WHY CFE:OVERNIGHT?Overnight Trip options are an opportunity tobroaden the lens through which we see our ownlives and learn from others in communitiesoutside of our own. Students participating inOvernight Trips will have the option to travelduring the week of MEA, the week of CFE andpotentially into the week of Spring Break. EDUCATE.EQUIP.ENGAGE.EMPOWER.WHAT IS CORE FORMATION?Core Formation Experiences aim to Educate, Equip,Empower, and Engage our students to begin transformingtheir imagination in order to form hearts and desires, as wellas develop minds. Core Formation Experiences reflect our Core Values andencourage students to become whole and holy people,prepared to make a Kingdom impact.
GET STARTEDOvernight trips are opento 10-12th grade only,with the exception of the Scotland TheatreTrip.Who can apply? Students may apply forup to 2 trips. Selectionswill be available on theTrip Application! Can I apply formore than 1 trip? Students interested in participating in a Spring Overnight CFE trip,will receive more detailed information about trips at an Assembly inthe fall. This information will also be sent out to students and familiesvia Schoology and ParentSquare in the fall. Student Informational Meetings about specific trips will be offeredduring the school day prior to applications opening in the fall. It ishighly encouraged for students to attend these meetings! Additionally, Parent Informational Meetings about each trip will beoffered in the fall before students apply.2. Trip InformationStudents MUST apply to be considered for an OvernightTrip. Online applications will open in September. Trips have limited capacity and acceptance to these trips is notnecessarily guaranteed. Students should be thoughtful and take timewhen applying. A committee of people review these applications thoroughly, takinginto consideration not only the written responses on the applicationsbut other factors such as opportunities and experiences studentshave or have not had in the past, opportunities that they may be ableto have if they are younger and can participate in the CFE programagain in the next couple years, trip size, gender ratios, and groupdynamics. 3. The Application ProcessReview the trip options for CFE 2025! Talk with your family andfriends about opportunities that might interest you. Remember -Overnight Trips are OPTIONAL. Students in 9th-11th grade willparticipate in a LOCAL:CFE option if they choose to not go on anOvernight Trip. Explore! 1.
SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATIONCFE FUNDRAISINGGUIDEPlease check out our CFE FundraisingBooklet below for creative ways to pay for aCFE:OVERNIGHT Trip. Many students havefunded their own trips through using thesemethods!Who Can Apply?A limited number of scholarships areavailable to 10-12th grade students who areaccepted on an Overnight Trip. Studentswho have received a scholarship for aprevious trip may apply for another,however, priority consideration may go tostudents who have not yet received ascholarship.How Much is Offered? Scholarships are offered in the amount of$250, $500, or $1,000 per student. How Do I Apply?Click HERE to apply for a Scholarship. TheScholarship Application is seperate fromthe Trip Application.
LOS ANGELESPartnering with the Dream Center, a resourcecenter focused on providing support to thoseaffected by homelessness, hunger, and the lackof education, this team will experience missionthrough life-changing outreaches. From playingwith kids in under-resourced neighborhoods,handing out food and other necessities andparticipating in a variety of local outreaches,you get to play a role in bringing hope and helpto the broken of Los Angeles. This team willwork hard while serving the community and playhard as they take in some of the most iconicsites and scenes of Los Angeles! D A T E S :MARCH 17-23, 2025E S T I M A T E D C O S T :$1,500 - $1,700ROATANTravel to the Island of Roatan, Honduras, to servethe community while learning about their lives,culture and natural environment. Trip memberswill work with Sandy Bay Children's Home andconnect with local churches to bring suppliesand food to community members. Located nearthe second largest barrier reef in the world,students will also learn about threats to Roatan'smarine environment and responsible stewardshippractices through SCUBA diving, snorkeling, anda beach day with the children from Sandy Bay. D A T E S :MARCH 14-22, 2025E S T I M A T E D C O S T :$2,400 - $2,600Applications openSeptember 13th for all March trips!
GUATEMALAExperience the people, sights, sounds andamazing culture of Guatemala at theCommunity Cloud Forest Conservation. Studentswill spend time at CCFC in Alta Verapaz,working with children from the surroundingvillages, learning and teaching about forests,birds, agriculture, nutrition and hygiene. MAstudents will also have a chance to learn aboutreforestation and conservation through the workat CCFC and experience the beautiful culture ofGuatemala through jungle hikes, caveexplorations, tours of Guatemala City. D A T E S :MARCH 15-24, 2025E S T I M A T E D C O S T :$3,200 - $3,400SPAINThis trip will explore the intersection of faith, artand culture. Our time will be spent in thespiritual heartland of Spain where Christians,Jews, and Muslims once lived in harmony. We willfocus on how the art, music and dance of thisregion reflects its rich culture. By exploringsignificant religious and cultural sites we willgain insight into how harmony once existed andask ourselves if it can exist in the same waytoday. Our homes for the week will be inmonasteries, a life that few people todayexperienceD A T E S :MARCH 15-23, 2025E S T I M A T E D C O S T :$3,900 - $4,200
SCOTLANDThe American High School Theatre Festival, aone-of-a-kind theatre opportunity, runs inconjunction with the world’s largest performingarts festival, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Thisgroup will spend a total of two weeks in the U.K.,performing their own production, attendingFringe shows, and touring Scotland and England. This trip is recommended for (but not limited to)students participating in or interested in the FineArts Theatre Department at Minnehaha. Allstudents attending will be a part of theproduction in some capacity.D A T E S :JULY 26-AUGUST 8, 2025 (Next Summer!)C O S T :$6,822SCOTLAND REGISTRATION INFORMATIONRegistration for the Scotland trip has already begun! Thistrip is open to students in 9-12th grade (during the 2024-25 school year). Students do not need to apply for thistrip, although it is recommended that studentparticipants are currently or will be involved in MA’sTheatre program. For more information about this trip, please click on thelink below or email Nicholas Freeman atfreemannicholas@minnehahaacademy.net.https://www.parentsquare.com/feeds/29634323To register for this trip, please follow the link below. https://www.educationaltravel.com/My-Account/My-Tours/TourCenter.aspxTrip ID: Freeman-6219