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2024 Year in Review

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Oregon REALTORS®Y E A R I NR E V I E W2024

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Note from 2024 President Ashleigh FordhamBest of 20242023-2025 Strategic PlanExecutive Committee 2 4 5 6Governance Structure 7Local Board Events 8NAR Events 9Buyer Broker Agreement Resource HubNavigating Challenges ForumsRulemaking UpdatesLegislative Recap10111213Election Results & RPAC by the Numbers14RPAC Hall of Fame and Major Investor Recognition15Oregon Housing Economic Summit20Risk ManagementProfessional StandardsProfessional DevelopmentOregon Leadership Conference21222324Fair Housing25Empowering Women in Real Estate26Oregon Leadership Academy28T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SSpring GovernanceFall GovernanceREALTOR® AwardsGood Neighbor Award30313233Oregon REALTORS® HOME Foundation34Dessert Auction35Driving it HOME Golf Tournament36A Message from 2025 President Brent LandelsStaff3840

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Note from 2 0 2 4 P R E S I D E N TA S H L E I G H F O R D H A MOregon REALTORS®, As 2024 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on a year filled with challenges, opportunities,and meaningful achievements. Serving as your President during a season of adversity has beenan incredible honor, and I am proud of what we have accomplished together, as anorganization. This year, we made significant strides in addressing critical issues facing our industry. A majorvictory in the Legislative short session was the passage of HB 4058, which addressed theharmful 40-year right-to-list contracts, placed perimeters around wholesaling, and mandatedthe use of buyer representation agreements. This legislation is a testament to our collectiveadvocacy efforts and our commitment to maintaining ethical standards and the protection ofconsumer rights. A key priority this year was leading our industry through significant practicechanges by fostering meaningful connections across our state. To ensure these transitions wereimplemented effectively, the Leadership Team engaged directly with Managing Principal Brokersand their agents in every region of Oregon. Through our Navigating Challenges Forums, weconducted over 50 office visits, reaching thousandsof REALTORS® across Oregon. These forumsprovided a vital platform for collaboration,equipping brokers and agents with the tools,resources, and clarity needed to adapt and thriveamidst the evolving landscape of our profession.This initiative underscored our commitment toensuring that every member could navigate thesechanges confidently and successfully.In 2024, Oregon REALTORS® surpassed the RPACTriple Crown participation goal of 18% by more than4%, reinforcing our commitment to advocacy andthe strength of our collective voice. While RPACremains a focus and allows our organization to beeffective at supporting REALTOR® Party candidates,I would be remiss not to highlight the incrediblework and partnership with our Government Affairsteam and dedicated lobbyists, who worked tirelesslythis past year for balanced solutions that benefitedboth REALTORS® and the communities we serve. 2

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2Through continued collaboration with stakeholders across the aisle, we strengthened ourability to address industry challenges and build consensus on critical issues, such ashousing affordability and inventory. Beyond advocacy, we’ve continued to support our members with innovative solutions byway of our highly regarded forms and creative strategies to address the evolving pressuresof real estate transactions, education opportunities, and access to an incredible legal teamthat supports our members businesses each day. None of this would have been possible without the dedication and passion of our members,leadership, and staff. Their unwavering commitment to excellence and professionalism hasbeen the driving force behind our success. As I pass the gavel to our incoming President, I am confident that our organization willcontinue to build on the momentum. Together, we will face the challenges of tomorrowwith the same resolve that has carried us through this year. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of serving as your President. It has been a profoundhonor to represent and lead this incredible community in a season of adversity.With sincere gratitude, 2024 Oregon REALTORS® President 3

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Dear Oregon REALTORS®, 2024 proved to be an exceptional year for Oregon REALTORS® with continued developmentand delivery of programs and services to help our members flourish. Keeping our members atthe forefront will always be our top priority. I am honored to share just a few of the manysuccessful accomplishments of 2024.Graduated 20 members from the Oregon LeadershipAcademy representing 12 local associations fromacross the stateHeld the third Fair Housing Summit, which saw 162 registrants Hosted the fourth annual Empowering Women inReal Estate event with over 80 attendees fromlending, title, escrow, and REALTOR® backgroundsThe HOME Foundation awarded more than$125,000 to 501(c)3 organizations committed tohelping more Oregonians achieve the dream ofhomeownership Held the first in-person Oregon Housing EconomicSummit since 2019 with over 200 attendees fromthe banking, home building, and real estateindustriesIncreased member engagement through hosting our Navigating Challenges Forums, reaching all parts of the statePlease enjoy the 2024 Year in Review, which showcasesall of the above and more. I hope you will be as proudof your association as I am to work on your behalf.Oregon REALTORS® staff is a driven and innovativeteam, always seeking out the next program and servicethat will help make you the best in the business. Thank you for being part of such an amazing industry. B E S T O F 2 0 2 44

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Business Issues KeyCommittee ChairGovernment AffairsKey Committee ChairRita KetlerRobin SpringerPolitical Affairs KeyCommittee ChairPatti WilliamsonProfessionalDevelopment KeyCommittee ChairDavid AdolfDiversity KeyCommittee ChairAshley ContrerasDistrict 2 VicePresidentDistrict 3 VicePresidentMichael KessingerKaren ChurchDistrict 4 VicePresidentDevin ZupanDistrict 5 VicePresidentMichael Warren IIJulie Gilbert2024 PresidentAshleigh Fordham2024 President-ElectBrent LandelsImmediate PastPresidentGrace BergenDistrict 1 VicePresidentRod BarkerE X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E EA 14-member Executive Committee oversees the work of Oregon REALTORS®. Six District VicePresidents represent each of the districts. Chairs of Key Committees, the Immediate PastPresident, the President-Elect also serve, and are led by the President of the Association.District 6 VicePresident6

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G O V E R N A N C ES T R U C T U R E123456NORTHWESTOREGONClatsop Columbia CountyEast Metro Portland MetroLincoln County Polk County Mid-Valley Tillamook CountyYamhill CountyWillametteCentral Oregon CoastCOAST & VALLEYLANE COUNTYSpringfield EugeneSOUTHWESTOREGONCoos County Douglas CountyCurry County Rogue ValleyHIGH DESERTCascades EastKlamath CountyStatewide (non-affiliated)COLUMBIA GORGE &EASTERN OREGONColumbia Basin Four Rivers Mid-ColumbiaUmatilla CountyPresidentAshleigh Fordham, Mid ValleyPresident-ElectBrent Landels, Cascades EastImmediate Past PresidentGrace Bergen, SpringfieldNAR Region 12 Vice PresidentEvelyn Arnott, Alaska REALTORS®L E A D E R S H I PDistrict 1Rod Barker, East MetroDistrict 2Michael Kessinger, Lincoln County District 3Karen Church, EugeneDistrict 4Devin Zupan, Rogue ValleyDistrict 5Michael Warren II, Cascades EastDistrict 6Julie Gilbert, Mid-ColumbiaC O M M I T T E E C H A I R SBusiness IssuesRita Ketler, Mid-ColumbiaGovernment AffairsRobin Springer, Portland MetroPolitical AffairsPatti Williamson, Mid ValleyProfessional DevelopmentDavid Adolf, Lincoln CountyDiversityAshley Contreras, Mid ValleyElectionsJeff Wiren, Portland MetroFinance ReviewNan Wimmers, Mid-ColumbiaLegal ActionKim Carty, Portland MetroSafetyCourtney Benson, Cascades EastIssues MobilizationDavid Duncan, EugeneORPAC TrusteesFreddy Saxton, Lincoln CountyREALTOR® of the Year/Distinguished Service AwardDrew Coleman, Portland MetroProfessional StandardsKelly Ranstad, Eugene HOME FoundationSarah Malarkey, Portland MetroD I S T R I C T V I C E P R E S I D E N T S7123456NORTHWESTOREGONClatsop Columbia CountyEast Metro Portland MetroLincoln County Polk County Mid-Valley Tillamook CountyYamhill CountyWillametteCentral Oregon CoastCOAST & VALLEYLANE COUNTYSpringfield EugeneSOUTHWESTOREGONCoos CountyDouglas CountyCurry CountyRogue ValleyHIGH DESERTCascades EastKlamath CountyStatewide (non-affiliated)COLUMBIA GORGE &EASTERN OREGONColumbia Basin Mid-ColumbiaUmatilla County

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2Each year we’re excited to be part of events held by local associations across Oregon. From the installation of officers to sharing information and training, we’re proud to support localassociations. L O C A L B O A R DE V E N T SCascades East, Central Oregon Coast, Clatsop, Columbia Basin, Columbia County, Coos County, Curry County,Douglas County, East Metro, Eugene, Klamath County, Lincoln County, Mid-Columbia, Mid Valley, Polk County,Portland Metropolitan, Rogue Valley, Springfield, Tillamook County, Umatilla County, Willamette, Yamhill County.8Oregon Local Associations2

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2N A RE V E N T SOregon REALTORS® members attended a number of engaging events held by the NationalAssociation of REALTORS® focusing on advocacy, professional development,leadership, and industry change. Some of these events include NAR Legislative Meetings,REALTOR® Party Training Conference, and NAR NXT Conference. These eventsprovide REALTORS® the opportunity to stay current on industry issues,network with other professionals, and keep up with ever-changing trends.9

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We put together this resource hub so members wouldknow the facts about buyer representationagreements, learn what the proposed settlement saysabout cooperative compensation, and have access totools for transparent discussions with clients.NAR announced a settlement agreement that wouldend litigation of most claims brought on behalf ofhome sellers related to broker commissions. Thesettlement resulted in new NAR rules for NAR-affiliatedMLSs that require buyer representation agreements forMLS participants.These FAQ provided guidance on commonquestions related to the practice changesrequired by the NAR settlement agreement andOregon’s new law HB 4058.We offered training classes to help REALTORS®navigate the settlement changes and new buyer-broker agreement requirements. These sessionscover compliance, ethical representation, legalimplications, and client communication, providingpractical tools to succeed in the evolving industry.C L A S S E SB B A H U BU N D E R S T A N D I N G T H E S E T T L E M E N TF A Q SB U Y E R B R O K E R A G R E E M E N T R E S O U R C E H U BWhen the proposed settlement was announced on March 13, we immediately began trainingour members on how to lawfully and ethically navigate under the proposed rules. We launchedour NAR Litigation and Buyer Broker Agreement Resource Hub and updated forms to make thenew practices easy for both consumers and brokers. In addition, we answered hundreds ofLegal Hotline questions to help Oregon REALTORS® members not just survive, but thrive in thenew real estate environment.10

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N A V I G A T I N GC H A L L E N G E S F O R U M SThe top priority at Oregon REALTORS® in 2024 was helping members work and succeed withinthe changing landscape created by the verdict and subsequent settlement in theSitzer/Burnett lawsuit. The main settlement takeaway for most members was the newrequirement for a buyer-broker agreement.After the proposed terms of the settlement were released, we immediately began trainingmembers to proceed lawfully and ethically under the proposed rules. We conducted NavigatingChallenges Forums around the state and via webinars, talking to thousands of REALTORS®about what the changes meant and how to prosper. The forums provided a platform for brokersand agents to collaborate and adapt with a clear focus on how to best serve clients.1150Navigating ChallengesForums Held

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House Bill 2001 (2023) established the Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA) anddirected the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) to implement theprogram in two phases. On December 5, 2024, the LCDC completed the first phase,adopting rules on Housing Needs & Production and Housing Accountability. These rulesaim to guide cities in addressing housing production, affordability, and choice based onlocal conditions.The first phase, spanning about a year, involved nine Rulemaking Advisory Committeemeetings, 15 Housing Needs & Production TAC meetings, and 14 Housing AccountabilityTAC meetings. The second phase will focus on rules for land capacity and urbanization, aswell as guidance materials and adoption-ready actions.House Bill 4007 (2018), which established First-Time Home Buyer Savings Accounts(FTHBSAs), contained a provision allowing the Department of Revenue (DOR) to adjust theapplicable tax subtraction limits to the change in the Consumer Price Index (inflation). Untilthis year, the DOR had not established a process to do so. With the passage of SB 1527(2024), our concept to expand access to FTHBSAs, the DOR decided to create a ruleestablishing a process to adjust the tax subtraction limits to inflation. Thanks to consensusfrom all stakeholders participating in the rulemaking meeting, the DOR adopted a rule toadjust limits for future tax years to the change in inflation since 2019!O R E G O N H O U S I N G N E E D S A N A L Y S I S — D E P A R T M E N T O FL A N D C O N S E R V A T I O N & D E V E L O P M E N TI N D E X I N G F I R S T - T I M E H O M E B U Y E R S A V I N G S A C C O U N T SB E N E F I T S T O I N F L A T I O N — D E P A R T M E N T O F R E V E N U EW H O L E S A L E R R E G U L A T I O N ; W R I T T E N A G R E E M E N T S F O RR E A L E S T A T E S E R V I C E S — O R E G O N R E A L E S T A T E A G E N C YR U L E M A K I N GU P D A T E SHB 4058 (2024) requires real property wholesalers to register with the Oregon Real EstateAgency (OREA) and mandates written agreements between real estate licensees andclients. OREA developed rules for wholesalers who are not licensed real estate agents,covering registration, background checks, renewals, and disclosure standards. Forlicensed wholesalers, rules were established regarding covered parties and disclosurerequirements.The rules also define the required content for written agreements. Listing agreementsmust include the broker’s license number and exclusivity details, while buyer agreementsmust outline broker obligations, buyer search criteria, compensation structure, andconditions for termination by either party.12

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SB 1537 & SB 1530Cuts Red Tape for Housing Production & Land Supply; Program FundingHB 4026Clarifies that Urban Growth Boundary Expansions Can’t Be Referred to the BallotNote: Legal challenge pendingHB 4134Funds Specified Infrastructure Projects to Support Housing ProductionSB 1564Directs Land Conservation & Development Commission to Adopt OptionalHousing & Urbanization Model Ordinances for CitiesL E G I S L A T I V ER E C A PThe 2024 Legislative Session was a resounding success for Oregon REALTORS®. We helpednumerous bills pass, including our requested bill for 2024 (HB 4058), a reintroduced versionof one of our 2023 requested bills (SB 1527), and Governor Kotek’s policy and funding package(SB 1537 & SB 1530) to increase housing production, ensure accountability, address landsupply, and fund related programs. You can learn more about these bills and other bills weengaged with in our 2024 Legislative Report. Below is a recap of some of the key bills wetracked this year. We look forward to the 2025 Legislative Session, which we hope will delivereven more wins for the industry!H O U S I N G P R O D U C T I O N & L A N D U S ESB 1527Increases Access to First-Time Home Buyer Savings AccountsS U P P O R T I N G H O M E O W N E R S H I PHB 4058Regulates Residential Property Wholesaling; Prohibits Long-Term PredatoryContracts; Requires Use of Written Representation Agreements for Real EstateB U S I N E S S R E G U L A T I O N , O R E G O N R E A L E S T A T E A G E N C YHB 4126Removes Prohibition on Local Government Adoption of Rent Control SB 1529Allows Maximum Reimbursement Under the Housing Choice LandlordGuarantee Program to be Increased by RuleL A N D L O R D – T E N A N T13

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The 2024 general election brought several significant changes to Oregon. Fortunately,Measure 118, which would have imposed a 3% gross receipts tax on many Oregon businessesto fund a universal basic income experiment, was resoundingly rejected by voters. Withsupport from NAR, we helped fund the campaign to defeat the measure.At the federal level, voters in Oregon’s third Congressional District (OR-3) electedRepresentative Maxine Dexter (D), the most recent Chair of the House Committee onHousing and Homelessness, to fill the open seat currently held by Congressman Blumenauer.In the fifth Congressional District (OR-5), voters elected Representative Janelle Bynum (D),who has served as a State Representative since 2017.At the statewide level, voters elected former House Speaker Dan Rayfield (D) to serve asAttorney General, former Ways and Means Co-Chair Elizabeth Steiner (D) to serve as StateTreasurer, and current State Treasurer Tobias Read (D) to serve as Secretary of State. OregonREALTORS® has worked well with all three candidates, and ORPAC supported each of theircampaigns.With only one exception, every ORPAC-supported candidate for a seat in the OregonLegislature won their election. Overall, Democrats flipped two seats previously held byRepublicans — one in the House and one in the Senate — to regain supermajorities in bothchambers. While this unquestionably changes the political dynamics in the OregonLegislature, Oregon REALTORS® will continue to work with legislators on both sides of theaisle to protect and advance the interests of the real estate industry.E L E C T I O N R E S U L T S& R P A C B Y T H E N U M B E R S$358,663Raised22.27%Participants144MajorInvestors20President’s CircleMembersR P A C B Y T H E N U M B E R SE L E C T I O N R E S U L T S14

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R P A CH A L L O F F A M EThe Hall of Fame recognizes dedicated members who havemade a significant commitment to RPAC over the years byinvesting an aggregate lifetime amount of at least $25,000.Cascades EastJohn BakerRogue ValleyStacey BoalsPortland MetroDrew ColemanEugeneCarol DozoisEugeneDavid HemenwayPortland MetroPat KaplanCascades EastMike KozakCascades EastHelen MarstonRogue ValleyColin MullaneOregon REALTORS®Jenny PakulaKlamath CountyJill RusselPortland MetroEva SandersEugeneJeremy StarrMid-ColumbiaNan WimmersRogue ValleyBernard YoungCascades EastDebra GisrielRogue ValleyJohn Zupan15Rogue ValleyRick HarrisPortland MetroKerri HartnettCascades EastBrent Landels

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Drew ColemanPortland MetroBrent LandelsCascades EastRick HarrisRogue Valley Cascades East Association of REALTORS®Oregon REALTORS®Oregon Real Estate FormsPortland Metropolitan Association of REALTORS®Casie Conlon Cascades EastLindsey CulverPortland MetroAshleigh Fordham Mid ValleyJulie GilbertMid-ColumbiaDavid HemenwayEugene Michele HolenPortland MetroPat KaplanPortland MetroTony KellyPortland Metro Helen MarstonCascades EastColin MullaneRogue ValleyJenny PakulaOregon REALTORS®Jill RusselKlamath CountyFreddy SaxtonLincoln CountyGreg WhistlerEast MetroDevin ZupanRogue ValleyR P A C M A J O R I N V E S T O R S16P L A T I N U M R ( $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 )G O L D E N R ( $ 5 , 0 0 0 )John Zupan Rogue ValleyCat ZwickerCascades EastEast Metro Association of REALTORS®Oregon Data Share, LLCSouthern Oregon MLS

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R P A CM A J O R I N V E S T O R S17David AdolfLincoln CountyCourtney BensonCascades EastHector GarciaMid Valley Rob LevyPortland MetroSue O'HalloranEast MetroJenn SchaakeCascades EastC R Y S T A L R ( $ 2 , 5 0 0 )Susanna AbrahamsonCascades EastTodd AdamsPortland MetroLisa AlbrechtPortland MetroJavier AlomiaPortland MetroVicki ArnoldEast MetroS T E R L I N G R ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 )Jeff SorgPortland MetroMichael Warren IICascades EastJeff WirenPortland MetroKim ArscottEugene John BakerCascades EastGrace BergenSpringfieldCory BettesworthCascades EastMike BlankenshipCentral Oregon CoastStacey BoalsRogue ValleyBrenda BonebrakeMid Valley Angela BoothroydCascades EastMike BurkhardLincoln CountyJillian BurrisCentral Oregon CoastGarett ChadneyLincoln CountyDoniella CoxCascades EastChad CurreyOregon REALTORS®Carrie DahleRogue ValleyRichard DayLincoln CountyStacy DeHartEugeneRobert DelavanPortland MetroChelsea DietmeyerSpringfieldJennifer DorseyCascades EastDayna Durant-SellarsKlamath CountyJanine DuronsletLincoln CountyStacy EllingsonKlamath CountyKaren ChurchEugeneChristopher CoxCascades EastDonald FalkPortland MetroJames FarleyUmatillaZach FischerMid Valley

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R P A C M A J O R I N V E S T O R S18S T E R L I N G R ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 )Brandie FosterCascades EastLester FriedmanCascades EastMel GeorgePortland MetroMichele GilaPortland MetroLynlei GilleoLincoln CountyAmy GrahamLincoln CountyAllison GreinerPortland MetroTina GrimesRogue ValleyKelly GustafsonEugeneScott HalliganPortland MetroKerri HartnettPortland MetroLouie HoffmanCascades EastRichard HoffmanLincoln CountyMatthew HoneycuttCurry CountyJohn HoopsSpringfieldLauren HornKlamath CountySally JacobsonCascades EastFred JohnsonCascades EastMelissa JohnsonCentral Oregon CoastMartin Justus Oregon REALTORS®Mike Kerlinger Rogue ValleyMichael KessingerLincoln CountyRita KetlerMid-ColumbiaDavid KeyteCascades EastTyler KingPortland MetroMike KozakCascades EastScott LewisRogue ValleyRon LiedkieMid Valley Heather LowrieCascades EastMariah LuellingCascades EastMelody LuellingCascades EastRyan LuellingCascades EastKathy MacNaughtonPortland MetroMichelle MaidaPortland Metro Kelly MartinMid Valley Shannon MasonEugeneMelissa McGuireEugeneLynnea MillerCascades EastWilliam Mohring Portland MetroAngie MombertCascades EastJames MontgomeryMid ValleyMolly Mullane Rogue ValleyShane MyhreRogue ValleyLisa NishiokaPortland MetroLori PalermoSpringfieldGeorge PerkinsEast MetroNancy Perkins East MetroMelissa PetersonPortland Metro

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Tanya PetersonPortland MetroAndee PhillipsCascades EastDanielle PowellCascades EastKelly RanstadEugeneCraig RegerPortland MetroSarah RenardPortland MetroEva SandersPortland MetroCeleste SchmordeEugeneDeAnna SicklerRogue ValleyRobin SpringerPortland Metro Jeremy StarrEugeneLori StenshoelEugeneAngela StuckartWillametteEvan SwansonPortland Metro Dana TerhunePortland Metro Cindy ThackeryPortland Metro Christina Tsutsui-TharpCascades EastRita Marie VerdugoSpringfieldKurt Von WasmuthPortland MetroAmy WalshPortland MetroJohn Walsh Portland MetroTroy WilkersonPortland MetroJoseph WilliamsSpringfieldNan WimmersMid-ColumbiaCrystell WiseCentral Oregon CoastEvonne Woods-QuesadaKlamathBernard YoungRogue ValleyRochelle YukichPortland MetroTeresa ZamoraRogue ValleyPam ZielinskiTillamook CountyDuke Warner - BendStellar Realty NW - BendR P A CM A J O R I N V E S T O R S19S T E R L I N G R ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 )

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O R E G O N H O U S I N GE C O N O M I C S U M M I TMore than 200 attendees gathered in Salem to discuss housing trends. GovernorTina Kotek delivered the keynote address, highlighting upcoming initiatives and receiving the National Association of Homebuilders Defender of HousingAward — the first governor to receive this honor. Speakers included economistDan Brown on housing market trends, the Unlocking Home Ownership Coalitionon 2025 plans, and a roundtable featuring lawmakers exploring housing solutions.20

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L E G A L H O T L I N E B Y T H E N U M B E R SO R E G O N R E A L T O R S ® F O R M SB Y T H E N U M B E R S66%34%In 2024 the Business Issues Key Committee focused on developing a proposal formodernizing Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 696, which governs real estate licensing. Thestatute simply has not kept up with the evolution of the real estate practice in Oregon.The proposal developed by the Business Issues Key Committee and approved by theGovernment Affairs Key Committee was the culmination of years of discussion about topicslike the supervision responsibilities of principal brokers, the competency of new licensees,teams, and the role of OREA in providing clear guidance. The proposal includes adding theterm “managing principal broker” to ORS 696, defining the supervision responsibilities ofprincipal brokers, requiring licensees to undertake a proficiency assessment at first renewalof their license, requiring real estate teams to provide a disclosure to clients describing teammember supervision, roles and responsibilities, and clarifying OREA’s authority to provideadditional guidance on real estate licensing laws and rules, among other changes. Thisconcept will be introduced as a bill in the 2025 legislative session.O R S 6 9 6 M O D E R N I Z A T I O NR I S KM A N A G E M E N T1677Questionsanswered 597Users 2166%of members have usedOregon REALTORS® Forms66%34%

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The Code of Ethics training course titled, “When You Come to the Fork in the Road” is available for new and current members via On-Demand Education. A livelyoverview of the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics, this hands-oncourse examines ethical business practices in everyday real estate situations — what’sallowed, what’s not, and why.Completing Professional Standards Training equips members to serve on aprofessional standards or grievance committee, prepares board members for Codeof Ethics enforcement, and satisfies the Code of Ethics training requirement.Completing Mediation & Ombudsman Training prepares the member to serve inthese roles for a local or state Association.C O D E O F E T H I C S C O U R S EP R O F E S S I O N A L S T A N D A R D S A C A D E M YS T A T E P R O F E S S I O N A L S T A N D A R D S C O M M I T T E E A C T I V I T YAccording to the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual (CEAM), the stateAssociation’s committee assists local Associations/Boards with the required Code ofEthics enforcement process, such as delegating the role of creating an impartialpanel for hearings, and offering Ombudsman and Mediation services. OregonREALTORS® offers Professional Standards Administration Enforcement services tolocal Associations/Boards to fulfill their requirements as outlined in the CEAM. In2024, this service was provided to 17 local Associations/Boards in Oregon.19EthicsComplaints 5Ombudsman Professional Standards TrainingMediation TrainingHeld Virtually on February 7 & 8Professional Standards TrainingProcuring Cause ClassHeld Virtually on August 22 & 29P R O F E S S I O N A LS T A N D A R D S22

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Accredited Buyer Representative Specialist – 65 AttendeesABR® designees advocate for homebuyers and are recognized as distinguishedagents in the industry. The designation program establishes a foundation of training,skills, and resources to help real estate professionals succeed as a buyer's representative.A New Normal: Navigating the Industry after Proposed NAR Settlement1027 AttendeesThe Nitty Gritty: How to Talk to Your Clients about Buyer Broker Agreements457 AttendeesOregon Wildfire Hazard Maps: What You Need to Know 204 AttendeesUnderstanding Oregon REALTORS® Form Changes186 attendeesT O P D E S I G N A T I O NT O P C L A S S E SN E W L Y L A U N C H E D S E L F - P A C E D G R I C L A S S E SSix new Graduate REALTOR® Institute classes are available for you to take at your own pace online.P R O F E S S I O N A LD E V E L O P M E N TRisk ManagementBuyersFinance789,849Hours of CEAwarded32ClassesHeld24WebinarsHeld$204,000Saved UsingMemberDiscountsSafetyLawFair Housing23

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O R E G O N L E A D E R S H I P C O N F E R E N C EIn October, we partnered with Cascades East Association of REALTORS® to host a uniqueprofessional development program in Bend. Nearly 50 incoming presidents, associationexecutives, and other volunteer leaders attended this two-day conference that prepared themfor the coming year’s processes, position roles, and planning. Adorna Carroll, president ofDynamic Directions, gave attendees context and tools for success in her talk, “The LeadershipPuzzle: Putting the Pieces Together.” Adorna trains REALTORS® across the country and hasauthored designation and certification courses for NAR and Real Estate Business Institute. 24

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Fair Housing SummitThe third annual Fair Housing Summit on February 23explored the history and impact of fair housing andhousing access in Oregon. Sessions covered buildingsustainable businesses through inclusion, expandinghomeownership opportunities, ensuring housingaccessibility, and helping clients navigate unforeseenhomeownership costs. Experts also discussed resourcesfor reporting bias and discrimination and shared bestpractices for promoting fair housing. The eventemphasized the importance of equity and inclusion inreal estate, offering actionable insights to helpprofessionals create a more accessible andsustainable housing market statewide.Attendees at the fall Affinity Networking Receptionhad the chance to engage with a diverse range ofaffinity organizations, including Asian Real EstateAssociation of America (AREAA), National Associationof Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP),National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB),the LGBTQ+ Alliance, and Women’s Council ofREALTORS® (WCR), in a vibrant networkingenvironment. This opportunity to learn about theunique challenges and opportunities thesecommunities face in Oregon’s real estate marketfostered deeper understanding and collaboration.Conversations highlighted the importance ofaddressing the needs of underrepresented groupsand promoting inclusivity in the industry.Affinity Networking ReceptionF A I RH O U S I N G25

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2The fourth annual Empowering Women in Real Estate event at the Willamette Valley CountryClub was a success, drawing over 80 real estate professionals. The event was one of five in thenation to receive the 2024 Supporting Women of Real Estate Grant from the Women’s Councilof REALTORS®. Highlights included insights from Angela Wilhelms, CEO of Oregon Businessand Industry, and Juana Watkins, VP of Law & Policy for Florida REALTORS®. A panelmoderated by Oregon REALTORS® CEO Jenny Pakula featured Managing Principal Broker RitaKetler, Florida REALTORS® CEO Margy Grant, and State Senator Kate Lieber.E M P O W E R I N G W O M E N I N R E A L E S T A T E26

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2The Oregon Leadership Academy had another successful year, with a cohort of 20 membersrepresenting local boards across the state. The class of 2024 gathered for three dynamic, in-personsessions held in Salem, Redmond, and Lincoln City that included personality profile analysis,communications training, industry panels, engaging guest speakers, and team-building. During the final session in June, OLA Alumni joined the class for a reception, where past graduatesshared how their participation in OLA has impacted them both personally and professionally. O R E G O N L E A D E R S H I PA C A D E M Y209 REALTORS® havegraduated from theOregon LeadershipAcademy since itsinception in 2015.28

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S P R I N G G O V E R N A N C EIn April, over 200 members gathered at Spring Governance for the opportunity to attend keycommittee meetings, join forums to discuss timely and relevant industry issues, celebrate newofficers, learn about 2024 advocacy successes and connect with other professionals. Dr. TonyKelly was elected 2025 President-Elect and we took the opportunity to celebrate Julie Gilbert asREALTOR® of the Year. 30

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2F A L LG O V E R N A N C E2The 2024 Fall Governance Meetings held in October at the Graduate, Eugene, brought theOregon REALTOR® community together to share, celebrate, and strengthen our businessesand Association. Highlights included the induction of Brent Landels as president, Debra Gisrielreceiving the Distinguished Service Award, Jon Cohen with Positive Charge! PDX honored withthe Good Neighbor Award, and the iconic Dessert Auction supporting the HOME Foundation.31

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REPORTR E A L T O R ® A W A R D SWe proudly celebrated Julie Gilbert of Copper West Realty,Hood River, as the 2024 REALTOR® of the Year. A member ofthe Mid-Columbia Association of REALTORS® (MCAR) andREALTOR® since 2005, Julie has served as a leader andadvocate for industry excellence. She expanded MCAR’sawards program, graduated from the Oregon REALTORS®Leadership Academy in 2020, and has held key leadershiproles at the state level, including Business Issues Committee Chair and District 6 DVP.The State REALTOR® of the Year award honors Julie’sexceptional contributions to her profession and community.She exemplifies the highest standards of service andleadership among Oregon REALTORS®.REALTOR® of the YearDebra Gisriel, a real estate professional for more than 40years, was honored with the 2024 Distinguished ServiceAward. A leader for the Klamath County Association ofREALTORS® and Cascades East Association of REALTORS®,she has strengthened financial strategies and contributedto key committees. At Oregon REALTORS®, she served asPresident (2016), Executive Committee member, RPACTrustee Chair, and in other vital roles, shaping policies andadvancing the profession. Nationally, she was an NARDirector (2016–2021) and is an RPAC Hall of Fame member. A dedicated mentor and educator, Debra embodiesleadership, ethics, and commitment to the REALTOR®community.Distinguished Service Award32

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REPORTG O O D N E I G H B O RA W A R DThe Oregon REALTORS® Good Neighbor Award honors aREALTOR® member who positively impacts theircommunity, celebrating contributions that enhanceOregon’s livability and support local nonprofits.We honored Jon Cohen as the state Good Neighbor Awardrecipient at Fall Governance in October. Jon is a broker atWindermere Realty Trust and is a member of PortlandMetropolitan Association of REALTORS®. Jon has made animpact for years on many projects. During the pandemic, heand his wife co-founded Positive Charge! PDX whose missionis to amplify kindness and create meaningful opportunitiesfor people to help others.Oregon REALTORS® Good NeighborNAR recognized Howard Friedman from the CascadesEast Association of REALTORS® as an honorablemention among 10 finalists for the national 2024 GoodNeighbor Award. A 2023 Oregon award recipient,Howard has used his experience as a chef, restaurateur,and real estate professional to support Bethlehem Innshelter for the homeless in Bend. He helped thenonprofit purchase and renovate properties, increasingits residential capacity by 30%. The national awardhonors REALTORS® who go beyond professional dutiesto improve lives and communities, with nomineesevaluated based on their time, financial, and materialcontributions.National Good Neighbor Award33

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O R E G O N R E A L T O R S ®H O M E F O U N D A T I O NThe Oregon REALTORS® HOME Foundation is a 501(c)3 charity that provides financial resourcesto create, expand, and encourage homeownership opportunities for Oregonians at or below thelocal median income. In 2024, the HOME Foundation awarded over $125,000 to nonprofitsaround Oregon. Since 2004, the HOME Foundation has raised more than $2 million to supportorganizations that help Oregonians achieve homeownership.234

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2D E S S E R TA U C T I O NThe Oregon REALTORS® HOME Foundation Dessert Auction is a true highlight of the FallGovernance Meetings, and this year’s event was sweeter than ever! More than 20mouthwatering desserts were up for grabs, each more impressive than the last. The lineupincluded everything from a luxurious gold-flaked cake to an indulgent double chocolatecreation. Members generously competed to take home these delectable treats, all whilesupporting a great cause and raising more than $9,300 for the HOME Foundation.235

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2The 15th Annual Oregon REALTORS® Driving it HOME Golf Tournament was a resoundingsuccess, bringing together over 144 golfers who enjoyed a fantastic day on the course.Together, they raised nearly $40,000 for the HOME Foundation, highlighting a remarkableachievement in fundraising efforts and community support for the dream of homeownership.D R I V I N G I T H O M E G O L F T O U R N A M E N T“Had a blast. Couldn’thave been better.”36

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A Message from2 0 2 5 P R E S I D E N T B R E N T L A N D E L SDear Oregon REALTORS®,Most importantly, I want to take this opportunity to say “Thank You.”First, “Thank You” for allowing me to be your President. It is truly the greatest honor of mycareer. And “Thank You” for your resilience and hard work over the last year. We live in a challenging season. Between lawsuits and settlements, new rules, and high interestrates, we are all being challenged in ways that we did not expect two years ago. We even hadan election season with more twists and turns then anyone could imagine, which served toeven further polarize our strained communities. But these challenges have brought newopportunities, too.I could not be more proud of how Oregon REALTORS® reacted and took on the rough seas.Within three weeks of the proposed settlement, Oregon REALTORS® Leadership and staff startedtraveling the state putting on Navigating ChallengesForums to share the most up-to-date information inreal time. When our members’ thirst for knowledgebecame obvious, we added in Zoom versions of theForums to reach even more members. More than 50forums were held from November 2023 throughOctober 2024. The most impressive aspect of the forums was theprofessionalism and “can do” attitude of OregonREALTORS® at every stop. There was no finger-pointing, just a consistent desire to find the best pathforward.It is awe inspiring to me how many OregonREALTORS® give back to their communities.According to an NAR study over 83% volunteeredsome portion of their time over the last year. Whethercoaching kid’s sports, serving on municipalcommittees and boards, or serving meals to the lessfortunate, our members are the fabric that holds ourcommunities together.38

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2024 will also be remembered as one of our strongest years ever for advocacy wins. OregonREALTORS® supported and won on Senate Bill 1537 to provide a $369 million investment inassistance for infrastructure, homebuilding, shelters, and rent assistance, along with changes tostate land use laws to make it easier for cities to expand and build needed housing.Sometimes though, being able to stop bad legislation can be the largest advocacy win. BallotMeasure 118 would have been the largest tax increase in Oregon history. With an assist from NARand their $250,000 grant, Oregon REALTORS® led the fight to head off this measure. It wasmoney and time well spent, and Measure 118 was defeated with a 77.5% “NO” vote. There is an old saying that “just because you don’t take an interest in politics, doesn’t mean thatpolitics won’t take an interest in you.” Our representation of our clients does not end at theclosing table. There is no other voice for home sellers and buyers. REALTORS® are the defendersof the dream of owning a home. But we have an image problem. It breaks my heart that mostpolls show that people love their own REALTOR® but don’t really like the rest of us much at all.We have an opportunity, and I believe a responsibility, to change the narrative of how our clientssee us. With that in mind, I have a favor to ask of each of you. When you talk to clients and advertiseyour business, talk about the number of families that you helped find a home, the time youspent volunteering, and the businesses that you helped thrive. But please stop talking aboutsides, deals, or transactions. None of our clients wants to be called any of those things. Especially,do not talk about your dollar volume. It screams that all you care about is money and not yourclient’s best interest. Let’s keep the focus on the needs of our clients and helping them achievetheir version of the American Dream. The rest will become so much easier.As we move forward, it is hard to see around corners and predict what the future holds. But restassured, the Leadership Team and Oregon REALTORS® as a whole are committed to beingpresent in all of our communities and local Associations. We will be transparent and openlyshare what we know. We will continue to advocate for personal property rights, and businessregulations that make it easier for each of you to pursue your goals and the goals of your clients.Thank you for your support and partnership in 2025! 2025 Oregon REALTORS®President239

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AdministrativeCoordinator& Facility ManagerKelly BarkerAdmin ServicesCoordinatorCharlotte VanWerven Admin & EventServices CoordinatorAlex HermonMember Services Coordinator Emma ShumwayAdministrativeCoordinator, Legal &Government AffairsLogan JacksonStaff AttorneyNicholas PeasleyPolicy DirectorBrock NationMarketing & CommunicationsManagerShayna OlsonFinance & Member AdministratorGretchenKronenbergChief ExecutiveOfficerJenny PakulaChief OperationsOfficerDavid ThompsonGeneral Counsel,Director ofGovernment AffairsJeremy RogersDirector of Marketing &CommunicationsAnn WarrenO R E G O N R E A L T O R S ®S T A F FOregon REALTORS® is one of the largest and most impactful trade associations in the state,proudly representing more than 18,000 members across all facets of the real estate profession.Behind the scenes, our dedicated staff works tirelessly to ensure the success of both ourmembers and the Association. We are committed to empowering our members to thrive andmake a positive impact in their communities.40