Suquamish Tribe FIRST PEOPLE OF THIS LAND The land and the waters around you are home to the Suquamish People and hundreds of generations of their ancestors. For more than 10,000 years, their families and villages have been here along these shores- areas know today as Kitsap Peninsula, Bainbridge Island, Blake Island, and perhaps even parts of Whidbey Island. Agate Pass Petroglyph: “It's About Time: A Chronological Timeline of Events on Bainbridge Island,” Meaning place of the clear salt water in the Southern Lushootseed language, has been the primary home of the Suquamish people since time immemorial. It is the ancient place on Agate Passage, the site Photo Suquamish Museum Archives. of Old-Man-House Village, the winter home of Chief Seattle and the heart of the Suquamish people. It is here- past, present, and future that the Suquamish people live on the land of their ancestors and their great- grandchildren. CONTACT: Suquamish Tribe Phone: (360) 598-3311 Chief Seattle, 1864 Photo by E. M. Sammis
The Suquamish People continue to live in the place of their ancestors and practice their traditional life ways on the Port Madison Indian Reservation. MOVE - The Suquamish Tribal Government supports programs and services that work to carry the culture of the Suquamish People to the next generation and beyond. The Suquamish Tribe funds comprehensive language programs, education, and cultural activities for Tribal families as well as educational programs for the public through the Suquamish Museum. BE MOVED – The Suquamish Museum’s Mission is to collect, protect, educate, and preserve the history and culture of the Puget Sound Salish Tribes with an emphasis on the Suquamish Tribe. In order to do this the Suquamish Museum provides exhibits that allow the visitors from all age levels to understand the culture and history from the view of the First Peoples of the Puget Sound and the Suquamish Tribe, through the use of oral history, photography, artifacts, replication and audio/visual productions. With the assistance of Tribal elders, scholars and other museum professionals, the Suquamish Museum strives to meet all of the above goals and provide visitors with a new understanding of the Native Peoples of the Puget Sound and the Suquamish Tribe. CONTACT – Suquamish Museum, (360) 394-8499, 6861 NE South Street PO Box 498 Suquamish, WA 98392
The Race & Pedagogy Institute (RPI) The Race & Pedagogy Institute (RPI) is a collaboration of the University of Puget Sound and the South Sound community—or, as our Indigenous partners say, the Salish Sea community—that integrates academic assets of the campus into reciprocal partnerships with the local community knowledge and experience to educate students and teachers at all levels to think critically about race, to cultivate terms and practices for societal transformation, and to act to eliminate racism. MOVE - We envision a society where the systemic causes of racism have been uprooted and in which we are energized to re-imagine a world oriented toward the shared experience of liberation. BE MOVED - Our Mission is to educate students and teachers at all levels to think critically about race, to cultivate terms and practices for societal transformation, and to act to eliminate racism. CONTACT Race & Pedagogy Institute University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA 98416-1023 253.879.2435 Email -
The People’s Institute Northwest for Survival and Beyond (PISAB) Founded in 1980 by long-time community organizers Ronald Chisom of New Orleans, and Dr. Jim Dunn of Yellow Springs, Ohio, is a national and international collective of anti- racist, multicultural community organizers and educators dedicated to building an effective movement for social transformation. Dedicated to Organizing with Intelligence, Integrity, Values and Vision MOVE – The People’s Institute believes that racism is the primary barrier preventing communities from building effective coalitions and overcoming institutionalized oppression and inequities. BE MOVED - Through Undoing Racism®/Community Organizing Workshops, technical assistance, and consultations, The People’s Institute helps individuals, communities, organizations, and institutions move beyond addressing the symptoms of racism to undoing the causes of racism so as to create a more just and equitable society. CONTACT– People's Institute Northwest P.O. Box 47437 Seattle, WA 98146 Phone: 206-938-1023 Fax: (206) 938-6081 Email:“THE ONLY WAY TO UNDO RACISM IS TO CONSISTENTLY IDENTIFY AND DESCRIBE IT- AND THEN TO DISMANTLE IT.” IBRAM X. KENDI
The Remnant Project, a vital initiative within the nonprofit Living Arts Cultural Heritage, is a community-based effort dedicated to unearthing and representing the hidden histories of African American, Indigenous, and diverse communities in Kitsap County, WA, and the surrounding region. Originating from a collection once held by the Kitsap Black Historical Society, the Remnant Project is a labor of love by community members who preserved and stored a rich tapestry of local expressive culture. This collection encompasses diaries, recipes, newspapers, photographs, and art, documenting the diverse voices and experiences of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in Kitsap County. MOVE ~ Cultural custodian Akuyea Karen Vargas, Founder of Living Arts Cultural Heritage, now spearheads this endeavor. The focus is on preserving and honoring these stories and footprints through the digitization of material culture. The goal is to seed this archive in educational institutions, libraries, and community organizations. BE MOVED ~ The Remnant Project plays a pivotal role in reconciliation by amplifying the voices of African Americans and showcasing their vital contributions to American history alongside Indigenous peoples. Through captivating displays of African art and artifacts, the project seeks to forge healing connections to ancestral homelands. Preserving and sharing oral and visual histories is a cornerstone of the Remnant Project. This includes narratives from local civil rights pioneers, artists, educators, community leaders, and workers, celebrating the resilience of the human spirit. In line with a commitment to inclusivity, the project provides links to external resources and collaborates with local cultural and historic places, including historical and tribal museums. This collaborative effort ensures a rich and interconnected culture to culture landscape, fostering unity and understanding in the community. Contact ~ Akuyea Karen Vargas Email:
“All of us in the academy and in the culture as a whole are called to renew our minds if we are to transform educational institutions--and society--so that the way we live, teach, and work can reflect our joy in cultural diversity, our passion for justice, and our love of freedom.” -bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress
MOVE is an organization that advocates for the needs of students grades 6th - 12th, while empowering, teaching, discussing, and exploring the Black experience. KBSU serves as a liaison between students of African descent and other minorities and the campus. BE MOVED Advocates for safe spaces to celebrate culture, learn and preserve our rich history while empowering youth leadership through mentoring and community service. We encourage local youth to take pride in our heritage while supporting them through civil rights activism. CONTACT~ Jewel Shepherd-Sampson (360) 990-3372
WE ADDRESS SYSTEMIC RACISM. MOVE Kitsap Racial Equity and Empowerment Fund’s mission is to address systemic racism in our community by supporting programs, services, and organizations led-by and serving communities of color, with an emphasis on the Black community. BE MOVED KREEF is led by an all-volunteer Steering Committee made of racially and culturally diverse community leaders, a majority of which are Black women, who offer grants to support culturally relevant programs, services, and activities. KREEF also offers assistance and education in the grant process. Since its inception in 2020, KREEF has awarded over $100,000 in funds and continues to develop its program with a “by and for” philanthropy model that focuses on: • Lessening the inequities caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis in communities of color, with an emphasis on the needs of the Black community, and • Nonprofits and fiscally sponsored projects whose leadership or boards are reflective of and accountable to communities of color, in particular the Black community. CONTACT Have a question or would like to learn more about getting involved with KREEF? Kitsap Racial Equity and Empowerment Fund (KREEF)
Jerod Q. Grant, Mercedes Robinson, Co-Founders Caprice D. Hollins Psy.D. and Ilsa Marie Govan, and Richard D. Kim M.Div. Cultures Connecting- Addressing Race Relations in the 21st Century MOVE – Envisioning a world based on principles of equity and justice where all people recognize their roles as agents of change. BE MOVED - Our Mission is to provide culturally relevant professional development, keynotes, consulting, coaching and one-on-one diversity leadership support to organizations committed to improving their ability to work effectively across cultures. Our clients learn new skills they can apply in the workplace and beyond. We tailor our presentations to meet the specific needs of your organization. *Increasing Awareness of their values biases, beliefs, and stereotypes; * Expanding Knowledge of diverse groups and their values, beliefs, communications styles, perspectives, and experiences of oppression; * Developing Skills to work effectively across cultures by using their awareness of self and knowledge of others; * Taking Action or Advocating in their workplace and community to create a culture of respect and promote justice. CONNECT - Cultures Connecting, LLC 17701 108th Ave. SE, #353 Renton, WA 98055 Caprice D. Hollins Psy.D, (206) 353-2831
“We believe that when we bring people together in these types of authentic relationships, not based on the things that we have in common but based in a deeper understanding of the profound differences that have separated us for so long, that’s where we can begin to address institutional racism together and that’s where we can begin to fight for collective liberation.” – Ilsa Marie Govan, Cultures Connecting
Sankofa is an Adinkra symbol used by the Akan people of Ghana meaning “go back and get it,” which teaches us that we must return to our roots in order to know where we are going. MOVE- Sankofa Impact confronts our shared history of racism and resistance by bringing people together for place- based learning experiences. BE MOVED – -We envision communities holding common historical memory and taking action toward transformative social justice. -We study history, and we listen to each other’s histories. Understanding how, today and in the past, we have pursued and demanded freedom and dignity, yet have adapted nimbly to specific policy domains and cultural environments is critical to moving forward. -We organize civil rights pilgrimages of intense personal, collective, and national examination, and we work with community partners in building endeavors that examine identities of race, gender, and sexuality in our histories. Examination of movements of the past compel us in new ways to challenge the present, to break barriers of all kinds, and to make lasting change. These pilgrimages teach us that the tools for change are in our hands, if we will work with greater collaboration, among greater diversity, and with spirits of determination. CONNECT- Felicia Ishino – Executive Director 1408 18th Ave Seattle, WA 98122 (206) 688-9820
Project Pilgrimage Fall 2019 Alumni
Physical Location - The White Center CDA 605 SW 108th Street, 3rd Floor Seattle, WA, 98146 Contact - 206-937-2701 Mailing Address P.O. Box 46485 Seattle WA 98146 206-937-2701 MOVE -The Village of Hope is rooted in an African and African American experience, and we are committed to a powerful and unified community. We welcome and embrace all people who are in the struggle to end racism and usher in justice. BE MOVED - Our mission is to work in cooperation with other organizations and with elders, children, youth, and adults to build and experience a strong and healthy community where people are liberated to live powerfully in every aspect of our lives. A Vision of Unity and Powerful Living for Our Community - Artist Shepard Fairey Artist – Mer Young m/youngmerart/ Artist - Ann Lewis The Revolution Evolves “Dominator culture has tried to keep us all afraid, to make us choose safety instead of risk, sameness instead of diversity. Moving through that fear, finding out what connects us, reveling in our differences; this is the process that brings us closer, that gives us a world of shared values, of meaningful community.” ― bell hooks, Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope
NAACP Bremerton 1134 Move: The NAACP has been on the scene in the USA since February 12, 1909, and it was formed in response to extremely oppressive discrimination that was being imposed on racial minorities in America at that time. This discrimination was the most brutal in the states that used to be part of the old Confederacy, but it was happening in the rest of the country also. The NAACP has been working for more than 110 years now to mobilize public opinion against racism and for reconciliation and the protection of human rights. The NAACP served as an unofficial "Conscience of America" back in the 1940's, 50's, and 60's, when America was urgently in need of a conscience. Be Moved: The Bremerton Branch of the NAACP has been active in holding public meetings and putting on public events to mobilize public opinion locally in opposition to racial discrimination and in favor of the protection of human rights. In the pursuit of these objectives, we are actively supporting the PACT (Police And Community Together) program in Kitsap County, we are participating every year in the annual Kitsap County Human Rights Conference, and we promote historical education about the struggle against racism with the annual Freedom Fund Banquet and the annual Mission Outreach Day event. CONTACT- General Membership meetings – DAY/TIME: FOURTH MONDAY OF THE MONTH SPECIAL MEETING AT 6:00 PM, REGULAR MEETING 6:30 LOCATION: OLYMPIC COLLEGE | HSS BUILDING- VIA ZOOM Email:
EDUCATE. MOTIVATE. LIBERATE. MOVE — Founded in 2015, led by the formerly incarcerated, Civil Survival, organizes people in the state of Washington who have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system to build connections, gain knowledge, and increase political participation. Our work promotes successful family and community reintegration for people releasing from incarceration by working to remove the many financial, political, and legal barriers to reentry. Civil Survival is working to improve their chances of becoming productive members of their communities by removing some of the many collateral consequences of mass incarceration. BE MOVED — Civil Survival holds full-day workshops where we learn about advocating for system reform and the power of our collective voices. We also have monthly Game Changer Groups that are currently in four counties, including Kitsap. Game Changer Groups are a place where people directly impacted by the criminal justice system can come and be with their community of people with similar life experiences. We gather to support each other, offer ideas to navigate barriers, but most importantly, we meet to learn about advocacy and criminal justice reform to change the systems that oppress our most marginalized communities. Contact-Civil Survival PO Box 634 Port Orchard WA 98366
Kitsap Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) "The battle is and always has been a battle for the hearts and minds of White people in this country. The fight against racism isour issue. It’s not something that we’re called on to help People of Color with. We need to become involved with it as if our lives depended on it because really, in truth, they do." - Anne Braden- Civil Rights Activist Kitsap Showing Up for Racial Justice focuses on skills-building, education, community mobilization, actions, and more as means of moving more white people in our local communities off the sidelines and into the work of undermining white supremacy as part of a multi- racial movement for racial justice. All are welcome. Join us in working to undermine white support for white supremacy and to do so in ways that are directly accountable to local POC-, Indigenous-, Brown-, and Black-led groups and organizations Kitsap SURJ or at In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King, Jr
We can learn to work and speak when we are afraid in the same way we have learned to work and speak when we are tired. For we have been socialized to respect fear more than our own needs for language and definition, and while we wait in silence for that final luxury of fearlessness, the weight of that silence will choke us. The fact that we are here and that I speak these words is an attempt to break that silence and bridge some of those differences between us, for it is not difference which immobilizes us, but silence. And there are so many silences to be broken. -Audre Lorde: Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
Chicano Artist- Ernesto Yerena Kitsap County Council for Human Rights MOVE – In May 1988, a cross was burned in front of the Suquamish home of an African American North Kitsap High School senior. In response, community advocated for human rights and demonstrated against racism in a variety of ways. The Kitsap County Commissioners moved to form a Kitsap County Council for Human Rights. The purpose and establishment of this Council was affirmed in County Resolution No. 451-1994, envisioning Kitsap County as a caring, supportive, and safe community which values each individual, celebrates individual differences, and recognizes the importance of each person's contribution to the community. BE MOVED - The Mission of the Kitsap County Council for Human Rights (KCCHR) is to advise county government and Kitsap County residents on issues related to discrimination, violence, and harassment based on race or national origin, religion, age, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or economic status; and to promote equitable treatment of all citizens and reduce prejudice through prevention, education, resource, referrals and advocacy. The Council also hosts the annual Kitsap Human Rights Conference each year in December. CONTACT- Rebecca Pirtle in the Commissioners' Office at
“Without community, there is no liberation...but community must not mean a shedding of our differences, nor the pathetic pretense that these differences do not exist.” ― Audre Lorde Artist Celeste Byers-
A trusted source of exceptional legal information for every resident of our community and a lifesaver in rough legal waters for those with economic challenges. MOVE- Kitsap Legal Services (KLS) is a nonprofit organization that accepts referrals for limited advice, consultations, and occasionally direct representation, in a variety of legal specialties. KLS works to match clients with volunteer attorneys and paralegals. Advice clinics and consultations are held in several locations throughout Kitsap County. Kitsap Legal Services is for people with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. We have volunteer attorneys, paralegals, and others willing to assist you to advocate for yourself after getting the information and confidence you need. Currently, you need to go through a screening process to become eligible. BE MOVED- Northwest Justice Project: The statewide civil legal aid organization with the most funding and paid attorneys on the phone and around Washington State. They can provide advice on the phone and direct representation in court. To become eligible by calling CLEAR 1-888-201-1014 or filling out the online application at (their website indicates they will only call you back for loss of government benefits or housing, so you still need to call them for all other issues). Self-help publications: You can get many documents to help you with most areas of civil law and court procedures at and advocate for yourself. Attorneys write these documents with the goal of people being able to help themselves. There are also instructions on how to fill out court forms. Kitsap County Aging and Long-Term Care: The local county government has a contract for seniors to receive direct legal assistance in many areas. They contract with Northwest Justice Project to provide screening through CLEAR and then provide attorneys to help seniors on the phone or in-person within Kitsap County. The Kitsap County contact number is 1-800-562-6418 and website is CONTACT- 500 Pacific Avenue - Suite 401 - Bremerton, WA 98337 | 360-479-6125
re-traumatization of people – children and adults – through trusted relationships and hope-filled pathways. MOVE - We envision a more equitable community in which people interact with empathy and work to build connections and meaningful relationships so that all people feel empowered to flourish. BE MOVED- Kitsap Strong consists of KITSAP Strong is made up of more than 110 organizations across sectors who have come together to work on preventing childhood trauma and resisting the five “networks” that focus on achieving the overall goals through different strategies: The Innovation Network is focused on helping organizations become trauma-informed in all of their work The NEAR Training Network is focused on educating the public about the impact of adverse childhood experiences and how to build resiliency Graduate Strong is focused on increasing post-secondary education The HEAL Network is focused on helping kids and adults be healthier in how they eat and exercise Thriving Neighborhoods is focused on empowering neighbors to build resiliency within their communities. CONTACT- Kitsap Strong 345 6th St, Suite 300 Bremerton, WA 98337
Bainbridge Island Japanese American Community Honors the heritage of the Issei (first–generation Japanese) who came to the United States, and particularly to Bainbridge Island, to make a new life for themselves and their children. We hope to promote a better understanding of the diversity of our nation by sharing their history, customs, and values. MOVE- BIJAC’s Mission is to preserve the history and culture of Japanese Americans of Bainbridge Island and support education and community outreach that fosters a deep appreciation for diversity, justice, and the need for vigilant protection of our civil and constitutional rights. BE MOVED - BIJAC's principal focus is the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial to honor those forced to leave their homes during World War II. The Memorial is administered by the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial Association (BIJAEMA). and is a public non– profit corporation, a separate entity from BIJAC, however both organizations work closely together and share several board members.
BIJAC's other projects include an annual Mochi Tsuki celebration to ring in the new year. The annual BYOB (Bring You Own Bento) summer picnic brings together old friends and new. Both events are open to the public. Other projects include an oral history project, a traveling photo exhibit, Kodomo no Tame Ni ("For the Sake of the Children"), an educational outreach both locally and off–Island. And the Milly and Walt Woodward Fund "to promote the values of acceptance, understanding and respect of civil rights for all." The Woodward Fund is named to honor the former editors of the Bainbridge Review who consistently opposed the exclusion of Japanese Americans in the 1940s. CONTACT - BIJAC Email: Mail: BIJAC, P.O. Box 10449, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Indipino Community of Bainbridge Island and Vicinity is a Washington State Non-profit 502(c)3 organization. MOVE- Our mission is to reduce prejudice and discrimination by developing Indigenous and Filipino cultural and historical resources for schools and community and to provide a forum for other mixed heritage people. BE MOVED – Our mission is to preserve and share the cultural and traditional practices of Indigenous Peoples, Asian Americans, and other Mixed Heritage groups. Our organization provides an educational forum for social justice topics with a focus on mixed heritage, tribal sovereignty, and historical trauma. Gina Corpuz is the Executive Producer of the Indipino documentary "Honor Thy Mother: The Untold Story of Aboriginal Women and Their Indipino Children," Author of the History of the Indipinos of Bainbridge Island and Advisor to the Bainbridge Island Historical Museum. CONTACT- PO Box 10567, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (206) 412-3175
Intermarriages of Aboriginal Women and Filipino Men on Bainbridge Island Remembering our Indigenous Mothers and Filipino Fathers AMPLIFIER.ORG Artist Adriana Arriaga
MOVE ~ Kitsap Mesa Redonda Brings together social service stakeholders from around Kitsap County to ensure that the needs of our Hispanic populations are being met. BE MOVED – Resources • US Citizenship and Immigration Services • SeaMar Community Health Centers (En Espanol) • Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (En Espanol) • El Centro de la Raza • Northwest Justice Project (En Espanol) • Peninsula Community Health Services • Kitsap Community Resources • Kitsap Public Health District (En Espanol) • Immigrant and Refugee Emergency Preparedness • City of Seattle Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs • Tacoma Northwest Detention Center (ICE) • Community Health Worker Training Program • Washington State Department of Health Spanish Language Publications CONTACT – Martitha May
Women Spirit Coalition Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women MOVE- Indigenous women and children go missing at alarming rates. Despite the efforts of advocates, families and tribal nations, there is still a gap in reliable data about how many of our relatives are missing. BE MOVED - Through this project, Women Spirit is working to help close this gap, by creating an independent database of missing indigenous people in Washington State, as well as a section of their website that is dedicated to raising awareness of those who are still missing. By providing this information, you agree that WSC will add it to the database and will display the missing person’s information (including photo) on their website. By reporting this information to WSC, you are helping to bridge this gap in Washington State. Sharing this data with law enforcement helps departments understand the scope of the problem and helps allocate resources. Thank you for working with us as we address this epidemic If you are interested in being more involved, joining our MMIW committee or would like to know more about our project, please CONTACT -Annie Forsman Adams, Phone: (360) 681-3701, 526 N. 5th Ave, Sequim, WA 98382 Email-
The title "Voices of Pacific Island Nations (VOPIN)" is intended to foster unity and representation of the multiple sub-cultures of the Pacific Region or Oceania. Pacific Islander communities in Washington State are from different island nations of Oceania. The islanders are most proud of their identity expressed through their culture and arts. Through the centuries, their learning style has been hands-on, learning by doing. Our values define the way we act, individually and collectively. They guide our work and the way we work. Values shape our culture and reflect what's important to us. Our faith, values, culture, and arts have and will remain the fabric of our society. MOVE - Voices of Pacific Island Nations (VOPIN) is committed to inspire Pacific Islander students and their families by providing high- quality and culturally responsive services and resources to close educational and opportunity gaps and serve as a bridge to develop stronger relationships with schools, students, parents, and community. BE MOVED - There is not a "one size fits all" learning approach for every student. Therefore, our programs are designed to augment the current educational practices with our Pacific Islander students' unique culture. Studies have shown that students perform better academically when they feel connected to their learning environment through cultural learning. CONTACT –360- 620-7657 PO Box 878, Kingston, Washington 98346
Access to shared resource organizations, providers, and businesses Support for promotion of events and resources within and across our community MOVE Rainbow Crew Northwest promotes access, support, and visibility by sharing resources and services, as well as opportunities for connection in the LGBTQ+ community. BE MOVED To create a comprehensive guide to all things LGBTQ+ life in the West Sound, as well as to build a sustainable and responsive organization model that can grow and expand to other communities that need it. CONTACT – rainbowcrewnw Tenacity to seek out ways for positive impact Transparency and an open- minded approach as an organization Visibility for underrepresented communities
MOVE- The goal of the Bainbridge Island Senior/ Community Center (BISCC) is to energize, enrich and empower seniors by providing opportunities to keep them healthy in body, mind, and spirit and to assist them in living as productively and independently as possible. BE MOVED- BISCC provides a welcoming place at the Waterfront Park Community Center where members feel connected to others, develop friendships, and have opportunities to grow and learn through contributing their abilities and talents. BISCC strives to create offerings that meet the diverse needs and energize the Bainbridge Island Community’s growing over- 50 population through accessible, innovative, and multigenerational programs and services. Program and Services Exhibits, Clubs, Groups Art, Cards, Language, Music Writing, Fun, Fitness Tai Chi, Yoga, CONTACT Trips, Travel Programs, Events Health & Services Waterfront Thrift Store The Bainbridge Island Senior/Community Center is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. 370 Brien Drive SE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Phone: 206-842-1616 Email: Website: Facebook Page: Instagram: YouTube Channel:
Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center Inclusion Study Group (ISG) Facilitator: Ann Lovejoy MOVE -Our Inclusion Study Group offers facilitated conversations and programs on a wide range of topics, from racism, bystander training, and bias to alternative holiday choices and beyond. Panel conversations featuring local LGBTQ community voices of all ages led to the formation of a new group- Queer Elder’s Family Group BE MOVED - In 2022, we will feature programs from members of the Suquamish tribe, our nearest neighbors, learning about the Tribal Canoe Journeys, the concept of Tribal sovereignty, sustainable fisheries, local racism, and more. We continue to explore unfamiliar viewpoints and world views and expand our understanding of social justice and racism issues, both historic and contemporary as we share inclusionary programming with the Bainbridge Historical Society and the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art and develop even more cultural connections and alliances. CONTACT ISG- Fourth Mondays 11:30 am Online/Hybrid meetings. for link Queer Elders Family Group (QEFG) Facilitator: Ann Lovejoy MOVE- When ISG panel discussions revealed a lack of safe, comfortable place for LGBTQ elders to gather, we formed the QEFG, with members ranging in ages from early 20s through 80s. BE MOVED- Members organize activities and programs in Social, Education, Outreach, and Multigenerational categories. Monthly meetings offer conversations on many topics, including queer spirituality, queer eldercare, and more. Programs for 2022 will include conversation cafes focused on experiences and thoughts about death, anxiety, and climate change using the facilitated Death Cafe format. We are also planning a Queer Book Group and a Queer Bingo fundraiser for LGBTQ scholarships. CONTACT- QEFG First Fridays from 2-4 pm In-person, online and hybrid meetings
Nippozan Myohoji Temple at Bainbridge Island Was founded in 1917 by Nichidatsu Fujii originating from Nichiren Buddhism. MOVE - Our Mission Is Peace and a Nuclear-Free World BE MOVED - We practice the order to chant “Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo” (derived from the Lotus Sutra) and actively engage in the peace movement worldwide by organizing walks for nuclear disarmament and human rights. Our annual peace walk is an opportunity for all people to walk and learn together in a non-violent, spiritually motivated action to ensure a safer future. CONTACT – Rev. Senji Kanaeda Nipponzan Myohoji Buddist Temple 6154 Lynwood Ctr RD NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
MOVE— The BI-NK Interfaith Council welcomes people of all faiths and aims to facilitate dialogue among them, recognizing that we are enriched by our diversity even as we are interconnected as members of the same human family. We believe that working together to provide for the common good in the name of our faith traditions, we can nurture a spirit of mutual respect in our local communities, our nation, and our world. We recognize the dignity and worth of all creation, including the earth itself—our common home—and actively work against the injustice of discrimination which undermines the many gifts of diversity. BE MOVED— The BI-NK Interfaith Council aims to foster awareness of issues that threaten the well-being of creation by featuring community speakers at our open monthly meetings. We respond by standing with and supporting groups which are actively engaged in working for the common good. Likewise, we seek to educate the greater public on the role people of faith can play in healing the wounds of injustice by sponsoring events that promote healthy, compassionate communities, such as a CROP Walk to eradicate hunger, a community Thanksgiving Service celebrating diversity, the reading of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a community music festival, a Baccalaureate ceremony for area youth, and more. Visit, email: Artist Alex Albadree
Scriptural Foundation “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” - Galatians 3:28 “For God does not show favoritism.” -Romans 2:11 “Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.’” -Acts 10:34-35 MOVE – Mission Statement Growing disciples in all generations by loving God, loving others, and serving the world. BE MOVED - Statement of Inclusion Summit Avenue Presbyterian Church welcomes all persons regardless of race, ethnic origin, worldly condition, sexual orientation, or gender identity. All the sacraments, celebrations, privileges, and responsibilities of church participation and leadership are available to each person who responds in trust and obedience to God’s grace in Jesus and desires to become part of the mission and ministry of Christ’s Church. Summit Avenue is a More Light Presbyterian congregation. More Light churches are working toward the full participation of LGBTQIA+ people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) – and in society. CONTACT Address: 403 S Summit Ave, Bremerton, WA 98312 Phone: 360-377-2740 email: Reverend Dr. Susie Beil, Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00-2:00 pm Sunday Worship: 10:30 am
PRAYER OF REPENTANCE SUM M IT AV ENUE CHURCH June 7, 2020 Gracious God, we thank you for making one human family of all the peoples of the earth and for creating all the wonderful diversity of cultures. Enrich our lives by ever- widening circles of fellowship and show us your presence in those who differ most from us. Lord, set us free from the bondage of racism that denies the humanity of every human being and the prejudices within us that deny the dignity of those who are oppressed. Today we ask your forgiveness for the part we have played. Lord forgive us when we do not fully love our neighbor as ourselves. Lord forgive us when we fail to recognize your image in all. Lord forgive us when we see injustice and don’t act or speak up. Lord, forgive our valuing a false peace over a righteous justice. Lord, forgive us when we use words and phrases that are racially demeaning. Forgive us when we use stereotypes or implicit bias to judge others. Lord, forgive our self-defense that keeps us from humble learning and grace-filled conversation. Lord, forgive our pride. Lord, forgive us when we speak too quickly with clichés and easy answers. Forgive us when we stay silent out of fear. Help us when we stumble. O God, call us into a deeper relationship to be your church for the sake of the world. Help us to see with new eyes the injustices within church and society. Call us to have a loving heart that respects and uplifts the humanity and dignity of every person; open our ears to listen to and learn from the experiences of people of color. Open our mouths to speak up and about injustices. Join us with others to work for racial equity and inclusion for all people. Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
MOVE- We are Kol Shalom, a vibrant Reform Jewish community finding meaning, building connections, mending the world – together. BE MOVED – "Tzedek, tzedek tirdof “—justice, justice shall you pursue." We strive to be a safe, welcoming community and actively participate in tikkun olam—healing the world through acts of compassion and justice. Our Social Justice Committee seeks to provide education and opportunities to participate in social action as a manifestation of Jewish life, modeling social activism for our youth, and encouraging all members to engage in social action both as individuals and as a Jewish community. CONTACT- For more information about our community, please visit Rabbi Darío Feiguin and his wife Yudi Kol Shalom is an active member of the Bainbridge Island/North Kitsap Interfaith Council, participating in community programs such as Super Supper and Helpline House food drives. Our Social Justice committee regularly hosts programs and conversations on subjects ranging from combating climate change to working against racism and anti- semitism, and Washington laws on end of life and mental health issues. Rabbi Darío Feiguin joins in Bainbridge Island's Black Lives Matter March
"Olam Chesed Yibaneh. We must build this world from love." RABBI AMANDA GREENE
We place story telling at the center of everything we do to better understand and connect to ourselves and others through heart to heart dialogue. WHEN YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD! MOVE ~ Our mission is to advocate for ALL kinds of minds to expand their awareness of self, others, and the environment we live in. We bring light to those with Hidden Wounds or Invisible Disabilities (LD/ADHD, PTSD, CPTSTD) and bring awareness of the effects of ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) has on brain development. BE MOVED ~We train and create Trauma Informed Spaces to change culture and engage others humanistically. We provide Coaching, Consulting, Meet -Ups and Dialogue groups to discuss social and emotional issues that are harming members of our community. CONTACT - LUMINOUS MINDS PROJECT Jodie Knowles Promoting Social, Emotional, Artistic learning for our society’s advancement. Phone: 206 551 1988 Email:
Transportation MOVE- Self-sufficiency for every Kitsap County resident. Gathering all of Kitsap County to grow together BE MOVED- Key Objectives · Significantly reduce Client commuting time, tardiness, and appointment cancellations · Broaden transportation coverage area and hours through efficient pooling of resources Values · Become a responsive organization that designs creative solutions to age-old challenges · Respect for Client’s overall lifestyle goals · Adding value to the current social support services landscape · Creation of a dynamic space for Clients to feel empowered about the steps they are taking Information/The Conduit · G2 wants to make sure that local services are known to not only the clients but other organizations in the area so that we can work together · The Conduit is one source we use to make sure information gets out and it’s a safe forum for questions and concerns about organizations to be asked by the people and answered by the organization · real talk in an unbiased way about things that affect our community · keeping ourselves knowledgeable about the services so we can direct our clients Food · We deliver healthy flavorful meals on Thursday evenings to low- income and food-insecure people in Kitsap County · By feeding these people we are able to meet them and guide them to services they need and may not have even known about · Also because we strive to keep our meals under $2.50 per meal we are able to supply them with ideas/recipes for making healthy flavorful meals on a budge CONTACT- Address: 419 Park, Bremerton WA. 98337 USA Phone Number: 360-373-3000 Email: Gather Together Grow Together uses creative solutions to bridge the gap between low-income residents and services in Kitsap County.
Move: The goal of Save Secular Healthcare WA (SSHWA) is to expand access to affordable, comprehensive, and equitable healthcare for every Washingtonian and to increase oversight and accountability for all healthcare systems operating in WA. Be Moved: Approximately 50% of all hospital beds in WA are owned or affiliated with faith-based healthcare systems offering patient care that: 1. Is some of the most expensive in the state; 2. Limits patient access to many legal end of life and reproductive procedures; 3. And, negatively impacts Washingtonians in underserved segments of the population including the LQBTQ+ community and people of color. SSHWA works to remedy this situation through legislative advocacy at state and federal levels, educating the public about this situation, and identifying strategies to offer comprehensive choice in healthcare options to all residents of WA. Connect: Email address: Newsletter sign up here link: ARTIST Holy Moly
Here at PCHS, our guiding principle is to see and value every person. We believe all patients have the right to be treated with respect and dignity with an acknowledgment that this includes their cultural, social, spiritual, and personal values and beliefs. MOVE – Peninsula Community Health Services exemplifies a culture of community service. Our patients come from all walks of life. PCHS services are available to our patients without regard for ability to pay. BE MOVED – PCHS strives to eliminate healthcare disparities in our community. We offer primary medical, dental, behavioral health counseling, and pharmacy services, as well as enabling services such as Medicare and Medicaid enrollment assistance, transportation, and language assistance. We also bring that care directly to our patients who can’t easily make it into our traditional clinics through our mobile clinics, school- based health centers, and by partnering with our community service agencies to deliver care on their premises. CONTACT - 360-377-3776 • 24/7 Nurse Advice Hotline: 866-418-2920 • Fax: 360-874-5595 • Interpreter Assistance: 360-377-3776 • TTY & Hearing/Speech Disabled: 711 Extended hours line - 360-475-3729 Mon-Fri: 4:00 pm – 8:30 pm Sat: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm ARTIST Bunnie Reiss In response to COVID-19, Amplifier launched an emergency campaign with top art curators and public-health advisors from around the world looking for public health and safety messages that can help flatten the curve through education and symbols that help promote mental health, well-being, and social change work during these stressful times. I created these posters as a way to connect with the world during a time of such complete isolation. My hope is that they help others to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The only real way for us to get through this is together.
Fighting for American Democracy Since 2016 North Kitsap Indivisible (NKI) is a Huddle associated with the national Indivisible group. NKI is committed to fight for social justice and to maintain civil liberties by demanding that our local Members of Congress serve as our voice in Washington D.C. We model inclusion, respect, and fairness in all of our actions. We are actively engaged in Get Out the Vote activities year-round through postcarding in which we supply the addresses, postcards, and stamps, holding public forums on pressing issues, meetings with our elected officials, organizing vigils and rallies, supporting local, state and federal legislation, and we do grass roots work to support progressive candidates. We just need your time to support candidates in sister-districts. To get involved sign up for our Newsletter at: Email: Facebook: Twitter: Website:
ART: “Power to the Polls” Victoria García (she/her) is a Chicana graphic designer and visual artist from Doraville, Georgia. Indivisible Bremerton is associated with the national Indivisible organization. Our focus is on getting out the vote and critical social issues. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m., offer daily actions on our closed Facebook group that anyone can take, publish a weekly e-newsletter, and support national and local calls to action. We support democracy for all through an inclusive society that recognizes the worth of every human being. We are actively engaged in Get Out the Vote activities year-round (e.g., postcarding, voter registration, and canvassing), supporting candidates and issues that celebrate diversity and the common good. We also participate in: annual state legislative sessions; specific calls to action from national Indivisible and other groups we support; and, communicate regularly with elected officials at the city, county, state, and federal levels. Email: Newsletter subscription:
Indivisible Bainbridge Island MOVE - Action by action, day by day, group by group, Indivisibles are remaking our democracy. Brought together by a practical guide to resist the Trump agenda, Indivisible is a movement of thousands of group leaders and more than a million members taking regular, iterative, and increasingly complex actions to resist the GOPs agenda, elect local champions, and fight for progressive policies. BE MOVED They make calls. They show up. They speak with their neighbors. They organize. And through that work, they’ve built hundreds of mini movements in support of their local values. And now, after practice, training, and repetition, they’ve built lasting power on their home turf and a massive, collective political muscle ready to be exercised each and every day in every corner of the country. Who We Are – Indivisible Civics supports civic education and leadership development for local Indivisible groups by offering trainings, facilitating regional group coordination, building partnerships, demystifying federal and state policy processes, and supporting voter registration. Learn more about Indivisible Civics at Indivisible Project empowers Indivisible groups to achieve legislative and electoral victories through legislative advocacy and political campaign expertise, strategic and coordinated calls to action, and a targeted electoral program. Indivisible Action provides Indivisible groups access to voter contact software, along with a suite of canvassing, phone-banking, and texting tools in support of progressive candidates. Indivisible Action also makes endorsements of federal and gubernatorial candidates nominated by their local Indivisible groups, vetted by our political team, and voted on by our supporters in the states and districts the candidate wishes to represent. CONTACT-
Kitsap Immigration Assistant Center KIAC Immigration Legal Services is a US Department of Justice Office of Legal Access Programs (OLAP) recognized agency that provides high quality, low cost immigration legal services to foreign born individuals and their families. MOVE - KIAC is committed to the wellbeing of immigrants and the development of a rich multicultural community. We work to empower, educate, and integrate immigrants through advocacy and social justice. BE MOVED - WE UNITE FAMILIES: • Family petitions • Adjustment of status • Consular processing • Removal Defense WE PROTECT THE VULNERABLE: • Referrals for victims of domestic violence and other crimes • Immigration Court representation • Removal Defense • Asylum • Know Your Rights workshops WE ENCOURAGE CIVIC PARTICIPATION: • Apply for a Green Card • Naturalization applications N-400 • Citizenship test preparation • Coaching for small businesses – registration and taxes • Tax and ITIN preparation KIAC IMMIGRATION LEGAL or FAMILY Service Center Appointments: (360) 616-2722 or (360) 440-2376 3627 Wheaton Way Bremerton, WA 98310 in back of the building. Our Port Townsend office is located in the First Presbyterian Church of PT at 1111 Franklin Street Port Townsend WA 98368
AMPLIFIER ART We The Future are young leaders at the forefront of change, and they’re building organizations and movements all across the country. They are are drafting and passing legislation. They are working on climate justice, criminal justice reform, voting rights, immigration justice and immigrant rights, disability justice, gun reform, queer rights, and literacy, and they are changing the world. ARTIST - Kate DeCiccio “Isra Chaker” “Immigrants are the backbone of the United States--and yet they are not given the respect, recognition, or means that they deserve. In 2006, millions of immigrants abstained from work and marched in cities across the country to prove that they are an irreplaceable part of our nation. This collaboration from Ernesto Yerena and Shepard Fairey is based from a photograph from the historic May Day March and supports the struggle for increased labor and immigrant rights in the United States. With help from Amplifier, the image was distributed in the form of stickers and a free high-resolution download for a poster. Now more than ever, we must continue to fight for the dignity of immigrant families to live and thrive in the U.S. and across the world.”- Amplifier
New Life Community Development Agency (New Life CDA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency serving the West Bremerton community in Washington State. We were formed in 2003 as a service arm of the Emmanuel Apostolic Church (EAC), which has a 38-year legacy of providing support and resources to the community. Our vision is to create a strong sustainable community where disadvantaged children, families and businesses achieve their highest capacities. MOVE – Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals in the West Bremerton community through comprehensive services and partnerships. BE MOVED - Our goal is to revitalize the community and create economic growth through strategic and relevant programming out of a centralized location, which offers cohesion, unity and opportunity for all residents and empowers our youth and young adults to build productive futures. Through decades of hard work, we have become major stakeholders and advocates in the community. We’ve hosted countless community forums, launched numerous youth programs, facilitated health and wellness initiatives, and even led a gang and community violence intervention partnership. PROGRAMS- School Based Mentoring, College Preparatory Program / Academic Tutoring, Bremerton Jaguars Track & Field Club, Summer Programs—S.T.E.A.M. Youth Camp and Feeding Program, Living Life Leadership. CONTACT: Emmanuel Apostolic Church Founders Bishop Lawrence and Dr. Lillian Robertson located at 1023 6th Street near downtown Bremerton, WA
Marvin Williams Recreation Center 725 Park Ave, Bremerton, WA 98337 Phone: (360) 377-6000 To reserve space for your event: or 360-377-6000 A Place for Gathering Since time immemorial, communities have had a gathering place. That place often resided in a special location, sometimes in the center of a village, often in the shade of an ancient tree. Now the Marvin Williams Center joins that dynasty of community gathering places as it serves the community of West Bremerton and beyond. The Marvin Williams Center was created to encourage widespread public access and enjoyment. This 20,000 square foot, two story, state of the art facility is designed to foster a sense of community and provide a platform for extraordinary events. Whether it is a kid’s basketball game, a cooking class or a wedding reception, the Marvin Williams Center provides a beautiful and comfortable setting for all. Some of the great features of the MW Center include: • An Open and Inviting Lobby & Courtyard • Meeting Room Rentals • Celebration & Social Event Rentals • Commercial Catering Kitchen • Cooking Theater Classroom • Open Gym • Free Wifi • Computer Lab • Locker Rooms
KITSAP SUN ARTICLE- Chris Henry- Sept 6, 2018 Students Get Tools to Fight Racial Discrimination “It’s going to be hard. It’s going to be a very, very big challenge,” Nesbitt said. “But I’m ready to take on the challenge.” In loving memory of La'Asia Olivia Nesbitt Sept 2, 2005 ~ Aug 1, 2019 Living Life Leadership is a youth & teen mentorship program of New Life CDA, founded by Karen Vargas, is designed to prepare students for civic and community leadership and outreach. MOVE- Our program focuses on learning valuable skills regarding becoming a leader in one’s own life and community. LLL encourages teens to identify their interests, voice their ideas and concerns and use their talents to put their individual or group ideas into action. BE MOVED – Article Excerpts- “La'Asia Nesbitt, 13, a student at Fairview Middle School, participates in a tour of the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art over the summer. Nesbitt and other students participated in a summer enrichment program that aimed to give students tools to deal with conflict in the school setting. Fairview students say certain aspects of the school's climate was hostile last school year.” Photos Larry Steagall- Kitsap Sun Contact-
Bainbridge Island – Multi-Cultural Advisory Council MOVE- To create an inclusive environment where all students, teachers, non-certificated personnel, parents, and administrators feel safe, secure, and understood…truly feel valued as unique individuals. In this environment, each can be free to learn while interacting caringly and positively with the commonalities and differences present in our diverse school community. BE MOVED - This will help our students to freely embrace diversity and differences as desirable traits and as strengths and uniqueness of our country, as they confidently become contributing members and leaders in our increasingly diverse society locally, nationally, and globally. MAC hosts Salon Nights bringing community members together so that they can discuss their thoughts about issues related to social justice and diversity of human experience, both of which are main concerns of MAC. We just talk, listen, question, and share as we puzzle through these challenging issues together. Our starting points for discussion are documentaries. GET INVOLVED WITH MAC! Talk with MAC members Become a member of MAC All MAC meetings are open to the public and parents and community members are encouraged to attend.
JUST ME by Chasity Malatesta Mixed race Half face Never the hue of true Just me White Momma say You need to be nice The world fears That hue And will be cold as ice Cause you’re not white As snow Not black as night Somehow your hue just Ain’t right Daddy say She diluted you So high yellow they see Through to you Made you be nice To those who put chains on you And still do to you Just me White mama say Do not be an angry black woman With that hustle and fire Cause the world will dismiss you with ire Be like water and flow Let that race shit go Love sees no color You will be free I worry for you But mostly fear for me Just me
Artist Bee Harris Find Your Peace This moment in time has heightened the anxieties of many people around the world. Now more than ever, it’s important that we look inward, and focus on the things that bring us joy and peace. AMPLIFIER.ORG
City of Bainbridge Island Race Equity Advisory Committee-REAC The purpose of REAC is to provide advice and counsel to the City Council on matters of identifying programmatic, community and legislative options and to seek suggestions on how the City can help Bainbridge Island to be an open and welcoming community for all. MOVE - The Bainbridge Island Race Equity Advisory Committee is committed to building awareness, solutions, and leadership for racial justice by generating transformative ideas, information, and experiences. We define racial justice as the systematic fair treatment of people of all races, resulting in equitable opportunities and outcomes for all. BE MOVED - We achieve our mission by: Community Engagement: Listening to the needs and concerns of our neighbors with compassion and sharing our knowledge. Continuous Learning: Deepening our understanding of institutional racism and how it impacts racial equity on the island. Improving our skills in countering racism and organizing for racial justice by tapping the knowledge of experts and jurisdictions who have undergone similar work. Advocacy and Activation: Creating opportunities for organizers, individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, and businesses to invest in interrupting racism, bigotry, and prejudice whenever encountered. WE Envision- A society where all systems (e.g. education, criminal justice, health care, housing, the economy) are just, fair, and inclusive, enabling all people to participate and reach their full potential. WE Believe - In the dignity and humanity of all people and strive for a healthy and prosperous community that promotes all people having equitable access and opportunity. CONTACT - City of Bainbridge Island, Phone: 206-842-7633 280 Madison Avenue North Bainbridge Island, WA 9811
There is no “Them and Us” There is only Us -Greg Boyle SJ Photo Credit Cristina Roark
We The Future - Are young leaders at the forefront of change, and they’re building organizations and movements all across the country. They are drafting and passing legislation. They are working on climate justice, criminal justice reform, voting rights, immigration justice and immigrant rights, disability justice, gun reform, queer rights, and literacy, and they are changing the world. AMPLIFIER.ORG Artist- SHEPARD FAIREY
League of Women Voters - Work to register voters, provide voters with election information through voter guides as well as candidate forums and debates. We also encourage informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Photo credit: League of Women Voters Bain Collection / Library of Congress Moved to be Equitable and to Include so we Be Moved to be more Diversified Diversity refers to population groups that have been historically underrepresented in socially, politically, or economically powerful institutions and organizations. These groups include but are not restricted to populations of color, such as African Americans and Blacks, Latinx, Native Americans and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. They may also include lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations, people with disabilities, women, and other groups. Equity is an approach based in fairness to ensuring everyone is given equal opportunity; this means that resources may be divided and shared unequally to make sure that each person has a fair chance to succeed. Equity takes into account that people have different access to resources because of system of oppression and privilege. Equity seeks to balance that disparity. Inclusion refers to the degree to which diverse individuals are able to participate fully in the decision-making processes within an organization or group. While an inclusive group is by definition diverse, a diverse group is not always inclusive. Being aware of unconscious or implicit bias can help organizations better address issues of inclusivity. LWV commit to making deliberate efforts to ensure LWV is a place where differences are welcomed, different perspectives are respectfully heard, and every individual feels a sense of belonging and inclusion. We know that by creating a vibrant climate of inclusiveness, we can more effectively leverage our resources to advance our collective capabilities. League of Women Voters of Kitsap County P.O. Box 1524 Poulsbo, WA 98370
“If any female feels she need anything beyond herself to legitimate and validate her existence, she is already giving away her power to be self-defining, her agency.” ― bell hooks, Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics AMPLIFIER. ORG Artist Jessica Sabogal
MOVE - African American and Native American women have been providing leadership in YWCA's movement since the 1800’s, and because of the leadership of women of color, YWCA began working for integration throughout the entire organization, adopting an "interracial charter" that established that, "Wherever there is injustice on the basis of race, whether in the community, the nation, or the world, our protest must be clear and our labor for its removal, vigorous, and steady." BE MOVED - Eliminating Racism. Empowering Women. Our mission is not just four words on a page. Our mission lives in the soul of everyone at YWCA—because every day, we get up and demand a world of equity and human decency. Every day, we get up and envision a world of opportunity. Every day, we recommit ourselves to the work of justice. YWCA Kitsap County works to eliminate racial profiling that criminalize people of color and other marginalized communities through education and outreach. We protect and support immigrant women, children, and families through advocacy. We work to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere and ensure women and girls’ full and effective leadership. 24-Hour Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1.800.500.5513 24-Hour Domestic Violence Text Line: 1.360.277.7607 905 Pacific Avenue · Bremerton, WA (360) 479-0522 Email: Website:
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” ― Audre Lorde Artist Arielle Lee Campbell
Poor People's Campaign PPC A National Call for a Moral Revival addresses systemic racism, systemic poverty, militarism and ecological devastation. "A person should not live or die from poverty in the richest nation in the world." - Rev. Dr. William Barber II A Movement, Not an Organization MOVE - The Poor People’s Campaign is building a long-term movement that is building power for the justice and liberation of the poor and all those impacted by the evils of Systemic Racism, The War Economy, Ecological Devastation, Poverty, & our Distorted Moral Narrative. BE MOVED – We stand on the shoulders of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and are taking his vision of the original Poor People’s Campaign and running with it in our time. Here in Washington State we have a powerful group of dedicated leaders, members, and supporters who are doing this work in our region. We are committed to shifting the narrative, building power, and impacting elections and policies, all across our state. We are still in the first year of the Campaign here in our state and we are continuing to lay the foundation and build the relationships necessary for a long- term movement. Johnathan Hemphill of Seattle, WA teaching the 14 steps of Moral Fusion Organizing at a PPC event Are you someone that is inspired by the Principles, Demands & Priorities of the Campaign? We want to partner with you. to learn more and sign up for email notifications. We’re also on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. CONTACT Email: Phone/Text: (360) 519-PPC5 or (360) 519-7725
ERACE - Bainbridge Island Equity Race and Community Engagement Our goal is to encourage and engage community to undo racism and create equity. How Do We MOVE and BE MOVED? Get people to wake up To this issue of race equity LEVERAGE RELATIONSHIPS How DO We Use Our existing Relationships To bring People Who would normally not be interested In this issue Into the fold How Do We Connect with People Who We don't know So that We Can Move Our work forward STORIES How Do We Put Real-Life Stories In front of People Who need to understand That discrimination Is going on right now Who wants to do that
RADICAL LISTENING Why Do We Need to take An hour and a half On introductions Why Do We Need to model Radical listening How will that OCT 2018 Forming Race Equity Network Help Us With Our Work In their everyday lives How Do We CONTINUE TO DO THAT For ourselves What Do I Do Now After learning about White Privilege Race Equity, Ect. How Do We EDUCATION PEOPLE Such that They Cannot go back To Their old way Of thinking and Are compelled to Ask questions What Do We Tell Them When they get to that point? REMOVE BLINDERS How Do We Help Remove Blinders So that People See The ways White Privilege Plays out How Do We COMMUNICATE OUR MISSION ACTIONS? Where We Stand Why We are Doing What We are Doing What is Our Brand Contact: Peggi Erickson Email:
Kitsap Equity, Race, And Community Engagement Coalition is part of a local legacy of people-powered change, of years of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and allies engaging neighbors in the hard work, the heart work, the collective work of building beloved community. MOVE Kitsap ERACE Coalition is a coming together of groups and individuals, boosting interconnected race equity work. Rooted in relationships, collaboration, and commitment to racial justice, Kitsap ERACE Coalition tenaciously organizes for thriving community and for profound, accountable, and liberatory institutional change. BE MOVED Where does Kitsap ERACE Coalition focus its organizing? There are currently six working teams within Kitsap ERACE Coalition. Four of these teams organize and advocate to move race equity forward in a certain institutional realm: Criminal Justice Institutions, Educational Institutions, Governmental Jurisdictions, and Health Systems. A fifth team calls in faith leaders for Breaking Bread gatherings to share how they’re moving race equity forward in their places of worship and in their spiritual practice. Finally, Team ACMU - Advocating for Community Members Unlearning racism and white supremacy introduces individuals to various learning and activist efforts they can come alongside.These six teams all report to the full Coalition which meets twice monthly, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays via Zoom. CONTACT Kitsap ERACE Coalition Let us know if you'd like to check out an upcoming Kitsap ERACE Coalition meeting by emailing
Just listening to stories It's not until we begin to deeply listen Acknowledge that these stories are real Validate these stories Begin to build relationships Begin to create space in our community Engage in conversation Kerrie Agosta I am a school science teacher I come today as a mom of three white appearing boys A white Husband A family like mine Multicultural biracial Bainbridge Island is changing I teach in a school with forty-percent Hispanic students Whose family's serve the island in many ways At your restaurants As your landscapers Yet are unseen at City Council, unseen at city events I know how hard they are working Day and Night This before you today is an opportunity There is hope in every single one of their stories They need relationships Reciprocity Leaders who look like them Safe Spaces to talk about someone calling them a name I want a Tribe of healthy minded individuals Who are intelligent with Respect to race I am an author A mother I always get asked How long you been here? Like there's a certain number That means I'm okay When I leave my house Everyday I give myself the TALK Where are you going? Who are you gonna see? Should you be worried? What are you gonna do? If you get pulled over What's gonna happen? Are you going to Bremerton Tacoma I've been called a lot of names In all three places I get the most problems From kids They get it From their parents. That's why we have to start early They see me They wonder Where the hell I came from I've been here All along I see people grab their children Move them out of the way The days of Black People Having tails Is long gone But it's not Brenda Fantroy-Johnson Chasity Malatesta
Steven Soltar Karen Vargas
“Stories go in circles. They don’t go in straight lines. It helps if you listen in circles because there are stories inside and between stories and finding your way through them is as easy and hard as finding your way home. Part of finding is getting lost, and when you are lost you start to open up and listen.” - T. Tafoya, “Finding Harmony: Balancing Traditional Values with Western Science in Therapy” Gina Corpez
Peter Berg Promise Partner
“The art has a superpower to communicate. We create the content visually that encourages people to act but we are also creating opportunity for them to engage and participate in that production and that’s where the MAGIC happens~ People are uplifted, they feel empowered and it’s super fun!” – Erik Gonzalez UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY Mural ~ Bainbridge Island WA
URBANISTS Collective has been making a splash in the public art scene, both locally and nationally since 2012. MOVE ~ To promote the professional expansion of urban-influenced art careers within the community through art education, demonstration, and creative outreach. BE MOVED ~ Why URBANISTS? Urbanism is traditionally associated with architecture, urban planning, or landscape design. Similar to architects, Urbanists embrace the concept of redefining public space, with the addition of art and public engagement. In addition to developing art for social change, Urbanists are experienced working with various municipalities as art curators, designers, and muralists. Photo- Ray Mejia CONTACT ~ If you have a project in mind, our team can help you bring it to life. We are available to assist with grant writing and acquiring permits when necessary. Let us know how we can help! Erik Gonzalez,
WE FLIP ARTISTS INTO ACTIVISTS, AND OBSERVERS INTO PARTICIPANTS. "In times of uncertainty, when fear and misinformation attempt to divide us, art is more than beauty and decoration - art has the power to wake people up and create meaningful change". -Cleo Barnett, Amplifier Co- Creative Director MOVE — Amplifier is a nonprofit design lab that builds art and media experiments to amplify the most important movements of our times. Our experiments are built on a foundation of free and open-source art, the unlimited possibilities within a human centered design process, and the potentials when analog and digital technology merge. BE MOVED — Together with our social change partners in both the for profit and nonprofit worlds, we build media campaigns that shift culture and change the national narrative. We do that by drawing from our diverse portfolio of artists to commission powerful visual storytelling, then distribute it in unparalleled numbers through a creative use of media, reaching huge audiences and driving real change.
FREE DOWNLOADS – Our distribution channels reach an average of 20 million viewers per campaign, reaching activists, teachers, policy makers, journalists, and everyday citizens eager to build a new world. We do this work with the goal of reclaiming an American identity rooted in equality, dignity, diversity, truth, and beauty. We believe that each piece of art we create and distribute with our partners can be a compass that leads us away from the chaos and negativity of this polarizing time. Since 2015, we’ve commissioned over 400+ artists, distributed tens of millions of pieces of art and sent free artwork to hundreds of thousands of students across the United States. CONTACT - For more information and access to free high-resolution downloads of artwork visit-
MOVE Art transforms lives. We believe exploration through the arts and humanities creates knowledge, understanding and compassion in our world. Nurturing our local artists reveals and elevates creative potential. We provide opportunities for artists to prosper, our youth to learn through art, and the community to engage in collaborative events. The arts and humanities enhance our quality of life and create a vibrant, attractive place to live, work and visit. BE MOVED Promotion of Bainbridge’s vibrant arts and culture using our media platforms to promote the island as a cultural destination, attract visitors, and deepen appreciation for its cultural offerings and heritage. Arts & Humanities Bainbridge bridges the arts and business communities by administering the Bainbridge Creative District, convenes two groups, the Directors Forum and the Cultural Reps of more than twenty local non-profit cultural organizations, to nurture connections, collaboration and active communication. Year-round advocacy for cultural funding at the local, state and federal level, and publicity for cultural organizations to help sustain the creative economy of Bainbridge Island. CONTACT 221 Winslow Way West Suite #201/2 206-842-7901
Special Thanks to Arkansas based artist, Shervonne Edwards Williams, has been refining her skills in painting for the past several years. Originally a traditional acrylic on canvas painter, she began blending her acrylic painting skills with her newfound digital art skills, bringing about a perfect union of the two techniques. She enjoys painting portraits and loves to take the complexity of faces, simplify them, and open up opportunities for others to paint as well. For sharing with our community her brilliant artistry that inspired our 2020 Move and Be Moved Community Social Justice Resource Directory CONTACT
Special Thanks to Whose Art Mural ONE LOVECreated in Community on Bainbridge Island inspired our 2023 Cover Move and Be Moved Community Social Justice Resource Directory
“Choosing love we also choose to live in community, and that means that we do not have to change by ourselves. We can count on critical affirmation and dialogue with comrades walking a similar path. African American theologian Howard Thurman believed that we best learn love as the practice of freedom in the context of community.” -bell hooks, Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations
NOTES Artist Brook Fischer