What You’ll Find InsideBenet Shoot CommitteeKevin Goebel ....... 316-640-8808Mark Esfeld ......... 316-210-6745Rob Adams .............. 316-393-9851Rachelle Camacho ....... ....... 316-249-4208Letter from the BC Parents Organization President ........................................................................ 2Schedule/Additional Games ............................................................................................................ 3Auction Items ................................................................................................................................... 4The STC Sporting Clay Story ............................................................................................................ 5 Why support the BC Clay Target Team ............................................................................................6Why it’s Possible ...............................................................................................................................7Sponsorship Options ........................................................................................................................ 8Registration ...................................................................................................................................... 9Sponsors ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Dear Bishop Caoll Friend,Thank you for being a part of our Bishop Carrol Clay Target Team Sporting Clays Event!!The Bishop Carroll Trap and Skeet team was founded in the summer of 2017. Three BC dads had heard about a virtual league starting up called USA Clay Target. Teams could shoot at their own local trap and skeet elds have the coaches enter the scores and compete against other schools in the state of Kansas. The founding coaches/dads were Tony Goebel, Shawn Hoebener, David George, Brad Cary, Don Ring and Terry Marx. The program has grown to shoot both fall and spring seasons including an in-person state tournament in early June of each year. In 2022 and 2023 the team added Sporting Clays and 5-Stand. The current team has a roster of 55 BC students. The students are held to the same standard as other student-athletes in the classroom. One big bonus to the USA Clay Target League are kids at the middle school level can start shooting with the BC team in sixth grade. Many of our top shooters today started as sixth graders and learned on the line with our parent coaches. Each student who wants to be on the team must pass Hunters Safety or another safety class offered by the league. We at BC and the USA Clay Target League are proud of our perfect safety record since the beginning of the league. Just this past season, the coaches knew that our safety culture had grown when older students were coaching the younger students’ safety on the trap eld. These students that compete just in trap will re either a team or owned shotgun more than 1,000 times. Our older students who are competing in Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays and 5-Stand have exceeded 20,000 shots. Our team last year won the State Championship in Skeet and had two individual State Champions in Skeet and 5-Stand. To cap off the season, Bishop Carroll placed 4th in the nation at the USA Clay Target League National Championship for trap. The current team does receive generous donations from the Bishop Carroll Parents Organization, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, and several individuals and companies. These donations and the proceeds from this event today will go a long way to helping us add more students to the team for a signicantly reduced cost, just to try out the activity. We also plan to use the proceeds to cover the cost of ammunition and targets and keep the shooting sports accessible to as many BC students as possible. At our core, the coaches of this team want to thank you for helping us teach gun safety, appreciation for shotgun sports, and how to get better every time you take the line. On the day of the shoot, the entire event will be staffed by the students and families from the BC Clay Target Team. We might even let a squad or two of BC students shoot the course and compete with you, our supporters. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!! Go Eagles!
8:00 - 9:00 Registration, Whiskey Pull, Battleship1:30Awards 12:00 - 1:30 Announcements and Auction11:00 - 12:30 Lunch9:00 - 11:00 Shotgun StartDAY OF FUN WITH THE BC CLAY TARGET TEAMBattleship - $20SCHEDULEBreak Em Tournament - $20
AUCTION ITEMSLiberty Gun SafeFrom Range 54KSU vs. TCU - Suite Level4 Tickets for 10/11/25From Mark and Jodi EsfeldGuided Sedgwick CountyGoose Hunt for 8 From Michael Dugan1-Year FamilyMembershipFrom STCStay tuned...More items to come!
At STC Sporting Clays we focus on bringing people together. STC is located east of Wichita and is a destination where shotgun shooters of all disciplines can enjoy a memorable experience. A place that offers shotgun sports, archery, practice, education, and competition. A place where shooters of any skill level can get to know other people in the shooting community.Sporting Clays—Targets thrown from various distances and angles, sporting clays courses are designed to simulate hunting for ducks, pheasants quail or even rabbits. Sporting Clays is often called Golf with a shotgun. The STC course is a beautiful venue to shoot the game. The STC Spting Clay Sty1419 SW 120TH ST, AUGUSTA, KS 67010
The BC Clay Target team is a club sport that gives students an opportunity to participate as a student athlete outside of traditional sports. Our team has a reputation at the Ark Valley Gun Club where we shoot Trap and Skeet and STC for being respectful. The team always picks up our empty shot shells and leave the facilities better than we found them. Before every practice and match we pray as a team and wear the cross on the back of our shooting vests so all in attendance know we are the Bishop Carroll Catholic High School Clay Target Team. Why suppt the BC Clay Target Team
ParentsOur team parents help by keeping score and helping to setup and take down the ranges. They also throw our season ending party at the Kansas State Trap shoot that feeds 150 people that include our shooters, family and friends.SupptersThe BC Clay Target team chose to hold this event to help bring more students into the program and give them a chance to send more rounds down range at a reduced cost. Engaged Sdent AthletesOur BC Clay Target Team student athletes make a commitment to safety and getting better every time they take the line. Our Squad 1 took 6th in the country out of 2,000 students and 400 teams at the National Tournament in Michigan. Their goal this year is to win a national championship in the team event. Volunteer CoachesAll of our coaches are former and current parents of BC students. Coaches are teaching the game and functioning as range ofcers in case of a mis-re, jam or problem with the trap. To make the BC Clay Target Team Possible it takes...
Sponsorship OptionsPLATINUM SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR• Name Recognition on Memorabilia• Large Event Logo Banner• 2 Team Entries• Choose Your Course• 100 Rafe Tickets• 50 Mulligans (5 per shooter)• 2 ATV Rental• BBQ Lunch• Ammo Provided• Event Hat• Name Recognition on Memorabilia• Event Logo Banner• 1 Team Entry• Choose Your Course• 50 Rafe Tickets• 25 Mulligans (5 per shooter)• 1 ATV Rental• BBQ Lunch• Ammo Provided• Event Hat$5K$5K$3K$3KRafe Tickets -- $10 per ticket / $20 for 3 / $50 for 10**Mulligans will be available on day of event for $250/team (5 per shooter)**SILVER SPONSORTEAM ENTRYTEAM ENTRY PLUS($100 SAVINGS!)12 AVAILABLE• 1 Team Entry• 50 Rafe Tickets• 25 Mulligans (5 per shooter)• BBQ Lunch• Ammo Provided• Event Hat• BBQ Lunch• Ammo Provided• Event Hat• Station Sponsor with Sign on Each Course• 1 Team Entry• 50 Rafe Tickets• 25 Mulligans (5 per shooter)• BBQ Lunch• Ammo Provided• Event Hat$2K$2K$800$800$1.2K$1.2K
For questions email or 316-210-6745Please email this form to or mail to: Mark EsfeldPO Box 75135Wichita, KS 67275Select One:PLATINUM SPONSORGOLD SPONSORSILVER SPONSORTEAM ENTRY PLUSTEAM ENTRY INDIVIDUAL ENTRYRAFFLE TICKETS$5,000$3,000$2,000$1,200$800$200$10 per ticket / $20 for 3 / $50 for 10Sponsor’s Name __________________________________________________________________Contact Name ___________________________________________________________________Address _________________________________________________________________________City_________________________________________ State_________________ Zip___________Telephone: (______)____________________ Fax: ________________________Email Address_____________________________________________________________________Number of Teams___________________Pay by Check (preferred): Please make checks payable to Bishop Carroll Parents Organization or Pay by Credit Card3% convience fee will be applied. _____ Visa _____ Mastercard _____ American ExpressCard Number _______________________________________ Exp Date _________________ CVV: ________Name on Card ____________________________________________________________________Signature _________________________________________________________________________Bishop Carroll Parents OrganizationClay Target Team Benet ShootBring cash f exa items!!
Please enter the Name, Email Address, Cell Phone Number of each member. If you don’t have all ve nailed down, that’s ne, send us who you have today and we will email you close to the event for the rest of your team. Scan QR code to register!Team CaptainTeam Member 2Team Member 3Team Member 4Team Member 5Team CaptainTeam Member 2Team Member 3Team Member 4Team Member 5NameNameEmailEmailCell PhoneCell PhoneTeam 1BC SC Event Signup PageTeam 2BC SC Event Signup PageTony Goebel Head CoachThe Signup Page
to our sponsors!Thank y