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2024 Shah Reception

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“The honors programs and Advanced Placement in theHouston County School District offer motivatedstudents unique opportunities to further theireducation. These programs have been extremelysuccessful over the years and have produced acountless number of outstanding students. From thesciences to the humanities, dedicated teachers havebeen paramount in the success of these advancedclasses. To further promote and facilitate theopportunities that advanced classes offer students, we wish to provide additional funds…to enhance classroom opportunities and support dedicated educators…” Dr. & Mrs. Shah

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Guest of Honor Dr.ManojShahElementary School Remarks of Appreciation Mrs.KellyMunn,ParkwoodElementarySchoolPrincipal‘Thank you’ Presentation & Closing Remarks Dr.MarkScottandMs.OlethiaThomasPresentation of Shah Family Grant Recipients Ms.OlethiaThomas,DirectorofGiftedEducationHighSchoolRecognitionsMiddleSchoolRecognitionsElementaryRecognitionsLightrefreshmentswill  be  s er v ed  f ol l o wi n g t h e p r og r am .Welcome Dr. Mark Scott, Superintendent of Houston County School District Introduction of Guest of Honor Dr. Elgin Mayfield, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning2024Dr. Shah GrantReception

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School HCHS NHS PHS VHS FY25 Recipients Administrator(s) Dr. Jay Jones & Mrs. Trinidy Rawlins Dr. Dusty Dykes Mr. Del Martin & Mrs. Nicole Stone Dr. Amy Barbour & Mrs. Ashley Brock Mr. Chris McCook & Mrs. Shelley Holmes Mrs. Lyndsay Cumpton Mrs. Tristian Barronton Mrs. Tiffany Frank Mr. Matt Boone Ms. Leah Daughtry Mrs. Jamie Reiter Dr. Lindsey Gentry Mrs. Kristi Cannon Mr. Louis Leskosky Mr. Harrison Ivins Ms. Joi Wright Dr. Courtney Herbert Mrs. Lesley Murkerson Mrs. Kara Waite WRHS Mrs. Susan Custer School BMS FMMS HMS MCMS NMS PMS TMS WRMS FY25 Recipients Administrator(s) Mrs. Rebecca Oakley & Mrs. Elizabeth Foster Mr. Matt Topping Mrs. Tamara Wildes Dr. Jody Dean & Mrs. Kelly Sharp Dr. Alma Mundy & Mrs. Trathenia Evans Dr. Christie Wall Dr. Jami Moore Mrs. Brandy Farrell Mrs. Jalanda Goff Ms. Julie Ash Ms. Kelly Harris Ms. Jennifer Ham Mrs. Alicia Boarts Mrs. Jessica Hayes Ms. Nicole Leary Mr. Kevin Mitchell Mrs. Marla Hutchens Mrs. Kaitlin Rainey Mr. Timothy Olson Mrs. Heather Schmanski Mrs. Leslie Clark Mr. Tim Hutchens Ms. Pamela Postell Mrs. Mary Winters School BES BPS FY25 Recipients Dr. Michelle Koehle Mrs. Michelle Sargent Administrator(s) Dr. Tonya Pinckley Mrs. Ashley Watkins School FY25 Recipients Administrator(s) MAES MAPS Mrs. Peaches Tankersley Dr. VaRee Harrell Mrs. Kristen Erickson Ms. Alicia Conner & Mrs. Brandi McIntyre Dr. Dana Brock & Dr. Katina Gibson Dr. Kasandra King Mr. David Sams & Dr. Kristina Cummings Mrs. Kelly Munn & Mrs. Amanda Bennett Mrs. Gloria Smith & Mrs. Jessica Teemer Dr. Amanda Miliner CBWP Mrs. Erin Flanders Mrs. Monique Dawsey MES Ms. Rheanna West CES DPES Mrs. Tiffany Coder Mrs. Amy Stone Ms. Bridget Snooks Mrs. Tiana Johnson MSES NES Ms. Courtney Curles Mrs. Stacy Brown DPPS Mrs. Hollie Aaron Mrs. Kathy Gibbs & Mrs. Keturia Williams Dr. Jeff Washington & Mrs. Stephanie King Dr. Ovedia Glover & Mrs. Dara SeamansMrs. Shelley Shillcutt & Mrs. Kalesia McKnight Dr. Tami Godman & Dr. Sandra Crow Dr. Sonya Kiefer & Mrs. Morgan Aeschlimann Mrs. Kyon Cobb & Dr. Erin Gramley Dr. Kelly Rush & Mrs. Kayla Shumway PWES Mrs. Sara McMahon ESESHES Ms. Rebecca LeonardMs. Katelin Geiger PSESQRES Mrs. Alexis AlexanderMrs. Kim Pellegrino KCES Mrs. Kelli Barnes RES Dr. Amanda Hunnell Mr. William Wilson & Mrs. Heather Henslee Mrs. Kristen Brooks & Mrs. Charlotte Dunlap Mrs. Eddie Williams LJES Mrs. Ashleigh Edwards SHES Mrs. Crystal Walker LJPSLRES Mrs. Sabrina HallMrs. Alicia Graham TESWES Ms. Holly Owen Ms. Michelle Feldmeier Mrs. Angienik Allen & Dr. Artia Shorter LRPS Mrs. Melanie Shellong FY25 Shah Grant Recipients

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Mr. Harrison Ivins Mr. Ivins, while early in his teaching career, shows a deep understanding of both content knowledgeand what students need to be successful. He is patient and supportive of his students whilemaintaining a rigorous classroom with high expectations. Mr. Ivins genuinely cares about hisstudents and their success both inside and outside of the classroom. Mr. Ivins has beeninstrumental in bringing back Mock Trial to HCHS. Mrs. Lyndsay Cumpton Mrs. Cumpton teaches Honors Biology and AP Biology at Houston County High School. Mrs.Cumpton creates a welcoming classroom environment for her students. She sets highexpectations for her students and supports them throughout the process of mastering theconcepts in Honors and AP Biology. On the Biology End of Course Test, 92% of Mrs. Cumpton’sHonors Biology students were considered Proficient or Distinguished learners. Ms. Leah Daughtry Miss Daughtry teaches Honors Algebra 2 at HCHS. She creates an environment where studentsunderstand the learning process will be riddled with struggles, reflection, and continuousimprovement, while the end result is often more than the student initially felt capable of.Students know that Miss Daughtry will support them along the way, which leads students to bewilling to take greater risks and work towards a higher level of expectation. Houston County High SchoolDr. Jay Jones, PrincipalMrs. Trinidy Rawlins, API

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Ms. Joi Wright Ms. Wright is the AP PreCalculus teacher at Northside. She says her favorite part about teachingis watching students grow an appreciation for mathematics throughout the year, and she loveswatching students understand complex mathematical concepts they initially thought were toocomplicated to grasp. She wants to grow problem solvers and critical thinkers. As one of our PBISleads, Ms. Wright is always thinking about how she can get students learning and having fun atthe same time. Sage and Scribe is a strategy she employs where one student sages and the otherscribes as they solve a problem. This helps the students to learn math concepts and also tostrengthen their communication skills. Last Spring she inspired her students in an AP Pep Rallycalled “Strive for a Five.” She loves teaching students who are highly motivated and have grandplans for their lives. She feels honored to be a stepping stone in their success. Mrs. Jamie Reiter Mrs. Reiter is Northside’s AP Psychology teacher. She has taught Psychology for a number ofyears and has been amping up what she learned teaching regular Psychology to stretch theminds of her AP students. She loves the passion she sees Northside AP students develop forPsychology and their intrinsic motivation to learn more. She helps students to apply theirknowledge in fun ways, such as with a Zombie Brain Menu and a Senses and PerceptionCarnival. Students also learn human development with the Egg Baby project. Mrs. Reiter is anurturing teacher who wants her students to experience success inside and outside of theclassroom. She is glad to be part of the NHS AP Program and wants to see the program flourishand grow. Mrs. Tristian Barronton Mrs. Barronton is a spirited and hard-working teacher of AP Environmental Science. She is alifelong learner, and she studies hard to inspire her students to be the same. She says shewants her students to lead the way in environmentalism. She wants students to seeEnvironmental Science as more than just a class to put on their transcripts and to truly getinvolved in the science that is around us every day. She loves giving students fun and out-of-the-box labs and other hands-on activities, such as Air Pollutants Speed Dating and herupcoming field trip to Rock Eagle to analyze freshwater life and water quality. Mrs. Barrontonwants students to get out into the environment and learn why it is something we need to protect. Northside High SchoolDr. Dustin Dykes, PrincipalMrs. Jenny Gutshall, API

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Mrs. Tiffany Frank Mrs. Frank teaches AP Statistics and Honors Geometry and is the Math Department Chair at PerryHigh School. She is also a member of the school’s Guiding Coalition team and is the prayer clubsponsor. Her Statistics pass rate increased this year by 10.7%. with 94.9% of her students scoring athree or higher. Her students outperformed the global percentage by 33.1% and Georgia by 31.3%with 11 students scoring a five on the exam. She is extremely reflective in her teaching andcontinually seeks out new and innovative best practices to help her students succeed. Mrs. Frankbrings caring, understanding, and consistency to Perry High School and is a team player in all thatshe does. She is always willing to give a helping hand, and her calm demeanor and level headmake her an outstanding leader. Dr. Courtney Herbert Dr. Courtney Herbert teaches DE Sociology, AP World History, and AP Psychology, and is theSocial Studies Department Chair, and PLT Lead. She is also a member of the School’s GuidingCoalition, a PBIS Coach, and the basketball bookkeeper and timekeeper. Seventy-nine-point-fivepercent of her students scored a three or higher on the AP exam. Her students outperformed theglobal percentage by 15.8% and Georgia by 10.2% with six students scoring a five on the exam.Dr. Herbert builds amazing relationships with students enabling them to learn difficult concepts inher social studies classroom. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and mentors theteachers in her department to build an atmosphere of teamwork and determination. Dr. Lindsey GentryPerry High SchoolMr. Del Martin, PrincipalMrs. Nicole Stone, API Dr. Gentry teaches Algebra 1, AP Precalculus, and AP Calculus at Perry High School. She isalso a member of the school’s Guiding Coalition team, a Beta Club Sponsor, a Math TeamCoach, and a PLT lead. Ninety-three-point-three percent of Dr. Gentry’s AP Precalculus studentsscored a three or higher on the AP exam. Her students outperformed the global percentage by17.7% and Georgia by 13.2% with twelve students scoring a five on the exam. Dr. Gentry is anamazing classroom teacher and helps her students to see math in ways that no other teachercan. Students love her class and work hard for her to achieve at levels they did not know theycould reach.

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Mrs. Kristi Cannon Mr. Matthew Boone Veterans High SchoolDr. Amy Barbour, PrincipalMrs. Ashley Brock, API Mrs. Lesley Murkerson Mr. Boone is a middle Georgia native who graduated from Warner Robins High School in1997. He earned his B.S. and M.A. degrees from Georgia Southern University and his Ed.S.from Walden University. Additionally, he holds certifications in gifted education, AP WorldHistory, AP US History, and Teacher Leadership. In his first-year teaching APUSH at VHS, hisstudents performed remarkably. Out of 58 students who tested, 93.1% “passed” (earned a 3or higher) compared to the state passing average of 75.%. Even more impressive, 50% of hisstudents earned 5’s, while another 19% earned 4’s. Current senior Judd Perdue was in back-to-back courses with Mr. Boone (AP World History and AP US History). Of Mr. Boone’s class,he said, “He made history exciting and interesting with his teaching style. His enthusiasmmade us all look forward to lessons and really helped us get into the subject. What really stoodout was how Mr. Boone explained historical events. He used stories, videos, and fun projectsthat made the material easy to understand and remember. The way he taught made thematerial difficult to forget and helped almost everyone in his class do well on the AP exams.If any student asks me, I always recommend any student to take his class.” Mrs. Murkerson joined the VHS math department in 2019, and she is embarking on her third-year teaching AP Statistics. She earned her B.A. in Sociology from Valdosta State University, herM.Ed. in Middle Grades Mathematics from Georgia Southwestern State University, and her Curriculum and Instruction from Valdosta State University. Her students’ scores haveimproved every year, and this was no exception; the average score was a 3.15 compared to thestate score of 2.98, and her students passed at a rate of 75.6% compared to the state's 63.6%pass rate. Additionally, enrollment in AP Statistics has increased in her tenure, adding a full classfor two years. Junior Annie White said, "Mrs. Murkerson is one of those teachers who leaves animpact on who you are and how you view learning. Without fail, she dedicated herself topreparing us for our AP exam, and, throughout that process, she instilled within us a curiosityand a passion that guided us towards reaching our full potential.” Junior Brooke VanDalindaadded, “Mrs. Murkerson is one of the most dedicated teachers I've encountered at Veterans HighSchool. Every day, I knew I'd be walking into a class where she'd have a relevant and hands-onpractice of AP Statistics waiting for us. She answered every question I had, and often went out ofher way to do research on her own time so she could give me an in-depth answer.” Mrs. Cannon attended Armstrong Atlantic State University on a basketball scholarship where she earneda B.S. in Health and Physical Education. She went on to obtain her M.Ed. in Science Education fromGeorgia College and State University and her Ed.S. in Secondary Science Education from ValdostaState University. She has been at VHS for 10 years now and is the current science department chair andScience Olympiad sponsor. Mrs. Cannon teaches AP Physics, a very rigorous AP course, and herstudents fared very well against the rest of the state. Their average score was a 2.71 compared to thestate average of 2.46, and they boasted a 50% pass rate, compared to the state’s 43.4% pass rate.Senior Calleigh Whitman said that “Mrs. Cannon is an asset to Veterans High School because, not onlydoes she invest in her students, but she also allows us to invest in ourselves. She always wanted toknow about our extracurriculars. Anything we would talk about in our free time, she’d jump in and startasking more about it. In my eyes, Mrs. Cannon tried to make it hard to fail. In Mrs. Cannon’s class, I wasable to look back and identify my own mistakes and learn how to prevent them from happening again.This skill that I and many others have been taught is one million times more valuable than a red X on apage could ever be.”

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Mrs. Kara Waite Kara Waite has been teaching for over a decade, beginning her career in Michigan andcontinuing in North Carolina before landing in Warner Robins, Georgia. This is her fourth yearat Warner Robins High School where she has taught AP chemistry, honors chemistry, andenvironmental science. Mrs. Waite also serves her school as a member of the GuidingCoalition and as the advisor for Culture Club. Mrs. Waite believes every student is a scientistand enjoys the challenge of getting students excited about science and discovering newproblem-solving skills. As a lifelong learner, she encourages students to delve deeper intoconcepts and reach beyond the face value of the lesson. Her favorite part of teaching isseeing the “ah ha!” moment with a student after he or she has been struggling with a conceptand masters it. She hopes to continue to grow as a teacher by discovering new teachingtechniques and creating lessons that foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Mrs. Susan Custer Mrs. Custer is in her 11th year of teaching and her 7th at WRHS. Currently, she teaches APLiterature, honors and traditional 10th Literature, and yearbook. Mrs. Custer strives to be achampion for honors and AP students to stretch their boundaries and excel. She assists herstudents in acquiring college acceptances while imparting skills in her classes that will seethem thrive at those universities and beyond. She fosters and reinvigorates a lifelong love ofreading through her pedagogy, classroom resources, and personal passion for literature.She models her belief that stories are a reflection of the world around us, and often allow usto understand ourselves more fully. She endeavors to create a cooperative and engagingclassroom environment that allows students’ creativity and critical thinking to flourish. Mr. Louis Leskosky Warner Robins High SchoolMr. Chris McCook, PrincipalMrs. Shelley Holmes, API Mr. Leskosky is in his 17th year of teaching, all of which have been at Warner Robins High School. Mr. Leskosky has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Duke University, 2003; a Juris Doctor, University of Georgia School of Law, 2006; and a Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Studies History Concentration, Georgia College and State University, 2008. Mr. Leskosky enjoys teaching in both the English/Language Arts and Social Studies departments at Warner Robins High School, teaching AP Art History (Humanities,) Honors 9th Grade Literature, AP US Government, and AP European History. Additionally, Mr. Leskosky has served as the WRHS Gifted Lead Teacher since 2015, as well as coaching the Quiz Bowl Team, founding the Lego Club, and sponsoring the Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society. He has been selected as the WRHS Star Teacher on four occasions, representing the county in 2016, and was the county Gifted Teacher of the Year in 2013. He was named the DAR Outstanding Teacher of US History for the state of Georgia in 2023.

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Mrs. Marla Hutchens Mrs. Hutchens is an exceptional educator who has served as an 8th grade gifted Algebra Iteacher at Bonaire Middle School (BMS) for 6 years, bringing a total of 10 years of experience ineducation. As a member of the PBIS team, she actively contributes to developing a positivelearning environment throughout our school. Her deep knowledge of the 8th grade mathematicscurriculum allows her to deliver content effectively while developing real-world connections thatmaximize student interest and promote intellectual curiosity. By setting high expectations for herstudents, Mrs. Hutchens creates an engaging classroom atmosphere that nurtures innovation andcreativity, leading to high levels of student achievement and success. She consistently goesabove and beyond to help all students reach their full potential, making a significant positiveimpact on the gifted program and students at BMS. Mrs. Jalanda Goff Mrs. Goff currently serves as an 8th Grade gifted Physical Science teacher at Bonaire Middle School.With 22 years of experience, including 12 years in gifted education, Mrs. Goff is a dedicated educatorwho excels in teaching gifted students. Her passion for science is evident in her engaging classroom,where she maximizes student interest and promotes intellectual curiosity. She encourages a love forinquiry that inspires creativity and innovation. Under her guidance, her gifted science students haveachieved remarkable success. Ms. Goff sets high expectations while creating a positive learningenvironment, empowering students to think critically and outside the box. Ms. Goff serves as theAcademic Bowl coach, inspiring students to further enhance their critical thinking skills. Hercollaborative spirit and willingness to support fellow teachers demonstrates her commitment to ourmission of excellence in academics and character. Bonaire Middle SchoolMrs. Rebecca Oakley, PrincipalMrs. Elizabeth Foster, API

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Ms. Julie Ash Mrs. Kaitlin Rainey Feagin Mill Middle SchoolMr. Mark Sams, PrincipalMr. Matthew Topping, API Ms. Ash is a dynamic teacher here at Feagin Mill. With 22 years of experience, Ms. Ash hasfirmly established herself as a cornerstone of our English Language Arts (ELA) department. Ms. Ash currently serves as the 7th grade gifted ELA teacher and the 7th grade PLT Lead, roles in which she consistently demonstrates her passion for teaching and her commitment to academic excellence. Her ability to gather and analyze data to inform her instructional decisions ensures that every lesson is tailored to meet the diverse needs of her students. Beyond her academic contributions, Ms. Ash is known for her remarkable ability to engage and relate to all students. Her dynamic teaching style and empathetic approach create a classroom environment where every student feels valued and motivated to achieve their full potential. In addition to her classroom responsibilities, Ms. Ash also takes on the role of cheer coach and academic team coach, further exemplifying her commitment to making positive impacts on her students’ lives. Through coaching, she inspires her students to excel notonly academically but also personally, fostering their growth and development in all areas. Ms. Ash’s contributions to our school and the broader educational community are truly invaluable.Her dedication, expertise, and passion for teaching make her an asset to Feagin Mill. Mrs. Rainey is vital to the success of our math department at Feagin Mill. Mrs. Rainey stands out as a remarkable math teacher with a unique talent for making complex concepts accessible and understandable to all her students. Her ability to break down difficult mathematical ideas into easy-to-understand components is a testament to her deep understanding of the subject and her dedication to student learning. Mrs. Rainey's calm and patient demeanor creates a safe and supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortable taking risks and exploring new ideas without the fear of failure. This nurturing atmosphere encourages students to engage deeply with the material and develop a genuine interest in mathematics. What truly sets Mrs. Rainey apart is her commitment to ensuring that her students do more than just memorize math facts—they truly understand them. She fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, empowering her students to apply their knowledge in meaningful ways. Her teaching goes beyond the textbook, preparing students to succeed not only in their current studies but in their future academic and professional endeavors. Mrs. Rainey's dedication to her students and her craft makes her an invaluable asset to our school and the broader educational community. She is an exemplary educator who consistently goes above and beyond to ensure her students' success.

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Mr. Timothy Olson Ms. Kelly Harris Huntington Middle SchoolDr. Marlon Robinson, Principal Mrs. Tamara Wildes, API In her second year at Huntington, and her sixth-year teaching Math, Ms. Harris continues in her daily quest to encourage, motivate, and challenge her students. Ms. Harris takes pride in showing students the wonder of extracting answers from seemingly difficult questions and the beauty of using mathematical concepts to find solutions. She transforms mathematics from a series of numbers and equations into a dynamic, engaging adventure that empowers students to embrace mathematical challenges and discoveries. Ms. Harris understands that students learn differently and adapts her teaching methods to make mathematics come alive. For example, instead of just reviewing mathematical units for tests, recently she assigned mathematical units to student groups and each group created a board game based on the unit they were assigned. The groups developed the game rules and created the game board and pieces. Ms. Harris is a valuable member of Huntington’s teaching staff and an asset to the field of education. Mr. Olson is in his third year teaching Social Studies at Huntington Middle School. Mr. Olson is dedicatedto ensuring that his students appreciate the past, understand the present, and have a positive impact onthe future. Mr. Olson shows learners the relevance and applicability of social studies topics to their dailylives and includes relevant activities to spark personal connections and motivation to learn. Heencourages the exploration of ideas and opposing viewpoints and helps students develop anunderstanding of the differing perspectives necessary for civic life and global citizenship. Mr. Olsoncontinually seeks professional development and collaborative opportunities that will allow him to growprofessionally. He serves as a Team Leader, PLT Leader, and is Huntington’s Social Studies school-wide department chairperson. Mr. Olson is also a member of Huntington’s Committed Hawks Leadershipand PBIS team.

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Ms. Jennifer Ham Ms. Ham started her teaching career at Houston County High School where she taughtmath for five years. For the past ten years, she has taught accelerated and sixth grademath at Mossy Creek Middle School. She has received numerous awards and grants,such as My Teacher is Tops (2016-2017), STEM Team of the Year Award (2017), Air andSpace Forces Association Teacher of the Year (2022), and was a Samsung Solve forTomorrow State Finalist. She serves as a team leader at Mossy Creek and is part of theGuiding Coalition. She is passionate about making math relevant to students throughreal-world applications so that learning is more engaging and meaningful. Ms. Hamenjoys sharing what she has learned with other teachers and has presented many timesat conferences and teacher trainings. Mrs. Heather Schmanski Mossy Creek Middle SchoolDr. Jody Dean, PrincipalMrs. Kelly Sharp, API Mrs. Schmanski graduated from Valdosta State University in 2002 with a BA in History. In 2021, she graduated from Piedmont University with a Master of Arts degree in middle grades education. She began her teaching career in 2005 at Feagin Mill Middle School but transferred to Mossy Creek Middle when the school opened. She has been blessed to teach her passion, social studies, for the past 18 years. The 2024-2025 school year marks the beginning of her 19th year as an educator. Mrs. Schmanski serves as social studies department chair at Mossy Creek and is an active member of the guiding coalition.

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Mrs. Leslie Clark Mrs. Alicia Boarts Northside Middle SchoolDr. Alma Mundy, PrincipalMrs. Trathenia Evans, API Mrs. Alicia Boarts is an exceptional social studies teacher with over 11 years of dedicatedexperience. For the past three years, Mrs. Boarts has specialized in teaching gifted students; herability to challenge and engage these bright minds is truly remarkable. Mrs. Boarts employsinnovative teaching methods that not only stimulate intellectual curiosity but also encourage criticalthinking and a love for learning. In addition to her teaching prowess, Mrs. Boarts is a respected colleague and a mentor to other educators. She actively serves on the PBIS Leadership Team, Guiding Coalition and Jet Leadership Team. Additionally, as the 6th Grade Social Studies PLT lead, she consistently facilitates a well-organized meeting and shares resources and strategies weekly. Mrs. Boarts’ passion for social studies and dedication to professional growth are evident in her continuous pursuit of new knowledge and teaching strategies. What Mrs. Boarts enjoys most about teaching gifted students is their curiosity about the world around them. They challenge her to become a better teacher to engage them. We are truly lucky to have Mrs. Boarts at the best school in the land, Northside Middle School. Mrs. Leslie Clark is an outstanding math teacher with an impressive 19 years of experience. Overthe course of her career, Mrs. Clark has consistently demonstrated a profound dedication tonurturing a deep understanding and love for mathematics among her students. For the past eight years, Mrs. Clark has taught gifted students, and her impact has been extraordinary. She employs innovative teaching techniques that not only stimulate intellectualcuriosity but also foster critical thinking. Mrs. Clark strives to make mathematical conceptsaccessible and engaging. She has a unique ability to connect abstract concepts to real-worldapplications, making the subject matter relevant for Mrs. Clark does a great job providingpersonalized guidance and encouragement that helps every student excel. In addition to herteaching excellence, Mrs. Clark actively serves on the PBIS Leadership Team and GuidingCoalition. She also serves as a sponsor for NMS’ Beta Club. What Mrs. Clark enjoys most about teaching gifted students is helping them think outside the boxthrough hands-on, real-life activities. We are truly lucky to have Mrs. Clark at the best school in theland, Northside Middle School.

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Mrs. Jessica Hayes Jessica Hayes has been teaching for 9 years, and this is her second year as Perry Middle’s seventh-grade honors Social Studies teacher. She also serves as department chair and seventh-grade SocialStudies lead. Ms. Hayes works diligently to bring Social Studies to life by incorporating primary andsecondary sources, multimedia and other technology, and interactive lessons. She has highexpectations for students and works hard to support her students in achieving those expectations.Ms. Hayes is a vital part of leading our literacy work at Perry Middle – encouraging and challengingher colleagues as well as her students. Ms. Hayes believes in being a continual learner herself, andshe is currently working on her specialist in curriculum and instruction from Piedmont University. Mr. Tim Hutchens Tim Hutchens has been teaching for 17 years, and he’s taught our seventh-grade honors science atPerry Middle School for 15 years. Coach Hutchens engages students in many activities to helpmake his Life Science class an authentic learning experience. He also works hard to build a positivelearning environment where students are encouraged to explore science through varying methods.Coach Hutchens guides and mentors students through the process of developing science fairprojects. Through his leadership, Perry Middle has seen many regional winners. Coach Hutchenshas served as one of the Committee Chairmen for the Houston Regional Science and EngineeringFair, and in 2023, he won the Inspiring Excellence Award for having the most regional winners. Perry Middle SchoolDr. Heath Burch, PrincipalDr. Christie Wall, API

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Ms. Pamela Postell Ms. Postell has shared that teaching gifted students at Thomson Middle School has been both arewarding and challenging experience. She has had the privilege of working with some of the mostintelligent and creative minds, and building relationships with these exceptional students, whichcomes naturally. In Ms. Postell’s classroom, she strives to provide an environment that is not onlyintellectually rigorous but also supportive of students’ personal growth. Ms. Postell’s students areencouraged to push their boundaries, develop perseverance, and take ownership of their learning.This approach not only challenges them academically but also fosters a strong sense ofresponsibility and resilience that will serve them well beyond the classroom. Ms. Nicole Leary Thomson Middle SchoolDr. Scott Wynn, PrincipalDr. Jami Moore, API Ms. Leary has taught at Thomson Middle School for the past nine years. For the last three years, she hasfocused on nurturing and challenging the intellectual curiosity of gifted students in the science program—a rolethat has allowed her to innovate and inspire growth in her students. In her role, she implements a curriculum that not only deepens students' understanding of scientific concepts but also encourages them to apply their knowledge creatively. Her students delve into the intricacies of the scientific method, where students learn to identify variables, form hypotheses, and conduct rigorous experiments. One of her favorite hands-on projects is the "Shipwrecked Pirate" experiment, which engages students in problem-solving and critical thinking. A cornerstone of the Gifted Science program is preparing students for the science fair. Ms. Leary guides her students through the entire process—from selecting a topic that ignites their passion to conducting the research and applying the scientific method. The science fair project is a culminating experience that showcases her students’ analytical skills and dedication. Once students receive approval for their science fair topics, they continue their work at home while Ms. Leary focuses on advancing their understanding of key 7th-grade science standards in the classroom. Her students explore complex topics, such as the interactions of cell organelles necessary for survival, and the application of Punnett Squares to understand genetic diversity. As the science fair approaches, the pace of learning intensifies, and Ms. Leary works closely with students to ensure they meet the heightened rigor of the program. Ms. Leary consistently strives to make the Gifted Science program a place where students are challenged,grow, and most importantly, enjoy the learning process.

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Mr. Kevin Mitchell Mr. Mitchell has a gift for making history and culture engaging and meaningful. He transformslessons into immersive experiences, using storytelling, multimedia, and hands-on activitiesthat captivate students' attention. He promotes analytical thinking by encouraging students todraw connections between historical events and current affairs, helping them see therelevance of social studies in their everyday lives. Mr. Mitchell creates a welcoming classroomatmosphere where all viewpoints are respected, and open, thoughtful dialogue is encouraged.With a genuine passion for social studies, he inspires curiosity about different cultures,geography, and government, encouraging students to explore and appreciate the complexitiesof the world around them. Mrs. Mary Winters Warner Robins Middle SchoolDr. Brett Wallace, PrincipalMrs. Brandy Farrell, API Mrs. Winters brings passion and creativity into the classroom every day. She has a unique ability to make complex concepts understandable and engaging, turning even the most challenging topics into fun learning experiences. With a deep understanding of her students’ needs, she creates an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. Mrs. Winters is patient and encouraging, always ready to offer support and celebrate every success, no matter how small. Her enthusiasm for math is contagious, inspiring students to develop a genuine interest in the subject and confidence in their abilities.

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Mrs. Michelle Sargent Dr. Michelle Koehle Bonaire Elementary SchoolDr. Tonya Pinckley, PrincipalMs. Emilee Coody, API Bonaire Primary SchoolMrs. Ashley Watkins, PrincipalDr. Christie Bergh, API Dr. Koehle has been teaching our gifted students here at Bonaire Elementary for the past four years. She has her doctorate degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She is currently teaching our gifted fourth graders. Dr. Koehle challenges her students each day to be critical thinkers. Her students are willing to try because they know she will be there to guide them if they need it. She builds great relationships and works hard to find additional resources. Michelle Sargent has made exceptional contributions as a first-grade GTE teacher and has consistentlydemonstrated a remarkable blend of dedication, creativity, and innovation. I have had the pleasure of observing Mrs.Sargent’s work firsthand and can confidently attest to her outstanding qualities as a teacher. Mrs. Sargent is a paragon of a strong work ethic. Her commitment to her students and her profession is evident in the countless hours she dedicates beyond the classroom. She meticulously prepares her lessons, ensuring they are not only engaging but also aligned with the latest educational standards and methodologies. Her ability to manage and balance a demanding workload while maintaining a positive and inspiring classroom environment speaks volumes about her dedication and professionalism. In her role, Mrs. Sargent consistently challenges her students to push beyond their comfort zones, encouraging them to think critically and creatively. She designs her curriculum to promote inquiry and exploration, fostering an atmosphere where students feel empowered to take intellectual risks and develop a deep, intrinsic passion for learning. Her innovative teaching strategies often incorporate interdisciplinary approaches, making complex concepts accessible and exciting. What truly sets Mrs. Sargent apart is her unwavering dedication to nurturing each student's individual talents and passions. She goes above and beyond to provide personalized support and mentorship, recognizing and celebrating each student’s unique strengths and interests. This tailored approach not only enhances student engagement but also cultivates a lifelong love of learning. Her ability to inspire and motivate students is reflected in their enthusiastic participation and significant academic growth. Moreover, Mrs. Sargent is a catalyst for innovation within the school community. She frequently introduces new teaching methods and integrates technology in ways that enrich the learning experience. Her forward-thinking attitude and willingness to experiment with novel ideas contribute greatly to the dynamic and progressive environment at our school. In summary, Mrs. Sargent embodies the ideal qualities of an exceptional educator. Her strong work ethic, commitment to challenging and inspiring students, and dedication to fostering innovation and creativity make her an invaluable asset to any educational setting. I have no doubt that she will continue to make a profound impact wherever her career takes her.

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Mrs. Erin Flanders During Mrs. Flanders’ 6 years at CBWPS, she has grown from a 1st grade teacher to GiftedLead teacher. Mrs. Flanders is an awesome teacher leader at our school. She has a clear understanding of curriculum content and best practices. She has served on our school leadership team and the district’s ELA curriculum writing team for a few years. She is an effective communicator and is instrumental in the area of PLC facilitating school improvement collaborations. Mrs. Flanders is a dedicated educator working tirelessly to help her students reach high achievement while fostering authentic learning and creativity across the curriculum. This year she plans to sponsor our school’s very first Chess Club. She is currently enrolled in the Houston County Leadership Development Program with aspirations of becoming an Assistant Principal of Instruction. Mrs. Tiffany Coder Mrs. Tiffany Coder has been at Centerville Elementary School for 10 years. She is currently a 5thgrade GTE teacher but has also taught 3rd grade at CES. Mrs. Coder is a valued member of ourGuiding Coalition Team. She was a part of the first HCSD Teacher Leader Cohort. Mrs. Coder isalways looking for ways to engage her students in authentic reading and writing activities. She is aproud co-sponsor of our Academic Bowl Team and helps prepared 5th grade GTE students in theHCSD Oratorical Contest. Mrs. Coder understands our school’s mission of “Putting Children First”and strives each day to build impactful relationships with her students. C.B. Watson Primary SchoolMrs. Monique Dawsey, PrincipalMrs. Phyllis Toliver, API Centerville Elementary School Mrs. Marcie Shaw, Principal Ms. Bridget Snooks, API

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Mrs. Hollie Aaron Mrs. Amy Stone David Perdue Elementary SchoolDr. Andy Payne, PrincipalMrs. Tiana Johnson, API David Perdue Primary SchoolMrs. Kathy Gibbs, PrincipalMrs. Keturia Williams, API Amy Stone has been a gifted teacher at David A. Perdue Elementary School for longer than the 11 years I have been here as principal. She not only understands what it means to teach students who are identified as gifted, but she also understands what it means to enrich all students and push them beyond their normal thinking. In the 11 years I have been here, she has taught 4th grade GTE classes, and parents request her each year knowing how great of a teacher she is for our students. She incorporates technology in her classroom with different research and projects, and she works with other gifted teachers in our building on the engagement and enrichment piece. She is a leader in our building and has been on our Bulldog Coalition leadership team for years. We love and appreciate the work she does for our students and our school overall. Hollie Aaron is a veteran GTE teacher with over twenty years of classroom teaching experience.Twice nominated for school-level Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Aaron has shown excellent leadershipskills when collaborating with colleagues by leading the school-level Thoughtfulness Committee,participating on the PBIS team, and providing challenging and engaging lessons for her students daily. Mrs. Aaron has attended numerous professional development sessions as the social studies andscience grade-level representative at county-wide training. Mrs. Aaron is best known for her uniqueability to bring any read-aloud to life and captivate the attention of her audience with her enthusiasm. Among her colleagues, she is known for creating creative and thorough Google Slides to accompanyany lesson and for her willingness to share resources and ideas. As a gifted teacher, her strengths liein her natural ability to ask probing, high-level questions that make her students think and prove theirthinking with evidence. Students are at ease in her room and freely discuss any academic topic. Outside of the classroom, Mrs. Aaron is the wife and mother of two: Nicolas, 14, and Emily 9. She isan active church member, serving as an adult Sunday School Teacher, Vacation Bible Schoolteacher, and Women's Conference Speaker. In her free time, she enjoys reading.

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Ms. Rebecca Leonard Ms. Leonard is fairly new to the Houston County School System. She started her educational careerin her hometown of Conyers, GA. Entering her second year in Houston County, she has the joyousprivilege of teaching the 5th-grade gifted students at Eagle Springs Elementary School. She teachesall the subjects with excitement and high expectations. She also organizes and facilitates the ESESAcademic Bowl team. Miss Leonard fosters relationships to help encourage, motivate, and challengeher students to show growth toward their educational goals. She is always eager to learn and growto become a better teacher, leader, and colleague. Ms. Katelin Geiger Katelin Geiger is a fourth-grade gifted and talented teacher at Hilltop Elementary School. She hasbeen teaching at HES for eight years, yet she is in her thirteenth year of teaching. Ms. Geigercontinually provides a secure and caring learning atmosphere where her students can make mistakesand grow. She takes pride in her job and her students’ work because they know she cares about themand will do everything she can to guarantee they develop a love of learning. Providing regularopportunities for children to engage in hands- on activities and discussions about grade-levelrequirements promotes her philosophy and sets the bar for educating all students at HilltopElementary School. We are very proud of Ms. Geiger's accomplishments and will continue to supporther as she rises to the top! Eagle Springs Elementary SchoolDr. Jeff Washington, PrincipalMrs. Stephanie King, API Hilltop Elementary SchoolDr. Ovedia Glover, PrincipalMrs. Dara Seamans, API

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Mrs. Ashleigh Edwards Ashleigh Edwards is a true characterization of what it means to be a Gifted Educator. Mrs. Edwardsexemplifies unparalleled dedication, creativity, and compassion not only in her classroom but also for ourentire school community. Serving as our Gifted Lead Teacher (GLT), Mrs. Edwards consistently redeliversprofessional development to our faculty, communicates effectively with parents/community members, andmost importantly, engages in a shared love of lifelong learning alongside our students. With an innate ability toconnect with her students, Mrs. Edwards creates an engaging and inclusive learning environment whereevery student feels valued and capable, regardless of what area they may or may not be Gifted in. Beyondher exceptional classroom skills, Mrs. Edwards is deeply committed to her students’ overall well- being, oftengoing above and beyond to provide support and encouragement. Her passion for teaching and her genuinecare for her students’ success make her an invaluable asset to our school community! Mrs. Kelli Barnes Kings Chapel Elementary SchoolMrs. Shelley Shillcutt, PrincipalMrs. Kalesia McKnight, API Lake Joy Elementary SchoolDr. Tami Godman, PrincipalDr. Sandra Crow, API Mrs. Barnes graduated from Valdosta State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. She also holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics and Reading forEarly Childhood, as well as a Specialist degree in Early Childhood Curriculum. With 18 yearsof teaching experience, 10 of which have been at Kings Chapel Elementary, Mrs. Barnesserves as our grade-level leader and is a cornerstone of our school community. She is alwayspositive, smiling, and willing to do whatever it takes for her students to learn and grow. Mrs.Barnes is an advocate for all students and consistently does what is best for them. Her favorite quote is, “Whatever you do, do it well.” - Walt Disney. She embodies this philosophy in her teaching, pushing her students to consistently exceed grade-level expectations. She is always willing to try new things to make learning relevant, fun, and engaging. Mrs. Barnes encourages her students to think outside the box and to always believe in themselves. Beyond her classroom, Mrs. Barnes is a source of inspiration and support for her coworkersand grade-level team members. She fosters a collaborative and encouraging environment,always ready to share her knowledge and enthusiasm. Her leadership and dedication havemade a significant impact on both students and staff. Mrs. Barnes is the true definition of anexemplary teacher, and we are incredibly fortunate to have her at Kings Chapel ElementarySchool.

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Mrs. Sabrina Hall Mrs. Sabrina Hall, a second-grade teacher at Lake Joy Primary School, is celebrated for herexceptional dedication and enthusiasm in her teaching. As a gifted and talented educator, sheconsistently goes above and beyond to create an environment where students are not onlychallenged but also inspired to explore their full potential. Mrs. Hall's teaching style is dynamic, asshe expertly cultivates intellectual curiosity, ignites a passion for learning, and encourages herstudents to think creatively and innovatively. Her devotion to nurturing each child's unique abilitieshas made a lasting impact on her students, earning her well-deserved recognition with the ShahGrant Award. Mrs. Alicia Graham Mrs. Graham is a natural leader on her grade level team. The students and other staff membersknow they can count on her for strong instructional guidance and support in learning. Mrs. Grahamseamlessly adds rigor to the third-grade standards while also providing appropriate scaffolding toensure student mastery and understanding. Mrs. Graham has a particular strength in writinginstructional planning and delivery. She guides her team as they work to build student capacity inthe different genres of writing. Mrs. Graham has historically integrated science and social studies content through writing instruction.She uses the content standards to increase students background knowledge and vocabulary. Mrs. Graham also allows her students to demonstrate mastery in a myriad of ways, depending onstudent choice and strength. She guides them as they select the medium in which to show what theyknow. Through relationship building with parents and students, Mrs. Graham closes gaps andchallenges students to rise to their personal best. She celebrates small and large victories (academicand otherwise) in the classroom to motivate students and continue on a path to greatness. Lake Joy Primary School Dr. Sonya Kiefer, Principal Mrs. Morgan Aeschlimann, API Langston Road Elementary School Mrs. Kyon Cobb, Principal Dr. Erin Gramley, API

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Mrs. Peaches Tankersley Mrs. Melanie Shellong Melanie Shellong is a dedicated second grade gifted endorsed teacher. She inspires her students tostretch their learning and reach their highest potential by challenging them with rigorous work andhigher-level discussions. Gifted learners need instruction and experiences that are rich with elevatedconcepts and content, and Mrs. Shellong does an exceptional job of providing this to her students. Sheis also a very nurturing teacher who takes time to hear her students share how they’ve madeconnections with their learning. Our school depends on solid teacher leaders, and Mrs. Shellong is a vital part of our leadership team. She represents second grade and strongly supports our administration by promoting necessary change with a positive attitude. Mrs. Shellong also leads her Professional Learning Team (PLT) with due diligence and authority. She works with her grade level team to reviewassessment data to improve student growth and achievement. Mrs. Shellong works exceptionally well with her team members, and they hold each other collectivelyaccountable for how all their second graders perform over the school year. Mrs. Shellong has been apart of our after-school Math Club to help enrich our students through problem solving and creativity.She puts her students first, ensuring that their time in her classroom is filled with productivity andinnovative thinking. Mrs. Shellong would be a worthy recipient of the Shah Grant. She has the enthusiasm, dedication anddevotion that is needed to help our students become lifelong learners, as well as passionate andsuccessful members of society in years to come. Langston Road Primary SchoolDr. Kelly Rush, PrincipalMrs. Kayla Shumway, API Matt Arthur Elementary SchoolDr. VaRee Harrell, PrincipalMrs. Robin Rooks, API Mrs. Tankersley has been teaching 5th-grade Gifted and Talented students at Matt Arthur ElementarySchool for the past 11 years. She serves on the Gifted Advisory Board for Houston County as well asthe Gifted Lead Teacher at Matt Arthur Elementary School. She has served as the STEM Club andScience Olympiad sponsor for her school for the past 10 years. She also serves as the Science Cadre chair for her grade level. She provides a strong focus in her classroom by building her students' creativity and curiosity through inquiry-based learning. While she teaches all subjects, she has a special passion for teaching math and science to her gifted students while challenging them to think outside the box. Mrs. Tankersley is often seen around campus taking her students on scavenger hunts for scientific phenomena and bringing her students back together to conduct research on their findings. At the end of every year, Mrs. Tankersley’s students create digital presentations of their year of learning, and they present to the 3rd and 4th-grade gifted students, priming them for the upcoming 5th-grade gifted curriculum expectations.

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Mrs. Kristen Erickson Mrs. Kristen Erickson is our nominee for the Shah Family Grant. She has been teaching for 14years, and 3 of those years have been in the gifted and talented education class. She has taughtgrades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 2nd and 3rd. One thing she loves about teaching gifted students is their curiosity and wonder. She stated that their love for learning is contagious and watching them grow not only academically but socially is incredible. Mrs. Erickson does a great job integrating subject matter for a more authentic learning experience, making her classroom environment fun and exciting. She loves to use STEM education (or pieces of it) any chance she gets because it challenges her students to be problem solvers and learn to work collaboratively. Mrs. Erickson’s approach in using hands-on activities and experiments lends itself to success for all students while building core memories. Ms. Rheanna West Ms. West is a very dedicated and enthusiastic teacher. She is gifted endorsed and our lead giftedteacher. When I walk into Ms. West’s class, I can tell the students feel valued and loved. Ms. Westchallenges students to learn all they can and to strive for excellence. Her passion for learning iscontagious and has made learning enjoyable for her students. Visiting her class has been one ofthe most rewarding experiences as a leader. Ms. West challenges her students to think critically.She never minds going the extra mile to help her students understand the material which hasmade a big difference. Ms. West truly cares about her students' success, and it shows. She is alsoa great teacher leader and role model to other teachers. The Shah Grant will assist Ms. West andMiller students in extending their learning and achieving academic excellence. Matt Arthur Primary SchoolMs. Alicia Conner, PrincipalMrs. Brandi McIntyre, API Miller Elementary School Dr. Dana Brock, Principal Dr. Katina Gibson, API

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Mrs. Stacy Brown Ms. Courtney Curles Ms. Courtney Curles is currently a 4th grade GTE teacher at Morningside Elementary. She beganher career in education in Chatham County where she taught Integrated Technology and 3rd grade.For the past 8 years, Ms. Curles has taught in Houston County at Morningside Elementary School.She obtained her Gifted Endorsement and has been teaching Gifted and Talented students for thepast 3 years. Ms. Curles not only challenges her students academically, but she also creates aclassroom environment that encourages critical and creative thinking. She continually integratestechnology and STEM activities into her daily classroom routine, and her students are excited to seewhat each day will bring. We are very fortunate to have Ms. Curles as a member of our MorningsideElementary family. Morningside Elementary SchoolDr. Kasandra King, PrincipalMrs. Tonya Barfield, API Northside Elementary SchoolMr. David Sams, PrincipalDr. Kristina Cummings, API Stacy Brown is a dedicated educator who has supported the gifted students of NorthsideElementary School since she joined the Falcon Family in 1996. She is a past NES Teacher of theYear, a STEM Teacher of the Year, and a recipient of 13WMAZ’s My Teacher is Tops. As anadvocate for our gifted students, Ms. Brown serves as the Gifted Lead Teacher, as a leader onour Math School Improvement Plan team, and as a member of our Guiding Coalition. In all ofthese roles, she ensures that she is a voice for our gifted students and their unique needs.Additionally, she provides countless challenging and engaging activities in her classroom, andshe shares those ideas in our gifted professional learning team. She is the school spelling beecoordinator, and she organizes bi-annual trips to Space Camp for our gifted students. Herdedication to gifted children of the Northside community even stretches over to Northside HighSchool where she has served as the assistant band director since 2021. The gifted students ofNorthside Elementary are truly blessed with her enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work.

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Mrs. Sara McMahon Sara McMahon is the 1st grade GTE teacher at Parkwood Elementary. Mrs. McMahon serves onour Guiding Coalition and is currently a member of the Houston County Teacher LeadershipAcademy. She is a passionate teacher who builds positive relationships with her students andworks daily to ensure each of her students is on track to meet their fullest potential! Mrs. McMahonis a natural leader who makes a positive difference in the lives of each student who has thepleasure of being taught by her. Mrs. Alexis Alexander Alexis Alexander is a standout educator who brings an exceptional level of expertise andpassion to her role as a 3rd grade gifted teacher. Her lessons are thoughtfully designed tofoster critical thinking, encouraging her students to engage deeply with the material and exploreconcepts from multiple angles. She creates a classroom environment where students areencouraged to work together, share ideas, and support one another. This collaborative spirit not only enhances their learning experiences but also helps themdevelop essential teamwork and communication skills. She is deeply attentive to theiremotional well-being, creating a nurturing environment where each student feels valued andsupported. Her commitment to intellectual growth and emotional support is evident in everyaspect of her teaching. Mrs. Alexander’s commitment to high achievement for all extends beyond her classroom. Shesponsors the Girls of Pearl, a mentoring group for 3rd – 5th grade students. She is also ateacher leader and serves as a member of the Pearl Stephens Better Seeking Team. She alsoleads the New Teacher Mentoring Program at our school. Through this program, she supports teachers who are new to Pearl Stephens as they become acclimated to the culture of Pearl Stephens Elementary. Mrs. Alexander is an asset toour students and teachers and is so deserving of this award. Pearl Stephens Elementary SchoolMrs. Gloria Smith, PrincipalMrs. Jessica Teemer, API Parkwood Elementary SchoolMrs. Kelly Munn, PrincipalMrs. Amanda Bennett, API

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Dr. Amanda Hunnell Mrs. Kim Pellegrino Mrs. Pellegrino is our second grade gifted and talented teacher at QRES. She does an outstandingjob daily of challenging her students and providing relevant and engaging enrichment activities. Sheencourages critical thinking skills and creativity through authentic learning experiences, and hands-on,project-based learning is the norm in her classroom. Mrs. Pellegrino serves as co-gifted lead teacherfor our school. She is organized and always professional. We are so thankful to have Mrs. Pellegrinoat our school, and we are thrilled to select her as the 2024-25 Shah Grant recipient. Quail Run Elementary SchoolDr. Amanda Miliner, PrincipalMrs. Kasey Hopkins, API Russell Elementary SchoolMr. William Wilson, PrincipalMrs. Heather Henslee, API Dr. Hunnell has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to teaching and has consistently enrichedher students' educational experiences. Her profound knowledge of the needs of gifted students setsher apart as an exceptional educator. Notably, Dr. Hunnell goes beyond her classroom duties by actively encouraging her 5th-grade teamto seek opportunities to enhance and enrich their students' learning experiences. Her leadershipqualities and commitment to the holistic development of her students make her an invaluable asset toany educational institution. Dr. Hunnell's teaching experience spans across 3rd and 5th grades, allowing her to bring a wealth ofknowledge and expertise to any role she undertakes. Her passion for education, coupled with herinterpersonal and leadership skills, make her an exemplary candidate to receive this specialrecognition. I have no doubt that Dr. Amanda Hunnell will continue to positively impact the lives of students andcontribute significantly to our academic community.

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Mrs. Crystal Walker Ms. Holly Owen Holly Owen has been teaching for 13 years. She has taught every grade K-5th except 1st. Shehas a master’s degree, specialist degree, leadership degree and is GTE Endorsed. Additionally,she holds an Instructional Design and Technology Certificate and a Masters in Curriculum andInstruction. She is our Teacher of the Year, serves as PBIS Data Analyst, and is on our GuidingCoalition. She is the school go-to for everything Technology. Holly believes all students can learn at high levels and goes out of her way to engage students in authentic learning. She pushes her students to be the best they can be and provides many opportunities to showcase their talents and skills. She “thinks outside of the box” and encourages her students to do the same. She is creative and innovative, finding ways to provide learning experiences that will impact her students throughout their lives. Shirley Hills Elementary SchoolMrs. Kristen Brooks, PrincipalMrs. Charlotte Dunlap, API Tucker Elementary SchoolMrs. Eddie Williams, PrincipalDr. Meredith Fletcher, API Mrs. Crystal Walker is a passionate and dedicated educator who brings boundless enthusiasm to herGifted (GTE) second grade class. She has been a dedicated teacher here at Shirley Hills Elementaryfor the past 19 years. Her unique ability to stir up intellectual curiosity transforms every lesson into ajourney of discovery. By presenting complex concepts in engaging ways, she inspires students tothink beyond traditional boundaries and cultivates an environment where innovation, creativity, andcritical thinking flourish. In her gifted classroom, Mrs. Walker challenges students to apply knowledgein real-world contexts, encouraging them to innovate, create, and pursue their passions withconfidence. What sets Mrs. Walker apart is her deep connection with students and her commitment to nurturing their growth. She devotes time to understanding each student's strengths and interests, fostering a supportive atmosphere where they feel safe to take risks and explore new ideas. Through her unwavering dedication, Mrs. Walker empowers her students to become lifelonglearners and future leaders, equipping them with the skills and passion to excel both academicallyand personally.

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Mrs. Michelle Feldmeier Westside Elementary SchoolMrs. Angienik Allen, PrincipalDr. Artia Shorter, API With 27 years of teaching experience, 24 of which were dedicated to WestsideElementary School, Mrs. Feldmeier holds a Bachelor of Science in Early ChildhoodEducation and a master’s degree in Instructional Technology. Throughout hercareer, she has specialized in serving Gifted students for a decade, as well asworking with EIP and Special Education students. Serving as the Gifted LeadTeacher for 9 years and currently in the role of Gifted Co-Lead, Mrs. Feldmeier isdedicated to creating a nurturing and supportive environment for students to reachtheir full potential. Mrs. Feldmeier believes in fostering a positive classroom environment wherestudents feel comfortable taking risks and learning from their mistakes. Her ultimategoal is to cultivate a culture of respect and collaboration among students. As aproud graduate of the Houston County School System, Mrs. Feldmeier is committedto providing engaging and enriching learning experiences for her students. In her personal time, Mrs. Feldmeier enjoys reading, shopping, and traveling,activities that allow her to recharge and bring fresh perspectives to her role as aneducator.

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