martin) In this session, Dave and John will provide practical advice on what to do when a union comesknocking on the door. Unions have been much more active recently, taking advantage of pro-union changes in the law. Employers need to be prepared and develop a proper laborphilosophy before it is too late. This session will help you develop your own customized laborphilosophy. You will learn exactly how the process works and what you can do to respondeffectively when a union attempts to organize your employees committed to stay. Navigating the River: Leadership in Times Of ChangeJon Bradley (Crestcom) This program is designed to help individuals embrace change and navigate the challenges itpresents within teams. Participants will gain insight into why change can be difficult toimplement in an organization and learn effective strategies to overcome resistance. Theprogram highlights the important role leaders play in guiding their teams through change bydemonstrating empathy and support, fostering a culture of understanding and growth.Taking the Discomfort out of Grief in the WorkplaceJennifer Landon (Your Grief Matters) It is estimated that 1 in 4 individuals in the workplace are in grief at any given time. Grief is auniversal experience, yet it often remains a taboo topic in professional settings. This workshop isdesigned to create a safe space for HR professionals at all levels to explore the complexities ofgrief and its impact on the workplace. Participants will discuss life events that can lead to griefthen learn how unsupported grief can cost US businesses up to $225.8 billion annually, makingthis topic even more critical to address.Participants will gain insights into how grief impacts our brains and bodies, influencing behaviorand performance, and discover common types of grief. We will discuss organizational policiesand practices that can normalize conversations about grief, highlighting the importance of whatNOT to say and discovering ways to communicate compassionately and effectively. Byequipping participants with tools to manage their own grief and support colleagues, we aim tocreate a more empathetic workplace that embraces the notion that “it’s okay to not be okay.”Breakout Sessions are Generously Sponsored by:2 0 2 5 G S H R C / 1 2#GSHRC
CONFERENCE PASSESBasic PassEarly Bird Rate: $325 (expires February 7, 2025, regular rate $375)Includes:4 keynote speakersAll conference sessions including breakouts, wellness activities, early bird and legislative updateMeals include Wednesday breaks, lunch, happy hour snacks (cash bar); Thursday breakfast andbreaksNote: If you wish to participate in Wednesday’s dinner and games event, please upgrade to aPremium Pass.Premium PassEarly Bird Rate: $375 (expires February 7, 2025, regular rate $425)Includes everything in the Basic Pass PLUS Wednesday night’s dinner and entertainment event. LODGINGSpecial room rates are available for GSHRCparticipants at the North Conway GrandHotel (home of the conference)! A special rate of $99 per night is available forconference participants. To book, please visithttps://shorturl.at/iB1Vc Deadline to book: March 12, 2025We look forward to seeing you there!Space is very limited. Register now at GSHRConference.orgEvent management by: