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2024 Timanews

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MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWSDear Timanous Community:Gail and I send our best wishes to you and your families this holiday season. We hope you nd time for family and friends, and have a chance to nourish the relationships with those who are special in your lives. The Timanews is among my favorite holiday treats. Every year since my last summer at Camp in 2001 I’ve waited with unbridled anticipation for it to arrive in my mailbox. It’s been the most important vehicle through which I learned about the people of Timanous, and I generally carve out 30 minutes or so with a hot cup of coffee to read it from cover to cover. I yearned for news written by my cabin mates from my camper years, fellow counselors from the early 1980s, and friends from Gail’s and my years at camp in the late 1990s. I was also curious to learn about the journeys of those I did not know, seeking connection with and between the members of my extended Timanous family. During the brief period of time that I have been appointed Director, I’ve been buoyed by and grateful for the interactions I’ve had with various members of our family. I’ve attended two alumni gatherings in Washington, DC and in Boston, and I can assure you that the Timanous Spirit is alive and well. At a camper gathering for new and returning families at the home of Mia and Tim Bass, I learned how the Timanous of 25 years ago is both similar to and different from the Timanous of today. And, attending a Board meeting of the Timanous Foundation in early November, I witnessed rst hand the love and care for Timanous with which our trustees steward our beloved camp. We are part of a truly special community. The summer of 2025 is not too distant in the future, and we have much for which to be thankful. The Barn renovation, funded in large part by the generosity of the Timanous community, is moving with pace and we expect it to be online in late spring and ready for opening day in June. Camp enrollment is strong with more of our families choosing to enroll their boys for the full season. And, the Timanous staff continues to set the standard for summer camps, their skill, loyalty, and mentorship of the boys remains second to none. Thank you, and as you think about your summer plans, I hope you will consider stopping by Camp \T/. I’d welcome the opportunity to visit with you and to share in the special bond that denes the Timanous experience. Gratefully yours, John Suitor DirectorDECEMBER 2024TIMANEWSLETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR

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Matthew Agostinelli: I am embark-ing on a new career as a social media influencer. I have a special take on all things related to hummus and hot sauce. Please like, subscribe and follow wherever you doom scroll. You can find me under the name @cezgus on all ma-jor platforms.Other than that, I continue to be ex-tremely lucky to have the family and support that I do. My kids are almost all grown up and my dog still gets on the furniture. My wife is truly wonderful and is a constant beacon of hope and joy. Look well therefore to this day.Juan Aguerrevere: Hi Timanous Fam-ily! Published my third book on short stories this year thankfully to great success with one of them being put on stage where they gave me the chance to play me. Not that hard of a role lol. Currently taking care of my dad who was diagnosed this past October with larynx cancer and keeping my hopes up for his recovery. This photo of him picking me up at camp in 1987 has al-ways been at my desk to remind me of what’s important! Merry Christmas to all Crows of 1994, and a hearty Happy New Year countdown to all the rest! Juaaaaaan.Carlos Alcantara: Married with kids and living in Madrid, Spain. Hope to be able to send my kids in the following years when they are older.Jonathan Aldrich: From Nancy Aldrich: I’m sorry to report that Jonathan died January 6, 2021. His last book (poetry), The Old World in His Arms, came out that year as well.Danny Alonso: Greetings, Timanous! I am now a junior at Cornell University studying history with three additional minors! Other than being busy, I saw the aurora last night for the first time, which was so beautiful. I’ve also been cooking a lot and still playing the piano, including performing oldies every Sunday at a local nursing home. I hope everyone is doing well!Jon Arnold: I made only one trip to camp this year, but it was a very special day. My daughter (Big Wo, 1995-2003) and I brought my grandson for a visit. It happened to be Capture the Flag Day and predictably, he had a blast. Not surprisingly, the counselors and camp-ers were immediately welcoming and made Spencer feel comfortable and in-cluded. One of Johnny Suitor’s famous Timanous-isms was, “There is no such thing as a stranger at Camp Timanous,” which is as true today as it ever was. This reinforced to me once again, that, first and foremost, it is the people who make camp such a special experience.John “JB” Bellow: Spent the begin-ning of 2024 hiking the Great Walks of the South Island of NZ. Paparoa was my favorite fol-lowed closely by the Queen Char-lotte. After a couple months of hiking, I returned to Spring-Rain Farm and Or-chard to grow our organic produce. We continue to experiment with innovative crops like Feijoa, Mioga, Yacon, and Aronia along with staples like salad, to-matoes, and cucumbers. When growth slows down, I’m excited to hit the Puget Sound again in my sea kayak.Pete Best: Hope all is well across the pond. Life in England remains largely unchanged. Still occupying my free time playing rugby and getting out and about with our dog Moose as much as TIMANEWS 2024MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS2CAPTURE THE FLAG 2024JOHN BELLOWJUAN AND HIS FATHER

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possible. Haven’t made it back to Maine for a few years now, but maybe 2025 will be the year! In the meantime I’ll have to live it vicariously through Chids’ regular updates.See you soon.Ed Bischoffberger: Hello fellow Tima-nous alumni. I camped during the sum-mer of 1957 in the Crogles cabin. My uncle, Dr. John Bischoffberger was the camp doctor. I’m now 77 years old, re-tired and live in upstate South Carolina. Many fond memories of Timanous. Wishing all of you the best. Glenn Blakney: My daughter is about to have my first grandchild! My son got married at the end of June, and my oth-er son got married at the end of Sep-tember. I’m teaching 6th Grade Math in Lynn, Massachusetts. I haven’t been back, but the photos from Chidsey are very compelling! Wondering what hap-pened to QB and Alan Barson; I’ve run into Jon Arnold and Steve Engel at Taft Alumni events.Geoff Blum: The Blum family gathered this summer at our family house on the Cape to celebrate the wedding of AJ Blum and Suzy Moore. Since the 105th, I have continued to stay in touch with Blake Zimmerman, Jim Winning-hoff, and Dave Cope. Besides rooting on our various sports teams, we are enjoying being grandparents.Bill Breidenstine: This year’s entry I would like to dedicate to the memory of my Mom, Patricia B. Breidenstine, who passed away this past Easter. While she didn’t look forward to John and I being away most of the sum-mer back in the 70s and early 80s, she knew how much we loved going to Camp. She was always very sup-portive of us, and we definitely en-joyed receiving her care packages and letters. Both Mom and Dad brought us to Camp each summer and would also attend each and every banquet. They both understood how important Camp was in our lives, and we will always be grateful for the experience. Wishing all Timanous friends and family a wonder-ful holiday season and a happy and prosperous 2025!Tom Brushart: I recently retired from clinical work after 40 years as a hand and nerve surgeon in Baltimore. I’m finishing up a few neuroscience re-search papers, then plan to work on a book based on my collection of nerve-related rare books. Most years I make it to Baxter Park for a week of fishing and hiking. I would love to hear from Geoff Young and Jim Reed.Grant Burgess: The big update in my world is a transition from full-time par-enting into a green energy job where I help homeowners transition to things like solar and heat pumps. It’s been great! I really do believe I get to help change the world, one roof at a time and am always happy to help anyone in the Timanous family who wants to learn more. I probably still spend most of my waking hours hanging out with my little guy Forrest, who is now 2 years old, having a blast in daycare, and already practicing his sterning skills for canoe camping trips on Umbagog Lake!Ben Burke: I continue to enjoy living and working in Colorado in the geo-thermal industry. I got a good dose of Maine this past summer while my son, Larsson Burke, attended Timanous as a Crogle.Will Carroll: Pro tip: 4th graders get a free pass to all National Parks. My fam-ily took full advantage of that this year on our vacations, visiting 5 parks across California, New Mexico, and Texas. And over the summer, we took advantage of remote work to “live” in Costa Rica for four weeks. It was quite a year of adventure. Next year features another big adventure: my oldest son will be spending his first summer on Panther Pond. Hope to see some of you up there at drop off!TIMANEWS 2024FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWSGRANT AND FORREST BURGESS3GEOFF BLUM AND FAMILY

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Frank (Francis) Celauro: This past summer was my son Jason’s first year at Timanous. It has been 27 years since my Crow summer and 25 years since I visited Camp. Dropping him off and then attending Banquet was the highlight of the year for me (a year that included my wedding lol). Looking forward to sending my youngest son for his Mallard year next summer.Sean Chamberlain: Hello! I have not submitted a Timanews update be-fore but figured I’d give it a shot! In just under a month former Timanous alumni Vincent Seidler and I will be running the NYC marathon. While this will surely be a fun undertaking for both of us, we wanted to raise money and awareness for a rare genetic eye condition that Vincent was recently diagnosed with. For more informa-tion on why we’re running and rais-ing, check out this blog post that our marathon charity sponsor Achilles International wrote last week: It’s been an incredible journey for us, both in terms of training and raising awareness. Figured I would share with the com-munity! Cheers, SeanDavid Chaplin: It has been a tough year. My wife, Candy, acutely passed away the weekend of July 5, as we were loading the car for my son’s wedding to Amy. The only good part of that is my family from out of state were all here, and family support is so power-ful. Since then, my life is in the toilet dealing with estate issues and grieving. Trying to imagine a new future with-out my girl. Grateful for the time we had together, but life will never be the same. Thankful to have Sam’s and An-astasia’s family so close by, especially Sam’s 1 yr old Josephine whose smile is contagious, and my French Bulldog, Onyx. Sorry for this being a downer, but it is what it is. Best wishes to all. May all Beings Be Happy.Sam Chaplin: Amy and I tied the knot in July! Had a wonderful wedding at a farmhouse here in Maine. We’ve had an unbelievably fun first year with our daughter Josephine. Working at a wealth management firm in Portland.Sharon Chaplin: Chaplins had a busy summer starting with Amy and Sam’s wedding in July. The beautiful Maine summer was spent enjoying watching my kids be parents. The grandchildren are growing fast; Emma is a sophomore at UNE, loving college and playing field hockey. Brady, 16, is a new driver and plays baseball and football. Sophie is a freshman and in year-round field hockey. Our newest is Josephine, who had her first birthday in August, and she is the highlight of all of our lives. I’m so lucky to have them all close by all summer. Our house in Venice, Florida, survived both hurricanes, we feel so fortunate.Alan Chidsey: Camper, 1977, ‘78. Has started a new job working for NewEdge Capital Group in Stamford, CT. Still finding time to sail and keep the boats floating at a summer sailing club in Old Greenwich.David Chidsey: Some folks believe that when Chids returns from Alaska, that the summer weather is over, but not this year. He has been spotted on campus picking up sticks, hauling them away and pushing back the woods. Also, going for swims in the lake and scaling Rattlesnake Mountain. Daugh-ter, Ellie, is finishing up grad school in Seattle and has seen Jim Winninghoff. Rachel continues her good work at USM. Chids is in his 39th year of teach-ing middle school math.Scott Chrysler: Congratulations, John-John! When I read the announce-ment, a huge smile emerged. Timanous is fortunate to have you and Gail at the helm. All is well in the Chrysler household. Year three at Hammond is providing some fun challenges as we TIMANEWS 2024MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONSDAVID “CHIDS” CHIDSEYSHARON CHAPLIN AND FAMILY4

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begin a campus master plan, wrap up construction on a tennis center, and work on integrating systems automa-tion. A little bit different than teaching “Candide” to a class of seniors, but this aspect of school work is fun and fascinating. Janetta continues with her career in digital marketing and turned her hobby of decorating tumblers into a busy cottage business. Our three sons are all grown and pursuing careers around the country. Mom and Dad sold their house in Camden, so I am not sure when I will physically be in Maine again, but my thoughts and heart are always there. Wishing everyone the best.Philip Cimbak: Greetings Timanous family! Life has been busy during the first year with our daughter Charlotte. Megan and I are doing our best to instill the importance of things like cabin cleanup, plate stacking, and flat rest - hoping we see more success in year 2! Ryan Whelpley and I decided to do beach day in Pensacola this summer where Livy Coe and his roommate Ferdinand the cat were gracious hosts. Happy holidays to everyone, and I look forward to seeing more familiar faces in the new year!Chris Clarke: Greetings from the Clarke family and the friendly confines of Armonk, NY. Chris and Gaby together with Christian (8), Julian (5) and Chase (3) have no issues filling any available time with work, school, travel, sports and general mayhem. A trip to Maine and a visit to Camp this summer was surely a highlight of the year!Seth Coburn: The Coburn family is missing summer but otherwise doing well. Our oldest (Ian) is settling into first grade after his very first sum-mer vacation. Our youngest (Luke) is enjoying life in preschool. And Helen and I are working to keep all the balls in the air. Saw Nick Leyden and B-Mar in Portland over the summer and had a chance to catch up with the both of them. Hope all are well and don’t hesi-tate to reach out if anyone is swinging through Maine. Livy Coe: I’m living in Pensacola, Florida, learning to fly airplanes as part of the Southwest Airlines Destina-tion 225 pilot training program. It’s a lot of fun and a great challenge, and I’m happy to have pivoted away from corporate work. I’ve enjoyed some great visits by fellow 2001 Crows Ryan Whelpley, Phil Cimbak, and Ash Wall, and I’m looking forward to the holidays with 2031 Crow, nephew Peter Kuhn. Big hugs to everyone, and remember to Look to this Day!Jake Congleton: Out of interest I added up the number of my family members who have attended Wohelo and Tima-nous and the final number was 30! A couple were at both camps but I only counted them once! My Mom and Dad date back to the 20’s and they were both in Halsey and Dottie’s wedding! Last summer there were two and who knows what the future will bring.Will Cook: My son Jamie had a great summer in Herons and he can’t wait to return for his fourth year at camp next year. Separately, our Camp T book group is going strong, offering a chance to connect with old camp friends on a semi-regular basis. It’s been fun.Tucker Cutler: Wonderful to know John H. Suitor III will be taking the helm at Camp T! Johnny and Marti would be so pleased. Mark Nicholson and I get to see one another fairly often, our daughters go to the same school, so that keeps me connected to camp in an off-handed sort of way. And I have to treat him well since he drives my daughter to school 2x/wk. Olivia is now 13, Josiah (Joe) will be 17 shortly. Gina and I are hoping to survive the teenage years! Warmest regards to all, Cheers.Erik Danielson: I spent my spring and summer semesters studying abroad in Erlangen, Germany and traveling around Europe whenever I had the chance. I got to check out the Berlin Wall, the Colosseum, the beaches in Croatia, stand at the top of Germany, traverse Norwegian fjords, and so much more! It is also my senior year at Kalamazoo College and I am excited for one final ride with the swim team and am figuring out plans for what to do next.Teddy Danielson: I hope 2024 was a great year for everyone in the Tima-nous family! This past year saw me finish Navy nuclear submarine training and travel across the country for my first assignment as a division officer. I spent part of the summer underwater aboard USS Henry M Jackson, based out of Bangor, WA. The job has its chal-lenges, and I couldn’t succeed without the values Camp instilled in me. Can’t wait to see what adventures 2025 will bring!Matthew Dapas: I moved in with my girlfriend, Larissa, last summer, living in downtown Chicago with our two cats. I’ve mostly been focused on work, try-ing to start my own genetics research lab at Northwestern, and Larissa has been running marathons (the Casco Days Road Races of yore were enough for me). We’ve been doing a lot of traveling, but I still visit Raymond every summer. On my last visit I enjoyed catching up with old friends at Camp, spending time with relatives, including the Baums and Connie Cross, and hik-ing the Knife Edge on Katahdin with my dad. Please hit me up if you ever come through Chicago!TIMANEWS 2024FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS5RYAN WHELPLEY, PHIL CIMBAK, LIVY COE

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Owen Davies: Nico has been spending most of his non-school time playing soccer for LISC and dreaming of Bob’s cooking. He says hi to all his friends and can’t wait to get back to camp next summer. Lorenzo started teaching this year in Brooklyn, and I am still working at Hudson River Park.Vinny Dotoli: Harlem Academy ran in prep school cross country races for the first time this fall, and it was nice of Hugo Pankoff to come up and say hi when he was lining up for St. Bernard’s (before crushing our team in the race). We had met at last year’s reunion up at HA, and I hope more area folks can join when we gather again in January.Archie Douglas: Still plugging away at Bentley School, now as Asst. Head, and still really appreciating life in Santa Cruz. This year’s highlight was definitely our 4-day trip to Alaska - Alyeska, Homer, Whittier (Prince William Sound glaciers). Never actually saw David Chidsey, but he was an outstanding tour guide via text throughout our visit. Next time, Chids!John Douglas: Greetings Timanous family! 2024 was filled with several ‘life highlight reel’ moments – most impor-tantly getting married to my wife, Mary Ellen, in Maine in July. I had the distinct pleasure of celebrating with several Timanous family members, many of which came straight from Raymond to spend the day (thank you, Nick!). Mary Ellen and I are settled and working in Atlanta, Georgia, so please never hesitate to let us know if you’re passing through! Wishing everyone safe and happy holidays and hope to see many of you soon.Greg Dow: Hello! A quick update after many years of silence. I retired from a career in law, finance and fintech in March of 2023 and have been traveling extensively since then, including hik-ing the entire Appalachian Trail. I have also taken trips to Germany, Austria, the Amazon and most recently India and Nepal with my brother Will (also a former camper) and our wives. I hope to make it to camp next summer for a long overdue visit. When not travel-ing, I reside in Bronxville, NY, and the Berkshires in western MA.Bruce Droz: The first year of retire-ment has been filled with hiking, camp-ing, and skiing - pursuing a love of all things outdoors that was first kindled during summers at Timanous. Trying to also balance the fun with volunteer-ing and giving back whenever possible. The Timanous spirit lives through us all! Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2025 to the entire Camp T family.Mark Endrizzi: Hello Timanous Family! Life is still good in Cambridge, Mas-sachusetts, but it’s still no Vacation-land. I just celebrated 3 years at my job making semiconductors and just moved into a new place overlook-ing the Charles River and the Boston Skyline. I made it home to Maine a few times this year, including attending the wedding of John Douglas, where I had the pleasure of seeing a number of Timanous lads. I even had the opportu-nity to accompany Tommy and Robby Hauldren for a hike in Acadia!Zeke Faux: Zeke Faux lives in Brook-lyn with his three kids, Margot, Eli and Fiona. Eli, who’s 7, recently shimmied up a 25-foot pole as part of his train-ing for the granddaddy gorilla hunt of summer 2036. When posting on Reddit recently, Zeke was asked for a left-handed smoke shifter by a Tima-nous friend, which sent him on a trip to the darkest corners of the internet. We hope he returns soon.Dave Giancola: Hi Everyone- Hope the Timanous family is doing well and gearing up for a happy holiday season! My wife, Sam, daughter, Ruby and I recently made the short move from Jersey City to Hoboken. It’s been great catching up with camp friends in the TIMANEWS 2024MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS6NICO DAVIESWILL SCHODER, LIAM PRIOR, SAM HOLLISTER, ROBBY HAULDREN, JOHN DOUGLAS, PAT HAYES, MICHAEL BEAM, TOMMY HAULDREN, AIDAN PRIOR, MARK ENDRIZZI

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NY/NJ area, so please reach out if you’re ever nearby and want to meet up! Look to this day!Michael Goodwin: 2024 has been a whirlwind. Our son Leo just turned 1 and is already prepping for Fastest Man 2036. Shelbi and I decided to settle down in Dana Point and recently became homeowners. The house is undergoing significant renovations, and despite many hours spent at the jigsaw down at the Shop, I’ve been relegated to a mere supervisory role during con-struction. We are well overdue for a trip to Panther Pond, but in the meantime, please reach out if you find yourself in Southern California.Charlie Griffith: Though it has been almost five decades since my time on Panther Pond, I still think of Timanous and all the people I met there – at a critical time in my life – fondly and al-most every day. I have been living and teaching at the Westminster School in Simsbury, Connecticut for many years, and occasionally I’m lucky enough to see a Timanous sweatshirt. All the very best to everyone at camp . . . it is a truly special place.Richard Hart: Timanous has lent his spirit to me writing “Micro Comebacks for Kids” just published on Amazon. Hope you get a chance to see it. I loved Mallards, lanyards and the Camp Tima-nous dining hall where counselors sent me from one table to another in search of a Sky Hook. Best always, Richard Ames Hart.John Hoffman: Had a great visit! Chiz and Arnie (John Hoffman and Jon Arnold) friends for nearly 60 years all because of Camp T. We shared cabins Mallards 1965 and Crows 1974 along with many adventures throughout.Fred Hollister: Greetings to the Tima-nous community, near and far! Well, I have just finished my second drive across the country this year, the first in early June from Las Vegas with son, Sam, after some great Dead and Co. shows at the recently opened Sphere. And then arriving back in MA yesterday with my wife, Carol, and daughter, Lucy, as we helped her (Lucy) move back to New England from Albuquerque. Had never taken a more southerly route before and made stops in Amarillo, OK City, Little Rock, Memphis, Louisville and Charlottesville along the way. It has been a great stretch of weather this fall in Raymond with a bit more of it ex-pected to continue, albeit with slightly more seasonal temps. Will be up for a final stretch during the first two weeks of November, then closing up for the season and looking forward to seeing the recent progress on the Barn while I am up there. A reunion gathering in Boston is scheduled for the weekend just after Timanews submissions are due so, hopefully, we will be able to report in 2025 on having had a great turnout! Best wishes to one and all!Greg Hostetter: I wasn’t going to send news, but I promised my 1979 Hawks (if you know..., then you know that infamy..!) counselor a/k/a “Chids” that I would. So in full body, mind and spirit, I picture myself now on a chapel bench as I write that it was just a few short weeks ago my mother, Martha Bulkley Hostetter (Wohelo camper and counselor late 50s/early 60s), passed. Yet, I am so grateful that in times like this I find incredible comfort and strength from my many years at Timanous which so influenced who I am today, and with that said, I want to give a Council Fire commendation to our entire Timanous family past, pres-ent and future.Dick Howlett: Spent another enjoy-able summer in Otisfield, on the shores of Thompson Lake, with many gener-ous pontoon boat excursions with Jake and Sally! Especially memorable cruise with Nick Waugh, BAC 1964, on a beau-tiful warm day in September.Stu & Kathleen Howlett: Greetings from Upstate South Carolina! Hur-ricane Helene threw us for a loop. Two trees came through the roof into the attic/living room, so our cleanup will continue to be extensive. Cole (12) began middle school, making new friends. Evie (10) and Tenley (7) do well in school, gymnastics and their biggest love...ROBLOX. Kathleen keeps our world together while working as a chemical engineer at Fluor Corp., and I may be switching gears from teaching in the near future. Stay tuned and stay happy!Perry Ill: Great to hear my old cabin mate John Suitor has taken over the camp. I can remember him constantly singing his version of “pop goes the weasel”. I was lucky enough to attend three years back in the mid to late 1970’s. Eagles, Ravens and some other cabin. Met so many great guys, even though I was quiet as a church mouse. Ran into Pat Gans while I was visiting a friend at Lynchburg College in Virginia in the late ‘80s. Literally bumped into him in a large crowd and we instantly recognized each other. Also ran into Kent Black in Manhattan. Would love to hear from Brian McGraw, Bobby Montalvo, to name the few that pop to my head. Some of my favorite memo-ries: sprinting to signups after breakfast to get a spot on the rifle range, archery, endless sugary cereals in the dining TIMANEWS 2024FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS7JON ARNOLD AND JOHN HOFFMAN

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hall, the off-site canoe trip, Quentin Besch at the rifle range, woodshop where I carved a wooden dog for my mother which she proudly displays to this day, Brian McGraw’s “voice drumming,” sailing, swim-ming, dodging mosquitoes and the continuous scent of “OFF” bug spray which never works. And mostly, just being in the woods with a like-minded bunch of guys and a caring bunch of counselors. I live in Virginia in an old 1860’s farmhouse that’s been made livable (barely) with my wife and two daughters, the latter in the midst of flying the nest. For work I’m an operations manager for a large defense company. My degree from little old Keene State in NH seemed to prepare me just fine for years of industrial and manufacturing engineering and operations. When not working, I enjoy hunting deer and turkey here in the mountains, fishing horribly, maintaining my “fleet” of vehicles and the quivering homestead. I stick pretty close to the home area, it seems to have everything I need - but recently went camping in the Tetons with a buddy where my fishing skills entertained the local fish. The picture included here is from our send off at the airport. So much beauty to see in the wonderful country of ours. I hope to get back to Timanous for a visit soon.Evan Jones: All goes well here out in the Inland Pacific of Eastern Washing-ton! We have moved to a new home near the Columbia River. The new ad-dress is: 2118 Briarwood Court, Rich-land, WA 99354. I still work as Special Projects Manager for the upstart Avelo Airlines while keeping involved in local experiential education development in the schools out here. Both daugh-ters (Arcadians both who got to walk the Camp T path dozens of times over many summers in Casco) are still living abroad — which is a bummer for us of course. But if anyone in the Camp T family needs a contact in Chile or Australia, please just reach out to me and I’ll make it happen! Meanwhile… So happy for the Camp and the Founda-tion that John Suitor joins the long line of great leaders who have led that merry band over the Century. Alright, enough rambling… Digital contact just isn’t enough these days—so I really hope to actually see some of the T family in person in 2025 either out my way or back in Maine. Heartfelt Love to all — and as ever “my eyes look up to the Heavens” to BVO and to all the others in our Timanous family who continue to guide us step-by-step down our own pathways through life.TIMANEWS 2024MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS8PERRY ILLKasey Suitor and E.J. Googins welcomed Henry David Googins 4 lbs 12 oz on August 5, 2024Abby (Suitor) Livers and Chris Livers welcomed Brooks Weller Livers 7 lbs on October 11, 2024Tanner Powers and his wife Blair welcomed Mackenzie O’Neil Powers on October 23, 2024.Garrett Snedeker and his wife Meghan and son Peter welcomed Nathan Alfred Snedeker 7 lbs 14 oz on July 19, 2024Jessica Simmons (and Grandpa Bob Simmons) welcomed Jude Robert Avis Simmons 8 pounds 12 ounces & 21 inches long on November 13, 2024Camp Timanous CelebrationsNATHAN AND PETER SNEDEKERJUDE ROBERT AVIS SIMMONS

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Steinar Knutsen: I hope you’re all do-ing well! Carolyn, Richard, and I had an amazing summer in Bedminster, New Jersey, filled with great memories. We traveled to Napa, Kiawah, Bay Head, and even made it to Norway to visit my fam-ily, which was incredible! Richard had a blast playing lots of golf and tennis, and he also joined his first swim team. He excelled on the waterfront, which was a big hit. As we head into winter, we’re gearing up for paddle tennis and ice hockey. Richard is especially excited to jump back into these sports, but he’s already counting down the days until he can visit Timanous again! Maybe next summer. It’s been too long, he says. We sing camp songs around the house on a regular basis. Looking forward to catch-ing up with all of you soon!Ted Leavitt: All about the same with the Leavitt family. Ted and Vicky bought a flat in London as it has been our spiritual home and we wanted a bit closer connection. Get in touch if in the area when we are there (about 3-4 months a year). Tripp Leavitt and his wife Jackie moved to Scranton, PA, where he is a reconstructive hand sur-geon for Geisinger. Chris Leavitt and his wife Ice now have two children and will someday have to figure where to live among homes in Chengdu, China, San Juan, Puerto Rico and London. Life is complicated. Bryce Leavitt continues living and working in London. A Merry Christmas to all from Timanous from my generation and after.Henry G. Lee: Business is in Maine selling used rubber conveyor belting to all 50 states, also all forms of new. Odd ball for sure. Sure glad we are all still living in Maine, 70 miles from Panther Pond.Jake Leyden: We love spending the long summer days and warm summer nights in Maine! Our eldest, Maddie, entered middle school this fall, and Ben and Ellie are in 4th and 2nd grades. If you’re ever near Hartford, CT, let me know!Roger Llewelyn: I have continued with another year with my taxi busi-ness which included buying a new reduced emissions vehicle which now allows me to travel into London’s tariffed congestion zone including Heathrow airport. I have continued various interests and pursuits during my retirement from teaching includ-ing, Barbershop Choir, London Welsh Rugby Club Male Voice Choir and Philately club while regularly swim-ming to keep fit. I continue to travel to Cardiff to follow Wales national rugby union team in 6 Nations tournament. Holidays are becoming more frequent with Greece our destination twice this year for firstly, a relaxing beach break on Rhodes, including a visit to climb up to an historic acropolis above the town of Lindos. Secondly, just recently, a pretty remarkable experience was our first Ocean cruise, a Greek histori-cal ‘Odysssey’ around the Aegean Sea. Athens with its famous Acropolis was both the start and finish of the journey with subsequent itinerary of port stops and guided tours at Thessaloniki, fa-mous for its White Tower; Kusadasi, an important Roman trading city (the only visit in Turkey); Heraklion, Crete for the Palace at Knossos and its underground Labrinth or maze, in legend, used to hold a ferocious minotaur (a monster with head of a bull and body of a man); Santorini for its famous whitewashed hilltop buildings and sunsets; Mykonos with its famous iconic windmills and finally Milos with its fabulous beaches and lovely hilltop town Plaka. Christmas wishes and Prosperous New Year 2024 to everyone involved at Timanous and especially to ‘Hawks’ Counselors Geoff Blum & Grant Pennoyer and our cabin campers in Summer ’73. Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda. Craig MacDonnell: I’m seriously excited for summer 2025. We’ll be experiencing a newly expanded and renovated kitchen and barn – the big-gest capital investment in the history of Timanous – and welcoming the return of John Suitor III back to campus as our new Director. This feels like a new and great beginning for camp.Brian Martin: Merry Timanews Day! The Martin family happily continues to enjoy DC, with excellent visits with good Timanous friends this past year, including Seth Coburn, Will Carroll and Benjamin Shestakofsky (he wrote a book!! Get it in the camp library!!). The school year now includes many sports and activities for the kids (plus the usual work of being lawyers for the parents). Our annual Maine oceanside vacation included a morning visit at camp for 5-year-old son J.W. and me. Thanks to Nick Leyden (and Pine and Ana) for welcoming us. And thanks also to the counselor staff and camp-ers that reminded me of how wonder-fully constant Timanous can be. We even snapped a picture by the “new” scoreboard at the ball field. In the next couple of years I hope to introduce one-year-old daughter Summer to Little Wo, too. Please say hello when you pass through DC!TIMANEWS 2024FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS9SUBMITTED BY BRIAN MARTIN

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Peter Martin: I got married in the Pocono Mountains of PA in Septem-ber. The weekend before, we had the treat of seeing Ash Wall and his lovely family in Providence, near where we were staying for another wedding. My own wedding weekend featured toasts from John Birnbaum (fellow Crow ‘04) and Nick Martin. Afterward, my wife Quincy and I began our honeymoon at Migis Lodge on Sebago Lake, with a stop, of course, at Camp T. Wishing everyone well and hope to see many Timanous people in 2025!Sandy Martin: Hello Camp Timanous, For the first time in a while David, my son, and I did not get back to the campus. Although we did visit New England, it wasn’t until mid September, long after camp was closed. First, we visited The Tyler Place, a family resort in far northern Vermont for a reunion with friends. Following that we drove to Acadia National Park, then down the coast of Maine to Ogunquit Beach. I continue to swim between half and three quarters a mile most days, but no more swim meets as I have developed a weak heart. I am volunteer coaching the club swim team at Xavier Univer-sity here in Cincinnati. Other than that, maintaining our yard and chores keeps me occupied. I enjoyed looking at pictures of work going on to renovate the barn.Will & Mary Mayer: Greetings from the Mayer Family! Thomas is in his se-nior year at Seton Hall. We are looking forward to graduation in the Spring. We were all able to go out to Colorado in August to get Katie moved into her dorm. She is having a blast in Boulder. Will and Mary are keeping busy with Ajax and Cooper. We look forward to seeing our Timanous & Wohelo Family year round and especially in the sum-mer on Sebago Lake.Brian McGraw: Senior year at Furman University. John McInnes: Many days at sea this summer as usual. One of the best was taking David AKA “Chids” and a few others out to catch a few lobsters. It was a great day.Parker Merrill: Parker had quite a few changes this past year! He finished his medical training in Boston at BIDMC as an Anesthesiologist. He then took a job at Maine Medical Center and moved to Portland, ME. Finally, he got married to his wife, Nicole Katsikis. He looks forward to re-establishing roots in his home state of Maine and spend-ing plenty of time skiing this winter!Javin Michael: Hello Timanous Fam-ily! This past year has been filled with changes. In February, I accompanied the Harlem Academy Math Team to the Math Counts Competition. Vinny asked me to coach the middle school stu-dents in the months leading up to the contest, and I was incredibly proud of Kadin Hertzog and the rest of the team for their hard work and performance. Just three days after the competition, I made one of the biggest decisions of my life: I enlisted in the U.S. Navy. Be-fore officially starting this new chapter, I was lucky enough to visit Timanous during the gorgeous winter season. The highlight of this trip was spending time with Andy Thompson, Charlie Dietel, and Mark and Leo Figge as I made my way up north. Currently, I’m stationed in Charleston, South Carolina, training in naval nuclear power with plans to serve on submarines. I hope the Navy won’t keep me away from Timanous for too long—I’ll make sure to visit and share some sea stories when I can.Jon Millis: Hey all, life’s full in Bar-celona, where my tutoring campers in Spanish has helped me blend in a bit. Most Wednesday mornings, I do a sunrise cold plunge in the ocean to maintain my allegiance to the Polar Bear Club. Loved seeing Brendan Blake TIMANEWS 2024MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONSJAVIN MICHAEL10BRIAN MCGRAW WITH FATHER, BRIAN MCGRAW SR. AND MOTHER, VERONICAPARKER AND NICOLE MERRILL

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and Ben Motley in Maine this summer and hope I’ll catch more of you special souls in 2025. Drop me a note if you make it to Spain—would be happy to take you on a walk through my bunkline. Sending a hug.Richard A. Moll: Dick attended camp @ 1950 or so. He was a nuclear engi-neer, a sailor all his life, a selectman and father of five. He lived in Scitu-ate, MA, Old Lyme, CT, and Hancock, ME, where he and I restored an 1870 schoolhouse. He passed away in 2017 after a stroke, leaving me (his wife), and 2 sons and 3 daughters - 2 engineers, 2 teachers and 1 lawyer. Patience F. MollPeter Morningstar: Been fun to visit camp some in the off season now that I have a kid at USM. The big excitement up here in Caribou has been playing with grandkids and seeing what wan-ders past the game cam at nightTim Morningstar: All still good here in Boston with Liz and my two daughters. Got up to camp a couple of times this summer and it was fun to reconnect with the summer of 1994 group includ-ing Compy, Philsy Markert and Chad Stern whose son Cal was a Raven!Brooks Motley: Our son Warren was a first-year camper in Eagles this summer. So great to watch him experience camp for the first time. Made me very jealous! His counselors were, of course, amazing, and made his first summer very special. Can’t wait for next summer!Sean O’Brien: Still calling Charlestown, MA home, where I have a junior and se-nior in college, both playing lacrosse at Johns Hopkins. Looking forward to one of them graduating and getting off the payroll next year! I’m currently leading Marketing and Government Affairs for an industrial manufacturer serving the defense and semiconductor industries. Making a few trips to Maine to visit my parents in Falmouth and Waterford.Theo Ornstein: Theo Ornstein & Thomas Pacinda reunited at the Colby-Bowdoin-Bates crew regatta in Water-ville, Maine. Theo is a freshman at Colby and Thomas is a freshman at Bates.Tom Poor: Morgan and I survived the Palm Beach wedding of his younger sister, allowing him to return to Maine to converse with his best friend, Matt Lazcano.Mike Prior: Sad to see this summer pass. Had a great time, mostly in Maine, including attending John Douglas’s wedding, where JD’s Timanous bud-dies held their own alongside the larger UGA crowd. It was a blast, even for the oldsters hanging around the periphery. Also got to see my nephews enjoying a Timanous summer. Since then, life has still been good, lots of fall hikes, only occasionally ruined by the presence of golf clubs, and a trip to Bordeaux for yet another wedding. Looking forward to a winter nap.Sam Sawyers: Greetings! I’m back from a yearlong sojourn in Bologna, Italy, and I’ve settled into my second year of graduate school in Washington DC. A highlight of my summer was visiting Raymond, ME, for a tradition unlike any other—the Timasters. If you find yourself in the DC area any time soon, please drop me a line!Colin Sharpe: El Espíritu de Timanous is stronger than ever down on the coast of Guanacaste! Tall trees, sparkling waves, skies and clear waters, the joy of fellowship -- down here they just call it pura vida, but you can’t look out on the bay and not think of misty camp mornings. TIMANEWS 2024FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWSSUBMITTED BY PETER MORNINGSTAR11THEO ORNSTEIN AND THOMAS PACINDATOM POORIAN PRIOR ROBERTS, MIKE PRIOR, MALCOLM PRIOR ROBERTS

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Dave “Deeb” Sharpe: In late October my wife and I welcomed our first grandchild (Dave “Sharpo” Sharpe’s first great-grand-child), a little girl who may one day sail and splash on Lake Sebago and Panther Pond. We’ll be together for Christmas outside Nashville with our sons Colin and Hayden (Timanous alums), their new niece, and her parents. In the meantime, best wishes from New Orleans!Ben Shestakofsky: In April the Shesta family headed down to DC, where Will Carroll’s family graciously hosted us in their home. A highlight of the trip was a visit to Nationals Park with Will, Brian Martin, and our kids. My book “Behind the Startup: How Venture Capital Shapes Work, Innovation, and Inequality” was released in March and reviewed in the New York Times and the Los Angeles Review of Books. Paul Spina: Greetings from Copen-hagen, Denmark, where the days are quickly becoming very short, gray and rainy as wintertime approaches. It’s been a few years since writing a Ti-manews update, but ever since propos-ing to Kate, my now wife of 7 years on Crows Point in August 2016, we have gotten married in 2017, moved to Lon-don in 2018 and finally Copenhagen since 2020 and with the ambitions to be here for at least the next few years through 2027. If anyone is ever around the Nordics, please shoot me a mes-sage! I’d love to catch up.Tucker Stanley: Hey everyone! This past year I graduated from Cornell University and moved to San Francisco, CA. I have been busy hiking, biking and am looking forward to ski season! I was able to spend a week up in Maine before moving and got to catch up with some of my Timanous friends! If anyone’s in SF, let me know!Quentin Stockwell: Quentin Stock-well, wife Rachel and sons Aidan and Elliot are doing well - living in South Berwick, Maine. Quentin is a Systems Sales Engineer for PORT helping peo-ple maintain and upgrade their theatri-cal equipment for theaters and stages throughout New England, as well as working with architects to specify the necessary materials for new projects. Aidan is a high school senior at the Sanford Regional Tech Center special-izing in Building Trades- Construction. He uses skills he started learning in the woodshop every day. He has been busy working for a construction company and at a local farm to pay for his truck. Building on his love of sailing, he has taken several classes in Kennebunk and recently repaired a sunfish so he could sail in his own boat. Elliot is a high school freshman enjoying art and play-ing D&D in two different weekly friend games. He has been crafting using a 3D printer and making incredible toys. All three of us continue to practice the skills we learned at camp- including archery, riflery, woodshop, woodcraft, camping, canoeing, art, and climbing.Klaus Sydow: Greetings from Dal-las! All is good–work hard play hard (still love tennis but migrating to golf!). Family is great! Kids are growing up. Kristina soon to be 16, Sophia 13 and Klaus Jr 9 (yes we will get him to camp soon to continue the Sydow tradition at camp!).Charles Urstadt: Af-ter a career in the real estate business, I have embarked on a new venture as a theater producer. Several of our shows have had success on Broadway, includ-ing Appropriate, which won multiple Tony Awards. Now working on two shows scheduled for Broadway in 2025: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and The Last Five Years. Kara Van Norden: It’s been a busy fall for Duncan and Chris Van Nor-den!. Duncan is in his senior year at St. Georges and is applying to colleges with hopes to study contemporary music and songwriting. Check out his latest song, “Angel,” on Spotify or Apple Music now!Chris is in seventh grade at the Buckley School and has been playing travel baseball on the weekends and football TIMANEWS 2024MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONSELLIOT AND AIDAN STOCKWELL12KLAUS SYDOW

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with the school team. He’s also sing-ing with the school’s acapella groups. When he’s not playing sports, you will find Chris cheering on the Rangers at Madison Square GardenAlan Van Order: I can’t believe it’s Timanews time already. Samantha is enjoying the nursing program at University of South Carolina. Kalie is thriving as a senior in DC and surviving the college application process (so far). Kate, my mom and I are managing to stay well during an election year in DC (so far). The highlight of the summer was remembering my dad at Council Fire. A special thank you to those who could join us. Wishing everyone well. Regards, AVOLill Van Order: It’s been a year of change for the Van Orders. Bill (BVO) passed away December 11, 2023 after a short decline in health. Before his pass-ing we had decided to relocate closer to family in the DC area. So, February 22, 2024 I moved, leaving Wilmington, NC after 27 wonderful years. I moved in with AVO, Kate, Samantha and Kalie for a short stay until I found a place in a re-tirement community. Please note that I am writing this in October from Alan’s living room! It has been wonderful and we have finally just heard from the fa-cility that I will be moving in soon, just a couple of blocks from Alan. In July, thanks to Timanous, we had a service for BVO at Council Fire on a beautiful afternoon. That was something BVO said he wanted and the Timanous staff was fantastic and the extra for me was to see so many Timanous friends- thank you- especially Jason LeVasseur! I stayed at our place in Norway, Maine, until mid-August when the VO’s came back to Maine for their traditional week. There are lots of pluses about living in DC and one was a Timanous gathering at Peter Donovan’s home to meet the new camp director, John Suitor. At that gathering I saw several folks I already knew and some new Timanous folks as well. It was great to see John Suitor again; he was a camper at Timanous in our time there. I wish all the Timanous family a wonderful holiday season and best wishes for 2025! Lill VOMark Van Winkle: Mark is hanging at Wohelo and enjoying the fall mainte-nance schedule with a great crew. He is looking forward to summer 2025 and new dining halls at Timanous and Wohelo.Max von Wening: Remember your first time down the Crow’s nest slide. Won-derful memories! Hi to everyone.Ash Wall: Hello, from Providence, Rhode Island! It’s been a great year here with the family. My son Alton turned one and as a toddler, he has really embraced the approach of “live every day like it’s horse races.” We’ve gotten to see a few Timanous friends including Livy Coe, Peter Kuhn, Nick and Ana Leyden, and Peter Martin here in Providence, as well as the fami-lies of Grant Burgess, Ryan Whelpley, Phil Cimbak, and Tanner Powers. It’s always a treat, so we hope we get to add more names to that list when we write in next!Tucker Wheeler: Hey y’all, I’m in Colo-rado Springs these days clicking keys during the week and clicking skis on the weekend. Ain’t much changed about me since Crows. I still love an outdoor adventure (skiing, rafting, backpacking), I’m still getting myself into trouble, and I still can’t tread water (I always held on to the buoy line at camp). It’s been a long time since I made it back to Raymond, ME, but I hope to change that. I miss the fellas in green & gray. If you’re in the area, definitely look me up!Ryan Whelpley: It has been a terrific offseason for the Whelpley family. Sam turned one and Grant will be turning five shortly. Highlights from the year included a first camping trip, road trips, hikes, and a visit to Panther Pond. Steph and Ryan are staying busy between work and keeping up with the kids but look forward to seeing our Timanous family again soon!Tom Williams: Returning from a week in Rockport, we drove into Camp T to find Suitcase. Nancy and I visited Dave and Linda an hour later at their beauti-fully crafted home on Panther Pond. We had an hour to reminisce from days gone by from the 60’s and 70’s. So glad to hear a Suitor will be at the helm next season. TIMANEWS 2024FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWSDUNCAN AND CHRIS VAN NORDENSUBMITTED BY MAX VON WENING13

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Bruce Wimberly: Can’t wait to see the new Barn!! Excited to have John (Mitts) Suitor back in the fold. Mitts was a fel-low Mighty Crow in 1980. Hard to be-lieve it has been that many years. Still living the dream in the south shore area of Boston. Hoping to connect with folks this coming summer. Our family is doing well with our youngest son fin-ishing up his senior year of high school. My brother John is still living in Big Sky Country. If you are in Bozeman, look him up. All the best to the Timanous family! Bruce “Wimp” Wimberly Jim Winninghoff: We finally were able to live a post retirement year without the influence of the pandemic. Mostly traveling and hanging with family in-cluding three grandsons (lookout Camp T in about 7 years!) Started to find joy in bicycling again, although I admit it is with an e-bike (perhaps that stands for elder biking?) Only a few contacts with Timanous folks, mostly via text or phone, so anxious to bump into some more next year. All are welcome here in the NW.2024 CAMPERS AND STAFFHenry Bartlett: Henry has been busy this fall with travel baseball and is gear-ing up for the start of basketball season. He enjoyed seeing Eagle cabinmates, Robert and Sebastian, in the DC area a few times since camp ended and attending the DC-area get together in October. He looks forward to returning to camp next summer with his younger brother, Sam.Charlie Beall: Hey Timanous Family! I’m writing from back home in Arlington, Virginia, where I have been working as a Software Engineer since returning from camp. While visiting my brother Harry down at Virginia Tech at the end of August, we were fortunate enough to run into the great Archer Snell, another Eagles ‘24 counselor alum. I was also able to make it to the Washington, DC alumni gathering this past month, where I had a really great time catching up with friends and family and meeting many new faces. I hope to see more of the Timanous community soon!Michael Beam: Less than a week after camp, I was impaneled on a month-long jury duty, where I was able to apply my keen sense of bunkline justice. To my disappointment, the legal teams did not offer a cheer after the contest. Thanks to this civic duty, I was three weeks late to school, but I made up for lost time by teaching twice as fast and giving everyone a B. Looking forward to connecting with Gabby, Jimmy, and Schoder this fall, as well as becoming (self-appointed) godfather to Tanner Power’s newborn.Jason Bock: Hello. I went to the Baha-mas after camp. I also went to two of the Mets playoff games. Sixth grade is going well. I have a lot of tests. I can’t wait to come back to camp next sum-mer. I can’t wait for Capture the Flag.Henry Carroll: Hello! It’s been a great Fall so far especially as I’ve gotten to spend some time with Eric Lonnegren and Ethan Stanley here in Madison. I’m looking forward to seeing fellow coun-selors/alums Dustin Michel, Garrett Farley, Jimmy Poulin, Anderson Lynch, and Kevin Seiter for a Badgers football game in November.Mike Congleton: It has been a chal-lenging Fall in Western North Carolina. LG, myself, Halsey, Zada, and Roxy are all safe from the flooding caused by Helene. The olde camping skills came in handy for a week or two. The communi-ty here in Asheville is a strong one much like the Timanous community. The outpouring of compassion, generosity, and helpfulness is abundant. We are optimistic that some day life will return to weird in a fun way in Asheville.Jesus Castro Garcia: I hope that ev-erything in Timanous goes more than well. For my part here in Mexico, I have been studying more than normal at the MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS14TIMANEWS 2024CHARLIE AND HARRY BEALLBRIANNA CELAURO, JOHN BOCK, JASON BOCK, FRANK CELAUROSUBMITTED BY JESUS CASTRO GARCIA

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FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS15university. Everything is going great, and I am researching some vaccines in addi-tion to my usual classes. I hope we will see each other soon. Greetings, Jesus.Juno Cowans: I’ve decided to live at home for the fall semester and work at a coffee shop in Beverly, MA. The past 6 weeks I’ve had the opportunity to sail around the North Shore with my neigh-bor on his Nonsuch. Incredible weather the past few days have brought amazing views of the Massachusetts coastline. Having learned so much this summer on the JY15s, I’ve gotten the hang of sailing a much larger boat. It’s been so awesome and I can’t wait for another summer sailing on Panther Pond.Brayan Huerta Diaz: I graduated with my bachelor’s degree as an industrial engineer, and I am currently traveling to learn more about my country before working in January.Foster Hammen: Foster Hammen is enjoying 6th grade at Chop Point School in Maine, right on the mighty Kennebec River! He is already looking forward to another summer at Camp T!Sam Hollister: Hello Timanous family! I hope this note finds everyone well. I just finished up my fall guiding season in California (where I got to work with fellow Timanous men Jake Carpenter and Jeremy Cutler) and will be moving to Salt Lake City next week! I will be working patrol at Park City, so if anyone is planning on visiting there this winter, do let me know. The highlight of my fall was the 5th Annual Official Unofficial Trip Leader Training on the Green River, with a record 10-man crew highlighted by Senior Reverend Patrick Hayes, Tommy Hauldren, Garrett Farley, Will Buckley, Liam Prior, and Jeremy Cutler. Continue to seek Indulgence at every turn!TIMANEWS 2024FOSTER HAMMENSUBMITTED BY JUNO COWANSSTANDING L-R: GARRETT FARLEY, JEREMY CUTLER, SAM HOLLISTER, LIAM PRIOR, PAT HAYES, TOMMY HAULDREN SEATED: WILL BUCKLEY

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TIMANEWS 2024MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS16Conner Kinsman: Conner Kinsman taking a fall hike up Mt. Snoqualmie showing his Timanous prideHeidi Krieger: 2024 has been interest-ing to say the least. In January I unex-pectedly welcomed a 4 year old cat into my home after losing my Georgie in December. Lucy took a while to get acclimated and comfortable in her new surroundings but did very well when we moved into our cabin at camp. In April I had a “catastrophic” break to my ankle which required surgery and lots of hard-ware. I am incredibly blessed with so many friends who helped me navigate home and camp throughout the heal-ing process. I couldn’t have managed without everyone, and I am eternally grateful for all the kindness and sup-port. Now that our winter office is in the Farmhouse in Raymond this off-season, I have enjoyed remaining close to camp and getting to see camp folks more regularly. Gabby Van Nest made a surprise appearance this fall which was super exciting and Pineman was here for a brief visit after he returned to Florida. I saw Bob Simmons recently and see Jimmy Poulin and Teddy almost every-day. I have also enjoyed working closely with Linda Suitor as she serves in her interim role. I look forward to Summer 2025 and wish all of the Timanous fam-ily a healthy and safe year!Jennifer Leachko: Nurse Jen enjoyed a long overdue trip to Poland to visit family this August. While enjoying some blueberries pierogies in Wroclaw, Jen mentally noted that she’ll have to make some with wild Maine blueberries from Pleasant Mountain next summer!Jason LeVasseur: Hello from the Lehmann’s kitchen in Massachusetts! It’s October 30, and I am speaking and performing at The Eaglebrook School tonight, so I’ll get to see all of the Tima-nous/Eaglebrook families in Western, MA. Can’t wait! This morning I waved to Fred, Gus, and Teddy as they drove off to school. Nashville News - Lily has just completed all of her college applications and she may be your neighbor soon. Josephine is loving her internship with the pastry chef at a fancy local French restaurant. Laura is making sure that Ivy and Scrappy get regular morning walks and Punchy, the cat, always finds a sunny spot around the house in which to nap. We are very lucky because Gabby Van Nest and Charlie Hill also live in our neighborhood, and we get to see them all the time. In fact, Charlie borrowed our tent last weekend for a fishing trip. We have not yet heard the stories from his big weekend. Come visit Nashville and we will throw a party in your honor! Jack Leyden: Pineman and Julie send season’s greetings to the Timanous Family, as well as a Timanous Wel-come Back to John and Gail Suitor. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who was and continues to be affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Look-ing forward to an exciting summer on Panther Pond!Nick Leyden: Nick and Ana Leyden still live and work at Eaglebrook School in Deerfield, MA. It’s great to be able to see fellow faculty members Evan Cum-mings and Kelvin Sanchez every day, in addition to ninth grader Mojo MacMil-lan. Olivia (4th grade) and Amalia (2nd grade) will both be campers at Little Wo in 2025 and can’t wait to get back to Raymond in June.Mateo Middleton: Teo Middleton had his first modeling catwalk…during fash-ion week 9/6/24!CONNER KINSMANMATEO MIDDLETON

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TIMANEWS 2024FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS17Warren Motley: This fall my dad, Brooks Motley, and I finished my camp woodshop project. It’s a house for my stuffies! I’m really excited to go back to camp next summer, work on more woodshop projects, and try my new fishing lures.Mitch Ricard: Mitch started the 8th grade this fall at the Cardigan Mountain School. One week into the football sea-son he broke his collarbone, but overall, is having a very positive experience. He had fun connecting with last year Crow, Mojo, on Eaglebrook/Cardigan day. Mitch’s recovery is going well, and he should get on the ice some time in December. The big boy can’t wait to get back to Panther Pond next June!Ian and Malcolm Prior Roberts: Ian and Malcolm are still basking in the glow of the summer of 2024 and have already made plans to return to the shores of Panther Pond next summer for the second session of camp. Malcolm is thinking about which of 933 NYC high schools he’d like to attend next year, and he and Ian are both continuing to enjoy baseball in the parks of Brooklyn. In Oc-tober they joined a political campaign in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania which Ian found exciting and Malcolm found a bit tedious.Will Schoder: Hey Timanous family! This past year, I don’t think a single day has gone by without seeing or talking to someone from Timanous—what a great life that is. In March, Jimmy Poulin, Tanner Powers, Michael Beam, and I all vacationed in beautiful Neptune Beach, FL. I’m lucky enough to share the five-year reunion cycle with Ash Wall at Hamilton College, and we got to spend a weekend partying and singing The Weight in June. It was amazing to wit-ness my Crogle and dear friend, John Douglas, tie the knot in Bar Harbor this past summer, surrounded by a bunch of other Timanous friends. This fall, Tommy Hauldren crashed at my place in Aus-tin for a few days, and we caught his musically gifted brothers, Robby (Louis the Child) and John Hauldren (Levity), perform at the Freaky Deaky Festival. I’m also looking forward to hanging out with Beamer soon and catching up with everyone at the alumni gathering in Boston. On top of that, I’m thrilled to announce that I’m a new uncle to Tanner Powers’ baby girl, Mackenzie. It’s been a privilege working for camp during the offseason assisting John with his transition. We’ve had a blast meet-ing new Timanous families and recon-necting with old ones. If you’re ever in Austin, reach out—I’d love to connect!WARREN MOTLEYL-R: JIMMY POULIN, WILL SCHODER, TANNER POWERS, MICHAEL BEAMBACK L-R: DUSTIN MICHEL, HENRY CARROLL, GARRETT FARLEY, ETHAN STANLEYFRONT L-R: KEVIN SEITER, ERIC LONNEGREN, ANDERSON LYNCH

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Bob Simmons: Greetings from Maine. The Fall season is coming in fast and my days are getting ready for the new grandchild to arrive in November. I visit camp and watch the progress of the barn renovations and the new kitchen build. I can’t wait until the 2025 camp season to begin and new food menu ideas will be shared. Thank you again to all the staff, campers and alum that sent in their postcards for my 2024 40th anniversary scrapbook. I have read the postcards several times and I kept a score card and these are the results. Egg McBob’s are the favorite followed by BBQ ribs, grilled steak, Chipotle Bowls, pizza, and Point Cookout! Happy Holi-days and see you soon in 2025!!!Ethan Stanley: Hey everyone! It was a busy end of summer into the Fall as I caught myself looking for Herman Schwartz all the way out of Madison, Wisconsin! I’ve been taking advantage of the great weather for some awesome biking and running, but I did realize that all lakes aren’t as perfect as Panther Pond. Was super glad to catch up with Henry Carroll and Eric Lonnegren the other week and am looking forward to seeing a lot more Timanous Midwest-erners in November for a football game! Enjoy the winter everybody!Linda and Dave Suitor: We are excited to enter a new phase in our lives with two new grandsons. Henry Googins was born 8 weeks early on August 5 to Kasey and EJ followed by Brooks Livers, 2 weeks early on October 11 to Abby and Chris. Everyone is doing great, and we are lucky to have both families close by. An early start on Mallards 2033!!! John Suitor: The Suitor family (John and Gail) looks forward to moving to Maine this coming summer and making our way back to Camp Timanous. It’s been 24 years since we last were at Camp \T/, and we can’t wait to get started. We’ll be in Raymond off and on during the off season as John, “Mitts” transitions into the role of full time director. Elizabeth lives in Somerville, MA, and is a PhD student in Electrical Engineering at Har-vard. Madi works for the United Soccer League (USL), the Portland Hearts of Pine will start up in Maine next season, in Tampa, FL, and Catherine is a junior at Bucknell University. For those of you who make your way to Colorado, don’t forget to stop by Boulder! We’ll be in town through May and would love to see you. Otherwise, we’ll see you on the shores of Panther Pond in June!Sphiwo Vessenes: Playing football, surfing, soccer this winter, enjoying being a freshman in San Diego.Luke Wilkerson: Luke Wilkerson and his Wild Bill baseball team traveled from Northern Virginia to Cooperstown, NY in August 2024 for the quintessential 12U baseball weeklong experience at Dreams Park. Luke looks forward to being back at Panther Pond for another summer of Twilight League games!TIMANEWS 2024MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS18COUSINS MEETING FOR THE FIRST TIME. HENRY ON LEFT, BROOKS ON RIGHTSPHIWO VESSENESLUKE WILKERSON

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TIMANEWS 2024FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS19please...stay in touchIf you know a potential new Timanous boy who would enjoy a summer on Panther Pond, please get in touch. Upcoming reunions and info sessions will be announced via email and on social media.You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram @CampTimanous. You can reach us at or 207-655-4569. We’d love to hear from you!

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CAMPER GATHERINGS AND ALUMNI REUNIONSMALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS20BOSTONNOVEMBER 2024Michael Beam, Darryl Cummings, Mark Endrizzi, Will Schoder, Craig HamiltonScott Gredler, Mark Endrizzi, Reid Temple Mark Endrizzi, Scott Spolidoro, John Suitor

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CAMPER GATHERINGS AND ALUMNI REUNIONSFALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS21WASHINGTON DCOCTOBER 2024Henry Bartlett, Campbell Bass, Robert Collin, Pax Lukanic, Jack Ivancic, Harrison Field, Wyatt LawrenceFront Row: Will Schoder, Will Carroll, Susan Howlett, Lill Van Order Middle Row: Charlie Beall, Dick Howlett, Calvin Day, Bruce Carroll, Peter Donovan Back Row: John “Mitts” Suitor III, Brendan Burke, Andrew Stifel, Ned Mandel, Alan Van OrderCAMP TIMANOUS2025UPCOMING EVENTSRSVP to info@timanous.orgto receive address.GREENWICH, CTNEW YORK CITYJanuary 9, 2025 6:00 - 8:00 pmPORTLAND, MEPHILADELPHIA, PACamper Reunion & Family Informational GatheringsJanuary 10, 2025 5:30 - 7:30 pmFebruary 6, 2025 5:30 - 7:30 pmMarch 2, 2025 3:00 - 5:00 pmSAVE THE DATE

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MALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1974 CROWS CABINBack Row Standing L-R: Chris Chandler, Whit Brinkley, Peter Engle, Terry Bohanon, Jon Arold. Sandy Tattersall, John HoffmanSecond row sitting on rocks L-R: Danny Stanfill, Peter Congleton, Steve Matthews, Chris Wright, Leslie Gibbs, Bob Troiani, Frank HedgesSitting below sign on ground: Rich Booth 22

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TIMANOUSCALENDARCAMP OPENSTHURSDAY, JUNE 19––––––––––––––––––FOUNDERS DAYSUNDAY, JULY 6––––––––––––––––––FIRST SESSION ENDSSATURDAY, JULY 12––––––––––––––––––SECOND SESSION STARTSMONDAY, JULY 14––––––––––––––––––CLOSING CEREMONIESWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6––––––––––––––––––2025FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS23 Wilson Dunbar McElhinny passed on May 12, 2024. Wilson was a generous supporter and the father of alumni Ted McElhinny (1970-1972) and Dave McElhinny (1972-1976).Jonathan Aldrich passed on January 6, 2021.In Memoriamw

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PresortedStandardUS PostagePAIDPermit 49204101First ClassMALLARDS EAGLES HAWKS CROGLES HERONS FALCONS LOONS RAVENS CARDINALS CROWS PO Box 2886South Portland, ME 04116From all of us at Timanous, we wish you the happiest of Holidays and the very best in the New Year.