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2024 Sponsorship Kit rev.7.25.2024

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Sponsorship Kit

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ContentsPg. 5Pg. 7Pg. 4Pg. 6Pg. 3WelcomeProfessionalDevelopment Pg. 8Golf OutingMember Services EventsPg. 10Circle of Excellence2Young Professionals NetworkingFair Housing Education &Diversity, Equity, InclusionNetworkingPg. 11CommunicationsPg. 12Advocacy

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3Sincerely, Carl HorstCEO, REALTOR® Alliance of Greater CincinnatiWelcomeWe are excited to provide you with a wide variety of opportunities to elevate your businessthrough strategic partnerships, event sponsorships, and unique programs that have the power toexpand networks, heighten awareness of your company, and build long-lasting relationshipswithin the profession. Enclosed in this partnership kit, you'll discover details about the exciting events on our horizonfor the upcoming year and the diverse partnership opportunities available for each program. Your consideration means a lot to us, and we're genuinely enthusiastic about the prospect ofcollaborating. Let's embark on this journey together and make great things happen!The REALTOR® ALLIANCE OF GREATER CINCINNATI proudly servesover 5,000 members in the region. Together we strive to leave a lastingimpact on the communities we serve by focusing on connections,advocacy, and professionalism.

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4Pricing is exclusive to RAGC and Affliate members.Non-member pricing is an additional $400 or jointoday for potential savings!Click here for contractClick here for contractProfessional DevelopmentOpportunitiesThree-minute speaking opportunity atthe start of class.Logo on the TVs while the class isgetting signed in.Opportunity to distribute marketingmaterials to all attendees. Verbal recognition during the event.Company name and/or logo includedon marketing materials.Elective Course | $300 perThe Elective Education Sponsorshipmeans you will be the title sponsor for asingle Elective Education Class of yourchoosing.CORE Education | $1,300The CORE (Core Law, Ethics, and CivilRights) Education Sponsorship bundlemeans you will be the title sponsor foreach CORE class in that particular quarter.Broker Connect | Spring 2025Position your brand for success bysponsoring the REALTOR® Alliance ofGreater Cincinnati's inaugural BrokerConnect! Engage with local real estatebrokers and managers in a valuable day oflearning, collaboration, and industryinsights. Sponsorships coming soon.For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comEducation

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5For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comClick here for contractClick here for contractPricing is exclusive to RAGC and Affliate members.Non-member pricing is an additional $400 or jointoday for potential savings!Wake Up YPN | $200One-minute speaking opportunity ateach breakfast.Verbal recognition during the event.Company name included on marketingmaterials.Company name and/or logo includedon signage at event.Networking Mixer | $500Verbal recognition during the event.Company name and/or logo includedon marketing materials.Company name and/or logo includedon signage at event.Partnering with YPN offers a uniqueopportunity to establish new businesscontacts, deepen existing clientrelationships, and create local brandawareness. Engage with your targetaudience, network with REALTORS®, andgain valuable opportunities to expandyour industry knowledge.Young ProfessionalsNetwork OpportunitiesRoundtable style discussions where wewill dive deeper into topics, skills, andrelevant issues faced by the real estateprofessional today. Open to all RAGC members, these eventssupport our scholarship fund and fostercollaboration, relaxation, and benefits forattendees. Location subject to RAGC andYPN committee approval.Sept. 17, 2024 Oct. 16, 2024

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6For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comClick here for contractClick here for contractPricing is exclusive to RAGC and Affliate members.Non-member pricing is an additional $400 or jointoday for potential savings!Fair Housing and DEIOpportunitiesFair Housing Education Event April 2025Diversity, Equity, InclusionNetworking Event (DEI) Fall 2024Happy Hour | $1,000 6 Event Tickets.Logo on display in the bar area.Verbal recognition during the event.Company name and/or logo includedon marketing materials.Company name and/or logo includedon signage at event and recognition inthe program.Name Tag | $500 4 Event Tickets.Logo printed on name tags. Company name and/or logo includedon marketing materials.Company name and/or logo includedon signage at event and recognition inthe program.Supporting Sponsor | $2502 Event Tickets.Company name and/or logo includedon marketing materials.Company name and/or logo includedon signage at event.Join us for Fair Housing Month to advanceequality in real estate. Sponsorshipconnects you to dedicated professionals.Pricing coming soon.Enhance your brand and network, andengage with diverse real estateprofessionals at our premier Cincinnatievent. Join a vital panel discussion tocombat biases and drive change.

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77For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comClick here for contractClick here for contractFour Bridges Country Club | August 19, 2024Golf Outing OpportunitiesBeverage Cart Sponsor $500Member | $1,000 Non-MemberLogo displayed on the beverage cart.Logo on all marketing materials.Recognition during the awardpresentation.(1) Lunch and (1) Drink Ticket.Title Sponsor $6,000 Member |$10,000 Non-member(1 Available)Organization name in the title of theevent name: “The REALTOR® Allianceof Greater Cincinnati Annual GolfTournament presented by …”Organization Name on Golf Banner.Foursome to play in the tournament.Recognition in the rules book, on allmarketing materials, and during theaward presentation.The option to have a table at the holeto socialize with participants. (2) Lunch and (2) Drink Ticket.Dinner Sponsor $500 Member |$1,000 Non-MemberOrganization name and logo on thedinner sponsor signage and name inthe Rules Book.Recognition during the awardspresentation.(1) Dinner and (1) Drink Ticket.Lunch Sponsor $400 Member |$800 Non-Member (5 Available)Organization name and logo on lunchsponsor signage.Organization name in Rules Book.Recognition during the awardspresentation.(1) Lunch and (1) Drink Ticket.Hole/Tee Sponsor $400 Member |$800 Non-MemberOption to have a table at the hole tosocialize with participants.Organization name and information ata golf hole.Organization name in Rules Book.(1) Lunch and (1) Drink Ticket.Fore! It's time for our much-anticipatedmembership golf outing. It’s your chance toshowcase your swing, engage in friendlycompetition, and forge lasting connections.

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8For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comMember EngagementOpportunitiesTrivia Night | Spring 2025Round Sponsor | TBDReceive entry for one team of 5-6people to participate in trivia.Company name will be announcedduring a trivia round.Company logo displayed on monitorsduring sponsored round.Gain recognition with your logo on theanswer sheet for the sponsored round,complete with a QR code for easyaccess to your website.Brews & Brainpower | $300 Company name displayed on drinkticket.Showcase your brand with a signplaced on or near the bar, prominentlydisplaying your company logo and QRcode.Logo featured on one of the answersheets for the three trivia rounds.Exposure Sponsor | $200 Company name announced before oneof the rounds.Logo featured on the answer sheetfollowing your announcement.Make a tangible impact by providingpens/pencils for each team table(approx. 100).It's time to round up your team and join us foran unforgettable night of trivia, camaraderie,and epic showdowns! *Affiliate’s OnlyClick here for contractClick here for contract

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9For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comClick here for contractClick here for contractMember EngagementOpportunitiesFC Cincinnati Game & MemberTailgate | September 14Share the excitement of an FC Cincinnatiagainst Columbus Crew with friends, family, orcolleagues! *Affiliate’s OnlyTailgate Sponsor | $500 2 tickets to the FC Cincinnati game.Logo displayed on promotional bannerat tailgate.Company name and/or logo includedon marketing materials.Opportunity to distribute yourpromotional materials to attendees atthe tailgate.Hydration Sponsor | $400 Logo displayed on promotional bannerat the tailgate.Company name on beverage ticket.Opportunity to distribute yourpromotional materials to attendees atthe tailgate.*Affiliate’s OnlyEntertainment Sponsor | $250Family Fun Picnic at Stricker’s GroveTBD 2025 Join us for the annual picnic at Stricker'sGrove, a thrilling day of fun andexcitement for everyone! With a widerange of rides and games, there'ssomething for all ages to enjoy.Company name on tickets provided to guestsfor balloon artist.Available to meet and greet as balloon artistmeets with guests.Tickets to Picnic are at an additional cost.

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10For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comCircle of ExcellenceSponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsor | $11,000Logo 10 tickets for the event $1,000 Raffle giveaway in sponsor’sname. Present award on stage during theevent. A full-page ad is in the Circle ofExcellence booklet. Logo on the name tag. Logo on Program. Marketing table, if desired Logo on all Event social media, Email,Website & Screens during the event Recognized during event. Supporting Sponsor | $5,0008 tickets for the event.Name on all Event social media, email,Website, & Screens during the event. Half-page ad in Circle of ExcellenceBooklet. Name on the name tag. Name in the program. Recognized during event. Base Level Sponsor | $2,5004 tickets for the event. Branded napkins at the bar. Signature cocktail at the bar. Logo on the bar. Name on screen. Recognition during the event. The REALTOR® ALLIANCE OF GREATER CINCINNATI Circle of Excellence is an exclusive club thatrecognizes Cincinnati's best residential real estate agents. We honor those who have achievedoutstanding sales performance every year, showcasing their dedication and expertise.By sponsoring this distinguished awards program, you're not just investing in an event butaligning your brand with the pinnacle of professionalism and success in the industry. Yoursupport strengthens RAGC's mission and underscores your commitment to the GreaterCincinnati communities we serve.Circle of Excellence | February 2025

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12For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comClick here for contractClick here for contractPricing is exclusive to RAGC and Affliate members.Non-member pricing is an additional $400 or jointoday for potential savings!Advocacy OpportunitiesVIP Meet & Greet SeriesPatriotic Series Sponsor | $1,000Logo displayed on screen at thebeginning of the program.Company name and/or logo includedon marketing materials.Marketing table in the common area.A Meet and Greet with elected officials (1each session) for an insider's look into theirwork and an update on their governingbodies' work.

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13For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comCommunciationsOpportunitiesWhy Advertise with Us:Wide Reach: Our newsletter reaches morethan 5,000 engaged subscribers in thereal estate industry.Relevance: Your message will be seen by atargeted audience interested in industrynews, advocacy, events, and classes.Credibility: Associate your brand with arespected source of industry information.Customization: We offer flexibleadvertising options to suit your budgetand goals.Website/Newsletterwww.cincyrealtoralliance.comDiscover the Hub for Real EstateExcellence! Explore industry news, findanswers to legal questions, and more onthe REALTOR® Alliance of GreaterCincinnati website. If you're searching foran affordable way to attract OhioREALTORS® and homeowners to your site,don't miss out on being a part of it.HOME PAGE: $500 per month, includinglinks (10 available)INSIDE PAGES: $350 per month, includinglinks (6 available)REALTalk weekly e-newsletterOption 1: Banner AdvertisementPlacement: An eye-catching banner adwas placed prominently in thenewsletter.Pricing: Banner ads start at $250 perissue.Benefits: Captivate our readers'attention with visually appealinggraphics. Ideal for brand awarenessand highlighting key products orservices.Option 2: Basic AdvertisementPlacement: Text ad located in adedicated section of the newsletter.Pricing: Pricing starts at $100 perissue.Benefits: Get your message directly infront of our engaged subscriber base.Perfect for promoting events, specialoffers, or announcements.File Submission &RequirementsWhen submitting your artwork, pleaseconfirm it is camera-ready, built to theappropriate ad size and a jpg, tiff, eps, gif orPDF file and include a click-through URL. Finalproofing is the responsibility of theadvertiser. Files must be submitted one weekprior to campaign launch tosmaus@cincyrealtoralliance.comDIGITALBanner AdDIMENSIONS728 x 90 pixels300 x 250 pixelsBasic AdClick here for contractClick here for contractPricing is exclusive to RAGC and Affliate members.Non-member pricing is an additional $400 or jointoday for potential savings!

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4Click here to learn more & apply for membership: 14For more information contact Kelsey Panek | kpanek@cincyrealtoralliance.comStep Into the Real Estate Network: Apply for Affiliate Membership!Visit the REALTOR® Alliance of Greater Cincinnati's webpage to learn more aboutbecoming an affiliate member, including benefits and steps to join.To join, individuals need to submit an application, pay a fee, and gain approval fromthe Board of Directors.